Focus5 Bl lB1+ Wo RKBooK -^@( Unit 1 l,J 1,1 4 1.2 1,3 1.4 1,5 1.6 1.7 6 1 8 Listenin9 Lan9!a9e Grammar Pract]ce,,... .,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,. 10 Use of En9 ]5h 11 ,,,,,,,,,,. 1.8 Spe-ki9 ,,,,.,. 1.9 V deo.|d V o9 Norksheet 1.10 Wlt]ng Se 12 14 15 f.he.k 16 ó ó.1 nit Good health Vo.ab! ary 6.2 ó.3 Grammal ó.4 Reading ó.5 6.ó ó.7 6.a 6.9 ó.10 Unit 7 7.1 7-2 7.4 7.5 7.ó 7.7 74 .7ó Listen ng Language Practice ,,,,,,,,,, , 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.ó 3.1 3.8 3.9 on the go Listenlng Langl].ge Readin9 4.1 Plactice Grammal,,, .... ,,. 32 34 ,,,,,,,. 35 36 , , , , , , , , , . , , . 38 Writing 39 4o speaklng ,ideo d ,loq 42 43 Use of Eng ish " 3.10 self_check Unit 4 Unit 8 Vocab!.ly Grammar "ol l--l 44 ,,, Writing Vocabulary,......,, 46 Listenin9 Langua9e 4a 49 Reading,,,,..... Grammar Use 50 ,,........ ,,,,,,,,,,.,. ofEn9lsh Writlng.,,,, 4.8 Speakin9 4.9 Vdeoa.dVo9,Iolk§heet,,,,, 4.10 Sef check 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.ó 5.7 5,8 5,9 Unit . 53 54 5ó 57 58 Planet Ealth Vo..bu.l./ Gr.mmól L nci]nE L..guJge i9 Gr.nma. Pr..t.e Read Use of Ei! ish i! Speak'rg tl/lii Video ...] V o9 Wcrkshegt 5,10 se l.he.k a.2 8.3 8.4 8,5 8,ó 8,7 8.8 8.9 . ó0 62 ó3 81 - self-check.. Th€ .. ,,,,,,,,,.85 ,,,,,,,,,,.... ,,,,,,,,.. 71 ']2 8ó ań of enleńainment Vocabulary ...... ,,,,,,,,,,,... ,,,,,,,,. 88 Grammar,..,...,,,,,,,,,,....,,,,,,,,90 Lisl-.nins Lansuase Plact]ce , , , . . . , , , , , , , , 91 ,,,,,,,,. . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , . .92 Grammar ,,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , . . . , . , , , , 94 UseofEng §h ,,,,.. , , , , , , , , , , , . , . , , , , 95 Wrlt ng , , , , , , , , , . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,.,,,,9ó Speaking , , , , , , , , . . . , , , , , , , , , , , . ,,98 Read]ng , , . . Vocabualy,,,,,,,,,,,. Grammal ,.,,,,,,,,,,, Ll§tening Language Plactice Reading.... 99 100 ,,,,,,,..... ,, 102 1o4 ,. ,,,,,,,, 105 10ó 108 109 Grammar Use of E.9]i5h Wrti.g 1,10 speaking ............................ 112 Video andVlog Worksheet,,,,,,,, _ _,.,, 113 8.10 se f,check , , , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . 114 ................... słownictwo maturalne: zadania,, ., 11ó .., ..., . ................ andTryAgain ............. 127 Focus 2 Grammar Review 134 Grammar:Train 14ó Function bank: Writing ................. ............. key: Train and Try Again ........... key: Self-check ....,............. . 1 54 Answerkey: Grammar Review 1ó1 An§wer 1ó3 Answer 64 66 67 ó8 70 -......,a2 speak]ng,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,..84 Vldeo and Vlog Wolk§heet słownictwo maturalne Eat, drink and be healthy 4.2 4.3 4.4 4,5 4.6 4.7 8.1 80 Use of Eng ish 7.9 Video andVogWorksheet 7.1o se f-check , , , , , , , , , , . . . . lJnit 3 ...........,,7a zadania oznaczone @ przygotowuJ'ą do egzaminu maturalnego. 1ó5 \ new look VOCABULARY FocUs oN WoRDs Iclot-e. aro.ccessoies 3 clothe5 and acce5sories . {ash]on and sty e . persona]ity This round and ofien tightjlttin9 hal cove§ yo!r head and ears, !ęąĘ l .om-Wom- W"" ,!-," Lo-, l o,oe, lo ooL!9 er :nri mn e clpn-n ,-",/"ą> l,... ź Ał-L--) 2 A to-f .lpe po oll,qW l, Wol o,- _ 1 aad undę a rclet. Ll,/:łn"y' 3 |hp- d/-o, "{L d- o, om eoo.Lal opolecl a|r ey e 9 trc ń rh e ś|.{źaĘ!żż! 4 A casua top Wh ch is made of Very Warm synthetic "-l" \6 ol 9 -,óó,? dlo 5HOW WHAT YOU KNOW 'l Match the words from the box With the people in the Photos. some words can 90 With more than one photo. There is one extra Word. aPairo{ eari.9 ieaB 9 outqo]nq \ttY9łL be t boots cully a5se5 hoodie jacket re st,a a.ed nq 9erious gi,t top t a .ers Read the definitions, Wr;ie th€ names of clothes and y weather. Łi{lńnĄl 4łz.łle pulu" 5 Ąp-pol-W.|.,ń, around the l necls, lon9 4 ^elo ł./Ż_- a*--I yl n pe-?te1 ^"d-tror ó l "l,.. -.'.." ,o|ora cI,"-b-sol ,l9 iu L. 7 These trousers are made from denlm a.d they look ],}" l-t b.-r ol,be."L.eo_- - i9_| "v^o,,;'" colou, of the matel a ,lełł .,..", 8 -ll, " oup-,-61 J,"i" ,ł"'1d-r.ll lr 1d o, -|"| P|4, - " ol e Flę!ol ep lold around your wa st 6< lJń"" fo/f choośethe correcr words. The Pr nce and Pr n.css atteided the prenrjele of the new ]ames Bond n m on satL]rday. Pr nce N].ho as looked very smart i. .i e egant and styl5h ]c./:ł ,,]ii / !i*rrł,irćł.land an eye cai.hing purp e'ł]€ł / 5li! li. aroLrnd h s neck Pr n.ess Ab ga \łore a dark knee iength sk ri aid a 9or9eoL]5 b L]e ]łi,Jnl bio".Jr from her fa\/ot]l te Pars bóUt que The Pr ncess aWays mjxes .ausa and snart clothes to good efiecl and 1or th s eveni she chose to lrear arge qo d 4Denriej ] ]r!,łore! aloLrnd her Wr 5t and Lrnusua 5t]]]Ą/e ]]o.i5 / re!qi.,l5 \łh ch he ped make sUre she yr'asi't ta e. than hcr hLsband. ł2 Write the oPPosite§. The fir§t and lagt letters are 9iven. 1 car.g 2 hard Working 3 outgo.9 ó 7 8 9 4 sily curly fair ugly gIltj: §h .l, :,"#,ł,r,'".l"b i{ gl1l * gI 1!1ll l,lpls l + ^i le,.ltl e- ąlvs ńz'11) 1 |e,\"-"L!:, ] 2 ą) ą t- 8Iy_ k h ą,Ł I REMEMBER BETTER Aby łatwiejzaPamiętać nazwy !brań oraż różnych akcesor]ów, sPouądź l§tę ueczy ze swo]ej garderoby, UWżględnij sżcżegółytakie jak kolor cży deseń, Splawdź żnaczenie nowych WyrazóW W s]owniku lub W nternecie, Write a list ofthe iteńs from exercise§ 1, 3 and 4 thar you own. Add €xtró details. Look at the exampleś below for helP. l awn a wam arev fleece, a pŁt gLbbqLbplh9! pILb boo,. " p", ol b]Le rcdeo /e", . a ]o a or... lreł. j-, :ocus oN WoRDs Fashion and style 5 complete the śentences with the words There are two extra words, 7 complete the description§ of th€ People With §ome o{ the words from Exercise ó. from the box, cHANNEL 'l acloss aPpearance attention ca§ua drersed {asl^ion foW loo, sti1 d€.ą .] 'd say am quite @a9! because l enjoy Wearing the on-,lol,e,1" "-."-m o 9ó o_! ol lle]ean, for e"amp e, -n o,-. oąi19 l ó 4| ^ld ihat! ol " . l- ol^61.,o.,",,n ahout yolr d?e.łla l,/.I he e are plenty of {ash]onab]e c othes,in second hand stores nowadays. . .^,y ,ęr or L,>"rdl .or ,. /.ol-" . .," " ^ Wears sLjts but n factshe! very re axed mostof the W- _-,- l9los the .ł:łł/ |6 o 4J, |,p ś.rp \ o, hó and wear what we want 90 Losi nightlhe coniesionls for lhe ]otesl ser es of hil TV show'Housemoles' enteled lheir new home follhe filsl time, Here's whol We lhink of lhem: . Phillip usual v qoes lol a .l",l-" "a an nevel looks ike'he ]s comfortable in his own .](trś, . Maybe some fashion advice Wou d help him fee more confident? 5 lo do-Ll".9lo.o-1d" ó ".,tlh/,ir-d Why he Wears sUch expens]Ve c othes, o <.- ool,,, ool .q §o ś"orl 3 l ,, ,_-dl 4 _l" 'Housemoles' conleslonls enler house lo1 new seaies ^ he seems To be o noturo, sensilf e person, We th nk he's the .]o! r io śa.ń one in lhe house, Holly she'S o Woys hoppy on.] never seems 1() Worry obout hoW hel behcrvour o]fects lhe otl]ers she's 22 ond o young Womcrn Very' .simon ,_ _o ooe,,,l.Ao,,o ,ooo Whol peop e tel h]miodo Wethnkhe sVery q ond Wi lre o d fficu t person who Wi evelybody . stephanie She § c young oc]y Who doosr'T ih nk n o deep or |leresing !!o./ She'soVery r person ord o.r,/ cores oboul becom ng iomous ond v,, nning lhe prże mcney . Tina [ł]en sho S nol ock n!,] | the rn rro| ol nersef. si]e's proboby ponn]ng Vr'hct to Weor ff]g nexi dov She's i]n nc.ed b]y. ccnleslani clecrle lroLrbe V/]li] SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 8 choose 1 the correct answers A-c. These jeans are actualy new but they look ike thev have been wórn a ór _{--f"d-o 0p\i1l"92 T5--, 1(]! -o_o,"-|.9"With 3 4 an ta an desiqner suit, A,"o,L DontWear a A'od sLr c L| l. "-\\e.--9" "1 io coo.i, ){ t if you preferto qo for a more B"l- llo. Xoo Yvette is so _ she sPeids hours every day just pl]tt ng on hel m.l.e Up .łł e d. B hl @"^,,.* 5 l slp,eoBl ł" ",gry He",wJ,..o -" FocUs oN WoRDs ó ó Pelsona]jty first letters are given. Leonald s e;śV .roirro |e nevel5eems to get Vd. -6 -| do- d ,l ,1o. ,pio,o l" ideas His nc edlb } dłŁlł 4_ 8 ll-"] ,l ąn11 a ot of pro5 ems over the year§ tel if§omebody S €ał byhow ołen they ook in shop W]ndows at their own in,]a9e, pa,€nts o, h m--lf ,1. a łal across hate be]ng the midde y' *ł- c po nt LLke is §Uch a persoi, 'Ve nevel seen him stressed or worried, A carefree c casual t can get quite chi yatnlght,5otakeyour_wlth x cue{|l A appea€rce ol bł "o-nAl l, o hąl/o- c l o o^ 1o Ty er §hou]d learn to go With the asked Borls to donate to charity but he 5aid he'd P--o mo.A\ through A \WedrJ i- x *" ." c blo_.^ 9 M, lo ,5e . "-.-oo o 9- WL-,e oid I p , "J leather lwondel? A boots B fleece c tend notto Worry too YóU can ,d||at B could never be famous because A complete the seńtences With the correct words. The worr ed or anroyed A over a, ' ŃoW l^d GRAMMAR Dynam c and state 3 ** complete the pails of §entence§ or question§ With the corect Present form§ ofthe Verbs in caPital§, U§e 5hoń {orms whe.e Possible. !elbs THlNK a'"lla:!!_:_ :.!1 1 SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW things hapPeĄing now. hosPłai first ook at the ievr roya JoL]lna sts are Wait ng ouls de the l 2 for a -oo,ó My cols 3 n oo- s a tashion ]olrna n Sie . V/ays p ool oi c.pitaló!the Worc 4 F.raw.y Tr.Ve 5.lreniyse iig tr]ps to Be n 3t]n pr.e5 the faSh ,, 5 A g,," Wećkeńd @ o o o " Wro spend more than f]00 on cothes 2 * choo§e the correct forms. Whatdo yo! th nkofthese shoes, Kate? 1 Jill: Kate: To be honest, Dleiel / 'r p|.,|el.ilg TinT : Danny: lhe ones yo! tried Ale yoL] Do y.L] 90 .9 ro ..ł / Are borrow t, T m? :s1,1g f you can Vicky: sha cook some sa mon for unch, Max? V]cky, yol] knovr oon't ilfe / 'n rot ]lllng 4 Ellie: Da ya! W.a| / Ae ya| we?nnE therma !ndefuear tod.y, Jo? l ]lke / on]y Weal it When ]i's rea y 1i liking yo!l new sujt, Jon, Was t Very erpensjve What dc yo! think of the f m 50 far, Yes, Fran Actua y, Grandóa:To be honest, ]t Was LeV/ s l en/oying it at a l| 3 .j.]|'.,-.].! / '1l N.! YoL] lyo!] ol my.eV/ svleatsh rt? huh? ool sad. What:]r.]o.] il]iljiil,.l (yo!) abo!t? HAVE a 'm 5orry b K. b!]t .an't come and n]eet you r ght Unch With Becky, sty {o!r difiereit pairs oftra]ners NoT sEE his 9irlfriend a lot this month becaU5e he'§ revs ng for his exam5 any d fferei.e bet!r'cel th s Woo en h.t and the one yo! bolght -5t Week TAsTE strange, D]d you c ean the clrry to see how sp]cy *** Find and correct the mistakes. Use §ho.t forms Where possible, one sentence is.orrect, Zoe ost my favourte ]aclei !ć].f. 5 she le. ly .eed ng anorher neV/ handb.,q? am ńor]9e]ievńg 1 oi flst, _vo,l b b i].]],'a Ale these Wear that cap, Danńy? 3 No, 'm not, 2 coo 3 Whal f owers for me? oh, J..k] l'm no! kńóW ng s haPPenjng ovel there? What .re t a lhóse 4 'm not Want ng to We.r a S! 5 La!ra 5n't halin9 Maths, she justfnds t dficL] t ó Are yo! §ee .g the neck a.e V/ith the thr",e d amonds? That! the one Wait, WHAT YoU,VE LEARNT I sHoW 5 complete h.te folma cLóthes, I the blo9 with the corre.t forms o{ the Verbs in blackets, Use shoń form§ Where possible. \-' /żń8ź//r?ń come to my fash on bog lm Magda (have) my own ].!. (love) fashjon ] and l cLothes shop called'Po ish styLsh'on chm]e na Sireet, Today is Th!lsday, and ihai means my (Work) jn our shop so l business pańner 2 ] (nouneed)io go io Wo* Lucky me] The Weathel ]s beautful, so La (Wea' my favourle V]nlage sunglasses and a s mp e White cotion boUse 1ol _ó, (]oLles nf,Dq Palso-J desgner ogo§ allovel them my business pańner (be eve)that simpe, styLish cothes are always 1he besi choice, come and Vjsit us at 'Po ish Sly sh'and see for yourcelf, and ó GRAMMAR Train and Try Again pag€ 14ó I \ LlsTENlNG LANGUAGE PRAcTlcE ExPressions . adverbs . re]ationship phrases REMEMBER THl5 olmanne' okleś aję, Wjakisposób sa cżynnośc,Więk§żość z n ch jest reg! arna: Prży§łóWk l.dverbs Wylon} ' + _ł. Wy]ątkiem jest We/] (ad]ective]good), We make on/]ne flends very quick + ly HaW gię,!-+ !!c! da yo! know them7 adlective oead the interuiew With Jenny, comPlete €xplesśions 1-5 with verbs from the box, chan9e th€ formg of the verbs i{ necesśary_ There are two extra verbs, continue {ind 9€t ]ast lose stoP ih take tEEl lt! so easy to make new online fr]ends, isnt ii? They ask to be your{riend, and you accept, as easy to make leal li{e friends, ls it? Thatl r ltl not 9hi, We make on ]ne iliends Very q!lck y 2 peop e, ,ló n-ol o9AA^L5-LJ-.,l lo it really hard to de fliend on ine {riends, lt seems rea y mean. l SlPPose that's Why 'Ve got over 300 5itl'ust ć,APóóó, - o,,,p- ", ,l ,,-. -, Baldżo częstó br.kU]ące słowo będż e twolzyć ko okac]:. lb zw ązek frazeo og czny ż Wyrażem żna]dującyll] 5 ę 3 1 2 3 A ] good 2 A couple should 1h ngs mlst .ome to an eńd Noth]ng 4 extreme y We ] be{ore they qet en gaged a awyer or a doctor co in giris He gets embatrassed Very eas for "d,Ę4 nght "L o, , ,ip p adv i adj ,..." scoti s a re iab e fr]end, Hes a ways there me when need someone to ta k to B W]th c for NaVe yo! fa en With yo!r s ster Why c.n't you twoj!si be fr ends? Matt and B out aga n, .]ames? cofi used to b_. best friends, but s nce We ie{t schoo], we've ost touch each other B Wth cto Dy an th nks h s cols n s atrogant lhey dont get VJ th each otherVery We l c out each other on a long bus jo!riey, They had hours to ta k abo!t everything B over Leah and SoPhie got ly. , t,L,r, or'J b!!a!, choose the correct anśwers A-c. of a Phrase in bold from the extract in Exercise 1, EVerybody gets Spots somei]mes no matter hoW often they Wash theirface, ll itrsi r].r!,!].is ,iai{ry 4 ,) FOCUS ON WORDS ae comPlete th€ sentences with the correct form ] @l"a1 §choo Wi be c osed th]s Fr day lWi 6_,_ Wa t fol yo! if W€ can go fol ice cream aftefuards. REMEMBER BETTER , be LastnghtWasah naturally, Staraj s ę żaPamiętywać n e po]edyn.że §łoW., . e całe iyrażenia, Dzięk 1enru ]atw ej . będżie Wykonać zadan a ) the results ofthe Eng sh test? l{ yo! Want a ft, be nice to me, t ]s a h wa k home flom hele N]na and E ża atrved" .nd m ssed the start ofthe fash on shov/ can hard y keep my eyes oPe. onlnefrends, ln rea jfe,]fyoufa oul W]th d . -| d ]oL do_ 15Aó |--m "-r To -, o 9onp,T-, yot] dec de that yoL] no ongel have mUch in common, Then you lose touch. You dont have to on lono atracrjve, blt We can a W]wehavetowat' d make the dec s u..a r,"""" late Ryan didnt do Very.laell in the lace, but at east he tried. Not everyoie can be inte gent ol That! right, But some ll endships don1' t trL -, )oL clol, ^".l Lo ' _ ł end I Read REMEMBER THIS. compl€t€ each pair of sentences with the adverb and the adjective form§ o{ a word in the box. show Which form it is: advor adj. I a long time to become c ose friends a {.iend§hip, you can simPly de bdq |Making Blta,ea frend is somebodyyou I,,,] knowovel a ong pe.od oftime. Yo! meet, you spend time togelhel and you !ą to know one another - lit łorever żmiaiy W Ex a.t from s?!deni9,Book re..,d,,g P: ł powod!]e czasem dodan e przyrostka pisowni np, cieeky, cheek'' N ektóre prżysłóWki (earr, fast, hard, lr]9h, ]ate, long iow) malą tak e *me formy ]ak pżym]otn k it takes a /ong lnne !o become c/ose ł]encls (adl ónline fiends . _. daesn t take long at an. happen B Dan doesn't l.an9 AWth d to scover out Bby c knów John beca!se he doesn't cto 7 READlNG 1 3, co con,]pound r-) AO A-c with texts 1 Bo lJnusualappearances. . cothing. Read ihe texts. Match Pictures NEWS ]5 yeirl o d Herbe( chavcz from the Phi pP ncs h,]śLransformed* himse{ lrorn nn ord dr-As! makel nto a rea l]fe slrPelman. After n netee ] rLrrgel e5 that coPy the com]. book heros ook, ch.Vez ]]as bćcome a leal fe c alke Kć lt, Helbert frst fel n ove Wlth the suPerhero When he was ive yeals od. since then he has spent alo!nd 300,000 pes05 (f4,400) on hjs obsession, a blge amount of money conrpared to the average Wage in the Phj ippines. When he5 not n;k ng dlc!5e5, Herbert can o]tel bc scen n the street9 around h s home dressed as 5L]perrnan He a ms to teJch .h ldrcn good mor.5 żid havc some fl]n .rt the same t ne. Hcrbert 5irys he fee 5 ke a llperhcro whenever he PLr 19 on thc cost!me,* bL]t ]sTnś5on snottosdve the W,olld blt to he p ]n hi! oW ] 9 ]]a l Way and br ng a 5m lc to the fdces of loca . ) l.]ren. ffi W --,'"el llr -'o,, ,\i|.h,dol ,I-.""n, o,1"ld iried to wake up fully, had another brrsy week Tt At oddfo(es We like our model§ to be fobulously fot or §uperb|y 5kinny, ivas \4onday again and she ten-feet tqll or §ho€kinqly short, We love 9!k! mod€lś with tottoor, pier(ing5 ond memoroble foCes. ahead With only fou t,eeks until her Hna] exarrrs, there was lots ofhard t,ork to do and no tine for her socia1 life, She reall,v wanted to be older, already finished with schoo1, already earning, Perhaps because §,intel was coming and iL stillcoldanddark outside, she lorrnd it especially difficrjlt lo get out of lr.:d tlis morning, Her 1egs felt heavy and sheseenedto haveless energ1, thim rrsual, )v{aybe she had slept bąlly, Finally, she made it to the bathroom, s$.itched on the light and stood by, the washbasin, wlren she sarł her refleciion* in tlre nljrror, she screamed. Looking back at lrer rvas the 1iceofaterrifiedoldivoman herselibut*,rink]ed,* paleandgrey-haied.,, v lłE, We hove over 1,000 uniqUe chorocter model, bel\Ąepn lhe 09e5 or ]8 ond ,/.: k 5 \-7 @} /;]i1 ,l/e. 7 ond 2/, ollr modPl\ , on bnnq o llUl} eye (ot(hinq lool lo musi. vide05, TV 5hows ond flm§, ond of cour!e print ond Flm 6dverti§in9. q8 ond For over qllę<odę, we hove suc(e§sfully provided the most unu§uolfoce9 ond bodies for top fo§hion deśigne15, photogropher, ond ńlm dire(tol\, lf you need beoutifulty 5tronge ond §trangely beautifuI peopIe, then look no furth€r, A, (cP, \c/ Pretty foces ore everywhełe these doys - Choose som€thing different. choo5e oddfo(€§. trans{orm t\ ) ,]" 9-,o Pee| o|7-ob" ,- cośtrrme (n) e.9, an anlma c othes that ńake yó! look ike something, or. famous perśon; kostlum, prżeblanie refle<tion an image yo! c.n See in a m]tol, g ass or 1 ] wrinkled (ad]) sk]i ol fo ds in 8 ln) it; or c]oth th.t śM ńk ed has sma pomarsż.żony l ines I l @ Read the te*s again. choose the correct answer A D. 1 Accord ng to the aiticle, Hebert Chaveż uses his new A to earn money, c to Promote FocUs oN WoRDs 5 C otll n9 complete the sentences with the correct words. The first leiters are given, B lo ec]ucate and enteńain, D to remind h s business, h]m ofhis ch idhood. 2 The §tory describes a change in Fionat 3 The aulhor oftext 3 Wants to A anno!nce a conrpetit]on. A c aPPearance and mood, advertise a company, 3 (v l 'I Read lhe tFxr ag"|n, complete lhe sente.ces .boLt edcr te}t With ] 3 wolds in eaC\ 9aP. 1 2 3 4 H.lbe,i chaveż has been sUp€rman slnce his ch]ldhood. Herbeń's fa§c]natio. W]th Superman has cost hinr th.n the PeoP e n the Ph ]ipplnes UsUaly make, F ona needed to n,]ake a great effort to get ready fol ope. a shop that 5c 5 or g]na g!,!]r.tE łom the 19óOs, Dresscs, boots, jeLle ery Tammy llantS to any ]ten-]s ol c oth n9 and acc.ssor]es from that era Fiona Usualy has nrore rhan she had on the mornln9 ofthe story, YoU don't have to be young orVery s ]m to be 1 by Oddfaces, a qood p ace for you if you are ook ng for som.ońe W th oddfaces m]qht be 2 comP ete the gaps With the underlined synonyms 1 2 3 4 5 ) { ertlcn]e ! fr opelarions 9lteied = 3 l],i i.]r] 4 5 t€n years stlange póól y .otheslortodays Hood eS m.y be i graf{t art n9.nd skat-.c blt they Wele first Wori . the ]930s ]n Amelica for sPorts tra]nii9. Yes, madam Th śjacket lśu , so ts f]ne fór e]iher yo!r 50n ol yoLrr da!9hier to Wear These trolsels .l,. ó REMEMBER BETTER Ucząc s ę nowego slowa l!b Wyrażenia, sPrawdź jego synoninr Ub żWrot o żb lżonym żnaczeniu, W ten sposób poszeĘysz zasób słown]ctwa. A Ąb atve /"p" lęl" ob. łr-Jże-ld /dp--w/-,- ,ą ,o.rie,h' o] l 09"ol "b,. 2 4 5 ón9, so ] need to take them ęriĘ@c! ]ir9!t9!ę9@źed and ]9htning, ftstime l saw a o{ Since hel sk ]nq accident, poor Mańa has had three covers both alms and the who e of his back Lo a! facia p erclng ooks Very Atfjrst, lthoaqht it Was a big spotl Both C aire and Emiy thlnk they did Very n the Phys c5 exam bright y ćułtiffg- hald fa§t mliti- sholt_ The latest in .lttino-edqe fashion .re c othes that doi't get yiet ol dirty thunder Baiman fin,] Was over :dject]Ves coloured dryin9 edge purpose sleeved wearing complete the śentenceswith one óf ihe pair§ ofwords 1-5 in Exercise 4. The ioo Match the halves of the comPound ad]'ectives in boxes A and B and comPlete the sentences, W +own!ku 1 a Focu5 oN WoRDs Compo!]nc massVe Polly Was t before .an yr'ear rhem Do.t yo! thiik it! craży ihai P_.oP e buy de5 gnel jlst io Vr'ear beneath the]r c ot]es? u for sh].ts bec.lse t! cotton s a good f ghi an.i easy to dye dilferent.o ouE io 2 3 tonight and Wear t a9ajn tomofioW molnin9. Jakub never Wear§ becalse ho h.s a blg tattoo on h s arm be.aUsetheyare and ast a ong t]me .]eansbecame póPUarforWorkmen 4 l e ove c othes wh ch are ecir. b My !e.nd 5tńfoweFye oRJjmń Hend|x ]s my i.yourte P e.e o{. oth ng] otl]es \Jh cr] .re the most fash]onab e butthey are the most Practical, You can Wearthem on any occasion. Tlh]ń 5 L 9 l GRAMMAR c: lhę,-alMl V-"h o\- present perfect continuous moln ng, Challe Ie. c: 1 complete the seńiences and questions with the prpsent peńe.t siTple form! of the verbs in bracket§, use §hort forms. c: C .]ro ]-!! !]ś]]!.TJ ld6 ke) Dainy 5 nce they f lst met at J! a § pa.ty, (you/knoW) Meg.n for a oig t]me? 3 4 5 pd, We]l, e .,,-o ie, READ G,d dT" 1 )t complete the tour 9uide'§ sPeech with the Present peńect continuou§ forms of the verb§ in brackets. 2 We corne lo 3 kil fclctory, We hope you enjo, ihe toul, Hale \o.r b€en ,J lng oL_rr a b Rebe... i!=l i]ii]]q.,!]]q that nov. . day Rebec.a ł!.!! fVc books this yea. LooK d ",, ,d ao,oo \A,_d- io, óo,o ó,ąĄoo ó / 3^e ol1o. r o, ] - oLlo-, 0,6lo1_o o:(o o We (5e ) more ond more ol 1hem 05 foshlon items in receni yeors, We olso moke ilousers here ot ihe focioly bul We {noi/do] lhol for os ong, NoW sł, ]see ihot over 200 d fferent sPiderman comi.s, comics for seven yeals - her eg footba ast year s nce she broke chess lor Very long, so she §til forgeis the rUles sonretimes, SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 5 complete the text With the Pre§ent P€ńect simPle and present peńect continuou§ lorm§ o{th€ verbs from the box. Use §hoń forms. There are two extra v€rbs. ,"" tl help l l styliśt§ o |.,e"l,-o "śo|Po'ds|o-\, rlo* m.n. 0,8 Ume fashion magażines leceni y becaUseyou've been rOo busy, bUtVanito knowrvhat is Siy ish r]ght nov, then maybe lcar he p, My name is Emma 8radyand l'rn a * * charlie and Mary are ar an ań 9allery, choo§e the correct {orm§ to complete the dialogue. We 1havent slopped / haven'tbeen stoPping since We got here ch.r ]e? c| ,le lv"l, !Ą- ),.d"ł-o \ebał 10 rnoney for a new Phone? thi5 year? NoT PLAY |"-_ iime? M: Dan Oun Enma Brady (yoU/buy) oUr bronc] for o ong We lest fol a mlnute, _ mo|ey_ coLLEcT a o,9 s.hoo trp bdyłod change conlact have J not lead waLch wear work I yoU ore Wec]rin9 one of our kiis, you look wonderju l M: c.n F,hotos from t|e SAVE (yo!) a NoW ong b (prodlrce) kills for over l50 '_ yeors, Todoy we ore going lo see hoW o trodiiionol scolt]sh ki1 i5 mode, We (moke) oUr fomoUs Jol oroo| .l oo_ ,,(- ,- ó_O , o:9: o , ą, ,- suppose We could. b ]l fo, complere one sentence with the present Peńect simple and one with the Present Peńect continuous for.n o{ ea.h verb in c:Pitals. she had the eye operat on, L - b--. idJ,,.9 ** * g. o, ,o''l o,o: ,oo--o,.o.,o-ool , doyoUthinkyou and could maybe studyfor M: Yes, chal Pay 5o mUch for brand name cloth n9, HoW lonq {chloe/Want) to be ,- .-, 5i our exanrs together? (ieve/unde6tand)Why peop e a lashion des gner? Vo, i9ht mome.tro t.|| to you M: Rea y, Charlie? What is it? c: We|, We are good friends, andwe6've liked / 'Ve been /'k,ng each othel lor a ong time, rlght? M: Yes, charlie. We ''Ve sPent / 've been spendihg mórc and mor_. t]me together recenty. What do yoL] Want SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 2 ) ,,9leeoo 4,bFF, sóp- bejrq"9e"lo l1 ^ą!L:.a aroLlnd Since 9. Leiśget a co#ee, Great 3havent had / haven'tbeen having a dink since th 5 morninq, pelsona]stylstand shoppingcons! tanl, Folthe a lał fouryears, myco]eagues and menand vomento choosec olhes, shoesand hairsiy esthai red]Ysuitthern, s]nce sialted mybusjne55, ]5 ^ , o,e,.?00, ,stoTó| , ió. ,"-"r" famous peop e as extrernely satisfied cljents, , contacius noV at enr@ebstvle, nei !6. GRAMMAR Train and Try Again page 'l4ó 3@ ** .ink? complete the sentences u§ing the Prompts in brackets, Do not change the older ofihe words. chan9e the form§ or add new words where necessary, Use between two and three words in each gaP, Word {ormation - common h.Ve to .dm t 1 @ * complete the senten<es With the colrect Verb folm of the words in brackets. Ja. ce t!i]n (HoPE) yo! can .ome io the barbec!e p.ńy oń SL].day 1 Whele Was James to a Pl Vate schoo ? 2 V 3 r ns, (EDUCATE)? D d h. 9o ",dp" ", "d ',o " o - "oP " (ACCEPT) 4 5 2 * (ACNLEVE), (CREATE) he pS h 2 4 lsaw]!st h.Ve never to yo]r blt hale , ooo9 expensjle) hoW bad my neWtattoo wa5, (spai]k/d shońest) oi y Who or elerto d you the b, illtr ĘoU d bLry thi§? (go/abso i]ie).raży out shc Wds the Mode ol the Yea. fo!.d lrnmai apo og]sed for whe. he osithe maich .]ani.e ha5 ieve| When she (crv/pathet .) her nau9hty ]tt e s (behave,'bad] ne. (9 ł * C"-pl.t. tt. secord sentence so that it has a similal meanin9 to the first. lJ§e between two n wr]te.rn.z ń9 she has tola y no edlcat stol es fol ch ć:en 1 choose ihe correct answel§ A-c. When 3 Amanda 5 rto my l'm 5o happyl l'Ve been first cho ce of !niverslty| Getting nto the best Universjry in the country Was 5 ,1 ihat ..i"o oi she s lo..r]! ,r,],..]l,..l9t] V]y .u.t Jos e s very creat ve when she drcsses. My a!nt.]osie dresses lf you Want to achieve success in the fashion industry, yo! Want io be s!rPr]sed . oi of people Wheń B .te a.cepted the Worst Dressed Man of 20]8 award Lf Lt 4 ofthe award for the Wolst dressed man of 2018 surpr sed. otofpeope, our śponsou are not ob iged to Visit rhe exh bł]oi 5 to!stiheexhibton, Harvey gave ne an .igry look \łheń he saw me n h stl SaW me ]n his ,c.the ]a.kel (9 t * * cońplete thA teit with the (o,1ect fo,of the wold§ in the box. There are two extra words. 1 Harry: 2 l'm sory bLri do.'i th yo!r ha r nk this nyle is create ed!cate honesi eader pliol]ty Pre.'€§jioń regu aie respect With Yosef: Sel]ousy? So,shou d choose someth n9 e]se? A ach]cvcnrent B .ch evabe c !na.hievabe charlie: Mum says can't 9o out today because l,.5 .le l^ome aśtn ght Adam: V/h.t? T'ń.t does.'t !o|nd ike lery fłir A Pln s] n9 B P,]n shmeit c PlnisF Mindy: to d ńy leacher on m}, homework, blt ".. y cdi'tdoit ciaire: Tr.t Wa5ń't !ery Was ]t? A respe.$! B d slesPeclfL] c reś Hanna| Yc! ook grc.t f t;].t hal Yo! shó! d bly t Landen: t! :oo .xPcl]s Ve .nd bly i9 . othes si't . A priortSe Dan: {or nć.l the nroment pl:clte5 c B Prori:y Are you surc you didn't lrear my hood]e Wtho!i.s( i!? d]di't, i't e!e. ll me B dishonest c hoiest y Nigel: No, June: Kar : 'nr śorry, blt..i yc! Prcalam Works.9a]i? s!re, no prcb enr A carty B c.rfy roVJ th]5 des 9n Anyone Who Works ]n m€d a rnust ook their best at a l t mes. HoW do lhey achieve lhls? tr4ost lse th€ services of a piqiśssic.ld make !p artist ol cosmeto ogisi ls lhis ajob you mighl f6ncy do ng? We heres What you n€ed 10 do t,l)Ily na.-Up ,pe, lo,lrd| ' r ln some countries, official th€n have to comp ele an €xarn can get a lc€nce to Work, Say that cosmetolog sts in health and safety before th€y skils are not ne€ded because most cosmeio og sts are theil own boss and often run their own Good a a th€atre or €ssenlia ]n żln.,5' c calfc.ion id " , W;Inood a cosrnetology This s us!a]y a mix of a practica] and a theoretical course. one part c! ar skii that is needed at thrs becaus€ during these stud es, ear]y stage is trainees sho! d start bUild ng a portfolio of the l besiWork a 4hó,hp.t|eJ,Loo,e|o /yo,1 d\a]o., Work n TV orflm stld os, a good rnake Up ari st is ol lhPl , lFnl( d< qood ,_ ,oTP .e,.i,e . thisjob, 11 3 WRlTlNG Find and correct the mistake§, lvrs Ba cv/in śk]nds 01€.sy Descr;bin9 a person 1 n his @ who c 2 shet got iong o 3 He sometjmes o 4 Thefrst thing yo! notice e about her js hel large (] 5 Ne usla ly weals O of pe6on ó 2 she3 not (] 9 always 4 U f,om the boy. sofetime9 more t|lan one dnswer iś a litt|e / make / model yo!r/ rememb-Ars / complete Adam's description with the Words from the box. There are two extra Words. b!ilt casual dark dresses easy going friendly he]ght ]nto oul iype |'m meet]ng He's ou age Wllh ong He's gol a ) Josh laler l] com]n9 out? U knóW Josh, donl yotl? Em '__ 1_ ys cous n, hair Not sure. Whal does lre ]ook like? ? face oh corne on Adam He's about medium l and fairy Well . , YoU know hinr| Goth musc. itt]e saw 6i ntelest llg p ctLrle in a -.,r l]l galeny ol cafĆ the othen day, t'S a portfa ! of E man Thel€'s ó lot of bllre in the p cture and the man Who is Weaf ng a d6r| b]Lle i6cket, ooks of coo , a rnDst ike he doesn t car€ about EnythinlJ n the Wor d BUt he s a S! mystenioL]s in my op nion He's ' strange ]ooking, but he has go! b g b ue eyes Whlch ook straight at you H S hair a b Ue too, but becEUSe the p cture s So d6nk t's 6 5 hand to te fon sLrr€ And his coat whrch doesn t 6 fit him Very Wel ilsfartoo bg makes the rnan ook uncornfortable lt was ony aftBr ooking at the p cture fol some t]rne that reacj the short text be ow ! and eann€d th6t t was a Se f po.tra t by Dne of thE most fallluus 2oth certL]ry pa nt€rsl Lianr kiid / Person /a Ways/ birthday / of / is / the bit bh cou d be kind y Pańicularly sorEof not exact Lucy - fiereil fu]€n yol get to mld twenties, beauti{L]/ hair/ long / b ónde / got Who / She's .] e, comPlete the text With the Words and phrases 3 ó blt ne! peoP fashionab e c othes - / male /Wollć / do.tor/ great gr€ai śóńs o{ shy, yo! Diaia c.n a /itt]e t red ]i the evenings becaUse 5he !!.kes !p at ó a m. every d.y P.!:o co! d be a t]]t ttie slnJrter, but he has n-]ade -i effort to.]ress i]cely Dads ex.cty iot a gei Us, blt he j5 Very cever 4 bit/is/too/a/§lim 12 Andrże] a tr,ays ]sn'l Very Po te With . f ,"lo-, 3 forgets his mann€rs, 2 a / WoU]d / ieacher i'm not pat cu]ar laży, but lke lo do nothin9 hard-working, Put the word§ in order to cońp]ełe the §entences. ]n / early / thirties / her/ is Beck:r i5 in her eanv thirties 1 interested / js / not / lashion / in / rea y 5 a 2 Match the beginnin9s with lhe correct ending§ to Nes going .s ń., !t]!!j 1 V,bab)t L- al o.!."",eldś ask Do l? ] oh| U mean Goth Josh, Yeah he's ó Read the task below. Then lead the emai] and comp|ete gaps A-E with the correct folm of the words flom the box. 5HoW WHAT YoU,VE LEARNT 8 YoUr friend is 9oing to Visii ihe En9lish city Where yoU stayed as an exchan9e siudeni last year, The family you §tayed with haV€ agreed that your friend can stay with them durin9 his/her Visit. They have @ aazen zko|egą/koleżanką postanowiliś.iel Postanowiłyści€ spędżić tydżień na Wsi u twojego an9 ojęzycznego kużyna. Napisz do niego e mail (80-130 słów), W którym: . plżec5t.,l5ż s|r'o]e9ó ko e9e,'swcja ko eżJnkę nevel met before, Write an email to the familyt teenage 50n/d.u9hter lnc]ude and develop . . o3.żesż!!yq . . podż ęk!]e5ż,emL je9o rodż n]e ża.hęć 9osż.żei. S.y b,efy howyo! m.t_Vourilel.i yo!r fr eid! -ppc.ra.c. .nd pe solir ty [4e.tio. some o: tFc ti]ii!s yo!l fl end rr'a.t5 to do durir! h 5./r..5t.y. Thark thc fa l y fol .glee ń9 to el yo!l fr enc łay . ]es.ribe . . bit can Part]c! , śż,śtads ę żnac e ąi oscbovr'cść ko eqi,/ko eż..k , Po .fórm!]esż k!żyia, co .h. e byś.e ob ć V,a, Plżeż,ydż eń ar śońtend HiAnry, hope yolr're fine. b like Ło t€llyou a few Words abolrt llena the girlr,Vho'5 going to sLay !V th you this rena and m€t n the playgroL]nd When A children, Fi15t, l Wa5n't later W€ became great fr]ends, ] s nice to her, but When you geŁ to th€ ailporr, look lor a tall and Łoo 5l m girlW th long, ddrk hair dnd big, a g eyes.A rlWho look§c blle fashionable ai the 5ame time that! rena @, B she i5 a llD.l! ] !,Je Wel-" cool, €asy going g rl, dnd a kind of p€rson who / good ln h€rown 5kin, BUt50metlnres5he be a bit shy and reserved, e5pecially jn new 5itLrat on5. lrena s ćlways ',.|].!9. / bF,.lr _.,,],)yr,! fa5h]on 50 5he s com]ng to th€ UK to V 5]t some de5 gn 5chools and check the trendiest pLaces. so mdybe yo! could 5hoW herWhat5 ]i| /.rifa5h on in London noW7 Thank you ógain for l€tLing rena stay Wlth yoU, l knoW hoW greót it i5 to stay With a Br tish family, and l'm 5Lrre you'll haV€ a greót t me. ]u5t be careful 5he to talk a lol c), SHOW THAT YOU,VE CHECKED Gdy skończysz pisać pracę, sprawdź, czy uwżględniłeś/ uwzględniłaśwsżystkie punkty ż listy, Mój niefolmalny e_mail: , lożpo.żyń.r s e Prży]ażiym zvJrcte.ri np . zalv er. opj5 mo]ego ko De" "ń_" -l - a_"n - (V/łGy, ocy, twau, . ,,gl-dl " eźankl eg / moje] ko Wzrost, sy Wetka, typo!ły stlój), , i o obolo, Write 5oon, so We don't a/ose / droPtouch lnga Read the email again. choo§e the correct an§wers in ,14. l5 sPEAK|NG comPlet€ the description With Phlases flom the sPeakin9 Bank, Describing a photo BANK ZWROTÓW DO WYPOWEDZI USTNEJ Beginning a description Pocżatek opisu zdjecia The photo shows ,., Na żd]ec U W]dać, |n thls Photo, l can §ee ,,,/ there is ..,/there are ,,, Na iym żdjeci! W dże ., / znajdlje się ,. / żnaj.]Ują 5 ę, sźying Where the eft/on the right on ]n , , ir 1ie l.a drlgim p ai e),i pośrodk! / na p]eMsżym middle/in the foleglound po ewe] stlon e / po pra\lej t--b m.ybe Wyrażanie niePeWności ]t's hald to say/make out Trudno PoW edz ećlokleś]ć, |'m not sure,,., bt]t,,, 3 2l ]ook5 as i' lt seems to be ,,,/PerhaP§ Wyg]ąda jn (by był/była 1].k., 5 th n< they don't agree on Wh].h one to bly agree on Which one to buy Wyobrażam sob]e, że sa / Pr.Wcopodobnie są , Myś e, że / Nie sndże, że . tr nk green 4 him ihirk łre!.tiróctVe. choose the correct words. n Lhls phrrlo canlrllill,/ JE!thrce yoL]ng Women Th€y rle 'p.!,'r..|r] / 5!- a,łai]łil n ć h6 rdless ng salon becaLrsE Lhe lł.rna l on lhe efi 3/la! i,|l./ ]!i.llr./l1.1 ihe b Onde gin s ha l ThE la rd.essel ooks qlritE yolrlg and a b : nelrloLrs s d!ng Shes dressed quiie srnarLy and 7saeffs / iri]Jlr|as t! be 3n nslĄrcl0, ol Lhe boss. so rntsVbe Lhe ha ldaessEl s ha H Kat ]ust backfrom il,]e sales, Got some real barga ns| F rstth ng boughtwas a (grey/Woo ]en / 1 cL]ie) h€t d 1cL and! ca L5tvi rsirel.rlev/ 9ljy ' iac i eatl-Er I d ia!l] o.ea] oles r the sa e so t]a,e 10 reep o.k ! on,/ Ó rq; la J..] t !,]aS |..]!._3.i by 50% See y.! al 7 l !!e 5 crosse.] l sl;!,: (r c .nd r!]!1 rT,n:t doe§i't s! i h n ]Lrśt ng on Wh€t she rs d! ng i's 5il5.c,/ śl]irt!s6! bul LhnklheVlDm6n 6rl)/ r|ihE rlhl 5 checkngV,,hatLhe haldlesse. Put the adjective§ in brackets in the correct order to complet€ the me§sage. r |ari Sent ]6:41 14 I ol air.rlr.r,js/ ij|anaji| she is Per§ona ly, ,,, ]n my opinión ,., stlff ft her aftracl \le , l(don't)think,,, io lreal rr! |eN thjnk they're Very elegant, 4 Wyrażanie Własne9o żdania :4c bought anyth ng, I Wyg ąda {n. znręczonego/ Givin9 yo!r opinion oo boy supsetbe.alsehe'dpleferto . othes {or s.hoo thiik those tro!5er5 Woi't ft her Może l' Być moźe ]est imagine they'le ,.,/They're tt e th nk he doesn't ook lery happy. .lo1]'i i]r],]ł l]e r..l. !eiy haPPy ] th nk she hasn'l bo!ght aiyihii9 ó ccnt itt.,,/lVaybe it'§.,. ] the 3 specu at]ng He/she/t I Find and corlect the mistake§. Two sentehces ale ] N e ]estem pewny/Pewn. He/She/lt ooks (tired),,. !!!! Wear h s sUP_Ańelo front oflbehind/next to 5howin9 uncertainty p]L the iit e boy s dressed ke J slpen]erol He iooks Very UihaPPy tholqh, n f.d ]t l| .5 trough he s.rying lh nk th.y are . !.hidlens cothes Shop be.alse the clotres o. se e ook Very 5mł , ..d ji the b.ckqro!nd thele are sevćra other a.]! c W]ih yo!.g chj dre., The Vr'.m.ń s 5ho!! ng the boya itt e fl]r]te sh ń a.d . 1;e _ 4 i they.le shoppir9lora schoo !]niform, blt dont określanie położenia (na,djeciu) in the background/in the op motIer ald soi t s ]h t say exa.t y hofl o d the ]tt e boy 5, bli he's to be aboL]t 7 or 8. The V/oman is vr'ear]ng .as!a c oihe5 and comfofiab e shoe§ aid iogei,re. Illey ;rc ( funEsser bui llllini |liE i]óllc," !]|1 ]si l,/ Ll"li i iilnl ol ed She s srn n_o and ooks Ver! ilr-, l]i.rl.i-. orl,i l5loo lelared hail.Lrt |.,l6\rbe shes |T hap]rlr be.ause she s !]etlng a i.E€ l Pln9 comp|eie four extracts from the first palt of the Video (00:00-02:01)with the adje<tives {rom Exercise 2. Then watch a9ain and check youl answers. ]h l, 1 2 1 2 3 How many pairs of ieans do you have? Where Were yourjeans made? Which sty]es and colours do you lke best? Why? ] old/Bad condirion 7 While you *,atch 3 L 2 3 t s ght y Str. rge iic t|.t Yes, ,non y VoUlg pe.]p e:h.y to,e d st lsscd co<, lorl nrd you tota y k.9łrn€ntsvtF co[, a b c d The 9rindlng machine More Washing Wlth stones and b each Adjusting the crink es by hand Uslng sand PaPerto produceWhite lines f g More sandlng to produce holes lt's overto the Wet process]ng area o o o o o o o How does the Presenie. react to hi§jeans being After you watch GłL, Watch the Video and an§wer the questions about di§tre§ged jean§, '] f'i. t .ok Watch the second pań of the video (02:01-03;1ó) d9ain ónd pUt the stJges of the di9tressing process in Put the adjectives describing jeans under the appropriate heading. Use a dictionary if Nedcood .ondiiion d's yoLl take someth n9 Do yo! tr.: s ]_.ans a .]en m How does the presentel 5um up the diffelence between young peop|e's and o]d people's attitude to SPEAK|NG Discuss the questjons. second-ha'rd ;n_aoe s 3 4 ilęśtroyPddirt-esred m-acJ a(e p,slinp ]se tolar.]s factor,lthat c stresses denin ard F]akes Before you Watch ey -,,o , d- ,-- o doitr. nost pcp! al Sty es s 2 u/eire i. nc J, !e]re j!st he.d]i9 o.9 8 Where are lhey made? Why ale ihey made? HoW ale they made? sPEAKlNG Discuss the que§,tions. . . why do you think people pay more for d stressed jeans than normal jeais? Do yo! agree that'de§tloyjng denim iS a| about pretend]ng thal you've beeń throlgh §omething that yoU haVen't'? nan ng ]ry Which of the clothes iń the box do you own? compar€ with a pańner. hood e fun socks a ieck ace a Peńect_fittin9 blażer runnin9 shoes sanda s shońś s!n9lasses swimwear a trench co.t a WaterProo{ jacket a l } bean]e boots a .,.]:, ] Watch Ho{ly, Noah, Laura, Klistińa, Peter ańd Laulen anśwering the qUestions below Whi.h of the coth€s in Exercke 1 do they ńeńtioń? 'T 2 F]ave s you bo!9ht a.y new there.nyth]iq yo!'!e c.ll] lrć_.n p..r y? ng to b!y b!t ':, 1 2 3 4 5 ó ' Watch again and answer the questions, Who hasn't bo!9ht anyth].9 re.eit]y? Who has been ooking ;or: .e\,r' b:9? \!ho has bolght someth]ig se.ond hand? Viho has bo!9ht some .h 'dren'S . othes? V,]ho has beei ook]ng forscmeth n91oltwo yea6? u]ho has beei tryiig to bUy neW shoes? SPEAK NG Discuss the quesiions in Exercise 2 o n n sELF-cHEcK comPlete ihe sentence§ With the.orect form of the words in bra.kets. sometimes more than ońe answer VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 choose the corlect wolds, A b a.k eather]acket V/th 3 1l t5 50 So{t to the tolch The5e boots .re .ea] y -.ri.] i]L],l,.]5. / ..l:o ,..,it., l've had thel fortwc year5 ano tncyle ł n 5 e!ce .nt condł]on. S.lah kes tc stard o!l th.i 5 Viry She USUa i .i]s.].r ]]. r / l].]i]]]], .:]]. r .]. .]J:i].l. y 9oes (not/be ieve)yoLr, Hannah, YoU'Ve led about this so many times. (dance)W th Ke y arthe moment, but he rea y Wants to dance With A ison (need)to see a doctor Bevely about her headaches, (you/P!t) raisins in Dad! b]rthday .ake agó n th s year? P ease don't themL Becky {nol/kńov/) ho\ł to lse her 2a. ^d lroń? ior 5 ńe|!.amera probabiy beca!5e St. . b.lgFi frożen me. 1 fv. i,/ i;.-,s L!cy t;! 13 comPleie the sentenceś with the correct words. Yo! ool lely t!a,r,ł, Even your shoes 3le lash oń.!, e and !p tc date 1 y.]! llcariig ? s!.g aśs_.s 1ke those hale beer olt oi f for years] 5!9qe5t yol bly 2 Whenever 've had prob ems ol been lpset, 3 has a ways bee l HaVe you f 4 5 ]rry ll !ll 1or n]e out V/ilh Suż c ngł .? Why are yo! two a]V/ays.rg! ng? ł]on reJdy, Dad ]l5l.ecd to pa.k. ean and another pa r of socks aid the. '!e 9ot evelyth]n9 need for o!l vr'e€kend triP. Th.ts a ove y w , Adam, s ]t Part of l'm a 1ó t a three p ece suit or a separate it€m? -tr NJt. . .js Po i5h, L_..--]] so l. flr.r. mon] n9. lt! ri._...i,/ ',. ') .i],r]].. the Same śUlr! _ e@ {or i]_..'.] tl..]].l:]! .boli her h. r atriled .t the party, '!,e to d he, blt s're doesi't be ieve me ,r.],]e.:]/ irivin9 me.l.żyI G_.olge and O. |.]|. ri_.l/r,.j,,b..-]i]]..i|9 2 ard ]e.n5 S. ne k n.] of y S nce yr'e Nalhal] l]ij5 j!r.,. / ]iJl . Plt oi a therma TshńWtha top a.d then a ]ackct, YoU cai Plt the ].cket n yUll ba.kPack f yo! get too hot L p ihe fuo!nlaii 3 Tracy kes wear nq because thev are .omfoń.b c and keep her e9§ ńice.nd Walm i dóń't ke Wc.riiq becalse t]rev'|e too oose and mo,]e łrolnd llhen Lrs,. my almS DaV d, Vle ;rc ao]ig to a {lnera l oj co!rse you .an'i th_A noW. 5i]e oo€ 9rea1, A.:!a y, .an speak lery cle.P ]]a.("]j and 3:ter . levi o.oke łom arc!id he. s|e :e9t ealing tljc t nres th s Weei. Ama.da l]:! (.].]11l./ ]];5 Jr!. ł..",i .l .o.siant a days tre cha n r::::r: abo!l rhlee yc-rS 2 b",o|e\ o.""ie o"4 5Lil o-.mj"-lel { eece high heel§ neektac€ le99ings She hasi't read choose the correct forms. .]es ca(lal compl€te the se.tences Wjth the words from the box, Thele are two extra words, 1 t]me see yo!, yo! i]q! (ool) comp eteiy .]i{lelent ove your ieyr' ha]uty e] EVery a !h te Tsh ń has beeń :E,]:| /.,:.,,,.)5 n- Jarnes Dean and Mar or Br.ndo Wore ihem n tFe ']950s. 1 Why rJo you have :o be so llrĘir . ]] / !l];i1.11ar tlre tim_.? C.n't yo! do Wh.t ask yo! io do ]ust o..e? 2 Wj§h .o! d lre i5 do|rli l. _..?l1. / ..],.;|. ł5 Her.y. 'm a W.ys tly n9 to do Stlp]c and :nrprdct.. th ngs ,, Cr,oo". łr," .o..ect answers ooP - l A-.. New Uniform for City Hospital Nurses i!r§e5.iHalanrsr re Hospt. !thesanre.d ! for ilre last 10 yearj Re.enty tre lrospia decaei] ji Was tjme lol a clranEe and today p ctlres oi the illse§ new ]ook a.e Lrp on ihe ]rospta Web5te. Tl]€ od fashioned wlr te and grey !i forfirs hale goie and beei rep by . nu.h nole modern an.] ] o!fit lor botlr na e and l9ma e nLrrses soplrje Baxter. the head n!.se on the .h drer'S !rar.l. sai.]: ż ilre new ook s greai Tlre We : a lely on8 t me ior a clrange, The nelr dark b !. trou§els and dark gleen T slr d5 ook greattogetlrel ai.] Vre 4 tlrat the .o ours ż]nd sty e are mlclr nole plactica , ol colr§e nobody Wants to 8oto hospia, blt lyo!arethere yo! W] noyr be ooked aiter by some Very 5 n!rses @n.u" aeen,,eu, "9 B Vain B think c 2 A 'm th.k ńg 3 A 'Ve beeń vr'a t n9 4 A.rea .gleeiig B a]lagree c B hard Wear ng have c Wat a been agreeng c shóń s eeved Total I l3o the Poli§h parts of the senten€es, USE OF ENGL|SH 7 d Wea. your neW le.!ńel be]l ny pasek) if lhat 5k ń ]s too b]9, u choose the correct answers A-c to replace the Undertined pań of ihe sentence. u su a has a wavs been nc edlb v va n, (A) been too prold ofthe Way she ooks B 1 c looked incred ble dressed Very elegantly a Ways Do,h" lon oeooer,_"lv.are oomLchaboJrshdt they look ike? A 2 /5 lchce Wiedżieć) forweeks now f Ma.tha has peop|e Who don'tth]nk about seriousth]n9s e Who don't care about othe6 e who ]ke to be trendy Th]s shop has had cutting,edge fashions from aro!nd the Word {or yea15, A has so d the most styl]sh B ha§ been ótlel ng the most expens Ve c has beeń 5e ing lhe most modern Why d dn't you i ke Thomas? He .ame ąclojs,a§ Very B peop C peop 3 4 5 istarnc]/aś kontaktż) yo!l o d fr end Sebastian? l you (dbabyś badziejo swójwygląd), you'd fee better Whlch ofyour{riends (sPędade rużem na]więc€] czasu)? (póżnalem) myse f rea1 y we Wheń lvent trave]l .g lD a]one, seeme.]to be B tlied to bc c plete.ded 1o be 'm _oo]ng to wear t sb_o]]!€totheopcn.lconce.t to. ght Does t ook oK? A jitend to have th s b ouse on B 'd r.ihel Wear lh s bLolse c ]p,eferto Wearth s bou§e o e th nks he ooks rca ]y tlendyllle brj|.!!E!| A .g A co|]c ńoW he s changed B fash]on.b]e after chang nq c rebe ious since he s beeń chańg]ńg choo§e the correct an§wers A-c. 1o comPlete each Pair of sentences with the §ame Zlłłł/ńłfrlłnł* ; it It'.§ an interęsting fact thai those of u§who E rricnd§ don't on]y have ceriain things in common, but aclually sonretjncs ]ook a]ikę too- Take my best friend Joe, ibl example. wc gol With each other really well ,lnd bolll lile man} ol lh(.dmc lhlng. We enio) time in lhe palk, ibr instance, l ' )th Bul lhal\ ro, al|, \^e holh l n9 a I read somewholc that peop]e who weaT glasses are more likely to be liiends witlr pcople that wear glass€S too, Maybe it'§ th€ same wilh slylcs of shiris and jackets? oh, and there's ot1e lhing I lbrgot io n€ntion Joe is my dog :-) ]g ]n9 ,1) o 1 A throlgh 5 A garment Bby c c C have along spend B tallor c su]t @b-".. B §Pendlng The pages n th s book are a ho e . ri,].! and can't lead the Are ank e length trolsers really back Abet realy not that interested shoPPin9 {or c othes. 90 n9 Purpose boot§, Where did yo! lo\ĄeJrdenim jackcts, l thirrk it's becausę wę both want to look like a]lhough of course, ii's one thing to look this wey and anoll]cr 10 a§t ljke it!still, the jackett a r€ally practical lhjng to Wcar too as it\ a pariicularly strong but is sti]l quile ljght, 5 oi oh no, myfavolrte i:].},!jeans have got Goog e l js a -national company that empIoys wish these sho.ts wele lth]nk fashion -drying, iS a I Want to Waste of money boots look cooL, Just ike What th-. Beat|es Used to Wear| l was P aying {ootba l and got kicked on the l dón'r knów how vó! ćźń wźlk n The Prjces n th]s second-hand store are qUite Total /2o 17 s just a game REMEMBER BETTER VOCABULARY Abyłatwe] sżyb. ej Spot. phrasa verbs . co ocations. People SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 complete the dialogUes with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 Graham: Halry: 2 c|al{e, sdm: 3 Paulo: ouchL sorry, 'm it's a beaL]tf! . d.y are sk n iig ihe lr'or d] this no - youte not you? hate a a W]nter sPo.ts @ speRrs EeR ALL|, @ At Abbeyda e sports c]Ub We ofier a wide ,ange of sports and activ]ties ln the main spolts hal club canido i pld), basketbal olVo|€ybal]onoLrr ndool'cauds lpilches outdoors, yo! can 3do / pluy rnembers hockey, cl cket, footba I and rugby on ful Size apllćĄPJ .o!lJ8J. ln oul fantastic new bUilding we ofler the as we| as oltabletennis, Pus, W€ havea brund new badminton 7.oLlł /.otllJ. and indoor łing / rink / Ódolpldytennis gojL]do, karate and a€rcbics lor ]ce skaiing too! ln the sumfir€l you can 'do i gó ath eiics on th€ ma]n fie d ol rull alo!nd o!r rUnn]ng o, r ,0. do loroes,d,..o1aa 3o, and sai]ng on oul beauiilu] lake, We ar€ cUlrently bUi]ding a poo]. só Verysoon yoLr Wil b€ able to r'.io / go swirnoling at lhe club too Conhct us ai abbevdale sc@hitmaiL,com 18 HoW .o! d Jan-. et !s ke that? she's ibe best p ayer on the le.ń and 5he d]dnt atr]le for the n]atch, Adam's hurt h § ann, 5o hc has to o1 the tenn s .ompeili o. th s rr'eekcid i r-o 6 drop last year! chamPjon n ih, fnalgame ofthe se.son. L]ma s an exce lent s. lor She got dad fiut took hel sai n9 at the age of V,n, i V/he| hcr slx, Do you !r'ant to cońe and cheer her ur th .r]e? 'Ve dec ded to go fo. a karate tol rnament Do yo! thlnk c.n W n t? HoW many ca]ol e5 do yo! th nk ,15 m]nltes oJ yoga Focus oN WoRDs Icollocations 4 (sKD, choo§e the correct words. chance tó 5dD 5 6 Weekendl oh, z.m(niet9] prżestżei , 5oo.ty eknrema.e ó ,p o Mess] the (FOOTBALL) Lookl ts snow ng LetS 90 2 4 Was Who's that 9L]y n Yo! are jok ng! Th.ts Lione best Rafał: 3 o," younger the p]ct!re? ] W W ] ams has io ding a bike on TV do ng the Tour de France, WoW Yo!'Ve got a lot of meda s, R!nnii9, jumPin9, thlow ng the ]ave in ,,, Yes, L]sed to be a good (ATHLET CS) When Karl: (sW M), "o,b], . "po; (CYCLE) a q!]4 1 Let! go to the poo, r / complete the sentences wilh the correct prepositions. hope ess basketba l'm not a Very good l'm afra]d, Did ] see yolr brothe. yesterday, sam? . FocUs oN WoRDs lPhlasa]verhs 3 o!]ckL caich the ba pĘ!ą (PLA!, W]ęisża cżbę s]ów, ponar.] następnie tWór óżĄe qĘy pcd9rupy, np, W plzypadk! slóW ż!! aż.ny.h że spo.tef] m09ą lo być: sPó.ly zescoro!/c jnd],!r'i!a ie, sPcly L] |a Wo nym kadeczce, Pov/ietrż! John: Rogerl ż. p. n etać _ l -. .-./-P choo§e the correct words. 'Welcorne to'Sports ThoU ghts' on Radio sport. ThisWeekWe Wi] ask marathon runner, ]eremy 8radshaW, What ]t W€s |ike / ,!xl / ś.o.efirst jn the London N/]arathon, We'Italk to Pat Goodh]| Who 'łel]i / beal / /.5t ihe nationaI speed_c imbino charnpion and 3s.óre.l / V/an / brake a Wor d record at last Week's UK cimbing champlonships, Sker D€iśy Leader wil te l us how she a/oses / sc.,,es / łeeps in shape during the sUrnmel and giVe us some exp€ń advice on 5l.eaahg / keeping / cóming fit dUrin9 the Winter season, We' a so ask footb.l er, Alastair Madson, What he feels ]s rnore import€nt for his career: 6s.aljng / breakirg / |^/in/)lng goa s al7beL,ting / vl nning / bEałing rnatches, Finaly, ,o, i .a,e t|-- " p, 1P in oUr weekly phone-in cornpetit]on. NoW, this news has just come in - US basketbal p]ayer D]ck Boyd amazed fans and teammates earierth]s eVening When he's.o.e.// łepl,/ .,on nrole than ] 00 points ln a single game, And We haVe heard ihat AFc Woolwich's Donny Wei ard says he mighi qUit professiona footba laftel he managed to]omlss / ]ost/ brołe a goal in saturday's World cup fina from jlst one metre ,,, f,. r 5 Look at the §pońs re§ult§ and complete the gap§ wirh the correct name§. 8 @ co.plete...t ; tłtęd Won " 1 2 :,:l defeated b 3 ,7 .y- the 9ame pair ofsentences with the same - TEtll'll§: UILLIńH§ 3 l UDżt{lńf,HI 6 4 5 Focus oN WoRDs ó I PeoP e in sport 1 Use the words in the box to label people in spoń. There are two extra words, I opPonent referee suPPo,te, spectator teammate Don't 2 l Ł r ;l t 4 5 complete the dialo9ue with the names of PeoPle in 5poń, The filst letters ale 9iven. Reporter: H,..e lre .l_. t.,. fr.m the Nat o.a stac !.] w]th zoe srr ker ofTeam uk. the new woment 100m sprint chamąb! Zoe, yol] are fjna y the champ]b! ofthe Word. HoW does jt feel? zaa Wondeńul! l'Ve been tlaining harclWith the help of mylc , and the other 2t team my fantastic cou dn't have done it wthout thenr or al ofthe3s ihat Were Watching and cheerin9 me on here in thć śiżd!m 'Ve dót th_. best af RePortelI An.] ho!r' aboLt ihe 5r For a moment ]thought he Was going ]ll f] ,,l l ]' ]ec to W]r the clp c y had me dowi after they me boffow hls teńńis lacket, śo!!e .an took B c let mmer Simon Dav]es 5. d his main a m th s yeal is io his owi Wo. d recold. ai this Yo! ook ex]rausted, M ke. Lets have . SW A bre.t The be.t B Wa,V rest to ose We]ght c kćep is to keep aid The jacket rea y suited Ra.he , blt lnfońunaia Wa5 the rong siże and d dn'r heł ath etes in the UK y, got my team rea .]ames 3 ,sa B fee that {a ) t/ofiy 'Ve fiut jito rofr n9? . pa r óf skates .an eid yo! HoW o d Wele yoL] Vr'hen you zoe, to stop the race, That Was a itt e Wolryjng, yes, p" l, l9JlĄąó(I!| \ót But 'Ve been and lWaS Prepared for any ol my o 19 o ,lop -r" l'rrs Repońer: Thank you Zoe, The UK is ploud of^ yoLr and yo!r thoUsands of ds Wor d can't Wa]t for yo!r next compet t on, I i A shape l,i]y sports c B fit me told need Watch yt hea thy to ose some We ght if Want10 Wln the trophy, think we'l take ihe io the stadjum. There shou dn't be too m!ch trafiic A traiier B fan complete the With the corectform ofthe words flom the box. There are two extra words. beat come goal point sPedatór teaarrfrate Win N4y ,! lhrew me ntc tFe rve. after qe Vion 1 kio! \,V refelee can't tr two lery 1:st .s1 ń the the blt cdntthnk'd r..e m.łe9 of the s.le.m .9 .t The 1. match eft,the{answere lo bLo!r' the Wh st e, had pa d f275 ea.h forticketsto w.t.r the game llom the V P area, L]. Lee the favólriie J njn9 Ho tc b..cme tr]s ye.l! Women5 iab e tenn s Wold f Ber oW s.oles the next n].:.. and be the nei t.b e tenn he' W]n the 5 chamP oi , 'lE 19 GRAMMAR l sHoW WHAT YoU KNoW 1 Put the story in the *** Look at the §ign§ and complete the sentence§ and questions with the correct form ofth€ v€.bg in F- 1 corect order. Ray did.'t inrish tAe lace, L] ! when the ambu ance arrjved, L§a and RayV/ere 1 tle lacl she tlied to help him get uP, a.d chattin9 "n aL]gh ng, y ,un tt ,ee m]les When he fei ovel anc] asked s. o When Ray! B!l co!1.1nt because had h!.t aik e o W.tching the vlhen fe] over o sł monlhs latcr qól m.l.ied eg Was better, he he L: stand L on a .]ate he Lisa W.§ race |]s Ray At 8 a,m, the race hadn'tstażed (stań), they 1 2 )ł complete 2 the sentences with the corect form of the verbs in brackets. ] o1rc: f rcd tFe 9ln ańd ihe race t Was r.]n n9 heav]ly When Fer9uson The 3 B: Yes, jt had, l,.lr.r ibegii] R ght Jone5l tl 11 / h;.1 l .J.nF / 6 7 RI B: |bakeady blew / had akeady blown / was aiready b/owing the Whlstle three times.Jones, but you calried on playingl Did you see the ice hockey |ast night, Ben? Great goal by Grabic, h!h? Well, "Watchedl had Watched /waswatching the gam_. When the doorbell rang, lWent to answer it; it Was some sa es person, and When got back l bmissed/ had missed/ Was m6sln9 the 9oall ry J:!l, ,a .ó | .nd llere Watch]ng the race on TV When he b-5ł. ./ l:d .5iei/ Llas aś]ri.9:'Granddad, hale ycL e,]er that hadn'i l!ń o - \aio V.]op Jo done that?' io d h nr for my graidson, T mmy, yo! got there? -ł .onrPet tor (eave) crolld At cx..t y ] 2:45 the -By2pm the (ju"rp], played rl9by when broke my arl ,l.,,s:,l:lL.l,.: We Went to ihe A Ps in APr l, but We co! dn't śk b ", - . ol" Watchec]the race Nhen NoPe !!on the goid medal and broke the world record, Were city beai ng Arseia n ast n ghtt game? The referee d dn't conceńtlate ylhen B!.torr to!.hed th. b. lWiih his hand, a) ^ ie.i.l]ng to rL]n? yo! oh, We ], ast ye.l my 9randson (SnoW) When Find and correct the mi§takes. at 7ó years of age yo!'re thc o dest {]n 5h the marathoń today competitorto A: 5 a,m,, the conrpetition (begin). 5A: ye ow card for yol oh Retl What'di. / có a.m.-1p.m. When arrived at 1]:30 Verb form§. a l0]30 a,m ? coMPETlTloN (already/cro§§) the finishin9 ]ne, The ra.e beqan at ]ó:0O and the ast.y.]st (f nish) ai exact y 17:08, D ane Was a ready at the gym Whei she rea| sed She (forget) her towei, (.lmb) Evelen !!hen Fyfe an.] Scott the acc dent h.pPened 1 R: .]| (cyc e). sKl JUMP|NG the 10km sgn, the fastest lL]nneE ;t * Choose the correct 20 t_(begin)at9 a,n,], conrpet]tors (nn sh)at A: _the rcce _ At 9:30 a,m, the (.rash]his Fefiar 2 Whei 3 ( n yesterdny! Braż ian ó f.i§h ng Gr.nd Prix, LeW]s WaS Second P.ce, Boxer,.]oe Fosier Was f]ghtin9 ovel ]00 oppo.ents When he ret red ]n ]994. ]n GRAMMAR T.ain and Try Again page 147 ]] L 2 LISTENlNG LANGUAGE PRACTICE collocation5 . phrasal verbs choose the.ombination which is 2 só, whv did vau take up windsuńną? What otherWater spot§ djd yoU do? Are youl mUm and your cousln sti]your 3 Was your cousin a good Windsuńer? 1 a subject / sameone the fu]es / first place ,.,di,g re @E conrplete the sentences with Verbs from Exercise change the verb forms if necessary. f yo! Vl.ii. bódy ikea{]iness rstrlctol, yo!' 2 F]lst of a||, congratu ations.]ackie, Last month you became the Wold Under elghteen Windsuńing J: J: 3 Yes, thatl rght, Thank you. sa, whv did vóu take uD Windsuńną? A_ TWo peop e really: my mum and my cousjn, Rachel, jirstr Windsuńing With my mum, We l,/"d -l"a- \e sed, dl d We \pF| óvó./ JLT-e- ó J: that snowboard, she student§ F nJ ly t has 5ńowed an.]We are 9oii9 to the weekend in the mountalns. l can't wait p""d_ " 1 /o, write senten.e5 with the verbs and nouns from Exercise 3, sPEND hours Mv brather spends haus Dlaviną ońljńe ąames, 4 oUr Weeke.ds thele, We did lots o{ sai ]ng, aid then Rache thought We shoL]]d try out row]ng, Wasn't sure about rowing atflst, [.,]blt my mum thought t Was a good jdea, NoW 'm 9 ad ] dld lt becalse it made myarms stlong, and rhal helped my W ndsuńing, I, ,] D Yes, defjn te y, thiik take after fl,]y mum l hope Ihave some o{the same q!a jt]es anyw.y And R.che] ]5 ]ke a b 9 sister to nre n W]nter Focus oN WoRDs 5 complete gaps1-5 in the interviewwith Jackie in Exerci§e 1 with the verb§ {rcm the box. change the łorms if neces§ary, There are two extra verb§, b&ome do go jo]n not Win P ay spend t_.ach ) IPhrasa]verbs choo§e the correct Words. 1 2 3 ] a, bUV a compett on and that Was the first Priże, Hey, can p ay too? Wi l you ,_ me the ru es? NoW that you'Ve sPent so mUch money on trainel§ and equ]pment, don't yo! think you shoUId actualy Nasręp e !ży] tych Vjyrażeń lv żdai] o scb e !l] swo]ch zi.]omych, aby łaiwie]je żap.]nięIłćD!ż_! ża5ób słown ct\ła, a sżcżegó nie Stalych żVi ąż<oi łażeo 09 czr]ych, by.dż]e bardżó ponrociy nł in-tizc, [ ,,] She was a rea |y good example fol me Wanted to be sPońy ]ke he. So you grew up nearthe sea, c A lsorts. At f rst, Windsuńng Wasn't my favo!lite th]n9, l ked other Watel sPońs l ke swimmin9 and even s.rah ilidn't o. K edy !czysz 5 ę ńoiych .żaśown]kóW i!b !tN. aSz zr].czeń e tych ]Jż Pożnal]y.h, skorżystr] ż. słoWn k. B a i REMEMBER BETTER Ye§, but she Was good at a W de lange of sports. ling R.che ta ked me nio J severa clubs during their fiBt few Weeks at univer§]ty, tśa good Way to meet together Rachelśtwoyearso]derthan meand'Ve a Ways ooked UP to her l sti l do, Sa ]łl! houu . the gym every wee[ shes stldy ng Spori5 Sc e.ce .i Phys c. Ed!..t !ń lers ty, he !a.ts to .l a śe.ondarys.hoo lo Aitel Gl_.g JMost anyth ng, but she rea y en]oyed it, She stańed to 3 me w ndsuńing as soon as could swjm I,,,]. l Was on y about 7 yeaB o d. N4y cous]n Rache Wastheletoo. She and her{amiy lved near us, My mum gave Us both e§sons JI i.!e 3, lunning? on the beach, My mum had entered Windsu.fin9 competitions when she Was a teenager She J: suńing / aerobics / nning the gyn / a club / athjetics go join 5 1 Extr..t lroń sfude.ts' aoók a camPetitión / a gaa| / a race Win 3 4 in spafts ... / hours ... / the weekend ... 1 2 Look at the recording extracl. Put queśtion§ 1-4 in gaps A-D. lot Possible 4 realy look up / overl aćross to Rona do, He! a true professionalathlete. My sistertakes up / on / ańermy mum they're both excelent skiers, HoW d]d you ever ta k me in / jnrol to c lmb]ng? l'm terifi€d of heights. Karen Was put o1Tl on / outsnowboarding aft€r tod her how l broke my eg last Winter. Atrue champion wou d never glve overl down / UP aftel losing one match, Rob's a Ways Wanted to try out/ on / in canoelng, so sarah had trouble Pickjng on / !p / athow to p ay badmlnton at łr§t, but she! good now' 21 READlNG 1 A high §chool hero . co]]ocations . ritua s and routines Read the text quickly and choose the best iitle for 1 Alt 2 3 5t. boys dleam ]ob aS Schoc b.sketba team A!1 n c boy ]o ńs ńat oi. b.Sketba tean] Al]t 5t c boy! baskctba dte.m be.omeś. re. ly o o o lt sounds like fantasy: an autistic schoolboy is brought onto the basketball court as a last minute substitute*, scores 20 points in four minutes and becomes a national hero, However, in February 2006 that is exactly What happened to 17-year-old Jason McE|Wain, from RochesteĘ NeW York. ]ason has autSm, a cond]iion that rnakes ćommun cat ng. soc a|is ng and readingother peop e'5 fee ings difficu]t, However, that dd not plevent ćoach ]im ]ohnson from making him 'managea of Greece Atlrena High Schoo's basketba l team, Before that, apart from a couple of m nutes in a ]unior game n 2004, ]ason's aut sm had always stopped h m from actually p ay ng for the team, But on the even]ng oithe annUa] 'senior Nighi' garne, Which Was held ]n the students'final year of the court on the l shoulders, His teammate R ckey Wa ace sa d: ' knew he could shoot, but didn't know he coud score 20 porlts,' ]ason's father, David I\4cE \łain, 51, said: 'He Was rea y happy on the Way home, He djdn't seep became famous around the countly. He receVed olfers from celebrit es, such as basketba a lot that night,' 3 te Jason s sporting achievement Was filmed, and by the evening, a Video of him in acton had a ready h m \łjth a spec gh school, the team's coach gave .] l\4ac, as he iścalled, a shirt with the number 52 on the back, and tod hm cornpan es and publishers keen to a award, 4 since 2006, Jason has graduated from high schoo and found partt me w tlr a Work wellknown food store, He Wrote a book, Ihe Game óf My Life \łh ch Was pub]shed in 2oo8 and he fina few mnutes, was Jason sent onto the states laising money for autsm cl]alities, He s also nvoved n pub c speak ng, and s a talented lunnet n september 2012, he Ln the couń, when his teammates passed him the ball, Jason camy a]med* and scored seven baskets* from 13 shots, scoring five points a rninUte and breaking schoo recolds, Athena beat theil opponents Spencelport 79_ 43. At the end of the game, spectatolś canied Jason off @ subgtitute (n) n team spońs: a p ayel Who S se.t onto the pitch/cou.tto replace anolher p ayerWho s ijred, ]ńj!red or p aying poorly; zawodnik rezeruowy aim (V) ii sports: to look carefu ly and choose the place you wantto throw ol kick a bal, orshoot a weapon;ce]ować 4 s story, ]ason even met ihe Arrrerican pres dent at the lme, George W Bush, Who presented h he WoU d let him play n the all mpońant game at some point, 22 channe| ESPN and Jason qućkly hero EarV n 'Mag c' ]ohnson and TV star oplah W nfrey, as We as l ]m r] i l i ] ] Vra*, EventL]ally, the Video reached the te evision sports gone F now travels across the L]nited K c completed his first marathon ace. n onIy 3 hours, and 41 seconds, With a] the activity that is gong on n hs ]ife, ]ason admts that he hasn't been play ng as much basketbal , but saysi 'occas ona y, l' go in 15th p 1 m nute and shoot baskets,' baśket rn) ii basketbal: the rings at e thel end ófthe couń; a so, the pó]nt Which is scoled When you throwthe ba successlu y intó óie oflhose rin9s; kosż 9o viral fa p cture, V deó, ]oke, etc aoes Vira|,]isplea.Js Wide y, espec a y ón the litelńe| rożejśćs ę W nternec e l 2 (9 o o o M.tch headings A-F With pa,agraphs 1-4. There Focus oN WoRDs 5 are two extra headings. A Amer].a! nevr' spoń]ng hero B Alt sm {!] y expla ned c Jason!5uccess.ont]n!es D A qift and a prom Se E J t\4ac! mag c mome|t F Jason the best altist]. rUniel comPlete the s€ntences with a phrase from the box, a decisive over give sb pea.e of mind lepeat a sequence the fir§t step the ast phase thgpojnt oFno fet§ffi What ]S altism? Who gave J.son the oppofiui ty to p ay n the 'senicr Night'9ame? AtWhat Po ntd d Jason join the game? 4 Wh ch team Won the 9ame? 5 Who descrjbed Jason 5 fee in95 after the 2 What d d c6rta n ce]ebrties, fim compan]es and p!b she6 Want to do? Whele does Jason do hj5 charity Wolk? 6 7 3 o |,o o p Po ,od 8 ^ menlioned in the text? 4 As soon as We go alound the next bend, We Wi 90 pa5t iii. Dc],ii oi,ro ,eil]rlr. The Water moves so fast thai \łe W l oniy be ab ,. to move in one d]rect ón - down the rivertowards the seal chose to run around the h laihelth.n ovel ]t lt! good to dó someth ng d]ffele.l once i. a Vr'hie The referee senl off oL]r best Player {or cheat]ng, That in the game. What a jokel The . profe§s on. .th ete 5 to decide Wh ch spec. isat on to foc!s on, Yo! can baat th complete the collocations With the verb§ from the box. U§e th€ text to help you. There are two extra verb§, beat b.in9 complete 9" p".. P€y -l B|ajl for a ream 2 3 4 someone vr' th ai award 5 a maraihon (or any other race) REMEMBER BETTER K cdy !czysz 5]ę ," o,,, t no,!.90 wyrażenla składalącego .żasown]k], \,! ten Plosty sPosób Posżeżysżżasób swo]e9. s]own dua, corlect bal] with the 1 n 'k k the ba] , or you can § ] 4 jn.redjb e d staices basebal , he or she Barnes ls a Very the ba !h d the bal , lhree t mes in P ayer He rarey P the b. ]to another P aye. When "t w ihe ba lo lt Lrs ng both h.nds 5 p ay,"r yoLJ, try and 6c n baskctbal yo! can't]!5t run With the ba . You have io b e ]t on the { oor a5 yo! run, olr dog W]l happ] y '' h a ba or . Stick a day p ]on!], blt it! Very har.]to get h m to hd |t once he! got]t in h s mouth, c"mpl.te the sent€nces with the correct form 'm quite aży, so PreJel less 2 4 § 'oL]t' sefsh ng o{ the wordś in bra.ketś. 3 {ootba , yo! .an't lse yolr haids, Yo! Use yolr feet to 3 ba ó @ 1 verb and folm, The filsl dnd lasl leltels ale giVen, Fir§t, try to do the exercise Without usin9 a dictionary or che<kinq online. The best 9o fers can h]t the and w th great a..!ri.y, a Ways of p!nche5 after he moves Left, eft, rjght, eft, l ght, t! Focus oN WoRDs IWold fanriies sę ,- ,o^ L" p ""d, ,,, ,oł,,t które h.żą się z tym salym rzeczolvn k em, complete the cóllocatiońs With boxer He blt every knows ts the on y W.y to hit the ba pe.fect y With your racket The 1act that W nn n9 or osiig si't impo.tant .an and he P yo! see the |t's s]mP y a game and We're P ay ng b]gger Pict!le. forfL]n so]L]st enjoy ltL ofo!ryoga c ass this morning and then yo! .an a L go home Take a deep breath, to!ch yoL]rtoes and hod the po§jtlon for rhreF m]n ]reś lt might be bol slccessful tenn ó someone on łs a slbsttute 5 back two 5tcP5 Watc| th€ 5ame every t]nre 5 presenl 1 moment break from sb's routine do the same thing nead the text again, An§wer the questions about the łext in youl notebook, 3 roltines You may need to chan9e pań o' the phrase, 3 @ 1 2 l R tua s and 5 dańs ol snooker !!!!9 (AcT) sports like (sUPER), For P enry of sPo.tsPeoPle are examP e, M].hae .]ordai lsed ro Viear h s co ege shońs !n.]er iis ofiicia NBA sPońs kit (DEc DE)? j!st Why can't l be mole don't knóWWh ch team ]Want to P ay {orthe most. (PoWER) egs to be Yo! need preily . profes§lona lonq jUmPer Don't you find p ay ng chess rather (REPEAT)? YoU do the sanre moves ovel and (REslLlENT)l{ Ath etes need a lot of they ale to retuln aftel a serious n]!ry and comPere at the h]ghesi eve aga n, l GRAMMAR 3 ** complete the texts With the core<t form of the verb in capitals, 1RUN She ]y lr es :9 2 SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW ] Mdich velb patterns A B c D E 1 2 3 4 5 2* A + E to the 5entences, 3 ob]ect + ]nl ń live W]tholt to !!ąrt !o dl Ve . FórmU a ] .al oie day. We !r ght99 for a §Vi]m aler The coach irqLę§ \]! t]!! 