SAFETY During experiment, different Bacteria strains were used as controls for different methods. Bacteria E.Coli E.Coli (44ºC) Risk group 1 2 Serratia Enterococcus faecalis 1 2 Staphylococcus epidermidis Staphylococcus aureus 1 2 Salmonella 2 Pathogenicity/toxicity Causes watery diarrhea (might be bloody), fever, and abdominal cramps Can cause urinary tract, wound, and soft tissue infections Can cause food poisoning, which involves rapid onset of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, and diarrhea Can cause gastroenteritis, bacteremia, enteric fever, and an asymptomatic carrier state Although some of the strains used in the experiment were pathogenic, additional precautions didn’t have to be considered, because procedures included only inoculations, which were carried out with aseptic technique. All of them should be, however, handled with basic safety precautions, such as: After handling contaminated material, hands must be washed with disinfectant soap and alcogel must be applied after. Protective laboratory clothing must be worn. After working with bacterium, it should be left on the coat rack next to the laboratory entrance. Workbench surfaces must be cleaned and decontaminated with 1% Virkon S after work with the use of twisted absorbent cotton wool and cleaning gloves. Touching face areas should be avoided. WASTE Material Straws for capp pippetes Disposal method Collected in plastic bags on a wire frame, which were then put in the Yellow risk container. Plastic Drigalski spatula Inoculation loops PCA-agar left after pouring Collected in a plastic bag, then discarded in the normal waste plates Media bottles Egg yolk bottles Graduated 10mL pipettes Contaminated test tubes Inoculated API strips Meat with diluent added in stomacher bag Meat left after sampling Rinsed with water, all labels were removed. After that, it was placed in the dishwasher and dried in the drying cupboard for approximately 45 minutes and 80°C. Discarded in a normal waste bin Put in the plastic container labelled “Demeter pipettes” containing 1% Virkon S. for 24 h disinfection. Collected in wire racks (after removing marker with ethanol) to be later autoclaved, and then washed up. Put in the Yellow risk container Collected in a plastic bag Put in the Yellow risk container