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OO analysis Lecture12

Analysis and Design
Lecture 12
Reusability, Portability, and
(from Schach, “O-O and Classical Software Engineering”)
Why Reinvent the Wheel?
Portability: Easier to move an existing
product to a new platform than to
rewrite it for the new platform.
Reuse: Using part of one product when
building a new product.
Can reuse code, designs, documentation
Accidental reuse
Deliberate reuse
Deliberate Reuse
Code written for reuse will likely be
More robust
Better documented
More thoroughly tested
Have a uniform style (maintenance easier)
More expensive
May never be reused…
Why So Little Software Reuse?
“Every new machine is different.”
Rewrite multiplication and other math routines,
I/O, function calling, everything.
But most new machines today reuse an
existing instruction set.
So build and reuse a basic API (basic
operating system calls, like Win32)
We do reuse function and class libraries.
Why So Little Software Reuse?
On average, only 15% of any software
product does something new (Capers
Examples of 40% reuse have been
Why doesn’t everyone reach this level?
Why So Little Software Reuse?
Not invented here syndrome. Solution?
Reused bugs are still bugs. Solution?
How to find the right component to reuse?
Reuse is expensive. Solution?
Legal issues with contract software. Solution?
COTS software isn’t source code. Solution?
?? Kangaroos and Stinger missiles ??
Case Study: Raytheon, 1976
Study if deliberate reuse of designs and code
5000 COBOL programs examined; conclude
business programs have only six basic
Sort data
Edit/manipulate data
Combine data
Explode data
Update data
Report on data
Raytheon Study Results
Identified 3200 reusable functional
modules (sequential update, edit
routine, tax computation,…)
New apps have 60% reuse rate
More reliable, less testing
Added to a program using copy (like
import or #include)
Shorter code, easier maintenance
Identified COBOL
program logic
structures (like
sequential update)
Functionality is
inserted (from the
library modules)
COBOL logic structure
Raytheon Study Results
Raytheon Study Results
7 years later, logic structures reused 5500
60% of code inserted into logic structures
came from library.
50% increase in productivity.
Hoped for 70% reduction in maintenance
Maintenance data never collected; division
Case Study: Toshiba, 1985…
Industrial process control software, for
Electric power networks
Nuclear power generation
Factory automation
Traffic control
2300 technical & managerial folks
Very serious production management!
Toshiba: Measurements
60% FORTRAN, 20% assembler-like,
20% other.
Productivity measured in equivalent
assembler source lines.
One line of 3GL = 4 EASL.
Output in 1985: 7.2 million EASL.
Projects: 1M to 21M EASL
Toshiba: Measurements
Waterfall model, productivity measured in
EASL, by project and by programmer.
Productivity gains 8-9% per year.
Fault rate by programmer; expected to
decrease yearly (no numbers given).
Documentation: 32%
Design: 33%
Code: 48%
Toshiba: Reuse
All “accidental”
Designs, spec, contracts, manuals…
Committee selects components to enter
“software components database,”
keyword indexed.
Statistics kept on every aspect of reuse.
NASA Software
25 products studied, ground support for
unmanned missions.
3,000 to 112,000 lines of source code.
7188 component modules, classified
reused with no changes
reused with slight revisions
reused with major revisions
developed from scratch
2954 FORTRAN components examined in
Group 1: 28%
Group 2: 10%
Group 3: 7%
Reused modules were small, well
documented, simple interfaces, little I/O,
terminal nodes in a module interconnection
GTE Data Services
Management incentives for reuse: $50$100 paid for module accepted for
possible reuse; royalties too.
Managers’ budgets increased when
their projects showed high reuse levels.
Reuser of the Month award!
1988: 14% reuse, saved $1M.
1989: 20% reuse
1993: predicted 50% reuse, predicted $10M
Reuse library: 190 components in 1988, 128
in 1990.
Emphasis on large modules: 10,000 lines or
Manufacturing productivity section:
Fault rate for new code: 4.1 per KLOC
Fault rate for reused code: 0.9 per KLOC
Overall fault rate dropped to 2.0 per KLOC
Program cost $1M, saved $4.1M
Technical Graphics division:
A single product - 20,000 lines of C - developed
over 3 years, then reused many times.
Productivity up 40%, delivery time down 24%
European Space Agency
In 1996, ESA launches first Ariane 5
A software fault caused it to crash 37
seconds into its flight ($500M loss).
The cause: attempt to convert 64-bit
integer into 16-bit unsigned integer.
An Ada exception occurred, but no
exception handler.
Why no exception handler?
To save space, conversions that “couldn’t
possibly result in overflow” weren’t given
The code was 10 years old, from Ariane 4.
The troublesome (!) conversion was
checked for Ariane 4, but not for Ariane 5.
Moral: retest reused code when used in a
new context!
Design Reuse
Think of a library as a set of related reusable
routines (e.g., C standard library, Java AWT).
If the library is O-O, these can really be
reusable designs.
Choose the class you want to use, then reuse that
class and the entire design above it in the class
Here, the designer is responsible for the logic
that glues the reused parts together.
Design Reuse
An application framework incorporates
the control logic of the design.
The designer reuses the framework,
plugging application-specific operations.
Application classes in MFC
Classes for ATM software
Design Reuse
O-O Patterns (Gang of Four).
Abstract Factory
Software Architecture
Pipes and filters
Reuse and Maintenance
Suppose 40% reuse of the entire
Suppose 3/4 of the reused components
are used unchanged.
% of total cost over
product lifetime
% savings over product
Lifetime due to reuse
Cutting costs:
Write a product so that can be run on
multiple platforms
Sell the product for multiple platforms
But the biggest issue is that clients
change hardware every 4 years or so.
A product is portable if it’s less
expensive to adapt rather than rewrite.
Hardware Incompatibilities
Different character codes (ASCII, EBCDIC,
Different formatting conventions (Mac vs. PC)
Different byte sizes/word lengths
There is an economic incentive for some of
A program that runs on an IBM System 360
machine built in 1964 will run on an S/390
built in 2001 (bit won’t run on a Sun
Other Incompatibilities
Differences in job control language
Virtual memory vs. overlays
How big is an int? If you assume 32 bits, you
can’t port to a 16 bit machine.
Does a compiler for the target machine exist?
Has the source platform’s compiler been
Is there really a language standard?
Why Portability?
How many platform/OS combinations
will you want to move to? Maybe not
many right now, but:
Software has a longer life than hardware
A business may buy upwardly compatible
hardware, or it may not.
Achieving Portability
Write in a standard high-level language
But what about portable system
software? Ex: localization of UNIX
Originally 10,000 lines of code
The kernal (1000 lines) written in
9000 lines in C, 1000 lines machine
Think of a word processor document that
includes a table of numbers, taken from a
spreadsheet program.
How can the numbers be kept consistent as
they change?
One way would be to have the word
processor invoke the spreadsheet program.
Interoperability: the mutual cooperation of
object code from different vendors, running
on different platforms.
Started as object linking and embedding
(OLE), to do the word processor/spreadsheet
Became Component Object Model, then
COM specifies a common mechanism for
interprocess communication, through a
component library.
COM components have public interfaces.
Uses an object request broker (ORB)
This is middleware
Independent of the communications
mechanism between platforms
Several different implementations
Much simpler than COM (what wouldn’t
Enterprise JavaBeans
Microsoft’s Distributed interNet