3 k lometres belole the tra Iing 5tań5, P ease rqmind ńe to plt a c ean towe n rny gym bag, Karen falrc es V/atch nq basketba on TV ar home We arianqed to meęl.t łhe toP ot lhe §l ]{i :t 4 o'...[ @ o U U o o croś§ out to Where it i§ not neceśsary. Welcome to the singapore F1 Grand Prix, where today's race should to be very excitin9. ,-r 1-10. d|oo,, AnA lLć ,lr 1 ^"o n,]po.tańt race {or sebastiai Vette 2 Vette ii s .ttempt ng to W n h]s th ld race a row here !! evely day, She doesnt miid When the We.thel ]5 9ood blt she V/hcn t'5 co d ćnd Wet. EAr N ck! mum makes h m" even though he hates ii, she forces hinr 6 bananas, Which he doesn't jke, and even thoUgh sea{ood, §he cooks fjsh he can't stand "_ Verb + to ]nf n tive Verb + ob]ect + to ]]Ve Verb + -ing moda Verb + ]nfin i Ve Witholt ro Velb ( i. slngapore, the otherdrlvers et him to Wn aga ń, he'l almost ceńa n y become this year! champion. BUY the trainels ifshe had mole at money, but she can't afford b_them the n,]oment, The sales assistant in the shop advised them next moith because they Wil p"obab y be cheaper then. *** Usethewords in capitalsto comp ete sentences with a §imilar meanin9. WoU d FANcY 1 yo! ]ke to p.y ońe more game? Do yoL i:l_..,/ -.].]]ir! one ńjole g. me? oL]r PE tea.her forces !S to fu]n round the hockey fed ihree t mes be{ore the g.ńe MAKE 2 hocke! l]e d lhree t]mes bcfole the Gav.sald he Vr'o! d p]ck !5 oFFER ui.fte,the game tomorcW, Gav n 3 We don't 90 to judo c asses anymor,A. 4 A an rea y doe§n't ike os n9 at badnr nion 5ToP CAN,T STAND ]f The weather is wet, so the teams hóve a l de.ided to stari the race With Wet-W€athe l tyles, SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT Remember, Vette on y jUst avo ded to crashing dul]ng th s yeart Wet Monaco G.a.d Pr]x. Vette's manager has Walned too fa5l h m not to drVe n these cl]ffjcult cond tion5. KeeP 10 Watchin9 .ftel the race for more excit]n9 motor rac ng action here on TUrbo channe 1] sunny Gym Personal Trainers Ale yolrattempt n8.qg!t (get]fit bLrt not hav n8 mUch succes5? Ale you Wastin8 t me |do]exerc ses that dontWork? Yot] ' (benefit] flom the hetp of coutd' a persona I tldiner, oL]r tla ners W]ttteach you 3 [exelc 5e]eflrciently and effectVely, ónd (injule]yolrsetfWhen hetpyoLrtoavo]d' you Work out, Trdinin8 5ho![d 5 notfrustrat ng, Let oul trainers you the fastest loute to sL-]ccess, ó l fun, |b€] |show] contact Becky at the Reception fordetails and bookin8s. aB GRAMMAR Train and 24 Try Again page 147 UsE oF ENGLI5H f the ł@ ** ct oo"" ,r,. correct answers A-c. so, toa, neither/nor, not either conversation rvith mv sports coach and l bir dkappointcd. He thinks l'n nof read! ro run in the minj malathon Dcxt month, R€allyj I l @ * Cho"." tt. ola: "orreci answer5 A-C. Luther and AleX ale tfain ing for the min U ll. i Jules: Rea ly, _ B soaml C soarethey A sodo Lior: hoPe We can Win the game today, Feiicia: Yeah, , but 'm fee ing a itt e n-.ruo!s, | l have to say, AsoWecan Bsohave Laurie: Eddy can lun Wil Harriet: 4 A WeL, Mark can Mij{ loo c so does Mari colrśe in ]!do J!djth [4aybe|hey' be nthesame Renata: LU.y sherl]e: csodo] 100 metres ln Under 14 I too B so do.S is go]ng to do a A Sodoeś B So s 5 Eddie: Wa.tto meet |].ited c in so Wil the.ext ro!nd ol the cup, l the A Us too @ * cr,oo." B you ioo tr," translation A-c {or the "orrect Poli§h Pańs of the sentences. 1 l Woi't .hełt n a maich and James |Iównież nje). A Won't.eithel B !voń'l either c Won'ttoo 2 sammy had n.Vel Vis 1ed slch a b 9 stadium before A neithelhave B 3 4 Noie of the other rlnners James says h€ Sho! dn'l h.Ve to takźe nie powi.icnień) re sta.t ańd (oni!eż !re) ńethel they too B reithel had C lordolve take a b ood t.n, ihey c Asia: Me]: Rea y? H. a'oLr]Li,/ Fr"doy: llolii ' i. yo! Den|<.. ,, be{ore o They Were q! te 9ood thou9h, (eren't they? ^, oh, 2 Alba: We can go togethe. Lydla and Tony have never Played Voleyba l. Donl Wolry, .]amie and George 4 oh, no, d dń'l br ng We bly some rere? Heather ove5 Watching Ky e p ay footb. (J; lókże), ihiik cćn Olga: Lynn: he's Wonderful, 5 K€ren:'lneverWnaspońscomPetition, ossie: Rea ly? q! ic sporiy thint. * * comP|ete the sentences with the Wolds in brackets, You may need ro add words, U§e at least J< \ ke Lexie: Mar.eleh.d nevelbee. .eskatn9 4 ooks yollE A.d !re'.,. .2y ieenagers ? Jasmin: .an't 5.y ]ke P ayli9 basketba very n]uch Tanya: oh, ] ...]/ r iii.e 1 i.r., n {a.t, rhlnk t! ihe ben sPolt -"Vel Fran: 'm p ani n9 to go 5W mmiig th s afternoon, Liża: Rea y? 5. ar l / 5. .].] 1/ s. !rr]] ] We .an go together f B had Cdotle 1Ahave c he doeSn't 2 A do B donl B WoUd c coud 3 A shoud B do too c have too 4 A are too c di.ln't B haven't 5 Adont ó A ctheldoe§ B too does c so s 5 g * * * Translate the Poli§h part§ of the sentences, Rico: ] can't ,Wjm Very We , l'm afrajd, Noahi Real y, .iiil].1/,l.| .aN ] (]n ież nie] 1 Pauline: 'm 9o n9 to the cup {.a oi S!iday, ts too :i.] t thiik? iF. r óee.]o99 r9 ro ke 5!ch fuń, don't yo! V) Pa ert. / ]ii/. i,.J1 lsallrd,o.|u:r lldia,'- so nolthem Abeńo Wo!]d never go . jmbing l ,l$ou1,1 lccl rcad!: vhat does hc kno!v? But maylre he doesn't undcr\tand I doD't aciually carc about ł,inning and ncithcr 3 he, vĄit I really care abotlt is gening morc racing cxPerience,I believc thac§ nror€ imporiant and my prrcnts a , Which is §hy t'm going to enter the r l "lh,,n $:lh ol \V,f| oUl lllc.llPD.ll .-nl\ rJnlllll3 co&h, what do )ou think? Do vou think l'm making d a l,ig mista|e: I 5 .I'm sure n § a good idea| And m,v friend Sophie.*,ho thhks l might even conre in rhe rop 100. Krysia: )ł choose the corlect forms, dar9eroLr5 fo. h m. a tnc .ace We h.d.'tseenthe res! tsimmed;ate yafielthe 9ame lanla: j to nolme. A ńethershc!d B norsho!dnl C sho!dnttoo A 3 * l c !r'ant a.d (iny ćWnież.ie) B ńolvje A iorls (]a 5 ne]lherhad !e iust' _ I hrve to say l1n ] Jales s go n9 on an advert! .nd:r..l. L,,] (we) 'Ve hac] my hajr.ut e ho c.y i .]!ne shoi fol lhe race aid 2 stacyt Parents d]dn't go horse racing and 3 Those iti e children are lunning VeryJast and our 4 EVe yn WonlWeal the new uniform and 5 1.1! (my) (ioo), () s.F.o doesn't have a {ootba p tch and (your) 25 - WRlTlNG The first letters 9iven. 1 smiles and Miles - an online community comPlere the advice with th€ Words from the box. There are two extra word§, for happy runners end fina general how +""'l leadel what whej1 who .ty discussion board - your injuries _] 1 n the l rst p.69raph say Where and "4!{ the e!_.nts Was ]nvo led took p;ce ..d b n th. na n body par.glnphs, !se namt Ve ienses to you fe t, describe " happeńed .nd b pa óal the b Fii sh W th a ! ' ",,L" "PP,,, anc how lhe peop e ń!o Ved le t, io th po nt, sonreth ń9 for lhe!t Match the sentences below to the advice in Exercise 1. There may be more than one example for a piece of We ylerc fee ng q! te ] 2 3 1 red afler ai holr ol two Bythe end ofth. ho day, We h.d had enoLJgh of borts aic V/-tel, l'/]! s ner flas comP ain ng . the t me Last s!mmer, ny i.mi y and went kayakiń9 4ló ]a aó.-a o "l ,9 1,o], 5 probab y ong enough, We hadn't done aiy tra]n n9, so o!r afin5 ó My k.yal Wa5lLr ofvlatel and wasfreez]ng cold a U U o o o o Aga TOk started running in our loca park about 18 monihs ago, began, l bought some rLrnning shoes and a GPS Watch so lcou]d see how far had run, it was pfeity d fficu l and cou]dntdomorethan two orthree weeks of about 3km,'A runn]ng regu ar y, t staried to get eas er and ihe the summer Was runn ng 10 klometres lhree tmes a Week B!jg! 1A rb e f o f d the Went out for a'NeW Year'run n the snow and lce l Was ioggjng a ong the road When slpped and fel and broke nry than six months to rrea eg propely t l look mole Was rea ly lrustlating because l cou dn't do any exercs€, BUt strong enough to start rlnning again, l ove runn ng, but afler my acc dent, l Ve dec ded noi lo 90 When there s snow and 5e , l Was choose the correct linkers, 1 !.Ierl 2 3 a 5 ó I]n.--]i/th.t d.y, We dec]dcd to c ]mb the nearest mo!nt.]n to yiatch th. s!n go doWń in r]r_. e!.l/ aN !]e i,lst d.y V/c V/crc ab e to say We'd a had a faitast c ho iclay, a-.rr? / Fi6i We Weit lp to our rooms and changed ńto o!r sW mm n9 .ost!mes, We a had a qU ck breakfast and .rłel / ll].| sot ready fol o!r day tlip Fr].j]lV,./ B--i.jl-. !e 9oi tó the toP ofthe h] aid co! d en]oy the VleW ofthe cty. .-r_. L]ió[.q n].rn tq / Ihe! We Woke !p eary, 7 4iierl lhei 8 9 09, o, p,,b,oóo footbJ matchonry A ].e Watched the joined !s on the bea.h. 5he Frlsr/ o. 1l],. lh]rd i;|We decided to rest aid save o!l e.elgy fol rhe o.g .y. e lide on ThUrsday, B_V ll],. .'.n.l.i / Alial ih.i the J rsi Week We'.]c]e.i.led we ńever VJa.ted 1() come home 10 We Walked fol hoi]ls bL]l We i. lnć end / reac.ed the hole i. t me for d nner 26 $ il|.llv ó 5 l l ] Read the task below. comPIeie the blog entry with 6 word from the box in the corr€ct {orm. There are two S ' (9 Po-ysl ]. say What events you Would L o jatims Wydarzeniu sPo.towym, lub które w któlym Ucżestnicżyłeś/ucżestniczyłaś ZredagujwPis na blo9u o9 adałeś/oglądałaś, Th;nk o{ a §pońing event or an active holiday you have pańicipated in. Write a bloq entry. lnclude and develop the§e Points: q"" *."l" u-o l ool pl- , l ] wl l . . | Descr be what happened | ' S", łha yo, ed,od,ie"bo, ,l,\,,,"l i how they make you fee]. NOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT (80-130 słów), W którym: . po .i.jrm!jesż, gdż e kiedy m]ał. m ejsce !a mPleża, . zl. acjo.!]esż przeb]eg tej ]mPl.ży, . op.ż.śżod.ż!c]a swcie or-ż nnych !cżestńilóW, . d 1.p sże5ż,jak]e inpreży spoftov/e chce, obejrzeć ,l plzj,sż,oś.ina żyvr'o d a.żego, ke to atrend in the {Uture, I after before finallv first last later neł słond -l summer rny father and decided Alo 90 / qolrg on an organised cycling holiday in Norway. We had a med Bdolrg / fo do something qU te active a-d, oe(a-se cJLl1.9 l) ,orre'|- nq lvP bol|] en,o, cooirg / to do, it Was an easy decisron, ' we left, we both had tra ned because We didn't Want to get too t]red on the V]p, And by the end of the day We Were thankfu that We had Worked so hard on getting f t. l don't mind osdylrg / to say, We Were exhausted 4 that 3 f]lst day's ride, But don't Worry, nobody lorces you Eto cycle / cycle so much every day and it is a great thing about the ho iday. There are a nurnbel of diffelent Vips to choose from and on the day We decided Fto take / takhg thinqs easy, And each night, in fact, you can Gio stay / stay in a different place and yol]l lugqage i5 transported by car for you] ln ihe end. We felt lealy relaxed, The only thing We didn't ike 5 Thele are p enty of organised tr]ps online, so if you fancy Ntó do / dolrg something simi]ar thi5 summer, l strong y encoLrrage yo.r ta give l g^/ing il a ga. ó yeal We}e plan|inqJta qO l qain!ł Io sweden and cycle from Ma mó to stockholm, ó Read the text again and choose the correct form A-J. 5HOW THAT YOU,VE CHECKED Gdy skończysz pisać pracę, sprawdź, czy uwżględniłeś/ uwzględńiłaśwszystkie punkty ż iisty, Moja relac]'a na bl09u: .ó dP PrżesżJych do op s! głólviych Wydarż_.ń oraż - / ,la. /,:ę ó. a . żaWel. o.jPowiedn e sPójn ,od. o,- k sygna z!]ące o-,,], o !,. lwżs ędn a opis tego, co wydarżyłosię ia obl o p o",oJ, . końcży 5]ę ogó .ym sl!r']er.lzen]em ub zacheta ód /].t .ęaa J- r.l P,/- nie żawiel. b]ędóW ortograf].znych, i.ży 80 130 . 5łóW, żóstała starannie ] czyta nie nap sana, o 27 sPEAKlNG 1 Asking for and givin9 an opinion . a9reeing and disagree;ng choose the apProPriate resPonse. 1 Tim: What do yo! thiik .bo!t th€ ihat Profess oia {ootba ers are Paid so mlch ficney? To be honest/ No Way, Lthjnk ]t! BANK zWRoTÓ!\, Do WYPoWEDzl USTNEJ A§king fo. sońeone's opjnion 2 Jane: Pytanie innych o zdanie What do you think about ...? Givin9 an opinion lthink .,. | 4 Myśę, że.,, (just) don't think .,. (Po prost\.]) n]e §ądże, źe Jeśi o mi]e chodz ,,, / Jeś .hcesżżn.ć moje żdan e, , The thing is ,., A9reein9 With an opinion , Zgadżanie 5ię ż opinia 5 MatŁ ó NeilI Noel: Z9adzam się, Half a9reein9 with częścioweż9adżanie sIe |'m not so 5!le about that. Nie ]estem tego Pewny/ 7 Jack: Wyraźanie odmjenńe9o ldon't agree Pą,kro mi, Disagleein9 siron9ly stanowcże Wyrażanie odmienne9o żdania No way| (informal) W żadnym WyPadk!] Are you kiddin9? (informal) Za.ty sobie rob]sż? (Potocżn e) |'m afraid complete y Not havin9 §trong opinions Pelsonally, don't {ee strong y one way ol the ] Pq/klo mi, ae żlPełnjes]ę Brak żdecydoWanego me, ]justdontthinkWe do enough spońat Ti,- ,Ą.9 ,, J l ,-"|} - , oy "9,p- l do , spoń, so don'i mind, He en th]nks nrotor-rac]ng is too dangelous and 5hoLr d b-. banned, We l, /agree / /fyou ask methe drivers have a choice, don't they? They don't have to take pań, l'm g ad they have dec]ded to ]etg]rs P ay in the schoo footba team, alen't l dont feelslrong/y one W.y oih er / Abso/utely, l suppose itt good for the girls Who ale ]nto footbal an , |'d preferto go to the qym, comPle,te the dialogue between scott ańd owen. The {irst letters are given. a e nie żgadżam s]ę ż panem/pan]ą/tcbą oKto or s(ott: |'m sotry, Do you think We Wi l Win the next World Jackie: Personaily, Nie ]estem przekoi.ny/ Djsa9reein9 l Cup? Are yóu kidding? / That's true. With our ctJrent team We dón't hav_. a chance, Aeroblcs is on y forWomen, That! not tfue / /agree, Ther€ are severa men in my c ass, sarah: oh come on refereeL That Was clearly a {o! , Don't you think, sam? saft l'm noi canvincedl Abso/Uteł, Lt ooked Md.y: szcżely /sżcżela , la ( yol )ee . aL Lhele, gol 9 Lo be " b 9 boxing match atthe new stadlum next month? Do you fancy 9oing? D,o Ll-", r r\, oPl , ol , bo, | 9 isn't even a spoń, ltĄD! itt hońb e, Rea ly? Well, m 1§ , l don t w y thjnk jt! rea y er. t ng to !!.t.h 3oxers are sk] ed .tF etes owen: Bo,i o' No scort: yol k ? W.tch n9 growr k] ea.h otFer ]s iot V/r.t .a ex.tng, Pelsoi. y, doi'tfnd v o enc. eilert. nii9 scoit: i] rn c . Peop e hłve been pa !/at.r]ig lio eit sports owen: 'A men try an.] fc tho!San.]s o1y.ars, , blt that doesn'i ńake il riqht, Peop e have been fiqhtin9 Wars for żdecydowań e ża ź.d.ą scott: thousands of years, Do you think War is exciting too? of co(]rse not, but 5l d can compare boxing to war For a stań, the boxer5 have a choice, They don't have to f]ght, owen: Wel, if you ća m , there's a|Ways a choice Whether ]t's box ng s.oti: --Z 28 Wel , Perhap§. Hey, how about thls maybe instead oJfightlng Wars, We coL]ld Put Word leaders in the boxjng ring, bet you'd Watch tha: l Match 1-8 with a-h to make Phraśes.U§e a didionary 2 5 ly o you sense of o o o de9radin9 o o o o 9 Ve a belonging e your com{oń zone o c @ a i..l complete the sentences with the phrases in Exercise 5, Then Watch the second part o{the Video (00:45 02:4ó) again ard chect your answers, Before 1 SPEAK|NG What do you know about skateboarding? Tell a pańner in ó0 seconds. 2 Think aboui the Positive and negative a§pects of bein9 a female skatei complete the table With the words and phrases in the box and your own ideas. comPare With a pańner, 1 de. 2 3 being called 'W]tches' rlra e commentś belon9in9 to an a -female clew fa]ling going {ast ack o{ female-on y skaie Palks PoslTlVE 3al|, )i9 n9 )a]ly while you watch 3 @ Watch the video 4 @' 1 2 3 4 5 ó 4 cL] iLrre, it's st] Fa ]ng 5, n ]t5 o to ofthese nen ta own Way, one oi my abolt skaiiig, be..use <locc yol ! ]ke ó ]t klnd cf' k aboltthe vlomen frvolriie th]ngs and yó! h t the ground, .nd 'arghl' BL]t ihen you lee ]iV]gorarec byfł .9 , and A{ter you Watch 7 spońs / yo! 1 .re / ii / ] ? V/at.h ng / yo! / do / doiig / prefel / or,/ spo.ts ? dó /tńele / aiy / rea y l'.ai /'sport / 5 /'yo! / Wel ? elel / spolt]iq /'Woi./yo! / h.v.,/ a /'.ompett oń ? oiymp .s,l .st / Wat.h / yo! / did ,/ iFe ? Watch lni. Nicky, senthan, Glace, Ed and Gillian answering the {ive question§ in Exel.ise 1Which speaker is most like you? Why? 5 ]nen, JlSt Ęhe. yo!'le al lhe Park, ike, b€ Very !icomfońab e Sireet yol'r. and check your ideas in What are the Bru]as? Where do they meet? Who has §ta.ted the group? Why have they created the group? HoW nrany members does the grouP have at the momenl? What do the Brujas Want? 69 g Ves them J th,. ur.ythat some put the words in the colrect ordel to make five 1 2 3 4 5 they'd] ó - - o,-, ]ruecłrve Watch łhevideo again and an§werthe WolLd i.ć the r óWn skatepark bli one d:y a lveek n the me.nt]m_., rsvlere a owed lvhen ony 9 3 lhe Brljaś have 2 , Tlcy',c the l h_.r tage aici be n9 Part of an a Joma e skater crew y, the Bl!].5 sPEAK|NG Di§cu§§ the question§. 1 Which act]v]t e§ (f any)are betrer in boy on y 2 3 4 What are the advantages of being pań of a grouP? Do yo! be]ong to any groups orteams? What k]nd? What kind of activities take you out of your com{ort żone? Do yoL] enjoy ir? Why,Ąłhy not? or gir-only gloups? watch again and write down the Vlogger's ii respon§es to the stat€ments. 1 'm .tereśteća :ootba , ru!]by a ld bls[etba 2 l prefer P]ay]ig sPoń, de{. te y, 3 Theret io śPońcan do lea y lle 4 l'!e.everWor a sportn9.ompetto. d o, p " 5 ,oo ,/,", ó i.tched the sPEAK NG ath et.s, ihe run. .9, U5. n Bo t Take turns to read out the stateńents in Exel.ise 3, Agree or disagree. c m o .l1 zo m tr J sELF_cHEcK choose the correct wo.d§. Unloń|nat. y, V/e Werei't !r'at.h |9 When Bo t _1i!9!],' l.d t|r,] / .!.s |ri,]. .! thć 200 metres r..e 1 chice fiia y be.t her oersona best 1]me be.alse she lr; .e!'/ h.d ilil],],.!i / |ia; lrairil so hald 2 D.. tr]ed snowboard nq Whei he !r.]ri / l];d..-.n!./ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 complete the sentences with the Words flom the box. chan9e the form i{ necessary. There are two extra fan goal ose pick powel teammate phase 3 W]n 1 The teams l._.,i! r.n ońtó the b.skellrai .ó!rto .e ebrate With dre p ayers at the .nd ol the game th s game. haveń't 9ol aiy th]nk !r'e've 2 l 3 4 _ćood.ards to Pay A.d yol? dropperJ me on h!ń my arn !r'heń my the .curt lihi . !!e \łel_. .e ebr.t n9 HoB en]bairass.9, cl]? ły i you p ay tenn s t up qu ckly goóc res! t, 'o!t 1h]5 s on y the ..d 'm slre yo!'j congiai! ations cń . oi lhe .ompet t or], T.ere 9 sti . oig Ryan scoled ihe o!l team - 12 §econds aftel the match sta complete the sentences, The first and last N4y T 2 bloiher's a l9t...-e ior the lo.a Jootba eagle anc! l,e oves 9 v n9 p ayers ye ovl cards, r§ayś'n]gooc].n!!ghto [4y .t.]eii.s be. t Plo1essionaL o.e d.y My great grinc.]..] 5 78 bLt he sti k .shaPe by 9c F! Noid. !!a < n9, 4 5 3@ 3 ihen ol olher Phys.a exer.]se To get a body kc An]o c s.hwarż.nt,g9e. e h]nS 01 |e.Vy ir to do ots of r ! mlst be q! te bol]lg rea y, Translate the colish Pań§ of the sentence§, d dn't (now ycLrr ]tt e brcthcr p .yed .hess \rvheń did he aet inio (wciągnął się w) thar? What a teff b e game our team (pzegrala nlecż] a.d ii]!red my fooi W_. are a! Fcpil]g ihal lhe Po ]Sh Sk ]!ł]per inie gódd. Je] bec.lse of h S b.d peńórmance.t ihc \Ą/ ńtćr oympics. LeBron Jnm.s lżdor]_ylJ.1P!.k {cr M a9a]nst Lo9 Angć es. 4 oi am . that n]grt! blg game .ó!lse, the nr.ł ilnpóńant tir]ig w ńter be{ore, I 5 s compłete the With the corect form§ of the verbs in bra<kets, f Po ard mana9e5 i! !| lyi ji) the E!loPe:i ] 2 3 4 chamP oish ps, VJ bly eve|yone d]rne. (not/get ańgry)Wth rem nc my P ayers the leieree, shout n9 .ńd .omP a:i n9 doesń't be P. Do you rea ly enjoy temperatures are so high? nk lth |'Ve mlght plt on so (jog)When the (joii)the gym a9ain much u,eighi recent]y, our PE teacher made the boys .erób].s afterthey sa d t !/as easy.nd on y for 9 rs her sister nowthat she's gone to !niversty O @ Cr,oo* tr,..ol.l'ect an§wers A-c, Adzo Kpossi irom Togo. in Afrca 9 the yolngest athete at the oympic Games ]n 2012 When she 1 nto the Water in London to compete in the Women s 50 metres freesty e event she was jusi 13 second years old, n the qua ifying race, she 2 to Nal ssato! ]V]oussa Adarnou, a 14year-old frorn N ger but beat her own persona besl t me, Before she r arr Ved ]n London to represent her country she Wh !^/as the ln sarawaka, ch ots ol tra ning at e hoteL o pl A -,p""o'h-.o ,'h c ^i,Kposs poo, Atholgh She iaied 4 any rnedals, 5 the fag lor Togo at both the WaS ater asked open]ng and c os ng cererńony of the 2016 surnmer olymp cs and hopes to be present at the 2020 garnes n Tokyo, t3k:.g Pań, (pokonać przeciwnlła] a5 We l. (żde.ydoWa]iśmysJę 5We zenlać ż iasrą lLlty.ą) af,iakin9 !p e.l y to 9o joggiig lństead We slept .te ..d had aLaży 2A 3A 5A aB]],.5 B \łes d]!]n9 !]ot B W;i B c.try c c c c c c vi ni n9 carying Total 30 ts) (P ay) badm nton With §.ńd a V/ays V/e;rs the same she's compet ng n a r..e, e perso. i :.ct, S.b.n.. sit . leLV a ] do.1t5]ik 'Ve elcr see. h m do aiy Sports 5ock5 i Naom, V/asn'i act!]a y 5k.i ng When she .|ł / ii..r ll ,jl / Wa! ]]!rt].!- her ioot she Was ty n9 to take her śkate c]'! Ti]ey We.e exh.usteo altenłalds, 3 Ce . s s 2 5 Ba.lm rton ]Sn't ioo hard to p 5 1 4 |l..9ói.q ro the APs The marathon fna y c.]d_..j/ h.ri e!d.d / |!Jś_,..ll]!., Whe. the ast l!lnel crosse.]the fii]5hin9 .e after a most ó ho! 15 Andle!r' Was plepared fol the łeeżing iemPeratures /30 I 9 UsE oF ENGL|5H 7 complete each pair of 5entences with the 5ame yoL] f WoLr d r"d When yol reach we ieed one The B les A s.ore HoW d]d /5, B ]ke c t]r jik the of no return, yo! can nevel more you c 2 3 ({orce/We/traln) gets Very uPset Whenever he doesn't w n. Janice, coUld yo! m)? i rea iy tr!śtyo! and yo!'re When W.5 a k d, nry parents (.ot/a ow/do) karaie, blt '!e . Vr'ays lvhele to me about mi§§ln9 too m.ny be: eve) th.t they le. ]y colid get to the fooiba e.s started to a!gh. cnn on tr 9 B9o tlJcks!'t io 5.e had:o olt Henrlkson has ,ith, b. caref!] Dof 't t 3 10 c i{ t ofthe race alier pl .' on. lt's one oi the !!99! unusual competitionś n the UK. but every spr ng thousands of spectalors gather at coopels H]l n Vl]ti lhat expe.s ve irophy C drop Fcotba .ls Lio.e N4essi .nd Christ]Jic Roi. do +]are tl]. Same !1.1]1!i ll.],](SUPER) they m!st oon. 2 be the Boxels aSt p aycE onto the p tch, . oi of 1RES L ENi), becaLse thcy r.Vc to pic( tFc n5e !e5 .]P every iime they 9el fiid tFe best (.y to (AcT oN) myse { the morn ncs is to .]o l]fteen mi.!tes ól yó!]. (sL.]PPoRTj of M! manager nas been lery on io team F]!e i me§ Wor d 5 stlongesi Mań, |/]ar !5Z P!dż]n.ovłskis prob.b y the moSt iPoWER) ma. iń Po ańd Al the .sl mjnlte, not ced that .ny passpoń Was (DEC]DE) moment, oL]t of d.te. That Was. n /5 ,g , complete the text with one word iń each gap. n9 word§ in bracket§, 1 ]9 i. fils ne? put complete the sentences with the colrect folm of the 13 ossi the f !p G oLrcester to cheer n the annua cheeśe rolrng pańic pantS 1 nng tie c 9irls, i Wańted B Vv.lch ook B]rry has a !.yi Vl..te.] 1.) olt Lrour i9, ,o hes ook ng fon.rd to tońi9hts 9ame, in, the Pat:e.l tree in ó!r gar.]en blt then, {e olt and brole my arm Gosia iito §oiig ]ogg ng With yo! .I A śee gest a Ways (Warn/not/c imb) rhe of.o!r§e, d d ..d goal a tak c chat My 9raid;.lhel V/as a great ath ete .ńc le. y to h m ..d i]i§.ch eve ..c iń 9polt oh, 5.'t that Bol s Beckel, tire er_W mb cdoN t1.3nr (not/staid/lose)and io w]i the match, come ón a point Mr Brown \ł:nlśto y)With . he mana9er !s io desp]te rhe bac] Weather c c osed the V/ ńdow? t5 plctty .o Reg! .. yoga .nd med taiion cai g Ve yo! rea pea.e Gr compJete the sentences u§ing the prompls in bracket§, change the forms or add new words wher€ necessary. Use uP to six Words in each gap, race, t's a dangeroLrs wav to burn calor eś2 event bas]ca ly invo Ves throw ng a because the arge circ e of cheese down a hl, and ihen throwng yoursef down after t, The first person to ihe bottom of ihe h l winśthe 3 a arge crce of GlóLrceśier ćheeśe] Chrs Anderson, 29, irom nearby Brockwońh js the current charap on and has now equa ed the lecord of 20 Wins held by one person, chr]s f rśt in for the compeition at the age of ]6 and Won his frst race one year ater Next year he hopes to bleak the record and become the f rst person to Win 21 races, lfyoll fancy 5 chrsonatcheesero]ing. yol]'d better be quick he is thjnkng of retirn9 soon, P Lls. yoU should a so know that coopeas Hi has an ang e of 70 deglees and the cheeses travel downh l at over 110 k ]ometres per hour| ] Total /20 31 n the go Focus oN WoRDs Ico VOCABULARY 3 transport . noun phrases .^leans co ocation§ . synonyrns {or trip o{ choose the correct verbs. LasLn ght had6!eryslrangedrcEm dec dedto ]łlls5/cdlcll the bls to exetcse SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Label the form§ of transpoń. The {irśt letter§ are given. \r' ocations SchoD becBuse Was feeing Bll !e bEc6usE t ,, "l, dd'o ioo aży lo cyce "q,|o ro ąg Was l.ainng lea]ly heav]y, a boat carn€ a ong instetsd glt !n the boaL, n facL, Was the ony passengel dnd it began lo 3a]!ss /s,łit] thE rver BL]t the ]0L]rney Was Very lough and the c6ptan orderEd me to sit down and ac/ /ióslell my seatbelt Then slddeny there WEnE lts of DŁhel bosts and We Wer€ 5siirci/aćuohl t.tsffic n t fet ]ike ages Jol lhe boal to rnake any prcgtess, and a [he timE L W6s 16 n ng When final\, amved at schoo, noiced W6s 6llniłlll! /9!ln9 bdrcfo0l, And Was comp ete y WeL and shaking from tle D. d The teacher ooked confused and asked me Why Was 6te, l s mp]y t0 d h nr l'd 7,1llsJ--!d//lrs' lhe bus, & 1h Very str6nqe 5orry,l'nr ]ate, 3h 5h_ b FocUs oN WoRDs 2 -d Ąd I No.rn ph ases Match the halves of the compound nouns in boxes A and B and comPlete the sentences. A B 1 2 cable dirt Plblic l]Jsh sholt traffic W]nclng 5Uspension bridge car cui hour janrs Path tlack tlanspoń We .an sale te. niiltes oi clr lva k to V/e take the sl.n-.!l a.ross the { c d, ihe centre f Thele! no road to get to ]ny a!nt! holsc but We c.i ifyou dl]Ve slow|y and don't m]n.]gett]ng the car muddy. The T betai 5a]ni Thangtong Gya po b!llt Wth ron cha ns as eary aS ]433 ii BFltan, Ho!łevet e.. er des]gns Us]n9 rope aid 3 The longest]ourney made bya 7,455 metres. t's n Ch ń. a.d goe§ floln Zhangjajie a lsed trams. there'd be ess po ]ution ]n the a r 5 , f n,]ofe Peop e sorry We're late. ]tt Po'-" (",-Vo,," traff]c on the roads 32 cro55, get ol mis§ in the core€t form, sometimes mole than one answel is po§śible. .; ,!],, the tra]i from Water oo and got hele as ' V, oooo the cont nent oJ As]a the.le. lor 2,1yea6 2we V]y and ess ońe 5 ]n st!ck schoo bag Janct " thlough the forest _ l,ll, - ",d,9\lardlhó- .I'a-d-iql-dóai1 a the Way to the lake at the end, Theret a Wondeńu complete the sentences With łhe verbs .atch, uńt tot. , he ]n tra{fic rlaveL ed thlough and that! Why We're Was so heavy th]s morn]ng that . lft n the car lrom my mum ihe irain and there i9n't another lońotrow morn ng, she' have io stay the Before brldges exisied, the on y Way to a V. ley Was to c lmb down one side and then Focus oN WoRD5 | synonyrns for trip SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT Read the deflnitions ańd choo§e the corect word, e 1 r tlip on . p.ńe - ; .]i|e 1; i]9]]:/ . ,i:]. 2 - trip by se. ol;n space = ; rri.-- / . il]!e /'.r |.l.i.],. l p ,,d 4 i tr p by łom oie p--o do otr- _ c\/c]e Only t the 0 sit 1 jhel.e afiic, th€ 2 tced ; 6nd sked The fiEt t mc nry mljn Vl_AnI .i a P ane WaS io A!sTra ]a TFc f] !]t] tcok oler iweni]r i!!o ho!rs a śtopover ]n Hoig Kong. shoń' !i]tj holda\/ Wasn t the dream had hoped fotTo l]eg n the train io solthampton, That rneant had to get a Lift flom my dad at the last minute. Wh ch Was Wth from London to Paris by car is s]X and a halfhours, The hiqh §peed tlaln takesjUstover j_Wil ó our guided r 7 Whei Co !mb!S lt, When lWas in Egypt bL]t don't th]nk the animals ale d Scov.^red Ame- ca, he Was D . eft, the Weathel turned bad and ]t stayed Wet and cloudy the ń,ho P , 1-ol lour W.ole da!) lhe shiD Wds bounLi10 Up and down on the larqe Waves, l got seasjck aad belan to Worry that the sh p mrght sink and go under Water ike the Ttanic When the ship finaLly made ii back to solthampton, Was moTe stressed and neTVoUs tl]an When lhad leit. What a nightmare||now Wsh hadjust booked a cheap d to Egypt nstead and sp€nt a Week lying on the beach d0 ng nothiig around kraków took us to WaWe Cast e .nd th. {.mols W e cżka śat r ne. to f ńd t ' Ma aga in th€ south of spain, she must be madl LWent on a canrel r l Wo!]dn't lecon, mend befole Wel|,1made itjust in time, Blt as soon as We eft land, c a ]s going on a ]5,day cyclin9 irlP thls summer take hef from Ber in al the Way to Ner te stlessfu]for both of Us,And, of cot]ase, We also in tlaffic, so ]Was leally stlessed the Whole Way th nkl]g lhat l WoU dn't be ab e to get on the sh p got4 The d o |3 qU from Gdańsk in Poland to Nynashamn in Sweden takes 19 houB, bus, answers A-C. r My sistel and her husband are going on a c n the [4ed tclranean Thelr śhP eaves from Llerpoo .id the f .st stoP is Monaco| The ferry tr,.."*.ct Aftel studying hard and passing my exams dec ded to a ho] day l had been lea]y stressed, so l llanted the knd of holiday Where you ie in the sun and do noth]n! fof a Week. Th s, l Was sure. Would help me le ax so on the sh]p'The Ocean Dream,' opted fol a peńecl, Th s Wot]ld be lthouqht, But unfortunate y, my {irst letter is 9iven. boat Crroose My,Dream'Holday complete the sentence§ with the core<t words. The lnlng @ a.t!a y .eW route to Asia, REMEMBER THl5 \' -o5"- t."vellV, oo,- tlavel (n, uncountable) Jo! ]ob i.Vo],-"5 ,j l.r olltąd traveis (n, Pl) fulf t€!e]5 tooł nre tlrrolg| EU..peirro Asia ( ł+frravel aefa§ś€Mteńa]tfrasżtes-ńe1 lłro!.ne_V..róss G! Vr'.s auesolne] 7 than 9h Read REMEMBER THls. complete each §entenc€ with the correct form ofthe word travel Then labeleach cdo c cl! word with y{verb) or N (noun). 1 Travel bloadens the mind. Th]s P]ctule shows the 2 The book U..omnron IE Ve/Ier @ d escribes Mary . the ] 890s 3 5 ó 7 we l, Before the tra n was inveited, betureen ciiies Use.]to take days, Sound Joseph Te ] !s a| abolt lhrough Water to eipel ence .]ffere.t c! tlres. yo!]r n Ce.tla and souih Amer]ca. 200 k]onretles on the second day 3Aost B stlck B tour o 8l, ol oI oI ol o B.ioss]i9 c c se l]de f]ght Find and correct the mistakes, 1 2 3 know a sho+ei&t thlo!qh ihe park, sl]od.!! ]s mov ng n the W nd, The slspend n9 bl dge ł.filc s always bad d!,ing the hurry holr track jt' L be qu cker A,!ays fasi your seatbe r When in a mo! n9 car Let! the dirty GRAMMAR 5 )t ,t * choose the correct form§ to complete a the dialogue, sometimes more than one answer i§ ( ćan]t have cou d have couldn't have may have must hav€ out far a walk SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Violet Match the speakers'words to the exPlanations. 1 Avr'f! c !b Don't 90, T.ffib c m!S c and no lł.5 oK, We danced fo, - !lr e,t|enyr'esJt .nd cl].tted. Not bad, clt not greal. The ń!s . !r'-5 abso ute y, Hou .ome l a;ant rnow aaout this P ace ear ]er? t i a b . 1 2 3 4 5 ó o o Violet: Ti]ere! oi y o.e Poss]b ]iiy someońe' Put t there. What a crue th ng to.Jo o Violet: Ulgh Da sy] Thai's hofi ble, Daisy: Vio et my dear, We a have to eat the second §entence with musi, mighi or lt! pos§jble,that's our taxi, 'm sure that's oul p ane, 'm sure those aren't our bag5, That o]b]h]: be oUr taxi, That _ be olr plane Those _ be our bags _ room, _ That_ t's possib e this is the hotel, This 'm sule this is our This We'resurethat sn'tour b ll, be the hote], be our loom, be our bi]l, SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT o @ cr,"... tr," an§Wer§ "o*u€t underlined pań of the sentence. 1 Match the sentences in Exercise 2 with the evidence below. ordered t for ten o'c ock and ]t'§ file to ten .oW lt V/as defin]te]y nUmber 32'j th nk re.ogi se on the webs te, l ]t from the P ctl]le D We are f ying W th Llfthan§a, aren't V/e? E We certa n]y cj]dn't or.lel róom serv ce 5 t mes F o!r S!]tcases are b !e, not b a.k, 4 ** 8 E 2 They only eft h.lf an hour ago, 'nT sure ii's not true thatthev have arrlved a ready. They can't have B They may have c They mustn't have 3 4 An ne: l supPose it 'cał t / might be h]ding Under that rock, Nick: Yeah, or it 3cou/d/ cou/dn'tbe away on holiday,,, Anne: on holiday? YoU amightl.anl be selious, Nonest]y, ]Wolry about you, Nick, Nick: Lt says here thai octopuses can change the colour oftheir skin and tota ly dj§aPPear. coo. l'd ]ove to be ab e to do that. Anne: Njck, sometimes thjnkthat Wou d be a good idea, m ght be A choose the .orrect forms. Nick: LookIAn octopus, Anne: Where? cant see a]r}łhi]rg, Nick: Er,., We ], rhe sign says there! an octopus, so it 1mustl co{ridn'f be there somewhere, t ls possjble thatAlce brought §ome sun cleam, she's so pale sklnned. A Alice must have B A ice can't have c Alice cou d have ]'m sure it's true that Vou are t]red, We'Ve been Walking and sightsee]ng allday, B You must be c You rrright be 5 she can't find her PassPoń] l'm sure itl true that she eft it in the hote room. A she might have B she must have c she can't have ó lt s A The plane nray hav€ been c The Plane can't have been pq99ib]elbą!1b9 p]!!ę ffi l J ] !!Ą delayed B The p ane must have bee. 34 A-c to replace the h is pp§9lbE Wę ą€ too ate to catch the bus, Are there stil peop|e atthe §top? B We 3 )t A B c been a person, or lsuppose -"l Aageo )o, ó.L,9l eft it ihere . a§ a snack for ater "b d l'm sure th]§ person iked the c !b, lt's possible th]s person iked the c Ub, l'm ślreth]ś óelśóń d.]ń'i l le ńe .l]b 2 -ł Comptete ... Look at thatL A turtle on a {ence post, NoW did that happen? Dai§y: Woah|That! Weird, t canthave gotihere on lts ov/n, t9 so shoń t] because oJ rB LISTENlNG LANGUAGE PRACTICE . Prepositions . co locations. compound nouns Functional language id l 2A 3A 5A Put the wordś in order and then mark the Phrases a§ R lol sońeńing a hotel recePtionisł would 1ay ol G for śometh;ng a ńot€lgueśt would śay. he|P 1 Can 1he]D vóu ? book / you / online / did 2 Vr'as / lo tholghi /' / inc lded room / two / booked / a ./ ?o t /'Ve /forl nights / single 4 hale / at,/ sPe.ia on neol1er/yr'e,/monreit/the 5 this / ó yo! / Wo! d / breaklast 1 ike f] / cai / jn / iorm /' PLease / yo! With unti by o o o ?o ?o With unti a9ainst cofi cjn cto cof B against B 8A / /yao/Ca. c c c B B B B B in c]n c With B B 4 Look at the text below. complete the expressions in bold with a word from the box. There are two extra di| PJrt led| 'esl 5Peld su,e trn€ Extract frcm stu.lenti, Baak lt! !49 to re.",di.g _, P ga eave ordinary beach ho ]days behind and take a] that you Wil rememberfor the' of your |ife Wth'ovel.nd Tours'you W §eethe3 world. 'ovel and Tolls' bel eve that trave ing 5 not on y abolt the dest nat on, The journey is an impońant 4 us on one ofouroverand buses and trave to p aces othel tlave l compa n ies don't reach. ourtoul Le.de15 Wi take care of you .nd make s yo! have everyihing yo! need, ofthe experience. Come Wth REMEMBER BETTER 1ą 2 complete the dialogue With the phrase§ lrom Exerci§e E\tra.t from sludents, Book R; yes, can l help y9}!? Gj Er, ye§ r re Aby łat\,r' ej żapam ęt.ć Wyrażen a ż Pollyżsżego ć!r'].żei a, !ży] ch W żdania.h od.o.żąc!.h s e .]o 1 . " -oo write senten<es with the remalnin9 explession5, lt's time to stań salii9 moiey for a no jcay aJter name! Baker, Janres Baker RI Baker, Yes, here you are, TWo nights, ? G: oh, yes p ea§e, R: That Wi be ar extra f]ó. G: G: R: 3 4 fin sh mat!ra Focus oN WoRDs ]compound Yolrftrst brcakfast free, so yoU ]ust need to Pay folthe second day . s choose the.orrect prepo§itions A-c, E}.tad frón students, Book re..,d,,g B: ' oh,l oh, right,5 -oo ,,,d- e9żamin! mat!ra nego -,1i"g Ś@ . My ," a ?@ So, how Was your fan,]iy cru se? oh, t Was oK, Pretty good rea ly. Wc a| got on We l most r 1he t me, We didn't have a.y a19!ments. We , not' the .st day, and thei l had . rea y b g argurnenl 3 my 5 ster t Was stapi.l rea y, v/ant,"d to get 4 the sh p .nd V 5 t Nap e5, but my §iste. W.5 t red and Wanted to st.y 5 ihe shjp ó the poo , she a Ways doesWhat she Wanls, and she does.'t g NaP es' think ? olher peóP e had to 90 my own Wth ol]l Parents tWasrea yborlng, 5 nouns choose the <orrect words. 1 lf it! four hours one Way, that! an eight ho!r dauble / retum journey. Do we have to 90 so far? 2 D"ds dwdy 01" ,ou.d rhe ho /d bL ), e.5 f,p l. Japan forthe next two months, 3 N4any trave a9ents / leaders have c osed their shops because Peop e prefer book ng on ]ne these days, 4 'Teentour'is lookin9 forteena9e tour guicles / ćompaniesto show young V s]tors around the c]ty this summer Fu ltrain]ng given, Elen a Ways choo5e5 a package/ bl]dget ho iday beca!se she doesn't have to p an anythinq by hersel{, B" ," l- of l ,l e gl J,oW i, gLolallóFd a /óa- 1 the skl/ skjlng resort of Kaprun, A!stl]a, Are you sUre thls is a ihree stall dolb]e hotel? The rooms aren't even clean, |'m sure a twjn / sing/e room shou d have two beds, |'l cal]the hotel recePtion, 35 READlNG 1 Travelling on my own . colloquial Read blog§ 1-3 1C 2|) them With photoś A-c. expression§. negative Wel,myiourneyddntoetofftoaVerVooodstańas ost my passport in Manch ester Airpori, pan cked iound tWherc Wassittngeal e[ HoWstupid hopethis5notabadsignfortherestofihetrp,Thepane Was one of those newtwo evelones and Waslealy seats and managed to get plenty of sleep, p99[ nsde, ltWasnl even haf fu then so l lay across several Arrved n Banokok at 7:00 and fee ng fresh but mmediate y had prob ems. N/]y card d dn't Work n any of the pan cked again untj] l rea sed that l Was Us ng the Wrong p]n number Aga n, pretty stupid, Got a tax io the hoste, Wh ch s great and full of young peop]e l ke me, ]'m Wrting th s n the ounge area, Feel ng excited, bl]t a so a bi nervous not realy sure how anyth ng Works here n Tha and. P ease keep rcad ng - hopefLr \4 my trave ing (and b]ogg ng) skills W improve soon ,, ATMS, so Yesterday ls€ d bye to Mum and Dad and iook tlre plane frorn LVerpoolto Wroc]aw N,ly cousn Nłagda lives here(rnyEnq shUnce smarredtoKasa,myPoishaunt)aidlWasVerygadloseelhemWaitngformeat the airport. 'Ve been lo ots of p aces nc Lrc]ng Po anc] before Witlr nry parents, bLrl tlris s myfrst tlp a one and l don'l speak eny Po sh except Jen dobrce' and 'Jen kuya'. As you can see, certain y can't spe in Polsh] Magda is rea ly coo and she speaks l]r iant Eng slr (tlrank goodness) fs schoo ho idays here too, so We'Ve got ots of t me to en]oy ourseVes, lMy uncLe and aLrnt arc iota]V ch Lled, LVe got my own room atthe r house and ihe tram stop s jusi outside, Fleedom I Tonig ht We le go ng to a party at Magda's friend s house, ' b og aga n tomofiow and te you a about it ,, f l don't s eep al day ) Alter a faniastic Jofinicrht siudy ng English n bealiifLr York, it's a mosl tme 1o head back horne to BUdapest, Athough iWas somet mes difficult to fnd i|me each daJ4 leckonthai[/ritngthsboghasreayhepedme mprove my Eng sh, ght s the farewe l party organised by the schoo, and allthe stLrc]enis in my grolp Wl be tlrere, l cant oet 9yą how rnany peop e l'Ve metfrom alloverlhe Word, Espec a y coo are Sonata irom L thlan a, v]ańa from Po and and N co flom ltaly, We le defn tely go ng to siay in touch and N4afia even sa d she W lcorne and Vist rne n Budapest, Desple a few ploblems Wth accornmodaton, Wh ch We eventlraly soVed, i lras be€n a great Ton exper ence, 3ó l' m ss everyone and l' even miss Wit ng 10 you, my patieni reac]ers, 2@ nead the three biogs. For questions 1-3, choose the corre.t answer ] Jo ty/o prob cn5 !!h .h A cleated d]{f.Ltt es fo. tl]. iesl of l. B 2 3 A-c. :acUs oN WoRDs ó @ s comp|ete the sentence§ With lhe correct negative adjective {orm o{ rhe Verb§ in brackets. ir p Noy? that there's ma.a9.d to so y9 q! te q!]cl y c .dded to tF. nła;nale ir9 A.r! tr P to Po a.d i.5 d fieleni be.aLse - -D A ! o B She !!.5 go ng there to stldy lhe ..guage he 1 \" L",- 9o -o,,: c Wrjch.]f thefo o!r']ng does 2 Adć !!1takaboui The Ei9 isl.c 1y óf York B ':Fe lhat śhemet, c The p.ce,!l^e,e she st.yed 3 lvat(h statements A-D to blogs 1 3, one blog 4 has two mat.hin9 statements, A I B c D l :he b og!e.5L]9,oests th.t Fe./she lron't be !pd.t n9 t re b óg :9: . t ]s c eJl th.I lhe b oqqer an expcr eńcec trale er o o s not the blogger describes two potentia y big Plob ems Which are solved qlr]cky, o Match the de{initionś to underlined words in the blogs. ] 2 relaxed ind f 9ht t's not at a dan9erol]s J vr'ays th]nk that hav ng prob ems }i h e trave .g |s (AVo D)-that Way don't gettoo !pset Wheń they a.t!a y h.Ppen (FAM LAR SE) With a countryt clkule, you need to aim to be po te f you are cómP ete y For me, the ]dea of goinq backPacking around ke EUlope is comPlete y iIH my comJoń, so Pre{ef to stay n hotels, NK) When We atr]Ved jn Athens, the Weather Was iPLEASE) b!t foft! y alier. fei days better !ot i Kyie be ]e!es that poop e Who 1nd tr.Vei n9 (REWARD) §hoU d probab y j!st siay at home, Thatt a b]t hard, don't you think? phrases complete ihe travel advice wiłh a Word łrom the box. 'mmelse ,etrieve t6ł'e ] Gap year it d;fficuLt to believe comp|ete the sentences with Words and exple§sions from Exercise 4, chan9e any Verb forms a5 necessaly. Katri 3 e beg n WelL UXUrioUs or expensive 1 ]tt NFoRM) about hoW to {CoNNEcT)fróm the ]nternet d!r]ng Focus oN WoRDs lVerb 7 ( Theres no rea reasoi v/hy mobie dev ces should be .hźl]_.nóe .u tatallv chilled two Weeks (from fouńeen n]ghts) th nk 5 ó o the b ogger ment]ons that this ls not his/hel f]rst V st to the colntry he/she ls clrrenty in, conrplete y 5 the nternet, there's Very excu5e for be]n9 !|].-"d behave Whei yo! are abro.d a A (!' Neqative adjectives .:.].l,.]lie' b9 r Prag!e by m:cday, blt r We.thcl, lh ńk f :ake a b t o.!]er Jenn-! lnc e .ńd alnt :re rea y r]ch, só they a lr'ays th]s hotelsWhen they go on holiday, sjmon and his friends have 9one campin9 Jor a _, so he won't be back unti the end of Amyt birthday pańy _ When herfavourite cousins from Po and turned UP unexPected y, how mlch you'Ve grown! HoW ta 4 We _ ML]m had a massage in the and Was _ hote sPa, She loved lt aftefuards, REMEMBER BETTER Youlg |eo})]e choosc to ią!9 a gap year fof dilterent reasons. some fant to l themsclves ofi from fieir family and honP tor a rvhi]€ in oldeT to delelop a grcater serrse ol h.t€pendcnce. some view it as an oppoltutlity lo belief_\ that ma}- have too faniliar,, Still others s€e it as a chance n) onese]l iD a forcign culture and ,,lj, .. ll n, , ,,l]il , W'}. c,, y.u Ieasons, don't leet like },ou shoul.t give up your nrderr, day comtirńs, Yo r snartphone is an irrvalrrablc gaclget wherever yort go,lr)th fol coDtacting pcople Wlren you lt,cl lonel1, o. ; f nccdcd iD a11 eDergenc},, And alrvays carry your bank catd With yo you lerer krrorv rvhcn you caslr from an ATM in ordcl to set hold of sonc ]},, Z.]rżyj do se.c]] tr.Velblógs na Wybranej stron]e ntelielo(ej pośli!ęcońe] podróżom, Prżecżyt.] k ka oo9o/,,J o p,d"-,'o ,o \,o,7,- Z.Wsze możesż splawdz ć ich żnacżei]eW słown l!, 37 J GRAMMAR 4 *** Tick the correct §entences. sometime§ both §entenceś are correct. used to and wolld lłhen Lle ueit ó. lami]y 5!mmer no]id.ys a We Jsed to eav_. Very e.l y . the c.l b We Vr'oL d eale Very e.l,/ ]ń the .ar, 2 ź one sLrmmer !e clove a the Way froĄ P.. d to Sp. n SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Mark the sentence§ as either A for describin9 an actioń or 5 for describing a state. tĄ/hen my dad Was yoL]ńg, he 1 2 3 4 5 't seaśioe _.Very.LJmmer [4y gran.]d.d 2 3 4 3 3a 5l] a śq!eeżednio lhe l ny c.. lhev 9tq!9 a ihe V/ay from Wrocł.W io Sopot, i !9qL them a ] nighi a.d mosl ol lhe .e\t d.y DesP te the o.gdr!e,D..]]qęd9c]ng oi ho day;i the'l'/]a !.h ' E o Rewrite the sentences with used to and the coriect the']990s, peop e cho§e blght co o!15 | ,ló |óoo PAopó Many Wonre. Wore t ght ]e.ń5 .id b o oo r 5@ When she Wa§ yolng, He ei d dn't get on vely V/e W th her colsin, M.del ne. UsE Whe| she Was young, Helen .Jid|'i .]se lo ..e! Very We llr'ith hercols n, Made iie tjghtjeans as poPUlar as noW suPerDodels s!ch as cindy crawfold and c|a!d. sch]fier Were famo!s, suPermode s s!ch as Cindy crawfó.d and Cla,]d. 1 2 Wasn't fair,ha red a5 a baby DlDN,T Tjna and herbrothelfe out every 5haled a bedroom a§ ieen.gers, i 9ht Vrhen they WoULD Tina and hel brother sh.led a bedroom as teena9els and they every n]9ht. lashlonable? would. Use wou]d whenever possible, ci faiFha]red as a baby, Was shoit hair{ashjonable? Jt Jt change the underlined words With Uśed to or complete the second sentence so that it has a §imilar meanin9 to the fkst. Use the Word in <aPitals, , Tatoos and body P]erc ngs Vreren't as pop! ar.s now Tattcos an.] p e.c ng5 the way SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT cowboy boots, aic.owboy boots a o o o o o o o !5.d to thiik it Vias.mażiiq ilrai MUm and Dad cou C fnd the way. Wo! d th nk t yr'as amażing thai lV]Lrń aid Dad cou d 1nd the V/.y We Wclldn't have GPs n those days b We i dn'i Use to h.Ve GPs n thosc days, 8 !4La F.t ]2ó or'V]a !.|' Graidma, Gre.ddad, my dad and rry unc c n 1 !ęrI! to the Po One summer vle vlou d d. ve from Po aid to Spa n, ( @ ,| 3 Kirir ooked Up to hel teammate E]|ie, unti] she d scovered that Elie was a cheat, UsED Kim _ herteammaie Ell]e unti she discovered that El ]e Was a cheat, Tiled of advi.e flom mums, dads 4 and teachers thlee time§ your age? che.k out oul advicefromyoung PeoPleiust years ahead ofyou on lifes longjourney. a few FiVe yeóls a8o, !b9!gt /!§ęq!9 rŁrr]k Wasgoin8 to make lot§ ofmoneyWhen eft 5choo , l 1qkL / r my PaF rt5 ]'d be tre )E5 deit of a.ompany W th a fin.y .araid ' a bigholf bfth.tln. WĄ21 ihat..ńpćnle! \łefu go 4 HATE 5 d, -iiV Suiday .fterioons A1 every ń.tc|, the l..5 narted s n9ii9 at the WoULD l]e eved/ Lha1 'd )e Jb co beginnin9 ofthe match, ng to 1rgn to ofier ń.3 ]ob b(ause Wa!8o rgtobea8leŃin|ovitol kc Bi 1j.te5 or Steve ]olr5 didn't fq. / 3 iha] f!ńhern!dyWó n...śJryand Wć.led l. get a ]ob aid na.t n]y an];ż ig'.Jleelóś 5 ]r a! Pośb e. !ł,1/ We hated p aying footba l on co d, rainy sunday At every match, the fan5 s ng ó ng Jtthe ofthe mat.h tho!ght you'd a vr'ays be skiiny, blt iow you're tteen you'le Very fle buit, YoL] 5 e to 'do WhatćVel and 'go [,herevei be.Jlse l,d be l. r.h aid sU(€$fL !!I!! n]!.h aboli rel| ife błk 1hei t]]!]! /' THlNK Wrat Wo! §k]nny, but now you're sixteen you're Very We l bu li. d sayto my t.cnige sE f nóWl !Ą/AKE !P t.!g| Jńd (oTPetrtite Jnd n](.s l.qt Fs had Wórl Take i lra ty. re.k, Wolk -ald aid fy.u 3fu V.ry !(ky 5!(.e§ n ghtfo c!r' Ą1ATE|Thc lca]\łol d is 38 GRAMMAR Train and Try Again page 148 UsE oF ENGLlsH : @ ** comptełe the text with one word in each gap. Lar ncck me and R,ne frićD.Lś decided to go c.mprng. B.rirrć 1ę { oil ón our drjve, ire had afcng.d to go to dre tain dation ro l u! our fricnd, Hugh, Blt @ o o o o o o o on ńe ] g * ch"".. th.."re<t an§wels A-c, B yo! ofi make JulioI Come on] come Milesl, onl dovr'n. 5 oV/ c rlri ofi yo! A keep!pWih B gooltWth C iookourfor Blenda: Look fs śtańng to ra olick knov/] rvln ll^Jb,J,"g',, g. so he Ńaś happ!,\rc lr3d stopIjcd: ]rc hi§ F,y to nćet hiś.ousin Hugh to go ccn]ling| hiur Unbcliclablej The ćhan.e of rum]ng ' like that nuślbe ! ńillion ro one,And rlr. ]ook on Hugh'ś fa.c §hcnhe śa9 !s.]L in lh. carr.gcdrcrms the funnie\t Ń!s on n me the teit, B oPeńJP c P!t!p an: Abudup No |-.,a l,a, l-t L.l, .n." ,,n\oll_ ' .]on't V/ant to be cai't to cot]ccl him, s! sarr śomebod! b, thc śi.leol 1'or a ]ift, s., \.e lulled ' n] §llcrc hc i,as going He §aid he lvls gojng lo lhe ttain sradon and, as \rc s,ere going ńcrc ouśe]ves, lve oflered thelć, In ńe c.t he to]d us he'd ro dr.! him 3 see Hoyr do yo! th]ik the a r cond t]o]er? don't knoW Try plshing that red bltton EVie: \iy ńe ro.d look!]g He P Rodrick: stćphen'5 oń the phone, bo.ked for ton]ghi H]ś hote s fu y for one n ght, Jo| No plob em, We c.. A givehn!p B plthmup c takeh]m!p Daria; or, no Ferne cańt dr]!e !s to the a rpoń always Rea ly? she A plts )y, Us o Beth"| Eihan: B dowń ^. the ast minute, c gets I-- o,, d\ o eG !§ down ai holr ago. A most at !S.]own 9 o Vlonder Wh3t B get up (y' * complete each pair ol sentences With the ] Ae shat P 2 takes ease i!nr yo!r A oL]t ń mUsic Bofi .n ho!l, só We'd better and ]isten to me, cuP has dropped y? yo!? 'm afra]d to say Co €ne o{ the trjP be.aUse she'S 9ot U, ' Kal has l!n of money and Wants to borlot/ 50me Bofi dr]V]ng to the hote], 4 Bby We Weren'l Very mu.h A. on olr ast ho ]day We ir!.q olli (hanq,'a co!p e)łom France. 1 Gareth 2 3 ,) ó blo!9ht There3 a ove y il.ele {or a dr nk A up cafó B out c comPlete the second sentence so that it DoWN 1 The .al 5lółe ..t!. on the !!.y to the a rpoń Why coes Flaik e acmire Thomas so h]gh y? LooK to ear. some Span]sh When ]'m in Balce ona next month, |'m hoPing PlcK When l'm ]n Balce ona next c alre wasn't interested GoT Ca]€ c on the top of ihe h l , Lefs go ly nto ong motolb ke rides, The .al stopped V/orking on the Way to the a]rPoń, blt t t!rned there, (cheer/he) n the stld o. (take/dad) We'le both has a similar meanin9 to the first ońe, U§e between two and five Words, includin9 the word in capital§. hjm jt l/brothel) {]9htin9 itoi). 'd (9 * * * con cfi A m speaks pedecl Japanese becalse she was Vr'ays !!!plĘ cve to P ay With yo! tonc1o!l Mark§ entere.l a TV trave .r!]ż Let! 90 -nd rea This hatWas cheapel yesierday. They'Ve PUirhe pr].e by over 20 per cenr down Lr ]',La ({a aga n. Ihey're a 'Ve always 4 ng B comPlete the sentences with the corect needed, Use Phrasal v€rbś. the sea, t! too hot here oń ihe §a.d B olt c nto Wi here soon The heavy c s ho diig Abdul be 'm 90 5 eipect.g . {aScinating tour * {orms '. of the words in brackets and any other Words cuP plt. hood e itś.od o!ts]de, o,-o oU gq ," bo"_b-/ę," -d Jelry, please * 4 in camp n9 ho iday§ before camPng ho idays ony Tlldy persL].ded Lizży to give her a ]ast ft to the st.t oń TALKED giving hera lft io the stat]on ovel 39 WRlTlNG complete Zara'§ email with u§e{ul phraseś. The fi6t GiVin9 adVice Dear ShaUn 1 pltt the words in order to make informal sentences. 1 2 HoW are th ngs? ' c to / V]s]t/ tomorow / hoPe / the / pyramids 5 Wait/ can't /try / dlving / scUba s ó>pel a |, y Why you are W ) abolt the ^le, u ej \la|,o, -oldaJ, llw - lo keep lhings caslra , don't make any prom ses yo! can't keep Wa i a Whie and see how yol] don't /.ome l' home / to / rea y 4 The p ctures s tLral on thoLrgh Long d stance friendships aren t easy ike / only / seems /we / yesterday / arrived 3 !!.nt fil:j,ij., y!]!. from yolrr holday Were qreat and l/]aria s Very preity the / hours / every / spendjng / on / beach / day spendina haua an the beach everv dav. in / super/ Bordealx /time / he.e / ]Tt]!j f.] feel, , l d try !H you you n Eng and? /to t 'B t a Way,ddy ask ng Llar a lo h sit V thatJames broke his ank e? He fe l ofi ]ris sk3leboald outs de school Everyone Was alrgh ng at h n-] L]nli they rea ]sed he l4/as rea y huri, E ght \,\ieeks !!ith a p]aster on h s eq Poor lh ng Whateveryou decide,ł(h t Wlw o l\4ara inós fne, Try not to Worr)r Zafa x 4 Read A B c D E F 5 1 'm going to Par s in Juy- lcan'tWait] Gainq to Paris in Julv -can'twait! t fee § lke l'Ve been hele {orever 2 t's amazinq to be here al on my you <an. 3 We're dream ng o{a ho]iday but We dreamlng o{ one, 4 ts 32 degrees here 5 We're iov]ng jt nAtnra]a.WeW§hyo!Werehele 40 n Ved expressing sympathy foryour friendśsituation ofieling advjce by asking a ql]estion offering advjce by making a §tatemenl reassuring yóurfrlend slbject changing the Why don't / you ,,, / whv don't vou ... are the shade ts Wonderfu L . t| o o O u o ls] 2 ś,-po ńl -\-rylllg b- l o 3 l-" yo1,oo ,e eToel \Ąl-ie -.J-,, o 4 jsl itl Unde6tan.l 5 gaod / / sitL ation lr's / |dea / a / ó Was/lovey/ óWn, a Ways genera news or a reference to the email/message yoLr rece Put the u§e{ul phraśe§ in order, then maich them to pań§ A-F in Exercise 4. 1 Rewrite the §entence§ using ellip§is wher€ zarat emailagain and match sentences 1-ó to the pańs below. /What/ d ra ,., t / hear / to / you / from fficult/ a / O o o : ó Read the task below. Then .ead the email and choóśe lhe correct verb§. You received the followinq me§saqe from a friend. 5HoW WHAT YoU,VE LEARNT 8 @ otrzynateś/otrzymałaśponiżsżąWiadomośćod kole9i. Hisanr, oK? l'V€ re.d thdt book yo! lenr me, YoU'le light its excetlentL Unfort!ndtely, ho\!ev.r l'm . bit 9ad at the h!rt my b;.k a few days ago and rh€ moment U 8. doctol totd m€ l need to stay ln bed, Why js U ln ,,pp,\|,",("oo -o ll" " |",er,,"l!-dle thćt bad? Bp.. -jhp,-,o oo ,lip oV"lb_ 3Ld,,le _iń8 for th€ finćlexams and l'm rotaLLy d]sorganisedI don't knoW Wher€ to b€8in. HaVe yo! started? Have yoLr got any ddVice ol ldeds Lo levision eas]er? i and planned to take phoio8rdph5 dnd Vłiie .bout it on my btog, NoW have to li€ ]n bed and do noth ng. can't fead aLL the tim€ dny ideas about \leekend oK? l'Ve got that bookyou Want€d to borrow 'll ]t tonrorrow l'm not f€eLing good today, in fact, bring W odpowiedzi naPisz nie{ormalny e-mail (80-130 5łóW), w którym: . ,"/ , i Po, ,, |. Po od, . opowesżo swo]m podobnym doświadczen u, .,d/- / o|Fa - "d, or,,ob Il-. a .Po oóoó, PoPo,-, o1oob . Eddie Write a Personal email with a reply, lnclUde and develoP the5e points: r.zem żrobić Po żakońcżeni! egżaminóvr', . Erpless symprth], fol yo!, fr eńd 5 r i!al oi . Oifer som. a.]!ice based on yolr oLłn experence. . ch-n!c the 5!b]ec:..d sh.le śome ne\łs abo!t . o o o o o o o o o o D U Rcarsure ycur ll end .t the e.d ói n]e ema] A 5orr! tqb€ą!b9!! ,]rr]bte to be sruck ii !!!!b!!Lb!!l B] rj, dltd.v, 'lr.d b€d / r.l ,/ , |,1]9!Lbq !!.Il.iłł,!. LarprobLern ld5tye.r!rhen :,r5..]l.b].!ł/lrl.łłnry :-kLe HoW d]d you huri your5elf? Yo! amkl. ]r.!. ii|i.d 1 :ni liF 50rn€th ng too hedvy, perhap5? : n ]iy!,lay, 5| /.m !|.].rjl.rrdill: hoW bor ng ]t yo! ćlseli i. 5l,/iLjlki Whydon't : : 50it5even hald€rrodonoihingeveryd.y ] J downtoad §om€ a!d o books?'did 1,'..d d.i. thi5 ld5t .ll, c M uch better than reading to yourseLf dllthe iime! ::n be dnd l remember hoVJ dct Ve a. iheVr'dy"m V 5iting K5iEżcdsile ln WaLlrrży.h W th nry j.,ents n€xi month, D Wdnt to lo n !9? l'nr s!re yo!'ttbe gp'.i yo!r feei and We can !9 p!l ...k on by thei :,on ourW.ythere dnd f.! / fo! D,{on the ,3y back, No problem. E Would be gr.dt to hav€ Vo! conr€ 'n.i.'!.I Ur,i i]r.p lo! :.3Ę| ] j, F Pteas€d :llltiing Vou liked the book, G Will recom!nend eLre !śxtljl!€ ] !!l]tc D E Gdy skończysz Pisać placę, śprawdź,cży uwzględniłeś/ uwzględniłaśwszystkie puńkty ż listy. Mój nieformalny e,mail z poradą: . .ożpocżyna S ę prżyjażnyń Nlo1em PoW t. nym, ,l . .a D-" " J"o, lb Pocżątk! pzekażUje i|formacje o char.kterze o9ó nym / !b żaw]eri odn es en € do treśc . ] ) Look at the underlined Paris ofthe text. Write them n !he fJll łorm. som"time\ more tl^dn o.e anśWel s C SHOW THAT YOU,VE CHECKED osiaii ej!r'i:domośc cd ko eg], !Wzgie.].;a Vr'sżystkie P!nkty ż Po e.enia do ,,,"- -,,\po] ,"d", teńa1! " d-l-- !]dżle er e na pon.W.e9o !łsparc a ko edże, rady, żm anę . , lwzg ędn a koi e. fólmy skrócone 1.p ]'m,/.ren"/th;tś), ńoże żawierać skróty (,rfa/CU/qB), . . e ż.ir'lera b]ę.]óW . ]czy 80-]30 5]óW, r żoslał St.ranni. ortogra{]cznych, czyte .ie naP sany, U o o "0l oI ni nl -_--.ł o 41 sPEAKlNG 2 Asking {or and givln9 advice Put the words in order to complere the dialogue§. 1 shelly: dol favaI/ big/ lv]Lrm, can / me/ yóu / a can vóu do me a bia favou and ńe P me to decide What to pack forthe schooltrip? IMum: of course, Er,,, We]'m Pretiysure 'dan't/yau/ta/need BANK ZWROTÓW DO WYPOW|EDZI USTNEJ cży móg]byś/mog]abyśm can you do me a (big) 9 shelly: WyśW adczyć (ogromńę) take those hlgh hee §, she ly, YoLr are going hiking and camP ng, right? Well, er ... yes. hdidn't / l / af / thjnk / przysl!gę? can you give me some Do you think ] 2 Czy nróglbyś/mo91abyśm] (do)? Jak myś5z, co pow i]enen,],i pow ńńam (żlob ć)? GiVin9 adVice yo! shou]d do P erylszd zecżą, kłóln DoW nieneś/poV/innaśzrob]ć l{ lWere you, |'d (l Wouldn't) ldon't)th]nk you should ,,, Gdybym był/była ia tvr'o m miej§.!, to (nie) rob]łbym/ po,! n You (rea]ly) ought to ,,, (NaPraWdę) PoW nieneś/ YoU mUsi (mustn't) .,. lv]lsisż / Nie Wo no ci.,. ie) potże bU]es/m !s]sż. .an yo! aford tc P.V ior he .oprer res.Ue a.c hosp]l. fee.? Dennis: Er . , ict rea]y, .o, Dad: Thei hlle.e / f.L / i/ t,/r. get some ns!rance, Dennis: oK, ".lr]rfi!q / 9.... , . a good idea to ,,, Why don't you (9o) .,.? bof,ovi f50, Dad? A mum, he.teena9e son at.J hls M,-: Dobrym pomys]em ]e5t A może {po5żed]byś/ lo go on ho ic.y on the l own th ng you 5 d is decide What kind of ho ]day you Would ]ke. you have a qu ck d PrzyjmoWanie rady ook ai oL]r 3G To naprawdę pomocne oh, l didn't think ofthat| N e Prżysż]o m to do g]owy] / N e Pomyś a]em/Pomyśa]am 1 Match qu€stions1-4 B c D E 42 on Sat!lday afrernoons, Why doesi't 5he dr Ve? ltt m!ch {aster than ihe tr. n don't know 've never been The best thing WoU d be io ook on lne ol bly a g! debook, i5 a good ide. to lrearsomething comfońab e We're 90 ng to be on the bus for ]8 houre, Yes, you ought to buy them someih n9 Yo!'re stay ng at iheir ho!se for free ofiers? lV]m hm, We have a We6k ]n San Anton just f249 Per pe€on, o, b]za for biża? don't thiik so, Too many part es, MumI Er ,,, oK, maybe the ab to go on an adventure holiday, We have raftlng, hiking and with advice A-D, Do you thlnk need to get them a g]ft? :Ę] l ooro ,,l l o o ^," 2 Do,o,l, 3 What sights do you think We sho! d see ,-] ParĘ? i ] 4 Which ila n sho! d 9he catch? :] you A th]nk shcu cJ The restalrant s lsua y Very bl]sy spec. i !We don't have much money but maybe a beach ho ]day Good thinkin9] That's really helpful. the E - -c y 9 uś ałlG ? tv]y son Aitho.y and h s fr]e.d Tom V/eni The best thing Would be to ,,, lit 1cr the sk tr P, comPlete the dialogue With the core.t wolds. The first leiters are given, eneś/pow nnaś, (N r. Dad: We c.n Myśe/ N]e sądzę, że YóU (doń't) need to .,. / vóll / l / Dó / bly lecl cl lslrance Dad? t! expens !e, cży myśisż, że Potrzeb|ję/ need ,,,? Whai do you think lsho!ld The first thing Deńńis:'ńee.] / thińk L r Mm hm, MumI c imbin9? l don't think so. Too dangerous. MUml sightseein9 in Rome? IMum I lta]y? No Way. craży dr]Vers, MUml Look, thanks for your advice, it Wa§ 'r_ h , but l think We need to ta k aboutthis at home, Mm hm, L L]sten the fir§t part o{ the Video (00:00-01:5ó) Without lookin9 at the screen and check your answers to Exercise 2, ,, 5PEAKjl,]G Discuss What you expect to see in the video. Then watch the fir§t part (00:00-01:5ó)and . , Watch the second part o{ the Video (01|57 5:37) and answer the questions. 1 2 Before 1 3 sPEAK NG Look at the photo. lmagin€ you are stayin9 at thi5 luxury hote|, deep in the complete the informaiion about Mashpi Lodge with the wórds in rhe box, Then Watch the Video again and check your answerś. '1 2 HoW do yo! th ik yo! Wo! d get ther_.? HóW !Vó! d ,,,oL speńd yo!r t m. theie? 1,500 Anrelica equator gUest ouito three two Ecuadol is Stuated on ihe ]_ South '_ and the 3 L" ,oL- twenty plun, two '"rno ó rooms, costing a n]ght, There ale members of staff {or every' The hote Was oPeied a few years ago, t! an eco hote Wth bre.thtak n9 vlewsfrol every W idow |t5 kr. 9 aittreeholse PeóP e ir.Ve, floń a ] overthe Wori to exPer]en.e the extraordin.ry an ma and'ó ole"t 1 lV" [P loo9. l.;o ","o h- mdd. of ., oLd ro esT, '"" !p to 7 l coast ol goes across ,V, F<-- - n hours'drjve from the €apita , 5 Nlashpi lodge is a uxury hote, with k łid the 4 HcW .cmfortab e 5 G es !r tr reights? 5 Wh.l does Roq!e thirk p.oP 9!t him? ó \,Vh.1 5 Roqles at.n i],o]ect and What:s t {.r? 7 How does !V]o r c. tre res.le pro.edlre? 8 How does she fe. abolt test]iq the system? .a :j complete the phrases with the nouns in the Ecuadolian cloud forest, Discuss the questions, 2 Wl]at \łas Roqle se! a9folńe,t.e? i!h,V d]d he bU d the hotei? Where dóes he lake G e§ to ! eW the hote fe, 2 3 ho "l pro.Aol box. ró r.śel!eto^el .ieł) amażin9/breathtakin9/L]niqUe e.o/ UxUry/s!sta nab e dense/hUge 5 After you watch choo§e rhree phra§e§ {rom Exercise ó. Write two true fal* one. Read your sentence§ to your partner for him/herro gue§s Which §entence is false. §entence§ and one sPEAKlNG Would you like to §tay or work at Ma.shPi Lodge? Why/Why not? Tell your pańnei Focus VLoG sPEAK|NG Where are the Places in the box located? Which wou]d you most like to visit? Why? Arizona california cape cod cyprU§ Da las IV]ai.e scotland The Lake Dlstrict :j ('] Watch Luda, Alex, Lauren, Noah, Rachel and Lucy answering the 9uestiois below. Put the places in Exercise 1 in the order they are mentioned 1 2 Whsre d c yol lse to 90 on ho ]cay:s a .hi.',? Wh.t 5oń oiir.qs d d yo! Use to dc oi ho id.v? ;; ,l, w"i.h th. ] 2 3 4 5 ó uid.o ónd an§Wer the que§tion§. "9ain Who !se.] to 90 camp ng, Wa k,rg .nd sforkc ng? Who Lsed to gó io ihe Poo , p ck ffu] t and r]de b kes? Who lsei io qo camp nq ..d ! 5 t N.t ona Parks? Wno Lsei to 9c. to the, suńbathe and ch ? \Ą/ho \,1/hó !s.d tó 90 on load ir:ps .ńd V 5 cl- @ t fam] y? !śed lo V/.ik.loL,ń.J, go §hopp rg and read? sPEAK NG Think about holidays you weit on as a child, What thii95 did you u5e to do? Tell a Pańnei a 5ELF-cHEcK 4 VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 choose the .orrect form in the second sentence so ihat it means the 5ame as the first, choose the correct answer A-c. a journey on the tra]n to Manchester .nd bacl, P etty cheap, eh? paid f30 for 1 2 3 4 5 6 ",-Adam ..]| oa,l C r9. of a gap year and trave l ng B th nk ng ]s Har:y -]lji ],.,. 5P._f.! A !.:ńlonned B !ólevr'ard:.g c d scor.ected Ame a s nlcyiig toll sm and W]ren she 9ra.ilates, C ndy ]s s!r. that Edw-rd forgot to pay {or h S lnch C ńdy tlj ńt, Edtr'.rd ,ii!-iri |r.;. l.], 1 .i_-t i ]].]!e l. ..,l_.. /' li ,ś:i]:!r i]lg.il_", to p.y for n s Uich, rtlr nk l'.]lle Bup c olt 9he W..t5 to b.. to!. B company c doing 1 t5. be.ltfu 5ea5 de 5 1 4 good pri.e, 5 O ..]!§l erc ń9 our rh 5 V/ ńd uiti]you 9.t tothe t take5 yo! ihrouglr the Wood5 dolr'n to tlre sea, fo cornPlete the sentenc€s. The first and last letters are 9iVen. Phi eas Fogg is a { ctiona .haracter cleated by J!les Verne, H]5 nanre ]s We l known because he took an incred ble vqyage around ihe Word in 80 days, lV]aybe you'Ve read the book? lv]ost ofthe cy. e ride iod.y'5 d l,Sojtsnot a ycry t]ring rolte Blt p be.are{! aid your o,akes oefcre vle begin Thele! a b 9 tlaflcj m dLe to.n a.cldent on WoLr dn'i t, P and yot V § ove to !.] o| .l l e!e.y co!.iry on t.e plan.t? ], i5 .orrect. Th ńy ye.E agc, a rPo.ts Wc!ldn'l be as sec|.e as tFey are .o!r'ac.y9. .]].]. !]|: i.j l .. on o.tober 23rd, my t: e broiher L§ed io be borń Wou d you use to 9o łbroad or ho day When Vo! Were tt e? o!. fami y dic]i't !5e to 9o camp n9 ]n the s!mme. We . ways nayed r hoste 5 c, hotc 5 ] Wolldn't ove travel lnq on p anes When Was younger, blt now rea y enjoy it. Helen used to Was a p lot before @ cnoose trre correct answers A-c, ac The super.jllmbo.jet back of the car for th. f lst part of the ]o!mey and swap P aces When We get to Amsteldan, we' ..|]i.] l.!.5r],;j/eo / .at l Find and correct the mistakes, one §entence s an.]s We qo thele every s!mme. 've never been on a lr p befole Does the.onpany p.y for everythii9? Dale Vlon't 90 !p n the c.b e , He! /' i,;rl. 5!,.f.]o]tte 9r.fft on tF.t |ra 2 ai. gger This fi.]]i i.i b!/.ż.'.Del iirs.t.rDe Leo! !ggage Je9s is 9!re the ghi n the sky V/as not a U1-o she doeSn'i beieve n UFos. Accord]ng to Jess, the ght . the sky !r|sl ri--re leeir,/ ri!,ii r.r!e r]ee| / ..--l]'i ]i.--! E 5elJi a L]Fo. ]t Wns possjb e that Hary splaye.j the 9ra{fit on tlrat gu de !]]]E v 5 ts thlee d!fierent C.ribbean !e sa to Southampton befole Leis ta k alroui pub ic 41ol a nlolneni n pa cu ar, .0 anss D d you kno\ł thł the AińUs A330 s itle arlest passenger p|ane n ihe |,lor d? l has lL,lo eve s, ol deOks and can carry up t0 853 peop]e, The Boe i! the b 00esi commerc a a l ner n ihe Word blllheA3El], fih ch has been Iy n0 s rlce oclober2007 has around ,]0 per Denl rnore space The A380 carres elloLJgh fue fol ]t to passenlers oil ]n Lls Allqe os WtlOUi iake off n DUba Stopp ni], The lakes an lvera_Oe 0f J6 hoL]r§ arld 20 m nules, c U 747r and' 4_ 1he pasi, passeni]els 3 n have to cope Wth a 01of no Se dUr]nq ]oL]rneys ikEthSone irLrith3A380 iS 50 płcentqu]etelthan o1her s m ar p]anes A380S ale culrealy o\/ńed by 9 a r nes n Europe, Al]stlaia,Asaandihe|,1ddeEast s0 1you haVEf own from anyof these req ons, t 5 d ,od, " ," ^ . :r Ps to soltF easteln Asi. có.ta.t !s fol det.] s Hoyl cai We c 5 this r Ver Vr]thóll . boat? is 2A,fI 5 A 2 on an 4380 :A]]traisPort c B tla]l c tlave 4 B B ,no! d mJst have been c r]de c m ght ha_Ve blg /5 too dJ|9ero!5 to try nid swim to lhe oil]el śde /5 44 I to Work . the toursm i.dlnry a.d Fe p peoo e who want tc rrave f]idmy.!rcltjob c room, 50 t'] be cor]f.jrt.b. We have book-"d a eioLrgh for !s 5oth to gei a good nighl5 s eep A Package B twjn c slng e You sho! d never .ul yolrse f łom yclr fam' y, Why Wo! d yo! W-nito do:hat? The 5 s 5!],e b B taking car efujse drive path lesoń rid_. transpoń 4 ia mlch A making business 3 iii!,ł 5;/ These .. .]i]l |_.,' i.;}, be / ff,lri i],. J! .5 ń!m 5 keys Leo s s!re that ii]. s not h s L]ggage H 5 b.95 are comP eie the sentences With the words from the box. chan9e th6 forms if necessary. There are two extra 2 1| ń.I tie rignt n. Do yol b.Ve a ń.p? m!śl5e / .J.', L]ć osi that lhese are her m!m'5 keys Tney ooi( t's pó55 b,e that§ We l rotul roo ] complete each pair of sentences with the same word, N.]f,y !P ól We' !]! ihe s.hoc bls and be ate for USE OF ENGL|SH 7 choose ihe correct tran§lation A-c for the polish pańs of the senteńces. Trave iig abroad rnie było) so easy in ihe past, you \i/h_.n are yo! ccm]ng home, Barbara? rea y 1 A the fr!]t from the gardens,'t used to be aB]didil Lrse io be ) ;he 2 actla y lżin,enJa si.. enolgh for tvlc 9 Th s o d sofa beC b c B f /i) a comfortab e tL]rn5 L]P yd (zjedżiesż) nele, 5nacks {or the ]oLlrney ' hope ieavy iralfi. doesi't Jos]e too o.g We' be ate {orlhe part], these 1ov/ers {or a se.ord, Co! d Voi] neec to t e ńy shoe a.e§ C.ńd'ce doesn't need . hoie. We .an pli Fer lvhele śhó! d hang th s andscape pa ],]mP oui and !p bly some nt n9 1 The . Eng and to ca a]s . houu aic there are over fróm Dover Fr.ńce iakes on y'l 5 bo.t, pe. day to .hoo,e lrom A. acc]deńt happeied th 5 ńór.]ng o. tlre żebra ńe;r oUl schoo Tne d, Ver . a]med he 30 Do]ńg a iit e urork Wh e on ho day is a most ln'e do lniknlęcia) no\iadays be.a!se of mobi e techio ogy /5., !raSn't cjri/|n9 too fa5t hote, We'l have more fioncy to 9peńd d!i ig o!l hó ]day Toiy (nie nó9/ byd ro Esypt befole H. only got l]Et passpoń a few moiths a9o, A cai't B 5 c h m]ght h.Ve been mL]st have been 10 Yotr .an't lea]y (ż.nlrżyć 5rę) n a foleigi colntly! .u t!re un esS yo! ]Ve thare for a fev/ monlhs bracketś. Do not chan9e the order ofrhe words. chan9e the {orm§ or add new Word§ where nece§sary. Use up ro §ix words in each gap, Where! my luggage? oh, no. The trave company ]eT 2i of 3 4 Ą must /rave /osr(nTust/be/ ose) it. Graham blt he oves t no\ł the moment 9e, 5 m], -,dog month {or th 5 blt jń (may/lain) n London ai two hoLrls't me Vr'e'l be n s!nny SpainI don't kno,! v/hy J nrs ]ate He (can/not/gevst ck)]n trafi]c becaUse there are hard y any cars on the road today lt! poss ble that our favo!dte hote (m qht/move)but 'd be very surpr sed f r ciosed dov/n, t W.s aiway§ Very PoPu al V/jth tour]sts (,]se Beiore the El], you toi'need/have)a passport to trave from Po ańd to complete the text with the correct form ofthe words;n the box and any other words you need. There are iwo extra words. ol complete the §entence§ using the prompts in ig '!,e speni . have been B immerse yoursel{ 1 ,""d 5 l a€€ePt be believ€ catch familiar lead Pleasant think Whcn ln} lirst clroice of u niversit}, touli§n pt)griminc. lhcrc can'l a c.e ]_ p ieo me onlo the ir a happier pelson ii the \ol]d thrD lnc, Fil\t]l,I kne§ I !\anted io leave home and chłIlengc thc '__ I had about |jvins n§ar- from m} płrcD§, would l cope §,ell on my o§n. ] $'] BUt thcrc Nas olle ihnrg l knes for place. $here śu,e] lv{ntćd to livc ilr a(n) 3_ you k os, everything ałd e,elyb()d,,- would bc Dcw, ^nd resularl}. Ńhat] l ]ove it,1§ta} nr L(ru.h wirlr n1} pirenG because.l reallr lole lhćm and miss tlrcm, But liling at home asain ha§ become a for m., ID l'.icL.I vc Ą l,",,l il eJLh oe. o(d Ul",el lńl,.\,lri..,l.,),i 5 in count.\, appl) tbr a iob as tour another ']ldl ,,d),ll !(,,olrJ\e] e\en ł-he|, o|l il n,. l,,il, licld ofinterest. alrd contjnue to be independeDt, Total l2o lŁ) 45 drink and be healthy FocUs oN WoRDs iDescriblng food VOCABULARY Fruit and Vegetables {ood o 3 Write the opposites, Use the Photos to help you, . describing collocations ,| l§}", .l4. SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 choos€ the odd one out in each grouP of {our Word§ and complete the §entence§. o honey @ 1 2 'lic. is the odd oie out becalse a the taste b§!!ę91, calrot onion potato s the odd one olt becalse " othels are types o{b ihe &§,1 cucumbel m.igo rasPbery ]s the odd cne out be.a!śe al the otheE are types ofb n-]ik b]scljts crisP§ spaghen js th_. odd one out because its lhe ' p]neapple ' on y one that you 4 pumpk]n cai the b chicken S a the odd one { 8] ź §!!ęę! graPe the odd one out becalse othe5.rc types of iI 6 pear is 5 a olt be.ause. the 2 3 m]ld 5 fresh i9) (e,s honey) r]Pe 2 ] (e,9. V-.getables) (e,9, chilies) (e,g, green bananas) (e,g bread and cakes) (e,g, mik) (e,g, nread (e,g, rice without spices) (e,g, emon) (e,g, sa!ce) othels ale types ofb Focus oN WoRDs Fruit and Vegetables complete ihe menu, some letters are given, AgBiarńoRe§&8łaru?**---€ą ,, l stańef§ $ eti3ilt oran3c pu.lpln soup nade with hot rcd]c i pe saiad \łith'rail Ó Exoiic re.l,l d s{ecnaav ]eAes ,nd slice§ oi Main Dishes Ó Ó Lasasnc with larca '""" xnd'a side§: 5śp Afl our fruit and vegetables are ltesh each day o. h ^nl16^nb . served with babv 3.t i.. oder.l sidc dish oflobee lo cnjoy wiLh youf mlrin ll1cAl, Ó Fniit sala.] *-iih ilous§e mndc wilh l,ome- l'.he fromróco acie s, ]3pi qt le. orl78it vanilla icc crcllln, laapr t scned t J9] complete the sentences With the nouns REMEMBER THl5 Exercise 5. Pln'ollii,deer'.oL.-naąWięcAiri_ -oer a- lol l-, ] sweet / b Llel e s bi" .L .ofreA a- daĄ .horala|ó 2 3 sweet * sour, e,g lemans ol vinegar fresh + sou., e,g, o]d milk or yoghin A H from l l i ) /ł complete the dialogue§with adjectives {rom Exercise 3. The adjedive sour i§ used twice, 1 2 !*-§P ? p W: Ale you ready to order, madam? c: Yes, er ,, could l ask you about the Thai Red Clrry? s it ł9]! ? 'm afraid too much chi i gives me stomachache, W: That! no prob em, madam, ] can ask the chef to make a _ version for you Witholt the ch]li. c: Excuse me, Waitel| W: Ye§, s]r HoW can l he p? c: We ], |'nr not sat]słed With this meal at a , Fnst of a , the rice is cold and worse than that, the {jsh ls .omP eie y !i.ooked 'm notVery good at baking. l'm afraid the§e biscuirs 1 2 3 ]t! 3A: ó food in the fl]dge is not exactly fresh anymore, We'Ve got some " mik and there are a few Wh le We Were away, The of' bread Hmm ,., doesn't soln.lVery tasty, s ces n Sha WePhone K: Woo hooI Gre.t idea, So, What fr!]t do you eat in idoies a, AUl a? Wel , We eat a ot ofmaigoes, Atihist]me of y€ar, most o{ihem are ye oW and " 4R: ,o - lod -"d o- qlite b tasting blt the ye o!! ones are ex.cty the opposite; rea y' and de cous. oh, dear s this cake o d? lt breaks nto Pieces ]nstead ofmelt]ng ii the mouth. And iit" too it has a mosi no f]avolr tV]: Rea iy? Let me rry. The Woman in lhe baker! 5. d a.d baked on y today. WondeńUl steak this is, Not too much fat, nice and ' , just how like it, And the PePPer sauce on toP makes ii even more de icious, Mmmm, B: Do you thlnk so? l have to disagree. ]tt quite b ifyou ask me, Thereś too much fat on it ó L: What a vatch adjectives 1-7 E , ll 2 qround l : cng,gra n ! 1 sde _' . iaPle - soda A pepper c Syrup B bread ] .-! ate ] prefer \ło! d yo! ke st or sPark iig Wo! d yo! ike White orWho emea is spicier the black orthe cayenne m]xec or: green aś.st:rte.? yo! ke: home mac]e ortinnecl have ancther bolr', P e:se? Wth my .!rry, P ea§e Nó, actua y make that brown s this Cai ] REMEMBER BETTER 1 zoo*i"._o-.. isearqi..l .- ra,ww,,y .i"l .9od,b, l o-odl oW.po,"ł,,\,Ł,tIo-p,,"d]-.,"dłd, W|aiapo?^by\ o=1.",l- lowl!".P l-.,, a ę , p,"o,..rFciAr rJslóol -oo dl lo lo lo \o owol, li :l]ji_:]_ _ __,_,,,_,, _,,,,,,_,,,,,"_,,_,,_,_,,_,,,,,,.,,,,,__,-, SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 7 choose the correct Words. 1 Jackie doesn't like spicyfood, so don't add too many figs / chillipeppers / carrots to the curry, Mum, how do l know fthsbakedpotatoisstale/ rł]e / cooked? |t's been n the oven for 20 n,]inutes, prefer chicken to beef because White meat ]§ not as lean / raw / fatty as dalk mear. Where did you buy these beetraots / cherrjes / radi§hes? They're realy hot| Mmm, De iciousl HoW does your dad make such Wonderful honre madel tinned / crunchy sol1p'? WoWl This coffee is extrcme|y sour / biftel / sweet. could yoL] pass the §!9ar, please? lf you eat caoked / unłpel fresh fruit, you may get stomachache, Choose softel pieces as they are usua y ready to eat, My young brother doesn1 eat many vegetables, but he Wi l have .au/iflowerl spinach / punpkin because he says he loves grcen] Grandma can'i eat crunchy / stale / saurfaod because §he doesnt have hel own teeth] 10 Jess sPiled beet.óoil sylup / grape{ruit a down hel white blous€, Hel dad washed itthree t]mes but the red stainsjust turned pink, 2 3 4 5 ó 7 FocUs oN WoRDs l co]]ocations : don't ike slgar or chocó 4 Which 5 Wo! d to po Son yo!r.!stomers? S]Ę are you aware thatthis is a sushi restaUrant? l ]ove travel]ng, but iiśa Ways 9reatto gei home. |'m hun9ry, What have We got? KI El, We l ,., it ooks like the e ectr]c]ty Went off 8 are too dry and crunchy. D frater E sa ad F solp G r].e H bis.Uits 8 9 47 i l l | J GRAMMAR 4 ** complete the dialogues. Put the Verb§ in ' in the correct form, blackets 1 J: Are you ook ń9 joiir'ard Io yo!r reJ ? lt tonj9ht, right? dish J: When sHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 4 5 ó 'm thjnking of spend ng my next ho jday t mlght rain in the mountains c]Uring 'm Planning to v]s]t my o d {rlends ln Denver Peter and Mary may be out somewhere with at intend to keep calm L throl]qhout around Woulc] love to go trave ing a chr]stmas th]5 year. c d the fam]|y dlnner South Africa one day b (he/come)over? OK, guess l w]l leave before he (seo here, so g]Ve him my congratu at]ons on getting the jobl @ L,IJ 2l|' Co f|] Co Co lyoL]/do) anyth]n9 interest]ng o. saturday t l ó p.m What abolt you? (have)a barbecue AdUa y, ' d (bes]n) . the e!e. n9. Wc j.]e. anylray .ook.9 at aro!id 7 p m That's the Do yo! Wanttojo ń !5? That sound5 great. L' the long May Weekend, I 9 (definitely/be) therei ab,6nt / Do / Wofiy / c ean / char ótte / not ' 9o horle and chanqe (.ome)blt can be ihele just after seven, Thanks, ża, Rearrange the words to make sentences. There i§ one extra word in each §entence. 2 / Don't Worrv becaUse Charlotte Will c/ean the kitchen, top / / some / put/ Sha / on / cherries / W]l ofth€ cake? bar/ to / a / b!rger / We / golng / eat / are not/sha /Jason /W l/ Lrnt l/ aga n / be / hungry 3 3* * 1 choose the correct forms, M: Sa y"il .oJk r! / liri..ol tomof,ow morn n9, so vle shou d bly some m!k and cele. ń case! We doi't Want to be h!ńgry ]{ ii b s / |l i] b! a d saster No prob em, 1Ąj1l9. / afi qoi|!r to the 5hoPs ]!5i K: F: The resia!rant "!r]il .ics. / .lo5.§ al 9 p,m ton 9ht becalse tomorows a ho day, P: That! perfed {or me Tomorow h,.k. !i/.li] ll;k rq |P early to go on an excLrlsion W th some frjeid5, 3 s: o: Tori "Won't be / jsn't being able to meet Us {or lnch blt she b.]o'ns / Wi/ijo'n !s later hoPe so, '.]x 9oiljQ io giv_. / m ql]!.rrfe h,.r the birthday preseńt 'Ve j!si bo!9ht her becaU5e r ol / !r.N I b. here for her pańy lomotrow D: "di] maKe / dIr ]]r;(ir!] Joe'§ {avo!r]ie d]sh for d]niel toń ght and hale j!sr { nished shopp .9 for E: That! Very 5 n ce 48 ofyou. bwi]// s/rail helPyou Wth the preParations? l cai help u§ as soon as "Complete / Wi|l camplete my homework, L: Po ]na says she "i5 notgóing to eat / isn'teating the fish from yesterday, so We shou d thlow it away. W: Don'tWaste good food, lbam gojng to / Wi]/eat ]t if nobody els€ ( sp]nach lasagne With rocket sa ad on the side ._ * 1 (be) L: Match the senieńce beginnings with the correct endings. Tick the §entences that refer to rhe future. j have to de ivelthis parceltomorow between ffi 1 2 3 ! Wants it. SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 5 Find and correct the mi§takes, 1 What t]me ffi]+ the bU5 e.Ve the staiion? q!c9 'm exhausted .ftel so much Work this lv€ck. l th ńk ]Lo 2 Am 3 4 o,dóo,obódódlJ qo]ng to he p you? Yo! ook Lk6 yoi] cou d lse some he p. We're ready to order food now, r]ghr? am ca ing the waiter As soon as l am gett ng on the trajn, Wi l ca you. Where you go]ng to siay !!hen yóU 90 to France nexi Week? Henrv and M.ńa are to qo to thefood festVa n tolrn. Let! 90 Wth them GRAMiMARTrain and Try Again Page 149 tl l 5 Diets . co ocaiions REM EMBER BETTER :!] 9r!plj s]ofln]ctwo ża pońoca d agńmóW ]ak np lei pcniŻ.] Dod.tkovr'o moŻesż żażnaczyćPodobne fc ly urazór, ko orowym marteram Umiesżcża] d ]aP 1 Read What two speakers said about their diet. choose na samoprzy eprych kartecż W m ejś.ach, na króre .żęsto p.t żysż, lp, ńa L]strże, b ac e b]urka, tab e.]e .ży rhe correct verbs 1-8 to complete the collócations. ioTórc€ K edy stw eld, 52, że ]!ż P3m]ętasż jedną grupę Vlyr.ź.ń, żastap ]a d aglamem ż no\!ym żlfoiam y Add three more items to the Word maps for eat t]ng olt/inarestaL]rant heajthilv a"ł -- to,. @Ę| n) s1: Jt x IT r-p" il ,"/l9d.dtJ"|o1-1 " d.o ol l"las &o}".lś l\eoly'e"le. ,oo,óo Lcód raw {ood. l be|ieve that F<1 -ood, yo- lo,e re q!9de!ą1d_!ffi the food. l eat raw Vegetab e§ aid {ruit I,,,], but o{course ] a so need protein, I,,,]So I,,,] l eat rcW eggs. [.,.] feei hea thy a|d 3leel / have / need ats of energy, but [,.,] itt difflc||tta astay / ]ive / eat łi,t --re ,e5r o! nv tm \, "-d l dl' " otoo -m , 54: .. u u.gar, l, ,l lld- ^ e"-5 !|dt do, -" o śłl- L(o ooolt.c o,o-) pL,pośó, oor 1 ed- TeoT, fis. ddryo dlL"9 ,ha| .o.nA< Lom d| i-a]s l do T óy ed, id/ ..ł . otle5 mdde {lo- -1 md , - |Lr. IWh., da. a ,lio "te-e"!"lddJl 1-1 lLeTo.1 people, But then When ] Was 13, §tarted thinkjng (or, ll-"l abor aboJt dle-e mJ looo.d, low a^ir "ls s-'{el ".o Wd,,lo,l-d, ld-,ldedlo 1eat / become / c.)ak avegan.I seat / resPecr / kill anjma s and l don't Wantthem to §Ufier], complete gap§ 1-4 in the diagrams With the verbs from the box. There are two extra verbs. Then complete gaps a-d with the underlined words the extract in Exerci§e 1. coók drink eat feel łre ink lase lespect ......,:.. the ąoadness and vitamins in the {ood :... Welght/ coniro / blood :... yo!r aPPetite / your memoly / your]ob / natlrelthe environment :,., " somebody's Wishes / Vievis / Pr]vacy ..,."""""" spil Wńe.yoazcaak / eai / buy Focus oN WoRDs I C., 3 a drink o..]t ons comP]ete the advice with the correct adjectives, The first and lasr letters ale given. Eat well, peńorm well- today Emma Peel tells us aboutthe relationship between dietand study Are yourexams com ng up soon? Are you stldy]ng hald and fee]]ng stresse,:l? nordertodoyourbesl you need to thi|k calef! y aboL]t What you eat, A heahhv diet means a d d et so V ng oil mosny light d snacks ke sandwiches s noL r- ]b reconrm,ónde.] To stay energ sed, tryio eat p enty of 30 c food f poss b e an.]a!oi.]too n]Lrch plocoss8d ol fast foo.] YoLr ]:]on't n d et but it need to chan!e to m ghl be a good dea to sh reduce the amount of meat yoLr eat. AVo]d rneals in the even ngs, especially il you are go ng to v st atyourdesk and study unt ate, fyougetlrlngry While rev s ng, choose a 6h vsnacksuch as fruit owłat yoghurt or some nuis lather than cńsps mea reelou r) Gomebody) breakfast/ ]Unch / djnner a ({or tvvo/th complter/ phone / machine chopsticks / a knile and fork / a / happy / f]t hur9ry,/th]rsly fear / excteme]t / re el ol sweets, Eai 7f_g pzzas and bUrcers food such as chocoate, occasjonalv perhaps as a reward fol a hard workinq week €therthan as part of your daly d el, And remembei just because ch ps, yoLr don't have t on]y me to prepare and en]oy a fL]] e fiea does noi nrean yo! ] 49 READlNG Read the two texis quickly and decide Which statement 1-3 i5 {alse. Feed vour mind . co ocations j,Wl rlllltrł,trlllłlfl W,lwlftłł,łtrlffi Although We st argue abouiWho does the Wash ng up, my hoLrsemates and are doino a bl bettel witlr cook ng than We 1_ Wete, ] 2 3 ]Lr5t has been !\,rii]ng aboUt coo(ing since he Was foLrfteen, 5hare5 h]5 cooking t]p9 fol student5 Who ale [eav]ng 1 Ton ghtWe're c]oing spaghett] oo d d h".d r off,o U. .",(,,, Tly.nd te.ln the b.sics befole you te.Ve home:you Wiltknow Wh.t rec]p€s Work folyOL].nd What eqU pmeittotake, Th€le in few rnontlrs of cook ng and eat ng on oul own were pretty terrble Gav n 2 survved murn's frozen mea s Wh ch she de Vered every month nseisof25.Larn dni even know how to make ioast when he first arrved, butthen he earnedto open cans and heat up the contents, and so lved 1,\,ho plobablyWon't be mUch sp.ce* Yes, We're dojng better now but the first d l. lL.,| fd, bolognese, Q! lrs o 10 Top Tips For student cooks thef 5am Stern, oi baked beans and souo, At fnst, salah managed to pelslrade Gavin to share qu te a few of h s mum's frozen de glrls, bultlren sh€ qol a bo),1rend. 2 yo!ln!deni kit.hen, so ontVtak€ the ess€ntials. cet someone to cook With yoU if yoU haven't cooked befol€. fyO! c€n'tfnd .nyone, ihen foltowthe l€c]p€ Vely calefUtly, J Don tgetstlessed olt if lh ngs so Wlons, yo! Witllealn flom jt, in]t{make mi§takes atlihe tirne, The skiltOf. good cook ls learrring hoWto r:ollect these mi5t.kes, c]Ve yo!lsetfenoUgh yo! sta time.nd €tways lead the fecipe thloUgh before i§ mLch eź§l€l. ńnd tha1 cookins in a letźxed eivironmenr li9teningto nrUśk a[Ways help5. Look out for good pt.ces to shop bUtche15' €nd srcenglocels' c.n oft€n offel betterVi]tle dnd tdnethan 5Lpelmalkets, Theytan also glv€ yoLr som€ gle.i advicefolWhatto do Wlth the cheapelcuts Of me.t Ol more !nUsLraL Veg€tabtes, food ]5 ch€ap.nd tin be just as tasty, N4any ofthe ]in€st cLri§ine§ Use only a tittte m€ar źnd yel ale śOmp Ofthp mo9t cleatiVe and h€a[thiest. Rem em ber Vegetdlia n HoWeVe]: there have been a few Woltd disastrous* attempts" to feed ourseVes, 3_Accord ng to Llam, itwas 'abso]ltey de c ous'and sUle to appear ]n Jam]e o Veis next cookbook: ore § PUt yoUi noneytogethelW]th youl hoUsemates to cleat€ yoUl kitchen stole .Upboald helbs,, etc, These can b€ expensiv€, but not lf yoU 5hale, They make a Woltd of diffelenceto thefl.VoLlofyoLr m€ats, so źre wellworth tle nv€stmenl. cleat €łing st€ds W]th Wise shopping,lfyoU d pt.n befoleyoU he.d tothe superm.lket, yo!'tlavoid mdkins ]mpLtse b!ys. Folth€ same leason, avoid shoppingWhen you źle hLngly.5hop at the end ofthe day źs you Wlttńnd the rcdUced section flr[l, Which n,]eans greót b.€dins, sUpermeŃet owi] bldnds c.n be bettel ir|d chedpel th.n n.n€d bldnds, R€m€mbelto took folthe plod!cts W]th the tongest s€tl-by dat€s*too, YoLr can often fid them by checking atthe back oJ th€ 9heŃes, Plan food thatWiltt.stfor molethdn one mealifyotr c.n, Fol exdmpte, .Whotechicken i5mol€ expens]vethan pi€ces, bltt.n makethle€ ol foul oth€l meals. A cully ola new can tanfor dźys and śoften cheap to make, The iieez€l ls yo!r ft iendl 10 [ooklng Wllh yoLrl fliends and hols€mates 5 not o|ly a gle.t socialevent bLt.tso tetsyoU5Dliithecost,'m. stud€nt, and eV€lyTLe§daynighl, We h.Ve a dinnel pżlly for 10 15 peopleWith pel5on paying a few q!id.* As a les!ll, We hnve WondeńUthuge loirst dinnels.nd lots.nd tots of l.Ughs, disa§trous rad]) Very bad or lnslccessful; katastlofa ny attempt rn) the a.t oftrying somethin9; próba słorage space (n)-space in a house orflat Whereihlngs " 50 be eo , ,",",T1o._1::i U oifer.d!.e to yo!n9 peop e Bcth iexts y;ere wrtei b!,siu.]erts Both texts concern the iopi.S ofslLidents aid food. I Both iexts sell-by da,ie (n) the d.te sianrped on a food product afrer Wh ch i shó!ld nor be so d; ża eca.a daia Sprżedaży quid rn) informsl pó!ic] (f) (p/ural a]so quid, notqu dr; 4 ż (p ,d. o o o nead lext 1 again, complete gaps1 3 With A-D. There is one extra sentence, A 1 2 3 We'Ve even stańed shoPP]n9 and cooking together regular|y, wh ch has made our meals cheaper, eas el to plepare, and 9eneraly less Stlessfu , Foitunate y, that Was the ast t me Liam tried to cook a mealfor seven people, complete the śentence§ with the answer§ to Exercise 4. shal We share a p zza and sa ad and so/itthe cóst? '1 We have to carry evelyth]ng that We Pack forth]s 2 1 Wh]ch o{the fo lowlng is stated ]n the text as an op nion, and not a facr? A Liam d]dn't know how to make toast When he first B The students 3 4 are find]ng i1 eas el to PrePare mea s , sl Jppó.- c l" , l--.e a cookbook. 5 | ó rea ise the iir§t few months of preParing mea s on the l own Were Prettytefib e, D The stldents TEXT 2 2 sam's tips are inrended for c 3 D e Who have never cooked before, young peop e who plan to become Vegetarians, ln his ańicle, sam stern advises students to ess money on soc]alisin9 and more money shop ]n S!permalkers because itścheaPer buy one of his cookbooks. D try to re ax as they cook, even if someth n9 goes wrong. When ta king about shoPPing, Sam ask for cookin9 tips from shopkeepers, go to suPermarkets early in the day before alLthe cheaper Products are sold, look out,for cheaper named blands, D a Ways do the r shoPPlng togetherW]th a fiend. TEXTs ,l AND 2 C ]n A both texts, the authors mentlon ihe benefits of5hopp]ng in sma l shoPs ratherthan shopPl.g and cookin9 together the benefits of relax]ng Whlle you cook, D the benefits of own n9 a freezer B the benefits of c ;1el )j and pl.a.. _, Check the price online before yo! buy, Web§ites When they lan out of money, the students ice and soy sauce, ln your house, ]t Wi yo! turn down the heaters lf to your e ectricity bils, The jUice makel Was quite exPensive, but , We drink healthy jUice a mosi every molnjng stanie się oPinią: C óaking With friendi is t...1 a gĘĘi social event- ] complete the quotes With the word§ from ihe box, I and 'NoW that everybody haś a śmartphóne .zy a cońpUter, ,,..!consUmpiionishi8herthaneverLnsońeareas '-"_-:, '=.'. ,,.,^, (\aareFd8leó1 a 8reat statistics 91drl| condii on9 for an ma s cdses a.e Very bad A lot of nvestment ] standalds s ne€ded to meet the EL] dEnranded hy the jn sorne 'As wel1 .s lhć plobLenr ola .on\Un\nion ol p..la_!ed ncrrr\ \ aśicar lelc]s {,hLclr ile quicłly becoming uDcontrollnb]e,' in food hJgiene, stw _.,dżenie ]esi f- (tc n, : nP pytani9 1 ( ał cże. L 3), żWróć ]Wage, .ży :: :,: ..o tyP. e żllloty, klóre ż,iyk e Pcprżgdz.]q : : : |,l.Nypeopie be]Ę!e, ,, A.cordr.g to X ,, sonre ::._.ilt,rx'el€]tthar,,1.hisooiNion,,,tP, nó nież ,,opiniujące" Pżymiotn]k] m09ą sPrawc, ze Janie ,o ']śr leśtllt oftlle l).$ st.i(l j:,,iEMBER :.e.y.]or,ać, .zy -q |p Before you try sk]ing on your own, take sonre jessons a9l]c!]tUre alarmjn9 catel ńg tre19y goveriment househo d human indUstria internationai minimUm Vo]uitary yo!ng PeoP A spend A B 5 ó in the UK, B C ,l 1" FocU5 oN WoRDs CoIlocat ons A young peop eWho Plan io st!dy cooklng, B young peop e flom ove6eas who P an to study ..§l ih ngs about. top c nead rext l and Text 2 again and choose the corre.t answers A D. TEXT s|)]ll |i]_- a good lse ofycur loncy 4 |ea y .hange the s t!.tio| 5 take o. y V/hat yo! lea y neec ó ear. the most impolJnt ol5 mP est 3 @ 1 V de the b ate on y o.e or t!r'o tyPes of {ood (x2) g ve yol more fcr your moley . nc. iheń hr! been eśskeen lo on9 hll .nytr n9 froi] | s persona ślPPy, S Perhaps the Worst one Was When Llam came home ate one ni9ht and m]crowaved a Packet of cheese slces, then ate the sticky lesLrltsWith a spoon. D Match the definitions to underlined explessions in the t ] m.ll! colr,panies industr) had to c|ost do!vn.' 'The number ofworkers in the sector has reached a very low, level, lf the situations .ontinuesto Worsen, (harity organi5ations will not be able to help §o many people.' 51 GRAMMAR J 4 tr * comPlete the seniences with the Future '( continuous or the Future peńect forms of the verbs Future continuous in hóld in the li§t. uśe§hori {órmś and Future peńect ( 1ląfl dł)ner @ ll:00 Puf POrk iń 1ven SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 lż15 PeŁl PatdłaŁr dna Ldrratr lr.00 wą'h brurael, ,Pfuuł| Mark the underlined verbs a§ e;rher P for in Progress ol clol 1 2 3 This Week, dadśnrade bleak{ast foryou three tinre5 and d nnertwice, @ l'm phoninq from my car, l've lun out of petro L f_] They]ąb9ę]] to the same ski resort seven t mes, f] EXcUse me, We are Waitinq for our desseńS, 4 comP]eted. lv Ale tFe! .om n9? 'C on y e;ter nd o o łl'ocd cnce, Mar" the underl;ned verbs as e ther P {or ;n Progress at a cerłain time in the luture ól clol .ońP/efed before ce4"in iifle in tłe {uture, ] " The.]S.!r'asrelWi h-!e'.Sh.d ]. 1| !1/e' m n!:.5 bee3tnqseaf.odorlhebe..F.ttr]stTe lvh e We are eating the ma n be preparin.] desseń Go to ihe shoP now or it ryrLl by the time you 9etthere, W 0a €larP jn tant of lhe 'N @ By']] ]05 Vre ']]rale plll the polk 1 At ]0]30 We the potatoes and cafiots 2 aI12:45 3 o o o o By ]3:30 W_. 5 6 the bru§sels splouts, the Vegetables by ]3:55 dinner at 14:00, At ]5]05 We n front oJthe TV o 3* * 1 boil Veljeldble, U ey]LbąĘL]!gbĘlllat 5 a m. TomotroW molnin9 at th s t]me lyqlL 4 Ih 5 15 '0 choose the correct forms. Can l cal you aga]n tomolrow at seven? Me9: No WayL Won't be Waking !p / have Ryan: wołen up by seven. Kelly: Sha l pick you up ln ha f an hour? 'll have Waited outside Grace: Yes,l'l/ be Wajting/ Amelia: Letśmeet outside the §choo 9ates at e ght Jacob: lWon't make it, ]'llbe cycling /'llhave cyc]ed to school at eight, 4 MUm: A|ex| MUń: Alex: Are yoLr .i home by fVe? Yes, ihe bus stoPs lght ouis de at h: f 'm comjng to stei to you s]ng at e ghi, Emily: right Emly? Dad, l l!ó.'r b_. siroing / ,.n'i h.|_. śl]|9 at e ght The .oncert {]nishes at seven, Elha will yau be leaving at / willyoLlhave left by y .id 'n tired de{ nite ght rome by e łt the rten, Pai9eI oh 5 complete the With the Future continuous or the Future peńect forms o{ the verb§ in brackets. Use short forms Where possible, home, A ex? No, 'nr eaving schoo| now. We , the co!liel h.§ a to de ive. !łil] |o! be ;rn,n]9' / Wi]] _!,,o! i]ń!e .,li!_.d pa§t {oL]r 5 Dad: SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT l'|/ ] 2 i]].L] ]]-]!. L|..]i..:l iyo!.i.Ie.<) the 1 metib e the t me we eave {or the .on.ert? ..i't meet yo! Jt S X be..lse (novfin sh) nry homework (Wait)for you outs]de Dad school at 4 o'c ock, Don't be latel 3 W]l 4 end o{the year? sorry, bli by the tlme you get home, (eai)a the chocolates. 5 ó W]l Poo _ (hefinish)ihat book by the (We/sunbathe) next to the ai th s t]me neit V/eek? By th s i me .ext ye.l, $e (st!dy) ali at cambri.lge Un lersty Ethan: So, Woi't 5cc you be.-use GRAMMAR Train and Try Again page 149 52 b}, ]! UsE oF ENGLISH ł @ * ** complete the text with the corect words. ouestion l @ * co-pl.." We : .t " text with th€ correct words. ove cook n9, don't !!9? And one th ng Which plov_.S th S ]s the c!fient poPU arty of cookir9 PIogramne5 on TV YoU can Probably name two or rFree popu ar cookin9 shows, can't] beca!Se We a so eijoy Watch n9 other peop e cook Thai, b.S cn y, ]5 What tr 5 receit trend 5 a .bo!t, Janr e o Enioy! iver, Gordon Ramsay, i\aagda ena Ge55 er a oftlem, haven't 3 ? They r famo!sforthe same reasons,they ale ce ebr]ty chefs, aren't l ? f yo! don't know Who they ale, then you haven't been spend]ng eiough time we've heard ? or, in {act, in front ofthe TV TV 2@ * cannot Rufus: We can start bakjng the cake now, _ We A5t? Maureen: B A has sounds tast},, ? s it? don't th]nk l'd like anyth]ns ro eat, to be honest. -o.,o -o L,lh"L ,l-.o hlngry, ?!łe? Ol D d M:ńha śayśheWańted sómelh ń9 Hollis: \łe', slre has.'t breakfast, B had she had anything to eat since ? she (9 t , c did she c4oose the correct translation A-c for the Polish Parts of the sentences. 3 4 5 ó Lhc l_,t.,r :., ll. |,T.,l. l,-.,,ir.: you? Bur yoLl d(Jn'r rea11\,,fancy rhat, 3 -fhcn how about somc t!st], \\,hitc aDt cggs soup? comPlete the dialogues With the correct Dario: 2 §. .]l Lr,,l nsh, ' ? '( B canwe Lester: ha,re . s .e oj mlshroom P żża Kalo : Blt lol're a e.9 . tc mlshrooms,],o!? B rrei'tyo!? c Wi yc!? EvelinJI is .c.] n Fere don't yol th nk? Me9an: Yes. that \ł ndo!s cpe., ? 1 ! meat dish made rvith a shecp'S stomach. You'd just Lore ro rr,v that] 1,,.,___ you? Yumm},| \!el], here ale sonte more stlange and delicious dishcs frorn łround ńc lor]d, Adrianne: Not yet. We're Waiting {or Kye to bring the e99s A 5 tlrc_v? scot]el1d, we? But did _vou kno\ł,that one speciaii§ is tuna e,l,eba]]s? These ar€ boiled in hot water an.:i Serve.i \rith So,v Sauce or gaflic, 1 Lau.el: t iis rraditionai meals, .rqł for cxlrnp]c, lvith their haggi§ Ever,v nationali§ has it? Thjs a specialitr- comeś from L3os, is ropped §lrh b:lb,Y ants and t.rstcs ]ikc squi.t (l t},pc of octopuś) apparcitlr, Eating insccts is _voul thjng, s it? Then how about some ftied tarantula? A populal snack in cambodia !o T hea-. (!' * * * Tralslate the Polish Pańs Jamal: can ] have another piece ofihe sentences. of cake? Bridget: You're on a dier, arcn't vóu (zgadza 1 Heidi: Glenda: Margot eft her bag cindi: 3 Maryl s!ę)? fancy an ice cleam, Let's Wa k into town and buy one, in the restaurant, (tak)? oh, no. so We have to 90 back? They Wl| serve us in th]s expenslve le anyoie tookthe.srbs.!it, ldobze]? Freddie: don't see Why not, We're both Wearing B c]dyo! c Wi you śńań'ótheś (prawda)?'luk, That odoPus eats mea1, 4 Jami§on: You haven't got some money you can lend A doesn't it B aren'tthey c isn't it J.mes and oll ahso Utely ove avoc.dos, @rawda)1 (nieprawdaż)? clinton: Don'twofiy, l'| payforthe nr-.alth]s tinre, A doesn't it B cloesn't them c don'i they 5 Lara: They say the cafó is oPen but they haven't Thereśa new burger bar oPenlig ln town, rPrawda)? c eaned t from yesterday, A isnl there B Wonl thele C does there A|isia: We ], then they shouldn't let us ]nside, We don't have to eave a tip forthe Waiter, (ayź nie)? v,o! y,,o.'i A Woi'tyo! (zgadza się)? AWi We B dowe We shou|d comPa n aboutthe A shou dn't We B don't We servce, C (prawda)? sha l we WRlTING Put rhe wordś in order to make indirect que§tions. 1 1 complete the tips with words from the box. ar.lcatlo1 'a lILlly lnlolmal P€rtt€ly -eply lespo lding s rcerely wl^y re{er I 1 . ar 1..-J lp9 !€J c 2 Don't use 3 abbrevlatlóns, (if appropl ate), 4 A so, in the frst paragraph, Writing. 5 f somethin9 ]s unc ear, 6 n the 7 tn*ll*,tt ] y"u,.'_ d ]'d ó U U o llp l ] llp L ] llpl.l Tip o{ t 7 y emdil i the tra]ning to 'l abo!t the level 1 course ]n food hygi€ne by your organlsation, w .Co,',.' -w am w a " o i,"loa run5 Łhj5 coLrr5€ dLrring the your org.nisation sUlnfirer hol]days. This Vr'oLrld be an ;deal opt on for 'd jke to / tab|es / know / there /a 5ol is/the/ manager / time / you / CoU d kiow lrhat seafooc do you have yo! nfolmmeV/hattmedoestherestallart 8 o'. ock Can yo! p]ease, t take to plepare the th]5 5? evenin9, lel meWhatfavoL]rsof cecreamdoyoL] Cou d you p ease? le me Where the gent emen's lo lels are, e,PL Dear Head teacher, I d,ó }aJia=g|!!b!=!! l\A nA l i the school canteen? N4ost students spoke to understand the Va]ue ofa balanced d et bul Wouid ike lo have a greater choice from time to time, t Doss ble to add iust one or lwo lastfood ltems such a5 0izżas or bUrqels one daY9f]t|c Wcqk7 lV]aybe on Fl days? 2Let me know if We can have somethlnq qlb€ltQ !ŁDL!h!]] st ]lor sDark inq WąlcL EVen some fru t]Uice Wou d rnake a n ce change, 3Have Vou sDoken aboLri th 5choolauthorltie57 I look forward to recelving your rep y, You15 5incelely, Benjamln lMoody am Wrlt ng ro eno!ile yr'hether / if VoU naVe .holahl aboLrt m!, idea lol chanqi|q the men! in rhe schoo1 toh canteen, 1 54 ch_Af / t_A|' Read the email and re-Write the dłect questions to make them more polite, U§e ihe beginnin95 below stLrdeni§ s!ch as mVseLf 0l]VerThornber / like you / me? ]k ofalL,3( ólh /Who/ know/to 8 dlt.olo Ó (3 the poss]bilty of Flrst l ask studying thi5 cour5,ó part t]me rather than fUll tim€? am st Ll at school, so l Can only 5t!dy in the evening5 or at o,, I o pa l_. _" co ,,.e :. , , lb -,'C ^óó.ó| you confirrn the price i5 the §am€ a5 for '',,l i 4 like / many / 4 CoU d yo! te me Whar s the Veg€talian spec a 5 'd ike to knóW ]f do yo! have a tab e fortwo ai o U o mi§śing Word§ are given. for ]'d / how / to / are / 2 'd ike to see ihe dessert menu, 3 Can yo! tel me how ong it Wi t9] complete rhe formalemail. The first letters y 3 1 (]{you knoW , cou15e§ offer€d can / there / te|l / are / What / desseńs TWo leqUe§,is are conect. jke Dear sir/ 1T , cross out the unneceś§ary word in each request, askfor 1 Co! d you c aliĄ/ how much ,,, 2 Thele ale ]€ts€+ several ,., 3 look forward to .,. 4 am Writlng to ask for,,, 5 saw your adveń,,, ó WoU d ]ke to know ,, a ,,, questionsł+ Woud lketoask, b ,,, in the ocal newspapei c .,. some nformation aboutyourofier d .,. discount you ofer to groups? e ,,, receiving your lep y soon, {,,, Which activitiesthe centre offers. g Madam, MckiIney, non-a you ale Match the beginningsand the endingsio make phrases. Then match the phrases to the iiPs from Exelcise 1. 1,4l .hat cou d / the / restalrant / me / What the name o{the Person) orYoUrs b l]f!o! do.ot (.o\,l tnc Pcrs.i! i.fe) D.,.]r ,ke tó kno* C.ol)d / vón / iś/|ś/ whó /rhe / the lener/ say_ !. 2 to {nal palagraph nrent]on that yo! Wou clor. \ phra§es or n ihe irst ParagraPh,'_to emai]/adveń you ale 6 / |'d / What / to / know / like / have / dl nks / you Askin9 for infonnation 2 3 cou d you te l 7 ?Yę, l Read the task below. Then comPlete the emailwith the correct lorm oł the words from the box and any other Word§ you need, There are two extra words. You want to organise a {amily mealto celebrate SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT ł@ eoaczas waua<ylnego pobytu w Anglii zobaczyłeśJzobaczyłaś ogłoszenie o bezpłatnym Weekendowym kursie dla pasjonatóW gotowania, organizowanym prŻeż lokalny uniwersytet. Napisz do organizatorów formalny e-mail (80-130 słóW), your bińhday and decide to contact the restaurant where your{amily enjoyed a mealtwo years ago. Write a {ormal emailto the manager ofthe restaurant. lnclude and develoP these points: \Ąyiaśnisz, dlacze9o pisżesz, say Why you are Writing, ln{orm the manageraboutihe mealyou had in the Past and Why it Was enjoyable, Te lthe nranagel about the numbel of peop e attendin9 and ask about affangeme.ts for guests rger op szesz swo]e dotychczasowe kullnarne doświadczenie/szko enia, Wy]aśn]sZ, dlaczego ch ce sz \Nz]ąć udział W Weekendowynr kurs e gotowanla, poPlos sz o infomacje na temat pro9ramU kUBU, Ask,fol informatlon about any c]iscounts they I arrive a;er efq]t+e tood I like mea leceive slack l-eahhy l ) ::arsllł adam .^l \lJring to is'? ,,r years ago ,.!:aumnt _.Io|]i€ and any abolt fam y WoL]d ] aad a leservaion fola iamiy meal enjoyed slch a rnea alyour to oroan se a s tn ]al evenl to :..brate nry 18th b rthday Ae!!El]q! Ę[nc -a ast ltne \1/e ce eblated al yolr restau€nt Was a great .-:aess, There Were ghi2 OitheiabeWhenthe .-:sts arrVed and aflerth s lhe Watels served a lhree co!rse : wilh a selecton of side sa ads wo!]d ke to be arranged th s t me oneguest ;:r,!helhellhe same can ]y. a -:,;ever s on a v€lelaran "cou|d jrou carfv - :]1a therc W be arolnd fiłeen oUests !]/e expeci that n]osi 5 ' cat ccould VoU nfolm us F na \r. -. asi t me We organ sed a fan]i y n]ea atyour restallanl We . : red a discountiorthe oloup booknq Drlourdxke]o elow your reply soon l bok ioMard to ó :' :-en] by U SHOW THAT YOU,VE CHECKED Gdy skończysz Pisać Pracę, sprawdź, czy uwzględniłeś/ uwzględniłaśW§zystkie punkty z listy, Mój {ormatny e-mail z prośbąo informacjeI . !YoUls faithlu]ly, ller . RDgelCoombes _a! 1 aL ąead the email again. Match the questions below to :Ie missing indirect questions A-D in the text. Then łllte the indirect questions beloW. Use the undellined .eginnin9s from the email, łla: d scoun: ca l you ofi.l Ls ol] th , o.c.ś.n? Wi you be ab e to provide paklng spaces fol guests When they aff]Ve? :uoht What options W 9Uest? 4 Wi rh śbe oóśśh]le ón rh_.3rd ofJUne? !r' P]efu^żym akapic;e Vl ko e].yclr ak.P o lńfolmac]e ] Wyjaś.ia powód, c P a 2edstaw a Prośby iy]aśnjen a (.3. W Póstac Pytai . W ' żostal iap]sany ]ężykiem forma lym, wiec nie ma W nim form skró.onych (ńP, /in,/are.'r' olr ll be ava lab e for our Vegetarian .ożPccżyna se gże.żrym ż\łroteFpo!!t. nyn odPóW edn m do Wiel!, o].] i sta.! .yw neqo ośóby, do kórejpisżę, o o nr akap c e za!!,.ia wylaźne życżene .] oo ao ó o-o emotjkoióW (o), . U n e o 9,8ol, żawiera błędóW ortogl.f.żnych, . .ż! B0 ] 30 3łóV/, . żon;ł§talann e i czyte n e napisany o o U 55 5PEAKlNG 3 complete the dia]ogue between the waiter and the customer, The fłst letiers are given. c: ErcLs. me, Wa te, c.,, l o] ", c eaie? W: Gooo elei n9, s lc can lolder, ZamaW]ańie jedzenia Cży móg]bym/mogłabyn] P ease? c: ż]oźyćżamów'en]e? Do yoU have any Vegeta.ian cży ma]ą Pańsiwo dan]a can l have chiPs czy mogę Prosić do tego With that? frytki? could lhavethe bil, please? cży móglbym/moglabym PoPlosiĆ o lachUnek? Asking for information Prośbao informacje cou d you te lme Whatthe Cźy mógłby pan / ńog]aby panl m Pow]edz eć, Czy mógłby pan / mogłaby Pani m] pow edż]eć, cżym ]est Mario Spec]aL sa ad? can you te|lmewhaithe Mario spec]al salad is? Do you know What the sauce is? |'d like to know i{there on]ons in it, 1 Pasta are chc ałbym/Chc]ałabym żyjest W n rilniej cebu a, the restaurant phrase§ With can l or Do you. Then mark them as W{ol said by the waiter ol ctol said by the customer, complet€ o o o cou/d/havethe bl, Please? 1What_getforyou? knoWWhaithe Past. 5a!.e s? 2 U have ch Ps Wth that? any Veget.l ań d shes? 3 4 t jr,' Nhat c.. set for nre i_ U o o 5 6 Yes, that 3s_ g_ . 1 sa]nron about / fish / What / s /ihe/de 2 te|/ whaI/.a. 3 me / yóu / the Farmerh Lunch / What/ is / tel 4 abolt 5 know / there / o ]Ves 6 gel / can / l / v]ńele / the besi Piżża 5ó / ya|) / the chefl Spec]alLamb @ icious o / me / is /could -?O / the D]a!o o P żża/ how ,U -?a Very / sP cy ,' / 'dl]n/thePasta/like/ {/to ]1'5 o / are ?O ź I Large drirk? JUst tap Warer, please, Blt l'l have it Warn,], W: Warm? We]l ,., er oJ cóurse, sir. c: §_ lhe dessert certainly, sir. PerhaPs you'd lke some hot ce cleam or fruit sa ad with sardines? c: Don't be r]dicu óLs|What k]nd of restaulani is this? W: sorry, s]r lrt just that your order ls rathel,,, c Wel , l know What ] ]ke, and l like What l know and you, young man Wil definitely noi be getting a tlP] t L Put the words in order lo make phrases, Then mark them as 5for §U99esłing ol Alól asking łor you / What / sPec]al/ know / do / todayś / s Do vau know vr'hat tadavb sp99ĘLb? 71 W: Pelhaps yoU'd jke some §alad With your chips? to sa ad. C: l'm as_ , but 'm a_ lt makes me co!9h, W: of course,5ir. ]s that everyth n9? yol] h_ any k]Wifruii? c: 5D_ W: Er ,,, l'l check Wlth the chef, so, thatt co d ch ps fo]lowed by kiwlfor desseń. c: No, kiw With the ch]ps please, W: With the ,.,? EĘ Whatever you Wait, sir And to czy Wie pan/pan], ]akl ]est sos do makaronu? Wiedz]eć, yo!]i ? the speclal W: Yes, s r This even]nq! speclal is roast beef. c: oh no. l don't eat red rneat. l'l have chips them cold? l h_ W: CoLd chips? Er,,, Wel , . certa]n y, sir A a19e BANK ZWROTÓW DO WYPOW|EDZ| USTNEJ orderin9 {ood l if ch p5, k]W fllit .9l.ś ofralm Watel, co !] Enjoyyo!lmea] r -----| comPlete the text with the Words ]n ihe boxThere are two extra Words, Then wat.h the first Pań of the Video (00:00-00:47) a9ain with sound and check and b ge de icious dish range r]ght smel Wrong ó ct- @ 1 Flavo!r makes ourfoodr a combinaton o{'_ and taste, When you get food tastes amażing, BUt that comb What ls taste? Thaifood is PariicularLy good at comb]ninq _ o- !_olo, nation 3_, ]ps? ^ uit? Before you Watch l sPEAKlNG Discuss the qL]estions. 1 HoW many dishes can you think ofthat contaln 2 What! yourfavourite savoury dish? Describe 3 rt t ]ett ng Rearrange the letters to describe the łive basic tastes. 2 how ittastes, What's yoUrfavourite desseń? Describe hoW it sPEAK|NG Discu§§ the food choices. Which would you choose? Why? 1 2 3 4 5 ó 7 8 coulgettes or aUbe19ines? cabbage or carrots? sausage and mash orfish and chlPs? beef and rice or Pork and nood es? steak and fried egg With tomato or mushrooms? pasta or bread? orange or emon ju]ce? stirJry or curry? While you Watch 3 @§] Warch the fir§t pań o{ rhe video (00:0o-oo:47) withoLri sound. Which of the two food choiceś in Exer<ise 2 do you see 1 ya ts 3 lebtit ]--Ę ó ,Q Ę] watch 7 |845, Watch the last pań th....ond pań ofthe video (oo:48-o2:1o) your answers, What three thin9§ does the and check about umami? say Presentel o{ the video (02:11-4:23) Are the statemenl§ true or {alse? 1 The presentel has come to sPain to fnd rhe 2 3 4 5 20,000 PeoP e attend La Tomatina fest]Va. La Tomatlna ]s the Word's bi9gest mus]c festival, The fest]Va stańed With a streetf]ght, The umami extracted from tomatoes tastes Ó The umam] taste comes łom a 9 Utamate mo ec! e, 8 iq|Ę] Watch again, che.k your answers and correct the false statement§. After you Watch 9 SPEAK|NG Would you like to 90 to La Tomatina festival? b 5PEAK|NG 1 2 3 4 Di§.u§§ the question§. Where can you get the best tal an, chjnese or Tha]food n your nelghbourhood? What! the natlona disho{yourcountryand where would you tel a tourist to find it? What Would you eat if you Wentto London? HaVe yo! ever cooked a mea for somebody? Watch 5hannon, cóire, Peter, Holly, Luda, Kes and Katya answerin9 the question§ below Which speakers live in London and which are touli§ts? HoW ] V"'her. -re !.! go]n9 to ,].V_. a ni.r 2 y!r.t c.] )o.] ll] .k yo!' eal? th S .!eń n9? Watch the v]deo again, Wrłe down al the dishes the speakeE mention, Which dish wóu d you most like to sPEAK NG Discuss ihe questions in Exercise 2, o ź p sELF-cHEcK choose the corect words, VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 As soon .s i],i Jr / l! ] i]] j]] my homeuork, stań prepar:iq d.ner r ri ]]!l lo / ]'li ll.]..i i. 5.rl as many aPD e9.ś .a Whe. We gel lo ll,e l.rm They're mlch cheapel .|d complete the senłenceśw;rh th€ oPpośitesofthe Word§;n bracket§. The fir§t letterś are given. rĘ9 (UnriPe) mango, They areit .]cod ihey are iot ready t. _..t ilrghl '!e ]!st drLiii a b 9 molthfu oi s llreshi m] k lth nk 'm goi.q ló be s:ckl ({attening) d]et can include some sweet A b_ Naake sure you choose a 1 2 3 4 (i,esh) bread lo ducks? bad 1or the r he: th łro! .]i'l 3 nk l]/ :,n ._].,lta .. ]n! ie N]ge aid Nolma arolnd fcr unch one dły, s th.t oK With yol ? Mi y i,]]l i. / i: ...Jr|..- to a con.ert W]th T.omas loi ght. They bo!ght lhe t.kets ast ireekend s A.y bre.o, ]i fa.t] tśVery th L! Th]s sa ad dressing s a b]t tóó b .id m_. ]! ce śIńlrer r add són]. more hoiey 5 'n .t'a d tl. s nre.t t needs to qo ba.i< s complete lhe sentences With the Future Perfect simple or Future continuous forms o{ the verbs in brackets, ln one sentence you need to use the Future simple, i..o[ed] i. Ihe ó!e. 5ory e!,.rvońe complete the gentence§ wiłh word§ from the lE There are two extra words. l Ht5y lghl l dubelgiles tood *pk,n spl.y w1-o Pmpdl pJ long_g-.ln L i|e be51 Vr.y tc st.y ft 9 io dc P eniy of exelc Se ...] l,.!. i ]..,:.i.r,! d et ] Doń'ir.,e.bgmc. f yc!'re not hlngry H.!e : 5.;.k .Stcad, 2 What.le those nrangc p!rp e Vegetab eS.a ed? Are ihey ? rjce Wjth 3 liir .jp.,! at ó 30 a,r, ald tFere .iways a ong qLale olts de. Do yo,] lrave P d|s for ton]ght? li' l1/ s:]iji] We 9o oLt i f_._.d L Th s bakers o|].. ]/ 2 o| {ood, Lsr not roo mL.h Dic yo! know that yo! ,,c " :{ Jack_ol antern is the name ofthose big orange heads tha1 peop e make from a 5 Why dcn't We stań bly 4 (novwork) this saturday morni N4Um so We are 9oing shopplng toqether. (fnish)that book by the tinr€ We go on holiday? ]'d ike to read it Whi e We'le away, cr,""." tr,.."*ect answe- A-c. |'1!nr rnd Dad hrvc ]! complete the §entences with mis§in9 wolds, The first bc.i mafćd fo. nća.y aic i9 to make ycu §onrefllli.]uic. olt o{them \i/o! d ike a 9.5s? ] Holseho d c oj thc p aietS n-tlra reśóL r._ós ś.ol! i lne9 l] óhel th.i t Wa9 :10,qo We ń!9t dc sołjełjn9 ilboLt tl ] p,efel ńo1 to bly § bread so .an mak. as each F cce .5 lh ck 'm 90 ke A] pnck.9 ng fol food m!st meet § by tl.e er]d Delon fo ow§ a sirict e.l d ct H. co.s!'t any meat or l]sh ' hile : bolt e ol When the,e are 9olernment oft|e ycar, or compan es w V .l . s neW 20 yea6 We , ela.ily Ż0I.aE on s!nday so, me aid my 3 ne. 3 a ]itde 5!rPr5e lol th.m Wc'Vc a lcady afaiged folthem tó be oUt of drc holsc lora lcw ho!ts in th. afte,iooi Aid thei, r lhć| gct ba.k home my ' them nrc the garden Whe.e the sholi 'SURPR 5E' as oudyasPó$ibe3 they see Palents, hope We can keeP the secret iroi] ihen] belóre g!e5t5 W]i 'Ve boLght some craiges (go) Without meat{or four years, s @ bread ]rst..d ofWhte? t! nea thier.nd tester f.Vo!rs s!.h as. Le.l.eeś.YoL l :;ste. ...n9e .5 Tomofow, Unc e Mark yo!r chicken 4 nc] 2 Tomorrow at thjs tinre We ryi1l be siitinq (s]t) in the lesta!rant enjoyin9 my b]ńhday diine. (so We predictthe Price oJ beeiroot down) by the end o{the year ( ke)strons one day, l think you suinal b€.alse on Sa(rday ieed tó Prepare 'oo8d",ll o d^ rhe iflernooi Whi.h Wc neel to kc.P 5 lrt the iext da| l kńów, ma|be We can bly 1,1!m and Dai a !.kcllor th. thćatlc t m ght be hard on Snt!rdry and Prereid irai 5 irej. ann]V.lsa.yg]]i: A areto90n9tópa. B are p 8f 3 Ai{ B ań..g am go c c Wi pan igio l.łe c c c c Wate. ioo many b!bb es Total l3o complete the seniences usin9 the prompts in USE OF ENGL|SH 7 brackets. Do not chanqe the order of rhe Words. chanse the {orms ol add new word§ where necessary, U§e up to six words in each gap. choose the correct answer A-D, €,Aa n7i EAT,JI]G nę1 t The neW cafó|'r.ćo. (not/open) !ntj ]0 00 a,m, on Saturdays "l,;ł, Perhaps it's due t. fie 1;.t Lhat Wcl-e eatiDg more Ę Iood? or perlraps our rvork routincs mean rłe are sn.rllr§ like sandrvi.hcs? \Ąlrateler eating nor,.] ihe reaśDs,o1ll c.tjng hat]its have c]Dngcd and sL] re eaperts nos, sa\ that the traditioLla] thlcc- (before/govelnmenV 2 app y)the nel" regu al onś,We ó!. staff.boul tl]e cha.ges, ExPerts Predict that (energy .cns!mpt or1.].!b e] 2050 Th]s u: ieed to ńfolf betvee. roli .nd o{ -ro!i.] or tlje c! ..reese s błse.] is deacl, EĘ]erts iL-! the ] industT}, repori that fc\ye].peotle norr choosc io cat the o e standalc]sou}r, mnil dish and.less€rt, In§tead, |e.t]e trefer to oliier,] number of !]ishes o eat al thc §a re time or €rcn sharc fi]od fiee\, l'ro each otbcr's plates, sot11t, pco}rlc thilk t]ljs is l ecause it's chcaper n] eat filt dis \\,ay, others say it's because w€ havc lcss time tdlaI, lrtllccll, in the }rast we \!uld sit and enjoy eathg and t.l]kins lol arouD.t two hours. No!,, the average ]cnsth of a leal is at a lecord ]ou,a of onl},40 ninlttcsl l 4 intend to be hea th eĘ so (eal/orgai . foo.:]) yve're 90 ng to ń the be aie fltLre, By tlre t T. We ge1 ló ihe a reac]y/narti the;r n]eali. manuiact!r n9 ńdLrstryldo) someth ng 5(roń, 90, 10 !1. T.anslate the Polish Pańs of the sentence§. I And u,ith our currcnt ot]sessnrn of spcttLlnrg ererr ]esśtime enjo),ing face-to-iace .oitacl With fi-iends an(t t;tli]I, thć situatio]1€sn'l look goo(], n aB_ifał c B coc c lrg, B food C B Gter ńg c B Standard c B D nt B Sn'tt c lv]arine: Aic !-i.i]ł Kalina: the Words in brackets, A.Pareii y fie.r l ..$|!! lco\SuME) i5 1 oic oi We try tc lecy. c a5 n]!ch .s Poss ! e at hone BLt itśmpcss b. rotnr cr,..Ie some (HoUsE) Waste, isn't ]t? 2 3 4 peop t|.tlro'k ithe (VOLUNTEER) sector, mean, they work rea y hard anc do t fo. no moiey Daniel: Tne,e are ]st of]obs ir Plb sr]ng,,t. _.nd 3 Agatha: Th S n]k tałes awf!. Whei Wó5 the (!XP REi date? Y,rk, ast !r'eek ibede,eśćlUł.|)vth sa ńo. R!slrdie at R 1ż |]ctc ń Lo.don Y.! hale s!.h a .co job] 'n ,e; y HJ,h and Rebe..- kc nj!5hroóms, Agaiha? '| so lgdy lylka skóńczę jeśćtego .nanasa), (Cży v/ ńiedziele rdziemy do t.] sańe] lestalrecjl tFar ie \łenl ro ast year for Th.t5 the P an a hot. essl afllitsJ.c them before you dec de Vr'hat to cook? (TOUR) nd,]siry. You can be nto i. time ion]oaow Laurence: \łhel are you qo ng tcthe shops, ośof..r.eropoortln!i:s ithe .9! de gei 5 . ,- |'nr not sL]re Maybe yoU sho! d a5k (AtARl,,4) Thele are som€ re. y abo!t tre cfićcts of eat]i9 ioo nr!.h s!g.l stal śi.ś The ) e nk' pltt.em At ti] i, ... , the the majcr c.!S.5 of dafag_. io the.żore a_!.r We ]tśbecrlse of:arm ń9 ań ma 3 :ea y, blt i p.op e , L.]:l]]!i]:, fi9anli)? Raymondej th comPlete the sentences by usir9 the corle.t form o{ ]9 th_. .a! Ma9da; f 15 thnt oK ! tlr yo!? ower 9oL]P by the ilme _Vo! Total .tr]Ve l2o net Earth FocU5 oN WoRDs l Phrasal verbs VOCABULARY phrasal 2 We should start Walkin9 back to the car, Look, rhe t]de is coming in / olt/ !p pretty quicky, 2 The Un ted Kingdom ]s made aur / up / in óI Eng and, scot and, Wa]es and Nońhern leland 3 Walk 5 owy across the st,eam and yo. .""t.ti; overl in / Uptoo mlch mud from the bottom. 4 This souP is cold, Let's pL]t it on the camP {jre to heat it !p / overl outa little, Did dinosaUr§ rea ]y d e oUtl ovell Up because a 9iant meteolte h t the p]anet? ó We \,r'ere (a i .9 thlough the folest Whe. We ..V3r,. ,+] /]5! SoTe an.]ent r! n5 7 The s.nd on the b.acr gces oi for m es Whci the tide goej o,1/ il]/' a the Way 1 verbs. collocation§ SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 complete the gaps with §ingle word5. §Cn00l.. Location, ocation. locatlon Do you go to schoo] in 6n Unusual place or an Unusual journey to getthele? lfso, tellus about it below: t]! ]! i]; l :.,l i ,{]- -:|i]. .. :!. n:l Ę: s.. l ] i lj.]l! i]|,. r i ]L!: a -l 1] ,-ł t. .at.r r t . L|:] rl ].|.a]-.. d t-.l r r,]:]'l] !1] - !.l]i]j t t;le. l e;,l .llli -]!6: :] !:Ę i @ .].i ] :lat :]_ir]l l]l],, ii] :fr.: t] 8ba 16 Ilroi. s.h.o i .n]yc tj, l,]l ",0 ,, 1l L6 n 5t.ib!1 Whj.h is i'.r be r! ihe VL.l dWh_"le two s n].r tlrk b..Utii! o.ator]itheWola ir As.. bltrl]ei lle a ..,r 1l]t o'ih. V,,ni]D[ .iy,bLt j..sit]E.Fe.j.1 j r'd mĘlt TtE At:]]i.;.d r|,e nrost !d l'].!a.a Fa 3 complete the extracrs from traveI guides With words from the box. Make the noun§ plulal i{ necessary. There are two exira words. krll tlńt the : t], 9 . 9. s . f..t ńl..]l.c s.. ł]N e!.an lr.rj! elel l; ijs. tJL]t ł.:. Ló j] rale sillns sail st.rns !r.e, tl].l l]aIl]eIr'. jl.1r.!: t.3ir! iln].! 9 so ts n!.ss b.i..rer l.] ś.l]i]ii C] see rlioufnds ofnltet.śling Dańne plants in thc sa.gasso sea, Because oftlj. o.e.ll .urents, thćy gct tra}rped and.annot cścape ba.k itlto the open !va!'s an incredible śighl !o scel A filit t.] Canlb.r satlś is reeonrnlended fnt ],)rcrs o]' sandy beaches - and during low r it's possiblc to Wa]k for miles across the goldeD flat eanh before the sea comes back in, iśland ofBa]i is the i.leal destiDation ' lor ltvers of sandy b.a.hć§ and surfin.] or, in fa.t, The l : !d._J olrs You.nn p nky Ll]e FocUs oN WoRDs có ocal ca rn coast eeff lange tide tropica volcano WaVe Wiidjng j|n n]] !3r.-rt: Blł ]!i]: l!:t-i r s.r-l:' 1]ll - [. n] . ii]r.i] rf I rln_a!_.ś 1r1]-] ll]| .}.i]l ti: ',]!, ] ' ]: .! i. sĘ..i]. l ..r: ]L l! !1] '.!e, T]] .::] s]] ]: clr3.h.. h$ choose the correct particles. aii hat_.l] !.L d .]b. ];r d:ijn i. lhe tlir ]. ,Qet :! s.t.. e!e.! ia,l Sin el lI]E. i ts:er r|ridv !ś l]d.. t! i.,i ł |.-. o ^ , l . rll el-L..]l_e\rl., The Ca4]athiahs are the second ]aryest moonlain in Eltrope a d is home to lrrown bcar§, wohćśand lhC iynx, Yoll']1.1]so find a iunrbcl ol thernla] sprhg§ tlrer e. The Turks nDd Caic.s is]ands, just south-eaśtol ńc Bahanras, hale sonlc inc.cdibtv a se.iś.ln.t a 11.] nrile baEi.,r r.el !, nrake! it the perl...l (iestinatiol l.r n,!]ba diving.ltld sn.rkel]i]r!, ']hc iofi of\azale in l.rtug.l has bcconle \ L, _L,, a P.|u]Jr ] r 1(n Rtttn{o K.Xa brók. thc ilrrl!] re.oTd alt.r ri!]ins.lhugc5 |,ith.ileightofoler2.1nctlcs, lt },ou Llon't ]Dfć n1!]ch ijrne, tale a !va]k along tlre Rir'ć! ]'h.tnr.s. ]t's a qreit [,a\ n] \(. nlanl of London's populal to!ńst attmctioLś such u§ the Tou,er Bń.",,l "I óo drlt].,,leHoU-,nl lal]:.n, r,, Ll F r 4 5 l-,, /on 19 5JoW - o,, 9 ed5r goa 6 furiaus / calm / raugh sea 7 tidal/ spacious / enormouswave Focus oN WoRDs 5 I each pair of 5entences with the unUsed words {rom Exercise 5. change ihe verb folms if : 1 3 4 5 metres taIlest mountaln in Po anc], B height o[lh B , Whlch makes it the c he]ghten -l1Do,oLlh,l W dth lfWe don't th€ support for I down dur n9 the n]ght. c . ",,di 2a B ls strengihen ength c 3a HoW sile,rEiir. t]r].( yl€ 5 h |? can We c mb to tent, be oh, ook, _, so please don'ttake do yol] ihink the gap s? can They've the cyc e Paths jn th]s park, NoW We can r]de side by side. Mum, how Wilittake to get backto the car? ]'m t]red oJWalkin9 ioW b Nobody knows the exact ofthe Amazon r]Ver but exPeris believe it! about 5a l think they'Ve this sW mming poo , My feet don't touch the bottom, b Hranlcka Propast in the czech RepubLc is the deepest undeMater caVe n the World With englhen a the Gland canyon? B depth h tota ofthls deserl is imPless]Ve, m!st take Weeks to cross it, b This ]ake is Ve.y Widen oL]l stay n Scot and? We haven't seen the hi9hlands yet, s mb th s b g The ]t ourtent, think]tWil stlength c B e.olgh tó. the midd e ofthe B breadth to .NLr ofth Trave Ii]rg abroad de{nitely he ps yo! to your Llnderstand n9 ofothel countries and cu tules, ls lt possib]e .i Word {amiies Mount Rysy is 2500 fa l!]y egs arei't b ladno dcaoithcrv. łro! d tL r. back. 9 river choose the correcł an§wers A-c. A high 2 łhal lr" l ó complete Delete the Word Whi€h does !q! €ollo(at€. 1 ńoudlaiń peak / ridge / middle 2 desert/ remote/ alone i§land 3 high / grawing / rising tide 4 dangerols / ocean / h'gh current of473 metres, SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 7 choose 1 the correct an§wers A-c. lovejust lying on my back and sea close to my beach home. B heavy Many specjes oJ animal Wi die Protectin9 them soon l Won't 9o into that pool, Th,. you know can't sW m Wel , on the 'loating c rough c out A deep B Wide c broad The highest Polntofa moUntain ls knóWn asthe A range B rldge c peak Let's see how far we can wa k across the sand when A comes B goes ,d",9-ror o,wl - water can carry you away. -l c stirs ,4l b-d -lL - A last{]owlng B slow moving c Wlndl.g ]ust acloss an ań]cle about an amazing m]closcopic organ]sm ca ed a water bear A goie B been .]ama ca is one ofthe mostfamo!s ], r! Very PoP!L:r W]th to!risis from E!roPe, l have -l A remote B deseń A bloaden B hel legs .]enny goes to the gym every day to because next y€ar she! c]o]nq h kinq n Spain, '|0 ] Lv den c streigthen ln the dry seaso., every cal drjvln9 past oUr A B st r5 ho!se ,,_J9 ó1 GRAMMAR 4 *** complete the telephone conversation between 5ally and Ken wilh a/an, the al ó, Article5: no ańi€le, 1 choose K: the correct an§Wers (o = no ańicle). l 5: ' The qovernment shou d spend n,]ole on t]r€ 1 2 3 4 5 ó Has Enril a Visited the Nether ands and the Germany? ln January 2013, on|y around 39'l ofpeop e ]n the United States owned the PassPorts, The popu ation of the PoLand ]s around 38 m ]l on, The cit]żens of Germany chose a female Pr me JMin]Ster, and natula y she has Prom]sed to do mole for the women of her col]ntry, The bigqest c]ty in the china ]s the Shangha]. Alound 1ó m Ilon peop e lve thele. The po jution ]5 genera ly a Problem ]n big cit]es, btJt the pol Ut]on n this clty ]s Worse than ]n most others. ** Suv { cornplete the protest signs with a/an, the or o. NO t" B,dl" Fl| l.o,,ortor.a _"d -fo 9-L" l s: So 5 it somethlng you're interested in tlying? great idea fór our K: We l, l thlnk lt WotJjd be ó rUnnin9 gloup, You knoW, people are a Ways park Where We run, and ]t n ? Wou]d be great fwe could get our exercise and implove 6 env]ronment at the same time, AL you .ppd |o oo ś, Jl-} " o"9 w1,1 yor a o w-"r '_ dropping ]tier your hands, and suddenly yo!'rc lt at the same time| dolng give Wel , We can certa]nly ]t a try, t dr]Ves me craży to see ]itter everyWhere, so let! do something about itl 9loves to Prot€ct ll good and keeping SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 5 Find and corect mistakes, ln ea.h sentence there is 1 We try to provide a food and Waterforthe poorest Ialni ies. o faod and watel For nre, Paris s a Very specia city, tl a city Where 2 l'd like to become the journalist and report on our lwas boln, 3 An econom c deve opment 4 Penci s Wi l not be a lowed in the exam, PL€ase lt d-s"oy,ll e --\ 5 Hi ó ]s a good th]ng, but not that over ooks Barce ona is the best place to s th]s an only place to eat arcUnd here? telfońsm, 3 n c. ncw trend a3 GRAMMAR Train and Tly Again page 150 lhere is an answer ło war. answer is peace, ,S ó S form ofexercise thai rUbbish combines jogg]ng With c eanin9 Up ' that you see in the places Where you go rUnnln9, most Popular new According ro the media, it! 3 trend ofthe year, and 4_ people are taking lt up .. cross o!t tńe where it is not needed. ońe sentence y Hale yo! F..rd cfth group or someth]ng, Not at al LActualy, jt's I 2 Sa No.1haven't. Whaton earth does that mean? Wel , it comes from the swedish word for 'pick up' and the Eng ]sh Word'j099ing', who hav_" never been to 1the / o LondolL Us!alythinkthat it!fUl ofdiń, noise and endless concrete, And While this ]5 p.ń]y tlue, it ls a so 'a / a cny whercyau can {ee the plesence o{ 3tAel ź nature almost every!łhere you 9o, The parks in aa / the centre, ]nc]ud]ng St, -]ames' Park, Hyde Park and Kens]ngton Gardens, creale 5ź /an hl]ge gleen area that fee s almost lke ćthe / o countrys de. There are also ?a / o green squales that ofiel3a / o break from 'a / t/re noise and po]lution, To me, thl5 modern metroPolis st seems connected 10 rOlhe / Ź ancient land t Wa5 Peon He_V, ąraffrtLLślcrLfue kźą aąr ŁLt,! cLeaw co locations . cornpound nouns REl!1EMBER THls Uzupełn]ając Uk] Up' p.hdł,._, ' W b-a ćWiczeniach egżaminacyjnych, ui", w,t", ||p,ó | ,ó ,o ^) ó,A| |d Read the dialo9ue betweer Michael ard the preseńtel, choose the corlect option§ to comPlete the co locations iń bold. ;h s. complete the §entences with col|ocations from Exerci§e 1, change the Verb formś if necessary. fyou turn down the heating at home, you'l use 1 2 l ess energy and 5aVe a iot ofmonev on e/eciricitv f Petercan'tfnish a lthefood on his pate, h]5 dad always _ The Wind farm c!lr€ntly for loca houses and bus]nesses, , 9, so P ease Separate yoUr r!bbish, , Why donl yo! se that big car and buy somethin9 ExtGctl@ń sżudeńts' Eóók le..,di"g First of schoo. a, We have solarpanels on the roof o{the t,.,] And Wll theyluse / providel have power fol the Yes, thatś the idea. lt money on ele€tricity. [. ] óJ.F b"} r @ 1 1 ] neruoLls about the environment. an§wers a B pane A-c. s the eviclence, there are A Pane]s Global c ssles sti P_.oP e Who B c]imates c can ight bU bs is causing the ice caps in both the Arct]c and the Antalctic to me|t, ofour essonswll besimiarlo essons ln any secordary schoo. But in oUrscience essons we' Bfocus / think / learn more on environmental issueśl - T"l- l "l 9- "n6 n ,n "o"'." Then, in o!r Technology |essons we' | 'considerl /earn / studyabout things like renewab e energy and even howto make so ar pane s, concernedl ing actua y use itto charge your Phone. A environment B Warmjng c Jv]ost you {or ta klng to us about your project. t! Very nlce to meet a teenager Who is soloconf,]sedl "o,l.ect imate is re!l, A Warming B rerycling c change This backpack has small so ar _ on it and you diJferent from non eco schools? L.oL!olT-e l5d'll Cr,oo". tr," There are recyc in our apartment block, blt some peoP e stil don't botherto separate p astic DesP]te And What about your essons Wjl they be 05! this restaurani, don't be ieve that c -d] .low-enersy lisht bulbś, l,ę- We ,e'Ve"l in FOCUS ON WORDS ICompound nouns lthe c|assrooms, We'l a|salclean / have / empty recycling bins in every classloom and in the schoo l'r']: and fruit n treir 9arden. Vote for the Greei Pańy We Promjse to , noi on delence and industry At the moment in Physics, we e ectricity and magnetism, e99s used a ą lthe 9 And Wi]they go into the schooldinners too? M; Ha ha, no. That Wou d be tefi ble, They']l be pets andthey'l be useful, They'||throw away / use / eat the l€ftover§ from the kitchen and the ch]ckens Will 5provide / eatl col/ect e99§. Very good, so What other plans do yoLl have to nrake the school more env]lonmentaly friendly? W- | 7 Wil'pay / cost/ save a lot of ln our Eco schoo garden We'|l3eat/ growl cook Vegetables [. .]and We'll also have chickens, M: To save energy, the counci Wil make SUre a street lights in the cty (En change Renewab e ]5 the {t]ture, We can't continUe burning lo5§ ]fue 5 {orever B recyc c ]ow-energy n9 The deve opin.j world is laclnq serious is§ues such as air po utlon and Water contam natlon, 7 LoW energy A bins B change ]ast ten B to ńfteen times longerthan ight bulbs READlNG 1 A Very Bright ldea . Verbs + prepositions . in the Woods . verb phrases Read the article qUickly and choose the newspaper section that it §hould nqL appear in, ] ElV,o.meit.elB 2 Tc.h.o cqv leis 3 To!,]sm iels 4 !V nler ]PoItS ..!ś 5 s.-nc ńa! nn .ewi A Very Bright ldea The su L rnJl,es lTe on Earth l pos. b e, A most J p dnts .nc] an fia s re y on tS Warmlh and heat to stay a !e For L]s ]Lrnans. t aIso prov]des many srnpe peas!res sUch as ]ong sL]rnrner even ng5, br ght W nter days and the fee ng of l^/arm sLrn Lght on our faces, rnagne the frustration oi living These days however the peope of R]ukan can stand n the r cenira square and enjoy the Y/arrnth and the lght 01 the Wjnter sLrn HoW ]s this poss b e? Wh:rt has chanqed? WeL], the answer might see.n ike sorńeth ng from i scence flction story, bLrt n fa.i t js rea ity Aulhor t es have placed three ganl m rrors oi, top oJ the hj 5 5urroundng the town to refecl As ight do\.ln nto the Va] ey,' a resL] t oi th s inv€sirnent ihe centra sqL]are Vre thLrk it vr' l rne3n .nore aci v ties n to\^/n espec a ly n autLrrnn 3nd Wintert nre.' sajd Karn Roe, head 01 the torr'n s to!r St ofi ce Peop e rornewhere where. even when the its heat or appreciate to,,^]n fee ight, The of Riukan, n Norway s #*.,5fr-łŁł*{f":.*l 3 centre oi the town, t !,]as ony made poss HoWeVer, ble With modern technoLog}, so ar panes power eq! pment io automatca y ,,!ash the m rrors and rnove them nto poston, ste ner Bergs and the town's rnayor 'li s reelly SpecLa] to stand n ght down on the sqL]are and feellhe heat, Th s is forthe pa]e jtte said, ihe ch Idren of Rjukan,' A message on the RjUkan tourist Websiie states, 'The square WIl become a sunny rneet ng p ace n a iown Wh ch s otherw se n the Shade'* a A s nr ar n taly n project was 2006, When completed the residents 01 Vlgane la nstaled m]rrors on the h ls above the r V]Lage to take advantage of the sLrn ght that shone lhere, sun s shi]ng peope can't is the town nou] benef]ts from a 600 squeremeire area of ghl Wh ch br ghtens o o o o o ]Ust For s } months of the year. RjL]k3n. a io\łn 013.500 peop e o.ated 100 rn] es WeSt of os]o j5 clt off frorn s!n 8htbythesteepforested lls that slrrolnd i. '__ of d reci h coLrrse, rnany scand nav an towns and ciies SLrlier tram keeziĘ .old temperaiUres j1 the W]nter rnonths. b!i R]Uka 1's res dents* have had io cope w th a comp eie ack of sun ]ght as We , n an earLy attenpt* to fnd a Souton to ths probLern a cabie car \r'/as buii n 1928. Wh.h alowed the town'S hl c t zens to r de to the top oi the and iop Up* ihe]r Vitarn n D, GErv.łll _ . resident§ (n) -the people Who ]Ve in a pań cU ar p ace ol bU]Lding; miesżkańcy attempr (n, V] tly rn, V); plóba, próbować to top up (V) to lncredse lhe evelofsomethiig.nd make jtfll agan,e,9 adrjnkolyollmoblephońeclecljl; doładować, !żUpełn]ć 64 angle (n) the space between rwo stl.ighl inesthai]oin each other; you measure t ]n deglees, e.g, 30, 45, 90j kąt ray rnJ a Straight, narcW L]ne o{ ight, e,g, łom the sun, the moon ol a laseripromjeń shade rn)- śl9htdalkness ol proteclion łom the s!n made bysometh]ng blocking it, e,g. an umbrela;cień 2@ nead the text again. complete gaPs 1-4 with śentences A-E. There is one exira s€ntence. A B by nd iih in rd c cfthe va ey Env]ronmeita sti d]§aPProve ofthe Proje.1, The idea Was f]rsi suggesied 100 years ago by S. Eyde, Whó Was responsib e for bu ding the iown of R]lkan s not the on y P ace to bene{t (/ Read the text aga;n, An9werthe qUesnons in ] Why does the althor of the a.t c e en!merate the .dvaniages ofthe s!n ]n the f]rst p.lagraph? Hoyr' b]9 ]s Rj!kan? HoW ]5 Rjukan djifele.t from oihertow.s aid cities 4 5 )d Iir l Th s h.ppens be.aUse beiweei Septenber.nd March the sLrn is so icw n lhe s.y trat ]t5 ght ańd iarrth doi't rea.h the sma tcwn n the boitom E 1y rs (f500,000) Holieler, Rjlkan 2 3 ó 7 8 2 3 ._ l9ht ofthe sL]ń Wh le stand]ng in ,. nrany sc..di..V a. Themifor§( )adllst !oW.s s!f,.l They instaled m rors (.,,)to tak€,dvaniage . the town ioW be.efits sam Eyde ( ,,)Was respois'ble res]deits had to cope o o o o o o #om a ó00 square-metre alea o{ ght Wrtir a comp ete ack of sun ght Ior b!]ld nq the to!łn of R]!k.n. to the best ..g e to cat.h the rays ,, o _eeż,o od ó-Pó,|,d I iló italics in Exercise 4, 4 5 1 3 4 The łir po ut on ń th 5 c ty means that many lesidents sufer flom sellous alelgies, People in thi§ region have ealned to the destr!.t Ve effects oftlop ca norms EVery Person on the s 9 oba Warnr]ng. We a l neerJ to change our behav our, lfe in the t may take sonre time to .ountlyside afler iving n lhe We lnvite hote glests to . rpórt bls sefu]ce, The oi y Peopie Who are ihe lo99erS rhemse Ves, c]ty l Was so th]rsiythat When l sawthe flesh Water flowing flonr the spring / pond / clearing,l rcn and qu]ckly began to drlnk. The Gligson tw]ns fouń a ove|y ine clearing / trail / path in the Woods, so We decided to sitthele and have a picn c, t lealy is true that you can tel the age of a tree by counting the rings ln jts branches / ]eaves / truńk. often a treet /eaves / .oots / branc/res do not actualy reach deep underground, ln fact, they grow horizonta y and usua ly only sixty centinretles be oW Don't qet too close to tharhedgehog / skunk sgulre/- it might get scared and sPray yoU horrib e sn,]€ ! With its ing scent, lv]ost peop e know that foxes / squirrels/ hedgehags ale lelated to dogs, But not many peoPle knoW that over 10,000 lVe n London| Cats miqht be cute but they are naturalp.edaio.s/ prey / roots and hunt birds, ln§ects and mice Pure y Focus oN WoRDs 7@ 1Verb phrases complete the text with the correct preposition§, The last of our food had gone 9fand l Was sure We Would d]9] h!nger Brad ey and Cooper Were speaking, trying to decide What We shou]d do most of lhe r d scussion, too next, BUt l sxhaUsted to jo n in Wiih them 0ne thLng Was s!re. slept' comPlete the sentences with the combinations in 3 Iln the Woods choo§e rhe correct words. the.entla sq!ale ofthe §!n 9ht ihat shone there, 2 ó ń !łhat Way is the m rrors project ike y to .ffeci the habtś of R]!kan res dentS? What ..lses th. moveńent oi the m fols? Why s the year 200ó rne.t oned ]n the ań]c e? , 1 Focus oN WoRDs 2 What Was the 1Et dea Whjch Was slppo§ed to heLP the ,es]deits of RjUkan? Holr s it Po§s b e to feel the Warmth and the Match ihe beginnings with the correct endin9s to make extra<ts from the text. 1 k prżymioti]k] Wyma9aja Użyc. mtóW dopeh .n ćm. Aby ]atw ej żaPam ętać Pży Pżed .ale V/yrażei a ż ćW.zei]a 4, przygot|j dW!sironie kańy, t.k e ]ak ta poniże] Może§ż ró!r'nież żastosow.ć tę te.hnikę, !.znc s ę novJych Wyr.żeń ż Prżyimk.mi, króre żiaj.lżesż W łown k! ub ntelnec e N ektóre .żasowi The hL]ge mltro6 Were .af,]ed there by he coptels, as Part of a Pro]ect V/h ch cost 5 m oń kroner D :e RElv]ElV]BER BETTER fol so many ye.15 e9al]o99ii9 do]ng nolh ng We cou dnt cont]nUe to s]t 3 just Wait nq lo d e, was about to fa l asleep aga n W_e_ d fo <c awole re Coopo| v\o- |osa bJ, ,ea '- nq noise ' , ooo Tla_ - offto my eft,lt!rned myself face to face 5 dog, S oWy,l reachsd |,-a d Jro-Lle- and suddenly foUnd what l believed to be a wid a food l n wh ch was Iy ng bes de me, to throw iŁ for the animal and ga n 6 t me lo defend myself rf t decLded to attack me, BUt alihat nToment th€ doqjumped at fire and Vio]enty beqan to ick my faceLThen l heard a deep Vo ce calm y saying: Li y, leave that man alone, l'm sure ,ó does_ - łal . ,o oA . !\ao by dr o|d dog lte Vo And ihen l bLrrst nto laughter, We Were saved] l, ó5 GRAMMAR l 4 .'t,t * complete the text With the correct relative pronoun and add commas where neces§ary. Non definin9 relative charles Darwin SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW Chares Danłin, 1 complete gaps a wiih a Word from the box and saPs b wiłh which/that, where, ol Who./that. There are two extla words in the box. bańg e ćoast couń February 1809, Was an Eng ish naiuraist and geo og si, He Was the frct person to suggesi ihat embassy opPonent ostlich p]tch toul leader The'!94] is a p ace bu:]9t9 the sea meets al species evolved irom a single org na fom of lfe. He aso śUggested ihe the and 1 3 4 5 ooks after a gloup oftour sts. cricket, footbal A "_ ]s a place h r!9by and hockey are p 3yed, A" s a pjece of]ewe ery 6 aro!nd the Wrist, An" s a place b h 2 theory of naturelse ection attempis to exp an Why there are now so many dilferent foms of iie on Eadh, , Ln o,|ó,dle, o ó|o||do ol ** Write sentences with non-definin9 relative clauses. Use the.orect {orms of the verb be. Austla a / sixih ]argesi colniry ń 1he !!ór d / home to a re at !e y sma populat]on WĄich i5 tie sixih lalqesi.o!.irv in ihe A!st|.lia, sydney / the famous opera holse can be actla y the cap ta ofAlstra ]a n Rolge',/act!. ly born . fo!.d / not d F]aWa p|a -, Dća l SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT The 20]] isunamj n Japan, lwh]ćh / ihal hit ihe lohoku region on ihe Pacific coast, Was calsed by a huge undersea eańhquake, Tlre eanhquake, zwhat / whjch was ihe most poweńl ever lo hit Japan, created waves of up to 40,5 metrcs h gh and k led over ]5 000 people, 'Tóhoku ln sendai, 3r,rhlch / Where s tlre argesi c ty in the Lrp to ien kilometrcs inland, regjon the Waves trave ed n FUkUSh ma r'Where / Whose FUkrrsh ma Dai cfi NUc ear Power P ant s located, ihere Was a rnajor nuc e6J d saster, The Wor d Bank, 5!1,ho / Whose goal is to nc€ase deveopment and rcduce goba poveńy sa]]:]that ceaning Up and rcbuldng aitel the lsunam [,oU d cost morethan after any oti]er natLrral disaster in Word h story 'Mo! loca deas We€ qi]eslioned at first s now furnolrs as one oi the most mpoitant thinkers n human hjstory, Tóhoku eańhquake and tsunami N oe,o " DarW n śtuded Naiura se]ection 3_ is sometmes caled 'sUrVVa of tlre fttesl' is st l ihe mosi popu]ar scientifc explanai on s/hel5tafi Work A_ ,"."L ' the Ga]apagos ls ands oid \"lol,o lo9ó dp ólo |opo,|5-tóor., ,ri choose the corlect lelative pronoun. 1 !!]1q ] 5 @ 1 rranslate ttre rolish Pańs of the Molnt Veslv Us, ikiór} pa ftz óstatni fuybuchł vł '1944 .aku) s a PoP! al to!rist attractioń loday, MountVesUV !s, s - Pop! _ ar to!r st aitra.tion today lktóry m'eszka W Wa.sźawie], has an over ook nq the cty. 3 has an aPartmeit overook rg ihe cty. {który rnó] fuia łlrpil W lbieg/ym tygodnju), is e.Vironmenta y {riendly. our new c.l, ls env ronmentaly fr]end y, Paand, (gdzie się urodziłam), ha§ a Ven/ diverse Po und, has a Very d Verse c mate. My ne 9hbour lttórego syna sPotkaljśrńy vlcżalaj rnoved here on y ]a,i year W ]es]eJ, .roved hele on y ast year These o$enelgy ght bu b§, lkróre Poblerąd y q!lte exPens Ve miie] pr.r.d!], are .ciLJa The5e ow-enel!y l9ht b! bś, Hugh Jackman / known {ol p ay]ng Wo Verne in the X_Men flms / from svdney, are act!. - y qL]]te exPens]Ve GRAMMAR Train and 66 Try Again page 150 ( USE OF ENGLISH 4@ Prepositions at the end oJ clauses * 1 choose rhe correct answers A-c. E]ias: Wh.t.]o yo! th ńk Whe. 'mcuitain'? Roxanne: co.'t (noW E!ćrest? jl Ao; 2 Bon An9-1icć: soPhie: Aon 3 Jules: Dou9: Aby ń€ afiount ofła!h lny fahily cto always Wofiied 1 to st.y ? My cousin, Ain. B S VJth We l, s someth]ng Bfo. th.t '!e EnV]rónmenta AWJrd ]St * 1 2 politics/about/, What /'for / an ma s / W GeograPhy / ]n / ai / 9L d/We/are/ ook]ig ,l /nlo / h] Want ]5 / ? didnlthirkso.]t€h lfiall€lsoak my family lfound a that W€ could focu5 ba35 a aid cońlaińei; rrl b n fol compojl ńg /theysay it i5, buith€yWanito ook good butwe do ihe beli We can, Translate rhe Polish pańs ofthe Grażyna: We l, l quite like bears. Flanklin: Putt ng gla§s recyc ing banks everywhere is waste of money, 2 Marvin: lrżEd powinieł się si!Pić]? Bees .re : good ex.ó]p e of ań ma 5 (ad któ,ych zależy t)dzkj-- życie) / ? them to keePthe e.o system Emi]| YeS, We Haley: My B]o ogy teacher D c]you hearthat Nancy has been b tlen / 5,'W.,'sho! d / ? *,* choo§e the correct Words. 1 she! the girlthat rea yWanttosPeakal/tolfor 2 ]s that the c Ub you'd ljke tó 9a ta / far / by1 3 Who is that boy you were arg|ing wilh /at / to? 4 {ind Joseph incredibly easy to Work outl With / in. 5 Whlch teacher are you going to give that app e !p/ ó becafie Dolore§: Which environment issue§ do Vou think the s/ /object/. Wh ch,'{or/ hea.]/ o{ / tFe bbkh nt all, Was il50h€thing non€ ofu5 is p€ń€ct, Emma: 5 id€a y ha5 soals that lo my.hidret,'|sn't ihe env]lorfie|t 5omłhi13 a /, De§troying / to / forests / ro / somethi|g / b!]ld / roads/ an Bernice: Are there any aninais (tAailwhich] you al. Ą!.'e,|ed :Ą /^-,ąęld l ,o,1TJ sj, 1 is / Nlargaret / l/ ploud b€ ''1e,esL],, /)' / |ot / ] / al s / area / that / 6 5 (9i * * * put the words in order to make sentences. Gleen / pass onate / something / l say loo]W€ll, ctó smokin _a is nat somethina l aap!9!9 ru whkh juss€n€d you Cale beach, t helps me re ax, is/Smoking /someihing / apPraye lofiethingto fiovefi€nt\!a§ ,-flr€ fiovem€ntc€ńair Bui We ni]I haven't foutd a 50lution fol maragiig the packagihg flofi rew.loth€s and hair ploduct!, ]'fi aflaid, Wher somethin9 l can't be cliticised .'t sonłhins l hav€ Wan€ nean 1hirsj lik€ t€uling puitingall ofourV€gPtable Wane ilrto Pearl: sorry, ] dldn't mean to Upset you, B by c With A for ó Mica: Hey, Travis, What are you l]st€ning _ ? Travis: tt adua y the sounds of Waves on the Bon i5 bass ofrubbish into th€ , l l o -,,,o -oo Pod lngrid: Yo! \lolked harc] fol it Congrat! at oisl Bwlth Cof Ato William: never e.Ve r!bb Sr on thc gra§slThats Afor |ńeZ€to Websjt€ clo 5 Puttihg§€V€la day i5 ceriaiI y not and ptod!ce no that! becaL]se yo! hardy ever9o camp]rg ą!r4, ploduces lasree3,but]talljun!€eh€dtoodifficulttotry cby eePlig i : te.t the text wiih one word say lhe Nlord bin5 €very charlotte: ThanI yo! for th # * * * co-Phte in each gap. NoW many Voters did you manage to sign olrt/ l]p / knoW' she's the last Person N]cki: iktó.ą ł]ó91o sie to p,żytrai]ć], doń'i glve money lo any ch-rlt]es Gre99: Why not? There mUst be i.oś, [obec cżego P.zą.Lviasż trosłę) ofł 67 WRlTlNG Read the fir§t palagraPh of the 'for and a9ainst' essay in Exercise 4 and de.ide Which topi. is bein9 discussed, A 'for and against' essay I o,o,-o-po, , od - o 'Everyo.e . ihe V/cr d shouLd eatn to sp:ak at easr ore 1cre 9l anguage' 3 'A the Wor d's s.hoo P!p s sho! d slldy the Mandar n anglege ' 2 1 Read the §entences of the e§say below Put them in the correct order. Use the linker§ in bold to helP you. 4 tat<e pride i. their cultuńl heritage and spend bi]ions on protecting 1 @ countries often -.o o.omo'19 l ] , l.l Personally rop,r", Te,,łl| d\Ą"/,be noilioua|s wFo "r q !e t-e l !'Te d ,d elelov to ,es ,lów Le I c |-l r5 pló§enr9,,!L,óL. ", qovernmentto ial e ovel the one hand ,l c"".. ,"., .-", """,._. -o l ,|-y "h.9 Worl- P,o,ecfi 9 §ilc. -\ery ",. o ror,-io, e to l-e wo.o, on łhe other hand, the physica We -be]ng of _ ] a .oUntry may have to be the main foc!§ of its govelnment A.o!ntry Whose Popu]atlo. acks jobs, she ter, med]ca care or]on may not be ab]e to afiord to Pleserue or Plomote lhe r cU tUral hertage beca!se the poP!laijon ha5 more urgent _ , For inśtance, there are a nlmber of ln que anguages n ceitra] EUroPe Which are spoken by few peop]e, These ang!ages are imPoń.nt to the]l reg on5, and ihey shoLJld be prótected and Promoted, a o!g Wth the ań, mUs c ancl tr..J t ois ol ihese area5 i Furthe.more, count. es ] Wh ch are en9a9ed conf cts may not be ab e to focls on fl xo*eve. L§e |1p ! ^ ]n cu tural mattels. i' €"'ly a good ,d," WFol ,ev ,o , o o'rer' ol-plov,lle:\e5o-l,al,|lI el,] ,5 ,t.,., ln conctu=ion a country may decide !fthey cźn plotect their cUlturalheritage, Look at the eś§ay and the linkers in bold in Exercise 1. Which ofthe linker§ in th€ text can be replac€d with the linkers in the box? t alI For examPle ln add]tion €Pińioń secondly To sum up Persona y, think = ln mv or)inion First of rn mr choos€ the correct l;nkers to cómplete the essaysometimes. more than one answel is correct. Expeńs say there afe źbout 6,500 d]fferent languages spoken n the World today. HUge amounts of money and tjme ar€ spent on ealning and translaton, so t l5 not suprising that some peop e believe ljfe WoU]d be simpler lf We al 9poke the same janguage, ]For €xample l Hav/ever, rnany other peop e feel that languaqe is an essentia] pat of identty and that having just one ]anguage Woujd damage ind]V]dual cultures, (] on "oTeth.9 l .'qL. Żon the one hand l 0n the other ńard, there are sorne good arqUmenlsfolthe idea of a 9inq]e global ]anguage, 3Jecondłl r/rsrł, for politicians and business peopią there Wolld be no ba ers to Commun]cation and doinq businels Would be easier and cheaper, 4Fof lnsfar.e / Io JUm Up, govelnmentś and internat onal companies Wouid not have to spend lalge 5um5 of rnoneyon translation ol Ińlrdł, a mult jngUa łaft.ssecandlyl s]ngle World language WoU d plobably be good for touiirl6For example l Forinslarce, tour]sts Would feel saf€r overseas and be more comfońable visiting celtain Countlies il they knew they could commun cate ea§ily, 1an the one hand l an the ather hand, there are severa] impońant alg!ments against a 5ing e global anguage, 3Fł5t af all l However, a naIion's language i§ a śign]ficantpań of lts cUlture and charactet For examp ą When Po and Was occupied by other countlies in the past, the Po ish langoage helped people preseNe theil identty and tladitionr,9Fol /rJtan.e / Fufthermor.", many peop e get pleasurą satisfaction and even income from studying, Using and teaching different anguag€s, Forthem, a 5ingle globa a nquag€ Wou]d not be an adVantag€, 10ln canc]usian l Fjnall|, aIhouqh there ale §ome leasonable arguments for the dea of a sing e World language, it js hard to imagine it could evel h appen. 11Per,ona]ly, ] think l ]n my oplrion, if there evel Waśa single language, the World Wou d be a far lesslnteresting and Var ed plac€, 5 complete the table with the words in the box. |,,la|l/ Fo.11si"rcA 9 r'e. pelsoraloo'n on 9 ve e\dmo es ;, lrodJcp . .orclJsior |ęźtqE-el.fs "erso.d l}, lli'rI 9.oWco1l,dsL l;5t aroUments F]rsto{a / F]rstly / second ] However/ on the one hand / 2 3 6a y / ] 1 4 o o n conc lsion / n summary . Read the task below Then read the 'for and against essay and complete the gaPs With the corect forń of the words in brackets. C C C ' le can iully approve Bol / an / w,ith? " ood lbe 9 / lłe ide3 that in !]rc 1 \GRICULTURE) sectot and invest their sTRoNC) their posilion :nts trge o o o L{e is fu of s]mple pleasures, Happ nes§ comes flom achiev]ng your 9oa s @ ruiettorzy tudzie uważają, źe pi€niądze dają sżczęście.NaPisz na ten temat rozprawkę. w kórej PżytocżysżargUmenty za takim twierdzeniem i prżeciw niemu. Twoja rozprawka powinna liczyć 20G250 łóW' W gwojej pracy moź€§z Wykorzy§tać mat€riał z ćWiczen;a 8. nroney i §ely, Such a pr?crice is definitely sonethnlg everyone :l;n agree'lt / iór / rł it/l, 1ly I for afer j,rd]}l ai the same tilnc the Faji T.rdc modcl sećfis to if .hallenge some ethic: 5 (BELIEVE), For ::lstance, sonle online sources suggest tha! in f.ct only : sm.l] numbći ol fulneń benefrl fion the system, , \i, ,,,. D tlll,J, ,,l,rl "- ,r,r,lren lc,d rc,c jrpPort, just a ltw countries are hclped. In łddition, -! .lldi!. c],ll-r ll,,, lr( p, Jl .', 1l ]J li l_ lt,.i\p :ly a srlall anrount ol the prolit and rhat mosL o1-r]lc ::]oney goes to the companies \ł,hich trlnsPol,t, .rd scl] rhc finll product, sonre experts say this is (AVOID), but it is somethjng thal onc ',uy criiicise thc Fair Tridć initi.tive Elil / by / vith_ era] f its )ied ped ges, age, )uld U ]n !he one hand, Fail Tradc trits 1o makć sule tl]łt tl]e :ioducels in poorel countries ealn ]nore noney k helps _rnrers cre3te a better infrastrLrcture,3 I be lbIe lard my lfyou have money, you can seethe word, o o SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT (( : good initiative, but ]s it really A:łn )s, 3 5 ot\\L M| ] ,lrd bol ,ll , ' _ ;NVIRONMENT) and elhical issues it creaies, Th3t rs . hy rhe FaiL Trade organisation l,as deslgned to help ::rd proteci farmers in poor countries, lt sccns to be that the )ple that 2 People get p]easure {rom nice Possessions, Friendship and love don't cost an}thing, ln many places education and hea thcare 1 !s lai1 Tladc leal|y lailp Consunrers in nany coutrlries are becoming more ::ld nlore arvare oi tbe harmlLrl cllccts of hlrmłn are r5 You ar€ going to Write a '{or and against' 95say on the topic'Money c6n buy haPPiness.' lvtark the§e argument§ a§ F(for)or A (against). Write an e§§ay on the topic'ls Fair Trade really fair?' In th€ e§say pre§ent argument§ for and against thi§ initiative, including examples and your lken 1ly 8 jl conclusion. it seems to me that Fair ]iade is 7 Gdy 5kończysż pisać placę, splawdź, cży uwżględniłeś/ uwzględniłaśwszystkie punkty ż listy, Moja rozprawka za i prżeciw: . żaW]era . W an :::itiative rvhlch only looks like a good idclr. IJowever. ,re need to remelnbcl i! is.lso:t business straie€ly ńat ]rrngs fironey to lelge and SHOW THAT YOU,VE CHECKED (PoWER) .onrP3nies, In my opinion, te need to do morc to nrake sure Fair Trade rea]]y LrelPs ilre poor peoPle and not ] ] 1 Jnly itsell ó lstep, V/ którym żnajdlje się ó oPd, , Po\ood,d oo- " " - ob, drLgim akaPicie żb era argumenty popielajEcestanoWisko PżedstaWione w temacie wraż z pzykładami, i_] trżecim ak.picie !Wż9 ędn a arg!menty pop era]ą.e Pże.]V/ne stanoW sko Vfaż o W * kcń.ży s ę akaP tem, !! któlym są żawańe żdan . "] ood -on,"óo pog ą.] na dy / ^ól o,pa/, oa,o omaVr' any temat, . ż iaP sana ]ężyk erl forma nym, w ęc n e !żyvlam W i ejtorm skló.onych (nP i'mlaren' th.t's) 7 Read the essay again and choo§e the corred option§. ] skrótóW (]nlolcu,/y 9ood], . ń e żaW . żo§t.]a 51a:ańi e.ć błedóW ońo9raficżnych, e czytei. e n.p sa.a o -ó i , 69 sPEAKING '1 Expressing and justifyin9 T: oK, so te me V/hat yo! th .k .b.r!i these three PoneE, Wh].h one 5horjd lve disp ay o. i!" schoo ior].e board? 51: We , t!9 t!4] Pn5i.l: i !:i!ś the mpórtance of recy. i9 rubb rir at schoo , Poster 1 li fneb !5very s mP e a.d the p cture ]s q! l. bas c, 5o some siudents m ght not not.. t t ńight be belter to have someth]n! nrore eye c.tch ig P.tLres BANK ZWROTÓW DO WYPOWEDZ| USTNEJ Describin9, comparing and contrasting pictures opisywanie, porównywanie The three pictules shoW/ Te trży zd]ęc]ł/obrażk iżestawianje ze sobą ilustracji focus on/illlstlate.,. Read and comPlete the di§cu§sion between a teacher and two students. The fir§l letters are giVen. 2and32a t Pokażlją / Sk!pja]ą się na / Pictule X isl ooks intelestin9/ Zdjęcielo b razek X Wyg ąda ciekawie/]nreresująco, .]e. . attlactive but .., Picture X is more .,, than other pictures, the tak choosin9 one of the opt]ons and jusii{ying the choice Ithinkthe best oPtion ] Wou]d prefer/l'd go {orll'd (def]ńite y) choo§e Pict!re , n]e s2: Persoia y, f too ch jest a jak pozostałe żd]ę. a/ best fol two reasons, Filstly, because,-, źnd secondly, out of these thlee Pictures, § 5b l .dergańen f -,-d-,9 ó-. ] ]ke two !ł.y to ive sl, -, 9t T: Na]bard? e] podoba m]s ę {p erwsze/drUg e) żd]ęc]e / lp efuszy/di!g]) óbrażek to z dwóch powódóW Po p erwsze d aleqó, że,. Po ithas b messege, think everyone vi] ren]enjbel lh]5 rhym n9 Phrase aid the referen.€ to b.skelba makes re.yc ]ng souid ike . coo th ng to do Lotścf PeoP e are iaży When t cornćs to recyc .9, blt a.tua y t! a rea y ,' 2 a 9leener lle. t o -,9 o o-o posters, fle lou d choose Poster 3 order some Grcai, so ett 90 for nlmbe, 3 mole and We' Plt them on the not]ce boards .ńd .ext to the re.yc ng b ns V/hei they .le le.dy Tha.ks 1ol your he p Read the discussion in Ex€rcise numbel the posters. 1 again and sPoślód tych trżech zd]ęć/ EXplaining leasons for Wyjaśnian]e powodóW lejecting othel óptions odlzucenia pożostałych i§ Personally,lWoU dn't 90 fol P]cture X beca!se ,,, l Wou dn't choosethe P]cture 5howin9.,, becaU§e.,. @o Prob em ze żdjęc em/ obrazk em X po e9. na tyfir, sami'sama n e zde:ydowałabym s ę na Zdjęcic/'obr.żek X, 7o jun or Scl,oo ol eleń a th nk tśa b t t WoL] d be belter for Myśę, że najlePszym Wyborem byłoby żdjęcje X / by]by obrażek X, ponieważ,. obrażkóW lrybrłłbym/ Wybrałabym żd]ęc]e/oblażek The reason don't l]ke X dish t ]ooks ke a very memor.b e |'d choose picture X The plob em With p]ctule x s bćc.lse ren y Ve and aPPea ]ng to teen.geE ijego uza§adnianie Zdecydował;bymsęna/ like the ({łsi/second)picture poster 2 thc th ld P ctl]re (Zdecydov/an e) Wyblałbym/ Wybrałabynr zdjec e/obrażek I !w ] 2 beca!5e Wybór jednej ilusłacji Wo albym^ło ałabyrn X b. poster ts the brightest .nd mosi co oUJL] Zd]ęcie/obrażek X jest bardz ej, . od pozosta|ych żd]ęcie/obrazek X attractive { ",b żdjęć/oblażkóW Pictule X i§ń't a§ ,,, as the !n rsr one -nd th.y Wo!.j borh be eas er to not ce from a d st.nce ol qLJick y as the Wyb:ał.bym żd]ę.]i/obrażka pokaż!]acego,,, Pon]ev/irż, Powodefu, dia któlegó ]rie podob. ir s ę żd]ę.]e/ obr.żek X, jesi lc, że Please recycle yOur rubbish t( Match 1-ó with a-f to make expressions. Use a dictionary if neces§ary, th Before you Watch 1 sy ] pr-dalor moLnr"in ."nge escape prayinq i rranlis d - oui lightning stril e insect o{ 1 Exercise 2, 'n wat.h the whole video and answer the HoW do the P.l5on! .hame eon, the nas!t!m L" -.o d,-p " , with the exPressions in sl Hele' Beca|Se yo! knóW Who's Watch]ng, The Par5on! chame eon neśs]t et§ is eyes ) the Video (00:11-00:52) and check youl ideas lal19 of h de and seek so as not to po§s b e l.igets, The plob em is that he cai on]y see prey f it ńoves. So, 5 th]s a 5t ck ]nsect or a st].k? Aha. 5 : a iongL]e o|ger than its body The Parsoń s c ose cousin, the nasut!m .hameleoi has the same Vle.pon but in m niature, As sma] as . n].tchst ck t needs to g13t much c oserto its prey Blt even With ó th s ]snl the men d.a re Wrs (00:11 00:52) Withour Iooking at the screen and discuss What yoU expect to see. watct ttre łi..t p.rt c sii - ) s.. expeń ]n the ] bls do . ihe wolk whi e the rest of' sPEAK NG Listen to the first pań of the video ,; _ j!st nevel While you watch il, it p.ys to Hunting tio" targetg Ple\, st;ck {- "un.i"9 'n*.t *.,po" tongLe matchst|Ck iung|e ] t'9l- wjl] ó cw Exelcise ó, Then war<h the video again and check_ pańnei a .' ] ] :] ' e st and b end ]n f ts se.ret Weapon Ł ry complete the text You are 9oin9 to watch a video about chameleons in the Wild. Which words or Phrases iD the box are yolr likelyto hear? Use a dictionary if ne.essary. conpare with 1 śee..diot 2 a iever end n9 3 tmeto!neash 4 eyes a, big o ó g 2 \łl].t extraord].iry abijties do these an mals '!1' Watch the Video again. Which three h.Ve? After.:, 8 ,.:,:,,j: sPEAK|NG Discugs the question5, 1 Has .nyth n9 ]n the Video 2 Do,o ,L l "oLł 3 surpl sed you? 9 " . doc(mentJries? Whylłhy not? i yo! had the chan.e to make a nat!le .JocUmeń, what top c you Wo! d focus ón? Why? Words or Phra§es in Exercise 1 are NoT Used? l SPEAK|NG List allthe Ways a cjty can be eco_friendly, HoW can a place become less polluted? Discuss With a partńei s: źr Watch Alex, Devesh, Ke§ and No6h anśWering the queśtions below. Do they mention youl ideas in Exelcise 1? '] Do yo! th nk London 2 e.o ł]end y.]ty? Where do yo! lhi.t Po] lted P.ce ]ś.. ]5 lhe ń ihe UK? 621 Wat.h agaiń ańd match the §entenceswith the sPeakels. 1 Lóndo. has qood .ccess to qrecn Spaces 2 cy. n9 śgeti .g . tt e b t easiel 3 lhe lse o{ diese eng neśn iaxjs .id blses mJkes the po o 4 ut A |- .-- o,-L" , tj ,," ol o'e- or 5 The lecyc n9 from co!ńc]s ], good. ó The e.n Po uted P ace 'V. beer io ii the UK is ]n Wa es 7 The ]e.n Po lled p]ace n the UK s probab y realy lemote 5PEAK NG Think about your co!ntry and the biggest city near you, Then answel the qUestions i. E^e.(ise 2, oi v sELF-cHEcK complete the 5eńtences with the appropriate ańicl€ (o = no ańicle). VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 Lad e§ and Gent emen We hJVe Match the correct halv€s of the §enłence§, Then complete the missing words, The last two letters are given, we come tc polaid L.5t n some scientists say renewable tl] ] ,, ó łó,,on.o F;-9 2 Here on the top there ale solar L,r 3 This is a §low-moving |_._] 4 T1. ", |} p,,- -o, ńe, ol l ,ó remote 5 The boat Was calried out lo sea by the strong i_r l§ Which ---9yl 2 3 S 5 W.rsaw bć .rch tecl the fifth-ićrgesi Wants to Did yo.] kńolr that nat!la 5.1e te ! strange drea.-]. The dle.m ir'as Wh.n CL.ra eaves s.hoo, she §vl]mm]ng moon in the so ar system? poo ai our schoo 5 vely o d ónd a bit LJnemPloyment in the E!ropean provide powerforthe lights, nd away lrom the slless of modern l]fe, nt created by the stolm, bs, we've saved a ot of mo.ey, er Wh]ch jo ns the Thames close to oxford, lL 9ht had ]aiced . -b- d p,J Add whó, which, where or whose and commas to form senten€esWith non-defining relative clauses. lł! A o1_.ea, Po^ó, Katie, ives nextdool, oóks aftel ost and injLrled anima]s a3 1 Stratfold-upon-Avon l Was brolght UP ls {amols as the birthp ace of Wilia,n shakesPeare, complete the §entence§ With the Verbś in the box, change the {orm il neces§ary. There are two €xtra 2 SiigaPore s an isańd cotniry n south eastern .n extreme y c €an .ńd i dy p ace, ( broad come deeP dle 90 high 3 s eeP The tice ..]]]].]]j n Very q|ick y at around m dday, 50 We nced to keep 3n eye Tlave ńg abroad can he oi ihe tme, to your P knoW dege of other ccUnt. es and cu tUres. ofi or is it supposed to have bits of t, ue We need to . Plen. th]s tlee propery, Po y through the stolm bll Woke !P urhei l stańe.] preparin9 bre.l{.51 f lhey that bu d ng ]n fro.t o{ ours, yre vll ose our v ew of t|e se;, aĄ comPlete łhe sentence§ With the correct words, The first and lasr letters are giv€n. 1 2 3 4 5 We' l continle a ong this narrow Pą|h !nt]lWe get out of the woods, The Water in the § 9 is pa.ticu arly c ean and Very good to dlink, As We Walk thlough the forest, be carefu not to Wa k into any ow b s Whjch can hit yo! ]n the face, Theret a algep Prince Geolge of cambridge 9leat grandmother s the Oueen oiEng and Was boln ]n 2013, 4 Ganesha 5 Penang is an sandofithe.oastofl,,/]aaysa sometime§ ca ed the pearlofthe orent'. s a Hi.d! qod has an e ephantśhead, t? the ho]e l We are go]ng to dontheothers]deofthe hi] and We can 90 swimm ng in it When We getthere, Look ai that jtt e s l high up . the rree eat ng nuts, sn't it c!te? g ihose need es Don't try to Pjck up that h its back are Ve.y shalpI on lE ó choose the correct answer§ A-c (o 5 lE = no ańicle)- BRAzlfs DlVERslTY B.dżil, 4 is tle a,gest col ltly by both and mass nost ald popuatioll ill l South Aj],]efra, las ' djvelse alin]al and pl.|t fe oll oul Planet, lt has T]ary ffe.ellt types of mann]als and fisl, nole tlan 40,000 plalt 9pecies, ald 3 Ullkllown nlnber of i|se(tś d a ole a.le oftle B,azliall lai|fore9t alone is lrcnle to as nary a5 70,000 ki|ds of h fact, €xpefts e9tin]ato that in§e.ts so ne sc]entists, acttra|ly of beot es Villg ol fou rd 700 djffe,ent types a si|gle tlee, sdd y, lafqe aleas of the lai|folest .ne be nq cut down every day, This mean5 t]€t Dany 9pecies m 5 W @*lcl 2 Aa 3 Aa 5 A ght disappear before they arc identified, be a gleat oss. Whch B Where C who B the ca Ban B the B that c th_. c the ca Total 72 A9]a l3o complete the text with the correct {orm oł the words USE OF ENGL|SH 7 from the box, There are two extra words. complete the §econd sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the fłsl one. Use between two and five deep die differ envirońmeńt globe l€cyc|e renew r]se words, in€luding the Word in caPitals. Make these baked beans warm and then we can eat them HEAT lfyo! he.t tńese baked bean§ 1 swimm n9 Vr'hen me. FACE lWas swimminq When l Was ] urr, We can eat them. saw a shark righi in front of ] Thele are 50 ofi].]al states son.rimes it is hard to kno\y what we can do is nrdnld xlś ro help lrolecl the environmenl,'We cilefully solt óur trislr for 4,,,ci1-1ł, we consume a5 litlle wat.! is We can inl1 uść ]o$ tn€rgy ]ighr bllbs. we .\tn cemPalg. fol lhe u§e .nerg,v lnd try 10 tnake orhe.s i$ile of llr. problens it f3c., B t then we leJd ibóut ]n the America. UP db -,. p- b--,-,-do aio!.d ]óó0 oUT Accord]ng to exPeńs the tWaS crt.fey co d.Ąd thai§ Wl]y n c ]mber d dń't sL]fu;Ve ńo!nt. Tie mou.t.. cjńb-"r tlre ele.tLa y DlED ł .]€.r and that if ire nrak€ ro otr golernntenś and 1he bulness.s s,. l)t! rlilgśirom lhar 9t ere! conce l.d ibout 5 necessary changes might happen lt t ]n.reasing rare, the extleme co d. 5 t. ed tc gei my bag REAcHED bll 10 aE /5 comPlete the sentences usin9 the prompts in brack€ts. Tranślate the Polish pań§ of the §entence§. wayloni whai shou/d yo! do jfyou see Mari.h: 1 Debra: Do not change the order o{ the Words. change the form§ or add new words where necessaly, Use Up to six Words in each gaP. )st Th s is rhe iree l fel/ out ol(tree/ /a ] out)When ola: 2 Moniy: ]0 an of es 2 That's 3 Wh].h city ln Po and? Warsaw, KlakóW or Wrocł.W? APParenty, there is o1 over 2 metres n d]ameter .ear here. can 4 ,d, 5 craig: 3 Leon: my 9arden ast Week, Wh].h s yesterc]ay to get to the ake? 4 ,__E 5 Ą sklnk a though (niedźv/iedżiesą dlap)eżn ik. m r, they most y eat 9rass and ber. es? didn'i kio!r' that So f oie ettacks me, sho!].]give,t some strawber e5, r 9ht? some peop e a.t!a y plob em klim.l!) snt a rea k.ow craży, sn't t? Wou d you ]ke to Roger: (mieszkeć na bezludnej wysPie)? 'm not sure, wou d probab y fee very Lily| Do yo! feeLthat the Josef: (dni się wydlużaia)? For s!le, Look, it! ha { Past seven and st ight ]t! Kri§ten: Whai§ the Alicia: Ą Did yol] know that (Wierżę, źe żńi.ńa 15, a (pawinieneś zrabić, gdy zobaczysz skunksa)2 'm not sure, stand sti , maybe?!.ałrę oliar9 lisa)? sma an ma s ike The]r eai rabb tśbe ]eve, btrdS, mice and Total l2o r-- ood health VOCABULARY Pats o{ the body FocUs oN WoRD5 2 P§lt5 of the body choose the correct words. Aching muscles in your 1thumbs I thighs? Relaxing leg massages only €10 for 30 minutes. . Add some r|lole co oUr on Vo! r :.i] / ji]r V]l|] new Fresh Rose fc]ce po,ó,der l's gL]orcnteed to mc]ke yoL] ook yoL]nger clnd heolh er oL]r SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Wonl o lhinner ]!.t{lsl / Wols/ ? Try oUr neW diet todoy! Label the body pańs in the photo§ with rhe u ) o f o o o o ngernaj k""" ips tongue o o o o o \Ą'eak aorlkles / ellrouJs can make \l.alking hard. Revolutionary \Ąia|k 'fall suppoŃs rvill help you take the next śtepto making rvalking fun again. A soft mattfess can be bad for you 8fib / spl)]e, Try HardMal rol a goocl sLeep al,td a €iood bacL(, 3 comPIete the With the correct form of the unused Words from Exercise 2. ] h!ń my llj p .yi.g _ól]o qL o,ó "d can yol Wr]te tert mess.ges so qL ck y? Yo! P ease, 1 2 3 4 .]on't make me aLgh b" -b" HoW mlsr have s!perpov/ered Don't pUt yoLr Graham t! bad mainers. ,\",, Maybe can ooo9 o J nj,]r el .o e.t forms bleak (x2) bUrn pL]]l sPrain A: D]d yoL] B: that hapPen? He! taken !p box ng. d]s ocate noli.e that..]a.k !!j a b a.k eye? HoW d]c 1 A: ou.h] 'Ve mytongle B.Ą-,\,-o,o,-op o 2 A| Tloy'S had a sk ng a..i.lent Blt t! q! te funiy 3 t1] tab e, of the verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs. b]te ,.1!. d;iier comp|ete the mini-dialogUes With the get have i the rep ace the str.P V/th a shońer one? le a5 eep on tl^e tr3m aid h]i my o. the se3t n fro.t óJ me stlLp d me, eh? Focus oN WoRDs l 4 oi B: Yes. so 'Ve heard Ne fe offthe sk jft and h]s sho! der A: HaVe yo! evel " ai arm oI a eg? B: have a.tua y. l b my ann when fe our of a tree las seven at the time. 4 A: Ale yo! P ay ng fooiba] Wth Uśtomotrovr? Bl No, .an'i 've mykneeandcai A: Whit are those tv/o sma red do:s on yolr aik e B: Wh.t? Where? oh, no, thiik 'Ve been 74 FocUs oN WoRDs iBody REMEMBER BETTER Aby ]atr]e] żapam ęt.ć łoWi .two ż te] sekc] , ;Porżadź jisię różny.h obr.żeń, któle odn eś] (i!b teź kióry.h n e odn eś]) twoi żn.]om !b ry §am/§air. lly Unci. 8oris d'slocai-"d i.8 ts ir.g 5 1 A bil. ble". bJ,l oi9ocate rdve B ankle bruise dog {]ngel hair hip jnsect t]trrrb toe Wr]s,t when she showed !s the brujsewe couldn't be ]eve our heads / iegs/ eyes. ]t covers the hrho e of her Whole thlghI When Fr]edat cat died, jt broke hel /eg / heart/ head, to d her it wasjust a cat and she s ammed the door in my face, she Was Very Upset, . NoW he has What! 9p-żi- t! youl bińhday? Rea ly? But didn't get you an}thing... or did ? Na, ha, ha,,,'m on y pU l ng your am / tangue / leg. Herc's yoUr 9jft, Happy bińhday, when l saw Jason dressed as nurse Fjolence ay.g N]ght ngale, I aughed my boltom / tongue / head afr . p to do everylhi.g !!ith h]s eft SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT can't stop scratch]i9 my eg by a(n)5 " of some kind, A mosqUito, Probably, hs Granddad fel over and " 6 , He said it Wasnl that painfu at the time but t leal y huft When the doctors Plt it back ]nto the right poston Hey, Aidan, YoU "_ a huge b_ on your eg. HoW dld you getthat? B: !!aśP]aylng Wth my itt e brother . rd he k cked me, He! srloi9er than ire ook5l Z @ 1 Started rui|]ng {or the A: B: HoW 6 bls 4 Mańa? tĄ/hy 8 9 a basketba LWh eWearn9 s.ndas. Appćrentyhe had no idea thosć ba s are 5c) heavyL 9 When fe otf my bike, pui ]ny haid down to plotect myself, l]nfoft!natejy, my hand be.t B.heeks ,dy !]mieta], .by n e ..d!żywać ]d omóv, Rodolv c -r),tkown cy]ężyla ang e sk e9c stosu]ą]e]edyn po: z- o,,r", Po ]o .: od o, ebows h a t.l ..d B browi c b ack anFhiig so flnny] cou dn't be ele B mouth c eals ,]0 B sprajned cdso€ated yo! are n.Vel bitten nsect§? What Bby s i's o. the t p o1 'Ve hUń my my B Con H!.ge. G."res .al ed? Je|i lel so-eth ng the a.t:e5s r lrre tongue c and can't even ]ft th you pease make me a cup oftea? lips. kelt 5 e cou d Tlacy a V/ays comP a nS that her h!rtsWhenshe stands L]P fór more thai ai ho!r think 5he sho! d 9o for §ome phys]oiherłPy on her back B sPine REMEMBER THlS c n Po and when A blrnt acutonmyb_,lcut hisb rhe . on herfnger she Was p]ckn9 !p some broken g ass in the Park. A scratch B cut C chop .]ack his hand He forgot io PLrl ihe g ove on When tak]n9 the piżża outofthe oveń Was 8 an' my arm ]t must be so pa]nf! lvays k]ss yoL] on 'Ve never seen Lucy has y can hard y Wa k no!r' mysel{when chopp ng on ons a answers A-C. t myse { n the face W]th my gu no\łlh.,ea eye. did yo! to" , ".o.."ct never sti]pid y wlen sldden .ook.g on the barbecle and !r'he. bent NeXt tjme V/i .em.mbel to plt over ti]e gr t ii a poiy t. or V/ea, ]t n . b!ń 'T hav ng tlolb e ho d]ng my Pen becalse hope l tt A Wrsts when she vr'as a kid, so she! scaled ofthem .ovj ln fact, shes even scared of my ttje Poo.]e, Tammy .y Cr,.... Do peop e A: j" called agaln? Yo! know .,, er ,,, thingy, lt's on the tlp of my bottom / ]t oh ,,. come onl , Adam ".lrsio.ated his b!!q]rĄWh e he ,!a§ '!e 5pla .ed nry Wrisi ai.I .ai't ftaiything he.Vy Co! d yo! 9 !e me. i,.l]r/ n.]l|/ ]].ii]Wjth my Ęga9e1 v.s Pi.yrng Match the verbs and nouns from boxes A and B to comp|ete the s€nt€nces. Use the verbs in the corred form, some verbs are used more rhan once. basketba łcl(, choo§e rhe best word to comPlete the idioms, ;ootba]l ]1,c ncvel broken . bone ]'Ve 9or a s.rat.h on ,!y hand at ihe ńońeńt ifroń o!r..,,] tes, h his tóe Vr'hen he ó id oms GRAMMAR t 3 ]t Write second conditional sentences usin9 the '( information in bold and in brackets. use commas where nece§sary- second condiiional lWish l didn't have thi5 virus (l/go 1 sHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 choose the correct meanin9, 1 f had i] pa l oiWinterbóotś, my feet WoU.]n't a The spe.kelsIeet are co d b The 5Pe.ker'5 feeI.rc.'t.o d My blolher aid l Vio! di't fa oui l he a The speakel5 blother 2l be.od f s ]mmature you were e{t hanCed more c fi.! f Wish my le9s were strongel 3 l{ 4 l Wish (,i fu]n nu.h f!ńher) only we lived on th€ coast ( i'Wa k o. tre bea.n you liked fish l!r'elhave a hea th]er d]et) a second sentence to show that you would like the situation or behaviour to be difierent. t V]b,oL- oolo,,.r o ó / o, | 9 Wish F,,]].!t|.l |io!]j,]'i Ł]or.|1 my c othes lr'jtho!t 1 Po|yWo! dn't oltW]th E a ftheydci'thayc sc m!.h ]n ccmmon a Po y.nd E . are lery difierent, b Po y and E a are lery 5]m ar ,rt 9,s.,.r.?i]!j!ęęi!} c! lf only the exam was next week (Wel'have a bit oi9erfor revision) ;ł *'ł Wlite a Peter 5 r]9ht,h..cec b Peter ]s eft haided, 2 and meet Viasn t So b The §Peakels brother s nct mmature, she'd need g asses ii śheWas 9lroć s9hted ó she needs 9 asses. b she does.'i ieed 9 3sses Peter, yo!'c 1nd !s].g ihese s.issors 'q' olt ( 2 choose the correcr Words. 3 askji9 have a d]s o.ated a dis ocated fii9er flnge. lVy da!ghter never.a ls me, oL]r schoo doesn't have recycling bins. Wish Today's on]ine guesi is British teenage rap-sensatjon Mikey Silence 4 My fr end isn't ta klng to me. 5 FJSI food fon|y l{only L 2ai08 łtill 0r1,9Jil!|s łł"!/,ea],"J i Z / /)cop/, /r!!cd clairewiththehair aire i ]|]ó!i] t,/ ||!i]lll, l ]-._. a |apper 'lr.]Lli.i i be ,/ '.] D_. a .]octor or a teacher because d lI 0: you \.,. slmeth n9 to re p otlgr peop e, sk8r 132 O fy yo! Find and corect the mistakes, 1 3 5 ó 1on y l{ drv19 essons wol d b,e cleaper Lłlr L!.as uo! d have a s!]t, he'd We.r ]t to t]re Weddln9 We sale a ot of money l Ue nayed over at! l..r!5e l W]sh Wol]ldn't be so Pa e skinned, 'd ate t ll it Wasi't so greasy, ]f on ] y itastes ike cho.o ate, sme so bad, Wlsh my shoes wou dn't Lily422 R Which pań of your body Would you mosł like to GRAMMAR Train and change? y lhat§ a bt oia persona qLreston, 'm pretty happy as am to be honesi, Nobody s peńeci, but l donl rea y care i,hat anybo.1y c]sc ihinks, Blrt suppose lcould cirange my i]eght, ll ló'd l]_A,/ |4!€ Woah L basketba blt l am b-- do. Lóba kjnd of shoń e) lL,lilr'llj r'al na}I qliarl].1l 7ó 5 2 i,j t].,,,. / tad a superpower, What Would i lnterest ng qLest on Sk8L ]'d ]o!e to b9 eb e io l4L",,.|ił |ri]ili / tr..rlied to !]et away lrom peop]e for a Wh le aid be on m! own or !!r te sonle ne!! llics, ]5'c,rl / lrłli łf Lrp to the colds a|d ]ust ra|g oll thele lcr a łr] e Thai Wot d be prelt_\,, a\r'/esome 2c:r5 {or SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT F], C :a b.d i,r/ What Would you do ifyou weren't a rapper? ke to do _ ]5 o oo, j Try Again pag€ 151 oUestions. pleposit]ons . charity fUnd+aisin9 !i Read REMEMBER THls, choose the colrect words. 1 a 'm .fr. d yo!' h.Ve to pay ..] / i.l ree a pl Vate b 1 Put the Words in questions A-E in the coIrect order. Extradfróm studeńts, Bóók ecaldińg EEEE oh. HiAnna, Listen. l need some advice. swe. yau / knóW / what / ńeed /to / do what do vau RI We ,l'mtaking Pań in lth s] cyc e ride and money]_ chalty. A d. /liji do/l/can/yau/haw ra]se some 3a Mess has scoled seventeen !]oa śso far this seascn !. /'iol h s team. Eng an.] need io s.ore ó.e more qoal ló 1 i.l become World champ on§ Do fle qleue c ;|e / |.l R| Want to do it a A| oK,greai, D hav. n my p ay i. o",-"l A: Yes. Mosl peop e 2 4 W e]e ? Our połaczer a W @bę money how to do to cołpa|y can but never knew he iż2 101 fol the chal ]] of !'ouf cloice and make t easy 10 anybody monel to l]e p tl]e oruan satOn you rea]y care for ' All financial and legal matters are covered by us too| Check us out at] WWW startachar ty,con] pr This year's WiI take p]ace soon, fyot] Wou in the r!rn, you shou c] ;tań ! d ke to 3 for it now! to be ft to run the Who]e 23 m e5 fyo! Want someone Who i5 rlnn ng n the race, yoL] can do that here, To lre p U5 co ect a5 mlch money as We can thjs yeal, pease thls Webpage Wth You' need c tor Cby c nextto c behnd ó covel cjn cto Cby 5 C betweell żasad regL] !]ących ]ącżen]e cża5o\ł.ikóW / a. .ó.. ,l ever Wanted to charity Mortgate Charity Marathon REMEMBER THlS Jest sPonsor you Well, norru canl 0lft a specific f5 and f20, lrom Bon B about Bat Bof Bon Bof Bto Bovel 1!] complete the adveń§ With th€ .orre.t form of the words from the box- Have you /.if B fu|the donare set Up share raise take Pźrt train complete gaps 1-9 with the <orre(t answers A-c. lAto 2 Avr'th 3 Aunder 4 Afor 5 AWth ó Ato 7 AWth 8 Afor 9 Aabout ,/ FocUs oN WoRDs cirarltf iUid . s /'i| /.hrli.,/ /,iri.h,/ iti.lćslec give'_ p ayers iaticni te.r, 5 a Dar]n9, promse' a!!aysbethe|e.o/lclyou, b Don't Wory a5o!i yclr sPra]ned aik e We' be the|e i. / |.l he p yo! get !P the stajE, qood d .E R: basketba He I. /'l..W]n, opli on ts not righi that fo.ejgn Yes, it was my grandmothell ]dea my 9randfather d ed 5 a he..t att.c( ok.y, so yo! can say on the Webpagethat you'le doing t6 memoly of your 9laidfather Then you shale the page ' a your fr ends and fam]iy. ltśa good ]de. to send it 6 al the adu t§ you know becaL]se peop e oUrage don't have aiy money] RI l'.l the.qLrar Lrm bL]y a icketforihe malch? l'/]aiihew s Very ser ols abólt li|./r'/ the 8rlt sh Nean Foundat on / ca / P| / leasó, / paąi.. r].. /' hele..,'Ll a V/ays P ay9 YoU eXPLa n What event yot]'le do ng so yo!]'re go]ng to do the London to Blightoi Cy. e, Then you put some information 3 rhe char]ty yo! Wani to 5UPpoń, ló./lóryó!r PoPcorn before yo! stad V s:tóre qUe!e here n] Want ro SLlre - l d]d the London Malathon ast yeal, Yo! have to .sk your friend§ to spon5ol yo! n other Words, they sUPPort yo! ' givi.g yol.] money YoLr h.Ve to set L]p a Webpage f rst. okay, B ą. / 1/ j.]i] ,/.|,/ !,.fp]q,-,/ i, ł]r n ;iit,l] / put / what / the / an R: "I / ease Pay 2a HiRob| R: P p./, z. eżnoścod kontekst! Po W e cżasown kach nroże lrystEp ć konstr!kcia for rzeczownik ub to + bezokol;cznik, l Want to .aise money iol ;]r:lin,, l Want to .aise money 1o li.]! heart attack ! + vidims. Find and corect the mistakes, 1 Many of my f.m y members have ofiered to sponsor 2 My c aśsmates..d have dec]ded to do.ate money at PeoP e i.o h.Ve osi the]r homes ii the fire 3 We are go.9 to set olt. Webpage to .d!e.i]se o!l 'save the o d School' campaign, ltrained on the race forweeks, but l stil didn't manaq€ to lun the Whole WaY, A gleat Way to raise money to a good cause is to se]l T-shińs With a posiiive message on them, 77 READlNG A Lot o{ Light Bu b5 . synonyms . phrasa] Verbs . hea th issue§ Read about.]ack Andlaka's invention. Why j§ the ańicle .aI ed A lot ofligl,t Bu/bs? 1 2 3 Be.:!s3 .]..r And..ka ńVented severa .eu t\,p9s oi ghi b!lb Be.a!se 9hi s .n import3nt e ement !n Jack Andrakat n!ent o. Be.iuse Ja.k s k. Thomas Ed]son, the ]i!eitor ofthe l9ht bL] b. A Lot of Light Butbs A on fi$t impressions, Jack nlomas Andraka iS a pletty normaL young American Afolmel sLudent olNo{h county High Schoo], n€ar Baltimore, he łyas born in 199Z aDd !ąi§c!L il] Mary]and oLl lhe east coast of the US, ],{is father rs a civi] €ngineel and his mothel an anaesthetist,* and oligina]ly his fanlly comes from |oland, Jack is a ke€n scoul \Mho ]ikes v/hite laler rafting l1e enjoys Maths, r€adlng on his Kind]€ and watching ihe TV serjes' Ciee and lones in his ft€€ time, sounds pretty avelage, nght? Wel], in fact Jack js An],t}nng but avelage. H€ is the Winner of s€vela] major sci€nc€ awalds, the subi€ct of numbel ofdocumentary fi]ms an.l a Iegular speakel at sclentilic and a educatioial confelenc€s alouid th€ \Mor]d Why? Because, despite his young age, h€ ls also a WoI]d famous inv€ntol, pion€erjng cancel researchel, and ploofthat you don't necessarily need to have a ]i[elime of expen€nce or to Work among other professiona]s to be abl€ to invent something uuly life changing, B Aftcl the sad of a fanjly fri€nd pancreatic* cancer, ti€ died ftom this palticu]ar type of cancer Was because th€re \Ą,as no cheap and reliable test that a]]ow€d doctols to diagnos€ th€ iLlness eal]y enough to save th€ paljent, Amazingll,, Jack thought q| a way to deve]op a śimpletcsr usiDg things h€ had ]eamed in his Bio]ogy class al schooL and through sci€tltific journals and alticles, some of ,brch h€ found bV!]ą!!ę Onllne But.]ack need€d noney, lhe aSslstt]nce of exp€rienced scientlsts and a laboratory to continue the d€v€lopment oF his idea, so he around 2Oo lesealch contacted professiona]s to ask fol h€}p, U.fonunate]y, 199 of the replies Were negative, but the 20oth from DI Anirban Maitla, a |rof€ssol at Johns ],lopkiis schooL ol M€dicin€, Was th€ on€ that Jack Was Waiting for so, With the he]p of Profcssor Maitla and the us€ of his ]ab, Jack a Lest foi successfuL]y dev€lop€d pancleatic cancer that is 168 times fasLe! 40o times mor€ S€nsitive and 26,000 tim€s ]ess expensiv€ than the clulent diagIostic tests, ]betest is cven effective fol two other lypcs of cancer as WeLl, c ln ]nte] ]nlernalional Sci€nce and Englneetiog FaiI fol his invention, He r€tuned to school lo finish his education and in 2015 b€came a stud€nl at Standfold Univ€rcitn but since his success his ]if€ has changed, He ]us met Bjl] Clinton and Bafiack obama, and been int€ffienved by the BBc, CNN and many othel ladio stations, televjsLon chann€]s and n€nYspapeB a.ound lhe wor]d, Jack hasnt stopled invenLing, and is cun€ntly ,olklng \Ądth a group of olher pize Winninl students on a device* the size of a nobi]e phone that can diagnose a \łid€ range of il]nesses lnslanlly and Without a b]ood sample Sounds like something 1iom st{ir YOUTH AWARD from ihar ]ifeńIeat€ning condilion He discoveled that one or Maitla is enLhusiastic about Jack's icleas |rof€ssol and his futule, He spoke to a newspapfi r€poltel and compared Jack to TŁomas Edison, the inventor of th€ sam€ ki]lec] App]e found€r st€ve Jobs in 2011, teenage Jack began doingresearch into the Treh? Wel], yes, ]haL's Whele ihe inspiration d€ath very serjous i]lness 2012, Jack iecejved the grand pize of th€ 7 ]iEht bu]b. ]tre plofessol cal]ed him lhe Edison of ouI times and promis€d th€rc wele going to be a 1ol of ]ight bulbs coming fTom Jack in the fulure, the reasons So many p€op]e ; anaestheti§t (n) a medl.a plo{ess]onalWho specialises n stopP]ng paiieńis : łoń feel]ng pain duling surgery; anesteżjo og i Pancreatic (ad]) from pan.reas(n);the pancreas is locaied nea.ihćsrońćch ] and p.od!ces jnsu ii; dotyczący tżustk , np r.kr7LFrk] 78 device (nJ a mach ne ortoo that does a spec allob. A synonym for gad9et !2ądżenle, prżyrżEd o o o 2@ nead the text again, ln which pań of the texr do we learn that A-c o o o 1 Jack be ieved he had found the cause for so mary Hea ó o{ sentences with the Sease? deaths from a pańicular d L] some ofJack's ideas come flom the field of poprllar cu few peop e Were ln t aly interesled in Jacks ideas? L _] Jack! §toly shows that being a sUccessfu nventor do" ro_ d-p-.d or vo ll.,p-,"" -o-po-"...:1, ture? 3 Focus oN WoRDs nead the text a9ain. For qu€§tions the correct answer A-D, ] n the first A 1 1-5, choose exp aiis hoW !.!s!al.]a.k ]s B descrlbes Jackt interest in science c describes Jack's Persona ity and ooks. D explains how normal.Jack ls. Jack began the lesearch nto his ]nvenrion because of A the death ofsomeone famous, B an interestlng Bio ogy c ass at school, L the lośśóla ]ne.d D someth]ng he read in a scient]fic joU lna , Which organisat]on h€ Ped Jack develop h]s invention? A North CoUnry High School B -]ohn Hopkin§ schoo of Medicine 2 D 5 The text says that A B Jackl testfol pancreat c cancer Was insp]red by star Trek. is not as fast as cuffent tests, D can a so help Patients Wth othel k]nds What is the maii message ofthis art]c e? Between 1-2 Percent of adu ts and 5-8 percent of , ll'- t,o food ld , lh. , The ocal is c osing down, so We' l need to fnd anothel doctor. There are p enty of doctort hard y evel get i . śthat a shav]ig on your face? Why not !5e an e ectrc r.żor .nead? There .re q! te deep and yo! m.y need stjtches to stoP the b ee.]|g. .l , _ hale.alsed mj ]ons ofdeathś ólel the years. L!ck y, vlc have fcwer nowadays n case of a cho era , dr nk on y bo.t ed Waier aid keeF, yo!l hands . ean YoUr Wile 5 iń ihe There are two m.ter. ty on. beautfU .h dlen! , Mr.]ónes baby 9 r]! YoUrson is in the one in Bulld ng D, sjmon is ]n a stable ofcancer _, so al We can do now Afterthe bus accident, the hockey team Were in A Youn9 people can achleve amażing thin9s, B you don't have to be rich to be a successful c many ss_._.l§ y has musc e !!]]]! .ftel p ;y ń9 tenn 5 Ellen! got a nut , So She can't eat a ot of Shc ey usua And conglatu ations doesn't requne a b ood samPle, c correci *rom the box. lelgy condition c!t ep]dem]c Paiń surgery team Ward 'Ve ,oot §toma.h pil] thint ale loo paragiaph, the althor nte] '] a O O @ complete each Pair forń of the words th ssles a ser]ous , Fońunate y, ihey al made st Mlchael's Hosp ta is lookin9 for experienced paramedics to join theilthree neW emergency EVen the most serioustypes otcancel ale Veatab e, D Very few organisations ale W]l]ng to he p yolng took a he coPter to the loP of Maich the phra§alVerbs below to the underlined §ynonyms in the text. = 3 5 got in coni'nle 2 FocUs oN WoRDs IHealth 7 issues 2 Match the beginnings with the corred endings to mak€ śentenceś. touch With Doctors sho! dn't on y treat 1 given up 2 comPlete the sentences with Phrasal verbs {rom Exercise 4. change the {orm if necessary, 1 the nrountain, Tl]ey ] ,:] ] \,r'a k n9 Uft they re!.F.d lhe fen.. that !ur.o!.ded ihe mysier ó!ś b!] c n9 oie day, i be.ofe a i]arent hoPe to my l ds in: lr'or. !,Fere mei anc V/.nre. are tt y eqJa !r'asn't P ann ng to bly yoL a 9]]t but t;rei th s ]n lhe m.rket and jlst ha.] to get it. Unce steve snroking folrtimesthis y€al, lts obviou§ly nor Working. the dea for a surpr se pańy for Dafir]en, He absolutey |oved t, David, your nre today to say that you haven't been to school al Week, has L]ndsay teacher 3 5 J t! nothir9 serious, Smith ' ]!5t !łrte What do you .a a Womai that.]e :VeE Llck ]y, '!e .ev,.r c.L]ght Som€body Who iorks to sale Last !r'eek ha.] to give l yo! cont n!e 1o eat §o mL]ch, ],o!' 9aln l'/]5 6 o o o o o o o . d io a. o|d n]a. Who fe down jn the streei lreigrt.nd then have to 90 oń . d -At a.] thJt V/as Very seriouS ; prescr pt on lor some tab ets ]!es deserles a ot morc respect n soc ety bab.s? oh, yes, A m dwi{e. 9 . P.ń c att:ck f had to sPeak in {ront cf a .rowd, h' physical prob elns They shoU .l .are abolt :hejl ment. ylei,be n9 too, 79 i rsi GRAMMAR l 3 )t * comPlete the dialogue with the <orrect form of the verbs in bracket§. use shoń forms. At rhe sUmmer holse A: What a ong jolr.ey oPen the coor, Dan D: Yo!'Ve got the keys A: What? texted you lh 5 mori D: Whar? f SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 complete the beginnings of the §entence§ with the past p€ńect łorm ofthe verbs in bracket§. Then match them to the ending§. Jack and l hadnt met (novmeet), (break) her arm once, (fo19et) to 9et.han9ed, 1 2 _ 3 Ken 4 Emma (lose/to! ch) With Amy, (noi/st!dy) meteoro ogy, A: o o o o o l 2 Alfie: 1 2 Loui§; ii liot/ ose)the keys, yo! {iot/.ut)yo!r hand and V/e the hosp ta f. out) !qq4&rę&ą!!].l9! !q! d|ł]!rc tąłpr slt (sray ca m / not oh dear |f at home {m]ss the f ght ,i yo! folget it) s fe ofi his bike yesterday, The bru se on h]s {orehead was hl9e. lmogen: (not h!ń h mse i,/ have his he met on) t5 h s o\łi {.! t, Louis. He how mlch ce hadń't forgotten to get.hanged, She lvou dń't have afivec at s.hooi ii hel 5 ippe,s real past event: A ce i.i]oi / i]i.n]'l i.,r,.r_.i to get d.'l hale to . e.n the c!t, Dominic: PheW, rea ythoughtl'd eft my PassPoń Reece: 3 fA / .r but * * complete the dialogue5 using the Third U5e sholt {orm§, conditionaI. '( Erin: Was n a bad mood an night shouted at sa Ly and yie had ai arglrnent t hUń ;f,ćd F nch Wo! c]n't be here Be.ta Wo! dn't have kiown hov! mlch t h!ń5 when you break yo!r arm if She hadn't do.e ]t on.e real Past event: Beala ljlok-- / d].ni'i i]re;( her alm .han9ed l Gee)the mc55.9e f yoL] at yoll phone 'Ve ost my keys DI i! not yo!r fa! l, A: BLrt ]f l' aid l had met, Wo! d'!e recogn sed h]m real pa§t event: We n]ći /.i dn'i ireei real pa§t re§Ult: r_...! iid.'! l€.c9]]i5! him real Past result| She (teit) me, my Phone We, defniteytextedyo! Y.!' N: Sorly, Mr f Ja.k . d.'l k|.L! i.!!q lżtel in lh. hospilal D| olch l] the coriect answers. real past result: She ł.e,/ / .i bi.9 tre D: Blt ,. !!hy d dn't yo! say someth n9 befole We eft? Aine, fle are 200 k ońetres łom homeL A| We' h.Ve to break a Window so she afiVed at schoo in her s iPPers, so she d dn't know . ot abolt the yr'eather so hc Was s!rprl§ed When she .aIed 50 She knew hov/ mlch t hurt, so d d.'t lecogn se him * choose yc! ng to say Chl ;]r]Ve at schoo n hel5 lpper5. 4 Ken Wo! dn't have been slrpl sed trhen Amy ca ed he hćdn't o5t toUch With irer real past event: Ken t.!.]r / .ridll1 ]os_. loL].h ]f 5 o our oPponents 3 lNie by/óby.iżł,no] fyo! had Wolń that t ght, f the clothes hadn't been 5o che.p, Wth Amy. real Past re§ult: He filj / |,i]sl]'i s!rpri§e.l V/hen she ca ed 5 d have known a lot abolt the Weaiher f she had si!died mereorology, real past event: meteoro ogy. real Past result| She i!.-,[,'d]d.'1 lróL! a ot about the We.the. Emm. ó f WoLr hac le t a. eathq!ake before, Viou dn't haVe bee.50 tefl]e.]When t nr!ck, real Past event: .-. real past result: (.s / L!.sr'] t 5tr!ck 80 ],.J.r.]'i i.'-]la. eańhq!ake befole tetr i]e.] V/hen Translate the Poli§h pań§ oł the sent€nces. 1 WoU d'Ve Won |gdybyś nie z,labył bramki). oig trousers (.ie kuPiłabym trzech marynarck) My fr]end WoUldn't have sPoken to me (gdybym ó jów zapamniała ó ]ega Vodzinach). |Nasż laćh!nek żir eletlry.żność!V żesżtym rok! bylby riżs' il We'd bolght oyr energy ght bU bs D.]sy Wo! di't hćVe bUlnt helse 1yeśterday |g dyby była uvł ażni ejs ża). GRAMMAR Train and ,B Try AEain page J 51 ( * * complete the second sentence so that it mean§ the same as the first. Clauses of purpose 1 l @ * cnoose 1 Tina; "k) ttre cor.ect answer§ A-c, so as not to be a oie B ii older to be not a one, c not to be a]cne, Ed: l go to the gym to b!]ld UP mUsc e Bob: A to not ose Weight, 9o B so as to lose We]ght. c so not ose Weight, 3 Meg: Why did you leave the room vlhen Jenny A L l e{t the room B so c Yes, try to cover !P? Bto !P my b ack eye. oliiej what are those t.b etśfor? Ella: ] take them get car sick noi B n ordel notto c in order tó Plt the oven g oves on yoLr don't blrn Amin: oK, Mum, A norderthat B nolderto * Jt Match the Th s a c ń c 2 3 Jaiet §entence halves. cade§ olt studies on Vo L]nteec in órder o o o o o o ] We ask you to be Very quiet 5o as ? Fo oW these simp e tjps 3 Yo! can use th s e ectron c dev ce .. Use these headphones so that 5 \Ą/.rm up befole any physica actVty n ordel : to track how many steps you take each day. . vo! aren't disturbed by noise Wh e you are Studying, : to ]imit the amolnt oi sugar n your d et, . .ot to distulb th€ students in the ]ab, . .ot to ]n]ule yource]f, ' tc undelstand !!hat keeps people awake at night, r * connect the sentences using the word in .rackets. Add any words you need. Use between two tookthe medicine so !§ !2 (as) get better went to the doctor ]se an e ectr]c rażor (ordel) put on We ght never rush arywhere le chances of hav n9 an accident, :vo]ded the dog Go) be atracked, ,l Łmmorou 4 ]o]i ńg the emergency team n is tak]ng t]me off Work because she needs to recovel from her lness Janet is tak]ng time off Work to a Ways s eeP eight hours because don't Want to be t red du. n9 the day m . na/,<p.p.'oF, loL.\-,-1 d". ol|"- 5 don'i eat breakfast because Wait to ose Weight, §enten.e 90 that it Use between three and five word§, ;n.luding the word in capital§. Do not change the Word in capitalś. so as not to YoL]'le We.ling eye make to re]ax, do, ." b,-"t ",, ,o d, g' ź * complete the second ' same mea5ing as the first. has the augh my head ofi in that l Want ]?]_]: take a ergy tab ets be.alse Want to contro the symptoms of hay fever a ergy tab ets so thal 'm ]o nii9 the emergeicy team beca!5e Want to Why are yo! gettin9 mańed aga n, Grandad? Grandad| 'm gettiig marjed don't Work at Weekends beca!se don'i Vrork at Weekeids so .]! i. 1 moved to Bath becalse wanted tó ]ve c oser to M!m. As l moved to Bath .. ir !. ]Ve c oser to Mum, Emńa qave !p eating sweet§ becalse she Wanted to 2 He came back so that he co! .] ta k to yo!. ose Some Weight, oRDER Emma 9ave Lrp eatin9 sweets 3 4 earitspanisn to read Cevantes in To the orig]nal col,JLD n the org na. We clon't Park o!rVan in {ront ofthe ho!se at .ight becalse We don't Want io Wake !P oUr Cervantes neighbo!ls As We don't Park our b g Van in flonr ofihe holse at i]ght Wa]<e up oUr nejghbours, t @ *** complete the text with one word How to avoid common sPorts iniUries To firźny PeoPle, do]ng spońs n,]eans occasionaily geltlng you can do sevelalthings gett ng a common śpoltsinjury, injul€d. BLrt, Ę help yo! avold ]__ Filstly, it's impoltant to Walm Up so io SLo!ryly laiśethe heat beat and heat the fir!scles, This sho![d be fol J minimUm of ten minUtes and at [o!łel intens]ty than yoLrr main spofting activity, Next, focL]s on yoL]r techn]que, l/lnr ,po,1 , l-,U1", .," fh" ,p{ l of dol, 9 "oTlplh n9 o ,cp, ld, c -U l\, \Ąhal /o lo1. oo nq 2 ^,o, avo]d mak]ng mkt3kes, An experienced tr3inel is lequjled you don't lealn bad habits. eerly on sO 3 Ait€r \roul tla]n]ng, you need to Walm do!\,n. Thi5 stage cfyoLrr roi]tine is mpoftant 50 as to sufiel fiom !ore mU9cles the next day, Like the Walm-!p, take 10 rninLrtes in 5 to allow youl heart beat and body ternpeiat!re lo IetL]ln to nolma[, And ńna[[y, lelax, A Weak bod! 9 .nore lik€ly to pick !p an injury, so be sule youl body śWell rgsied befole the next exelc]se §ession, 4 81 WRlTlNG 4 complete the sentences With Expres§ing an op]nion the.orle.t form of the ],]t!leśJn].if (intelest), m.ńy yoL]ńg PeóP e care a ot aboL]l the r hea th (!nderstaid), ih_. Prob em o{ food a erg es is someth ng we need to dea Wth 2 choo5e the corect prepositions, 1 2 3 4 ii 3m opPosed / olthe p an because , , 3 strong y agree .l/ [iil yolr p an to We are tofa y ]n favoL]r cil !. the P an to ,. am Wr]t]ng to exP,e§§ my disaPProva ol./ i.].lhe 5 uou d ]ke to express ó ,op- -,- ,o ,, my slpPoń.i/ io|the p ai to ] .,. b- do We ale tota y opposed to the ]dea 5 hoPe someth]ng V/ ó Pe.h.pS yo!l Website a , be done abo!t th]5 sooi, b .ou d leń-]ove the ańi. e, c . resu t, yo!.g peóP]e Wi . d mgan that stlde.ts co! d ,. e ,. your s!99e5t on thai f tFai teer-].9e6 are to b ame ior g yollf m aboli d a ocaL slrgery is a Very impórtantthing to have in o!rtown, chidrei! 9 10 am stroig y n i.VoLJr of Very Wald th 5 Wi be olt of the Weeke.d. dangelols l1 5ome coL]nt. es choose the correct advelbial flom the box to nly hoPefuly sadIy , 1 heard the bad neWS, 2 3 th nk ft6t!ra]' understandably ii]l j]]]t, as. memberof thecpposte party don1 exPe.t yoL to ag-ec W th my ! e!6 , Was !.haPPy Whei 1h s 7 (hoPe), Char es (probab e) ]t's noth]n9 too 5er]o!s.nd 1here! no ieed tc Vr'otry (s!rPr]se), ai inSect b]te can be celta slggest ike to le medica advice fron,] t me to t me. (sad), the enrelgency team d d not nrr]Ve ń t me to save the Tan, (.eńaii), the{u epidem c needs complete the sentences, Replace the underlined Phra§e§ in the lett€r to a local council with more łormal alternatives below. Wou r_"śU ts o{ (c ear], . 1 2 heżr ihe (nature), am d sappo nted to the s!ivev, (fo.tuie), evei youńg PeóP e to be carefLr ly nTonitored, 6 o o o o o o have ]u5t W.tch-"c stroig y d 5.glee !ł]th do.fól.ś śóóń.s Vo!.an l_AóU 5 Match the beg;nnings with the corect endings to 1 2 (obvious), you 5hou d V slt the , o!r Wondeń!] o d dog d , somebody needs to dea With morn ng _.d th s neW Vlr!s immedjately an ]mProvement on th s month Dear Sir or Madąm. ]l] saw in " a newsDaDer ihaN Nhere are planśto bui]d a heallh centre fol young people in our clty centle,I because I ihink ihjs is a rea y good idea. b amwriiing in! vate, probab]y §uch ą centre Would a]]ow J,oung !€op]€ |o talkto doctor§,nur§es and counsellors IN is c]eal that, as they become young adult§, teenagers eĘerience al] sorts ofperśonal and hea]th issue§ that they do not necessalily Wani io djscu§§ wiih their parents.Ifthere Was a health cenire, ihis wou]d' be good because First, leenagerg couid secondl}ł d geN advice and theylvouldn'i have to fee] embalras§ed or bejudged by lheir parents. I lea]lv Want a young peolle'§ hea]lh centle becau§e it cou]d be used to provide education and informatlon about imporLanl healih issue§ such a§ eating hea]thily, avoiding drugs and managing relationships. Becau§e of thaL, young people Would probab]y mE ke mole sensib]e deci§lons and fewer of themwou]d actua y ' ne€d aL lhe selviceB of doctor§ ot counsel]olś l{hai aboui offering courseśin things like fiIs! ajd or hea,llhy cooking the cenire, ] hope the councilwil19 think Yours faithful]y. samantha Barnes 82 f and ia]k aboui my conments, ó Read the task below. Th€n complete the emailwith the correct an§Wer A-D. The local newspaper has publi§hed an arti.le about the council's plan to build a young peop|e'§ health SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 8g dotyczacych żamknięcia Przychodni zdrowia dla młodych ludzi, za uzyskane w ten sposób pieniądże pl"-owand.est budowa dodatkowych oarkin9ów. NaPisz do władz mia§ta li§t liczący 200-250 słów, centre in your town. Write a lettel to the editor of the newspaper. ln.lude and develop . . Exp ain Why yoLr dlsaPprove ólthe P an Slggest an a tern.tive Way to jnreł n tlre area. . $].Śi n],i iu., eJJ l ,ln healń ccntrc ibr sż, c aczego ]estcŚ plzec,!.y/prżec W.a . żapropoi!jesż. te,naty!/ie Deiu Sir or N{adan, JniJle in.\,' 3 rożll ąż.ń e, ll,e i, (J Ul bl il, il r },oung people in our cit!,, At, \uĄ)risi]lśl\ / Prcbdb^. as dn o]der cilizcn in oflhi§ plan, arca. I a ] §ritjng !o expres§ a Lokalna stacja telewiżyjna Poin{ormowała o p anźch Władz ńiasta, w którym mie§zkasz, lhc to tlre p].rn becallse l do nol fecl \uch a centre would be a good u§c ot' !łx payer§' monev. First]],, I tlm gl . ,, ,\o l- lPpeupl, ,,lej\ ql,il< medical §ervices and, when lhcy do. ticy havc thcir pa.cnls Ń dń\,e them io the heallh centle ln lhe llelt ro\,,n.c()1)|iausl\ / l1lUcllll,śA.lhis mBlc! lhc n.w hcal!h ccntre a ]ow priont_v, l also slrongly disaglee a the need for tt coun§elling senice, DP,?r,lrr / Cdnlnllr, 1 am in favour 5 helping toda},'s youlh develop into hea]llr),dduhs, Howclcr. l bclicvc thn! it i§ not the respon§ibi litt, of doctol§ to gile !,oung people.rdvice on rclation§liPs. bu! lathcr lhc parcnls i]nd leachcń' 6 job it i5 to cducate these children, l u! u nl ! \ / s l ry) |i \ i nł 1,,. there.fe.r nulnber o1' ońer ways in which nonc} cou]d bc spelri in ihe area. 7 lhere is a great deal ofheavy fi,afiic passing tl oush thc ccnlrc, Fsd//lr / /rłł,ful^..thjs ha§ caused a ]ot of I r'th l J]ln_8e ,o lli 6C.ld l l;ll'0l1mu!l,^. i J , T'e,elu e, l ni, ."nJ:l .ll, .lre bld and i! htrs becoftc a dangcr to bollr drivcrs ,llld |e.e.lli,,ll., | ,, T iee|. J " ,|.] be Ihe J iU il\ if the ]ocal counci] rcall} 3 about drcir residcnts, 1l\ , , t,our ne§,spapel ignoles NHoP(lll^ l Clfu|l\.rbe council wi1] listen to nl_v ,Le9e.|:!,n\ l] e\ ,l'J, lheJ " u J. .ollr l ,,, aboul the morc scrious rnattcr oi'lhc roadś in our cjtv centre belbre spending mone"v Lnr a health centTe fbr young pcop]c, )g Gdy skończysz Pisać pracę, sprawdź, czy uwzględniłeś/ uwżględniłaśw§zystkie punkty z listy. Mój formalny list ż opinią: YOuls failhfully, 1Afol Babolt 2 A applova B dsdpplov. 3 A aganst B dsapploved 4 AViih Bon 5 Ato Bó A that B wh ch 7 A Fol instanc. c HoV/eVe, 8 A.ares c had cared 9 A .hose c wou|d choose SHOW THAT YOU,VE CHECKED . Dat c!o c agree D d§.gree c dsagleed D opposed Dto Cfot Dfol cof D Whose c ylho B adc]iion D Fuńhelmore ń B cared D wou d care B Wil choose D wou d have chosen Read the ernail a9ain and choo§e the corr€ct opinion Vi p eNsżym ak.P].]e informL]ć, d.cżego o9o ó p . \ł d. 5że] cżęścPlżedsiaw a Wy]aśi a . Po.]treś a konsekwei.]e dżiałań, . żaW . . . . . p 52ę, ód, er. plo.ozyc]e . ielnatyw.y.h rożWiążań, nform!.e, j-k e dż;ał.rr]a uwaź.m za pożądane, zoslał ńap 5.i! ]eżyk em Jormalnym, yi]ęc n]e !żyw;m iJ i ń'orm skróconych (iP l'ml a€n."tn.i!) sk,ótótJ (inb/CU/v gaód, n e z.!.l el. błedó!, o.toglaf.żnych, .ży 200 25| 5,ól!, żosta} st:r. -. . .ży:e r]e nap s.ny o i] C n 83 sPEAK|NG 2 At th€ doctor's sL]rgery choose the correct words, 1 The,i b!!ohil'p!tmy b ood pre§5!]re a.d istened to my Ungs, D d yo! / Płl / brlrg that o ntment on your BANK ZWROTÓW DO WYPOWIEDZ| USTNEJ pan/Pai Yo!'re bleed]ng aga. Weneedto.'!ke/pl]r/ brrig a fresh ba.da9e on your am |'m a{raid th]s cLrt ]5 goii9 to Neec / p!i / t.k. Fort!n.tey, .lonlth.k yo! b.19 / i.l./."_,d you need to take antibiotics, MUsi YoU need to Put a fresh bandage / a Plaster on it. M!s] pan/pani oW]nąć to nowym ba.dażem / i.k e]ć 7 t Won't h!ń Promise, The ]ce !r ] plr./.ne.r. / b,l.,o the swe l n9 down You need a few stitches. Potuebnych będzie 8 YoU need to t;k9 / need to check your blood plessure / pUlsel etc. \4uszę zmleżyć panU/pan 9 The do.torto d I Wz ąć ki ka an operalion. Yo!1e a ve.y lucky boy] reed to a.k! / Plt / gir. yo! 3 ltt e ]i]ect on i]|ta / pa ńk Lers Plt folthe ńe to stay home and q]!E /,!|r,/ Irlć antib oti.s for a Week, Moim żdanlem n e potrzeblje an X-ray / oPeration, etc. pan/pan PzeŚt/ et en ./ comPlete the gaps in th€ conver§ations with the |'m not going to give you Nie żrob]ę panu/pan] We need to bring the swelling down. M!s my zmniejsżyć oblz ęk .-o,oP o ó L ^, Timmy: ouch, i. rea Ly cc dl l Amy: HoW ong do have to You need to take Painkillers Musi Pan/Panl blać środk Pże.jwbó owe, aby !śm!erzyć YoU need to put ice / ointment, etc, on your ankle, MUs] Pan/pan prżykładać lód / nałożyćmaśćna kostkę, L don't think you need Doc: Forten 2 Glegj Doc: 3 Do.: days it! Popól Where! my need e? P ease st dowń a.d 1 ó óo,poL -./^,F h p, " *r,.. pr,.* ".p" *.n Lookl l B: B ess 2A| a: 3A: ] 5 84 *"* ) clt myseL{ yo! Here's a tissue, D d you ]u5t pLrt my oiiiment on yo!r arm5 nstead of 5un cream? l ńealy dropped th B: you shou d be more carefu B: l 5 Doc: bottLe of a blt .heck yoLJr on your arm, 5hoLr d te you thai the Way here, Yo! D ght have a bloken l b We' ńeec to ,ee the boie and be rań oliver| .l l 4 s]óW fe L óVer aid d]dn't scratch or was ucky, That ,]]r B: oK, dóctor óo Read REMEMBER THls. compleie the dialogue§ With the correctwords from the box. ( ' PLrt thl5 .. -/, żachwyi !b żdz W en e W ęcej podobnych zn.]dz]esż !V słownikU Ub lnleriec e. P-'^ a Very serol]s nfect]on !5 the cut on my arm very deep, doctor? 'm afra]d so , to stop t b eed ńg NoW REMEMBER THlS oUch to s]owo .a okreś en e dźt/ ęka Wydawane9o z powodL, bó U, ine plżyk]ady podobńych Wykżyki ków to: .choo dźWięk k ch.nia, oops - leakc]a ia b 00% s! re That's the last t]nre ever P ay basketba With my s sler, doctor | londi ,'oa,qó o, o c,ó Io a "op a Doc: ó Doc: Emily: 7 Doc: o19a: 8 Rob: ] Yes, and thatl Why 'm go ng to gve you So you do.'t.atch . I disease Thjs cream śhou d heIp bl]ng ihe doWn. Thank you, do.tor can't even Plt my I {oot ]n my shoe ai the rnoment, fyou'Ve got a bad headache ],]5t take Thank you, doctor HoW many tab ets c.n lake Per day? Doctor, 'Ve clt my finger on a P ece of . What did yo! ]U5t say? oh, that! noih ng sel oL]s Letl Wash t on ]t, a.d then Plt a(n) l lt/ While 1,99,;;i;1,, 3 E]4 Match natural alt€rnative§ to coffee 1,4 With descriptions a-d. Then wat.h the first Pań of the video (00:00 02:02)and che.k yoUr answers. l Suoar/fuc]oe ll 2 Saqe l] t a b c d Be{ore 1 2 1 Wh.r.affe 2 ne-b.sed ćrinks (.cfiee, tl]a, co a, energy d, nks etc ) do yoL dr]nk reg! ir y? Wh6t ef{e.i does too ln!.lr .affeiie or not 3 What do yoU eai ol f any? d,.k f yo! ieed to stay awake ol nay a ert{ol someth].g? complete the table with the adjectives in the box to des€ribe rhe difiereńt effectg (affeine can have on peoPle. Use a dictionary actlve aleń anxious drowsy jittery sleePy Chelllng gum P a.ebo f] | ] c @ F Ą A herb that conta ns . chem ca that heLps the connect oi between b.a n ce s A s!bstance lSed to check drat peop e don't feel .]f{elent ]!5t beca!5e they're tak n9 a p A sweet snack conta]n n9 9 ucose fol an energy boost, Afood that.esear.n suggests co! d make !s more a eń. 5PEAK NG ois<uss which alternative you think is most ljkely to increase alertn€ss and which imPlove 5PEAK]NG Discuss the questions, elough caffe łe have on you, 3 4 o 6 zi watch the second pań o{ th€ video (o2:o3-4:o5) check your ideas in Exercise 4, Which results do and you find surprisin9? ąa1 comPlete the froń the Video with rhe correct form of the adjectives in Exer<ise 2, Watch Anc, of.o!rse, there! the added bad s de o{ the fact that f have too much o{the stuff, ii makes mel anc' _ , Wh ch ]sthe astthnglWantas a slrgeon Who has to hold a kn fe in the]r hanc]s, So What are the a ternat]Ves jffre Want somethjn9 to he p !s stay ? aid awake 3__ V/oU d'Ve ó " tho!9htthat fyo! have s!9aratthat point , "nd that that lea y Perks yo! LP. So n seenrs thal sa9e co! d be the. ternatVe We'Ve been ,ook,r9 fcn the afternoon, But.le lo make Us mole' yo! s!le yo!'le leady to sir'aP yo!r .aPPuc.iio 1()r. eai nor enough cafieine the right amount , After .,joll ifuc Ia:|1 7 SPEAK|NG Do you think sage could becońe a poPular alternative to coffee? WhyĄVhy not? ha ordel the activities in the box flom favourite least favo!rite, compare with a pańńer cyclln9 goin9 to the gym to lifting Weights l@Ę) watctr ttre secona pań ofthe video (1:52-3:04) €.th€ §econd question whele the speakers Exerci§€ 2 and comPlet€ the śentences, an mountalnc]imbing runnin9 sW]mmin9 a' ż' Watch Justiń, Ambel, Noah, Holly, Ru§lań and Peter answering the q!e§tions below Whi.h speakel i5 most like you? lit 1 What do yo! do ńorderioStayi]tanoFeathy? 2 \łhatdoyo! do . oldertoseepfle ? 3 Noah has a regllar , 5 ó RL]s an just , m o ,l1 lll , Peter doesnt |ook at h]5 sPEAKlNG Answer ihe questions in Exerciśe 2. Then discuss the idea§ in the video. which ones would you like to try? Why? c zo tr J sELF-cHEcK comptere the ś with the correct {orms of th€ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 Wish chóóśe the correct answers A-c. Rememberto fasien youl he met straP 1 s u'a st 19'l,t,l" She y.]anced for 24 hours non-siop Jam]e a had A 5 most a !nderyourq!! and 1200 fol B did What's her name aga]n? oh, Atap BtP iśonthe ofmytongue aB c toP comPlete the sentences with the correct form óf the wolds from the box, There are t\]vo extra words. 'rand neań j"w [*. 1 'e9 ios tl"ghs Be calelu .ot to nlri yo!r th]s iea t! rea y hot V/a5ń't ser c!5 Kathy Yo! was on y puL n9 vour 2 \ - 9" ]q!,]i] (not/be)so tlled because 'd lea ly ove 1 lfCare (not/feel)]l 2 she wou d Dam ei W shes he so he could take Nico e to an expens ve restaurańt (noi/dr Ve) 5o c ose to each wol]d be far lewer there ón ihe niotoryr'ay, other 4 5 lf the 9overnrnent made heaithcare iree {or everyone (pay)mlch _ Decidewhich promptgoe§ in each gap and then comPlete the Third conditional §entences, use shoń forms, 1 2 to W.tch the {ootba Erjn' l" j match not stop / ńot be late the other skjer f she so q!]cky, hil / nót turn to Pay for everyone ]f hoW expensive it Was 3 lJi . her shoU]det she in the match yesterday not play / huń dó.'t ov/e me any noney o - -,od o , was bloken in lhe car ł1,1 el",oL , Match a word flom box A with a word from box B to complete ihe sentences, There is an extra word in box A. A B '] 2 3 broken f U nut śerio9s shaving sole stomach aga nst 8ó 50 she needs to 'm lvriting to yo! from hospita, ] hLrń my back rcaly bad y and needed an operation on rny a. ]'nr doln9 0K and, cond t on, Which 15 good accordin0 to the doctors, in a cou rl go hom€ thiś nrornlng The doctor news, l alked the nrong p.inki ler9 they śaid thal ]f l Went home, ]Fo(I to ,lo\ -ol .,o,hó'iło do} , q,\" ne ,pl", H" .n l , ,d] De ' oL,e'ri.. rol,r"l 'ood,l, l\.4 ,T i r" case. lthe patients h€re, Are Vou com]nq to Visit me tornorrow? f you do, can you bring me some n]aqaZines? l'rn BORED BORED BOBED! See you x yourf"e? town, so l'm going to Ln ] if 1 2 3 ]t, eat cho.oLaie9 o. b scu t5 ]!5t =JB HiClara, a beca!se lWas send]ng n Cr,"ose tr,e ."rre.t answer§ A-C (O = no food fronńome, ] wouldn't hav€ eaten an!,th ng th 5 Week, 5 But l shou dn't comp a n too mUch, lt mu5t be hard to 1e!t messages a l. ght Why have you got to]et Paper stlck io Do you h.Ve anothel l'm not surprlsed Archie has a after eating a ]ihat chocolate, e@ ,l alergy eondition cul epidemic finger Pair The y/omań lśn .,) j (:.]!!!!!!, 'Ve got a qher f only ice creanr broke her Leah needs some he P Wth hel l,/]aths homework. can yoU g]Ve her a __? l don't ke these jea.s, They're ihe Wron9 shape {or one of Sam! h l'd be ihe hea th est person a]ive, t€rg§, VJhen yoL dr nk , deinite y go to the gym, p-r c atta.k Whe. he saw .oV] When to d Salah What had happened, she her head off, didn't expect her to find lt so funny c aughed ń 10 a d]fferent ci.ity ele.y mońey Ka|eń do tr.t ioo? We .o! d lv]Jybe B ra]ses A donates lrʧą! to 90 outton]ghl. 4 5 st @.pine c serious stable c didn't get A WoULdn't get B Won't get A can eave B cou d eave c eave A dldn't bring B WoU dn't br]ng c hadn't brought c treat B care A deal A A ch]n sa{e B wl B ti;."l a_Ę /3o l 7 7 rhe §econd sentedce so that it ha§ the same meaning as the first. Us€ between t\,vo and five wo.dś,including the word in capitals. comPlet€ USE OF ENGLISH choose the b€st tran§lation A-c {or the Pólish parts Tony folgot to lse kitchen g oves and blrnt h s fnqers on the hot pan, REMEMBERED Tony Wo!]dn't have burnt his fin9ers on the hor pań of the sentences. The doctor (odmóW]ł Wyprsa.ia ml recepł A sa]d he WoLr dn't gtre me a rec]pe iii]refused to vł te me a plescript on c io d n,]e he Wolld Wrte a receipt for me A B c 2 f 3 ;1 n order to spra]n my knee so that hadn't spla ned my knee so aS notto sPra n my had p ayed W th my ltt e brother more care{! iy, lnie żlam.łbym sobre pn/ca ! n09i) A d dn't bleak a toe B couLd.'t have brokei a toe c wo! dn't have a broken toe ]th ńk (że Pogryżłgosz.zur] Look al these malk5 oń 1 ii]re h.c |ememb,eredto Lrse kitchen 9 oves, James has decided he l5n't 9oin9 to p ay the ńatch on sunday, TAKE 2 i the mat.h oi S!ńd.y ]ńeed to get n Shape becalse ofthe mar.thoń.eii nronth. TRAIN 3 4 Paddy reglet9 not knowiig how to g Ve f]ret a d WlsHE5 th nk t V/o! d be a l A hebtarat yiou d speat to your doctol f l§t Ba 4 5 c rat was b tten by h m he Was b tien by a lat Jake |!dostęp| i1 stro.ę inler.eiov/al aboUt Vó Uiteeriig to he p śck .h .lren n hosp ta V/ th me A set UP a Webpage B Shaled a Webpage c took part i. a WebPage o ]Ver {sfnansowałmó] !dżia' ]n the m ń -m.ralhon, so he Was Very lp§et V/hen droPped out A had spofrsored me B has SPoisored me c had beeń sPo.sor]ng me 75 a3 Ę complete the sentenceś u§in9 the prompts,n bracket§. Do not change łhe order oł the words, change the forms or add new word§ where neces§ary. U5e uP to six words in each gaP, Tony Wouidn't have.a!q/rt a disea§e (novcatch/ ,] a disease) if he hadn't forgonen to take his tab ets. lWou d have caled the rescl]e team (rknóW) 2 il Was an emergency, We left home early YoU Were exhausted ńlch NoT f becalse yo! had Viorkec too yo! hadn't Viorked too mU.h, Ą 10 comPlete the text With the correct lorm of the words in the box. There are two €xtra words, I d.y dis ocate intere*iffg obvious opelate śPrainstitch strlgeon n 5 yo! ke Pfoigl5ional athhte! depend on the r bodiel work]ng \vell in order to succeed, ]nt-.lesilnE!,lecent studieJ have lhown that many of them haYe a reaction h pain thai ! diflłeni to \vhal moll ol U§ exPgrien(e,Ihij il be(a!!e physi(al Pain il lo much a pall ol their 1 live5, Ior example. a balkl dancel ]vho expłiences m icle pain might limPly ólune that they've had a hard workout and iult !tr.t.h or take a hot bath to foel an ankle might just betterA runnet łho har 2_ wnp it in an ea!ft wll opl hpil.f nn its bandage and keep on running, hoping t own Thlr r r the wrong ai any doctol \{ill te|l you, and can lgad to lon8-|a!tin8 injulies. tonunateiy, morc and more Professional athhtes have ea§y a(a$ to doctors and phylical lheraPist§, yrhi(h meaN that apploa.h, thgy (an mole ealily Prgvent and dea| with iijuriel. They don't 4 eve; need to go to a doctol's , because nolt coune, nothing make§ łhłe they train.0f Je ices are availabk you need don1 think an athlete happier than to hear lhe wold!,'l ate fol the meeting W]th (my ]acket/so/keep) W.rm i{ , 5 Medical help to get you back on track ,. ą good dea to śPeakto yolr (wish/ ot/be/a llelgy) to choco ate because she loves the ,(r) ', ] B€Cause they are getting help ealliel, they are mole l]kely to avoid §eriou! plobhms and to have (aleen a5 lf only Mary (not/have/brUise) on her arm she cou d Weal the short sleeved dress she ]oves, longł wel]. l5 iĘ;l |..) jror^] 87 e art of entertainment 4 VOCABULARY nnouncement wirh the miś§ing words in the Correct form. The first letters are given, complete the radio 'lt can take t me fol smal lv_ dożen p€op]e Entertn]nment. peoP e in entelainment. Velb5 '1 choośe th€ odd one out. rhri er 3 4 5 set ]n modern times. Dld you Watch the atest 1 holrago that bolght ]sh lan for t!,/o yeaF. might on y be an an mat]on i lm but the s too compL caled for London, bl]t ]i on y .o dea Wh.ts haPPen].g Who's your favoudte Monet;nd live ?9_ also 9a Nrlunch. And Sa Vador Dal's not me viewer b.d Jay Z and Blu.e Spl ngsieen are the two artj9ts that have 5i9,] _..l ,' ihe biggest record .9 cońtla.ts borh $] 50 m]L ]o.. Robb e W] iams s th]rd Wih a.ontract Va]ued at $] 25 mlL]o. 3 You don'l need io "!rlt. / l]a!_.greal rev ews to blrav. / m.te a hit s .9 e bl]t ii certa n y he P5 4 The 9.ia9e rock b.nd Seve.e T]re D.r.a9e Were rhe fjrSt band to peńorm Ve ó. the ]ńternet. The]r /',a5 §treamed n Jlne someoie Who Watche5 a TV pro9lamme; s wat.h]ng a sPort ng eveńl or othel compet t oni k bic listener (n) , someone Who ]istens to the r.d]oi łuchacz 'Ve 2017, Ed Sheerai'olafed,,Jppe!led ]n.n 5.ł_,d,/ p]._Ve,] eP sode of Game of T/rrones. Ne the pafi of a Lanńister so dier ]n the ePisode !.t in) spe.tatol (n) someone !!ho n 1993, , soiithe a bunr Dark sjde of bt.r goi, iril5 l]leir n ihe the Moon n ]973 an.l ir chańS for a tota of8ó] Wee]<s that5overlóyeals] n 2014, Prince 'dic, mJo. . Ve secrel 9 9 in London ]n front of 75 PeoP e n {..t, egends s!]ch as Ne l Yolng, .]ack Wh te and Toń Wa is have : ji chosen to bpi.V;].en'o.i] sma !eń!:s ]n the UK P nk F oyc] ",eig:s_",r the fantasy TV ser]e5 Gdrnes of Kings of Plince L!do] audience |.] - . 9loup of Peop e who come to W.tch a.d i§ie. to sońeone g V.g a speech cf ańothel 1 Ve pedorm.nce] p!b i.żność 5 Read REMEMBER THls, complete the sentences with the correct word. The ńumber ofjVe:!i.r]ijli ]s ńoW so oW i!r.t organlsers of horse r.c n9 events are offer n9 othe, {orm5 of ente.tainmcnt ón ihe day, The5e in. !de slch fam y {avoUr]tes a§ dog Shov/s, ]Ve ńusi. and choo§e the correct verbg. concert jn [":"'"*,:11.- FocUs oN WoRDs IEnteńainnrent 3 to qo from playing which hold orly a few biq nadlum5 that hold REMEMBER THIS was a big accdent nearolrfat hafan ked the m!s]c from the fim so mlch on CD, Londyi.życyWaS a Po to b!!! around Europe, and fans't peased to hear that the concelts Wi qei t ckets Will b€ live in cin€mas. s nqer Tom Brad ey has comPlele the sentences with Words {rom Exerci§e 1, nevel Wat.h ,!, ] n:] .r ,j]ll]: becalse l Plefer shows 2 a tFr§ óf thousands. but fol one band success has come qUjcky, Lt stańed When The Opal in the media, Oranger first sonq had great'r_ 3s_ With hit havinq d ]n the band lesu ted This lheir f r§t CD back ln Jarualy, S]nce then, the band have w]th all of their othel §orgś §tayed n the ac_ 5r gett 1g 1to t l" op l0 |rPV'\e |jl , grFd d _ ,omodf\ , ol ld l W,t l d bi9 le.o,d drd w'l t _ theil fl§t abUm n Au9Ust, They're dolnq a nUmbel of SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 a 1 2 3 ope. a rd scos to BBC Ta k Rad o Wi aLrećdy knoW that there has been a .hange to Reg!]ar A]ier the mayol! emot]o.a speech, the rose to the]r feet anc stańed c.pP n9 .nd cheer]ng The TV bro.dcast of Pr n.e H.ry and Meghai M",L - ,,4oo 9a_" -d.o,o wor]dw de 0^ F ć :ocus oN WoRDs i Peop e jn entertainn]ent ó comPlete rhe sentences With the corred form complete the dialogues With the verbs from Exer<ise 7 in the corect folm, of the 1 Rudi: words from rhe box. ) . 1 3 4 5 audience cast drUmmer gdtfrist musiciar songwrlter V]ewers Vocalist The ead .lirir..śi P ayed one ofthe best solos 2 m baid! 9reatest h]t, the Beckie: Want to 9et creative again, 3 Daniell Doi't ask C.rke to p ay v. on stage h 4 The nevr' a blm by J, Co n o yei be.alse e s going to come U o c up about th ngs, L c.n't beleve ast !n th. TV ta eńt show HoW embatrassiig Was rea ythat b.d? W the fee ]is of be]ig a comp ete ofcolce iiW j. Dont 6 vollsei{ about t, YoU Were much bettel th.. some ol lhe orher peoP e, Hi, Joe, Llsten, l'm' oń . sholr a: s.hool and 'm ooking lor some peop e to a.t on stage lt! noth]ng too.omP cate.] Maja: Nmm | sHoW WHAT oK We , thought 'd .sk YoU,V!j!l!!] ] |9 choose the corlect answers A-c. 1 I 2 4 o o o o come onI f Leonard cohen co!]d ńg, yóU .erta n and yo! Woi't need to §ay anFhin9 oh, don't know. That kind ofth ng ]sn'i n9 for me 'd probab y b !P and fa ovel ol sonreth ń9 3 The s.hoo t rheatre c !b has th s crary 'dea of oltt ng 2 Fen]ando isi't ei]oyii9 the book c !b, 50 l doń't th.k he's go:i9 to calry 3 L;fe5 m!ch too short io beat yo!rse f 4 i! nolńai to be neruo!s the { ist time yo! 9o on stage but t qu ck y !r'ears 5 don't Want to be mean but at ] 7 you're fartoo old to take 5 oń With my st, to be honest. 'm not L]p la up fcr a photography c ass, 1 ' 5 afr2 Rebecca: to a.d 5!c.essf! .e ebrii]es cofie_" the .st e55on of olr 5in9 ng i tP for NeXt V/eek is Beckie: oh, a so 'm ih nklng gl.b a .ourse, Are you go ng to h,,h.q.J We'le going to misslhe starr ofthe fim if Marey EVen the mo5t fan]o!5 oK? .loi't th]nk The clopped h 5 stlcks a.d the band had to stoP p]ay]ng, t Wa5 rea y qL]lte embatrassii9 PaU Mccańney ]s a ta ented s]nger l-]e can p ay the g! tar bass, P ano an.] drJms amon9 otFer ]nstr!ments Bob Dy a. ]s the sjngeF_ th.t Won the Nobel Prże for Liierature in 201ó fol creat n9'new of s 9nin9 Be there at ó]30 and We can f rst, make sentence§. 1 the.]nema? b :ocus oN WoRDs Phrasalverbs 7 Match the beginnin9s with the <orrect endin9s A Rud]: Each ep sode of The Game is watched by around 12 on " Who stars . the show is now ]ncredib y famo!5 ofthe bańd st.ńed to s n9 the poFLe,Pó o ] clald: l!e The new slpeńero f m ..rr]es out on Thu6d.y Do yo! Wanlio goto the Alżo.. c nema Wth me aid George to V/at.h t? We've 9ot ai extra t.ket s!le. Whai t]me Shou d up at 5 ó 7 HoW on9 has this Son9 beeń lhe chańs? l'm bored of hear ng ii nolv, .an'i sing at . A musician B We tlrned cat a Bon need to flnd l, so We 9j9 ate The B óut P ay had for ci. ]fyou.ou d n ańy IV seres, Wh ch one yio! d yo!.hoosc Jnd why? B apPea: c shovi A Stream our b. rd doe5ń't p .y poP m!s]., so !e' ievcl A great Who! the Gabr]e rea y B b9 gL] tar śt]i c hit Guis N' Roses .g.]n? c ]ead pul an end of-year show .o t, l - lo d|-ptBuP c o]1 B head \\7ants to The Mamma Mia Here We Go] mu§ical has 9leat n th s online f] m magazine, A previews B rev]sions c re! ews WoW never kne!r' yo!'d taken the V o n. We'Ve been practisii9 oUr sol9s {or months and we th nk We're ready to do our first lVe !l GRAMMAR expb]!9! gave a leason fol someihing said that something Was ir,]e 1 ( 2 said riore abolt someth!n9 4 told som,"one somethln9 thatthey dldn't knoW or hadn't thought of sald somethln9 in an ind]lect Way 3 -l 4 Put the word§ in ordel to comPlete the conv,rsetion between Mum, Dad and Kristy, a.D: N n oe" k, l. D: Na,I1could / ó 9"óv- a- Read the direct speech, choo§€ the correct reoońino verb. Then complete the gaps With the ."'..ect o{ ttre verbs in brackets, change any oth€r Word§ ił nece§śary. 'Honesty, Please be ieve me, really dl,]n't know she was a druq dea er' .'t ** ." ";-" ,o, o, ]o yóu / watch / sajd K: DadL D: What? The other cIay l źll television / saicl/ was / ,"'"'.'. ...] ,".."a .r." Ml "(enters tr,l, ri",l r* r"*"łl aThe takin] room) oh, Did staded/had y o! X F , , the Gr.nd Pr X M: Thele! another le ev s]oi !Psta DI BUt 2 * Write repońed sPeech 15, 2 t""i "t, "", actal / thar / say / ? the h Wa ter s a§ direct śpeech, Pay Maloalet Mead sa]d that thanks to te eV]s]on, fol the tlrstiime the young !!qe §c.ę1!9 history be{ore it war censoled by theil elders, Marqalet Mead: 'Thanks to television, {orthe 'rsltjme bv the;ounq arc seejno hJstorv beforc ]t is censoled s ", We ]_LŃcd o!l p,ol", * the Way . * G 5 ol \ao:i!]g'o W,]lm 1 ła5 ó LEARli]- would;jss ihe /asl lallowiną dav- We ,e 9oln9 to b. on ielevis]on next Week TV/o months ago, they Sa]d 3 łe ' saw you both ast month,' lt Was back ]n ..]anuary When they to]d US c aimed that you her phone number now. ther€ Was no voUn;, The journalist Mandy str ker lqdqd_lulthal Was vely ieaI proof of lha|, and politeIy suoo€sted that happ]ness 'Your conc€ń ]s cancel -,d.' We Were Very d saPPoi.ted When the Was dillicult to measLre, Th€ minlster ęĘ!a!!!!!that h s stat-"m€nt palents n people and based on n]€etlnqs he had had Wjth yotrng chidren |oca] schoo]s in h s area, He add!!! tl]at h§ OWn teenage asked lv]s Were aso living lul and happy Ves The an n stel 1hen olga,iseri,], tomofow.' slxdays ago she to d him she ' ' ]see you thai not all slr]ker llhsWas reasonab]e eVd€nce N]s striker !!!lj!=d ved inthe area wherelhe vounq peoplewerc as luckyasthosewho ;inisiel ]Ved, This mornnq ihe red faced mlnislel pro,nlsed there btJt then 5he nevel ca ofhapp ness, I 90 day -, " "§!p"fiol lis-Vse,ie,!o-o-oh, olq re "oo u" ' eme o"- s," ,J,d parr of ihat ryserjes the younq people Were happiel tlr€se days than Wl]en he had bee]l l {plobab y/be) Im meeljn9 yo!l 5]ster here Laier roday ' We irere ]n the cafó anc Dad told me Minister for culture Embarrassed in Television lntervi€W ntoyoun! people s l€Vel§ slg_qeste'r thal Rewrite ihe direct speech as repońed śpeech, |, Match the repońing ve,bs to the definiiions, Would be a nation-Wide survey ..i/ Wclk nq flom home today,' .. *a-nted to borow h]s dadś c.l, blt h s },4!m (take)herS, ,.cc,..i/ s!qq.s]ei]that he b V/as she it bec.lse She' inot,need) How *HAT .,ou"/E lVes. Last nioht on ChanneL]0 NeWs, the N4inisterfor cultul€ . .",[Ń ło. ho."' The oo]itician 5a]d that he be ]eved thal qooc]]ourńa]ism qoub!make the World )t week thele 'teo calłake my car l tron't,eed t bccause 'm she 3 o When a ourn. si asked why rhe proqiamme had h"en banned, the members oi the pane ",dL],ll,i op o, lL, J lnot,/lh .k) the ploqramn]e !!a5 S! tab e for,h dre,, ;Dón'i te elervon;, bLrt mayhe yo! Shollcl Wail lnt a§s]sta.t W]nke.j at me .nd ","i]] attention io the underlined words, l -)" '.ob-,1"d Jea er He beqqed ihe couń to be ]eve'i!!]], 'We don't th]nk the pro9ramme s sU tab e for on słLrl;ay n ghts Wantto waich the Gland PriX K: \houtno ML]m The \_Flctor haS śl"t,d D: c,,o GRAMMAR Train and '!9 Try Again page 152 1 LlsTENlNG LANGUAGE PRAcTlcE !p! Use{ui expressions . synonyms Match the adjectiv€§ below with underlined §ynonym§ in the text. = p/eased 1 t T comP]ete the exPressions in bold in the extracts with the words from th€ box. mol e/ plesslor f_". fo -\p|l ld ,9l spa.\ ,l pld col -r,ła h Wne Ertź.t lrom stude|ts,Book €..,.]i"9 lg 1 nti " tEEl A v]ral V deo is a Video that becomes popllar Very quickly through the nternet, PeoPle shale the Video throlgh socia media and emai , [,,,]There isn't a lolol]ia for a Viral V deo h t But the most PopL ar ones have three things in 1 tthey're rea y]9b!n Peop e have shoń attention espec a ly When they're ook ng at Webs]tes, sothe most succes§f!lV]ra Videos ale aro!nd three m nule§ ong secónc]ly, they stir !p your emotion5 they may be fu!ry, sad, sho.k n9, ente.tain ng ór even extreme y ąi]!9ł!]9, b!t they make Viewers 3 something The third ngrecl]ent s story, Many o{ the most popu ar ViralV].]eos ieL a I9]r!pE] stor/ and the W]th an insP]rationa endin9 are the most memorab e, My JaVoUrite Vi.jeos ale the ones thar rnake you . ltt usua y beca!se somebody do€§ something 5 for instance, there! a Video of a man Who dives iito a łozen swimm nq poo , We l, say he d Ves, but of course he h ts the ]ce and s ]des across the swimm]ng poo , How can you be so s!pd? I , ] l .ou dn't be] eve t| [ ,.] ove the one where a baby b]tes his brothell finger The itt e brother plts hjs fiiqer ii h s baby blother! mouth, and surPriśe surprise*, the baby bires t, ove the on the baby's face het Very p|ę!!ed 2 complete the §entence§ with words and expres§ions from Exerci§e 1. change the Verb forms if n€ces§ary. Peop e ask me What the folmuia a s,]ccess s ie them it's hard Wolk .nd good t ming 1 2 3 4 5 .L |4 V]V oves spend ng time W th DaVe. He fee h.ppy and re.Xed, ove V sla com€dy, t than anyjoke co! d, Emma and Karen both got toP ńa*s ń ihe te§t, 5(r W ih themse Ves they Were Very HaVe you seen the expresson Whei he heald he had Won? |e ooked rea y sl]rprsed Dan]e e, 'Ve sonrethjng real y stupid, fo19otto Paythe depositand We'Ve ostthe bookng Lindsaya.d aren'tfriendS aiymore,Wejlstdon't have anythii9 Thls game is on y suitab e {or ch dren ovel the age of s X, YoUngel .h] dren! attent]on spans ale too to enjoy it proPer y, 2 3 amUsii9 5 ó ńtat n9 REMElvlBER THIs Wyrażenie §urpri§ą §Urprj§e stosuje s]ę W sytuac]j, gdy zdaża się cośn]eoczek]Wanego, a e pozyt}Ąvnego, l p.: l asl ed Ąel oU, o? a dd,e ""d,.r?,}e s.r,pt-e she actually said yes! 2 o %moByrażArie jA<l l-żLż}wa-FWż.a_zeriJ jronicznym W sytuacj], gdy klośzrobił coś oczekjwanego ub też nastąpiło Wydażen e, które n]e było d a n kogo żaskocżeniem, np,: A. Ą"- ld,P óĄ Ma.da,, afd afd,urpase ,:, 4 ": - " :::::::::1_ ", __ - Read REMEMBER THls. Which meaning 1 or 2 i9 expre§sed in Extrad 2 in Exerci§e J? Focus oN WoRDs lWord farniies 5 complete the reviews with lhe correct form o{ the words from the box. ' erol'on ' L sPan surplise tib|eiłsit e lx2] 0l dPlodd ,'"* uh,l t|ne y*aa cro ce is S,app,\ d, oĄ, ńeb,le),oUp/oading youa home-made Videos are nothin9 neW BUt this S te is peńect for people that have a short attention l because videos must be shorter than 45 seconds, And best of a to a V deo a you need to do s to choose e top c and say i nto your mic|ophone \,4} _zl"{*.ire'.ć of, ćlre Ji7,ea,r Ad\erls in ihis .ategory need to go 3 if ihey don'i, \ery i'e\- people i,ill see thenn foń$nlrtel},, e\ s!ł, the ł{ango Munchies advert that coilt:tin§ lrn elemenl of' ii unique ańon3 thi§ yeaf'§ Iluńchies iasie Steat tool &d§. oh, and Mango Film of the gear lln but Down bq l" -"o "o ,ooL ,ebJ5 -|li-ooo,1o ,ii, 9 o,pd "o ,,o0",".8second L], 151ir5 up Ó in VeTL] L.]nusua DocUmeitdriP9 dre not L]!!a lq !/aL]!, ihis h m 1,ronll 5dL] rod a dnL]thli8 n]oie other lhón Wair:h 9I 9,| READlNG Read the text and match headings A-F with pańs 1-4. There are two extra heading§. @ Te|evision . co||ocation5 . phrases related to readin9 , Word bUiding A B c D E F bedroom !r'hen they Vr'erc aboLrt 20 k9 and ha.] an antenna tha1 ooked ike sljcd a n]ela .oei hanger A ogy oi teE!]sons techno The has changed so q! cky lnai it's not sL]rpr]s ng some of the mo:t 9rpb]§1]!4cd feanrreśof Lhe TV sels of the past seem rathel sL]y these days ln ths !!eek's artce check oLri ihese o d TV techno oE es blt vr'hi]e yoL] ale seem]!stas aL]gh ng, remernberl'naimanymodeln!adgets!V ld cLrLo!s 10 the yo!ngsters \ Ę nt Sta]/ }o! i!h.n tlre loom lrom ii]l] rernoie to the lcle\rsion Later nrore boxes .]ppeared Vldeo re.orders, sate ite Uners an.l so on anc \,!hen : i,/]th those came addjt ona remote contrnls Eventua y, becanre lfiposslbe to open the Vng roonr .]oor becaLrse oi . ti]e d ifeieni rernoies Lrniversa .onilo Lers becarne popLrLa, an.] one srna deuce.oLr clnnall}, contro al]tre c]ffelenl boxes in yolr Vinq room No! V,/ th the hep ol the rglrt app i s becom ng more 3nd more cornrno| Lo Use a rnob e phone o, lablet to control al] ihe varolrs media devces n youl house though some homes st l have mor€ remote controls lŁran hands to opelaie them, 4 s.nrein ng (].ra y heal sli peop r L!ned s 6 or je e! s on Not so manyyears ago, say Unlsua] ior peop e to p 3l] nll charge the .hanne The pirase has osi ts ol q n3 to l,] i! ,h.h 1Jn n!' space on a ear], anao!!e 1.r gei th. best qIa 1]r p cl!re] b./ !/hee oIthefro.t.Laterte]!!slonsha,] !!]u!u!l channe bLritons .Lrt fll 9aci b.]tto. thele !"as 5t a tLr| ng .l a ocateob.hnda ttLe o est . dool on 1he il,nl of the set Thes9 d als rore ofien l ny .na !!!!! l. tLrrn so 1.]r. rg a b ! d]3].* or soie marLrf3ctLrrers ]sec 10 s.'J ] the ls.ts 1,1th a 1t e p est c sl.k tha| ,yo! iou o p!1 rlo a ho e 3n.] tLrr. JFt 1 i!t] p,tLrle las c eal eio]rgh io wat.n B Nowadars, tlank goodness, telei s ons tL]]jc' tr]e r thems. les altorran.a !1 no cho ce bL: v ó, Weak around thE the r favoLirte show they e tr]er nr r€Ierred !,/ s ons |a.]]Lr5t]ng* 1hen Vewe€ had ó,ó,óp ooóo ó o , ,o,,D p09" 1hey are rea v aSk n9 yoLr 1. s!",Lai] olT 0r a].an ? !Ą/hen youlage ihey probab]r fet pi_ótty cooi. elen iI t \//as back and ,,,ł] 1e .rre ev]sion Goes Mob e H] te.h Be.ome5 o d tech Whal Day? What T me? Wh.t Chan.e The liiernet Repleces Telev s oi St.y ]n yo!l seai, Sl.y in ConTro T€ yo!r9mn.ipalents Uele younq .hanne suńng actLra]\ reqL] red phys ce effolt becaLrse lo chanqe the c'annel yoL h3c]to st.nd Lip, !,/a!k across the roon] and presś:h 1nr"n Eventla!y remote coniro s were nvented the te eus on, c l]!]t the filsl ones actLra]y had a tr re tr]at stretched across f yoLrl grandma ol gran.]pa Wele ]!!Ę enoLrgh to hale a te evls ón n ti]l] r o o o o o o Gett]ig a c e.r." P.t!,e ssed i or folrn. deo tape setiljevdeorecordelfo, odi,, o before ilre programnre ia.]f i shed Tlrese .]a,is TV ś,h_,d! e, are st plnted n magazlies anc some n9llspap_Ars Ho\i!ev!, ihey are nrL].n e55 s]gnifcani be.3!se of 'catch Up T" channes, .n-d-,m3n.] niernet TV serVces slch as Netilx,, ] p ayer and of .oLrrsć ega and ]ega .]o!,]n oad]ng s]on and tlre techno og_V assoc ated Vr' tir 1 i5 chang r! ccnstanty :nd rf ycLr have clr Ldren b!,the iime they are yo,- Te e\, aqe Ialscre9l]. HD lnd 3DTri probaby Seem as s y an' o.]J3sn oned as b a.k an.]lirle tv/cciannesony,endaco' a l* adjuśt (V) to.hai9e or move somethiń9 sllghtyio -plo,ó lo, J-l 92 /o b- e doIoC oopd,n" dial (n) the Whee - jke part yot] tum to l]nd a of.lad o ol óld 1ashioied televiś]on that djffelenl stat on or channel] pokĘtło, pzełącznlk o o o o o o z@ n"ua tn. t"*t and comPlete gaP§ A_D With "gain the missing sentences below. There is one extra sentence, 1 ]fyou ]ost th ? ,| S ttetoo,theentireśetbec.n]e FOCUS ON WORDS lWorcl bu d n9 5 -. 3 P /,,o,d a magaż ie or ieyr'spaper and h y fraited io Waich, 9h ght th.y rea NoW, jlst a de.a.]e ol tvr'o ater n]ost of L]s sma |, PoV/eńU , h gh def.]t]o., sho!ć tl^e f! cololt o 2 o 3 s]ng e REMEMBER BETTER Gdy lczysz bo,-o sę norego s]o!/a lcża§own cżęśto!żywańych Wylażeń, ! który.h WVSIęp!]e Ihit ]the yr'.s a ]Ll.k! cs_.!]]c i5 p] teacher! off ce me to the head no\,r'. DlsTRAcT a sorry, What d]d yo! say? Was th.t The,e are too many at home, śo ofren do my homewolk ]i the ]brar/ ENcoURAGE never tho!9h1 cou d act bet my parents me aić ]'Ve beei q! te s!.cessfl] b James isn'tvery sef coildeit i]!t!th a łte he peńorms qu te we . ENGAGE Ms Hay is known for her_ in Politic§ and env]lonmental issues, Fiona never has any free time, sheśa Ways n one a.tVty or another -eaiy a nr ;.9 .! we have made a ot o1 eq! Pment n our m!s]. !enUe. ENTERTAIN We nc]lnry Vr'as i| by ouc] bai9]n9, Wh.t ]s thai noise? a b llou/d've been on the trałr thet..asied Didyo! .eiily łno, tlre a|swel o| .]one§, ENHANcE Wrat cai do to tickei li,ve had|'tbeen lale, b often study or c ean the house to the a i.teresL]jące c ę słowo And the l!94 !!]1]!q oltońight's ]o1lery ] b .jżna.egc, żajrżyjdc sł ko ok.c] iynot!] k] ka a a ka, żeczowń ka l_ -_ " hp"_d"l Where peop e can stre.ńr our mu5]c. n]provlsal on ]5 the .L";i o! ofspontaleous mus c b Match the ,Jnde.lined adjectives in the text to synonyrns belów. U§e a dictionary if necessary. ts b 1AccoMPANY c.ry m! ti medla de!]ce5 n oL]r b.95 and pockctS Act!. y, th]s \ł.sń't slch a b 9 prob em, becalse 1or a Long t me there Were oń y tvr'o ol thlee .haine s to.hoóse from 4 comp ete the sentences with the verb ol noUn forln§ o' the word in capital§, cREATE a 'te got a gleat dea Let! n9!le a band Webs te a ye.l, lu.k!!!cĘ? b Gr.iddad! i y, \ło(| ]s Vlońh over $2 tr] ]on the g.rden !vthhSm.9.trck, TV :ocus oN WoRDs Phrases re ated 4 comPlete the quote§ about reading folm ofthe words in bra€kets, a with the correct 8 Łbook,l t,bktl vhen ihey wanL tó read, mosi peaP]e agreŁ lhal rcaaińą Łhe old,faJioned (FAsHloN) wa! i 1.. a pa?er (ENHANCE) ihP real 'Fol rcadels Who c6n le€l' conrplicated p ot§ dnd a la€e (DlsiRAą castofcharact€ls. by ov€r some of George lń RĄruRl r.le,J.dlh:"J,beJbJr],l-iats: yo! mLrst MEMoRlsE a b ,( Rl||l l\l olPb^ol, łnvsorjr *noi.1__ qe,,ho, ld *, "nd,nd,eJ'i,, lhJl , l o"ld p,,,e to, _b,,^ " jn"* ho{ F,el r\cv,hooe ro, lo ę,l "...,l r",*."*', ,-,.,l," R(,dlnA, ,) lhi.t, l, J }oU," "8, h,'Ę, li ' plact s., pra.lise, pra.t se baók afualy n9 Process] R,R Manń3 books can b€ challeng ng,This s not th€ cas€ W th h s sho{stoly Ihe Monł€)r lleainerl, guarantee you Wlll|nd this ta e (FOILOW)and g pp ngto reir]] , We have seei great in .omm!nicat on te.hno]cay olerthe yeare at anything, !Vh]]. a Ioi ofPeope nowalays rea.h for the r sn9 lMPRoVE to read n9 te.hniqles slch aS the Memoly P. ace are des 9ned to he p yo! remember thii9s great deta . How have you ]n so mlch nfo,matjcn? lorgei mon th n95 moments a{ter hear them] 'Unlike a film, leading a book leav€s śon€thing to ih€ (lluAclNE),and this is very often mor€ ó engaginglhan simply b€ing shown everything on th€ big scr€en.' 'l Jl§ryj !rcIit to rs,i.i! nndin3thaltt] lrud dnd {cmsUr book 7 _ (PostT]YE] bul ]' Iłl l,/ł lłDl Thi\ i,t] lhct lli|eol rlntlcenlhc tuD,ladorl !łh |.d{a!d i\s _(l]^SE]on o{ u a Lor*]l\ ińipllopiaicsubjccl tbr! hook ol an! kind §hat rus LotelL thinidn!:' 93 GRAMMAR 3 l ,t ]t Look at Rośie's li§t and comPlete her conver§ation With her łriend PopPy. I €łov1 fiao Y"/Ą bt ĄĄitŁ 1 SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW end o{ 1lolt dtr@J of horribtc tlti,ł4s bŁ §i§łi( Mś§ail to-M. ',!! ó3 !t.^ !,ń^ n? nŁ ł,łoftbćół ril 5 ao ^^^J ó łtof .le With your 5 yo!r ist? Yes, .m te yo!. on Monday Wrjt]ng |'m gojng to Wear a black dress and high R: qU et ćnd ' oi 'm go ng Wlth my friend§ and my boył end li§t§ ^Yitiq ner, Ros]e? Are yo! st Hoyr' tem pafta |llelł Ja, l_ she annoy her grow up and 3 Wedńe§day she l !! !,] o. i]] be Tuesd.y she 9o away and asked P: oh, Ro5]e Pooryou, she'5 pretty mean, blt then she! 9ot her exams con,]ing !p sooi, so have dec ded to 1or9 Ve her R: Yeah, Lori: Yes, ] h.Ve got a boyfriend, Gr.idma, *** complete the repońed questions and an§Wers {lom Exer.i§e 1. Use shoń forms. Loli: c- stańed see .9 h]m ast month Lori; Yes, he's n ce Lori| YoL] are 90 n9 tó ń]eet him next month .t my _-_) I 2 * Katy i§ ta|kins to her friend about a boy she met in a cafć yesterday, choose the correct oPtion to .omPlete the sentences, Then match them With the 2 Then she asked her " 3 NeXt, she asked her" l!€j]. a b Jck dless and h]m a monih befole Afterthat, she Nanted to know' .r]§..]hel FJoVfr enc h Fina ly, she asked " Lorito d hel gr..dma 5 the fo oW ńg at hel b ńhday Party can ! buy yo! a cofiee? What is your n.ńe? HaVe yo! got a boyfriend? Whele d]d you meet h m? Whal s he @ ]ke? Tod.y, Katy is te/ling her liend , 1 He asted me ii.] l 90 ll._"rJ /,i] ł9Ni ii]e._, often, 2 He asked Whethel he .j,] / .ollii buy me a cofiee 3 He askec me !vh.t "],,, uas / }as l]i .eme 4 He asked me d i l l];r.-. a 5o,/ilieto / ii lij. l e d,.-o n P W,.€ ,r-d -p, d,o, -,- ooj"ó,do to d h]m t !!as Katy §a]d he cou d buy me . , "-d P- .o{fee and a so lto].] h m my boyfrlend WaS fant.stic l sa d 'yes' had a boy{riend, so h€ Was V/a§t]ng sai.I l Went ihere moSt ! nres, o o o o o o Repoń the question§ and in§truction§. U§e HaVe you arrived safe y? Mum ca ]ed as soon as the plane anded and me if l had arrived safelv. 1 WhatWasthe{ightlike? 2 HaVe you been thlough Passport control yet? 3 n eerl. m, He asked me Whar Was my bar+riend like / \ńat my 5"d1,ool 94 1 5 Yesierday, the boy ,. Do yoL .ome here often? 6 ," !.d h]9h hee s, she also asked her " 4 reported an5Wers a-e. 1 2 3 4 5 ó d the end o{ telm p.ńy Lori śaid she !!j!!!Ł! 4 5 ó qłGq_ sh,. Did yo! remenrberto co ectyoLrr uggage? she even Don't forget to change some money. Ho( ale you getl st] ng to yo!r aunt and !nc e§ holse? more q!est ons] she Say 'he lo'to everyone 'm ook ng louard to GMMMAR fron,] me, a tt e t me away a!' Train 6nd Try Again Page 152 4 ,ł * * complete each gap with one word. (Not) Acting as a Child? Horv to become ! 1 * choose the corre.t an§Wers, 1 D d o ga g Ve yo! . / good adv ce on Vihat to do? 2 HoW rnlch / many nform.tion c.n yo! g Ve me on yoursng]ng casses? 3'mmak]ngi./,Very5oWprogres§in 4 oó,ópo 5 rea y done :ilę rcscarch on it leccnt]I aDd it's easiel than )ou think, myscl]lptlre -! .óoP jo ke ill5./ ihese oftlolsels can ltry ihai there is real demand for child actors, Did vou kno\, ihat Disney lhemseh es emplov ó Whose b ack jeańs Js ir]i. / 3rc l]].se? 2 * * Find and corect th€ mistakes. The l 2 3 4 5 #qwalrerolDi9frerb . B!rbaik, --r_. :]i Dii!.f .lr l]]! i],...].Uiri ,o Ca]i{ori]a ^o,\ ast came here oh, no. Ihe a l ńe has o§t my lggages. Whal am ]go ng io Wearon the beach? Vr'on the.ń award Can L .are a iamoUs a.ior \ł tho!t aiy he ls? l]mm. Patri.k slewań łcm star Tleł and X Me|? 'Ve got otsoff.VolrteTVsereses toomanyto nańe, iń factl the seĄtences with the word5 ln brackets in the cor€<t form, Do not change the order ofthe Words. You may ńeed to add wolds, u§e between three and six wolds, 2 3 Doi't yr'olry, !E 2Ł!.--- ł E .j+!!]:i (po ice/be/come) a.d yr'] be here Vely soon to cont.o the clowd. know 'm suPPosed to be a Vamp le blt these (tooth/be/sharP).nd keep b]t ng my o!!n tón9!e sń't t f!nny d]at the:e a.ting care€r {olk for ilrearre§. schoo]s and churche§ that rna1, need ;,our skills, 1vho secotldl},, practise at homc. l,ealn hles fl()m \.]LtI iavourite films or T\r 3 an.l rełd thenl aloud dra1naiicali\,, L]S€ sinPlc ProPs 1o he\r vou get inlo characier: a pair of dark a to become a polir:eman, lbr example, of " (got/two/ d" -" " e{T s.k ń the cLpboard above the NoW dic they even get there? somebody p ease 9et tlrem olt no\!. vo lind vourself in ffont l,,l!",\nl and łlivżLvsbe poliie, Nobod},§,anis to lvolk with a tloub]e§ome ho$,)o ng or oldl s @ ** * r.u""lute sial no maiter the Polish Pańs of the Cou d yo! .]ile i]_.5o|,e ;].l,,i._. |dać m] ]źkęślaclę] abolt hoW to become {amo!s? Cedaiń y A w.ys Work hard aid ook good, Don't yo! thiik (L- foot), as We olten say drrv l,c ll,,-u,n,1.1,1j",,l,,1l lbe/many/sheeP) than peop e in NeW Zea and? NejlArmstrong and BUżzAldrin _ (be/f rst/man) to stand on the moon, 4 \o,"l everv 1ear? So. wherever \\" lou,,,n h, ś]n,,,ll, lvitl l'here bc Pcople in vour area And fina]]r. if one (9 r ł complete 1 l.t]Ot]' ..l| |i\", look fol |l", ^ ,- oo,g,- 'm afra d the ńeu/s are.'t Very 9oo.], Yo! haven't over irst\,, the Bań: 2 me 'm fasc nated by it chloe: Walter: 3 Not iprzeno§i swoię s]edżibę do HisżPanlr, ] |ńoW What are yo! goiig io do? Andrzej; Hey, l ntormac]e) tol yoL] l Wendy: We , 90 on then. Te me 4 Jan: Phiip's poeżji chińskią są) abso Ute y {ascinating, Paulina: He knows a ot about chiiese h]stoly and ph losophy too Terry: are there in the yr'or c? rea; yester.]ay there .re actu. |y 23 !a! i },o! nc ude sharks . mosi 95 WRlTlNG 4 An ańicle reviewino an event 1 Read the text and number the parasraPhs in ihe correct older. Then .hoose the most interesting iitle. 1 2 3 The Vi la(]e Ann Velsary Last Weekend Was Nice A Br]ght, Beautif!l and B(]sy 400th Bjirhday o o o complete the dialo9ues with extreme adjedive§, The first letter§ a.e 9iven. 1 M: We ;. ihai Was a rea V tel] l-.i9 (Vcry b.d) mea Abbeydale Village News L And extremeLy expensive, 'm]d (,/ery disappo]nted) aft.r speńd ng §o m!ch R: ActLJa y my food WaS A OsaturdaybeganWthan earymorningfUn run,lt Was dee / ]qvą!Weather and When the pretty oran9ey b Ue coloLrrWhen the runners reached the lin 5h nexŁ to the abbey Lhe sUn Wós akeady hiqh n the sky, the mLJsic had started and foodwas lhe srne of2nice tast nr] :d sun rose Łhe skytlrned a[n] 1!9Iy and thlik the chef 5 abso lie y jth nk tlr {Very ta ented), Bes des, ah yo! say that iow lvery f!n.y) that afier eai]ng everythin9 And lather qL] ck y n] ght add (Very tasty) M: That's not 2 J: fajr t/as so o: oh, 2 / (Ve.y hlngry) B (not possib e) not to eat Whatever they pll n flo.t ol n]e (Very gcod) That yr.s an abSo ntc y 7a co..eń, o Thank5 aqa i iol ń!]t n9 me The !f 'm'e ra., b..d lrere J: "s {!ery qood)l lvcry happy)] 'Ve VJańlec to see thein p]ay ]!e fo, yc.15 kńew lhey !r'ere 9ood blt ih.t Wa5 ]0e (Very good)|And rhe Waythey p ayed the songs d fferent y to how they sound on the a blms W.s (Very ntelest n9)] a so ]]f ] .gree They're Very ta ented, s not often you qet Ło say'happy 400th monks decidedto bUild an abbey orch!rch Iext Except folthe lrafl c ]l Was a 5!Ę9 / day.lth nk every town and Village should haVE a day When Łhey ce ebraLe their commUnity and ts h story, O / Rosie lerks and hel óU€ry / absol leb] funny Richard Bond, Though many ofthe questions on the show ale 7quiie / ,tbsol tetJ impossib]e to answel, \^/e sri found it 3t"dlb / (bsol]/ei],r enreńaidng ftom start to funsh, compleie the puzzle usin9 the clues below ańd find what word connected with the topic ofthis lesśon is written in the grey boxes. . two adject]ves wh ch mean very bad . one adjectVe lo descl be nice iasi]ng food . oie modifer for base adject]Ves . one mod]fierfor extreme adjectives . five adjecrjves Whlch mean very good 96 t hed A]so worth Vvatching was Chann€] łs n€w quiz \Ą/hatt sextrem€ly dbsol teb) Urr7 łVhich was present€dbythe Hldden Word: / to the riv_.r, and oUrVillaqe grew Lrp arolrnd ]l, The nrins olthe abbey are sŁ standngtodayand thats Where the dnn Versary ce ebraL]ons Were eO By m dday, everyone from the area Was there sUnsh]ne. Alaround enjoy ng the th_" nr ns th_"re Were colouńlr markei sta s and peop e se ing 7!!!9 ]oca food There Wele some great live banas ana a[n]8rcaĘi fab! o!s p ayWhich to]d the sLory ofŁhe Vilage, ó!Ęe/ / but fuet]r / absoluleD intelesting, and the shols ofń€ Icelandjc coastlin€ \M€re areD, / absolUieb gorgeous, 3 Unforiunately the traffc in the V] age Was Try nq to drive through the Vi age 'b!d Wós almost inrposs]ble and the sound and sme of . Mdybe next year one the cars Was abld / olthefarmers lElds outs de the V age can be b rthday]' but thats exact]y What We did n our V aqe |ast Weekend,400 years ago, a gro!p of Lasl night's t€]evision high]ight \łas defuxtely the rnisol tet],, / raiher fascinating BBC2 docum€ntary l.emeJl about the ]ives offiShelmen ln Iceland, Some of the fishelm€n s siolies were 'rfithe/ / absol teh sad, pańn€I O o choo§e the corlect modifier, tal€nt€d / 5 Replace the underlined Words in the text wirh more descriPtive alternative§ from Ex€rci§e 3. U5€ eóch word only once. sometimes mor€ than one an er is ó tle. o o o Read the ra§k below. Then r€ad the ańicl€ and comPlet€ it With the correct {orm of the word§ in SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 8 @ ruiedawno ekipa {ilmowa sPędziła dzień w twojej sżkole, aby nakręcić odcinek Programu typu r€ality §how - pt. ,,Na§za §zkoła ma talent". Napisz artykuł You recent|y watched a cel€brity Wedding on TV. Write an ańicle revi€wińg the programme. lnclude and develop these Pointś: lieący 200-250 słów, w którym opiszesz iocenisż wydarżenia tego dnia, a takźe Przed§tawi§z sugestie dotycżące przy9złorocżnego Pżedsięwzięcia. . ",b ", r " ,"pp- -do, t.d.r " d9,,-,o, op]n oń on lhe imPońance off m ng such events . share youl ]mpless ons of the proglamme yo! Watched and suggest hoW S]m] ar TV progr.mmes cou d be mproved n the {lture eaą A Day to Remember ! I recently watched the 1ive TV iJroadcastof a celebrity wedding. Although I told my friend ihJl I' \bqA,athe, a" nll],,l), sceptjca1 about it, aftelw3rds 1 admitted that I (enjoy) watching the programme. ' I now consider such evenls asBąbsoluteLy | ftry, engaging and valuable. It began with shots of thecabsaLutely I uely (locate),a beach on magnińcent 3 Hawaii.The cloudless sky, clear l,ater and golden sand is certainly an ideal plac€ to get marrled!The showt hosts then mixed with th€ crorł,d of olarllel i leallr,{amiliar faces, other (celebrity), asked them holv A 1ist a lhtr 5 /leel], we-e nprvol5, and spoke wlth them irr i relaxed manner. (marry) ceremon_\7 N€xi was the ó groom 1ooked Ereall; i ltl.t, itself,Tlre bride arrd ]ll (cloth). fantasric in their wedding 7 3 (love) The,r, told w how mrrch tlrey each othef and the camela showed euests \ł,ith t€ars in their eyes. on€ thing I tho0ght was missing from the show was an int€r\.iew §,ith the c€lebritv coupie befofe tlre cer€morrlL If it had been ln.ludeJ,l-woLrldh:re oeen| .t-,,,.'1 q t t" (feel) nic€ to heaf lhem share theil9 they10 (choose) to get married in this way. Howevet this is a Small and say lvhy , ilirl.m ol qhrl $,l,dtn) G,ą) ,,ó ,, | ', SHOW THAT YOU,VE CHECKED Gdy skończy§z pi§ać pracę, sprawdź, czy uwzględniłeś/ Uwzględniłaśw§ży§tkie punĘ ż li§ty. Mój ańykuł recenzujący wydarzenie: . opatżony ]e§t clekawym, zabawnym lub orygina nym tytllem, który Pżyc]ą9a !Wagę . we wstępie podtaymlj€ za nteresowan e cż}łającego popżez zadanle Pytan a llb l. ' . Read the ańicle again. For que§tions A-G, choo§e the correct words. sometimeś both an§wers ar€ correct. l L] UWzg ędn]. nroje Wraźenia odwołUjące s ę do l] puedstawia moją opinię isugestie na temat pzyszłolocznego Przeds]ęWżięcia, o . na koniec może żachęcać cżyłeli]ka do udżialu w podobnym wydazeniu l!b teź odradżać mu to, U . nle żawiera blędóW ońograf wonderful television event. Ł] oi . . zmysłu wzroku, słuchu, węchu lub smaku, ]cży 200-250 cznych, §łów, żosiał stalanńie i cż}łen]e naP §any. . ' , ] ] 97 sPEAKlNG 2 Askin9 for permission ( choośe the ćorrecr oPtion§ to complete the re§ponśeśto the requeśts in Exerciśe 1 then mark each reśponse as G for giving permis§ion or R{or re{uśin9 permiśsion. Ys.óó;;;iY lie be1.9 1 BANK ZWROTÓW DO WYPOWEDZ| UsTNEJ 2 Askin9 for permission Prośbao pozwolenie Can/could l/We.,.? Cży rragę/njażenjy/ mó9łbym/mo9]abym/ mogl byśmy/moglybyśmy, ls it oK if /we ,,.? slie mo9lbyśmy/mog]ybyśmy Udzielani€ WelloK, sędzę, że lak, l suPPose so, Tak, W sure, l don't see Why not, Jas.e,. No, not at a 1,90 ahead. A eż skEd, prosżę bardżo, Refusing permisśion odmawian]e !dżielenja Pożądk!, Nie ma e W]dżę povr'od!, Chc]ałbym/Chc]ałabym 3 thech.nne / co! d / We /Wo.derlng t/ s/ /lf/oK/change 4 ńę / yau / end / col]d 5 toothbflsh / We / ask ,A, . sh 1: Floyd and Marjorie opplng .ent.e .ar pa* ,., H , sotry to d]sturb you, but you look ike a Very ^--od"d "d wŁw o- icŁ ask yoU to Warch my shopping Wh e 90 a.d oo1o,rb"9 o "-jdo, \ó^ " f eave them hele, ] know someone M:N gei a "g" w l youigman, you 9 F| Rea y? Holv kjndLYoU see, evei tholgh you are o d, you are łi !s_.fu , Back ]n two mjiltes| Floyd jeaves ta get chanle M: Use{! ? We L, holv r!de] Małor'e gets out her mobi]e Phane ... Dorothy Blin9 the cal ro!nd q!i.k y, We'Ve 9ot some extra'free' shoPP]ng today. / ? conversation 2l Duncan and Mum D: M!m? ? D:"D / yol]r/ b ke / /can/yo!l/bofiow ]. the and 1 here/mnd/you/ f/doi' /st Were / b some .hange for the Palkin9 ma.h]ne? There are Put the wo.ds in order to make Polite requests. m nd / PhotograPh /take / da / ll / ya| /,le / yaI Do ,,,c! ń ri ri|!e !ar._- Vofl p1.oiooż ? / f/ . conversation N est_.ty tak {będżje m you not Do yol] complete the dialogues with phrases. some Jest miprzyklo, że.,. 2 Why Pam ęta], że gdy [tośpyta c ę o pożWo en L]żywajęc ko.strL]kc] ] Do ya, lnhd if l/||e. (Czy bęcże ci łzeszkacjżać,jeśIj .1), F: 'd like to he]p but l'm NoI;! dli, dont see 'm Watching th s !dże sz Pożlvo en]a, gdy PóW e5ż: No, /do.t,r]nd l^/le], a odńóVr']§ż ud,ee. a 9.), ńóVr ąc: yes, /do mł]d lla0, pozWolenia Yes, that's fine, No ploblem, o o o o t o REMEMBER THlS mó9łbym/mo9]abym/ GiVing pelmis§ion l' li]]t disgL]st]ng Za§tanaW ałyśmys ę, cży Cży będżje pan!/pani/c] prżeSzkadzać, jeśl, ,? pró / Wanito botroW my he meItoo? We oK, ] sl]ppose jó / lrol a though t§ We Were Wonderin9 i{ l/We @ Yes,/ No, not at a| , No one s §itt n9 thele Yćs n].ll§ lin_. / r'.J 1lł-. lo lr_.]p bul, 'm rather bUsy at the mome.t Ą]ó Cży Wo|no mi/nam,.,? Do you nrind if l/We ,,.? qo ah€d. n photographs, y m i 7 ) borow your 1 D: Rea y? Faniastic] M: Thereśhard y any Petlo in D: No Prob em ,, oh .,. er , . n botrov/ some money? D, " dl' I t h b^-l th]nk lgave you f20 yesterday, d dn't ? D: oh el , , oh . , yes| Yes, of.ourse yo! d d, sory ' use some ofthat. D: 'c M: 98 ,l 't o 23 Wótch the second Pań of the video (oo:44-o3:o9) and answel the queśtions. @ o o o o o 1 2 3 Why las ihe game created? Why do peoP e th nk the game is effect !e? Why sn'i t surpl s ng th.t the ]s based on .Ęj9 watcl ttre *nole uideo again. Ale sentences 1-7 true (T) or false (F)? 1 2 Before 3 4 5 ó 1 sPEAKlNG Discuss the questions, '] HoW maiy shakespeare! p ays .an yo! thi.k ofl 2 HoW ma ny Shakespeareal charactercan yol name? 3 HaVe yo! seei aiy Shakespeares p]ays? D d you 2 You're going to watch a video about a vjńua| leality game based on shakespeale's play§. Match the wolds with the headings: 3D anlmated film a!dience costume dramat]c gestl]res an9!a9e media avatal diglta perform Performel scene screen stage techno ogy theatre Vilt!a] leality y A Vińual reality game ]et 3D avatar While you watch 3 the firśt pań of the video (o0l1-00:44) without §ound and an§wer the questions. 1 What are the two perfolnreB do nq? [ą?9] Watch 2 3 4 7 ke trem? Why,^łhy not? What's the audience Watching? What! happening on the scleen? [qąq] Watch the first pań again with sound and che.k your ideas in Exercise 3, t Vr'as 2 3 4 5 ó 7 Use b]g gest!res ó . P.yc15 ofthe V.t!alr.aIty 9amc can choose The avat.E on S.reen are Lord and Lady Macbeth The s.eie shows Ma.beth in goo.] he. th, The pfesenle, f ids t easy to p.y the game. The 1El E żabethan theatre ]n North Amer ca Was bU t ń ]932. M .h.e Witmole s aga nn !S]ig te.hno ogy to !ńderśtand sh.lesPeale o o o o o o , sPEAK|NG Would you like to play the gam€ ples€nted in the video? Why/Why not? 8 SPEAK|NG Match 1 ó with a-f to make famous shakespeare quotes, Then discuss What they rńean. 1 A the Vr'or d's : st:ge, : 2 To be, or nol io be: . 3 Good n]ghi, good n ght _ 4 śihls. dagger . 5 f mus c be the food of ove, i ó ll e..]s F'oma.s .o!.tryme. a P..t n9 s s].]ch sv/eet soffow. {Romeo aid-lulie.) b V/hich ] See before me .? (Macbeth) c .nd a:the me..nd Womeń meley p.yerc. LAs you Like li) d leid ne your eaE lJl]lus C:es:r] e that ]s the q!esiion. iHamlel] f P ay on llwe/fih l'/ig|,i) sPEAK]NG Do you know any ofthe Tv series beloW? Which ones Would you like to watch? Discuss with a Pańnei 1 t the r avatais .o9i!me After 7 Unlsla ior a.iou to \c-póae (r/.]o Watch ihe fnśt Pań ofthe Video (00:00-01:22) Where cóire, shannon, Lźuleń, Kes A Gooc Pl.ce: . f.ńtary cońedy abolt. Womań Who get, nto heaven by m]stake, Dr Lłho] a sciencej ction Ser e5 Jeat!l n9 . t me mach ne ITARD S) d sgu sed a5 a po ice te ephone box F.iend§: one ol lhe most PoP! ar sit.oms of. t me Giimore a .omedy drama about famiy and re at onships, and Luda óle talking about theil favourite TVseies. su]ts: a ]ega dlama Watch the the sPeake6 answering the second question in Exercise3 (o1:23 2:44). Do they mention any ofyour ideas? D..|Whit. P.op]e: a cońec]y.Jrań!t racsm ńAmerca stil]| a scott]sh s t.onr abolt pens oners Match the seies in Exercise 1 with the names, sPEAK]NG Discuss the q!estions. 1 WFat s yoll favourite TV ser]es? 2 WF,/ do yo! th]ik TV ser es are so PoPU ar? G, jo c ttl o ,l1 ln z o tr I 5ELF-cHEcK 4 VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR l Find and correct ihe mistake§, TV presenter'Yo!r new show the correct words. L |ove the end n9 io th s fi m, Be!9!§e We don't rea y know What haPPened, i(Gryg)/ ]ets / P/Jys choo§€ łp,or.lte " /,o,óc ,,o plo-otp leo.--e n ldrel , 1ó,l|o1| lóoo1-o olll-,!eó/ c lo^ the best he'd ever done, read n9 expe, ence, olite 5 actors hale re]eased / reahsed / reviewed albums, you knoW David Duchovny, Ke fer suthelLand, HUgh L.!rle, scar]ett Johansson sóme ofthem ale even pr€tty good| ]fyo! want to VieW/ reviewl make a Vldeo on th]s webslte, you simP]y need to c ]ck the green'play' button atthe bottom ofthe scleen, a {eW a3 With the corre€t {orm ofthe There are two extra words, word§ from the box. complete the gent€nces soPhia:'l havent b€en to ihe c]nema yet', pdo i90 l, ,|,^ - 3 a /deoolmP od'L, 9a' L - o" 1, Lucklly, he de eied it When asked him to, When LWas a stude.t l had troubLe concentratlng and d stracted When l needed to Work or often _ study, ts better now fo.t!nate]y. 5 ."ao do.s1 l L-L.|y |,k. o'. - lsl. bu -lc,e o"os |p,rotio., rli- ll"oLo1'lF,", '""'ly _ aB goin9 to cry at one time. comPlete the sentences with the €orrect wordś-The first and last lette.s are given. The cc§t ofthe new Fantas.ic Bea§ts film is.Wesome] Eddie Redmayne,.Johnny DepP, Zoe Kraviż, ,,, and Jude LaW ]s DUmbledole| Mosl peop'e aqlee d -l Agaha cĄ,,\lie! c n W3c he,( J,e Poi,ot, t., 9l,d',sl aulgiun .l",t".tiu". lii. a"ath rc§ even announced on the front page ofThe NeW Yor} TimesI l leao so'ne o my poetry 11 . cate "sl łee/ The€ were only aboutf]fteen people 1n the a burthey seemed to l]ke t. ltry LiVe music is nry favour]te {orm of ró oo tó a conceń at leasi once a month. e_t, 5 100 and sang the James Bond tt e tune s],ńil, Rl.qo sla,- llo1 d d_r . B-.- F) s l , o1V la^ o |1 l can name, They're not Usua ly as we|l known as 9Uital sts or singers a3 ), Sop ""ddeo, Tim:' nrissed the ast ePisode, yesterday,' T]m said he had missed the last eplsode yestelday, 4 Molli€: 'We' meet here at slx o'c]ock.' Mo ie said We' meet there at sx o'cLock, 5 Ben:'lt can't be the §ame actor' Ben Pointed olt that it can't be the same !:! Read the conversation between phil, the head o{ a drama school, and Ruby. Uśe repońed §peech. P: Do you realy Want to be an actress? He asked me jf l .eallv Wanted to be an actress, R: Yes, Ldo, P: Are you sUre? Most actresses don't become rich or I beat cary feel mess lelease sign stil Upload 'Ve been kicked ot]t ofthe band because keep messrro my solo Up, yo ,,se { Lp b, -.rh" |, , i,, .o, o lool on a {a lure as someth n.r io earn from, !p forthe ocaltheatre group, Lorna has_ she! a ways loved act]ng and can't Wait to peńorm n !9b Natalie:'] ar. Watching a {im, caroline,' Natale told cźro ine lWas watch]ng a fjlm o always lstentocassica nrus]cWhen read, feel t somehoW Jn.leases / enh.nces / exagger.tes the the best you have The TV presenter3aid the star that h]s new show Was someth]ng to the maglnation, YoU're jn a band, aren't you Jake? Have you ever apPeared / dane / Played a Ven!e that holds more ln mv oo nlon, the ben Wa\! la qa). / tal e Up / s He asked me Whether1 that most acllesses d dn't become lch ors!cce55fU R: HaVe you evel stldied drama? R: Can you act? He asked me VJhether l R: Show me. e@ Cr,"ose ]/5 tte."rrect an§wers A-C. lool Gla'ldma lo ouv a rew TV lasl wee\end, '|^e shop a§§.Idn, ds.Ao Uśwnal \lnd ol ry WF 4 lnleles-Fd in and Grandrna 1 a black and white Tvihatwas squale and had at leastioul channe]s. The assstanl told Grandma ż coloutTVs these days and that they a lr more lhan fout channels, ln the end, lhe assislant and l percUaded hel |o buy a litlLe colour TV Aliogether it cost€99,99 Which 1lhoughl was 4 , GldndTa lhoug,]L tWźsFxl.eTeyF.oel>ive, oi cource, her disappointment quickly 5 off and now she loves ner ilttle W anO says itwŹs wortńvery penny@, l 6*. 1 A 2 A B toId she Wanred B they only so d B he'§ only B had B good c sold c had B c Value c turned c C comPlete the second sentence so that;t has a śimi|ar USE OF ENGL|SH 7 meaning io the one. Uśe between rwo and {ive word§, including ihe word in caPitalś. choose the correct answers A-c. What ft |f/kes t0 hare 'The g!ests became emotional dul]ng the a nit HaVe you everWondeled Why some series become hu9ely \uc(e,slulW\i|e otl-el, do,1't? What i9 theil seclet? Here are a few idea5: 2 3 5 ll, ] lt should contain a(n)' cliffhangel, 4 a 5 span c complete the text with the corre€t reviews 10 13 {orm of A vER\,Z GooD NolsE nfact a chld Who shows .l..!].r€I..1 (ENooURAGE) When they practise on a VioIn, BU1 sho| d €ce mL]s c Ve Firsi y, expeds agrce that because of 1he eve| oi focus €q Uircd, ]n ihe 1 (]\4E l\.4oR sE) slolca dales and mathenratica fofin!ae, What's rnore lew peop e Wouid argue lhat il's a better fom of oi facts such as h ' gam€s (ENGAGE)lhan. folexaripe playing compltel orspending t]nre on A rnlsic an in lhe l]orne €n socialrnedia aLso pov de al famiy meel ngs and, Wilh lhe ofotherfam]ly membeB€ilhel both a fun and 5 ) a 3 The PoPularjry ofthe scu Pture comp ete|y surprised me. BY the popu ariiy o{the new scu Pture rhe li m Bahemjan RhaPsody is aboutthe Freddle MelcLry and h]s band oueen, oN The fi m Bohemiźn Rhapsody the Freddle N/]ercury feof i{e of and Was so haPPy When my book lecejved pos tiv€ Jonathan to d n 1 (ENTERTAIN) (Acc0l\4PANY) i:lj.. Us that ].|.'. ' i,,1.1 l :,,'!: , (v//aś|'epodpisał kołt.akt plylolvy) Mercury Re.ords see ng and hear]ng Josie sin9 karaoke Vr']th kazśmjeszyłomnie). us that olr adveń wlth the bird playin9 drums 2 Jason nformed 3 kazeszło się w sieci). you shou d never 4 (być nastawjany zbyt krytycznje do kogoś) Wh-.n they ale trying their hardest. only evel buy paper books becalse ltlums outthal pay ng a irusca inslrum€nt has rnany benefils earning an nsir].rment can he p Lara Cro{t ]n the new Iomb Raide.fims. Tran§Iate the Poli§h pańs of the sentences, bang ng on drums or n]akng loud scrcelchjng noises an interest in Alicia vikanderstars as Lara Croft in the n€W Tomb Raiderfj|ms, PART Was so happy When To many people there s nothing mole annoy ng than the sound oia chid ofthls book? rev]eW§. REVlEWED coff c p ayed c palt c away Bof p ot _ 5 don't really matiel that mUch either - usually people §tań Watchinq a series When a friend recommends it. Great B 8 3 Having big names in the is notlhat imponant it is enough ifthe actors ale ab eto create chalacters that fee real. Bin 9 3 ofsL]rprise.When shows ale too pledictab]e, their popularity 9oon Wears And, ofcourse, evely episode needs to end With a ł 2 on a widely,ava]|able platform so that many peopie have acce95 to it, lt should be FoLLoW Did you The selies has to come4 at the righttime, for exarnple When a book it is based on 5 stillVery ' /5 1 presentation,' sTlRRED LUke said ihat the presentat on sti|rei Up ii]e duesis' em otions. Was Understanding the plot ofth s book easy? 5 (Walę tradycyjną metodę czytania). Adam sa d that the loud mls c Fęeszkadzała mu i nie nógł się skancenlrawać) an sing ng olpay]ng aloig can be (DEEP)engaging Waylo spend 1m€ togelher Wilh loved ones al a specaltime of yeal Total /2o ) 101 odern society choose the correct Verb to complete the sentences, You may need to chan9e the form of the verb. DEAL / sTEAL VOCABULARY Was afiestec and.ha19ed b Somebody Us politics f b ,Thepotca. 5 a C s L|re cap ta Sca b ed a Federa Const LL]t]ona RepLrb c There sn'l MLn]ster ]n the US, The Pres dent s ńe head of th_. governmeni and a so the The]can peopLe choose the pres dent n pres oenl a v€ ery four yeals FócUs oN WoRDs Cr]nre trnd .r nr na Li§t year'§ ciĘ crime figur€s: .,....,..... ,.., ....,,...,,.. the Way (window§ brok€n, 5 people Were mUrdered z 122 bu]ldlngs Were fire io a car,n,] The Protesters the po ice to escape the lan through then Park 'My lile as a drug dealer / druldeatine: Read our shocking interview With an ex-criminal. 3 DvD piracy / pinte lall§ a§ more people downtoad films legally online. ] 4 Fitm §tar tells her terrible secret: 'l Was a celeblity słopriftel / shoplilting'. 5 Police que§tion §tudents aflet tł,ieve§ / tńeńs słeal exam paper§ from city school. streel cameras fail to decrease the number ol vandalism / vandal cages in local afea- \7 170) HiEh sveel robbery / robb€ł caught by 78 year-old MagĘie Ę!ą§ll,j Go**"nt 1 3 grafrii, erc,) . , (down The statle 01the f.mous po i c an Was 2 (up 200/0) -,,....,,,...,....,,,,.. - " "(dovn l70l0) 43 people attacked and robted..,,.. -,,,.,..,,....,,, (up 4%) lI4 cartiefts _,,..,,,...,.,....,,...,..... _,,... (u! 12010) 102 oi polic€ statements claim lhat last week's fire at ihe Nuvu cinema wa§ arcon / arsonist, 68 louse§ mbbed . 4 ast Weel home, They took h s wa et aid smrńPhoie Most ófthe peoP e that try to a house are.'i Profes§iona1 cl m na , 1 5 Look at the crime lepoń and comPlete the §entences, The first lettels are given, l22 tuildincs artackd y choose th€ correct words, oi' p€ollekiled ormlsic ] ega sET / VANDAL|5E the us s over 300 nr L on Wash]ngton D 5 ms RoB / BURGLE lhe united states of America. The of iota r_ 2 ai -cc de.l PlRATE / 5HoPLlFT Plenty ol shops use bas]c nreihods of security ih]nls to stoP peop e liom b Many coL]nlr eS .le becom ńg str].ter on .ybe, softwal" and nream c. m ń.Ls Who stat-^s in heac] See, lhe man wasn't 3 a There are 50 . łom my bag nigl,, ro.t*ur. yjh"y dldi't the High Sireet Wa5 ,3 a.q§ go]r!r9. ii b city election§ peoP e po|it cs poPu ation Pl]me state system Uftited you searched here are the best results: my vla et ".t on y took h s money and h]s phone and comPlete the information With the words from the box. There are two extra Wolds. FACTSFOCUS,COM d^L- -- MUG / MURDER L lead thai a.other Person W.s 2 a SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 oo l a,,óóóa9ó crime and cr]mina s . people;nvo]Ved in a crime ca§e . the justice system v_ unnoun"". muggings / muggers to get stricter sentenc€s. 1o lnvestigation continuesinlo murdel / mulderel 9J 9rrĄW_ąt!!€:, Focus oN WoRDs 5 Peop e nvo Ved in a crime case choose the correct answers A-c. Al: Do you know any' 7 @ complełe each pair of §entence§ With the §ame ? Bea: Yes, do, My next dool ne ghbour Al: SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT Was alrested {or Rea y? What happened? Bea: Very eariy one mori ng, i]Ve ż .ame ro!nd .nd took heraway. The.ase V/ertto couń and the l ,a9 §enienced her to fVe yea6 in Pr]son 2 A 3 A B arson sts c jldges B Pó .e ofi.ers c burg ars B slsPe.t c jldge muggers V ctim Aga: HaVe you ever been a l of a crime? aen: LUck y noi, but have been a ! 9et m!99ed and have her handba9 Stc en, Aga: WoW. Di.j yo! have to g]Ve ev]dei.e to the po ]ce? Ben: s!re. L described the man Who di.l it and they atrested a 6 , Then had to Po nt h m olt from a ne 01men that ooked a ike, B V]ct m c c c Focus oN WoRD5 ó 1 Lena'S grandmother Was on the train from London to Br]ghton FoUr men a bankand thei drove away in a b ue van 2 The dele.t B robbed C mlgged evidencefromthesceneofthe an.] PUt tin h s Pocket Everybódy knevr' stampsasa hobby ulhen was crimina A có e.ted witnes§ The acclsed HaVe yoL judge complete the couń notes With the words from the box, There are three extra words. ] lTote a: ] 25lo1 a clrne (bulelaly) ] ] The oo7 was 8 ctin and suspect TeIe to g Ve c dl!95 the a* 5 ngel? 16 9 10 Was a 'i B susPect c W]tness C accused on.e a sU.cessf! o.a busiiessm.n ,.o oóćPol A nrlrdered B lobbed The po ce everybody n the loom to ijn.] a suspe.t. Hey ookl t5lhe Wóman that melorihat account.ncy]ob ast week A chatted B §poke D d yo! know tha1 Beyo.ce t can-]e o!t on Mond.y The po 2?/01 evidence Wa.s a 14/03 the ćaśe5 14lo3 the judge de cided the man Tas 16103 the months in pfison. the You mlst be very respons]b e to be 26/al -/i itenrs HoW many Po]nt5 d d commłteo. 26/al yo!r phone? A medicine B A judge case nunbe]: 004256 macje a.d sent to prison :or three years, B senten.e.] c .omm]tted Three teenagels Wele arresied for dea ing n the n ghtc !b The doctor g.Vc my aant some strong to cure The jusi ce sy.tem ] B Was A charged arrested charsed collected c.offiiited ended guilty interviewed not guilty relea§ed sentenced went ] ve ]c€ has me becau§e 'm not A sentenced B lele.sed c ntefuiewed a nev/ a bum? glity, thatl c Why] comn] tted After folf yeals the tl a fina ]y ańd everybody cou d returi to their norma l ves, Won't ie you how the book but be prepared A eided ApParenty, B Stopped c cosed somebody fIetotheschoo o. sUnday but Very ttle dama9e was done, 'd lke to !p my own bls]ness as a ]ewe er one A dd B set c Plt 103 GRAMMAR 1 EVeryih ng has been orqanjsed by Robin and Kitty. The pańy at B]g M ke's Burgel 2 B9 M ke5 BL]rgel Rest.!r.ńt 3 4 5 sHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 6 1 complete the sentences with the.orre.t pas§ive form of the Verbs in bra.kets. Us€ shoń forms. YoLrT!be i;:] .il,]lli.] Gtar.) by a. Amel can, a T. Wanese.nd. Bang.desh, 1 YouTlbe 2 3 (create) on V; ent ńes D.y he can't n,]ake t by + Make the active §ent€nce§ pa§§ive and add person/thjng b rhe §entence§ u§ing the word§ in grouP the amateur theatre The f rst Vjdeo, ca] ed 'Me at the Zoo' the diredor and the editor t]1e.Łldofrwofl<cf! the Kenyan runner rhe nur§e the Physic§ teacher '] They produce']00 mob le phones pel hour here 100 mobi]e phones perhou|are produced here bv the factar,/ warkers. We are peńormlnq 'Les Mlselab es' this yea. 2 She ]n]ected me W]th a steroid stańed succes§fu youT!be 3 Th_.V Wele ed t ńo th_. fi )t choo§e rhe correct form§, 4 He has broken the m.Gthon Wol d lecold aga n 4 (buy) by Goog e ó 2 blt from Rob]ns ho!se at 4 *,t * 2005. (novpo§t) unt] Apl 2005 C!irent y, around a hundred ho!ls of V deo (!p oad) to YouTube avery m nlte 'Gangnan-] Sty e' by Psy (Watch) neal y 2 bi l on t me§ since t by Ktty .]jm 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 blon, A ot of ]n 200ó lor US$] ó5 money (make) by peop e who have The crown ]ewe S of Eng and haVe lept./i.rve b.elr keEi at the ToWer of Londo. s n.e ]303, \łiiiilre si!oe|t meen|g rre le].] / yr'i]iile no]d l]re srldenI nee!ń,o ]n the ca{eteri.? Unti recenty, prisoners in thisjai] Werentbeing given / Weren't givingbasic medlca care, Jenni,fert dress d'dn't design / Wasn't designed hy Marc Jacobs, lt! an Armani, The P]ants are dy]ng becajse they aren'twatering / aren't being watered rcgU al y . Are the schoól gates unlocked / Do they lock the schooigates at 8 a,m. every morning? 5 a9a n She W ]give ń ar ih_. śt(]dió oltthe eram paPers ]n fVe m nL]łes. comPlete the notices wiłh th€ colrect forms of the Thls brid9e ll.-,! Elj,] 3 *.'t ]i (rebui d) i 20]0 usin9 EU Tomorow at hdve finalli organ sed evel^hin9 for N]nas ]edvjng palty Were not ho]din9 tatBig 2 p.m, the Water (turn offJ for h3 f 3n ho!r, The swinrmin9 poo momeit and Wi l reopen in 20 m]iltes. (stea )from here ]ast n ght, Please .a l 409 709 jf yoU saW or he!rd anyth n9 6re rcnovdi ng the P ace thdtWeekend @, Anyw6y, ońce . Week on Read Kitty'ś message then comPlete the sentences With the correą pa§§ive {ormś. H Henrv Robin 6nd M kąs Bu€er RestóL]16nt anymo.ą because the} wilho it6tpizza Land nstead(N nd'sdad hdsn'tP6 dthe depostyet, bUt he promised to do tsoon) The EótoL]tWebs te rccommends P 2z6 Lónd,50 tshoU d be oK linvted we hdve decided thdt we d elsehassaidyes sothereWl be9ofus Amin bus everyone Upfrom Robins hoUse ót 6 Pm Wi ] p]ck C U Th!lsday morn]ig. 5 Please check yoL]l ticket and conlact The counci remoVed the lecyc ]ig b L]s ]f you are ns from this nearest b ns are now at the end ol Pope stleet. theno K tt} xx 104 a GRAMMAR Train and Try Again Pag€ l53 r t LlsTENlNG LANGUAGE PRAcTlcE collocations. prison 1 Use the p.ompts iń bo|d to complete the Prisoners' Words With the.or.ect verb Patterns and tenśes, Read the interuiew between the Presenter and Daniel. choo§e the correct Verb patterns to {ollow the verbs in bold a-h. E tra.t fróm students' Book NoW many ofthe in re 1 2 c-d.g ŚEa olheryo!n9 ofiender5 Y.U { ,i.r r]. Very carel! lho yoLj ta .re some vely dan9ero!s mei in her_A not want / leav€ k to. There pr Son becau§e oul§ de, ' ] be joblgss hóme ess, and ooor not expect / anyone / visit , l leally We me nowwh le l'm in here, never had any friends aid ny fam]y don't speak to me after what d d. V/ere as Not many A lot o{them are happy the Way they are and dont want'i..ilijr9_; /.1r;iql|o i§ t true that some young ofiendeu like 5b.,/ b..9 jn Pr]son because they have a better ife ce 5 We on y .ome olt for 22 hours in our ańd exer. se ń-]ea 5 inside thai oltside? D: D: Yeah, Thatś de{]nite y true. one of my mates Was homeless] he came' Prison, He W.5 Wofed 3 be]ng rc eased a Pr]son he got {ood a.d . ean c othes and a Warm .e , outs de, he Was jV ng n a box 5 the streer The day he Was the prison car Park aid re eased, he wa ked ó smashed the W ndow, on f]Ve cal5 in th_. .ar park He Was ba.k here' a few days, Hm, We that brings me to another po]nt, The government want'I. ,,n|-\,-ó / mD]a|i.|] condit ons ]n young offendels'Pr]sons. B!1some peoP e say tharth 5 5 ttrong, They Say thaithese are yolng peop e who have.ommitted cl mes and they should di. i]," l)(rnrsh_.d/be p!r]il,..r one 'They have educat on, they have Pr son 9uald, a gym and televs on iil ]ke a ho iday camP]' What camp, we can't see olt Doors.le ocked. l don't W..t to 9o backthere, fyol wantyoung peop e ,o 1d 9- ro, can't" and exPect theml.i,J|!ri|g/ 1. .naN9e Yo! have to 9,...!..te,/ ei!.rrilr! them and make them hlreli_.l_-,/ !. be]i.!. thatthele is a bettel {e]nfronl ofthem slmPe asthat, BUt ts not a ho day fr]end5 ol ourfam ly Nobody n here ó Worst th ngs about pl son_ FocU5 oN WoRDs 4 There ar€ two extra word§. brea]c have ock make punish release serve take a b '] a 2 a b 3 a b 4 a choo§e the correct Prepo§ition to €omplete Bby B for 5 Aby Bto Bon Bn c gap§ 1-7. d!r]ig c nto cof cń c Pri3o]] choose the corre<t Verbs from rhe box ro complete the pairs of §entences, change the form if necessary, b 2 fe 5 the ack of Priva.y, can't / remember 'Ve beei ocked !P fór so oig th.t N..t it lec 5 ke to be flee 1 b 5 a Yo! Ł]Ń the ru es ofthe game, so yo! l,a!e tc go bacl to the beg]ni]n!, My mlm says she has nevel;t(|] .he aW ]. hel Lfe, blt ] doi't be eVć her on ho iday ]i Greece ast year, Dad Was !P n a .el {or two days becau§e the po ce thoL]ght he Was someone e se t sounds funny nolł but t llas tetri{y n9 .t the tinre .]oanne said she is jUst W] be here ]n five m nutes. Wth a f],000 n lhe UK, you can be fine {or dan9ero!S cycl ng. A tholgh the footba l p ayer lece Ved a red card, the referee d d not f!dher by awarding a pena ty t ck. Lt s !n ]kely that th s m.n W ever be from Pr soi, He 5 simp y too dangerous. your granddad {rom Ale lhey n our hote breakfa§t is 'l] 30 a,m My next door ne]ghbo!r 5 a sentence for crle ty io an ma s. They shou d h.Ve ocked h m up and thlown ayiay the keys C.. yo! be ai Eng 5h teacher f yo! a cr]mlna re.old? a ong co. cń fol overtwenty year5 and §he sti best job ]n the Wold] l05 READlNG Read the text quickly and decide why it was written. 1 The shawshank Redemption . definit]ons. Verb Phrases 2 3 To descl be a f m ai.J q Ve a. on stal! its To des.ribe a f m Wh ch shours What n moderi prjson5 To describe a fim ii V/h ch prisoners were used A Pońrait of Life lnside A Accold in8 to many Viewers nd critics, Tń€ a sious hank Redemptian- i5 o|e ofthe 8leaiesi ilms evel made- ]i is a prison,drdma adapted from a shoń story by stephen King and in the yeal of iis lelease, it Was nominated for 7 oscars includin8 best actof, b€st picture, best scleenplay based on anoth€l soulce and besi cinemdto8laphy- Alihough it i5 set behind barc, it tel]s a h€at-Warmin8 siory of fri€ndship and hope, lt did noi mak€ a lot of noney When ]i Was ńrst shown in cinemas dnd ii won none of ihe awards fol which ]twas nominated, but today it is loved by fans of cinema everyWhere alound the wolld, ln fact since 2008, it has been the numbel one frlm on the wellknown 6lm review W€bsiie 1MDB (lntelnei Movi€ Database), This puts ]t one place above Francis Fold coppo|a'5 c|assic mana mo,lieThe Godfather frcm 1972, starrin8 aciing le8ends Marlon Brando and Al Pacino, B sei sholtly after the end of ihe second World War fictionalstory of Andy Dufresne, a in the mid,1940s, Tłe siou/słoni Red€mpdon tells the young and successfulbanker Who i5 convicted ofthe murdel of his Wife a']d her lover Based in the state of Portland, Maine, one of nineteen American siaies Wiihout the death penalty, Andy is instead §c!]ĘĘed]!q]jląi!]]pi§a!!!9[! in shawshank Plison, ovef ihe next iweniy years, Andy, played by actor Tim Robbins, ]earns to adaPt to life in plison Wiih ihe help of his friend Ellis 'Red' Redding, an oldei convict played bY Hollywood favoulite Mortan Freeman, ltwould ruin the film to 8iv€ away ioo many fuńhel detai|s of the story here, However, it Won'i spoil ii to saY thai the ploi shows the power of hope, courage and deielmination, even in situations that ai times seem incredibly crueland hopeless, c shaushanh Redemprion was filmed in the eally nineties, and to prePare for his starlin8 lole, Tim Robbins spent time locked up alone in a real plison The !9l!. NoW, mole than 20 yea15 laier Robbins i5 back in plison, Thankfully, he is not ihere a5 an inmate this tifie, bui as a teacher Who 8ive5 acting lessons to plisoners in a medium-s€curity jąi] in califolnia, The project has be€n fol severalyears With the help of a runnin8 theatre company* called 'The Actors Gan8" Which Was staded by Robbins in ihe 19805, ln an interuiew With cBS news, Robbins exp|ained that the oPpodunity to act provides prisoners with a bleak łom plison rouiine and a chance io explole new emotions and lea|ities. When he was asked Whether priSons should be offelin8 such enjoyable aciivities to inmates who have been found 8uilty of serious climes, Robbins replied that ihe actin8 classes Wele noi about having a good time but Were actual]y hard Work which was physically tough and lequired* a hith level of disciPline, commitmeni* and courage, He ako said thai none ofthe prisone§ Who compleied the ,eqtte!!Ęo dnd l€tul.ed P,o8ljmme hao Lo P,,son aFF, lh1 Welp lpleśed ś red€mPtion (n forma' savin9 someońe or be]n9 saVed from evil; odkUpienie (winy) theatre comPany {n) a qloup ofało,s, dar, ń10 Wor\ -oo" l^el: |,Uod ed lal-a 10ó "t o,sno.ts require (V) need; Wymag.ć commitment (n, u)- the hald Wolk ańd lóyalty śomeone 9\. lodl ol9.r\a,o, -"-l9";on" "c(,lJ el, oddanie (o19an]żacji, czyńiości) - o o o ż (9 o o o 1 2 3 4 The { .ot Present a lm does re at onsh ps 5 pe5s m si c V eV/ e. lrenleeń peoP FocUs oN WoRD5 lVerb ]4 Read the text again, Match sent€nces to Paragraph§ A-c. Two 5entences match . , 1 The slraLlshant Rcdempiion 5 not based on The fj m became more aPPre.]ared by 2 alc ences 3 (9 Read the summary of the text and Cofplere the 9aPs With 1-3 words, 3 The shawshaik Redempt on ]s . pi§ón drama based on a short §tory by stephen K ng, t lece Vec] seven oś..r noń ńżl óńś ]n tlre same vear' Ai f]rst, The ShaVlshank Redempi on Was iot and didn'tWln any of years, he! been nvo ó ploject Vec . the Project ii Wh ch io act. A.cording to Robb s very slccessfl] ns, the . Mat.h the definitión§ with underlined words and phra§es in the text, 1 two nforma synonyms of'. ti/o synonyms o{'Prisoner' pr soi']rr]r & ir.r]r.q]!ir & another Word for 'pri§on' fóUnd gu ty of a cl n,]e 4 sent to pr]son {or ]fe by a jldge 5 a sma room in vlh ch prisońers are ockecl 2 3 6 1 brokethe aW a9. i panel the definitions with words from the box. 2 dam a "_ Wil a door open Take 5 When Somebody doesn't thank me for he p]ng them, a ways feeLthey'Ve laken Look at that poster The owners are o]1cr]ng a ol f200 to a person Llho fnds the r 7 Whei Aice agleed io go out Wth me on, rea y made my 8 ,o oS-,l",o"- V" Work ńg and FOCU5 oN ó c o". LAPo becalse she knoyr toub stldyng atthe Samet me WoRDs 1 e Synonyms the radio interview with the corect Words, few letters are 9iven. The first compl€te c: on the ine right now lve hJVe a ca erWho Wo! d ke lo rema]n anonVi]9tr!. Let! .a h m..] m, Ne o, .]im .)| Hi, say (ęD ] caro First l'd kc to that know have ńińd somet mes, After a , oN AlR .m remalks ńade by lhe thatthe'cyn co eagle Brian Fray about rl§]ng cr me are no matt€r t! a b g dea ] And as a po ]ce ofiicer took the cońme.ts Very perso.a y, c: oK, Jim Piease cóntinle ,. J| We , to beg]n With know that both nryse f.nd ]n our Work We g_.t my co eagues are aful a greai sense of sat]sfact on c.rching cr m nals aid yoL]r discu§s eartĘUske flowin9 qloup l]Ver Wźl !ff 1 costs noth]ng to do . good he P somebody With the . bags or ho ]t lealy fee Notując nowe ang e skie s]owa, posia13] się Podawać óprócz j.h po sk ch odpow edn kóW róV/n eż defii c]e W ]eżyku ang e sk m, \ł ten 5po5ób n e ty ko powtóżysż ńowe Wyrazy, ecż takż€ posżerzysż żasób słown].twa, tsurami "9", makjng a lea The Woman n ihe shop gave me back too much money When V ed to exP ain ihe mistake, Was met Wth L]nbe ]evabeLTry to do a detect]Ve. HoWeVer, aftel leav n9 Prison RElV]Elv]BER BETTER A comPlete S Wheń yo! ark Jor noth]ng n Ej!!, ke do n9 Vo unteel lrork because {ee ke l'm A trle favour Don't llsh, the A.ademy Arr.rd5 for Wh ch t Was nom nated HoWeVer, s n.e 2008 t has beeń loted the most PoP! al mov e ever The {]Lm s set n the m]d ] 94n§ a.d ts ma]n chalacterc Andy Dlfresie, a yo!i9 banker Who ended Up in Prison for a leged y 3 h s Wfe .id her over Aicy! sentence W;5 ]fe imPr]soiment bec.!5e Sh.Vr'shank Prison Was lo.ated i. Po.t an.], Ma ne and that state doeśn'tiale The maii character s p.yed by aciol T]m Robb ns, Who 5 now an act ng tgachel and 'The Actor's Gang ' Fol severa the 5 ,the words from the box, .dvantage day deed difielence l"ńo ..+u,1 lówdlo sLrP c:o- -i-p of Tim Robb]ns exper]eiced fe a5 a Pr soner to a.ld p'o|" comPlete the §entences with ,,-db," of peop]e Who b b judge somethin9, or stream to stoP the W.ter' choose other word§ from the Focus on word§ §ets in the student§' Book and Write definitions in Engli§h. protect]ng iino.eit peop e, so, When somebody says the po ce do not cale abolt.rime ,, {or me ]ss!e F!ńhermore, th ńk ilt that! a smaj highly ffesponsib e o{ yo!r journa stco eaguetosay th 5 a.d Want h m to res 9n C: YoLJ Want Br]an Frayto res gn? Becal]se of Vr'hat he Sa d? nells, yes Today deł y J: That Wo! d be ówel C: Wel, Vie' ieed to.,. oh, hańg o.L Brian hasjust V/. ked nto the stud o. Br.n? Br]an, are yo! oK? '!e just be.n f!g9ed Right o!tsi.]e the st!d o What co yo! th nk abouithat Jim? J]m? Ale yó! 107 J GRAMMAR Parls aets WasAed and stvied evely Week 1 have 5ometh n9 done 5HOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 comPlete the §entences with Verbs from the box. cut flx 5 ó She P: Today Whiten r t ooked tetr b]e, her own teeth. Aftel two lveeks 5he cou dn't see any difierence, c: Dean ..]! his own ha Gosia in the st!d]o We have teenage aUthor C ara Dicken5, Whose book 8.inqinq up my Parenrs be.ame an ]nternationa bes§e et C ara, has suc.ess ch. nged yo!: We , guess 'm the same perso. ] |ave the Same {riends and 90 to the same s.hoo and sti Vlork harc l ńe.i .j.. l n;f,. ..V l].]]]-"!!.ik (not/do/ o,-\ot b, "o "1]. sb,r- fe is different now HoW s t different? P: c: We , , she Wiqi'r br:Ve en.Lloh the correct word to <omplete the sentences and questions about the PeoPle in Exe.cise 1, Then fill the 9aPs with the correct Plofession from the box, Thele are two extra wolds in the box. piercer dentist doctor 1 2 3 she a6_? Wń the con€d 'o.m ó have/get !.meńing done. Paris's beauty list Hair ashed and sryled 1 Nails painted |ge0 2 A facial done {gey'?) 4 Bacl< (śet) massaśed (have) Already done thls year: Tatloo .emoved (have) §till to .to: 6 4_ goin9 to the dentist regL] aly becaUse (comP etely redo/ Dad ]kes old motorbikes, so he ]5 ,o 5 (9 Rewrite the sentences .l, boo ,, and queśtions using the correct {o.m o{ have something done. SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 1 We changed the ocks afrerthe bu19lary. We nad ihe locks chanoed afterthe bUrglaly F ona co ours her hair green every year for 2 A doctor s chec[ 3 U.fońUiate st Patr ckśDay. sobe .g y, they everyyear{or st Patrick's Day sobe 5 eyes on Fr day d.]i't cn F. day, de iver scott! packa9" lJnfońUnately, scott s somebody re.le.oratin9 your auni! kilchen 5 repa]red yo!r b]ke yet, Pau ? ó Beth donl whiten then teeth, Beth Teeth Whitenecl [have] GRAMMAR Train and ]08 --, (b!id/neW 9arage){or Eyebrows shaped (have] 3 5 Ą:, Look at Pari§'§ li§t, complete the sentences and quesłion§ ó ledecorate/ho!se), and Murr hźir /Qłjl, ha]T9)by A'-, h. " Fd o do ll l i ,. Lpo gó "1.ód @mPuter / had his corńPuter fxed by a b 3,t)t "ld,_,! a] y fo, mc, What about yo!r pareits, t|. 5!bject of Vo!r book? c: We , .o! dn't have doie it Wltholt them, sc V/a.:ed to th..k them, oj.o!rse, At the moment, WE tsajrdres§er irdresser Nexttime, Gosia "i5 going ta have hel teeth whitened / js Wh'tenlng her teet/r by Mike "didnthave his back massaged / didn't massage his back by a b _ , Why dldn't N/]arta'Pierce hel ears / have hel eals Piercedby b,l fnshoes) eSpec physiotherapist mechanic technician a b|a "-,- {eei, * choose NoW Dea. cut,'h15 'm not lke a b g HoLyvJood ce _.brty or i .e . othes) for me, oh, aid a so have very b]g so lsed to 1nd ]t.]ficlh Io fnd shoesthatfit, (des gi ..d blt ńcW ' He made t Woue. body ( complere the dialogue between a TV Presenter and clara with the correct {orm of haVe something done, Use shoń {orms. massage pielce redecorate 1 Did She 4 *** chanqe the folms if necessary. There are two extra bu]|d 2 3 Try Again Page 153 at the USE OF ENGL|SH cnoo"".t 1 Flola: Janine: 2 rabY Lo!: ]y ft, " "orect an§wers lile, C.n yo! show me cómPUteu? Don't V/olry, they 5 m nutes knclin ? th]nk ho!r' ro shur down theSe t!ln o]1 .Jlel her 4 Earńest: ńeed yolr he P to Write Hllgh: Why .an't yo! do t ? th s ney^ ett€r ,? 5 c itse f Ash]ey: sha Mark: We ask Wh]t.ey to he p u5 pro]e.t? Nó, lh nk We sho! d do it Vr llaveyou ever as|ed p=trqf what you can do i. Diłk. thc ua,rld a better place? One tlring you can do is \, and h.iF oth,]rś Ńho may be h.lp , Tliis is exactlyrvhat NigclCourtney dir1 \ige],16. ńrst volun(*]red 1ast },ear bvhclplig an rLclelly nciehbour. Ąrthur n his gardcn l he garden s laree and brcausc \rthur s oLl. he is ulabLe to care for $ e głrdel said . 'l caD t maDagr by 3 ' jq.l's 'b(l galden great !,]lh N heLp rhe nou,lrnks Arthur, " 3 Ha]ey| Why is Mary tak ń9 !p karate? lammy: - o, o|4j, o/,opoC the text wiłh the missing words. A,C. HoW oń9 hale yó! aid sa y s]nce We Were * comPlete A helping Re{ exjve pronoUns l @ * 3g * th the Soon, Nigel found §,a_vs to h.tP othc, s to(): lnoti..dt]iat manl,honeless people have dogsfor conpal1, bcca ust: a , The ov,nem love the_r,,get LoneL,\,liling b! iheitdoeś butthe, ha\.. probLeurs grtting food 1'or then,' NigeL arraDged fol donations ol'dog food to be col1ected out§jde nśupermarketand tlien distributed .tmong lhe honeless Does Nige]reallv ełpeci Dotlri]lg in return for his cflorts? 'Helping other peop]e is a rervarrl jn itsc]f' |,: said.'l'm happy tr; hclp olhet people and truLl beliere . \ lal,be onc dar that we should aLl hclp 5 .hnl ,,d|,l ,,,"d * * complete the sentences with the corect {orm o{ the Words from the box and reflexive pronouns. blame cut eńjoy lntroduce Plepare repa]r teach Wash ove 1b1,1 o, ł @ * * * co-pl.te the §e.ond sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, Use no more than six words, includinq the word in capitals. stacy aid Lou pa nted the ,o\łi holse 1 BY sta.y aid Lou e.r,r.e. i]r..]. i.!5. || :h,..rśćrtćs. Pa! and Adam lefused to shake hands, ANoTHER Pa! and Adam Jo d dn't Want sn't Vely good at say n9 What she, EXPRE55 3 The pańy W.5 gleat We reź y _.,].],/e. .!ls-,r!es 1 2 3 lt Wasn't yoL]r 13L]]t, Larry. Don't "-,,oo ",e"5p"- ." - - ht bettelto have two cat§ ratherthanjust oneLThey both stay c eańel bec.!5e lhey 4 Bó .,_.,4,,L ,L"_t r- o, r 9l 5 d Jl" q". 9l " ,Ad \. -" J ^dd " 6 The two neW stldeńtsw. ked ]ntó the room and 7 passed nry dr V ng test f]rst t me becalse rea y The three boys dec]ded to t]dy the Park witho!t the BY The three boy, de.]ded io Adam and tV].rek P ease stop m sbehav]ngl BEHAVE Adam ańd tv]arek P ease When did HL]gh and JUst]n start to Wolk together? EAcH HoW long have H!9h and J!stin 109 WRlTlNG 4 Read another eśsay below and decide which que§tion the student has answ€red, 1 2 1 complete the linkel§ last letters ale 9iven. 1 To benn with, th]nk t! Wrong to 5u99e5i . d iketop 2 w to tthatnot 4 5 ó 7 P 8M y, it is nol acceptable for l, s!.h changes WoU d a so bene{]t Match linkers from Exercise 1 to each descriPtion. A B c iniroduce body paragraphs give persona opinions examp]es §uppot give add lulrher emPhasise a point by repeat]ng introduce the conc D E F 3 u§]on O&O O&O o O O U it Read the sentences A,l{rom an oPinion essay and then put the essay in the correct order A|].] lgrew two oving parcnts, both ol Whom spent as nuch t n]eW]th me 3s poss ble and gave me the atieni on and car€ that ] up Wth needed, L] 8 This s because ih€y carry th€ baby fol nine monihs When they are pregiaŃand th€rr, n mostcas€S, feed them d lectlyWhen they ale l c! DL] ioihe EL] rstboli. ieveihaiWomen mak€ better par€|ts than HoWeVer, dob€ To b€g n W!th, rnothels have a greater physica] connectio| r ch ldthan a fath€r Fnally, n mant l]ousel]o ds ]t ssti trad t onal y Womeil Who Stay ai homet0 |ook afier ź ch]ld Wh ]€ Jathers gOto Work, FL] For€xźmp e, mantyounggirls prefertO playWith dols and ook aftel them like rea children rathel than pLay (or fight) in the park keyoung boystend Gi to d0, ] secondy, Wom€n tend to be |ess aggress]Ve and more Senstive than men, They also have a natura tendency to show aifect on and careforothers, H | _.] n conc|uslon, thele ar€ a nutnber of physica ind Soc al factors Wh ch mak€ Women betier parents, Although mole and nolefathelsare Ook ng physica bond betwe€n a źftelthe l chidren at lrorne nowadays, ihe fathel and chi d can never b€ as close as that betveen mothers and th€ l ch ldIen, lL] ln my Vi€W, young ch dren ar€ therefore Vely fami ar and comiodab e With be ng cared for by the mother and łnany young girls seeth S as a rol€ thatth€ythemselves Wi haveoneday, 110 !p? Why are mothels 9enera] y tho!9ht to be better parents th.n fathers? Wh].h 01your parents hac] the b]ggest nl !en.e o o d 5 . everyone fee s the about ,., Fol i e, th€re ale clrent y Severa fema e Pl me [4]i Sters Who , t s § to me t t Vr'e ieed to .haige our attitu.]e towards , , L y, V/e mlst not forget that ,. n c n, ]1We are rea y sel ous abolt saving the 3 3 jń the sentences, The fir§t and Dc ch Cren rea y need both a mother and a fatherto brin9 them RePlace the words in bold with linkers flom Exercise sometimes more than one answer i5 Possible. j was raiśed by my móther ańd fathet and beneńted fiom the influence ófthefu both dulnlg my childhood. Aśfar aśI an.on.efned ź qj1, ńen a.d wofuen nay Provide di#erent tilings for their chi]dren and innuence them in differeDt ways, but it is jncollect to sug8est that Women ale betterlarents tiran men. /' , it seems to me that in the eally years the conńe.tion between mother and child iśóften śtlongel than Wjth rhe father ThŃ is a]most cel tainly be.auśeŁhe Wóman ćaded the ćhi]dinśide hel fórnine fiońthś ańd because she is ab]e ro feed t|e chi]dwithher own milk, However, in myview1 b this does not mean she is a betterparent For instance, fathers who ho]d, bathe, dress and change their babies can also deveLop strong bonds with thcir children. In addition /' , many babies are fed from a bottle meaning that a father can feed hjs chjLdjust as Fit§t ofall Next,I Would like to póint óuL Łhatboth pareńts are equaily eble tó enteltain, edu.ate ańd cale fóttheir chi]d as jtglowś, often women spendńore tińe lvith young ćhildleń because ńanycouples decide thal lhe n1an wj]l go lowolkand the woman wi]l stay $,ith the chjldlen. However, thjs does notmake the man anyłorse as d , if the woman went io wolk a parent. Fot example / and the man stayed at home, there is no reason whyhe cou]dńot ]ook afrer the childjust as wel] as hjs partner, Finally /' , men JndWómen ale equellyable to plovide good fóle modelśfo| rhei/ childfen. ofcouiśe, iŁseems lógićal ihaigitlświ]l]earn mo|e abouŁbeing female ffóm theil móthet, but the opposite is also plobably t|ue.In othet wordś /l , bóyś Wil] plobably ]earń more about Whatit means to be ńale from theirfather.In addition, it is a]most certain]ymore ihportant that parents tea.h thejr chi]dren to be good people, legard]eśsof theirgender, ańdńeń andwomeń ate equa]]y able tó dó Łhiś, summary/' , ] think men andWomen are equa y good at being parentś,and 1źlśothink that the ideal appróaćh fórpalents ańd.hitdren is for partner§ to śharethe rcsponsibility for raisjng a family. In 1 ó Read the task below. Then read the essay and complete gap§ 1-9 with the correct words A-D. SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT a Is Priśonthe be§t way to teach young criminal§ to be better citizens? Write an oPinion essay in which you Will expre§s your opinion. C i Include and develop th€§e . . o point§: state whetheryou agree ol djsaglee wjth the que§tion łe @ ay za zacaowanie młodych ludzipowińni być odpowiedżialni i karani ich rodzice? Napi§z rczPrawkę liczącą 2oo-250 słów, w której Wyrazisz swoją oPinię na ten temat, rozpatrując problem od strony młodych ludj i ich rodzicóW. de .lqu^]er,( o suppo voL, pe,sola opi]o1, D-oV 1. |/]oł peop e a!lee that 50mebody should r,,rho commits a al me ,^ln addition lAs fal as l am concemed, 1 ho,,\,evel, aid y e5pea]a i the case of youi! oflendels r,!e nace aan do rnore than ockthem2 ;:i.i;,#lJil#:,-i,,,":i Ji,:lli$J;; *i:xil#,:1iiji nstećd 01nćk rq theri sefue ć i1,1 ] a ] l I plisoi Whele they may becon]e mole aq!les9iv"., anl 90cia], and po95 b y coni nue comrniit nq cr me5 n ihe fL]iL]re, thele are ploqramme5lo he p them becorne better ct żen! cPrlenolłei lLir, l iol ]lrJi;|rae, I Austia ia lhere ale o[gaIlsatlon5 in Which yo!nq oim Ia ! he p tlain do!]5 fol disirbl€d peop e D]L).rid]rieini].]it.Iil jddiilr/], łj thal n lh 5 klnd of Work both pal ence and a 5ense E//r of responslbi , n|,!i!,,L,j li1.1!L]!,!l, thdt cal€ ty5 a |alge pafi oftla ]l llg these anima 5 ltles!e! leward ng good behav ou| youl95t€15 ,,\,h ch Who heve cai be a Va Ueb e e!5on to ihe the law Ó Fii,ćii\l ] F!l ćft||iple,y,)hl e Work ig \\r th the doq5, the yo!nq o{fende6lealn conpas5 oil towalds othe15. They ga]n tonfidence n theil ou]r ab ll e9 and deve op ski ! Wh ch help them 1nd emp oyment in the lLrtlle 6/ł aalciiio| / ]n oilel L1,o/cJ, te5i5 5ho\ł they become ess ke]y to hćIm ol othe6 HjeccnrJł / ln sumnlalr, a yoL]iq cr m nal3 7 the chance tO be a bettel pe6on ]nstead of pun 9h nq them 9 , We can he p thern to become Va |]able tnernbe15 01a cornrnL]n ay, |/n n/ .5 Gdy skończysz pisać pracę, 5Plawdź, czy uwzględniłeś/ Uwżględniłaśwszystkie Punkty z isty, Moja rożPrawka z opinią: . lozpoczyna . Vr' a r,\,ho e, . BuP C o{f c to c Prison c wi l be needed pó ó jóoooo 7 c h. rd y Read the -o,,,A D gives B aWfL] ]y , ]"d - ,,, w końcowym.kaPlcle Przedstawia P j. ,-o,\", :- ^ o -oo ," o ". eari]n9 B judge break]ng Póo "o ko e].ych dwóch db trze.h do - ojpd, . , do, Jop_, ;A l,, Io, ,", ,- ,, po, to,,, 'J,^"",,L , , . o aa, P, o, oo,,-p are.'tlther9 is given 4 ,o D D c ę akćpitem, W kiórym Pzedst.r'/ am Wylażone nnym słowam n]ż te We wstęp e, D dowi be earied 5 l,iel1,/ io| lnjDna.^, lakinq this oppoat!n ty ayiay flom them ! harmfu both to lhe nd V dual and to soc ety SHOW THAT YOU,VE CHECKED . ,,00,'0 ] skrótóW |rn{o/CU/|. góód), o esxy again and choose the correct answer A-l. 111 sPEAKING 4T h b , thiik'd plefer io do that too We.óU c.]o t togelhel u/e .oU d cook sonelh .9 and se ]t d!l ig !ńch opinions:ta king aboUt adVantages and disadVanta9es coo , A.t!. y, ta ked to Katy a.d s. y abolt ih s yeSteri.y and they5w i the cea too The {our of !s co! d bake some cakes and org.n se. 5ale to.]ether BANK ZWROTÓW DO WYPOWEDZ| USTNEJ Talk]n9 about your skill§ opi5yw.nie um]ejęiności (cookin9) isn't my thin9 (có nie eży W kręg| moich ża]nieresoWań, YoU're really good at (Maihs/sWimming), ..]esteś naPrawdę dobry/dobra (ż matematyk]/ W pływan !), Nle jeslem V/]ąco elP iwy/c]erp iwa), 'm not (patient) enough. comPlete the sentences With the singular or plural forrn of advantage, disadvanłage, benefit (c Wo a]bym/Wo alabynr (odWiedż]ć starsżą osobę) (visit an eldelIy Person)- ór dHWbJ.ł- Uśe eóch Word no more than twice. 1 one b_!!qt of belng an on y chi d ]s that yol] get a your parent§'time and attent]on is that you don't on€ of the ma]n " have anothelyoL]ng Person to P ay Wth or ta k t. lnteresu]ęsę(styowym ubrai am z d.Wnych al) Giving and explainin9 To be honest, lthink/don't s that yoll parents mlghl Another § be overprctec(Ve becaLJsethey on y have one chld .]eś] mam być sżczerylszczela, think,,, have to §hare a room Mam na myśto, że, , 2 Talking about advantages Przed§tawianie zalei i wad and di§advantases Jest Wie e za et/Wad. adVanta9e§/disadvantages .,. one/Anotherbenefitis o{ ,-, Thele ale drawbacks ioo. one ofthe main di§advantages of vo Lunta ry The main advantage Vo|Untary work is that Anothe r disadva ntage of Voluntary Work is that ,., 1 ]nnąza]eiąjestto,że,,, GłóWną żaletą wo ontal atu jestto,źe.,, ]n ną Wa d ą 3 , . Wo|onta riatu jesi, complete the dialogue between Rachel and Leah. The first letters are given. R: L: 'Ve decided Wanttodo §omethino tq hę]p ot€I pę9p]h, Leah. The thjng is don't know What l could do, Have you 9ot any ideas? makjng a_ We |, you'le rr 9_ conversaton, Whydon'tyou Vo Unteerto c.llon an e dery person and chatto them? You'Ve a Ways 9ot 5ometh!ng to say. R: Are you §źylng ] talk too much? L: of course not, serious y thoL]gh, think you'd be rea|y good at ł. l'm Ha ha| YoU? Ta k too much? źn patient e myse]f, t wou dn'i be organ se a sa e to my thing, 3l_ r rajse money fol chariĄ/, or somelhing, 1,12 tho!9h ]5 that yo! don't th yo!r blother or sister to sing e sex §choo s, " For examp e teenagers are ess d stlacted by the oPPos te sex Wh] e they ale at school ancl tend tc nudy more eJfect]ve y as a resu t o{ sjng e sex one ofthe ma]n b schoo 5 s that boys and g l5 don't learn about theird fferences and sm art es is th.t ex.m lesulrs are Another' L]5!aly better in 5]n9 e-sex schoo s ]5 1hat óne of ihe ]oys and ole d young is ]nieract]ng W th the enges of be ng cha oPPos]te seX. są teź ] n,]inusy. Jedną ż głóWnych Wad Wo]onta riatu jest to, że. W , , choose the correct words to complete the dialo9ue. Lena: n my lopli]o. / me.n ng there are a ot of n9 a man, For 'clJ!,l]..łs / be|e|i6 ro be3disidv.nfuges / examp]e, one ofthe main .dv3|LJges ls that it ]s eaS er fo. men to get h gh y pald and powe#u jobs, Joey: lgle§s so, though nai;.t/lóreśt th]nkth.i is s óW y.hang n9, sn't t? 5Holv/ !łh:t thele are more We pa d and h]gh PoWered Wonren than lhere Used to be. Lena: Wel , yes, but to be óil!-. / hoiesr, think there s st a ong lvay to go ,]oey: 'm sUre yo!'re r]9ht, bL]t il§ not a 9leat belng a man you know There are'druLtbacł d..Llba.k5 too, Leńa: Fol examp e? mean ]s Joey: Er.,. We , er We have to shave every Lena: oh poor Vou] t must be awf! A.d you co! c clt yourse f HoW do you coPe? Joeyl Are you be.9 sarcastic, Lena? Lena: Me? Nevel,., r ó video and check your answers. 1 2 3 4 5 ó 7 8 9 Be{ore ycri 1 ", SPEAK|NG Disct ss how popular cołfee is in yout country. Where do PeoPl€ buy it, make it, drink it? 2 ht 7 ,",veici,l skillg are necesgary to run a cofiee stall? compare your ideas With a pańner. role g- l"19 uge s. i h roley-l^ardl .9 s. i l, peoPle mana9enrent ski15 lT skiL]s problenr-so]ving skils time mana9ement skils 6 c What Was Tomt s]tlat on When he atr]Ved ]n the UK? What Was Tom ]ike before Change Please he ped him? HoW ]s Tom he ping Adam today? What does change P ease Prov]de fol its emp oyees? Who has hi§ face on a packet of cofiee? What do receni f]gures on homelessnes§ sU99est? Wh.t doe5 the speaker th]ńk ire govemment needs to do? a What are Abraham! Words of encou.agement? HoW doe§ Abraham feel? Match 1-ó with a-f to make phrases {rom the Video, 1 break L.] 2 buda l=3 ga]n ! 4 get sb L] s get ofi f] ó Whi€h o ó (r 34 Answ€l the questiong. Then watch the whol€ run a e ihe cyc e (of hoire essness) Afte r you Watch 8 SPEAKlNG Read the quotes from the Video and djscuss e"de,rl,io r.,ls While 1roI_1 l@ lł.-rłcr, When gotthisjob, w"t t tt. riot pu.t o{ the video (oo:oo-o1:o5). How did the oĘani§ation change Pl€ase help Tom and Adam? 1@ t lea ly changed eVeD^hin9 for me. lóm got a ltte digr]ty back, 'Ve got Pr]de back, A.lań wat"t the secona pań ołthe video (o1:0ó - 01:2ó). Which of the skitl§ in Ex€rciśe 2 do th€ People from change Please mention? |§44] wat"t ttre last p.ń oł the video (o1:2ó-2l8). Ha§ change Please baan a śucces§? Has it solved the problem of homele§sneśs? advantages and di§advanta9e§? @] Watch ihe {ir§t pań o{ the vjd€o (o0:0M2:02) whe.e Holly, Ruslan. Al€ł shannon, cóire and P€ter anśwer the fnst que§tjon. Do they 1 2 What dóes th s tel !s abolt how to he P people gei 2 sPEAKlNG What §ocialmedia apps do people use to stay in touch with friends? Wh.t are their use any o{ the apps you mentioned in Ex€rci§e 1 1 ? How do you and youlfriends stay in touch With one another online? Have you ever cut you r§el{ ofi from socialmedia? Do you know o{ any organ sarions that he P home ess peoP e in your country? How do they he p them? c @ Watch the speakerc answering th€ second que§tion iń Exerci§€ 2 (02:03-03:30), Who gives €ach reśponse? 1 2 3 4 5 Fl o .ll 'Yes, to see if l could do it,' 'Yes, but ] get bored and go back to it,' Yes, itwas taking Up too much ofmy sPare time,' m z 6) 'Yes. l{elt l]ke not being on my phone so much.' 'l Probably should-' ó'Yes, to cleanse flom the addiction of it,' sPEAKING Di§cus§ th€ que§tions in Exerci§e 2 = wirh a Pańńer. Which of the sPeaker§ is mo§t like you? 113 sELF-cHEcK compl€te the sent€ńceś With the cor.ect Passive {orms VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 of the verbs {rom the box. There a.e two extra v€rb§. complete each pair oł śentence§ With the same bU19 1 2 3 4 G)lrołen _, B comm]tted c Painite is one ofthe rarest mi.era s on, t i5 found]n Myannrar in south eastern Asia, uni]L it The dodo, a arge fLghtless bird, _ d]sappeared complete y in the 17th century, twice th]s year HoW !ńllckyL 2 Fiona! house 3 The old §choo spońs ha]l_atthe nroment, §o a|L our PE essons are he d on the fie d. When the acc]denr happened oul car The handblake fai ed and ihe car ro led into the wa . We're hele to say goodbye to Mr Thomson, Mr by al yolr students, Thomson, you reeased The nriss]ng boyśfather _ a l€Ward for aiy information about his son, l to pick Saly uP after school, but she sa]d 'no,' A gave B asked C offered l Was §urprised that after he]P ng me Mike asked fol abso utely in retlrn, aboutthe acc]dent, not a word, E isabelh §a d A nothing B anyih]ng c someth ng My reque§tto eave schooleary Was _ W]th s!sp c]on by my teachers, Have you ever_ somebody rich and famo!s? A §een B met The {actthat chal ótte remenrbered my trirthday and gave nre a ca l realy my day sean l,"aily djdn't Wantto 9o to the pańy, so he an excuse and stayed at hom,.. B g.Ve c dd th 5 slmmels The concert has become My Unc e Was a sergeant in the army A -o,. B.o To, {itd finish hunt ] put ,."no,,ut" *u"n ] don't believe rhat yo! have never_the aW o!chl oUchL Ahhhhl oh my f nger huńs so muchI th]nk it must be e /5 Write sentences or queśtion§{rom the prompts- Use the structule ńave sorneth;ng dor€ and the corre.t iense, charlie had hjs suit d Weddin9, 1 event, 2 cTao 3] /5 complete the sentence§ with th€ missins adjectiveś. The firsi letters ar€ given. 4 don1 have a §ls/rJcJo!s mind, Ljust Want to know c]eźnedj!st befole the Emma and today sheś hav ng plob ems With lt aga]n. our dog this afternoon, He hates the vet rePlace / headphones they stopPed Work n9 after you / phone / take away a free of chalg€ week, when evel where you were and who yoL] Were Wiih, 1 2 3 'm not{_ in myjob. lth]nk 'l a c lecord 4 Please stoP being so c somethlng Postive {or a change? you ied to nre s not a t matter Fol me it's a b]9 ]ss!e, The fact that @ ,E Translate the eolish PańśoJ the sentences. llp commltted p!3lr rp]lactw.J When he coPied the computel 9ame for h]ms€ f, The chid ukarane]{or y ng to h]s teachers The teenase 9n said §he |nie jest złódziejką sk]ePawą) bui had §imPly forgoiten to Pay {orthe make-up Afterthree Weeks the Po ]ce st] hadno]dea Ph 1 2 3 (k!m jest padPalacż) There ha§ been an lncrease in (liczby napadów ulicżnych) ,n the arca lth]nk claud o mnje) and Won't repay my kindness and geńeros ty. l-ą 114 make !P ań 5t? she ooks amaż ng| ook{or someth ng more reward]ng, Many peop e that lePoń a crim€ Wish to remain a and not glve their name 1o the po ice. |'Ve never been arrested so no, don't have 6 @ cnoose tr,. ."..* an§wers A-c. next This yeaas schoolcharity Day is coming up ro'Ways rnońej/ are lo mo,llh, A1\, deas 'ai\e l,;avs ano, oi -oL,se, a-)one lnat W s,les to ofe' ; ' 'h;d on the day shou]d et Us know asap, Who .an foroel a>L Yea''s blq evenI Wnen Ihe head teacr,ei' 5, ;n" a."oo -u,<e' o, W'1e^ Ihe łhole .L""n"d cals for money in the local oi u"ur li o 'o, tne a-lTa' rescue "na , llaoe' ln lotal, o,er l40o .Pnlie and We hope to bFaL |-at s-n -e,L To-1h, you fancy doing a 5 deed, join u5 on the 25th of May lo help the ]oca] orphanage, So, 1 2 if ł welcomlng @-. we come C we comed A helP{ll B heprg c he pLess B had hjs ha r shaved A shaved his ofi c Was having h]s ha rshaved otf c 5A had got together high B great B or Wele got togethel csood L 4 comp|ete each Pair UsE oF ENGLlsH 7 Do yo! ihink giv n9 cómplete lhe text with the corred {orm oł the words a 1 it :yI 2 3 l ]::,:.:.]? Di.] yo! remember They're go]ng to Thelesa (5UsPICION) in a case whele no clime has been commilted such as cheating or lyinq in some Way. Heloic and (MUc] rs not sLleets fuom a heartless how detectives earn a living, Indeed, even solving (Bl]RGLE)is not śomethjno that locaL 5 youl aveiaqe private delective Would be interested jn because jt doesn't help pay the bills. 13 is each 9ap. The accu§ed Was fo!.d Ioi qU]lty(fnd/not gu]]ty) and e{t the col]ttwlth a big sm]le or h]S face, to h m the back dool? up in a ce lfor a sentence for se ing s gves me. rea sens€ of are We 9olng to meet Clarke 10 complete the §econd §entence §o that it has a similar meaning ło th€ fhśt, tJse between two 1 Steve defnite y didn't copy my homewolk, My ionreworł definiteiv ,,!asn't copied by Steve, The polce oficel Warned the man to Put down the sun. 2 3 4 complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe Word§ in brackets. Do not change the oider of the words, You may need to add words. Use uP to §ix Word§ in a month to charity can make But being a Po ice ofiicer ]s a tough ]ob, to do the rePoń carefu |y. dramatic acts like catching a mastelmind bank IROB) or rescuinq people on the 4 f]0 Mlm s d nner ]n a few miiutes, so help me set the tab]e, What's ihe ii read]ng th 5 newsp.per? There's noth n9 ii it except c6 ebrity 9o5s p Being a real life private !-.,tect/y-. (DETEcl is not as exciling as fans of sherlockHoLmes olHelcule Pojlot may imagine, To begin With, most of the time they (CRIME) Like don'! deal With actual l lobbels oI thieves at all. Their customels usuaLly Want somebody to be found ol they have a fiiend ' the sentences with Whafs the ]l...l]],!! between your phone ańd m ne? They ook the same to me catch]ng.rmina or partnel lhat is a o{ the gun down by the po lce ofiicer D;d We send the atest repoń to the jUdge? Was the judge? We haven't alranged a date forthe tria yet. A daie forthe trial The charty orgói sation opposłe he ps home eSS wom_.n. Hone ess womei ] 5 ó ó lJ o,9o, \o o. oppo -A the t e lb The two men not]ced that a police The two blary often d1 oficerW.s mei not].ed that 1Thejudge (§,lepare/helliria ) by,e read n9 the case notes, (th ełbe/cha19e,/stea|) 3 4 -y car They Were twe Ve Total /2o At the beglin n9 of o!]r re at onsh P Lalra an.] (Promke/another/We) ,łou d be rnore honesl about oUr{eelin9s The two Vandals accused me of breakjng the Window commit) every day arcund the world? Mi lions? 1l5 Life stages / o <resy życia in his early twentie§ W W eku dwudziestu k]]kU at jn his late twenties in his mid-twenties w W ek! prawie W dwudżiestu pjęci! at in hi§ teens middle-aged w Wieku oko]o wiek! nasto etn m W średnlm WiekL] character features Cechy cha ra <t-oru carefree beztroski caring troskli$ry sprawiać Wraż,"nie Feelings and emotions UcZL c a elfoC]e admire Podziw ać stomach zolądek thigh ldo be the centr€ tooth/teeth ząblzęby aPpreciated W docen any of ittention być centr!m lwag blame yourśel{ obw]n ać s ę .are a lot about prżejmować § ę devastated ża]amany enjoy yourse|f dobrże się baw cżuć s ę dobże we własne] skórże fulfilled sPełniony,żadoWo]ony impre§§ed by pod Vłażenem plea§ules of stir up li{e w€|.ome d€.iśivó Appearance determlned zdeterminowany di§ob€dient nieposłuszny di§trustful nieufny down-to_eańh twardo sĘpający po €asy-going §Pokojny,Wylużowany p.zylazny generou§ ^J.z|j.J{y, hojny hard-working Pracowity łlieńdly hoPefu] hop€less pełen nadziei beżnadżiejny human trait cecha udzka inśpiring inspirujący kind miły, zyo]iwy kindness źyoliwość,dobroć myśteriou§ ta]'emniczy nervou§ nerwowy open lo polite upzejmy optymistyczny, r€belliou§ bUntown'czy niezawodny W},iżymały,elastyczny z Poz}4}.Wnym nasiawieniem reliable resilient nieuPu€jmy §c€Ptical sceptyczny §elfi§h §amolubny §en§e of humour Poczucie humoru §hallow pł}tki,powieżchowny §ucce§słul skuteczny,odnószący suPer§titious pźesądny susPi.ious Podejż iwy tak€ after być podobnym do, well-mannered dobzewychowany 1,16 bald ad m]eWdż]any z_o\^",nętlż.y comb hair cżerać W]osy dark hair ciemne Wło§y over somethin9 oPadać na .oś 'all hair strai9htener ProstoWn]ca do hair d]Ug e WłoSy look sty, styl zac]a; Wyg ądać look like być podobnym do loń9 height średnego Wzrost! clipperś obc nacż do paznokc §crufiy n]ech !jny mediuń nail §hoń hair Pa ec (u nog]) clothes and accessories Ub,ania ankle krótk e Wlosy hair proste Włosy make-uP m eć maki]aż well_built dobuezb!doWany Wear Body parts l'Częśc c ała bortom chest PuPa, s edzen e k atka p]ersiowa bLJty ża kosikę, botk] chl]sta na §ży]ę Ub g]oWę, bandanka ban9le§ blansoietk] baseball caP czapka z daszkiem beanie cżaPka bean]e bri9htly .oloured casual swobodny (o sty u !b er.nia ,ię) cool w 1asnych, źywyc- śW]etny, od]otowy bawełniany suit c emny ga.n t!l denim jacket kurtka dż nsowa dark jeans Wytarte dżinsy brand etycżna marka di5tre§§ed ethical fabric mater a], tk.n]na faded jeans Wyb akłe dź nsy fashionable módny sżybka moda fast-dryin9 sżybkoschnący fleec€ b uza po alowa fast {ashio. fur-lined podsżytyfutlem garments odz eż, Ub ór hard-wealing nie do zdalc a high heels buty na Wysok ń obcasi. in 'ashion modne belt skórzany pasek l€g9in9s legjnsy necklace iasżyjn]k out o{ {ashion niemodne Patt€rned Wżorżysty Practical clotheśPraktyczne ubrań i rain ja<ket k!.tka pżecWdesżczov,: raincoat płasżczprzec Wdesżczowy shoń-§leeved silk tie snow lingel Pa ec (U lęk]) {ingernail Pażnok eć (u lęk]) foot/feet stopa,/stopy (cesorla boots leather §traight ia bandanna cotton łysy ot,wańy na po§itive rude \y'/yc prżyjemności WżbUżyć, Porlszyć courageouś odważny zdecydowany;decydujący ć feel comfońable in yoUr own skin toe ż krótk m rękawem ]edwabny krawat boots śniegowce ], stylish suit sty owy pasować (do kogoś, cżyjejś sweat§hiń b]użadresowa toP toP, b Użka, kosz! trainels ka buty sportowe trouśer§ spodn]e underwear bje ]żna uni§ex Uniseks, d a ob! płci Vinta9esuń9lasses klasycżne Waistcoat woollen zip kanr 2e|ka rnes§ Wełnlany a (be]pa5sionate(about) Pas]oioWać ośią9nąć admire PodzW ać os ą9n]ęc e 9o in for Poddać slę, fol insP]rac]a ę9ać Po s in m€mory of k! pamjęc ilibal people cż]onkow e way of life personal values JSoblsty s],/!Telr] Wartośc' achievabl€ o5 ąga ny ask for nothing in return n]e chc attitude n.naw]ei beat yourself uP e cbw.iać s e, bur9lar eć bić believe in W]eżyć w critical of kr}tycżny Viobec something deserV€ Wyrażać brak pop3r.ia d a express your suppoń fol Wylażać 9enerosity give a s€nse 9o with the Podążać ża trend.m hojność,W]ekoda5z.ość of purpose flow dawać p]ynqć z Plądem] lobić io, co ini] t].ż.Nvość hope m eć nadżieję honesty hopefully lfn Point of view Plnkt ,lidzen a ucżyć s ę na pin plzyp]ać (nP sżp |ką] Plepare l€ad yourself pżygotować in the old-fashioned way crytaĆ W ifadycy]ńy sPosób repetition repetitive s ę poWiórżenie Potwarza]ący s]ę reply odPowiedz eć revise powtażać mater al sPine 9żb et (ks ążki) take up ża ntereśowaćs ę, podjąć thinkable Wykona ny, dający s ę uni{orm mundlrek Edu EdUcational system Syst--.n oś!,/aiy take a gap year zrob ć sob e rok prżel-Wy W .a!c_A School life l Zyc e sz<oly behave badly ź e 5 ę zachowyyr.ć cognitive pożn.Wczy distra(r rozpraszać droP out e, ż nadż eją mistake§ ia śmec sża{a,9aldeloba distraction hopelessly beżnadżie]ne learn from U ż.słUgWać na expre§s youl di§approval of tlend§ a antywłam.n]owy kosż nfolmować memorisation żap.miętywanie memori§e lczyć S]ę ńa pam eć on the tip o{ your tongue na koń.! źa !z]e, ro ety a arm dustbin §ilence Wcsży information nfo.macia introdu.e yoursel{ prżedsiaw ć s]ę alarm wardrobe disapprove o{ n]e pochwa ać do a good deed zrob ć dobry follow Rooms, {urniture and equiPment ,/ Pon,ieszczen blinds hand over Pżekażać have a shoń attention span mieć inform f]rma och.on alska !.ryposaŹen e doli express yourself wypow edż]eć s e (np W ob.ym ]ężykU) feel distracted by c,L]ć się rożprosżonyń plżeż find out about dowiedż eć s ę o in ośWietenie posesji oby.ża]e, żwyczaje explanation Wy]aśi]]e.e improvement PoPrawa §ecuritylightś żewnęvzne p em enia PoPraWa Wyrżucić ze schóol Wskaźn k Um]ejetnośc cżytania sto ica firm exclude from (lótk cżas sk!pjen a UVr'ag! improve literacy rate§ pod.]eść hometown miastorodżinne me9acity ńegamiasto nei9hbourhood sąsedżtwo seculity en9agement zaangażo\łan]e enhance poplaw ć enhancement gesty take advantage of lvyko.zystywać take tiń€ to pośWięcićcżas na want something in return chc]eć city zainteresować, enhance the readin9 experien.e uPuy]emn ć cżFanie Pż€ciwko profound głębok] §mall geśiur€§ drobne €aPital model wżór do naśadowania §it around siedz eć beżcżynnie Sense of identity JoczJa c 'ioż5a ], ośc lole to Home and vicinity Don] i jego o<o ca Wż]ąć udz.ł Vi ln§pilation leach UP zaploponować Place of living Miejsce zamieszkania ca.ry on kontynuov/aĆ focus on skL]p]ć się ia get into dcstać się dó give (somethin9) zrob]ć coś ź e, niefachowo reward opposed e]ętrośc]Za nteTeso\łan achieve €ngage Wpłynąć nagrodę zamek b]yskaw]czny achievem€nt up offer a encouragement za.hęta,W5palcie podżiwiać difference make a 5kills and interests _]n. to look uP oku ary pżeciW§łonecżne of coś,co rożPraSza PożUcić educate ksżt.]c ć educalión ed!kacja edU<ational ed!kacyjiy educationally ed!kacyjne en<ourage żachęcać work praca Jobs / Zawody oTaz ż!,/]aż.lne ż ,]lm czynnośc i obor,l ązk carPenter sioLaż chef WykWa]if]koWany k!chaż/ Wykwa fikowana kucharka curator kLJśtosZ/kUstoszka detective detektyw fa§hion designer Plójektant, Plojektantka mody 9allery owner właścc e /Właścicieka judge sędżia model modeL/mode ka nUtritioniśt d etetyk/d]etetycżka physical therapist fjżjotelapeL]ta/ 117 SŁOWNICTWO MATURALNE i Politician poltyvPolry.zla presenterżenter!a rcqruer r:tnwn I lewarding satysŁkcjonujący §he'd make a gr€at... byłaby tailor krawiec/krawcowa tour guide Pzewodn k/ tour lead€r director r€żysel te eWżyjny / reŻyserka te ew]zy]na uńplea§anl neprzyjemny unlewarding nleda]ący satysJakcj Kariera zawodowa / Car----. activate aktywować ask {o. Permission poplos ittend budget deal ć !cżestnlcżyć W budżetować, P anować with decide l^ radżić sobje ż decydować deci§ivemoment decydujący effective efektywny execUte PżeproWadz ć, zrob]ć accePt (ż9odn]e ż p anem) po]nformowany keeP up-to-date with być na a job żaploponov/.ć pracę problem-solve rozwą:vwać §ucceed odn eśćsLJkces §u.ces§fully skute.zne 5U9gest imProvemenłs S!geloWaĆ type a note sPorżądzić notatke Working condition5 ańd employment Walunk pracy ] zatrudn]enie headquańers główna incentive żachęta take pań in życie s edżiba brać UdżjałW |,""--"118 < with appreciate sęż docen ać {or być zawsże blow a ki§§ przesłać blziaka bleak somebody's heań ż]amać call on somebody odw]edż ć kogoś .ut yourself o# froń your home od. ąć sie od rodż]ny/ 'amily/ date sPotykać/umawiirć s ę z defend bro.]ć sie detract from sżkodżć cżem!ś end a relationship żakońcżyć sympathy expres§ lryraż Ć with być dobrych stosunkach ż get to know Pożnać give somebody a hand pomó. 9et along/on well W give som€body peace of mind ża9Warantować komUś spokó] for decydov/ać s ę na han9 out wiih spędżać cż.s ż have a 9óod relation§hip With mieć 90 have a lot iń common with mieć dużo W§pó nego ż have one foot firmly Plańted at home być żWiażanym ź domem rodż]nnym similar interests m eć podobne ża]nteresoWan]a let somebody down żaW eśćkogoś look aft€r op ekować s ę lose tóuch with strac ć kontakt ż make .ont6ct with n.W ażać hav€ make §omebodyt day hańd !sż.żeśiW ć podać sex pleć pEec]Wna żawdż]ęcżać pull somebody! leg n.bierać ko9oś reas§ure your friend usPókoic/ rely pokżeP ć przy]ac ela on so.iali.e sPlit uP polegać.a with with UtrzymywaĆ kontakty rożstać się ż, żefuać z orher stop seeing ea.h into talk §omebody zg.dzać be always thele owe znajomy e akceptować opPosite by]y Pańnel/mąź, była , partnerka/żona , fiancć nazeczony i online friend internetowy ra]Z ofier a helPing life Family and friends / Rodzina, zna]omi iprzyjacie|e clo§e {riend bli§ki puyjacie ] ex t .]..].- accePtable akceptow.ńy ac.ePtably żadov/aa]ąco accePtance akceptac]a,żgoda aglee to do śometh;ng żqodż]ćs e in{ormed ofier ea]ży agree Piot Wyclecżek traveljoulnali§t dżiennikarzPisżący TV Relationships,/ R. urge nag namóWić ko9oś ć, popędżać from walk away pżestać s ę zleżygnować z, Everyday actiVities Czynnoścżycia codz ennego break łom your routine odejśc e do the same thing ovel w kółko to samo rePeat a sequence turn wait up for robić powt.ż.Ć pojaw ć się cżekać na Conflicts and problems ikly Konf proo emy be met with susPicion bldz ć n eL]{ność/Pode]rzen]e belittle L]mniejszać belief§ challenge for with criticised {all our kwestionoWać krytykowany ża poklóc ć s ę z argument pok]óc impo§sible n emoź iwy have an off Put somebody ć 5]ę zn echęcić kogc: refu§e odm.wlać ofi tell somebody lPomiiać, unaVoidable nie!nikniony Uninformed n ePo nformowany unthinkable nie do pomyśeńia Food Groceries AltV<Uły spo7y\ł.Z_- pie apple sżar oika aubergine bak]ażan avocado awokado bitter black golzk] pepper brown ri.e P]ePż cżarny ryż brążoliy .abba9e kaP!sta cake ciasto, .iestko carrot marchewka cauli{lower cayenne ka afor peppel p eprz c.yeńne cheeseburger chee5eb!lgel PePPer chipś frytki chilli lo crispy side papryk. chi m!5 cżeko adóWy chruplący c.unchy bi§cuits herbatnik] dalk cho.olate .żeko ada 9orżka disgusting obrzyd dry fig Wy biscuitś 5u.|. iierbari f9a §alad grape sa]alla owo.owa beans spicy lean soda ostry, p tantry chudy (o m ęs e) mild ananas sauce Sos krewetkot/y Pudding pudd n9 led led 1< ch przygoto!,/anie chop (za)goiow.ć sPosób 9otoWan]a expiry date off terń] n Ważnośc żepsuć s ę in9redient {o ]edzeniLJ) 5kł.dnik produce oka ne produkty course danie głóWne menu menu,1adłospls main mixture m eszanka Pancake na eśnik z9ń ły, żeP§liy consumption sPożycie pżeż snack meat a roa§t p ec (m ęso ,]b Ważywa) ża ecana dara ęSa organic food żywnośćeko og.ż.; quick §nack sżybka Pżekąska take a siP Wżiąć ]yk diet dieta Wegetar ańsk. witam na ve9eiarian vitamin Eatin9 out Lo <e,e qastlono]T czie order żańów ć, żamów]en e three-coursemeal tżydan]owy and services Zakupy i usługi 5elling and purchasin9 Sprzedawan e ] k,.]powanle afioldabl€ W prżystępne] cen e Eet kup Ć organise a sale second,hand sell,by Lekka Pżekąska consumPtion Spożyc]e m nutritious pożyWny, odżyV/cży pos ekać kL]ch.lżlkL].harkai 9otować cooked Ugotovany cookery course k!ls 9otowai]a cookery lessons ekc]e gotowan cuisine k!.hn a (|p francusk.), 90 li9ht (up) cook 9or9e youllel{ ob]adać s]ę healthy diet żdrowa dieta healthy food zdrowe ]edzen e healthy lifestyle żdrowy tryb życ a healthy ń€al żdrowy pos ]ek healthy §nack zdrowa prżeką5ka heavy meal c ężko5tr.Wny pos]łek hot meal c ep]y Pos ]ek human Pochod?eńia żW]erżece9o Eodk ewk. sardine. food fast food di€t tL]cżąc. .]ieta food t!cżą.e jedżen e fussy grymaśny anirnalproduds Prod!kty boi| żrównoważona dieta fattening fattening white rice ryż b ały wholemeal bread chieb Pos dier {ast souP meat czefuone mięso pepper cżefuona papryka lotten baIanced .old snack z mna Przekąska dietary n€eds potteby źyW eniolie kUk!rydza żupa ż pu5zk unriPe niedo]rżały Ve9€table śoupż!pa ]arzyioWa white br€ad chieb b ały tinned prawn ladish Na\,\ryk żyW]el] ioWe sylop c!krowy low_caloriemeal posilek pineapple WPastry,Wkromki ch]eb klojcny woda sodowa syrup §ugar local oran9e pomarancża pasta sauce sos do makalon! Peanut butter masło orzechowe ostry nóż p aster [romka] Pokro]ć Eatin9 habits choco|ate czeko]ada m eczia mixed salad mieszanka sałat muśhloom grżyb, P eczarka mu§hloo.n soup zupa grzybov/a, zupa p eczarkowa milk knife stale biscu;ts czerstwe herbatniki still Water Woda n egażowana rice ryź dh9oz arnisty syrup syrop k onowy la9odny §li.e stańer pżystawka store food prżechowywać ]edżenie throw away wyrzuc ć long 9rain maple br€ad water §harp sour milk Skwaśn ałe rr-]leko sparklin9 water Vioda gażo!!ana zie ona faso]ka 9reen salad z]e ona §alatlia ground p€pper p epż m]e ony home-made pizza domoWa P!żża home-made soup domowa zupa hot, sli.ed Meals and their preparation w nogrono grapefruit grejpfrlt green sałarka (dodatek do dania sweet.orn k fiżzy dlink i.oó] góżóWany fluit salad głóWńego) try on żor9anizować clothes puym]eżyć ubran a Uź}Ąłane date 5a.dy.k 119 sŁoWNlcTWo MATURALNE Advertising Pron,ocja le< a n,a pleasant Pżyjemny,m]ły pub|ic return adveńisin9 round-łhe-worldtrip Podróż ride Poini out put uP a reklama żauWażyć,żWrócić !wa9ę Promote sugge§t sugelowac suggestion sugestla promować, rek amować skiing due date term n platności save up for oszczędzać na withdraw rnóney from a .ash point WyPłacić 9otóWkę ż bankomalu ęcia turysta z Plecaklem beach holiday Wakacje iad możem bu§ine§ś trip podróż słUżbowa córry on kontyn\.]ować natknąć się na with st.nąć z connect€d połączony <raśh through prżedżlerać się przeż crośs a river/valley pżekroczyć destination celpodróży dip macżać, zanUrżać di§.onnected odłączony familiar żnajomy,żnany flashlight jatarka fol pleasur€ da pźy]enrności 90 away Wyjechać 9obackpacking Wędlować holidaymak€r WczasoWcz immerse yourself in a foreign culture żanUrżyćsię W obce] ku ttjęe insect rePellent środek przeclw lo€ation overland położenie tour bag śpWór §tro|| sPacel,Pżechadzka §unscreen fitrpżeciWsłonecżny lotion §untan m ecżko do oP. ania insurance ubezp eczenie traveller Podlóżiy trekkin9 WędlóWka unfami|iar ob.y, i eżnany lMean5 of transport 1 S,odk] (oażystan]e ż ]]ct dłuqa podróź drogą ba99a9e reclaim mie]sce odbior! book plane tickets reżefuować b]ety na samoot bus journey Podróż autobUSem car ko ejka inowa car hire Wypoźy.żali a samochodów cable cat.h a catch a bU5 złaPać autob!s train żłaPaćpoc ąg crossing Pżeplawa crUise re]sWycieczkoWy cycle downhill ]ech.ć na .oweże ż górki cycle uphill 1echać na roweze pod 9órkę drive ]echaćsamochodem, Pże]ażdżka samochodem emerge Wyłon ć s]ę fa§ten a seatb€lt żap]ąć pas beżp ecżeństwa flight ot get off Wys ąść go łhróugh security pze]ść kontlo ę bezp ecźeń§twa heli<oprer hel koPrel ądowa w od egłe re]ony overnightjourney całonocna packageholiday penkni{e Wakacje scyzoryk pepper sPray gaz Piepzo\Ąy 120 miss a miss a bus §Późn]ć się na autobls train sPóźnić się ia Poc]ąg passenger transPoń transpoń pL]b icżny journey podróź powrolna ]echać (konio, rowerem, motorem), Puejażdżka (konia, roweroWa, motoloWa] §ai| Płynąćstatkiem s.hool §eculity bus altobus szko.y check kontro a Wyjażd na narty tlansPortL backPacker tważą W twarz holiday sleeping travel adventure pżygoda .ome face to face sklót (krótsża droga) travel travel Pra.ownik biur. Podróży rraVelcompany Prze.jsiębiolstwo sight5eeing, trips and excur5ion5 Zvl edzanle i ,,łyc ecz<i Un kn cut abroad Wyjeźdżaćża gran]cę agenł b uro podlóży, and tourism podróżowanie iturystyka avoidable do rozb ć nam]ot searchthrough przetżąsać set ofi (on a journey) Wyrusżyć shóń Finance / F]nanse tent paSażel terminal travel by bus travel by train walk n. ternr podróżować podróżować barefoot śćboso lreitlc l(L al'l L] aż l! ureał aown ,epzu.. e 9€t a lift zostać podw eż]onym get siuck in GPs head traffic L]tknąć W korkacl Sy5teni ńaw]gacj satelitariej for kerow3ć§ędo hold somebody UP oPóźniać kogoś keep on kontynuować keep Up With doiżymywać komuś up pick somebody odb er.ć kogoś over żjechać na bok/Pobocże of WyczePać § ę, n]e m]ećj!. lush hour godż na sz.ż].,tL] trafiic jam kórek ! cżny Pull lu. out PolIurion zań ecżysżcżenie pow etrża spowodowane Pżez traffic travel on th€ lełt travel on the ri9hł jeźdz ć Po jeźdżć Po ewej Accommodation Baza noc egorła budget hote| ta. hoie camPsite kemp]ng double room pokó] dwlosobowy put somebody uP Przenocować kogoś seaside resoń .in9leroom kuroń nadmo.skl Pókó]]ednoo5oboWy ski resoń ośrodek nalc al§kl three,star hotel tży9W]ażdkoWy room Pokój z dwoma po]edyncżym łóżk.m twin youthhostel schro.isko culture kultura Artists and their work ,,ró local cy lch dz]ela handicrafts oka ne rżenr osło recreate odtworżyć MLlsic,'l/]Lizy(a ac.ompan;ment akomcan.ment ac.ompany to,lażysż . band be in th€ come żesPó] m!życżń! <harts n. §:acr out Wy.hodż ć być V/ydanym Film, theatre, books :'ll], tea]t,, ]<s]aZ <i do a live adaPt adaPtować adaPtation adapta.ja ań critic krytyk sżtlk /' krytyczka audience P!b cz.ość fe§tivalgo€r grać konce.t na żywo perk!s]sta bywa ec fest \ła i have a hit single m eć s n9 e, któ.y based on opańy na be nominated for an oscar być iom ńoW.iym do oscar. box ofiice kasa b etowa lead9uitarist deePlyenga9ing głęboko play a Venue 9rać koncert release an album wydać a bum sign a recording contlad podp]sać kontrakt nagl.nioWy sign Up for ż.P sać s ę na direct reżyserovlać entertain żabay/ ać, zapewn]ać enteńainment lożrywka fi.tionaI chalactel po§tać { kcyjn. find something easy to follow !żnać coś ża ].tv/e do żroż!meń a have a good chance ofwinnins |ź 9i9 drummel 9ilazystaProWac]żą.y perform występować Perfolmer WykoiaWca/ sensuous przylemny d a zmyslów shockin9 szoku]ący stir up emotions wżbldżaćemocje §urPri§ingly żaskak!jaco, o dż]Wo symPatheti< WsPóigrajacy take by trivial surprise singeFson9Writer osobaPiszą.a teksty m!żykę olaż śPeWajaca stań out żacząć ]stn]eć, talentcomPetition konk!u vocalist woka ]śia/woka stka winner żWycjęż.a inspiration nsPira.]a inspire ]nsp rować intervi€w WyW]-d, p,żeprowadż]ć Description /' Opis banned żakazany brilliant żnakomity cheesy bana ny, tandetny 5poń Types of sport Dyscyp ny §PoriL (table) tennis len s (stołowy) athletic§ ekkoat etyka hockey hokej (na odżle lub na individual sPoń sPoń inclywid!a ny indoor sPoń sPoń ha owy jo99ing j099ii9 marathon motor n,]al.ton racing outdoor spoń śV/eżynr Wyśc gi sań]ochodowe spoń lplaw any na pow etrz! sailin9 ź,.g arstwo skating łyżWiarstwo snoWboardin9 snoWboard swimming p]ylvan e Volleyball s atkóWka żaPasy, Wrest n9 team sPoń walking §Poń że§Pó]owy race żawody W.hodżie leave somethin9 to your imagination pożost.W ć coś ylyobraźn movie business Przenry5l fi mowy play the pań of qrać ro ę present przedrtaw ać presenlation plżed5t.W eń e, contain an element of sUrprise wrestlin9 cut somebody ofi {lom reality odcjąć kogoś od rżecżylv stośc ecstatic żachwycony en9a9eemotions rożbUdżać sports peopIe Produce ProdUkować Production Prod!kc]a Publish oP!b] kować fabulotrs baleczny fascinatin9 fa5cyn!]ący fońunately sżczęśWje frightenin9 plzeraż.]ący hilarious yiesoły, korn czny scene scena ({ragmeit plogramu) screenPlay scenar Usż ({ im!) §tory opow adać h Storię Media / lvlec]ia aPPear in a TV serie§ WystąPić tell a V! §erla L] press reality te eW ży]nym camera ukryla kamera co.ference konferencja hidden ry rea ]ty show TV channel kanał te|ew ży]ny zaw e.ać e emenl zaskocżenia l cou|dn't believe my eyes n e moglem L]W erżyć V/as.ym ocżom intelestingly co c ekawe laugh your head off żryWać bok ze make somebody naturally olig;nate PoPular laugh rozśmeszyć ocżyyr'iśc]e, ż pewioś.ą po]awjć sie PoP! a.ny Wśród with random Wżiąć ż żaSkocżen]a błahy competitive spoń spoń wycżynowy extreme 5poft §Poń ekstrema ny mleć duże sżanse na żWyclęstwo have great reviews m eć żnakomite Put on wystaw ć (sżt!kę) review PośitivelyPożytywn]e ocei ć ż, przypadkovly, ridiculous bezsensowny,absurdany Ludzie spo 1u athlet€ coach rUnner ekkoat eta/ ekkoat etka tlenel/tlenerka bie9acz/begaczka trainer tlener/trenerka Doing sports UPraV,/lall;e 5portó!/ (long-distance)race b]eg (dłu9odystaisowy) akcja,dżiałan]e action beat an opponent pokonać beat ihe champion pokonać mistlza blow a whi§tle zagw żdać bounce the ball odbjać Piłkę break a world re.ord poblć rekord challense chase WyżWan]e go.ić za after cheer §om€body on doP ngować 121 SŁOWNICTWO MATURALNE first last come come come być p]e.Wsżym na mec e byĆ ostatn]m na me. e second byĆ dllgim ia mec .ompete Vr'sPÓłżaV/odni.żyĆ e <omPetitor Współzawodnk .ycle je.hać na roweze, race cycle rajd Wyś.]g ko arski oPPoneńt pokoi.ć de{eat an defeat the champion pokonać detelmination detelmn.cj. dive for the ball rzlc ć 5]ę po p ]kę do sport lprav/iać spod enter a competition plżysiąp Ć do try out Wypróbov/ać iurn profe§sional pże]śćń. match Wygrać me.ż point zdobyć p!.kt prize Wyqlać n.glode Work out tlenour.Ć, ĆWicżyc yelloW.ald żółtak..tla sports equipment win a game/a win a win a SP,zęt sponowy (hockey)stick k](dohoke]a) (snow)board deska (sioWboardoWa) bicy<le lack sto]ak ia rowery boois blty .a.c.rsk]e ub 9o99les bike) get on (youl Ws ąśćna (rower) goalkeeper branrkaż gold medal join a ż]oty meda Wstap ć do k]L]bU kick kopnać p ]kę .lub a ball lose a game/a match prżeqrać lose a point §ilac]ć P!nkt miss a goal sPldłować, opponent ov€ńake Poke red prż!n. dr!Żyia Wyprzedz ć up pick prżec]wn k team oPposin9 card score a Ć czeMoń. on re a.]o.o!/aĆ goal badminion couń kort do basketball court boisko do ring n9 bokserski pitch bo ,ko do kryk et. football pitch to sko do p ]k] ńożńei go|f coulse po e 90 fowe handball couń bo sko do P ]ki boxing cricket room lo.ker boisko do hokeja na sżatnia motor racińg track ior Wyś. gowy netball cou.t boisko do netb. |! rugby pitch bo sko do rugby sailing club k Ub żeg.lsk squash żdobyĆ go a żdobyĆ P!nkty r pitch court off sPa ć.oś aleń cz!ć s]ę rżeśko keep fit ltrżymywać dobrą forme keeP in shaPe ltżymywać doblą {eel diet on a na d] powerful potężny, s ]ny, mocny Put on weight pżybl.ć ńa W.dże sleep through P?espać coś starving !m]erajacy ż g]od! lllnesses, symptoms and treatment,' ChoroDy, ch objawy eczen e be allergic to m eć a elgię na bitten by a dog pogryż ony pżeżPs: 9o9 e sports facilitie5 Oll ekty spo 1o,.,;_(ski) sloPe srok {iJl.i.Ek) athletics track b]eźn . hockey nalcżyć 5 ę sżtur.hnąĆ, trą. report n e trar]ć .]o burn something kolt do §qLJa5ha bitten by a rat bitten by a snake bitten by an blocked !kąsżony prżeż insect nose your your your your break break break break Pógryżóny Plzez ukąszony przez ż.tkany nos arm ź]amać lękę leg z]amać nogę thumb lk bUrn your fin9ers opażyć Sobie burn your burn your burn your hair przypa ć sob e wlos hand oparzyć sob e dloi catch (a złamać kc złamać Pa ec toe tongue disease) ! no! oparzyĆ sob e zalażjć s ę children's Wald oddżlałdżiecięcy cholera epidemic ep demja cho en ]cżyć owce count §he€p cut your fin9er skalecżyć s]ę cut ring r ńg do §lmo couń ko.t do ten s. vo||eyball couń bo]sko do s atkóWk wre§tling ring l ng dó Wrest jn9U deeP sPlash your body with water cch aPać ciało |rodą PositiVe and ne9ative effects of doing sports /'Za ety i Wady L,pla\,/ an a spolttl dislocate your hip zWichiąć biodr. dislocare youl knee żWichnąć ko ar: dislocate your shoUlder żWichnać swing your arms ma.hać ramionami take on (a challenge) prżyjeć break your dislocate your thUmb żWichnać kc doctor's surgery gabiner ekarsk score sPeed Points uP prżysp]esżaĆ sponsol spońsorollaĆ spoń§ event Wydarżen e sportowe take the lift up the mountain Wjcchać.a górę teammate Wyc ąg em ko ega./ko eżanka tournament i!rn ei fol trenot/ać do training trcn]ng train trophy 122 trofe!m, p!chal sumo tennis n€ck skręc ć kalk get injured dożiać ,]raż! huń your§elf żrobić sob]e kźywdę Health zdrowie Lifestyle / sty życia body clo€k żegal bioIogjcżny die from die of €ye fall {eel (a g]ęboka rana umrzeć ż po!!od! Umżeć nJ dis€ase) droPs asleeP feel {eel flu kroP]e do ocż! żasnąć diżżym eć żawloty 91owy si<k well m]eć nUdiośc czlć grypa epidemi. food allergy flu s]ę dobrze ep dem a qrypy a|er9 a Pokalmowa L, gain get weight prżyb erać na Wadże nrieć zawroty głoy/y dizzy a black eye m eć podb te oko a bruise m eć SiF .ka a cut m]eć skaLecżen e a pain in your {orehead skażyc 5 ę na bó głowy have a panic attack m eć atak Pan k] have 3 5ore finger (sofiebody has a sorefingeĄ kogoś bo Pa e. have a temperature mieć poduryżsżoną!rę hav€ have have have hay fever kat.l5 e.ńy in{ection nfek.ja oddż ai Pó]ożn .zy medicine ekarsiio,medy.yna Pain bó nosebleed nut m]ęŚn kfu/otok ż nosa allergy . erg. .. orżechy operac]a recoVer flom iyżdroW]eć, uryjść operation doctor see a pójść.]o ek.rza serious.ondition serious|y shaving ill cut poVJaŻnynan powaźńie chory ż.c,.c e Prży 90 eni! ]y sPrain sprain sprain sprain stable sting youl youl youl youl ankle sklę. ć kostkę foot skrę.]Ć stopę knee sklecjć ko ano wrist ,klęc ć nadgar§tek condition st.biny !żąd en e nan pain bó brzlchn §unburn oP.Eeń e ło.eczne swollen opL]ch.]eiy symptoms objaVr'y stomach ti§sue chUstecżka h 9ieni.żna treat Pałients je.żyć Pa.jentóW unconscious neprzytom.y wear ofi UstęPoWaĆ weight Ploblems write a prescriPtion prob emy yr'yp]5aĆ First aid ,/ Pienłsża po.lloc na!jły.h prżypadka.]"l y/ bandase a deliver a knee baby emergenry żab.ndażować przy]qć polód team ze5półlatL]nkoWy attack z.W.] 5.1.. down pochy . qioNr'," uP odchy ć 9ło!ę o#_duty Po 5]!żb e Paramedic latoW.]kmedy.żny on Puta Plaster prżyke. paster on Prży]ożyćód do team ek]Pa .at!nko!. śafetybezp e.zeństw. save |ives r.tować życ e stop the blood flowing źatrzymać Put ice rescue l.b etk całkowceVr'yzdloweć muscle look look iablets brać (prżec Wh stam nó!e] ńet make a complete recovery ward heań take (antihi§tamine) insomnia beżseiność local surgery pob 5k gab maternity give an injection zrol]. ż:rt,żyi give somebody first aid t.że ać kofiuś p eD^zej, żespó] medycżny, science and technoIogy Using technical devices and lT technology / Ko zystanie z |)rzączeń ] te.hno ll9. iT of óProgramóW.n,e anty\ł l!so!r'e szerokopasmcwe to podlączony do polącżen e gadget gadźet get acce.s to lzyskać dosr,.p do go viral stać 5 ę W la em, zac,ąć kląźyćW ]nternec e have a.ces§ to n eć dostęp do connection imitate ńaśadow.ć instantcommunication kom!nika.ja online purchase żak!p on ]ie outside world śWiat żeWiętrżny posr provide dost.lczać webPage ldostępn ć stronę social networking siłe pońa] sPolecżnoś.ioWy streamed ods]u.hany kamela wideo Video obe]lżeć fl m]k od§,ońa, odtwo.żen e Viral Video Wira , f] mjk !!]deo 09 edaiy prżez dużą icżbę 5cientif ic discoveries Odkrycia naukolłe cutting_edge ńoWatór§ki electric;ty eektrycżność in.ovatioń !niowacja multi-pulpo§e ul e ozadaniovly prżePoyl adać, przeił dywać pledict natural world Świat blanch gałąź breadth szelokość broaden ca]m §ea come in posżerzać spokojne morze doc elać, Po]aW ć śe continent kortynent dan9erous n ebeżpiecżiy deepen pog]ęb.ć depth glębokość iśland bez ldra lvyspa track iroga 9funtow. fast_flowing rivel lłatko Pjynaca deseń diń giant wave 9]gantycżna faia go out UstęPoWać (o PżyPły!! _.) heavy sea Wzblrzone morże hei9ht Wysokość hei9hten podwyźszać V/ysylać, żam]esżcżać §et the alarm on your phone !stawć budż]k V! te efon e §et Up a webpage założyćstronę share a camela View a sk]adać s]e ż broadbandconnection ]ą.ze connected view Landscape,'Kralobraz Nauka i technika (be) made up video turn into żm ei ć s]ę W upload a video W9rać, Wrżlc ć fi m k high tide prżypłyi huge wave o brzym a fa a in the buśhes!v krż length dł!9.]ść lengthen locate long Wyd]!żać L]syi!ować dł!9 mountain Peak W erzcho]ek góry mountain range Pasmo górsk _. mountain ridge 9rżbiet 9órsk ocean curl€nt prąd morSk SŁOWNICTWO MATURALNE pirch globalśtali§tic§ black zUpe]n e ciemno rain{ore§t .5desżcżóWy i§land remote tide river bank rough §ea risin9 od egła WysPa przyp]yw bżeg rżek] WżbL]zone morże seabed dno morskie slow-moving liver Wo no plyiąca strengthen WzmJcn .Ć strong current 5 L.y prąd (mo6ki) surround otac?ać bridge most W szący tidalwave fa.Prżypływ! suspen§ion island troPical Wyspa rlop ka na ]-he weather,l Po9oda look a§ iflas though ]akby, zano5]ć sie na s] ny strong the elements kręta śceżka kręta ?ek. plants and animals Rośny ż\,!]e rżęta encounter bear sPotkan e ż n edźw]edz em bite environmental <ub młode (np, i dolphin de f n domestic anima| female bear female golilla edźWiedż a) z\ł erżę domowe n]edźw edż]ca s]on].a pet loose zW ]ść/śce na wo iośc] erzątko domowe drap eżnlk predator sea lion ew morsk, uchatka 5ave electricity §olar panel§ śquirrel WieW]ólk. tygrys e Woda bjeżą.a o5żcżędżaće.erg ę Pane e słonecżne Wyb!chnąć (o V/L] evacuate ev/akL]ować evacuation ewak!a.ja heat up from suryivor Volcanic otrzymać pomoc od osoba oca a]a z katastrofy eruption WybUch W!lkanu Environmental di5asters Kalastrofy a <o 09 czlle aflect doty.żyć, c]otykać statistics a armulące dane discarded Wyrż!cone ener9y.on§umption żUŻyc]eenergi waste minimalny pozjom odpady, marnować and society Państwo social events and phenomena / Wyda rzenia zja!./is <a społeczne average śledn , Przec etny donate money donation odpady żywnóścowe to dać .]atek, datek,darowiżna {oundation fundacja get out haPpen of to Wyjśćż average Pańicipanl on prżydarżyćs +edn o Y. ucżesti k somebody from Prevent uniemoż ]wić cośkomuś for zb erać P eniądże n: rai§e money Voluntary Work Wo ontal at vulnerablePeoPle osoby Wymaga]ące sżcżegó nej tlosk kan e) Podgżać hUrricane h!lagan food 124 źarówka NatUral di5asters K ęsk zyr.liołorł_. collapse zawa ć 5 ę, lL]nąć eańhquake tlŻęs e.]e ż em alarmin9 tiger owo bin wate. waste a m]esżkan]ec bulb level statistic§ ofcjalne dane record level rekordowy Pożiom safety standards normy po]emńik do seglegacj odpadóW renewableenersy energia get help on the issues zagad. e. disaPPeal stopi recycling hedsehog l€aflleaves ofiicial ślodoW]sko n.tL]ra ne Pollution żan]ecżyszczen]e lecycle plzetważać, poiown erupt jeż l^,},twórczy minimum energooszczedna o19anic ekolo9jcżny femaleelephant gory ]ca manufadurin9industry pzemysł żw]azańe że środolv sl em global Warming 9 oba ne ociep]ei]e gradually normy międzynarodowe zagrożony gatunek / zagrożone gatrJńk runnin9 lgryźć int€rnational§tandard§ żyW ó]y lowenergy light path river indu§trialwa§te odpady endan9er€dspecies inhabitant winding winding hou§ehold Wa§t€ odpady z go§podarstw domowych Wyg ądać Env;ronmental protection Och roaa śroco!łs<a natL]ra nego air quality jakośćpoWietrza climate chan9e znriana k imat! eńvironment śWiatowestatysryki normy government§tandard§ The problems of the modern World ./ Prob emy !.,rspółczesnego ś\^/ ata anonymous anonimowy arśon podpa en e PodPa ac, be areśted żostać alesziowanym be chalged with a crime żostać oskażónym o PoPe]n enie arsoni§r be {ońunate mieć szczęśc e be {ound 9Uilty żostać uzianym z. be {ound not be less be 9uilty fońunate relea§ed nr żostać uznanyeć mn ej zostać Wypusżcżonym be §entenced żostać Skażanyn-] beggar żeblak break the bul9l6r law zl.mać \" , plawo pirate §oftware p ra.<. oproglamowan e bo,L, o kradż eż ż w]aman]em p.I.". !*.j--.i r, burglary ^]da strażnicżka Więż",., e.i. burgle a house Włamać s ę do dom! okraśćgo P.isoner Więz eń case sPrawa, dochodżen]e W sPrawie cell ce a charge oskażyć collect evid€nce żb]erać dowodv commit a crime popełn]ć P /ó,leP \o consider rozważać criminal prżestepca <liminaldamage !§źkodże.]e m en]a .yberbu|lying W ńL]a ne nękanie/ zastraszanie deal drug§ h.ndloiJać narkotykam the death penalty kara śmerc digatunnel .ytop"ttun. dió.talfootprint- ś]a.]cyfrowy dńgdealei hanc]arz nirkotykaw drug dea'ing elderly People stars udżie ec escape !c escape attempt/attempted próba uc !lii"",l"" ecżk ojilil,r, fake osżlst Protect yoursel{ .hrciić s ę, bronić s ę punish somebody severely slrowo kogoś ukarać queśtion pzesh].h release from rr'ać plison zwo n ć repoń a crime żg]os ć PrżestęPstwo .ob a place okr.śćmie]sce rob somebody okraśćkogoś robber żłodżiej,rabuś robbery labunek sadly n]estety "^,tr ...ii".. .;;;;;;"",;"; ods.drdacdrjol -- , .;il;; ;.;;";-",, .i.piń*ri..,i.i .p" shoplifter -i,;;"". l'ool ": , ęoó, ;ii;;. , "ili;ii;"ir r;"J' 1 *"i", .::i|__."| :'_.,_,___ '"'ii,'"'.,.5,..X;';""'''"o"" '-"+" industry §ector Voluntary -"""1 "J escaPe "r,.["si . ::d;]l".dj;;l" .*r..", tourist cźba lcńoac population poveńv tourism in<ome prżychód ż turystvki "r "" .r,""".."i.5 -", (.żegoś)the point of no return "-,t.;;;;;;;;;;*n " branża turystycżna seklol Wo ont.l.t! Authorities "W]ao7e citiżen obywate elect Wybreć (W Wynjku WyboróW) English-speaking countries and Poland Wiedza o krajach an9lojęzycznych oraz o polsce Alcótraz lsland Wyspa W żatoce San Francsco, na które żi'd!esię s]ynne liięzenie o żaostżonym ry9g że,nża]ajarew Balack obama łał ameryk,ński po tyk, 44, plezydeńt stanóW j,."#:;i]l:iji]"i;x,i.,._.l 'Nagrody Nob a 12009) za wys!łk , iLu óg,""l-*l" iuk]eamych ] "^"*łó, pń'ę na żeżPokoj! plnlt, __,:"**' Beyon€ó amerykańskap]osenkarka ,"r,#.. " " "," mużyk R&B, dance PoP, altorka *"i have a criminal record być notowanymil;i'i;;;'.;tekstóWaktorkatancerkalkona -bezdomny homeless .;i"| o;;;;,' ^.,,ę"pkuhuryamerykański p sarz, BillBry§óń identity theft kra.Iz eż tożsa mośc ."".pi.r."* o"."l*" autor ksiąŻek podróŻn]cżych, imPlison nwjęż ć vanda'l .anda 'a"...*"t popu arnonalkowych ol'z innocent n]ew nny dotyczących ę:yk' a'qle skieqo, """J"r;"" qanstwo Wa.da lżm, ch! , Brookfield interview victim§ pźesł!ch.ćotlary vandalism -;","^ Zoo parkżoo09cżnyna interview witnes§es prżes]LJchać ,;i; ,::._"l_: .",i|,:i.ii.lj!i1,'"i *" n",",,*", ,, intrude on ldz .," ę give a snapshot of dać obraz 90tocouń tralćdosąo" św]adkóvJ ..p"*" invesligate prowadz ć śjedztwo kill żab. knó.k óve. .,PWró.. .oś '---"" i""iJ'-s.l'-lock somebody (up, ______,, majonty W ęl sżosc make (Prisons) halder /ao rygor (w w .i:_l:. "o- q:;ię;.; "- younq - offender ęzel łh) of a , /, ukarać d przykładu miscalculate /-ob l,. _ mło.]oc any ,)olitics and economy Po tV,a qojpDdal[.a ,_ __,i"_' ::1._. make an example ] .atering industry blanża .It,jil",j[i"i"." coilect taxes ."""podatli pob e ac developing <ountries 1:9 i"p:_.:]"|"s* mugger raD!Ś ".J"'il[';;:;i gosPodarczy 1:9f]:r _l".'.b:|i:^t!_^",_ ^_ 1:1::^_ '"]::]:::: 1J]::':,,l"jT]:"_ ^ eionow _._^!za plracy plrałwo , :],:" " ezn]e_n o'l te ; ","", "o",,,n agricultural sector sektor ro iy benefit from czerPać korżyściż kraje -,,"., elełions ,yto,1 golącżka ż]ota, klótkotMały xlilriiTJi,li]i::ł,. §etk tys ęcy U.]żi przybyły na te tereny W Poszukiwai]u złotych łi: J" |''" i ;^" 12 johnstone b,ytylska dzlennlkarka, specja zLljąca się . *p..t";.t-, . póa,o,y "T:lj"i:ł:::"","ń]iłlil*" i"t-,tu coachella colocżny test wa m!żyk ..§ł*f"*,il:,j:lff,§lj::;l" kon§tyilcy]ia, ustrój óo ]tycżny, WktórymWładżamoiarchy]est facilitie§ ldogodń en a, ob ekty og,anu:ron" kó,-,stytuc1 financial§ector sektorflnansowy ńspółdze]o|a z paramentem; local level po, om oka ny production produkcia slatistics statystyka ta lorma rządów obow ązu]e np. w Be gil, We kie, Brytani oraz Dai , 125 sŁoWNlcTWo MATURALNE Doctor. Without Borders Lek.rże beż GGn ., żałożonaWe Fra r.]i m edżyn.rodoW. olg..iża.]a pozarżado!r'a, ż.]m!jac. § ę !dz e .ń em Pomo.y nledycżne] tam,9dż e ,]dże i]e ma]E do i e] dostępl, np zb,o nLch na :erenacF waik td 5heeran b ,Ii .l pjośe.l.rż altor iekstóW, 9itaźysta ] Producent m!ży.ziy, grajncy ńUżykę z Pograi .ża Pop!, rocka io k!, Essex hrabstwo We !r'§chodn e] An9 ], położoie ia północńy V/schóc od Loidyi! Fisherman's Whań m n]dżie n ca sa. Franc sco Kaiforn]i, g]ówńy poń rybacki m.sta ] o9romni atrakc]a t!ryStycz..; ]eży i eci. eko Mo 3 39 (P]er 39] sły. e z Widoku egU]ą.ych 5ię V/ por. e Wó\ł i]or§k ch (!chatek) Foo Fi9hters amerykańsk żespół rockowy żalożony przeż byjego p6rku5 §t9 Niiva.y Dave'a Grch a, GBBo - Greal Brfrsh Bałe of Wy bryry]5k te eW ży]ny Prcar.n] k! ji.rny, W którym Lcżestn]cy rylrai z!]ą o iyt!ł naj epsżego p ekarża .!k elń ka Great Barrier Reef Wle ka Ra{. Kola ov/a, na]W ękrz. na śWecie l.f. lora oW., położona !rżd]!ż pó].oc.o WSchodnich Wybrżeży GlastonburyFestival ]edeń ż na]W]ęks,ych festW. i m!zycżno artystycżnych na śW]ecje, odbywający się W Pob jżU }rs P lton W hrabstw e Somelset W Ang ]i, GwynethPaltrów .ńerykańska akto.ka, reźyserka scenarżystka mowa] Lalreatka oscara ża ro ę W J mie kost Umov/ym ,,Zako.hany f Hawajl Hawaje 9r!pa WysP eżących na o.ean e Spoko]nym, ia]młodsży ż 50 stanó,l StanóW Z]ednoczońychi ich Sto ]cą ]est James Dean amelykański attor fimov!y, te ewiżyjn), teatra ny, jko.. PoPkUliury noikonfolm slycżnej Posta!!y; W ]955 r, W VJ ek! 24 at, żg nał w vlypadku samochodowym. Jennife.Aniston .merykańska aktorka Producentk. f ]moWa; loż9ło§ żyskała dżiek ro i Rache Green W seria ! kom€d ov/ym ,,Pęvlac e]e" (Friends], JenniferHUdson amerykańska aktork. ] pjosenkarka; la!re.tka oscłra za ro ę w { m e Dre.mgir]s. Kings of Leon amerykańsk zespół muzyczny, grajęcy muzykę ż Pogran cża indje rock., poP! locka aIternai],a!ne9o, 126 LaUra Kenńy bryty]§ka ko ark. torowa, .żteroklotna m strżyn o ]mp |sk., Wie okrotna med. stla .n §trżostw śW.ta. Little Mix ].lo bryty]ski 9 r Sb.nd, kióry i P erulsży zespół W hiśtcr żWyc ęźyłW bryty]sk ej Wer5]] Pro9ramu The X Fa.!or Byron Geo,9e Byroń, ]eden ż ia]w]ększych a.9ie sk ch poetow ] dramat!r9ó!v; Pźed§ia!!].]e Lord Marla olm§tead ńłoda amerykJńsk. m. arln sżtukl al]Strakcyj.e] Marlon Brando Wybtrny amerykańsk, aktor f imowy, na]epiej rnany ż lo Vta Cor:ecne W fim e,,o]c ec i Ma§terchef amerykańSk te ewiży]iy program ku na,ny, w którym .matorży ryWa ż!]ą o i}tLr] i.jepszego k!chaża millennial osoba, która t rodżił.5ię . 2000 l n]]ędży ]980 r Millie Bobby Brown b!łyjsk. aktolk. modejk., .]edenastk Red Nose Vr żag13ła lo]ę sela ! st.angel Tt] Day mprcza ch.rytatlv/ia odbyliają.. s ę co.]Wa nta yr W eikie] Bryta. ], orgań,o!r'ana piżeż Co,n c Re ]e{ {!nd..]ę zbierają.ą {!n.j!sże na Pomoc !dż]om Pol.,eb!'ą.ym W Wie k ej Brytai] Afrlce; symbo em akc]ijest ,żt!.ż.y, ReeseWitherspoon ameryk;ńska .łló a 1 mowa .!re.lka os.ara ża :o e W f nr e ,,sPa.el po ]n e" Kubica po sk k erouca lvyśc aowy la]cov/y, P erdsży V/ h:stor: Po ak start!]ący W V/yś.]gach Fcrń!]y'] (200ó 20]0), san Franci§co m asto l]lab5iwo W si.n]e Ka for.]a] żnajdUje 5ię t.m sły.iy most Goldeń Gaie ] n e.żynne fr ęż]en e A catraż, a po ! cach ]eżdżą.har.kterysiy.żne tr.mWa]e school of Rock ,,Sżkoła rocka" Robert ] amelykańsk. komec]]a z Ja.k enr Blacl er !/ lo !]óWne oraż m!S ca ro.kofly napisaiy przeż Andlew L oyd. Webbera V/ oparc]! o fi m, Wynaw.n_V na Bloadwayu 1Nowy seattle W joi[) West Endz e (Londyn), m aSto !r st..]e Wisżyngton, po]ńoc.. żachodn ejczęścstanóW Z]edno.żonych, ż.harakie.ystyczią dokc!r'ą masztem te ew'ży]ńyn] sPa.e Neec e, W]eża W 5erenaWilliams .ńerykańska ief 5 sika, żdobyv/cżyi !l e !] Prest]żoly.h ńagróc (W e ki SżLem w qrże po]edyncżej i podwó]nej, nred. o .p]jsk], We e n39lód fede,ac WTA]] nnodsża s ostra tei 9 nk Ve.!s W] ams, Ri.e aLstra ]]ska Pb,waczk., trżyklotna zło1. med. stka |gżysk fl Pek]n e ] p]ęc oklotna meda Stka mistlzostw śwata. stranger Thińgs amerykańsk; ser a] te er! zy]ny, horror sc ence fict on, stephanie stvlorźony PrżeżNet{ ;k5. The Beatles brytyisk] ze5Pół rockolly ż t VerPoo \.], ]eden ż ńajważi eisżych żespołów w h]stór The chemical Brothers brytv]sk zesPół m!zyczny, twóiża.y m!zykę The FA cuP Plch.l Angi , na]st.rsże k ubotre "ożgryWki Piłkarsk e na śWec]e, or9aniżowane Prżez An9 e ską Federa.]ę Pilk.lskq (The Footba Asso. The London at on) Marathon V]araton Londyńsk, colocż.y b eg ULcżny or9an zowany na od ] 981 r Lr ].ach Londyr! The London to Brighton Bike Ride coroczia imPrĘz. charytaiywia organiżowan. WWe k]ej, Poccżas które] !cżest.]cy b orq !dż]ał!v !r'yścig!ro!r'erowym z Londyn! dó Br ghtor The Adventure of the specłled 8and ,,NakraP ana prżep.Ska ń es e śmerć", oPowiad.n]e krym na ie o sher o.ku Ho nres e allorstwa A.thLra Coi..a Doy e a lhe xamones .meĄ l a ,:l żespol lock.W},, uważan! 7a prek!rso,a The shald 72-p ętlowy W eżowi.c Londyn e o ch.Gkteryst],cżnym ksżta,cie p lamldy pokrytejt.f am W The United Nations ol,qań ż:c a N.ror]oV/ Zjednocżonych, ,n ędżyn.rodcw. ol9ai ża.ja źrżesza]ące 193 pańnwa śWata, stair'la]ą.a Sobie ża ce żaPelvnlei]e poko]U beżp]ecżeńśtwa m ędżyn-rodowego, rożWói WsDó]pr..y międźV naro.1am] oraz PoP]eran e pżestrżegan a' VampireWeekend ameryk.ń5k zespół mUży.żny, założo.yW 200ó r Vi Nowym Jork!, gr.]ący muzykę Veganism Weganiżm, ,tyL życ a po ega]ący na wye m nowan u plod!kióW żW]erżęcvch ż .] ety codż]eiie9o użytku Williamsutclifie tspó]cżesny brytyjsk] oolv eścop 5aż l 2 cZŁowlEK 1 ]al complete the text With the words flom the box. r beanie cotton [ łeece leatr,* F3|3 jeans hail straighteńer scrufiy !nisex V]ntage faded choose the coriect answer A D, 5.e mlst be Very V ng ]n that hlge holse aL by 1 Aclsy a sg/&]UntsB l'/]y l1A dl o oo down and forget about a To get your ha l under contro , invest n a co B Vain D fu fi led abolt my P a.§? Why.lon't ]s y , a he careś other peop e! aPPearaice a.d .ot Whai .es] ent B sha oW c ru]de D scepti..l he's on y Mrs B.anson! g:andson lśexteme y fVe and a Vr'ays says'Good even n9', 'Tl,ani you very nruch'aid'Ex.use me', A ,oL, ,,. \., , she's ever walted brother! best fr end s rea .bo!t in fash]on, so Wear o!ń! may §eem ]ke a garmentfor a snowboardel but tru§t me, ]tt Very stylsh of good For everyday Wear, try p ain _ quality, jusr make sure they are b Ue, As {ortoPs and T-shińs, no synthetic cs, on y ]t D hard Work]ng sre d dń't say anyth]n9 Whe. th nk 5het ioo she VJoń a Prestig o!S 5c ence comPetition bec.!5e 5he d dn'l Wantto Seem too mPońant, can you A modest B honest C B A casua sty e does not mean you can be , so folget abol]t yo!r o d, baggy trousers and washed out sweatere, No maner What big fashion houses say, ]t! never oKlo cause sufieling to an ma s, so fyou're jacker _ ih th]nk ng about buy]ng a again l l.r"".o.,^o -,, ofi9 .k i, on y an option ifyou gotrekkn9 a lery :ic mountains itśsPońS equipment, not {aShionable p ece of c othing] rude , thai! D decsve Why heśa Ways B cynica D downło e.ńh MIEJscE ZAMlEszKANlA 1 cornp|ete the text With the word§ {rom the box, cL,(a fi lo. s "lm .-."l re 91-ooLrl ooo seCU,it, -i-- ffi1 ^a-dloo,s blrd\ sk ńS, so forget about shoPPjng for And Whatever yoL] do, remember that in the s A hope{L] c iebe cus 9ol 9 obr abo!t giry patterned dlesses and maxi 8 ake Praciica -espons bLe {o, the money @ufJ.". 5 she! got her oWń .omP.ny easy 90 n9 Why ale yo! a W.ys so you ever bel eve n me? The new §eason wii sure]y bring newtrends but - ] c 1i;}Bnv' r"!Js yi!]lg9 sung|asses are alway§ c aży 9,*"y He en fina y lee s and a ove y fam y oJ gld. a 'm surs Uou'rs 0oin9 to lovs this houss, ts locątsd outsidg attrąctio,1s liha the citu, but the drg( offers ąttthg a. cinŁmą, a shaPPin| ceĄtre ąnd a g!m. Laah ąraund: !!Ę! this housg i5 in the ł ddt? of a ąuiŁt lJId lri.ndu , u]hsre mostu fałitigs oith chitdrsn live_ Thgrs i5 ,xo furniture in thg hous!., Łxcqt Iąrg. aaaden in all th0 rooltls, sona9 of theln colflg r) the 196os, so thgu 3 thg doors, but this sound gives thsm ą ViJątdgs qu4Litg, in thg DindolDs, whd|s moYŁ, thŁrŁ are a thg aftOrnoons, bs.duse the living roonx 9st5 lots of sut1 ilt fron 5 but Uou could choosa to h.jlng cololłJul il gou prąsr a casiu, ramantic tooh, Al5o, Uou t itt b9 sąJs ol1 ths doors arŁ sujiss a,d tho bast gou can get, Th€re is dlso a 7 instalLod its reąllu loud, Whgn it i5 activ4ted, tho seńs a car to chech !0hąt is haPPening injust frva ninutgs. so L bslisva this is the Peńct houso tar gal and aóur children. 127 sŁoWNlcTWo MATURALNE PRAcA EDUKAcJA 1 1 choose the correct answer A-D. Most PeoP e read Wheń they Want to rea y T concentrate on a text. 1 she was excluded B out schoo c They al] used to be n the sarne c|ass and l Used t. he ihe r clas§ master However each of lhenr had iota ly dlfferent amb tions For example, Fjona aWays lked dressing Up, No Wondershe became a fłsilio|lde5lqiq. Gab was also into clothesand and now fashion but she became a mak€s c othes fordesgners, sophie Was called the most beautfU girl nschoo and,sinceshe lace , yol , dl low see 5er b"r "r " a on the covers of rnagaż nes, Tom Was Very good ai Geography and always Wanted to trave]- now n Afr ca] LZ, on the hes a _ preferred Bjo ogy and Chem stry and other hand, be a docior she siudied hard and a Ways WanŁed to in one ofthe best shes a wel known hospita s n lhe country Then theres Pete, Who would ofien read cr me stor es under h s desk and Who oved so Ving puzżles, NoW l hear he's a great and he sometimes he ps the po ice in the town! H s besi schoolfriend Tim works as a and 1 hear they often meet n court David, who cla med he was not ]nterested jn cUrrent affairs, stud ed po]tjcs at Lrnivers ty and s now a .,_, As for Rob€ri, he always oved eat ng, so il's no sUrprise he becarne in a local French restaurant, Julia, Who Was always carefu about What she aie, has oe,oFo d aro now ddv "e. olhe-s how to eat hea thily, Whi e Henry, With h s ove and appears on of telev s on, is a y had a dream of TV news, 0n Chris, Who the photographer, a famoUs does somethlng becominq {or hel behaviour for Whe. teracy rates mprove, i meansthat A students have to pay mole ed!cation, B stldents have better lead ng'or..d Writing sk] c S, ]t there are more tests in Ltelatlre D studenis have troub e Wr]t ng essays. lfsonreth]ng is oi the tp ofyouriongL]e A yolr Want io say someth]ng !nPea§antio a persoi. B yo! have an infect on n youl molth. c there ]§ so mu.h to say that yo! dont know Where D yo! 4 5 know someth ng bltyoL ca.not remember DUrin9 the f rst c a5s of the year, each A mPless B expore c Whe. st!deii -o o o"- żm 3t ]t ńrrodlce D en.olrage ,o, " l as shou d yot] do not lnderStand a subjecl at s.hoo ppo the text with the name§ of jobs. comPl€te , 5d e" ój__, 2 complete the text with the Words from the box, ' distract droP out o{ express ?P hand over plóDo,. lauglt U1{orlMathew 5 nto irls]c Hei.--,]iiihmsef top.ythe 9! tar and the trumpet He loves f.ńd |t poss ble, And .,. he got ln! Ne Was so happyl He pLayed at §Vo Schoó event§ and a local Fam y Day, Aftel a month, the band Why? however, he dec ded to 5 a comp ete d]ot, a.d that 9n becau5e t lets hlm cómmun care h]5 prVaie emot]ons through mU9ic Thafs Why he decided to try to jo n the schoo band H s Parents agle€d a5 ong as t h m from his schoo work Before he wentto the aldit]on, he ha.lto 3 papers and pro]ects for schoo that Week, He pract sed h mse Was ]mPoss]b e to igńore ]op l 2 l oIp|e,p|y o|Ęele-l 'oodv l e'_ -T::"]]1"*:::: " 'lc Match the words with ihe definitions. ! 1 2 3 4 5 I to f nd ..swels to d]fficu t st!at on§ to achieve somethjng that yo! Wanled to rrake 5ure yo! have the ]atest inforn,at on d to pLan how much money Wllbe spent 9 12s p.ń n an event per{orm someth n9 Which Was to do or to take p.nned 2 ZYClE PRYWATNE T f his famiy comp ete y and has not contacted them foryears !)ottłom a 1 When you sp d B end 3 D ol]tfrom rd ]ost bake t W; go B rotten criPe D sa ty Wth bltier and honey ]s good for choco ate break{ast D snack aiy sp]ces in lt, B SoUr c sweet D 7 ook 8 o{ the A ripe hot we sho! dn't waste food and we shou d min]m se the amount of We produ.e A ngEdients 8 mixture c le{tovers D snacks Prodlcts such as meat, eggs and cheese conta n a ot of _ , Wh]ch We need io grow A sugar B c!]s]ne A ]als B Jam i5 usla ly so d in c ingred ents boxes c t]ns D Prote n D bottes 1 1 comPlete th€ text With one word in each gap. th nk We W]th yo!r Parents ag. n? Why don't you Ann th s afielńoon and see ifshe needs any he p Wth the decoratlon5? go to the c]nema or a ca{e. heard they are rea y other they are 9reat fr end§ th s even ńg?We co! d We lWiih each stude.ts the r parents for nroney they sti]need the l he p. she never wanted just Jound stldy ng at ui Velsty too diffic! t, Maiy ó żYWlEN IE you Want to stay fit dl nk our ]U c€s ce a great sourc€ ofViamin C Tly the g.jl].i,] i Rrrśotten you. school ]unch? Don't worry| Buy our dozens oithem on orer. 6heese, ham, egg, You name it, ule have itl §, łtr'e have §t k o$ loo liyć ]n a hu. ! and ht\e no tilDc to cook, Tlut's s,hy w. rake crre ol}oul 3d a sporl\ per$i Wc cln proYjdc rjc[ nuirilious sith'I. on. diet, łe have -c ! se]ectjur ofhcaltht. 5l __. sn.cks, on ournrcnu łc rlśolul. ÓV soup. ]ndia! 7. l haieshopping,especiallyforclothes, l ikelooking good bui going to a cloihes shop is an absolute nightmare for me, lf l need to gę|someihing to Weal, l stań online, There is a loi of 1a 9 showing peńect modes Wearing nice clothes, complete the adveńś with on€ word in each gap. ]f yo! don't cover your blead, ZAKUPY lUsŁUGl shoUld do exacty the opposlte Yo! ook dePressed, HaVe you 2 jU cook f M]d food doesn't have D alter wiił cal on fal olt geton hang oui let down re y on 'm sorry blt l don't ..,L,,, l :] yoLr '] coid UsUa y Put some bltter on a pan, add gal c and a p e.e of meat oi ir ts de lc ols and jU cy, B c D fry A suPpel 8 stańer c aiiel phra§al Verb. from the box. 1 never cook them. c crspy D A ett!.e B mango C bread D agr€ s ed - but don't eat ioo m!ch ol it. ó complete the sentences with th€ colrect folm lin e5 Before our ma]n course we had a L at]olt )at A Astae 3 Wh]te . comn,]un ] 2 2 my day] cation B interests c frendshp D iouch 4 We have a ]ot common. Bon c W]th D 5 f you Wait to be oved, you sho! d a Way§ d ;nd y They used ro be . ose friends, but they A 1 a lelation§hip, Stań hav.9 a re atoish P. D get to know someone, The news abolt h]s Prómot ón rea B dd 2 l c away from awayto With somebody, yoL] !p c and and st ]t eal Vegetab lnripe @raw a Ways choos€ the correct answer A_D. He cut h mse ]na choose the correct an§wer A-D, ind dLtlc|clt pasta 3s . They'c cloihes, l Will look and fee as Wondeńt]l as they do. But lknowthai's nottrue.llook at a webs]te fol about an hour and decide to go to a shopping centre, lt's flustrating because there are always clowds of people and long 3q ł. 5, But at leaślcan of the cloihes io see how l ook, l usually ]ook ridiculous - the atest trends are not for me, Bui l see ihey are olganising a 5s_ , so maybe l' l buy something inexpensive wth the rnoney lmanaged io ós e Up, Unfortunate]y, thele's nothing for me. so, as Usual, ] 9o h_ shop, Where they greai have a seleciion of Viniage clothes Which look as good as new The coihes ihere are 3a e - they don'icosi a oi - and they fit me, l sii l hate shoppinq but |'Ve earni to iove Vintage fashion. l 129 SŁOWN|CTWO MATURALNE PODRÓŻOWANlE 1 2 TURYSTYKA l cómplete the sentences With the word§ from the box, flight journey passengers se,tbelt security tłlgtivcf the tent There Was no br dge §o We had to cross 2 words in capitals, F m r,l!!,ri]l]ii.]l] Started on 1 _,] fu !!ę] fastened my After some transpońat on prob em5 We catr]ed 1 complete the sentences With the .oriect łórń óf the on 2 o. AA o,, 4o 9ló 2 check at the airpoń, 'm shocked how rlde People Are łhe statement§ true (T) 1 PePpe. spray nray be lsed for Prepal n9 food, 2 When yol] take a short.!t, yo!] ale honre faster 3 cab e ca6 travel on the streets 4 A .etlln ]ourney takes you .W.y from honre. 5 Barefoot trekk]ng nreans Weal ng spec. boots. ó Fetr]es trave on W.ter / o,,1",'o,ro 8 A fam l .l Place ]5 a p ace you dont know 9 cycle rjckshaws pfodlce a ot o{ Pol ut on, 1o ]fyou go on a 50 i.ry ho day, you ale a "," you Want to gei to, 11 A.]est]nalion Use an nsect mosqlltoes, ot of f are a 12 there s a p ace KU LTU 1 A a drummel 1 2 3 4 c a ead gultaf si U U o o U is]a festlva goer il m ofthe year A crt.s At the h]s Vis A B lev]ews Press th nk t W! be the c gr.des D oPi]ons , the d]rector to d lhe repońeu abcL]t on o{ the sto.y nteruew B showng c conference D e!e.t - o,e b, o,óo. Us and maybe even get to .lmber o.e A chańs B statistcs c rePońs D lev]ews ó WoVi, Mal a met al the of tl-e HoW Met YoUl 5 ', ą] the 1 Molhercome.]ysele5lA]the actlesses 130 - 'm so jea ous main B band a.tols.nd band REcoRD a. The fi m i5 8 The d Va s ngs to ted of. they're goin9 Jane Alsten nole the aL . óf a symphonic AccoMPANY orchestra, mls c - peńecl They P ay Very ca m.g, {or re axation. 5ENsE 1o The f]m doern'i show yo!] everythjng it eavesalct lMAGlNE sPoRT 1 choose the corre<t answel A-D. Wh .h lrord ]s !rct used Wth spoż? A 1 2 c an: e .' PRESENT - you know 5 ng ng, 7 9 U They p ayed theirf]rst and they got moneyfor ]tL c s.reeńPLay D cast A review B g]g Go to the _ and bly three ti.kets fol the atest Ryan Reyno d5 mov e and L' get the Popcoln, The f] m rece]ved horl]b .oo, Po !i T m and h s fr]eids are so exc to NeW York to sign . o o o U o o the correct answer A-D. Which person is not a mls oves h]mLPERFoRM took p]ace ]n London The winner The got a]ob on TV CoMPETE watch al hel she§ an exce eni the peop e!t jt H|DE (B RA choos€ ]Ve te ing ]okes on sta9e, ENTERTA|N Everyth]ng that goes on ]n th s house is i] med by .an,]eras, but ts .ot rea y . §ecret - 5 l Went through the ó When tlavel by b!s, or false (F)? ai incred ble danc ńg, o o PJl , P o,\e He's He,rorks Tomś tax to the J]rport WaS .te and he mlssed hjs to Turkey, y yesterday and a leady ihere are probiems PRoDUcE compet t dslngl" Ve B exircme D ouldoor Wh]ch ]s not a ieam Spo.t? A vo eybal B .r].ket c hockey D Wh ch sPoń s c Wlest 3 A ihe lqt dooe ]ndools? jng sholted happ y Wl,en he scored 1he last goal 4 5 ó jLrdo A oPponents c fans sh.ó śked B goa keePers D coaches down the A cerjnk B soPe What does a footba el !!t c Ptch do? B chaSe ajier a BaskelbaL m.tches ale P.yed on rjval Aap]tch Bacourt ca.ourse D-rrack l 2 comp|et€ 90lf . complete the definitions. Yo! Plobab y have ]t When you sneeze and cou9h the text with the Words {rom the box. el pitch 1el^ motol rac]ng oPponent .ict i19 Wresrlirlg ] 1 My glandson s keen on spońs and thats oK, What wotr es n,]e is that whenever he ta ks about ihe spońs, ] fee as f he! speak ng to me n a fore gn anglage. For examp e, he says he prefers lil..ji]]l].r to ]udo becaUSe ]t! nrole spectacular When you beai youl . He! now packing for a sports camp 2 3 Where het 90]ng to try' mUstn't te hjs parents abo!t that| He! trying on his fol bikin9 He 5ays ]t W protect his head Whatever happensLYou knoW What? This Very a ba in my liv ng rooń Blt my flat s not a lugby 5 ] WeIL, 'm ploud of my grandso. but ] W sh he Wou d take i]p and play t on my n cey tlńmed 2Wn lt WoL] d bp ż lói śaf_Ar thań a ih.,As.,A 7 maybe he'l a9ree to teach nry Benny, {rom th€ box. sleeP eye o,op§ l.| lee d zz} {ee sic. il.Lled i-so-nla noreo eed pain ff symptoms ) . (oLnl Doctor, 'm ucky to be sti a ]Ve, When l Watch YouTlbe oi my phone fol]!stfo!r hours, nry eyes get §!!, s!dn9 the iternet forten houls gives a,]e a terl ble in my back, When Watch TV sel es {or Vdeos o.|y two ol thlee houls, l stań to' have to ie down. What'S more, 'Ve §tarted to get a lergy ry { tothe crsps lnrunch on When Watch ng My eyes are burn ng and need to use to fee better f]zzy dr nks, When have PE essons, sweat doin9 even the s]mP est exercise, Ó especia ly When We piay team spońs, Last Week had , Which Was so embalrass ng because t ca!sed so nr!ch fuss, But nights ale even Worse, After a good supper, cant get to s eep 6 hours and noth n9, Cou d ]t be the beg nn ng of ? 'nr a ready very t led As lam obviously selously l, pease exempr me flom my PE essons am a{la d W] get '0 otheN se ó ltśa disease that affeds a part c! ar Part oi yo!r body and s caused by a V lls or bacteria, i_______n Yo! stick p ]t on your sk]n When yo! have a sma l Wound ltt t ke a fin9er blJt on yo!r loot YoL] get th s i{ you sPend too mlch t me n the sun, Yo! Wear yolr Watch on t, lóbo,p 1l_óp ^.l ro, r UsUa^ló. olt ofthe Poston, 7 o_dot|s eg yolrl knee move "f,h,-.".* - sPońs, l knowafantastc3 żDRoWlE '1 complete the text with the words 5 When ceńa]n P ants b]oom ha! fa_,ar YoU do ]t When you make a oud no]se Whi e s eePing. 8 |, d e When you get heavler, lt means you've 9a necl it. NAUKA l TECHNlKA 1 comPlete the definitions. a P]ece ofeq!]Pment used to lecord f ms 1 v!ęq c!il!]n . Word yo! !s_. to, e.g, access your comPuter pd 2 l. acr o, ) o- do !o ,e dd,deoo U davdeo yo! can connect sm ar nterest§ a Webs te Whele peope With W]th your {r]ends o. a smań, usefu and c evel y-designed piece o{ 9-t a the th ngs oP you bought on the lntelnet a message o. P cture that you pub ]sh on a Webs te P-, . ó,o -.t p,og o" l", oot 'o,a-d,"-o,e,,L,e. p.osrams and doc!ments on your computer sPec a word or pjct!re on the nternet that you c ick on to move q!]ckyto anotherpań ofth s document or to another doc!ment l Wth sol]nd orVideo i{ you P ay ir on your is bein9 down oadedlrom the nternet, ratherthan §aVng it onlo yourcomPlter and p ay ng it atel you do th 5 complter Wh]e t 10 th s happens When a p cture or V deo sPreads guicky to nrany peop e, esp€cia y on the lnternet or mob] e 9--_' v 13,| 2 complete the sentence§. The nternet ]s an invent on wh ch connects even the 2 most lemote p aceS Wth the o ! ! s ]! e w!]]d Today3 smańPhones Use the most c _ e techno ogy to plovide the best poss b e exper ence to the r users DUe to the fire, the city! enelgy generatorc have been shut down and over200,000 peope are Wth AoeĘ 9 _.,teI b, Ł o -o, |-"o.";e,tpr, u 5inhstory hs ogca thinkng5k -p The lonq_awa]ted seqUe ofthe famo!s ]998 dlsaster mov e stars the bl ] ant Br]an Nlrrey and Li ]an Dress. Hurley p ays Pofessor Kll lan, Whose a m is to save humanity, The stunn]n9 L]lian Dress he ps th€ Professor to save the wor d. And the wor d has to face not one s! Lle al s a asel po]ntel <o rhiśa]La l.,"n]lr óf dlóE,al3w Kj ian save the planet and al t5'in s?Wi he fnd a new source of renewablelOe s]mpy mlsisee foryouEe]Ve§, Anima ]overs Won't be disaPpo]nted e thel:the ocean scenes inc!]de ls _ s to youl percona nformation, lf hackers 9et a _ 1hey may, for examp e, take out a bank oan that you sandlżd Wi]haveto Pay back, s| Tonight - only on Channel 7! SWlAT PRZYRODY 1 ol F"rĘ i, become'en_d, sc entists p t that ln the future we W]l be ab e to pr nt 3D cop es of transp anrabje o19ans The althorofthe documentary d d not p v ,e any scientfic proof for hls theor]es ]tt 8 q bad that t causes c|imatelc predict stlon9 Winds eadin9 to disastrous 'h from al ma]or cities, Peop e have been 3ev Neavy rains and me]ting Alctic ce W ]l make watel ieve s rise, wh].h means the destruct on of towns on the t and disappearance of many 5is s may Th s also means that nrany an ma Ósp etoo it!a corkscrew, a screwdr Ver, a torch and A lhfl[J§T §EE!| ll]Iu§ Dubai s a country fU of or]g naL .oncepts and n one ofthem ]s techno og c. i drones spying on peopie Who eave rUbb]Sh ]n the oveth]sm comPlete the texr With one word in each gaP. comPlete the §entences with th€ <orrect form of the Words in caPitalś. ' The liver ]s ovel400 metles lt, so t5 hard to see What! haPPening on the othel bank. WlDTH Do-pe a" o.,'loj-d VoLcANo 2An 3 4 5 ó 7 8 9 ]n b, e " Asan cities s hotrlbej thattWhy b n. RECYCLE she ]Ves n a ]9th century holse Wth no Watel and no heatng. RUN The hurr]cane Was com]ng and they had to the old foodwa] to stop the Water from sTRoNG so al powel is]ustone examP e ofeco og ca, energy. NEW destroy]nq the torrn. { peop e don't address the impońant ssues now, they w l soon hav€ no place to ive ENVlRONMENT The obl 9ation to chan9e shoes inside the school bu ldi.9 js one otthe st!dents nrUst fo iow. SAFE canoe n9 down a molnta]n stream Was extreme y difficu t and t l nq W|ND is the total amount of 1o Wond enelgy peop in energy a the e the Wor|d Use every year coNsUME 132 1 l SPOŁECZEŃSTWO complete the definition5. the słate of not hav ng ,P|,ol so m.ny PeoP e Wear face n,]asks, PoLLUTE Remembel to put a the t ns and cans ]n ihe _ PAŃsTWO '] u l!!i!]9! a job 9d act]on .galnst ihe r! es, accepted Ways of behaving or the aUthorły of a co!ntry the nln, ber of PeoP e g Ve moneyto, e,g, a d ]V ng in a pa.ticu al alea chalty __,__ somebody who takes pań in somethin9 P_ t lnpa d Wolk, e,g, fora charty someone who ega .o f eooo) / o p y Ves in a pańicu artown, - -, d, lo bA,o-"bod, e ,ę sonrebody Who asks othel Peop e fol nroney or fooc b 10 choose a leadel (e,9. the president) choose the .orrect answer A-D, W EDZA O KRAJACH ANGLOJĘZYCZNYCH We don't need security ot]ts de the bL]i dlng, theres a street lamp riqht in front ofthe door @ 1 lock committed He on the n]9ht ofthe crime. 3 c genela,lth nkcrm ó .c' ..]ennifer Anision 1 eft home pr son guard 2 na 5 shou d be bulg €d 4 Abr.hań ] inćólń 5 B Beyo..e B judge D n Whjch ofthese Women ]s not a s]nger? A Jenn fer HUdson and Wa§ sent to pl son, Dk] c murdel guity 2 The sa d he was not and had not she! been ślav.-Afu in B pun shed D bloke 3 With dentity theft - she sto e other PeoP e! Private nfolmation. D charged There was no c ear that Mr Gunheim was at the bank the n qht of the robbery, so the pol ce had to B ]udge 2 ]arge. The loscs that Were in the Shop, The ieenager who attacked two eldeĄ ladies in Rose street .nd śióle lheir hżndba§ś is akeadv under ó c]aimed he NeW York c Seatt e a famous andmark of D sydney. D sci-f stol es Be gilnr. What are the śpeakers talking about? Match the words {rom the box with the sentence§ below coacle la F s'le,fi..n s Wl"ać -o,d By,or Vasle c\el sooL'v The Bealles The Great Ballier Reef They'le one of the mo§t imPońant rock bands in the history of music, and they made LiVerPoo famous tool i|,. l]..iii..! occurTed ]ast night, The burglar Y,as seen leavingthe shop by a Witness, $hocalled thepolice. but The young ' A the L]n ted states D the l]nłed K]ngdom 2 al1 the The shard s B A flonst store in skw]ark stret ttking d ctatorsh P. D democracy The Doctols W]thout Border5 organisat]on Was 1 at const]tut ona monarchy, 5 The police are looking for a person who §!9rb tweniy packages of anti-aging cream from The Beauty shop in oak Avenue 1a§t Friday. The shop's personnel are looking lbr the ] \łho ran away at 15:30, They say it was a mediurn-height. plump woman. weańng apink and an orange hat, Sti]1 B Which o{ these doe§ Bj Bryson lqt Wrte? A vave book§ B popu ar §c ence books c books on the Eng sh anguage ORCIIARD LOCAL NEWS is the ]8th cent!ry. D Word War The Polt ca SystemoftheL-]ntedKingdom sa c arrest be99ar burglary bursled citizens criminal escaPe foundation offender §tole thief unknown lllan who c 4 comPlete the gaPs with words from the box. There are three extra words. by an D chr stina Agu era B Ue jeansWere flst made dUln9 A the second wor d war B the ca fornian Go d Rlsh c the 19th cent!fu. } aśhen 2 O POLSCE choose th€ correct answer A-D. B lrm D a arm ;gnts c 1 l despelately needed moncy nr buy his grandnother son}e nedicine, The festVa takes p ace in Ca iforn a, u§Ua y in the spr ng. lt! Vely popUlar d o,- o9oL.,-o,"da, | ,.,oia -5, s", Frarc sco, and second y - 'd ove to see those sea ions _ rea y adm]re those amateuu - they are ab e to prePare an exot]c and de ]cious d sh n ]ust 40 4 minUtesL_ ofthe Romant]c poeis, but h s sPeaks to me, Poetry The co oL]rs, the animals, the P ants !ndeMater - t! rea Ly amażlng 'Ve never been a fan ) 133 Focus cżas! Pre§€nt . . 2 GRAMMAR REVIEW Czas! Present continuous UżyWamy,gdy móW]my simple używamy, gdy mówimy o: oC,)a.o§c,.c1,/dćże, d.t i /^."1"-1, dą!\ Ę ne,!wmomenceńówienaonch: n]ezm]eniych s}tuacjach: we live in the centre o{ sydney. stanach ] My dad is painting lhe kitchen light ńóW czynnościach powt źa]ących s ę regularnie: lńake my bed every moming. ] He 5he She tls not) Lt t Krótkie 6dPowied2i Yes, l am, Nó,l'm not, Yes, /you/We/they do. Do No, /you/We/they don't cleanin9? No, he/she/it doe9n't, hi:: Who okleśen]a cżas! częslo Uż}wane W.zóśie Preseńl s]ńp e: eg;" \ every day/week/mońth, rhrce tlmes a yea. is cleani.g the Wjndows? okleśen]a czasu cżęsto !żywane W czasie Pres€nt continUo!s: at the ńonent, rcw taday, this morning/afternaan, thń yea, these days, atpresenr zasady Pisowni- 3, osóba licżby pojedynczej: . ar€.'t I W,i . " ^d] youlwelthey.le. Not, yo!/We/they Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isnt, it ł, r1 Yes, ńP lln - ruńs /o_- rd,porq]o,t9 _. ,l -. żaśadaogó|na: beżoko icznik + -5, t.żasownikido 90 oraz te żakońćżoneńa ss, X, c]r, + e5, np, do, does, 90 - goes, plsh plshes ,l34 zasady Pisowni - forrna -ing: sh: . . . 09óina żasada: beżokol]cżn k + -ing: nP. cook- cóóking czasown kizakończone n. Pojedyńcżą spó1g]óskę e + ,ing, np, make - ńakjng e: ]ednosy abowe czasowńjki zakońcżone n. ]edią sańogłoskę + ]edńą spólgłoskę] Podwojen e spólgłoski -ing, nP. swim -swińming + l 1 czas! Pr€§ent Peńect Używamy, gdy móWimy o cżynnoścach wydaż, któ€ rożpooęły sięW pEeszłoścji ńadal tŃają: We've had *isTr' for ńree yearsGdy op su]emy czynnośc, które zaczę]y s ę W prżesz]ości inadaltMaią W present perfed. Hi C ara. l m drivino (drive), can ] call you back later? (novclean) the bathroom for two Week§ now, so he rea ly needs to do itthis Weekend, 2 Every September, Ne en stufi she .eeds for schoo on ne, What {Wait) for? The Washing L]p sn't go n9 to do tse f, yo! know (never/ Ve) n a house W th a ba coiy l __ (youłea y en]oy) t dy n9 up? f §o, yo! 5 , can do my room any t]me you ike] 1 Gmham teraźnlejsżości,często Lrżywamy okreśeń §if,ce dokreśa, k]ecly rozpoczęv ś]ę dana czynnośćlub Stan: since 2a12lsunday/last mońth/my bifthday/l maved here foró ^ complete the §entence§ and questions with the correct formś ołihe verb§ in brackets. u§e the Present simple, the Present continuouś or the j" a"" " " d',9oda.a )1,o. lb far fjve minutes/a week/a lańg żińe/ages/nast al my life comPlete the text with the correct forms of the verbs 9o hate have mak€ meei Fńev€ 5he/ ]Ji V cky, 5he/' t t HoW are you? G!e§s What We !9 ]]lo.!!]gho!se aga n! know, l know] lt's rid c! o!s, r ght? rea y thlee d ffelent f ats n some rea y wonderlul peop e here and s\.]dden]y t! t me to e.Ve again M!n] and Dad up things lpsta]E r]ght noVJ sho! i be ' he p nq, b\.]t the thought ol plttlng a my st!f{ n boxes me Wantto cry ltWo! d be so much betier f Dad had a normaljob. jusr Want to st.y ln one P ace 10r a lew years] crazy Wlth a thls constant change, Y.ś,/yo!/we/they h.Ve linished? have has No, uyo!/Vr'e/f hey haven't /yo!/w€/they he^he,|t C, Write sentences and questions from the promPts. Do not chan9e the order of the words. h.s śtudi€d French tefore? za§ady Pisowni - forfia pa§t pańiciple . . . osólna zasada: beżokolcżn k + ,ed, . jednosy abowe czasownlkizakońcżone na jedną sa.nogłoskę ]jedną spótgłoskę*: podwo]enie sPółgłosk] + ip, work worłed np. /ike ]iked cżósownikiżakońcżone n. -e: + -d, czasownlki zakończone ńa spółgłóskę + y. y ,ed, ńp. . . stóp łżwyjątklem x + ,'ed, stopped i w, nP. trave]j m mo, że .kcent pada na pieMszą sy abę, 1 At the moment / Kate / look for / a 2 HoW often / yo! / lJpdate / your 3 Why / PaL] / look aftel / 4 Who / see / th s 4 Manica haśgone ta the usA. (nadaltam te.azjesl- time job, plóf e? end! dog / today? er / before? po verbs in brackets. Then aśk and answer the queśtionś ł, nP, travel travelied ZWróć UWagę na !życ e {orm pasipaltic]p/e cżasownika 90, beeni gohe: Mania has beeń to $€ UsA, (kiedyś pżeszłości, w ale iużjejtam nie ma). '. thr h]s {f p.ń complete the questions with the correct formśof the Where .lc czaśowniki niere9Ul..ńe Wie e cżasown kóW ma nlelegu arną folmę pa$pźn'cip/e (np w.ite, gó, lóse), Listę czasownikóW ńiereg!lalnych znajdżiesz na str ]44 podręcznika. B l / not go i'to thip m / every day Ei]idoes| i o. ic ii.o ii ę!eł D.V 5 Vd- " lo,do d ] bóXed,lowed dwusy]abowe czasowniki zakońcżóne na jedną samogłoskę iiedną spółgłoskę: podwojen e spółgłoski,gdy akcent pada na drugą sy abę, ńP. rcfer referred podwajamy, pack !cl,ip.j!ejjrq]!! 9!] 1 Who 2 Who !s!a]y 3 HoW ong 4 5 6 ong Why How (your parents/ 1ive) n youl hó!se, apań _ fton,] yo!? (do)the cooking in yourfam ly? (yol/be)at your curent (yoUr fam]Ly/eVermoVe) hoUse? (]t/usu. ly/take) to getto schoo ? (you/ ealn) Eng ish? 135 Focus 2 GRAMMAR REVIEW 1 Rżeczońl tl -oo. bV( po l(zar-e , -iepo icla -e al]ite &]od any few ! many mlch some Rzeczown jki policżalne: . mają formy liczby poiedynczei imnoqiei: This app]e is very sweet. These apple§..e Very sweet, . ńosąje l!b PoPżedżać Pżedimk] ,/ań ;cżebnik ] Rzeczowniki ni€Policzalne: . ńie mają formy icżby mnoglej: plogr.ńme, możeje PóPżedżać pźedimek okleś ony the, ale pźedimek n eokreślony a/an ]!b lcżeb,nik: l/^. Perhap5 Peop e spenc so time llatch ng cook;ng 5how5 that they don't act!a ly have timeto cook or eat s Milk is very healńyn e ffialer, oń€saler )ow i -. Po i, /d 1\^ : i.Po iJd r'F l/Wa .V WateĘ the WateĘ / complete th€ sentences with the co.rect quantifiers. U§e one Word in each gap. HoW ]]!!] tinre do yo! need to c e.n thc f.t? sak on yourrood, ltśnot nasiępu]ących wyraźeń określaiących lość: Rzeczowniki niepo]iczalne Hów ńany eggs are thee? Arc ńere ńaĄy eggs? we haven't gat ńahy eggś, a lot of / lots There are a lot of/lot' af Hów ńuń 'ugaf we harcń'tgat ofl |itile Thele are ; r,]i .]i cook ncr proqrammes on teiev s on these days They seem to be on day nnd n ght channe s ale ńoth n9 bui ry chefs do We need? aclL]a ]r lhink that Very 3 Peop e make 4 ofthe d 5he5 they see on these ah egg, the egg, rhe eggs, twó eggs . complete the text with th€ words {rom the box. There ale two extra words. is ńere? ń!.h is a ]ot W]th my bllger, p ease, ofd fielenr p zza toPp ngs to .hoose from Which do yo! fancy? sugaL dużo, wiele IheE ch l sauce b!t not too nr!ch, 5 , _peopehaveactla the Wor ó ollotśofsugal d! most expens Ve afiord y tasted coffee a mos: !t iob At the end oi the monih have to get anothel have very money e{t, complete the sentences to make them true for you. 'Ve got 2 Thele Jre śome e99s in the few / m.lo, riew e e There are lew eggs in the There is some slgórin the There is ]i$]e suEar i. ihe ańy (?) / jakieś Are there ańy egEs in the Ihere are.'t any eggs in 13ó ńe lśtherc any śugal iń the Ihere jśn'taiy sugarin the 3 4 5 hale : l.rl .l l_-|f i.i,afteFschool . asses, t]me vatchin9 TV ser es second hand c othes text messa9es every day sPoń at the Weeke.d. 7 money to have a goodtime 4 Translate the words in brackets into Engli§h, sometimeś more than one answer j§ po§sible, i ]...i 1 2 czasu Present Peńed używamy, gdy mówimy o cżynnościachi Wydażeniach, które: lDUżo) Peop e fjnc t dificu t tó eat hea th y 'm slre lhere Was {t.ochę) ch cke. n the łeeżer HaVe yoL, gót |//e] {]akichś) fl . eids okrcśleniaczasu cżęsto !ż}ryane days ofi schoo] do We gel fol chl stmas? lżadne] .akes eft . ever - We'Ve |ki/ka] Pos]t]ve rev ews for that new 5u5hi .e§taulanl n the H 9h Street, 5 use one of the words in brackets to write sentences with the opposite meaning. 1 nks. ot cffizży crjnks (much n! l Lilil" . '|, r::l .]|] l::] e.t ots of meal (many / m!.h) He al n,] t| / n-]any) . W pytaniach: Have yóu @ver danced in a 1hoPPiń1 centre? . never . w zdaniach pżecżących: My grandparents have nevel vr'atched a lilm anline. aheady] just-w zdań ach óżnajmUiących m]ędzy aasownik]em have a formą past paiticiple głóWnego lhave alrcady rcad rhjs book. They have jusr affived . yet Wżo",,acL pla-7ay 1 pna l",l lalo-cu Cża§Ll Past simPle używamy,gdy móW my ó czynnościach lub Wyd.żen ach, kóre rożpoQęV się i zakońcży]y W pęesżłośc cżęsto też okreśamy, kiedy zdażeńi. m]ały m]ejsce: ot of cakes (mlch / many) 5 had some cereaI for breakfast (any / many) ó Use.l to eat 7 do ois of cookjng at honre oc cżasie Plesent Peńect: My dad went to a canceń yestelday. drnk ots ofcoke, (Very tte/VelyfeWJ My mothel bake§ W sekwencji WyrażóW: she hasn't called yet. Has śhe alled yet? Thele are some good resiaUrants near my hoUse, 4 żakońcżyłys]ę W pżeszłościialbo nie W]emy, kiedy dokładnie tó nastąpiło, a bo ta in{ornracja nie]esl jstotna: My dad has beei to many concei6. of Vegetab e§ (Very itt e / Very few) (mL]ch / many) comPlete the texl With much, mańy, a lot of, ]ats of, (a) few, (a) litlle, some ol any. , LJld Yes, /yo!/he^h,"/ i/Wełh ey heĄhe Nó, /you/he/she/tAVcłh€y Atholgh We meet:] i]! !]]|d flerent peop e evely day, f]ic nq a person fre get on We l \! th .ńd illst ]s .ót so easy Thar m]ght be the re.son , We're a l lea y busy so, unfortunate y, we have ] oppońL]ntes to hang olttogether as oltei as !!e !!oU d lke to However, every month catch up on What's going on in Who can't ma9jne not h.V ńg i. the shopp].9..nire? zasady pisowni- forma Past simPle ó 1r]eids ar a . EVen f have !e.y' free t]me on my hands, l can always f]nd an to 9et together W]th ńy mates d3|ced okreś]e. a cżas! częsio !żywane W cżis e Pćst 5 mP. yester.].y, ]art(y€ór, (ihreeyeal' igo, whe., in ńe Pał, ńen our ves o!rse Ves - good company is erough, l l/you/heAhe/]t/Vle/they holl ZaSady twoże.]a {ormy Past s mp]e cz.§óW. kóW regU]alnych są takie samejak zasady twożenia formy past pat c]p]e cża§ownikóW legU ar.ych. czasowniki nieregUlarn€ W]e e .zaSoWńikóW ma n eregu {olńy Past S mp e {np, rł!te,90, lo§e) L]§ta czasown kóW njelegu arńych zia]dlje 5j9 W Podlę.żń kJ na 144 137 Focus 2 GRAMMAR REVIEW complete the que§tion§ and answers with the correct {ormś ofrhe verbs in bracket§ and auxiiiaryverb§ 1 What! the mosi you łlyej!€Ipąd No, 4 think l L]e _ Where skiń and top, e ther the b ack dress (she/be)on S!nday even ng? (not/see) h e r that day complete the conversation with the Words in bracket§, Use the Present Peńect or the Past simPle. R: H s mon HoW .le yo! do ńg? S, Ruu u,,"' r_- ]r!i i] ]!].. :] ( !st./f. śh) ny as: ex.m R: oh great Luckyyou ll (notrnish/yet) three more lo go. oh We , good Lrck L sten, ' But fevl | o. ine Yesierday, 1 ) \ s: Er, t! L: n n9? yes.ct!a l]..],] gcod, thanks. 'm eernii! . b]t o{ extr: moiey ycl kno,ł s: That! great F]oW o.9 hale ),o! beei Wolk n9 hele? L: We , 'm Sti .9 to .o jege, so l oi y Wolt here o. an acveń oi iie. fe{ |reeks satlrdays, l i ź ago They so,neońe to flork, the nańa9er, W? hac a chat anc he nere, stańed, ..o s: L: blt a leady ove l The .lothes are and !!e 9etto choose ihe mUsi.. o.ds of.e ebrte5 co-e serlols y?| ó_you A.d rs. y ofccL]r5e, n] And 5!tshe5.ihe (Watch) ó ' {Watch) bł eap-o a^ęlo , L -a .o- !-l , (post a Video on YoL] T!be) 5.]i| ],.?. r,r]ll L]l)Jlć!, ! ]]!!].]!.Ll].|l]]!!. Nalcreń się grać na gitaże tzy lata tenu (learn to paythe q!ltal) 2 Cży kupjłeśjażńawy garnitur? (buy a new 3 Rab miał,/,Jczaraj pievszą lekcję jazdy. (have his first drv ng le§son) sL]it) LI S mon Bel eVUe! The ta]k sholl s: Wel, don't 3 L: 5 Tam nie atwólżył )eszcze rachunku bankouego (open a bank acco!nt) so.g) . tL]rń abolt h nr, onyourTVfroml]metotmeL complete the second sent€nce so that it means the same aśthe first, use the correct forms of the verbs 've 1 2 3 5 ]Ved here sln.e :!||,.. ]., . l| 2012 MoVE 2a12- Jack becamethe ownerofth s 20] 7 § oh Sarah. host Everybod;l oK, Wait here, l'm go n9 to ask {or his autoglaph! ó Kiedy Hele. naPisała tę Prosetkę? (Write th atest.r me sel e5 oń Z sarah, do.'t r!"i arc!ndl smoiBe elue the shopI Heśso gorgeousl sI 4 4 138 Cei he p yo! VJ th anyth y oh Lj y, ]t! yoll . o.9 t re Hcyr are yo!? sA| Good afiel.ócn (not/see)a rea one Translate the sentences into En9li§h, U§e the Phrases in brackets in the correct form. -ó need S!re That 9!y V/ho preseńt5 the V/eather fc.ecen Anc T.ńya someth n9, l doi'i lemem._Ar her surprise f ashmob for a g]r! 18th b rihday R: oh, r ght s: So Want to organise one for my s]stelś b rihday, Wi yoL] he p me? Yo! to ]earn a dance D.n.e' Are Vo! s!re? 3 (yo!/a5k) anybody e 5e yet? (a ready,'a§k) ots o{ peop e (speak)to SaIy five m nltes ago ańd §he sa]d yes R: B!t She! a good s: DcntWotry, We hale p eńty 01time. (not/choose) the mUsic yet a just / enter r.eet hear o#er see work contact nevel / (be)faitast c 5 No, neither have l, but a b€ (see) one oń Yo!T!t]e (yoL]/eVel/see) a f aShmob? s: complete the conversation in a shop with the Past simple or the Present P€ńect forms of the Velbs from the box, U§e shoń {olmśWhele possible, (ever/p3y){or a PairofsUng asses? (never/pay) more than 25 We l, Ways ose them or st on lhem a (you/ ook) ń the sa es yesterday? 2 b!t ba19ains had already 9oie (yo!/dec]de)What you're go ng to 3 or the b 4 5 oWN V ntaqe cupboard n 20] 5, My Parents have been marlied fol Menty years, GET They lastWentto the seas de sjx months a9o, BE Sjx months. They Kate has been o. a d et for two Weeks, Go Kate Mary ilst met Greg in 2009, KNoW 2ao9. Mary Tom has been unemp oyed fol a few months, Tom LosE Adam started readjng that book three days ago .nd is noW on page 230, READ 230 pa9es of 2 cońPlete Th S Prżymiotn]kóW W stopn U Wyźszym oraz słówka rhan (od, n Używańy W cel! poróWnania dwóch osób llb zeczy This śhiń is cheaper thaD the sweater. 2 3 4 . Aby porównać dw]e osoby ]!b rżecży,ńożemy róWn eż L]żyć koństrukcji (not) źs + plzymiotnik + ós] Ihis ]acket is not aścomtońable as that caat, j.d*.yh. wyższy stopień najwyż9zy bed sn't b g q!|.!] fortwo peop e carefulWith ńoney than ż) PżymiotnikóW w stopn]U naiwyższym uż}ryamy, aby powiedżieć, że ktośub cośodżnacżaSję]akąścechą a."s ek /}m -aLęZ--| łPóo^.1 l-p?v,dńńó dwoma lnnymi rzecżami ub osobam ): This is the most expensive ring iń rhe shop, stóp]eń the sentences and qUesrions With one word 5 ó 3 'n-] bad at footba , yoLr r but l'm even Black sk nny ]eans are the tro!sers this season. shoPp]ng With fr ends is better shoPPing a one. Thjs s bi99est shopp ng centle Denim iacket§ are as pop! al jackets th s sea§on complete the texts With the word§ {rom the box. ::T9 (X2) enough more {x?) most richer than (x3) the (X2) too as TEEN ATTlTUDES TO MONEY We ask brother and skterTom and Zoey about th€ir attitudes to money and shopping: zoey.ló lth nk 'm Very good Wth money, don't have mlch moneythough because 1'm stil at schoo, l'm i]G carefu than my brother For examp e, he spends his bidhday nroney as soon .5 he gets t, bll hes'_ PżysłóWków too (żbl) inot enough (n]ewystarczająco, nie dość)U4yWamy ? pżymiotnikami, Najczęśclej Używańe konstrukcje ioj too + puymiotnik ol.ż noi + Puym otnik + enough: The desi1hel was too busy to ta/ł to ihe press. The hOBe wasn't,faśłenough to win the race. comPlete the senren<es with too or enough and the adjectives in bfa.ketś. 1 2 lWas p annin9 to give somethin9 to charlb/, but nothing l have ]s Valuab]e enouoh (Va]Uab e) 'd ike to bly designer clothes blt W.ńt ] to earn to drlve blt § ike a larger bed _ blt my room (b]s), 4 My brother never ends 5 My parents Won't let me have They say il s _ n,]e 3_ bo!ght j money becau§e s a eather]acket, and thatWas second haid, don't go out nruch _Tom says'm not soc]abe , but jlst ike stay]ng at home Tom,l7 'ń ó_ _ generols 'mprobab]y? than Zoey, n fact, generols] jlhave money, spend it l'm richerthan żoey be.alse I work at the weekend blt shes mole calef! me, so she aWays has money and , meanest |'nr 'd a Weekendjob, so than lań, To be honest, thlnk hes srUP d Wth h s nroney, The expens Ve th]ng 'Ve evel Pe6on |,\, ^.,,dl, /oer,, _ know] lMy c othes are ń-]ole _/a-..ó-l c othes becaUse the peop e Who make cheaP io - ",e the Wor d. l spend Zoey isn'i 1'_,_ , n / o|\l ło1 -9 o, o ,lo, a ot of money on go n9 olt, popUlar as anr, 50 she stays a 139 Focus 4 2 GRAMMAR REVIEW complete the §econd §entence 5o that it mean§ the same a5 th€ fir§t. lJse the oppo§ites o{ the adjective§ in bold. Bobby isn't hard-Working enou9h to continUe 1 learnin9 RUssian. Boooy s roo lazy ro Jenna ]§ or nJe leal'r;r9 Russl"n, too shortto ride on the ro]lercoaster czasu Present continUoUs UżyWamyW odniesien]u do puysżłości,gdy nróW my o spreryzowanych p anach, których cżas rea lżac]ijestjuż żWyk e okreś]ony: l'm leaving tómarcw só l cań't gó tó the cinema with you. Konstrukcji be 9oin9 to + bezokolicznik Używamy, gdy . 2 These b !e socks Jle Wetter than the The b ack socks are Tony! arms are stron9€rthan Ky es arms are than Tony's arms ó mo.n ng than in ihe afternoon, Th § ring snotbigenoughloftonmyfnger Th]s ring s Dean is too impatient to enjoy fshing, to en]oy {]5hing, Dean is the text wilh the corr€ct comparative or §uperlative {orms o{ the adjectives in bracket§. complet€ Lego is one ofthe §]aP/e§J (simp e)toys ava]lab e, but accordin9 to many peop]e it is also (good) in the world, Mostteens and ad! ts remember Leqo from the]r ch dhood, Lego a ows ch] dlen (creative)than many oiher toys - there a.e 9] 5 m on WayS io.ombine]!5t sx Lego brcks]The t/ord Lego comes {lom lhe phrase '1e9 godt' Wh ch means'p ay V/e ']n Dan]sh, Check olt (amażjng) Lego facts: . . Ap e of 50,000,000,000 Lego bricks Wou d (lar)than the moon. n 2003, the ye oW §k n co olr of some Lego mintsfig!res Wa§ chan9ed to a 5 (a!thent]c)sk n co]our oi average, there are ó2 Lego blck, foreveryone j p ańach, które mogą U ec zm anje: what are you going to Preparc fo.1uńch? puew dywańiach dotycżących pżysżłości,któle wyń kają ż tego, co W d.nejchw l Wiemy iWldżimy: wele notgoing to gettó,l,-,l"l-aĄ a.l.-e Ky e5 arms The \./eather here s usua y better ]n the a{telnoon than n the morn ng, The W_.ather here s usua v 5 . zamla€ch Formy Will + beżokolicznik Używamy,gdy nróW]my o] . spontanicznych decyżjach pode]mowanych w monreicie mów _Ania: Waitfal me!l']l heIP you with the shaPPing. . pżeB:o/ł-l ",1,t,ole e.L",o/,aslJCl 5econd, and Lego fj rns and computer games have the prodUct even ó ; i,L Yau cań borrów ńy dictionary, but l'll probably need it complete the §entence5 with the verb form§ from the box, There are three extra verb form§. isn't going to rain isn't laining 'I be ']l lau9h 'm 9oing to IaU9h 're announcin9 'fe takln9 s lar r9 s 9o r9 to lave ńofi be t5 possib e that n 2]00 there ,l ,,i 1 The c ouds have goie and the sky 2 l]e t r]. any o{fc § c a e.r a ook atthose magaż nes 3We |'ve a ready Phoned for one We d]dn't Wn the 5 We,_ dancn9 competton. the Wnne6 ofthe comPetton on Fl day complet€ on Earthl Appróx maiely seven Le9o sec are so c every ooi, LJb dośW adcżenia 1 the §entences with the fuiur€ forms of the 1!!]]i! (go) to the .]nema on Satarday, ,]óe ńeei]s .eW trainers beca!5e thev (Play)a match next Weekend, tlvery cod, t ooks ]ke t haven'r got any p]ans th s even]ng, ,, (Probab]y/Watch)TV (have)a big e]ghteenth b ńhday pańy next month, (Win) don't th nk En9Land lhe next Wol d CUP, (not/get l put the words in the correct order to make s€nt€nces y.! 1 . nema /. .i l ckel / .le / t. / i9 ,/ oi i.e 9l) Read the situations and Wrjte your reaction§. tJse ,/ 1 Are vau ąainą tó buv a cineńa ticketonline? Wil / Prob em / / ya| / th]s / p / solve / . 1 our/ satlrdayl not 2 ^e / We / doing / on /.le ts started ra nlng and yol]'re olts de W thout an umbre a Yo! say: ri] -].,i,j.]:t] l]l.i Ll.i YoUr fr]end s!g9ests yoLJ meet !p at the Weekend. Yo!'v_. a ready atransed to Visit your grandma, You say] ]im / sorry cantmeetyo! l YoUr brotherstańs schoo ai 8 a sti at home. YoU say| HUrry !p] 3 the /When / io / go ng / are /do/you / shopp n9 / ? YoL]r Week / my / house / {rie..] / next / not / best / mov.9 5 o-oo^ a / my/o#/Wi] d,,9 o / YoL] say: Prom se YoL]r ]it e cols n l§ rlnnlng arol].d the hoLrse a g ass p ate in h s hands. You say Be careful| {eW/take/ days/ml]m / Ao,ó ^o,ż W th Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences, the smiths / mornjng / ? i th nk l'm not lv]ng With my parents Wheń 'm twenty. ll.ilk i |,.. l i]|_. |1]ll ] "f !].i _.| i]j,|r,,. ] 1 li; il|||i| complete the dialogueś with the mosr apProPriate future forms o' the words in bl6cket§, use shoń 1 The phone is r nging. Ale you .nswel ng t, please? convelsation 2 The stldents 1| shop assistant and Jake le, s proie.o ourWo! d tc! sA: Wh ch .]: Hmm, good qUest V€ry good, s]r ] sAj I-ha,- Jj Erm o. th;ik ] ]i ]].]|.j (have) th s aftelncoi? W sttherfna exam tomoriow at 9 a m 'm go ng to older some neW books on] ne ton]9ht (do) abolt olr science Project, Look at a lthls lraffc!We are be ng ateforthe aPPo]ntment"m aflaid. y/eather s fne ii'§ c ear end blue .t the moment, so doi't (p ay) Frisbee i{the , j{ can't come overth s evei ng, Jane and ]W] meet at 7 P m. to ta k (meet)Pau at2 and We Yeah, Ia We ihe b e.k o oo ," -od.,-| - |op do HoWWou d yo! ike to pay? guess ' cońVersótion 2: Molly and scott M: HaVe yo! decided What yo! 3 M: We b ack, Vih]te and be qe Yes, We s: r? s YoUr ne]9hbour ]s Wofied he has iosl hi§ smadphone YoU Viant to ó{fer he P, You §ay] Donl V/orry, /, probaby/ fs 7,50 and he best ft end te] s you someth ng th.t no on€ e se sho! d know. ]s / m 1ra]n), Translate the phra§es in bracket§ into English, Uśe 1 2 3 4 Mr Rlchtei i l]] ł] i (]ec' to Amsteldam t,,]]s Th!rsday Me and my c assmates rzamy zebraó fla? spec mens fór o!r B ology pro]ect l have a headache and a runny nose (będę) l, (p?wdapodóbnie zargan zujemy) a 8 comPlete the śentonces to make them true for you, 1 l th]nk in 2025, .here Won'' be any Drinted press hoPe next week 2 Next Monday at 9 a.m. 3 L fancy dress party for oLrr oca] k ndergarten NeXt Week my pare.ts 5ięż)the]r o d fr]eids from Un Vers]ty, They'Ve a ready booked a tab e for Fr]dav atthe]r{avo!Ite resta!rani (żażnę) revis n9 for l be eve thai n 2030 peop e on Earth My p]ans forthe Weekend? 5 thinkthat n f Ve l yearsthere my fina test tomotroW 141 Focus 2 GRAMMAR REVIEW 2 put the words in the correct order to make conditional sentence§. Add commas where necessary. the same phone / know / Won't / as your sister / you / Zdań WarUńkowych Piefusżego stoPnia ( Condit ońa ) UżyWamy, gdy móW]my o żdaźenach, które ńogą..stąp ć W pżys,łoŚc, ]eŻe izaistnie]ą okleŚ one Wal!ńk. lf yóu don't switch óń the prjntel, it won't work, N /d"l pód?ęd1. . o/po /.rd a \ |- od |f 'l l " (op su]Ecym Wa.!nek), używamy cżasu Present slmp]e, W żdaniu nadżędnym (oP Sującym konsekwenc]ę) używamy wi]l/wan't. Te zdanla ńogą Wystąp]ć W dowol.ej ko]ejności, .es l ,d"1" Pod?ęd e s,, ępL. p ah o w i l u w o n' t + l, e + emai at east once every hour charges / ast a l day / she/ if W] h]s LL]cys phone battery tfu ateagan/We' / s/getstuck y? f MLlm beżókolicż^ik zókolienik know Wh]ch s yo!Is. go claży / f /Wo!i.]/ he/Wasn'tabetó che.k -a że wiluwóĄ't ;j f.LiJ s llJ,. ,!L] |ri], 'i !.! ]i!| iić n-,.ie !l].t. 4 n the lllsh hour tlaffic. she / wou]d / had more t]me / ta k to her friends 5 lather than text them, able / be / i{ / to / on ine / Wou]dn't / go he had to give up his Phone, Zdań W.l!nkowych diJg ego stoPiia (second Condit ona]) !źywamy, gdy móW my ó obecnych §ytuacjach 1L]b stanach, kiórych żmiana ieśtn]emoż iwa !b baldżo nieprawdopodobna, a b,o o cżymś,co teoretycżn e mog]oby nastEpić W puyszłości,a ejest mało rea ne: l{ l had morc time,lwould learn pragramming. W zdani! Podżędnynr rożpoczynającym 5ię od if(op]sujęcym Waruńek) !ż cż.sU Sińple. W żdaniU n.drzędnynr 1opiśU]ącym kóń§ekWeńcię) |żyw ańy Woul d/woul d ń' ! complere the §entence§ and qlestionś With the correct form§ oł the verb§ in bracket§. 1 f your{am y tlr! (have) a Pet dog, Viho (take)it for a Wa k every molnin9? computeE,they 3 Hank |6 ćóuld/cau]dń't.Ie żdań]a ńogą wy§tąp]ć W dowolnej ko einośc.JeśLlżdaniepodrżędne WystęPl]je P eMsże, st.wi.nry Po ń ni Pżec]nek, wo!ld/wóuldn'u.óu]d/ .ouidn't lf yaq + bezokolicżnik 5 ó + bezokolicznik if yaur laptop crashed? complete the conditional §entence§ and queśtionś with on€ word in each gap. fyou Play Video games allthe time, you !!9Ąt be 2 3 4 a haPpy, healthy Pe6on. yo! move to Asia i{ yo! got a job there? think Wolld go back to ]970 f o,1 9- o"o r ",| had f500 to sPeid, What Wj yol] say f 142 3 stoP P ayin9 on the comptJier What _you write a b]og about if you f 7 2 f he yo! !se socia networkin9, yoU _ buy you for yoll he (.rT iss) ihe beg ń. ń9 o{ihe f m (not/e.t) Whats Wrong W]th yot]? fyo! (be) hungry soon yoll llnch, you yo!, { eve.ybody b ke, but f (you/l de) safe y? (ook) the same, v/e end) t to of ook ng at €ach 4 complete the conditional sent€n€es 1 ]{ (Weal) T sh]t§ and shońs . §o ]n ( Ve) n . hot colntry, We (get tired) Wha would yoo ask fal he]p 1 i{ lf he ( woul d /would n't/could / cou/dnt ntel (not/become) an T sPecl3 st (not/go)to !nlvers ty oK, oK yo! can bofow my wha would yau ask far help? laPtap <rashed, W (lnderstand)Whyneed What W] you do f lr,. f he gets a pay l se, . i! ]r,]] What Wo! d you te ] your parents ]f Rebecca be angry ]f 5 f We Were in ó f yo! Wele Londoi today, my tlle {l end, With your own !r..t i.ii| iJ f lureren't §o b!sy, W] other ],i ? 5 with th€ correct form§ o' the verbś in bracket§. Then fini§h the sentence§ to make them tru€ {or you. complete the §entenc€§ l9e!(get)some money for my next birihday, l'llsave it. l{ 1lf (f 2l (not/haVe) any homeWork f 4 nd] f1000 in the street, it_ Aby Wyraz ć ńak.ż, przymU5 !b koniecżność,uż)&anry: . ńust |^,ó , /. ool op , ó od.żuwanq pueż osobę ńóWjącą, którejżdan em dana czynnoŚĆ ]est koń ecżńa !b WaŻna: . (be)nice Weather L{l . l ńuśtPhóńe Mdm- hav€ to, k edy opisujemy plzyni!§ żewńętlzny Wyn]ka]ący ż przep]sóW reg! acji Prawnych Ub pochodżący od osób we h€ve to wear ó uniform atschool. she has to be home at ]0 p m, need to {użyciejest podóbne do have lneed to s]eeP eignt hours eve|/ ó Ańń often needs źo \aak altel her yaungel sistel ( ve)to be ]50, if] Aby Wyraz ć brak przymlSu Ub koń ecznośc, !żywamy Yau don't have to ńcDdm every My dad doesn't have to !p Rewlite the §entence§ using the First or s€cond conditional. Yo! W.nt to 1 to): nl91rt. llt V s t your il enc] but you'|e Wa]t n9 for . ł,.:lltllilitlll_..l day once d Weeł is e.lł He slażs Work at doń't need ro/needn't: Yau don't need to ga to universny thls yeal YóU needn't do the ||ash]ng-lP, We'Ve góż ó dishWashe[ Yo! Want to 9o to a concert but the t].kets shou dn't Gdy móWimy o tym, coje§t dożWo one, !źywamy be ioo eXpens]ve. You can invite some fr'ends ]fyoU Wa.t, Yo!l itt e s ster W.ńts to P ay Wiih students are allowed to Wólk pań tińe- yo! but yo!'le Aby Powiedz eć, że cośiest n edożWo o.e, używ.ńy: 3 YoL Want to 90 for a ]og blt il YoU has to stoP raji n9 can't ie.Ve the cl.sslooń Wiżh out Pe.mission łom . mu§t,t(badżo s Yo!r Parents need to buy a b 9ger cal b!t they cannot a{ford t this year Yo!'re th nk]ng of going for a Vr'a|k Yo! have a ot of I ny żakaz) '{óu mustn't lóDd music alter 1a Play P.n. not be źllowed to (si iy z.k.ż): Yau arcn't allowed to śpeakdurinq the exam comPlete the s€nten€e§ We 1 ]!!9!, With the corre<t {orm5 90 to schoo th s satulday we're óf hav n9 a rehearsa for a new p ay, |'Ve heard ]tt a 9reat novel, 2 work n the cafć three 4 5 6 'm lea y t red. go to bed eal y don't th nk Jo h.s heard abolt the meetin9 anc §he be Present it! mportant sw]tch ofitheir n,]ob]les here, ,) prepare {or our next Eig ish c ass? 143 Focus r complete the sentences with the Verbs {rom the box. 5 to can can't doesn't have to h.!ąó hżVe to m_sl needs to are a]low€d oóń'l A i 2 GRAMMAR REVIEW 2 3 .].l]'l r,.]li r. be at home at y and Mike p.ń 9 Richard dog now h S tted n the sPorts ce.tre, , jli.ll i i]]].ll!li] i. br nq peis nto the Pet§ ale not pelm Yo! l. on sat!rclays, so they usla y stay olt Unti 10 ol 1] p,m, stay at home toclay becaa§e Was ]n the ofi]ce on Satulday, she Wa|k hi§ Rewrite the §poń§ centre rule§, Use modal verbs {or permission and obligation. sometimes more than one answer i5 Possible, "l spo.t5 centre 1 t 5 necessary to have the cotrect change fol the ockels you ]n the chan9ing rooms, 2 have the colrect change for the lockers n the chai9 n9 rooms lt s not necessary to Wear a s!! mm n9 cap dad 4 l'm afraid you !se a dictlonary d!l ng the test. P ease put ]t back oń the she f. l 9o iow don't Want my {rie.ds to 5 lt Was great to meet you, AleX. We 3 Palents are pernritted to enterthe baby Poo My 5]stel is a st!dent, but she st phone my palents every day My yoL]n9er brothers games fol an ho!r a day on y, but they WoU do it more often. 4 the baby poo V/th the l ch d t ]s not perm]tted to e.t n lhe gym d ike to ó Trans|ate the Phrases in blacker§ into English. 50metimes more than one an§wer is pos§ible. .i ,s! ] : (n]e może) 90 on ho iday ón h s Johń .Ł!j own - heś too yoLrng, (mogę) cal the r teacher§ / / 1 students bythe]rf] 2 Yo! at 3 o'c 3We (ńusisż) Via]t for me at the schoo gat-. ock Don't be ate UP every t]me someone ente6, / (nie mogą) forget rhat their Palents are respons b e fol them, 5 YoU ó (nie mLrsisz) eat eveMh n9 ]f / you alent hUn9D/, you _,,_ / your mob]le Phone atschoo ? Tina / yo| |Cży mażesż)Use (C.y musi p.ytennis Wth hel s]stel.t Weekends? comPlete the text with the correct {orm§ of modal verb§, Use one word in each gap. THE sTRlcT TEACHER: she stands at the flont of the c óss and yo! r]!.]]: to sten to her When she asks to ca out the answet a q!estion, yo!'le not] talk you have io put yoll hańd ń the air Yo!' ]n c ass and you have to do yol]l homework oi t]me, no THE RELAXED TEACHER: The oppos te ofthe strict teacher you are a owed 3 and somet]mes, you a ca hmbyhsfrst do yo!r homework b!t you need to do it exact y oń t me BL]t there are lse youl phone in cla§s, a.d whei yoU ta k to your ciassmates, it 6 the sub]ect ofthe lesson 144 comPlete the gap§ with the correct forms oł modal verbs. sometime§ more than one an§wer i5 Po§sible. 2l st cENTURY PARENT|NG what kinds of parents are łher€? 'qA pa,e . dp "d l-"tdAr " ll,dA l bp |-\o every s!bject except PE, and Dranra, p aythe piano orVioln ony p ay any other n5lrlrment, a ways show respect for them, P ay V]dec aames ór Vrat.h ry - they m!stfocus on s.hoo and extra a.tVte5, H pSter pareńts are non trad]t]ona and ea5y-9o ńg and say the r ch]dlen, , do more ol less whatever be toP ofthe c ass - they can have poor grades as ong as they enjoy earn ng. fo low many rU eS - they can UsUa y mak€ theirown decisions, c. them by theirfiut nameS ]nstead of'k]Um' and 'Dad' 3 Z.]ań L Write sentences with defining relative pronoUns {rom the prompt9. sometińes more ihan one answer is Póćżędiy.h t],pJ.lein]!,§ 1.Iatrre.].Llse Lżył.my, d,_ sochi/the ż. ńk.Vl,ż9 ędi_V..]^ó . Who rhati....s er J c. !a7: r hale . ne!. Wholthat ,.]orł5 .5 ; V.eo !;ffć . Wh'ch that |r' odi ca.i]L, .]o r.ł]ży: o - WAicł tAdl . where (.d,] e:,pn]!.o n.]!. Ih s ]s.h. of.. Where 1 lcli Wntel olymp cs Russ]an cty / the 20]4 sachj js the Russian citv Where the 2a14 Wintel 1ee.ńer 1 alvmpLą!9!9b9h!, a tladitiona type of lnllt house / made of An ig oo / A pLrck / a smal { at disk / is Used instead of a ba l in Z. ]]li ,lż! ed]e ńlró.,hi.h llatm.żeir! ponńąĆ,_.ż. l]i5teP,]]e po i.h i.żpoŚre.l. rże.Zori]( - bo A.e./,.]! r9a.]ł]q the iepcri iwh'chlthat] 7. m.k lh.f. tlri.i? 3 An Rewr'rF r-e sentencet u5.9 !he le|a! ve proroLrś in !e i ,qoi .. !i. e H. st;rt.d . , .i. bL]s i.:l-.r d, !:s i .łr Tre .. ,]. onqs .onrpinJ,|tr.t) ],1v sk]jUmPing and closs-co!ntly ski ng / the Wjnter sPorts / Po and is best at .e5śil.o) ',o h ce dancer/ a Peńormer/ skates to music § Th]§ amaz.g speecl skaiin9 track / the place / three Word records wele bloken yesielday Therel a co lege in my cty, Yo! ca. do business studies there (Where) 'Ve got a sister She Wolks in a shop, (that) complete the sentences With relative Pronoun5, sońetime§ more than one answer is possible. D! .. nry qap ,rea stiye.] . . !] Jr. t! t..]-. 2 3 Do you know anyone doesn't l ke choco ate? This is the comPany car you can ]s there a shop in yol]rtown or city _ 5 the managerś wife, Do you know anyone 6 7 'd like to buy a prlnter HoW impońant is irto eatfood 1 one day l'd ike to get travel, (Wh]ch) a job. The job lnc tJde§ {oreign is 5 'Ve got a part-tinre ]ob dont enjoy it (that) complete the sentence§ with defining relative pronouns. sometimes more than one answer is po§sible, If a relative pronoun is not necessary, write (x). Th s is the type of bl]s ness i ihiik PeoPle Wi l be keen to invest n Do you have an idea for a product or servlce you think People W ll love? Th s is the !niverslty fnance and banking are taught, Nobody wants a career we come to the house steve Jobs lived when flst had the idea for App e comPlters. |'m not the soń o{ PeEon We are now on the boat coco chane boughr after she made her m]l ]on5 as a fashion designer is mole lfyou have an idea for a product he 5 ó -, o -,al, l"ld ,ped,e,ę r -bo l talking to the lecept]onl5t is damage ihe enVironment? complete the sentences, Use Whó, Wńi.h, that, Where or no plońoun at all(x), 1 A Ithe nformation Which / ihatl x lnternet. This ls the Plofessor 2 Most o{the products 3 This sacothesshoP 4 Thls etter comes fronr a person 5 l ó Th s is the u,ebsjte know a ot of PeopLe ...} 145 1 choo§e the correct lorms. 1 think/ am thjnking itl a good idea, 2 am thinking / ńinkabout the pąect. 3 We havel are having two dogs. 4 Janet hasl is having a showe[ 5 Those trousers /ookl are ]ooking nlce on you, 6 whal a.e you laoking / do you look {or? 7 am /ik;ng / iike shoPPing, 8 Look, Jane i§ havingl hassuch a goodtime atthe party| 9 l'ń afrcid,l need / l'm needingthe answer right now 10 Are they laoking / Da they ]ook oK now? 2 4 Find the mi§take§ and corect the sentences. 1 l can't ta k 2 lam 3 now l have cllnner at the momeit, ooking for my glasses {or two hours| Laura has been knowing her for ages 4 have always been pre{erinq suńing to sk]ing comPlete the 5eńtences With the corect {orm of ihe Verbs in brackets. Use the Pr€sent 5imp]e or continuous, ihe Past simP e or contiń!o!s, the Present Peńeci simPle ol continuou§, choo§e lhe corred form§. 1 2 He haspromised/ has been P.omlsing to come. The cost o{ ]iving in that country has risen / has been risinq {or some time, He hasn't heard / hasn'tbeen hearing from them recently. Tom has łnown / ha§ been knowing He en since they Were chidren, oh,l have cur/ have been ćUtting my finger| 6 |'m sorry, l know ]'m late, HoW ong have you been Waiting / Waited? We l, be ieve it or not, We haven't met / been meeting LLrke 5]nce that day, 8 'Pinky' s my {avouriie place for a good cofiee, l've gone / been going there on and off fol the ast two years. 9 ove your matchbox cal co ect onL HoW many cars have you co/]ectedl been co]/eciinq so far? 1o.]!si ook atthis White tree] lsnt it beautifuL? How long has t sńowed / been snawing? complete the sentences with the correct form o{the verbs in brackets. use the present perfect conlinuous 1He 2 |1e 3 long HoW 7 (be)to France, (think) Sam '(T m/ihink) .nonrent?"He ast few Weeks but he 'You (yo!/be)to the Nat]ona Ga ery?' 2 _ (ose) my PassPoft, ye§terday and l_ Oh, you 4 'HoW ong (yoL]/ 5 'How ong (you/have) th!s dress?' ook)for a A: B: B: BI (prodUce)the two new begirning ofthls year (never^isit)a single 8 9 10 146 foleign country in your l]fe? This picture? l have no idea Who painted itthough it (hans) here for ases The furure looks bright, They Ge) mole and more gardenin9 tools through their (ever/Wo*)abroad? (no/make) !P (look) Wolried.' 'l am. l (look) for it since (leave) tomorfow]' l A: Helen simpson? l1 B: C are? lt! great to see you job?' lthink.' ]tt imPońa.t to stldy hard about a newjob at the (ihink) about it forthe compłete the dial09ue With the correcr {orm oJ the (you/do) s]nce you 9raduated? 3 blt (never/be) to Gelnrany, ' 3_ l B: a (nor/see)yo! for ages| agaln| Where (you/be) all this time? (u§Vcome)back {rom London|YoU (chanqe)s]nce We ast saw each (look)Wondeńu l otheI You (PUt)on some Weight, |'m afraid, We l, ]ó And my hail is shorterthan before, When ? (We/last/see) each other? l can't remember (be|ieve) the last tlme Let me think, l 3 Was When We graduated, fouryears ago, (yo!/do) 5ince then? What'_ l0_. (st!dy) in London, What about you? ,b-, .] b,./ la "lV l ' (Work) as a lashion designer fol ha f a yeal now Do you stil ive With your Parenls? (live) ir a f at in the town centre, No, l 13_ realy 1 (you/have)that hat? (|ook) qUile o d fash]oied] _ 5 6 (Wait){or us Whei We ańVed, (meet) Mańha three year5 ago, so (knoW)her since 201ó, 5_ (you/have)it? How on9 1a_ B: since lasi year lt! a large fat, With thlee bedlooms, (try)to rentthe tvvo extra rooms, | 15 but no one has turned UP yet, (|ook)for a room since We l, | ]ó arrivedl l'd rea ly ike to have a look at them, l I 2 Units1-2 !§ l complete the §rory Wirh the correct form one evenlng o{ the Verb§ 1 G]t) in my room doing my (jus strike) seven homework, The c ock' When heard steps coming flom the gro!nd foor The (keep) go n9 Up and down the stePs 3 a (th]n() tWasmy lvlng room Atfirst 5 (go) mum, she to the supermarket and (expect) hel to come any t me; next l ló (not/ suspected it m]ght be a bllglar, so ? make) any no 5e, Then made a decision to ca out but (.nswer), At thai time l lsed to nobody' ive ln a arge, isolated hou§e n the outskirts ofthe iown, and al of a sudden fe t rea y scaled, At ast, (dec]de)to go and see, ]o ' (9o) down the §tairs When all of a sudden the front door (usygo)out|The sammed someone 11_ prob em Was that We continued to healthe steps day afterday but We never saw anyone, Now we live in a flat ]n the town centle, we have lived (moved)five months ago. here since We r' choo§e rhe correcr forms. ln one sentence both an§wers are correct. 'l 2 3 4 5 have had / have been havingthis house since 2012 th]nk l haye seen / have been §eeing her before. She ias readl has been reading fol hours, Laura has becone / has been becoming a doctor Lat.a has woked / has been Working at the hospital l l since she became a doaor. Find the mistake§ and correct the sent€nces, 1 l didn't see AUntJu ia for ages, 2 She dlove a]ong the h]ghway When she had the 3 We studied Maths fortwo hoUE, but We haven't so ved the prob ems yet, 4 l 5 The teacher made ihem to lealn the poem by heart, usua y enjoy to ski, but today 'm hav ng a break, complete the §entences wirh the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Pas,i 5imPle, the Past choo§e the corr€ct 1 ldont mind doing / to do homewolk every day, 2 Pete can't afiord to buy / buying a r,ew cańera. 3 My parents dont a low nre go;ng outl to 90 out 4 5 continuous, the past perfect, the present pe.fect 5imple and the Pre§ent Perfect confinuous. łorms. 1 in Yes, ltt true, my blother can spend hou6 ro p/ayl p/łng comPuter games, We were going to the beach When John fina ly finlshed io tel]/ te]ling us the story, complete the dialogue With the correct form ofthe A: Whźt Was yo!r schooltrip B: enjoyr lt Was great| like, Mańha? Did you (Visit) London? on the first day we '_ (go) to Tra{a 9ar square beca!se We Wanted 3_ (Visit) the National Gal ery .,, Did eveMhins 9o We l? B: Well _,. actually not everything, l must' (say). Whie we 5 (Vlsit)the Ga lery, Pet,A (disappear), and Joe sudden y 6 (Wait)forthem at the 9a lery exit We ? (.oVrL|1) Jp, Beto.e Frrer|rg bJ, lh"y g (warn)W the 9allery the teacher' l0 (not/get) ost, but appalent]y they did, (go) back to After a Whi e We declded rr the hoie wiihoutthem. What haPPened next? Did you mana9e " oh, yes, 4 (cons]de r) Wh eth er to go ol stay When the man asked me to sit down. (be) When lmei Ph in 2015, he a basketbal p ayer for over 10 years. The police ofieled money io anyone Who coLJ d te (commit)the crime, them Who ,| (novknow) he Worked here, HoW long 5 'He's my best 2 3 ó 7 8 9 ]0 ,\- ło bl ,o, flend,"How gotto the hotel, dscoveredthatthey]3 We (already/be) there for an hour when we went into theil room, (Watch) a footba i match on TV they14 (get) rea y angry] The teacher15_ |ya|/ know) hinr?"For 15 years,' (never/be) abroad before and thats she Why she made a nr]stake, (happen) asked hjm Whether anythlng whie was abroad, Before the match he discovered that he (lose) h]5 tenn s racket, (Play)footbail When l We (s iP)and (break) my eg, When l got Up, he _ (have) bleakfast, 12 (Wait)long? The table is now ready for you, Please foilow me, (arrive) ]5 m]nutes iate becaL]se The bus (be) an acc deńt oń the crossroads there 13 l 11 (atteid) Mr Brainy! classes for a month .l, ,PJol (fnd)them? We dld. When We si .e 0l. ong 14 (you/meet)? A comPany in 201ó and an ,| , ol,,l (o n)the (Woft) as ch e{ cood]nat]ng engineel sjnce then, And Chl s (decided)to Work for Us r]9ht after 9radUatlng from Univer§iq/, 147 1 4 choośe the correct forms. 1 Tom is ate, He musl have missed / can'thave missed 2 don't know WhyTom's late. He must have mis§ed/ might AaVe m's§edrhe bus. 'Where! Sue?' 'l dont know. she may be / mu§i be jn the ga,den,' s SUe in the galden?"she can't be / night nat be i| the 9alden. she usua |yWorks atth]s time o{the day, 3 4' 7 8 1 that man at the door?"oh, it must be / can be the couierWith my beauriful new shoes. Just a ririnUte| We don't really know Who burg ed their house. lt mjght have been / can have been a comp ete stranger or one ofthell neighbours, l have absolutely no idea. The Photo ]s not clear lt looks ike a snake, a python,hńir could be / could have been a piece ofthick roPe, That canl bel mu§tnl be true, Felicity Was here With me When lt all happened, so she might not have dane / can't have done itis mightnoil mustnol{inish it in time-' have seeh / have been seeing Leonardo's Last sUPPer twice,' When d'd you last see / have you last 2 ' 3 4 5 ó 7 8 9 10 2 Find and corred the mistakes. 1 2 He Wolld be overwelght, but heśgone on a d et and he! slimmet nou l lsed to trave bV 4 Did you lsed io stl]dy Laiii in secondary schoo ? 5 Wo! dn't lke spinach When Was a chid do, though on y uncooked, 1n sa|ads. blt now eithel used to ol Wo!ld are correct, Write Wouic]), afive any t me now p ay in a band 2 When lwas yolng, __ B: l my 5chool fr]ends, 't With be Tom, He! ]n Gill_ L have |ong ha rbutnowsheWea6 itshoń, be Sue 'lsn't that sue?' '|'m not sure, but it after al. she! j!st come back from Australia,' 'Yesterday saw sandra atthe concert,' 't_sandla, She! ]n ndia atthe moment,' 8 She 14a nearthis lake. t Wasl has been a surPise.l haven't/ hadn't expected to Win anything atthat moment, What was he rhinking / had he ihoughtabout When he paintedl Was paintingthe Picture? 'Whele ;s/ Was Don?''checkthe kitchen, He can / -o, l ę,o,-D,| qraup ol athletes ale at the siatian, ready tó leave lsee/ to see susan anywhere. l'm afraid she WonltUrn up, Thetraint aboltto leave. Wel, thatt stran9e, shel never ate, sUrey somethlng'may havel muśthave happened. l can't complete With a nrodal, WoUld or used io (when WL-. can't he p feeiing / to feel nervous before an exam. Believe or not, once Tim Wouid breakl broke his eg l A, 5 street to getio the bridge, but noW they tend to choose the r]ng road, 1 He Wanted io knowl know whal had pravoked / provoked my bad iemPer, lencouraged her io ta/k/ talk aboLi the episode but she decided to keepl keeping ]t to herself, so she dldn't ca l you again? Thatt a p]ty because l miqhthave helPed / may he/p herthen, complere the dialogUe with th€ correct {orm§. DlVers WoU d io Use ma nly th 5 Was sltting / saion top ota hilWhen l heardl Was hearing the sound of dogs and horses approaching. Francis was sure he has met/ had met tlre llldn irain to Manchester ast Week When We Were kids, We Wo! d be so haPpy ]Ust playing n the yard ln front o{oUr house, 'lsn'i that Tom?' ,l1 12 3 3 'HoW ong have you been Working / arc you wo*ing on this project?''We have been wo*ing / are Wo.king on this Project since sePtember, but We l 5'Who ó choo§e rhe correct {orms. qo{o' be haPPy When she ived in Parls, she 3mlgh. have / mu§t have m]ssed the bus, B: al sńe amay have / .an't have overslept, Let's ca|l her. He o, is that yo!, sue? Where are you? welare waiting / have been Waiting for you fol half an hour and the train is about to leave| oh, l'm so sorry, anl l was about to ca you, l'm afraid you' l have to go Wiihout me, óWentl Was qoinqtothe bus stopWhen l1was meeting / met J!|ie, Julie and lawo!/d/ Used to be close friends wl-el We We e " -,l ao|.w""Ęobld go / d. e sólĄg tor camping together 1ahadn't/ haven't seen 11knowl ^er l Wanted to know ages before today, §o a l her gossip, ljust couldn'thelPlżta ga / gaing {or a cofee With her and comPleie y forgot about We l, that! a pityl But l suppose you mayjust as Well join us later YoU knoW ourteam can't do Wiihout you! Yes, 'l ioin you tomorrow, And Ju je]3migit comel m;ght haVe come With me. shet ihinkjng about it, B: A l right, See you tomorrow ,,, and try ranot to m;ss / not m;ś§ing the tminl I 2 1 compleie the dialogue with the correct {orms o{ the verbs in bracke,is. Use the Present simPle, Present continuous. be 9oin9 to, wil|won'ł and shall. 1 HoW many books have you barrcwed / have you 2 been borrow'ng from the llbrary this year? HoW ong have you been readjng / have you read this 3 l 4 when 5 By the time he Was thiny,he had akeady becóme / able to)go there, come back and cook someth]ng ó 7 The teacher asked the siudents to finjsh to write / writ n9, can't find my g asses.l might have le{t / might ]eave oK, don't Worry. Besides, 've never known James to 8 A: oh, no. lcomp eiely forgot, ]ames and Mary (come)to d nnerto.ight and l lraven't r prePared anythlng, s lhat realy toniqht? ] comp ete y forgot too A: Are yo! busy at the moment, EWa? (/9o) to the B: Not at a . HoW can ] help? ' shops.nd Pjck something uP? A: Wou d you mind? The IBle shop on Baker Street B: (close) at 7:00 B: choose the correcr {orms. and a_ (noy be on time for anything, so l'm Pretty sUre they 5 Yeah, know (be) ateL BUt today could be the day he! on time for the first tlme everl l ó (cook) lasagne thelr favourite, ]'Ve got tomatoes and garlic but sl l "ry pa*" or ,l óó\e, , d| \|drl p|ópa-lg the sauce right now and heat the oven. When you get back can put everyth]ng in the oven and We can it's rl_-,- sa ad together (Leave) That sounds ]ike a good p an, l'_ rl9ht now oh, Wait a m]nUte, ls that youl phone qu]cky P.ePare a rlnging? l l Was Working / gat/ had got home, discovered l had lost/ aheady becanethe manager ofthe company. them in the library, We lsed to bel Would be friends, but We quarleled two yed') dgo In",-r1 ,F-r/i,d\pnlbPP.,pe,-q him since / lorthen. complete the sentences with the corred form of the 1 The {ire eng]ne ariv€d (phone){or help, z l _(ne!e _ 3 g a few m]nutes after be)to sPain, fcarmen (invite) me to to Madl]d n€Xt summer 'NoW long _ stay, (travel) (queue)? ' {or ha f an hour lth]nk As soon as the f]lm l_ Gueue) (give) up now l and come back tomorow' (answel)that and then tellyou exac,i y What pasta to buy ,,, Hrrrm, GL-\\ wl ",?Thd, Wa" ,"me,, l,ey', ro,ir9 Rea ly? What a shame, so Why don't We jLrst order a P]za and Watch a fim on TV together? Yes, it ls, Hang on, l metl was meeting hlm When _ (do) my hom€Wo*, (łnish), l pronrise, l hoPe that bythe end ofthe year eno!gh moneyto 90 abroad, l_ (save) (revjse)for my exanrs at that t]me 7lI 2 complete the dialoque With the correct form of the choose the corect forms. 1 2 / yo! be do'n g / wi l1 y au h ave clane ar rńi s flve years? By the end o{the yeal willhave changed / Willbe By the end o{ November, she will have flnished / will NoW isten to this, This time next month, l'1/ be tftvelling /'llhave travelled in Nicaragua. l'l send B: F iime Wii in They Wi]lbe watchiną / Will have Watcheda fim from ó 7 8 10 A: Ju ia yesterday. She gave me two tickets for Expo, she d;dn't need them anymore because she (a ready/be)to the exhib]tion, Wou d you like to so next SatUrday? (World a B: |'d love to, but unfońUnate y l What we we will be halin1 / wi have had dlnner at eight o'clock, will be havin1 / willhav,. haddinner by eight o'clock, cou|d ca I you at ó p.m. Willyou have checked / Will yotr be checkingli by then? 'Are you going to the exhibition on satulday?''|'m aflaid willbe Working / wi]l Work al day on saturday,' 'what are you doing / willyou be do'ng atthis t]me tamorow?' 'l wjll have had / Wil be having lmch ar l met ' oh, that'§ a shame, What about sunday? a depelds or wl dl l me yoLłe 9ol19. l , "1 ioll (9o) in the afternoon, you as ong as you 3 All right, We ł (9o)jn the afternoon, What B: Gleatl l'm pletty sure l5 You're Working too much, HoW lon9 ó B:7 l ike (you/work)in that restaurant? (Work)there forsjx nronths, lt! hard but it. jtt a vegetarian lestaurant and We lnvent al (make) soits o{ hea thy recipes, Yestelday l 3 twenty Vegetable soups, fifty pumpkin pies ,,, (Write) a book about hea thy {ood And ' 149 complete lhe §entence§ with a/an, ttrą (o 1 2 would nren do without women? red-haned woman was s]tting at table by WindoW looking sad y at street. po.ól 4 There's student at het stadent srudied 2 no aćicle). what 3 La lobl 5 = World is lea ly sn,]al 1 we were going / wentto school When 2 we have forgatten / 3 dooroverihere, ihink w]th in best mov]e 'Ve ever seen ]s Modern łmes, nlm describes adventures o{ factory Worker and l think ]tl lealy Worth watchin9 main y beca!se of Char e Chap ]ns Un{orgettab e peńormance, Find the mistakes and correct the sentences. sometimes there is more than one mistake in stadedl it stańing snowing, had forgolten our Umbrc] as, so we had to go into a shop Unti| the Rh stopped / wau]d stóp. '| was Walking / walkedto my caravan When sudd€n y s6Wl seeing an elephant crossing the road.' been / an't be an e ephantl Elephants don't ive in scot and,' t didn't always use ta be / wouldn't always be like thar. Lea ;s ha n9 / has a good re ationship With all her friends, Dad has boughtl has beeD buying a new car l dan'tbelieve / am not believing it WillWork. Dad has driven / has been driv'ng his new carfor one Was 4 5 ó 7 8 Find and corred the miśtakes. There i5 sometimes mor€ than one mistake in a §entence. 1 As soon as you eat Vegetables every day, you' ] get a ]the minerals you need, 1 Balrie, that ives next door, 2 'What does she do?' 'she! teache[' 3 Wi At ant]c ocean, Who is second largest ocean in World, extends between th€ E!rope and the Amer]ca. 4 This time tomorow We W]l 5 By the end ofthe day We Wi l be eating oul thlee portions of Vegetables, ]s hav.g a party ton ght, You m 'd ike u5 to see at Weekend Wildefnitey need the pair of iean5 and the Write D (d€fn'Dg) or ND (non,de{inin9) next to each §entence; insert the ProPer Punctuation where necessary and add an article Whe. missing. 150 A person Who stea s th ngs s thief. The new fi m by Po ańskl Wh]ch Was We reviewed by critics Was great sUccess. The BBC which had begUn sound bloadcasting ln Io / a, -.| -d so |d l p ,b l ę e,1,1ol ,e^i, in 193ó, l need per§on who can sPeak Engllsh fluently, The new London 9Uidebook published in JanUary this yearwhich conta]ns ots of Usefu information Wil apPear ]n bookshops next month I skiintheAps, Fi ji the 9aP5 With: r an article whele ńeeded, . a re at]Ve plonoui Where needed, . !śe./tó Whele póśsible, . the cófect lórm of the velbs in brackets. Food We ate at a restaurant by sea Was awesome| 4 5 you be fin shing by eight o'clock? Lots of people Visit British MUseUm, Which fra9ments 7 3 fmylriend§ Wi]lbe online,l'l chatW]th them. ó That's a fi 1 2 2 Lewis carrol who wrote Aliceś Adventures in Wonderland, Was plofessol at oxford University, ó Was 't an'thave Netheriands, , ofthe Parthenon ale displayed, 3 choose the correct {o.m5_ 3 l saw a sha* swimming close to the boat, A shark, that Was 2 nretres long, fo lowed !s for aboutthree miles, Notes on Britain's Geography ScOtand,' El! nounlarlous,a and are soUthli€sterl sDOt a|d só l ! l€St peak n Elg and s! tlre fanous Lake D§nid poets in]0 scalellpike e! l ssluated 1be] the hotne centul! Thear€arS Visl t offers an aslonrsh ng Var ]ż [JK's highest peak,7 lvhich' ] 91h sliJ iżeralrd lr'hen you northvr1]stcrn BenNeVs ill5 yOLrrr rrf aldscap€S n olthe ke!mnatur"" (soon ind OUtl t EVen ftllealea a S (take]ylu qute a ong t me io see l Most 01the time you |,r be cr]nb ng Lp and do|Tn tlle peaks 0ryou !.lr]l be "-ia k n! a ong tl€ Lak€ D strict S larrolr Va eys and iakcs aes (s€"4] a 01, but al thi] same By 1he eld 0i the day yoU t me. Vert tte i-Jhel COnpared ]r,Jit|,,l]lat you m qht (Sti ]Seel Lake s Enq ana s ]arq€st ake offers lrr|dleds of nter€Sting possib t es Thc fia n sma . t l: ]J Wrlderrnele]5 aql cU lura] act ]ó V t_V l tle Lake (be) the ma]Or D str intLstry l ct s Sheep larnilla,'łhhh the r€!] on s llce Fornan t mcs _-_'---_---*.''/ I 5 choose the correct forńs. 1 Wish ]jved / Wou/d live in London. 2 3 4 5 f on y you Wo!/d g'Ve up / give Up smoking, lW]sh Aadl Wolid have a fl end keJu]e, iWou d do the housework if ]hadl had hadt]me, Comp]ete the seńtences With ihe First, second or Third conditional, 3 l Wouid h.Ve gone / Wo!]d go to the c]nema if l didn't have / hadn't had ro do the housewolk. Sorry| 'm sure he wou d have phoned hlm if he _ complete the sentences With the correct łorms ofrhe 1 lfl on the blln on lWjsh you _ a change, 4 l Wish l 5 fon y s!mnrer yolr alm (put) ]ce ]tt the best thing to do, (th]nk)about others lor (can/choose) a sUPerPoWer, (yoUlhaVe)? (be able tolhea ) PeoP e. in (you/§top) Liz ifyou had seen her? (you/tell) Mike ifyou s.w him? (you/invite) your fr]ends ifyou see 1 z (know) his telephone number 'm sure he WoU d Phone them lf he (knoW) their te ePho.e nun, ber 'm sule he w l phone Jane if he lknow) hel te]ePhone iUmber ó Find and co.reci the mistakes. There is §ometime§ mo.e than one mistake in a §entence. 1 (not/ieed) to Work a ihis horib e ofiice, We travel ed a ot §ince We stańed llorking for We'l have worked atthattime, but by (noVP ay) comPuter games 3 l six o'clock would love reading comics When l Was a child. The accident would have been much worse iftlle 3 complete the sentences With the coreci forms of the verbs in brackets, use Third conditional. 1 2I{ńe 3 fhsboss 4 fhe 5 f h," ó lf he 7ń They Wa ked to the §tation When itWas beginning to rain, lt Was then thatthey had rea]ised they have lfTom folgotten the]l umbre as, (aPPly)for the job. (get)thejob, he best emP oyee in no time, (earn) choose the correct A: Where did you qo'orm§, forthe christma§ holidays? B: lWenttolthe/ UsA.lWarted to leave Londons , o d wllle, bpl lrd, -o (.o)e ' the /- Cdl:io-rlć a ot of money / rich the averaqe temperature ]s never below 21"cDid you have a good time? (9amb e)in a casiio, (keeP) 9olng to the caslno, 3where (o§e)alhismoney, A: B: Not (not/thin].) §o much about h s (show)Tom rhat job adveń, he (repeat)the same misiakes aga n. Match §entence§ 1-7 With 6-h. 1 lf l made a plomise, 2 l Wou|dnl trust h m 3 Whattime Wo! d We getthere 4 fyou hadn't dliven so {ast, 5 We'd go to the beach ó f hadn't Won the ottery, 7 What WoU]d you have done 8 Wshyou a l Wou dn't have bought that luxury{at, b if t Wasn't so co d today, d Wouldn't driv€ so fast, e if hadn't given you the money? { we wouldir't have crashed, 9 fWe tookthe 10,45 train? o U o o o o o o in athel LosAnqe e§. surprisinqy, theweather wasn't Warm enough, lf it shad been / Waswaffie| WoUldn't have cau9ht a cold. A: Whar a pj§,| Did you have a fever as Well? B: Yes, and also had a sore throat. l had to call óa / the doctor'Tlre/ A dociortold me to stay in bed, 5o did as he said, l{ l hadn'i stayed in bed, Bwauldn't have recovered / wou]dn't recóver h lifre to go to San Fmncisco, Luckiy, 1had/ havearcady Visited]Othel - LA ]n the past. sol1a5 soon as / as /o.9 a. got beh,et IW.1l lo sar F,ol, l\, o, A: What! san Francisco like? B: oh, ]think it! {antastic.lWish ll'livedl live therelBUt |13willgo / ga back as soon as l can. l mightlato go / go during the sumrner holidays, sUlely it ]'W;/lbel Wi/l have been warmer at that time, 've got some friends thele16who/ Which ]ike suńng, so ]'W;]/ be suńng / wi]lhave suńed With them a lday ong A: B: dUring the summer didn't know you cou d surf, 1ghave been suńing / suńed all my life, l leally enjoy itl l'Ve a Ways enjoyed ]'to dol do;ng a]l kinds of 151 GRAMMAR: Train 1 n change the direct statement§ into r€pońed 1 'l don't like this pictlre,' she sa]d, 2 'We saw her yesterday,' he rep ied, 3 ' am late because have missed the train,' she 'ldon't 5 4 1 NoW ong haveyou had / have you been havinglhat 2 How ang have yau read / have you been reading 3 When We arrived / Were arriving, a policeman was Waiting / Waitedfor U5, He told Us he had been / has been there long before We arived, When We were younge|we used ta like / Wauld like 4 Want to see this man a9ain,'he added. danc]ng, Find and correct the mistakes. There i§ somerimes more than one ńistake in a §entence. 'We cant come because we are doing our homework ó 'i choośe the correct forms. Was hot yesterday,' he pointed out, 1 Yo! dolr'l get 2 Pat Wi l have cooked all day tomorrow. she3 having guests for dinner 3 2 change the direct que§tion§ or imperative§ into reported speech_ 1 'D]d you see the film yesterday?' he asked me, 2 'How's your grandmother?' he asked me 3 'Whatt VoUr name?'he asked her 4 'Where did yo! łnd the key?' she asked me 5 'Are you Writing a new book?'l asked her ó 'StoP ta k]ng!' the teacher to d !5, 7 'Dóń't eat at VoUr desks|'the boss told l,.y W ||oe a cat Un ess you prom se lrlsh,9 d|ln-, bV ri'rA to ook afier o. ]t oc Mountvesuv]us, that is active volcano, overlooks the Bay of Naples, 5 lf ó have enough money, 'd go to Austla ]a ó ]{lhad known the answer, l Would n't askyou to he p me. 7 she asked me was l good at Maths, choose the corred {orms, oldacre laUghed, but he Was cleary afra]d of Lestrade, Us, rWho / thatwas V]s]b y upset. ' zhaven'thun / hadn't h(rrt anybody,'he said.'You 3can't / mightn't rcal y mean lt|'Lestrade reP ied angriy, 'BecaUse of you McFarlane i§ ]n Prison, We thought change the direct §peech into rePońed §peech. 1 'You Wi]l have to tel nre the Who e story once agaln,' the woman added, 'The children have a ready finished the gir|said. 3 'Do yo! understand this message?'the oficel asked 4 'Play ii againl' the boy asked the man 5 ']it rainin9,'the po iceman noticed, ó 'Why didn'tthey talk ro the shop assistant? the mana9erWanted to know. 7 'Where have they been?'the little girlasked he ahadl has ki edyou,HeWasindangelofbeing hanged" he added, 'l only did it for a joke,'said oldacre, 'Youwó|'t5be Playing / have p]ayedany morejokes fronr noW onl'said Lestrade. He 6to/d/ sajdthe policemen to take o dacre away, When they'had gone / have gone, Lestrade 8saidl told, 'l mustthank you, Mr Holmes. lWas rude to you earier today and l am sorry, l rea ly thoug ht that th€ case Was finished. lt WoUld 'have been / be Very bad ]ndeed ]f Mr NlcFarlane had been hanqed for someth]ng he didn't do,' 'Don't Worry,' Holmes to d hinr, 'Nobody Wlll know What happened, lt lsnt necessary to say that did an}thin9 to help,'he added, 'But don't you Want PeoPl€ to know how cleverloyou have been / have you been?'asked Lestrade. 'No, sa]d Ho mes, 'l am haPPy with my Work and that is enough for me.' Fron sn Afthur Conan Doyle, The Retuh ol sherlóck Holmes ,l52 8.2 l t, The Pas§ive Turn the following sentenceś into the passive. the ag€nt when neces§ary. Add Alfred Hitchcock directed the łlm. 2 They are 3 They Were he p ng the students, 4 Peop e 5 we make cheese from mik, ó Peter has Pa nted the P cture, 7 You ml]§t hańd in the keys 8 The chl dren óóeńed al 9 The po ice ale qo nq to arrest the two crim na s, 10 W l a n€W house, a Ways remembel him 5 befole eav]nq rh.," the Amażon ra n{orest, 1 of butteńy complete the §entence§ with the correct {orm ol the J Wińdówś scient sts have found. new spec]es choo§e the correct forms. shou d yolng offenders be / been sentenced to a oiger 1 me n pl son? 2 MyWatch i§soW'l have ńe.dedit/ ltm€nded 3 She said/ ioid me lWaswrong. 4 They to d me stóy/ to sta]/ at home. 5 He asked me where Lłas my boók / my booł Was, 6 He asked nre Whether Was // iWas tired. 7 saw a / lhe man at the station, Ihe / A man lenrinded meof sonreone nave nret/lradmetlong ago, U!]ess / As soó. as yo! eat les§ ]Unk food, you Won't be ab e to ose weight, 1 bliding 4 l Wish (be)eected, 2 lfaneectionWashednowhe (see)sue, Wo! d have to d her 3 lf l___ 4 in about the conceń, can'i{]nd my Umbrela, 5 ' 8.5 HaVe §omethinq done 2 Find and correct the mi§takeś. 1 l think l' l have my cal lepair The hóuse Wźs blit ln 1850 bVśóń.óóne 3 Mr 5m th is been nteruiewed at the moment, 4 y had the mea send up to my roonr, Where do yoL] L]s!a y have mended your shoes? ó HoW often the cat is fed? 7 can be sPorts equipn,]ent h]red? change the sentence§ using the §truclure fiav€ \Ąl 1 My teeth W€€ 2 My camera is be nq repailed at the moment, 3 Their hoL]se Wi l b€ painted soon, 4 My bank account is checked everY month, 5 My eye§ Wele tested, ó The cal has ]Ust been serv ced. 7 oUr.omplter checked, has jLst been repa led mlst (]eave)it (yoU/Work) When they arrive tomolrow?' l_'. ó Yesterday 'No, lth nk 2 (think) about other§ for my brother (fnish)bythati]me,' (lead)When l (hear)a loud rn9 on the doorbel, |, lo, o1 loL, 7 A.p _,Ąd ^. (stop) for a lest, 8 9 ó HoW nrany t Galeryth HoW s ong mes ńp (you/Visit) the Nat ona] year? (you/sfudy) Eng lsh? compleie the text with the words from the box_ grańed had changed I by described l have gained led the were arlened [ ** wele given were willing who l _,j Emmelin€ PankhUrśt Emmeline Pankhurst l Was born in lvanchester in ]858, Was a passionate campaignerfor Woment rightto vote,ln 1903 sh€ founded theWomen's socialand Politjcal tjnion and a group of to take pań in drastic actions ' sUch as smashing Windows and organi5in9 demonstration5 to attract public attention.' and the establishment were shocked 5 tactics ofthese Women and many ó suffragettes Werc olten 7 government the ,lVilitant as fanaiics, g During World War lWomen in factoies and took on many ofthe jobs traditionally assigned to men, such as drivels and postmen. Becaus€ of these socialchange, by th€ end ofthe War most people 9 theil Views aboUt Women and the vote, and in 1918, Women over 30lo the rightto vote. BUt itWas only in 1928 that Women Were l1 eqUal voting ght5 With men.ln the same year, Emmeline Pankhulstdied, l}e question is:WoUld Women the right to vote if Emmeline Pankhu§t hadn't campaigned for it? l' 153 lwould like to ask for further inforrńation about/ AccePting su99estions Przyjmowanie propozycj .,. chc a]bym/Chc a]abym s]ę do!!ledżieć ece] n3 iemat / o. , l would be (very) grateful i' you could ,.. By]bym/ Byłabym (bardzo) Wdz ęcżny/Wdżię.żna,gdybyś mó9]/ mo91a / gdyby P.n móg] / Pani mogła / gdybyśc]e mog i/mog]y / gdyby Państwo mogi ,. I wonder if you could .,. .Jestem .iekawy/c]ekawa, cży móg]byś/moglabyś/ móg]by Pai / mog]aby Pan ./ cży mo9 ]byśce/m ogłbyśc]e/ .ży m09 ]by (Państwo) conc€rnin9 j czegoś / That sounds fantastic! Blżm re!!e a.y]nie |'d love to go. Z pży]emnoścą (Pójdę). Well, it's Wońh a try, o/ ,\"-o ,P obo ," , l sUppose ir,ll work, Myś ę, że to dobry Pomysł / dobre Agreeing with opinions Zgadzan]e s]ę z op jnią l (comPletely) agree thavwith ... (c.]kow. e)Z9adż.m się,że... / zgadżam się z.., l couldnt agree more thavwith ... tego nie ujął / nje Ujęła, That's fine with me, V]oźe być l think so too. Teź tak myśę lt is true that ,.. Prawdą ]est, że l am of the same/a similal opinion because ,., Mćm tak]e samo,/ pocobne żdan e, .]clyż, | Apologising ]l l. pisałem/pisałam W.żeśniej,a e, Kontakt , pod numerem (09ó] 2244óó) Widżia]y, prosżoie sa o,., Uzyskiwanie informacji could you tell me when the śtań§? czy mógłby Pan / ńoq]aby Pan nap]sać m], kjedy ż.czyńa s ę k!rs? can yoLr tell me how much it costs? PanlPan nap sać, e on kosżtlje? could you tell ńe ifthere dre dny discounts? 154 D ","b, innymi lf you are interested in ,.., call (John/Ms White) on |09ó1224466). osoby za nteresowane , proszone sa o kontakt te efonicżny ż (-]ohnem / Pai ą White) pod numerem (09ó12244óó). To join u§, call .., Aby żostać naszym cżłoikem, zadżWoń Asking for information , Z lf you have seen it, please nap]sać m , cży są ]ak eś woUld like to know/ask if ... Chc]ałbym/chciałabym do\ł edżieć / żapytać, czy,. WóUld lik€ tó know ńore deteilś about ,., .e lf you have any information, please contact/€all/leav€ a mes§age for Alison on |096122Ą4óą. asóby mające jak eko Wiek iniormacje ploszone są o kontakt (te efo.icżny) z / pożostaw enie t/.domoś.j d]a A ison moje Prżeplos ny l i],-: Waysto.ontactpeople !.,,__,:]_,,.,._j-..]rt:,.-._ :]..., . -. .. l aPologis€ for ,., Prżepr.sżam ża ,. Please accept my apology .,. Plosżę crżyjEć / Pźyjm j l .]t/ contacting People Formal phla§es Pai ,. faithfully, l n, "ż"^, /" -.l - 1Pó^aża,e 39ain. o ó od \óó,ó Czy móg]by Pan / mog]aby ,,-. L,. (ż wyraźe.iami Dear sir or N4adam/Editor) Your5 Plzepraszam, że tak dl!go nie p sałem/ Willnevel haPPen 'Zir.i] Forma Phrases 1Z.] l'm Writińg to tell you how sorry l arn to .., (about) ,., P szę, 3by c powiedż eć, że jest m ba.dżo prżykro lt Best wishe§, Pordlaw am serdecżn]e Bye for nowsee you! Do zobacżen]a] Love,/Take carellAll the be§t, Uśc]sk]] / Trżyma] s ę] / Wsżystk eqo dobrego] sincerely, Z poważan em Regards, Pożdraw am 5orry l haven't written for §o lon9,/sorry for not Writin9 long. Closing formulas: emails and letters Zwroty pożegna ne: e-maile i Iisty YoUrs , - , ,. |'m really §orry (that) .,. Bardżo m prżykro, że., solry for bothering you. Przeprłszam, że zalvracalem/ żawiaca]am c g]oWY. solry to bother you, Pzeplasżam, że C ę n]epoko]ę sorry for any trouble. Pu eprasżam za k]oPot solry l didn't Write earliel, but l ,,, D _,p,", ," , /, , for so would like to ask iflWhen/where/why ... Chc ałbym/ Ch. alabynr żapytać, cżylk]edy/gdżie./d aczego, Neuiral Phrases Przepraszanie lnfornral phfases yr' s ę ,., osoby, klóre gol']ą call melus on .,. for more details, Zadzwoń/Zadzwońc oo_ ó . poo _, e Po, - 1,1o " Mainta]nin9 contact |',,;::: .] |::.f],, ] -.:] t:..t.] Drop me a line sometime. Nap chw i l hope to hear from you soon, sż do mn]e W Wo nej L Give me a call latel, -".l, ,o, do Let me know if you can make it ol da§ż radę prżyiść czę na to, ze sżybko S ę 1 - po, -, not. Dd / " będżiesżnócrł/moqła, F I /. glad to hear about ,,. By]o m m ]o, gdy doW edżiałem/dowiedz]ałam się, że . Let me know a§ sooń a§ pos§ible, Daj żnać, gdv ty ko l Wa§ e h h I tt Declining suggestion5 Od,,., -oo-o, lt doesn't gound very l don't think l fanry good. it, Describin9 a person Opisywanie osoby , To nie bżmiszcżegó n]e Nle mam na to ochoty, lcan't joh you, D,/,tlo a ,iF , ooA pżyłącżyćs ę do c ebie/Was / (Pżyjść), |'m not really inlo .,. Nie pżepadam za, , |'ve got some doubts about it. Mam .o c]o tego Pewne |'m sorry, but Wątp WoŚc]. l don't see how ii could l would n e (lść), Actually, work. to. prefer not N e bardzo lo W dżę, Tak naprawdę to Wo]ę Describing an event Opisywanie wydarzenia Build / BUdoWa arr:a / clobrze zbudowany/zbudowana / ż nadwaqę / bardżo chldyl ch!da / §zcżUPły/sż.żUPła/ chudy/chuda Age / WiekI in hi§ teens/middle-ag€d/in hel late fońies/eldelly nasto]etn /naSto etn]a / W średńm Wjek! / ponad czterdz esto etn /czterdziesto etnia / W podeszłym W ek! Fa<ial {eature9 / c€chy tWalży: round/ova{/{reckles/ ba9/Pas§poń/coat/do9). Zg!bjłem/Zg!biłam (mo]ą torebke / mój paszpo.t / płaszcż / mojego p5.) j.,. ],, lt islwas -., Był/By]a/By]o, , size / Rożńiar: hUge/tiny/3scm x 25cm Vl]e ki/W]e ma eńk/maleńla / miał/miała V/ym ary 35 ia 25 cm shape / Kśzt.k:roUnd/rectan9ulal/§quare/narrow ka / oklągły/okrągła / prostokątny/Prostokątna / kv/adratowy/ kwadratowa / Wąs[ /Waska Co|our / l<olor: white/.ed and brówn/lighvdark green b alylb]ała /cżeMo.o brążowy/.żeMono brążowa / ]as o,'c emnoż e ony /jasno /.iemnoż e ona Malerial/Materi.ł: madeo{leathel/plaśtic/linen skórżany/skórzaia / p ast kowy,/p astikoyla / ln any/ niana Wiek: newyoun9/old/six years oId/modern/ ancient nowy/novr'a / młody/młoda / stary/star. / A9e / §żeścio etn /sześ.]o etnia / iowoczesny/novrocżesn. / antycżny/anty.zia lt has/had (two handleś/a leather strap/a blue cover/two pockets/śhoń sleeve§/a black tail). Ma/M]ał/[/]ia]a/ Mia]o (dwa !chw}ty / skórzaiy paSek / nieb]eską pokrywkę / dwie klesżen e / krótk e rękawy / czarny ogon), l keep (a l my fi|es there), PlzechowLJje W nim/nie] Wszystkie dok!menty. lt was śomething l borrowed/got as a bińhday Ples€nt. -o b,]" po,, zo.a _-z b,,p ę,ę,, , od o , ciała: muscUlar/well-bUilt/overwei9ht/ skinny/slim/thin muskularny/musku Describing lost property Opisywanie zagubionych rzeczy .-i.].,,,.,:.-, The mo§t unusual/interesting person l'Ve ever met .,. Na]bardżje] n eżWykłą osoba, krórą kiedyko W]ek spotkałem/spotkalanr, (jest).,, she dres§es ca§ually/smańly/well/in blacVfa§hionably. Ub era się na uż e / e egancko / dobże / n. cżalno / modni_. Zawsże ma ia He alwayś wear§ scrufr/stylish cloth€§. sob]e Wym ęte/siy owe ubra. a Wżrosi: of medium hei9ht/tallłairly shorV lon9_1e99ed średnlego Wżrostu / Wysoki/Wysoka / dośćniski/n ska ./ dłU9onog /dł!gonoga .,. Desclibin9 featule5 Wy]ątkowy/Wyjąt<owa ż k ku cowodów .,. X jest osobą, He/she is the kind of person who Height / .., |'ll never foĘet N]gdy n]e zapomnę,,lt Wa§ an unforg€ttable (daylocca§ion/event), To był nieżapomniany / była niezapomniana / było n]ezapomniane (dżień/akaĄa/wydaże|ie). The celebration tak€§ place/took Place onlin ... Uroczystości mają/miały miejsce W,,The event i§ celebrated annually. Wydażen e upamiętn]ane jest co roku, Th6 festival originated Począt .i lesliwa lJ sięg.jE,, l losł (my The first thing you notace about (him/her) is ,., P eMszą żecżą,którą s]ę żauważa, ]esr eqo/ ei , (He/she) i§ specialfor a number of reasons. Xjest lt is ol great value./lt'§ a really precious thing, ..]est bardżo ceiny/cenia, / To naprawdę n eżWyk e cenna żecż l €an't do without it. N e mogę s ę beż n ego/nie] obejść, lt means a lot to me, DLżod". e7 "', eyes/ dimple5/scar/mol€/wrinkled/almond-śhap€d pale/tanned/a crooked nos€/moustache/beard okrqqla / o!!a na / p eq / dołecżk]/ b lż.a / brodawka / pomarsżcżona / oczy W kszta]c]e m 9dalów / b ada,i opa ona / qalbaty nos / urąsy / broda Hair / WłosyI baIdin9/shoń/shoulder-len9th/loń9/wavy/ curly/thick ]ys]e]ącyłys ejąca / klótk e / do ranr on / dlug]e /fa ljące / kręcone / 9rUbe Describing a place Opisywanie miejsca The most f.§cinaiing/interestin9/lively Pań ofthe city is ... Najba rdziej {ascyn Ującą/interes,].]'ącą / najba ldziej tętniącą życiem częściąnriasta je§t,.. The most famous attradion is ,.. Najba.dż ej żranę atlakcią iest,,, The town i§ Well-known łor it§ ... Miasto jest znane ze swojej/swojego/§woich.,. lt i§ the kind of place thavwhere ... To (takie) miejsce, W którym.,, The place l like best is .,. Miejscem, kóre Ubię / Podoba mi s]ę n ajba rdziej, je§t.,. li i§ §ituated in a quiet residential ar€a. Połoźony/ Położonajest W spokojnej dzielnicy mieszkalnej. The place i§ surrounded by... Miejsce otoaonejest,,, lt lie§ jn the nońh/south/€asvweśt o{ Poland. Leży na północy/Połudn]u/Wschodzie/zachodzje Po ski, lt i§ the most thrilling/Picture§que/fabulou§ place, To naibardzeie] ,crLiącehd oWĄ czelba lowe m;ejsce, , The sights are wońh seeing. Warto żobaczyć atrakcje/ żabrrki, 155 NeuirźI ,/.. Disagreeing with an opinion N iezgadzanie się z opinią Nie zgadzam się, żelz.,. |'m afraid l cant agre€ With zgodzić się z,.. |'m not convin.ed aboul Folmól phrases RożUm enr, co masz na but... l §ee your point of view ... Plzykro mi, ale nie mogę Muszę stwieldzić, że (zupełnie) się nie zgadzam z,., l am ol a difierenvthe oppo§ite opinion becau§e ... come on, dont be afraid/it'§ not difficuli/it'§ easy! spokój, nie bó]'się /to niejesttrudne /to łatwe| Daj Why dont you come and meet int€ro§ting p€ople/see great thing§? A może PEyjdżiesz i poznasz ciekawych ludzi/ zobacąsz coś fajnego? com€ and tell u§ what you think. Pży]'dźi powiedż nam, cońe and have łun! Przyjdź iWeź Udżiałw dobr€j Don't mi§s it! Nie pżegaP tego] Ending emails and letters kończenie e mai ii ]istóW lnformal phrase§ / żWroĄ/ nieforma ne you. Miło było otrzymać wjeści od ciebie, Email me soon. Napiv §zybko. |'d€r get going./l mu§t go now./Got to 90 now./ l must be going now. Muszę kończyć, Bye for now. Na razie, lt was good to hearłrom Looking forward to your news/to hearing ł.om you again. czekam niecierpliwie na Wieści/kolejnego maia / kolejny list od ciebie. say hello to ... Pozdrów.. Giv€ my tove/my r€gards to (everyone at home). Uściskaj/PozdóW (wszystkich donrownikóW), Have a nice (trip). Miłej Podróży. see you (soon/in the summer). Do zobaczenia (Wkrótce/ latem). Write soon. Napisz szybko. Keep in touchl Pozosiańmyw kontakc]e! 15ó think about ... l hope you Will Publish more ańicles about this Problem, o ." .z,lel , ,"dż o,,, -]estem lr']am nadżie]ę, że op!blkLJ]ec]e / oPUb jkują Państwo kole]ne ańyk!ły na ten temat, l would be glate{ul if yóu could publish my letter. Będę wdz ęczny/vłdz ęczaa za opub ]kowan]e mojego ist! Expressing contrast !ptsr""!a9! " !!99o p!]]],t!]! da!! a many people say rhar adion §hould be taken straight Encouraging participation Zachęta do uczestniczenia w wydarzeniu ],] wonder what other r€ade.§ Eg!crc!, żdaa a, ponieważ , Wbrew Powszechnej :., t,'. -. Mam nadzieję na szybką l Rozumiem TWój punkt ... Nie]'esiem Pzekonany/ pzekonana co do-,. l dont think it's the be§t śolution ... Nie sądzę, żeby to blo najlePsze ro&iązanie, l mu§t say l do ńot agree/strongly di5a9r66 With ... -ester rnego/pżeciwrego contrary to popular belie{... soon. l hope to heal from you lam totally again§t... Jestem całkowicie peeciwnyl see what you mean but ... .- tln -: l look forward to he6rin9 from you/your rePly, Czekam na lnformac]e od cieb]e/Pana/Pani / TWo]ą/Pana/Pźn ldiśagree thavwith .../l don't agr€e thavwith ... l ),. away, .]ednak Wie e osób móW , że t2€ba dżiałaćnatychmlast, Even thoUgh/Although many re§identś §uppoń the mayor and his poli.y, he also haśmany enemies. Choc aź W elu m eszkańcóW popiera bUrmisiża ]jego Po ]tykę, ma on takźe Wle !J WrogóVl ln §pite oflDesDite winning in the e|ection, his real ambition weśto work for one o{ the Eu institution§, Chociaż Wyglał W wyborach samoPądowych, jego prawdz]wą amb clą była praca W jediej z instytlc]] Un i EUrope]ske, lt can be argu€d łhat ,,. o stw erdżen e, że,., Moźna pokus]ć się Expressing doubt Wyrażanie Wątp]iWości l have read the advervabout your §ervices ańd/but l Pu ecz}tałem/Pż eczytałam am not quite sure ił ogłoszenie / o Państwa U§ługach, jednak niejestem ... Pewny/pewna, czy.,. l cannot under§tand lt iśnot cl€arto me if... if... Nie bardzo rozumiem, czy,., Niejestdamniejasne,czy-,. ExPressing interest Wyrażanie Zainteresowania lam intere§ted in .../l have be€n looking for... Jestem żal.Le€sow.rylzairtelesowana,,. / PosżUkLię,, l am planning to ,., and that i§ Why l found this intere§tin9/imPortant. adverti§emenvo#€ńext Planuję... iz tego Powodu żainteresowałem/ zainteresowałam §ię tym ogłoszeniem / tym tekstem oredą. LJżrałer/Uzla|am golJa la Ńażny/ważrą lwould like io thank you/cońgr.tulate you on ... /tą chci.łbynr/chciałabym cilPanu/Pani/Państwu podziękować / pogratulować,,. lwaś very interested in your ... (rńicle/ editoriay pre§entation). Zaint€re§owałemżainteresowałamsię l Państwa ańykułem (Wstępnym) / prezentacją, Byłem/Byłam wa§ §urprised/{ascinated/§hocked to żdżiwi o^y / zdziwiona / zal ascynowany/zaf ascynowana / zszokowany/ższokowana, gdy.-, ... Expressing opinion Wyrażanie opinii Giving examples l believe/thinldfeel (that)... WieĘę/Myślę/czuję, że.,. l r€ally believe Naprawdę wieżę, że,., for example,/{or instance, na Pźykład Podawanie przykładów ... ln my oPinion/view, N,4oim zdaniem,., The way l §e€ it, Według mnie,-, lt seem§/app€aB to me (that) ... Wydaer się,źe,,, To my mind, Moim żdaniem.,. My opinion is that ... W mojej oPinii.,. As far as l am concerned, Jeślio mnie chodzi, to,.Peopl€ often claim that ... Ludzie często tw]eldżą, że,,, some people aĘue that... Niektóuy ]udzie sążdania, że,.. Expressing preferences lprefer.., ,., Bardżo !b;ę / Woię,, niź,, |'d like to ,../l hope to ,., Ch ciałby m/chciała bym,. , / l find ,.. boring/dull. , . jest rewelacy]ny/rewe acyjna, Mo m zdanjem,, ]est nudny/nUdna / n ec]ekaWy/nieciekaWa, l don't like/l can'ł §tand/l really hate .,. Nie lbię / N e znoszę / Naprawde n enaw dżę . lł's not really my thing. To n e moja bajka / To nie eży W kręgU mo]ch żaintelesowań Expressing purpose / result / reason Wyrazanie ce|u / skutku / przyczyny He worked as a volunteer in the Phillippin€§ !gli!_gĘ!cr !9&9_e$9 h€lp local People o€anise their life anew after the tsunami, pmcowa'.alo wolon ar usz ra -ilPinac1, aby Pomo( -iejscow"j lJdrośc zol9.1:zować sobie na nowo życie po tsunami, The man committ€d the crime and therefore/ conseouentlv wa§ sentenced to li{e imPri§onm€nt. Mężczyzna Popełniłtęzbrodnię iW efekcie został skazany The team miś§ed their deadline because oraś a reśultof numerous mi§takes they had made right at the śtań. Drużyna nie dotlzymała ierminU ż powod! icznych tlędów, hóre PoPełniła ża6z na Początku, Giving advice udzieIanie rad You §hould/ou9ht to... takie jak,,, szcze9ónie/ Giving reasons for opinions Uzasadnian ie opinii lthink so b€cau§e ... Jestem tego zdania, ponieważ,,, ln la.t/Actually, ... WłaścWie/Wzasadzie,,, The r€.son why l believe so i§ ,.. Powodem, dja kórego lntroducing points in a 'for and against' to.,. Mam nadz eję, że ,, .,. i§ gleat because ,.. ... especially/inparticular/pańicularly tak myślę,jest,., Wyrazanie pre{erencji l really enjoy/like/love .,. becaUs€ UW e b]am,.,, pon eważ, , like .../such as e5say Wprowadzanie iezy rł rozprawce ,,za i p,rzeclw' What are th€ a19ument§ for and against thi§;dea? Jakie są ar9umenty za takim Pomysłem l Pueciw niemu? What are th€ benefits and drawbacks o{ such a §tep? Jakie są za ety ]Wadytakiego posu.ięcia? This apProach ha§ boih advantage§ and diśadvantages, Takie podejśc e ma zarówno dobre, iak izłe strony, lnviting Zapraszanie |'d like to invite you to ... chciałbym/chciałabyn,] Cię/ Was zaposić do,,, chciałbym/chciałabym, abyś |'d like you to come Paysledłpęvszla t abyś<e Pżysż il p.?r./ły ... Would you come to czy pżyszedł\yślPftysżłaqś/ pżyszlibyście/Pzyszłybyściedo/na, . ? |'m writing to invite you to Mar§admy party). Piszę, aby cię,/Was zaprosić (do Warvawy / na moją jmPrezę / moje pżyjęcie). ... ...? , |'m having (a party). Lżądzam irP,e,ei Przyjęc e, Mam l hoP€ you'll be able to join urto ńake nadzieję, że będziev mógł/mogła / będziecie m09 i/ it. mogły pżyjść, lł you want, you can bring a friend. Jes i cl,cesż, nożesz pżyjśćz ko egą/koleżanką, You are welcom€ to ]Vlile Widziane będzie/będą,., .,. Join u§ today! Pżyłączsię do nas (eszcze)dziś! come and m€et me ,.. spotkajmy się.,, Why don'tyou cońe...? A -r'oże L,yś Pęyszedł/Pżysża/ hyśc]e Pżyszl', / Prrysz\...? PoWinieneś/Powinnaś,., You'd better ... LePiej by b}4o, gdybyś,., lf l w€re you, l would ... Gdybym b}ł/była na Twoim miejscu, to (zrobiłbym/zrobiła bym tak),,lt might be a good idea (foryou)to ... Dobrym pomysłem mogłoby być, (abyś),., Why don't you A może (spróbujesz),,,? you Myślałeś/Myś]ałaś o.,.? Have thought ollabout ...? ...? 157 Listin9 a19uments Ne9atiVe Przedstawianie argumentów a19!meni : r l,.], .],] ,. F]r§t all, Fir§t of First/Fil§tly, To begin Przede Wszystkim, one (dis)advantage is that ż Wad ]est to, że,., The main/ ar9um€nt Co,. ] za , rt Pad jest to, ze, .]edną ż za et / Jedną in suppoń of .,. i§ that .,. lo\o^] o9 , on the one hand,/on th€ other hand, Z ]edne] stlony / Z drlgie] strony , one ar9umenr in favour is thai .,. Jednym ż arg!meitóW pżemaW ajacych na korżyśćX ]e5t to, że. . succes§ive ar9!ńeńts i.] l..l r : ,]! , , se.ond|y, Po drug e Thirdly, Po tżec e,., .,. Ko ejną ża]etą/Wadą lt is also impońant/Vital to con§ider Waźne ]est róWn]eż lożWażenie,,, ,., (N]eżWyk e) W końcu , Last but not least, o.,".-i" (algUmenten,] jest fakt, źe) . io. e drló]^.1Jr c s ę (to) ,o5z)-lLlę ovo /- d /a.-),jar,"l,-Pan^-,.< powinnaś io żobacżyć lt i5 a must| MUs]sż io żohaczyć/zrohlć| l think it's Wońh seeing because ,., Uważam, że Warto to l zobaczyć, poniewaź,-, was impressed by... Duźe Wrażen]e żlob ł/żfobłańa l couldnt put it down. Nie mogłem/moglam s]ę od niego/niej odefuać, 1t'ś a n.p sany/naPi§ana. Adjeci VeS Positive / PożytyWne: brilliant/spedacular/strikin9/ impres§ive/poweńul/.onvincin9 śW etny / fantastyany / udeżający i'rob ący Wlaźei e / mocny / przekonU]ący N€9aiive / NegntywneI violent/predictable/ g/f ar-f etched/dUll/bland/di§appointin claśśi../lt'ś; ma§terpiece o{ its kind. To alcydżieło iedyne w swoim rodzaju, To klasyka, / The plot is believable/entertaining/thou9ht-provoking. Fabułaje§t Wia.ygodna /zaPewnia rozryWkę / żmusża do myślenia. lt will change the Way you see Zmjenisposób twojego myślenia o,.. Na lf lw€re you, lwouldn't h€sitate to take pań in twoim miejscu nie Wahałbym/Wahałabym się iWżiąłbym/ V"zięłabym udżiał W-, l highly .€commend 0oining)... Góląco polecanr (udżiałW),. ... ... ) Neutlal / Neutl. o. o ńe: slod§entimental/serious g , Wójny,' seńtyńreńla .y / powaźny Making requests ,..? Do you think you could ..,? L€t me know if you can mo9iabyś (pżyjść), (come), Formal phrases, l..],.tl r. -; . cży mógłbyś/ cży myślisż,że mógłbyś/ Da] znać, cży mógłbyś/ me.,.? /, og]b I oo]"b\ " Would ir be po§sible for you ro ...? cży byłoby moż ]We abyś / aby Pai/Pan .,.? |'d be grateful if you could ... Byłbym Wdz]ęcżny / ]eśmógłbyś/mogłat]yś/ móg]by Byłabym Wdz ęczna, Pan / nTogłaby Pan lwonder if l could ask you tolfor .,. cży mógłbym/ mog]abyń poplos]ć cię/Pana/Panią o ,.? |'m writing to ask for you. helP/advi<e .., Pisżę, aby pros ć c ę/Pana/Panią o Pomoc/radę,. Making suggestions prooonowanie lthink l/you/w€ should ... Nlyślę, że powinienem/ powinnam/Powinieneś/Powinnaś//PoWinnyśmy.., Perhap§ l/youlwe could ... Moźe mógłbym/mogłabym/ mógłbyś/mogłabyś/m09l]byśmy/mogłybyśmy,.. What do you think aboui Co myślisz o,,,? What about ...?/How abour A może by,,.? How do you fe€l about Co Ty na to, żeby.,,? Would you like me to czy chciałbyychc]ałabyś, że6ym...2 Why don't We (9o) ...? A może (pójdżiemy).,.? Lei'§ {9o to) chodźmy do.., (Pójdziemy do).,.? shall we (9o) Do you fancy (9oin9 to the cinema)? czy masz ochotę ...? ...? ...? ...? ,.. ,..? (pójść do kina)? 158 óP b p.]órpZA^o, p?e\d,"" Could you tell bardżo podobać| l re.ommend it to everyone. Polecam tolgo/ją kaźdemu, lf you like modern ań, you should dełinit€ly śeeit, Jeśi Będzie pżekon!jąca, can you .,., please?/could you Positive oPinion itl ma1o lnfolm.l phlases 7l.,lii ,l :.i"'' : l. Making recommendations Rekomendowanie You'll love , Wyrażanie próśb lnaddition/Additionally, Dodatkowo,. Apań from this/that, opró.ż tego ,. Moreov€r,Mhat is more, Co Wi9ce , , Last a19ument ij!:i,r : .Ir-. n Final|y, . ]l - The scriPt is dull, Scenal u5ż ]est rudny, lt is poorly/badly Written. Zosta]/Zosta]a słabo/ź e .d. dgd Another (dis)advantage is that ,, Jest dośćdłUgi/długa / n!dny/nUdna / żagmatwany/ zagmatwana / powo ny/Powo na, The cast is awful/un€onvincing. obsada ]est fata na / , ... l.]:.],]], one weakne§s (o{ the book/filfi/work§hop§) is that .., q,"óc |,o ą. Ę,t .,r ^o lt iśrather long/boring/confusing/s|ow. (o {] m]e/ak.ji) Po p efusże. Na Wstęp e,., With, opińion Opening formulas: emails and letters Zwroty powitaIne; e-maile ilisty lnformal phrases Hi Margarei, Droga Anne, cześć,Aniul Neutral phra§es / MalgaretL Dear sir or Madam, szanowni Państwo] Dear Editor, sżanowny Pan e| / szanowna Pan]l Rozpoczynanie e mai]i/ istów .i ]i -: ln{orm.] Phrases .]r ] lt waś good to hear łrom you. M 10 by]o otrżymać Wieśc l hoPe you're doing well/you're {ine/you're oK, Marn nadzie]ę, że masż s ę dobrze / źe ! c]eb]e Wszystko poządkU, HoW are you (doing)? Jak 5]ę ma§ż? / Co ! c]eb e? |'m writing to t€ll you ,., P 5źę, aby c] pow edżjeć, że Thankś for your lett€i Dz ęk ża st. l wondel if you remember/have heald .,. C ekawy/ ciekawa jestem, cży pam]ę1.52 / s]ysża]eś/Słyszałaś,., .,. l wanted to tellyou about l jUst wanted to ask/lemind/thank you .,. Chciałem/ chciałam C]ę tylko żapytać/PoPros ć / C]ty ko chc a]em/chcialam Ci Pżypomn eć /podż ękować. JUsl a quick email to tell you ... ma |a, aby C powiedż eć ,. P szę ty ko krótk]ego Z , |,l .l: to thank you for ,., Form. phrases P 5żę, .by c /Pan]/Pan! am writin9 podz ękować za,. l would like to exPress my ,., Chc ałbym/chciałabym Wyraż]ć mó /mo ą/mo]e. , l afi writing in conne<tion with ,., (the article/ediłorial/ l repoń) ,., P szę W żW ążkU ż ańyk!łem (WstęPnym) / sprawożdan em ,. l have jUst read .., (th€ ańicle) entitled ... in satulday'g paper/la5t month'śedition of -.. PżecżFałem/ P?eczytałam niedawno / W] gaze. e / W Wydaniu , z żesżlegomiesiąca (artykuł) żatyt!łowany l am writin9 to aśk/enquire about ... P]szę, aby zapytać użyskać nfolnrac]e na temal, , l readlfound yolrr adveńisement in ... and wou|d like to .., Prżecżytałem/Pzecżytałam/ Z.a azleń/Zna azlam o ,. / Państwa og]osżei e W i tego plob An alt€rnative po obo/, o.I enrL] ]e§t solution to this i§sue i§ kv/eslj jest,, rożW ążan em tej ,., "7" " ińVm Summing up podsumowanie All in all/on balance/on rhe whole/Io §um up/ln conclu§ion, PodsLmowLjąc / W podsL-owan,L,., into account, All thing§ con§ideredłaking €v€rything starting email5/letters powiedż]eć, że,, ,, isto,,. Zwroty neutlaLie Formal phrases / Zwroty forma]ne W of.,, Na eży / PoV/ nno s e pod]ąć krok mające na ce u rozw ązan e prob emu one (Possible) Way to solv€/overcome this problem Dear Mr and Mrs Edw.rd§, szanownl PańsrWoL Dear M§ Brennon, szanowna Panil dobźe / Proponowanie rozwiązań probLemów steps must/should be taken to solve the Probl€m / ZWIoty njefornra ne Dear suggesting solutions ch. a]bym/chc]ał.byń Po rozważeniu/pżeana izowaniu W§zystkich (aĘurientów),., Telling a story Re l a cjo nowa n ie zda rzeń lt all happened some time lt wa§ three years ago. ago. To bJr]o Wsżystko Wydarżyło s ę tży ata temu, While l (was Playińg), Kiedy baw]em/batr]łam się / gra]em/9lałam,., Finally, W końc!, suddenly, Nag e , , Unfortunately, Niestety, Fortunately, Na Sżcżęśce lt Was the b€§t/worst time ever To był nai epsży/ na]gorsży.zas/moment W ńo]m życ ! We had a qreat/awful time when we wer€ ,., Przeżylśmyfantastyc?ne/koszmarne chw e, gdy Thanking Wyrażanie podziękowań lńfolmal phlases ll, :'l - : e for ,., Pszę, :t;, . |'m writing to thank you aby Clpodzekować Thank you so mu.h. Bardżo C dz ęk!]ę lt was so/really/Very kind of you to ... Io było nieżWyk e / bardzo !Prze]me ż Twoje] srlony, że,. Formal phrase, ].]1.I! ], |.,: l l€ally aPPreciate your help. TWoją/Pana/Pan] pomoc. Thank you for s€nding \-P it back to .l :""^d- do me, Dz ęklję za ]ego/ am real|y glateful for your help. Jestem niezwyk e l!dż]ęcżny/Wdz ęczia ża TWoją/Pana/Pan pomoc lt's very kind of you, To bardżo uPrżejme ż TWo]e]/Pana/ l l hope it's nót too much trouble for yóu. Mam nadzieję, że n e spray?i C/Pa.!/Panlto kłopotu, Thank you {or doing me a favoul, Dz ęklję za plżysłlgę, 159 Writing about books/films Recenzja książki/fiimu lńtfoduciión !'!r.l, !r. ]r: ] : Th€ film/book iells the story of oPowiada h stor ę, , The film/śtory in śet in ,., ... F lm/Ksiąźka Akcja f]lmU/opow adania rożgrywa się W ,. The boovnovel was written by ,.. Ksiąźka/Powieść zostala napisana plzez,, Th€ film is directed by ,., Fi m został Wyreźyserowany |t i§ a .omedy/horror film/love story. To komed a/ Thi§ well-Written/informatiVe/fa§cinating book .,. Ia dobrze naP sana / poucżająca / fascynująca ks ążka., lt is ba§ed on real event§/on a true story/on a book. Jest opańy/oparta na plawdżWych Wydarzen ach / na prawdż]We] h]stol ]/ na ks ążce, lt has been made into a lilm. \" e Poo,td \ie P]ot description |-]. i :..]l, The śtorycónc€rns/begińś/is abour .,. N]storia doĄ/cży / zacżyna się,, / Jest to hlstor]a,., The plot is (rather) boring/rhrillin9. Fabuła jesi (dość) .udna/po./Wająca, The plot has an unexpected twist, f L /"^ - " "b, nieoczekWany żWrot akcji The plot focuses on .,. Fab!łakoncentl!]esęna,,, The film reaches a dramatic climax ,., P!nktem ku]m nacy]nym fi mu jes1,., Writing about future plans Pisanie o planach na przyszłość l might lt i§ ... Być może.,. my dream to ... My ambition/goaliś ro Moim mażeniem jest,. ... Mol'ą ambicją/ Moim celem l hope that .../l hope to ... Nlam nadzieię, że.,. l am thinking of... Myślęo,., 1ó0 ( present tenses reVieW - 1many 2afew 3iew 4.1tte^ome 5 mlch ó any 7 present perfect and Past Simple 5 Do you rea ::e. s.2 'l more 2worse 3 mo9t 4ihan ittle 1than 2rcher 3most 4as 5 enough ó more 7 too 8 thań 9 the 10 fhań 11 ihe 12 as y enjoy 2 Did you look, d]d 3 HaVe you dec]ded, havent 4 Was she, djdnt see Exercise 2 1 haveń'tfńiśhec]yet 2 have yo! evel śeeń 3 saw 1 At the mome.t Kate js ook n9 for 2 How oltei do yo! Update yolr Prof e? 3 Why s Pa! ook ng afiel hiśfl end! 2 dl -"l ó not Pat ent e.ough 3 the most amaź ń9 9 'Ve akeady asked Future forms 5 thr lel be{óre? 5 Mańha h.śntdone any sports s]ńce 4 Whó has seen th 1 llealńtto Paythe g!]tarthrce years 1 sn't 90 n9 to la ń 2 Have you bought a new suityet? 3 Rob had hiśfitstddv n9 esson 4 HayHave yo!l fźmiy ever moved 5 does jt lsua y 4 When did Heleń Write this song? 5 Tom hasn't opeńed a bank accounl yet, ouantifiers 1 some 2 1 ńlch 2 some 1a ot many 3 few 4 any 3lot a tte^ome 2any 4ańy 5af€W^ome 1 3 Howmany 1 idon'l eat much me.t 2 There aren't any good resta!ranis near 3 drntVery ltt e coke, 4 My moih€r doesit bake ńańy c.kes 5 ó c]c]n'i have any cerea fol bleak{asi, lsed to eat Very few Vegetables 7 ]don'tdo m!ch cook]ng athóńe Prcbably Watch !vn noi 9oin9 io qet maffed 1 l W he p you so Ve ihis prób|em 2 We ar€ not do ng oll homewo 1 has owńed thisvinta9e cupboad sinće 2 got maded iweniyyear5 ago 3 haven't been tó the se.side for 5 a ót oJl a iit e / tte /some ó a ót ófl a f€W/ lew/ some 7 ańy / ńany /. ot ol 8a ot óf/ a ]tte / l]tte / some 3l ó'ń 4 ]tte 3 a loi óf/ a lew / some augh 5Wi 5 mlch ofl a ]tte/ itte/some ó' 4 Went on a diettwo Weekś ó9o 5 has known Grcg since ó óst hisjob a few months agó 7 has (. ready) r€ad Comparative and superlatiVe adjectives (too and enough' 3 Whei are yo! 9o]n9 ró do 4 My besiłend s notmovjng hóuse 5 My muń Wi] Prcbabytake ó Are the Sm ths driv n9 to ih€ mo!nta]ns iomóffóW mornin9? 2'l pay 1 are 9o .9 tó có e.t 3 '; plóbably ó19an s€ 161 2 dóń't have/d 1 L'm meet ńg my grandma. 2 Yolte 9oiń9lo be 3is ate. 3 l Proń se Won't te anyone, 4 l' he p you ook for i dnl Defining relative clauses hżVe 1 My father dr ves . cal that be ongs to 5 Wón 2 There3 a co lege ]n ńy cilyWhere yo! can do blsjneśśtudies, 3 'Ve got a sister ihźt Works in a shoP, 5 Yo!'re gó]ńg to bleak l, sildents' own 1 W l you .nswel it, pLease? 2 The sildeńts are stt ng thei.{]na €xań tomorow at 9 a.m. ie 3 l'l ódelsome newbóoksóń ioni9hi if haVe tjme, are meeiing ańd k aboll o!r 4.]ańe 1 lfthe tickets are notióo expensve, at7 p m 2 Science prcject, tó ta 5 We're 9o n9 to b€ ;te fólthe appo ntment, 'm a{ńid 3 4 lW] 90 ]f { it slops ra]n n9, W] 9o fol a jog parents WóU d bly a b 99er car {they co! d ćfiold d 4 one day 'd ike io get ajobwhich ncludeś fóleign trave . 5l'Ve 9ót a pań timejobthat dón't to a conc_-ń, lWe@n't so t]red, woudp]ayu,th |,4y 5f w]lkiow my exżm res! is 2 am havn9 myl]6tjób ]ńtefueW 3 W l have irolb e getting food 4 am go n9 to V]sit my 9randPar€nts anSW€ls ł, 1x 2 Wher," 3x dn'i have so mlch Work, l Wo! d 1 iń 5 Won't be any wa6 in ElroPe First and second 1 conditionals E\.r.] 7W] 2 ast. day fshe charges 3 9 ai€ ż9ć ń, We' l get stlck 4 had more t ńe, she Wo! 5 Wou]d.'tbeabeto d t. 2 doesn't have io 3 cań't 4 m!9t 5 h.Ve to ó needs to 1 c.n 90 on ne 7le.d, W { lyo! rde oóked, Wo! d gettned he 9aV n9 !P fór a new car read mole books 3 yo! la ed.n ]ńpońant test siań lqo! d 4 We c. ih€ ńeeiing off 5 we wouid see the new exhibjt]on ó yo! Wo! dr't e to me ,ló2 1 canlale alowed io 3 don't have ió/don't neec] tó/ńeedń't k 2 kneW, WoU d understand 3 Won't become, doesn't 9o 4 Wo! d Wear, ived 5 doesń't hulry, Wi mcs ó dón't eat, W ]be 1 2 4 mlst r_- 2 1 Wo! d 90 claży ]f he Wasn'i ab e 1ó 8 mlst 2 have to 3 have to tó ó have to 7 hóVe to 5 h.5 1Wo!d 2coud 3donl 4Wolld 5Wóud óasks ModaI verbs for obligation and perm lsslon 5 don't have to/don'i need to/ńeedn't ó Ale yóu a owed io/cań yo! 7 Does Tina have lo/DoesT na need io EXerc]§e 3 1 An i9lóó is a t€d tiona iyPe óf .!it house which/that is made ofsnow 2 A P!ćk G a sma llat disc Whi.h/that ś used jnstead ofa bal in icehóckey. 3 An iće dancer is a Peńormel who/that 4 skijumping and crosś,ćóUntry sk]n9 are the W nlel sPo.ts (Wh]chłhao pó aid s best at. 5 This anaż n9 sPeed skat]n9 track is the pLace Word records Wele broken yeśterday, 2 which/thavx 5 Who/th.t 1 . óWed 2 m!5tn't/can't 31ó 4 can 5to ódon't 7 mlsin'rcań'i 8has 2 don't have to/don't need to/needń'i 3 cżn/are i lowed to 4 can't/aleń't a owed to 1 mlst/irave to/need to 2 can'raren't a Lowed io 3 hive to/need to 4 cań'th!stn't/aren'ia lowed to 5 cań/are a lowed to ó doń't have lo/don't ńeed to/needn't 7 donl have io/dóń't need to/needn't 8 can/are a owed tó 3 Wh]ch/whele/ihat/x ó Which/whele/thavx students' oWń answe6 Unit Exelcise 5 1 1 haven't seen 2 Was driv]ng 3 have been stldy]ng 4 ski]ng 1 th]nk 2 am lh]ńking 3 have s hay ń9 5 lóok ó are you 7 ke 8 shaviig 9need 4 :\e . 1 3 5 7 9 ]_. ook Ó Wl]t]ng ! 1o have yo! €Ver worked 1 lam havińg d nn€ratthe have been ook i9 mońe.t. fór my g asses 4 lhżVe a Ways plefered surfing to sk ń9. 1 Was Wait]ng 2 met, haśknown 3 h.Ve yo! had, ooks 4 have been, have ielelbeen th]nkin9, has beeńthi.kn9, óok, have ost, hale been ooki.9, 1 haven f seen 2 have yo! been 3 have ]Ust come 4 have chań9ec] 5 óok ó have plt 7 d d We ast see 8 b€ ele 9 have yo! lr€e. dó ń9 10 have been study n9 'l1 have been 12 have been Wolk]ng/hale Wolked 13 ive/ań Vn9 14haveyo!had 15 have b€€n try ng 1ó have bee. oókin9 Unit 2 ó expe.ted/Was expećt n9 7ddn'tmak_. 8 żnswered 9 de.ided 10 Weńt out 'l2 Visiti.g 2 VJeńt 3 to he 9 Wele P ży n9, 9 ipped, broke 10 Was hav n9 11 HaVe yo! been Watn9 12 irVed, had beeń 13 have beeń attend n9, signed 14 Have yo! met, joińed, has been Wor|iń9, de.ided Unit 3 3 may be mńśe.]2 mjght have ńcsed 4 c.nt be 5 ńlsi b€ beeń 7 co! d m ght have ; §:',::::",'","fi'";:.:ji:l 8 can't be, cańl have done be lse 1 have yo! bee. Wórkiń9, h.Ve beei ,,ork n9, m]ghi not 2 haveseen, dd you astsee 3 W.ś s tt i9, heald 4 had ret 5 tó lńóW, had provoked ó io ta k, to leep 7 might have he pe.] 8 fee iń9 9 broke 10 Was, h.dnt erPected 11 Was he thińkn9, Was pa it ń9 90 10 hadńl seen 11 io know 12 go]ng 13 m]ght cóme Unit 4 Visit 4 1 say 5 Were Vist n9 ó disappealed 7 Waited/Were Wa t ń9 8 d dn't turń 9 had Waried 10 not to get 1'l to 9o 12 to find 13 had ć le.dy been 14 Were wźt.h]nc 15 9ót 1 have had 2 have seen 3 has been read]ng 4 has become 5 bóth ań corcct ale.omi.g 2Sha /9ó 3.oses 4Wont be abe to 5are9o]n9tobe ó am 9o ń9 to .ook 7 W eave ,l Wi yo! be do.9 2 Wi] have cha.ged 3Wi have{nshed 4'l be tlive ing 5 Wi be Watch ń9 ó wi] be hav i9 7 w ncc 2 hżVe ievel been, invtes, W l iiave 3 haveyo! been queu n9, haV€ been 9!ć! n9, W] 9ive UP 7 Was la ń n9, Were eaving h.c] 8 W yo! have ćhe.ked 10 Wi you be do n9, Wi behavń9 5 ,d l have lińch€c] ó have you bee. Wor|iń9 7 have bee. Wó{in9 Eb, Unit 1 mży/might/cólld 2 wollc 3 .ańt 4 lsed to 5 m ght/may/co! d ó .żn'i have beeń 7 Wo! d 8 lsed t. 9 Wo! d s 39o 4Wi 90 ó ó would 8 !sec]to be, haven't seen, 1 had a leady been 2 am Work ng/W be wórk n9 moved 1doń9 2iobly 3to9ó 4Payn9 5ie]]n9 ate . ś:: 1 €d/has 1 see 2 mlst ]rave 3 m ght hive 4 ńay h.Ve 5 have be€n VJdit n9 ó Was 9o ń9 7 mei 8 lsed to be 1 waś s]tti.g 2 had]uśnruck 3 kePt 4 tholght 5h.dgońe 11 had ]!st gone wo 1 must have 3 LaUń has knowi herfora9e5, 7 4 d]ć]nt know, has he promced 2 has beei lsn9 hasn'i heżrd 4 his known have clt ó been wa t n9 havenl met 8 beer 9o n9 co]ected 10 been snow ń9 ó sTm 3 1 have yo! borióWed 2 have you been readiig 3 met, Was Work n9 4 got, had ost 5 had a leady be.ome has 5 thinks 5 eań n,o 1 HaVeyo! beeń 2 have yo! beeń do ng 3 have hid 4 have you been ook no 5 have yo! had ó his been produc i9 7 have nevel Visited 8 sbeeńhańging 9 have been se iig 2 Ei.r.:se 5 Exelc]se 1 1 -, - 2 A, lhe, the, the 3 the, The, a, th€, a 4 a, the, the, the, The 5llre, The, tile, a 1 8aTie, Vr'ho ]Ves .ext dóor § hav n9 3 The At.nt]. ocea., Wh ćh 5 ih€ se..nd a19enócean ii ih€ Word, eiteńds beiween Europe and Amerca 4 LelV 5 catro who Wrot€ A .€! Adleńi!E9 n Wo.der ańd, vr'.s . Proiessor at oxlord l-]n]vers ty. 5 Lots oJ PeóP e V]sł the Bri sh MU9.!m, where lragmenG ol lhe Pańheńon ar€ d sP ayed ó Thł! lhe f m 'd ke !s to see at the 7 The foodWe ate at the leśaUEnt ty the 9ea was awesome 8 YoU Wi] delnt€yneedaD.rol]ea.s and a warm svJeater 1 A P€uon Who stea]śth ngs ]śa ih ef 2 The .ew {iim by Po ańsk, wh ćh V€s We _levewed by th€.rii.s, Was a (D) 9leat suc.ess {ND) 3 The BBc, VJh ch had begun so nd broadcast ig ń 1922, a!nchedthe Wold! l ui P!b]cte ev s]ón sefu.e n ]93ó (ND] 4 ieed a PeEón Vr'ho cań speak Eng ish f!ent]y. {D) 5 The new Loncon 9! jdeboók PU b khec n ]anuary th s year, Wh.h contai.s óts cfUse{! nlormation, Wi apPe.r bookshops next ńonth. (ND) n 1ó3 GRAMMAR: Train and Try Again 1 Were 9o n9, stańed 2 had forgotie., siopped 3 WżśWa k]ng śaW,can't hale beeń 4 didn't a Way9 use to be 5 has Vegetab es every day, yo! ] get a the m ner. śyóu need, 2 fmy{l] oń ne, l'l chai Wth them. 3W you have ln shed by e ghi o'co.k?/ Wi you fi.ish by e ght o'c ock? 4 This t me tomoffow We W l be śki]ng ]n 1 f yo! eai 5 By the eńd €afeń ofthe day, We WiI have o!r tl.ree Pońo.ś o{Vegetab|es. mmi.g c ose tó lhe Ó l saw a shalk sW bóa1 The sh.rk, Wh ch Was 2 metl,,s oig,10 Lowec] Us lor abolt three m _,s - 2 3- 4 5- óthe Tne 8 9lsediobe 10ihe 11 w soon f.d óUt 12 Wi take '1 7 13 W h.Ve seen 14 st 15 Wh]ch 1ó has been L śee Unit ó 1]ved 2wo!d9ve!p 3had 4had 5 WoU d 90, d.]ń t have to E:.r.s.2 pll 2 Wo! d think 3 cóu]d.hoose, Wo!Ld yo! hżle 4 W.s/wele ab e io hea 5 d dn'i need 1 Wele, Wou d 1 had,e€ń, Woud have apP ed 2 had got, wo! d have become 3 had Plómoted, Wo! d have earied 4 had made, wo! d have gambled 5 had kePt, WoU d have oś ó hadn'ttholqht, wou dń't have beeń fired 7 had shown, WoL d have lepeated 1c 2| 3g 41 5b óa 7e 8d 1 Wo!ld yo! have stoPPed 2 WoU d yóu te l 3 Wi yo! ]ńVite 4 had known 5 knew ó knows 1 we iraveled a ot s nce we stańed work]ń9 for a ilavelagenćy 2 We' jbe wcrk n9 at thatt me, but by sr o'c]ock lve'l haVe l]nćhed 3 lsed ió ove read n9 com cs When 4 The accjdent Wo! d have bee. mu.h !!oree lthe drVer hid dl]ven/been i9 to the siaiioń Whe. lbegan to.ajń, tWasiheń that 5 They Wele Wa k they reaisec]they had forgotten theł 164 1 Who 2 haven't h!ń 3 canl 4 had 5 be p ay.g ó tó d 7 had góne 8 śa]d 9 have been 10 you h.Ve been 1the, 2 3 Where 4-, 5 had been óa 7 Th_' 8 Wouldń't have rc.o,ered 9 had 10 11 as śooia5 12 led 13wL9o 149o 15wlbe Unit 8 1ó V]hó 17 Wl be surfń9 18 have been 9Lrf ń9 19 dóń9 Unit 7 1 She śad(th.i)she ddn'tlikethatP.t!re, reP|]€d (that)they had seen herthe day belorełhe prev o!s day 3 She exP a ńed {that]she Was ].te be..lse slre hid ń $e.]the irai. 4 He added (that)he d d.'t w.ntio see 2 He 5 Theyto d us (that)fhey co! dń 1 .ońe beca!se they VJere c]o n9 t|en hcmewolkthen/'atthat t me. ó He po nted óUt (thal ii had b€en hot ihe day before/ihe Prev]o!s day 1 He aś[ed me {/Whether had 9e,,n fhe iilń the day befóre/the prev ols day 2 He asked r€ hóW my 9Eńdmotherwas 3 He a9ked he.Whai helnamewaś, 'had folnd ihe key 4 she asked me where 5 asked hel if 9he was Writ i9 . ńeW book ó The teacher to c !9io śóp ta]k n9, 7 The bo$ lod !s nótto eat at ó!l de9ks 1 The Womai addedthai he^hełhey wou c have to ie her the Who e story 2 The 9 r] said the .hidle. liniśhedthe 3 The offcer asked !s Ęad a leady { We unde.sfoód 4 The boy asked the ńań to Piay t aga]r 5 The poicemań ńotjc€d ]t Was rain ń9, ó The mańaqer W.nted io know why they hadntti ked tó the shop.siśta.l, 7 The ti e 9]r żsked the Vrońań VJhere 1 haleyo! had Al€d 1 The 1 m w.s d recied by 2 A new houśe is be n9 bU]t, 3 The nudents Wele being he ped 4 He W] always 5e reńembered. ó The Pici!le has been pa nt€d by Peter 7 Th€ keys m!9t be ha.ded iń before Al 8 the Windows We.e oPened byth_, 9 Th€ two.rm].a s ale 9oin91o be 1o A ńeW spe. eśoi bltte.fy lra9found by s.jeńiists n ihe Amazon ra n{ore9t, 1 h.d my teeth checked 2 'ń having ńy cameE lepa red żt lhe 3 They' have the r ho!śepa nted śoo. h.Ve my bank acco!nt checked 4 5 had my ey€ś fested ó lhave iuśt had serv ced. 7 We'Vej!st h.d óul comPui,ąl rePaired, 1 th nk ' have my 2 The holsewas b! 3 Mr sń]th 5 be ń9 ..l lePa red lt ]ń ]85c ntefu ewec at the 4 had fhe mea seń1 up to my loom 5 Where do you !sua ly hile yourshóe5 ó HoW ofien s the cat{ed? 7 cań śpońs egu]pmentbe h]red? 1 be 2 tmended 3tód 4 to stay 5 7 a, The, h.d my bookWaS met 8 ó was Uń ess 2 have you been readlng 3 arrved, Was Wait.9, had been 1 Yo! Vrońt get 2 Pat W l a .af Un ess you plom se be .ook]ńg aj d.y ióńorrow. she! haV]ń9 9!estś fól dinier 3 Theyw lhave {i.ished di..erby n ńe 4 Mou.l VesUV !s, wh ch is ań actVe Vo cano, overooksthe Bay of Nap es 5 f have enolgh money, ']9o to Alstra a / f had e.olgn mońey, 'd 9ó to Alstra i had tnown the a.svrer, l WoU dn'i ó f lf kńew you to heiP hale a9ked yo! lo he p me, / ihe i.słer, LWou cn' 7 She asked ńe f./Vreihel V6s goód 5 ó 7 8 9 W] yo! be Working, Was €ad n9, heard Wa kec]/had Wa ked, ' have {]ń shed stoPPed have you V sted have you beeń n!dy]n9 1Who 2 ed 3werew] n9 4The 5 by ó Wele arcsted 7 des.rbed 8 Were employ.d 9 had chańged 10 Were giveń 11 glaąted 1.10 Self-check Vocabulary and Grammar 1 rebel]ous 2 downło_earth 3 fab.ic 4 had Weaińg 5 bighny_co ourcd clothes Exercise 2 1 beanie 2 fleece 3 e99 4 bangles 5 deńim jacket 1 fashion 2 ngs thele 3 fa len 4 undefuear 5 Waistcoat 1 don't be ieve 2 is dancing 3 needs 4 Ale you putt]ng 1A 28 3c 44 4.10 Self-check 5,A Vocabulary and Grammar U§e of English 1B 2B 3c 44 5c 1 1 resiience 2 activate 3 supPortive 4 poweńul 5 decisive can't stand osing teaćh me to sw]m d]dnl a |ow me to do had wańed me notto c imb 5 was te ing theteam to be eve 1 2 3 4 EXerclse ]0 1 on 2 ófi 3 Prize 4 Weńt 5 taking 3.10 5elf-check 2 haś been Worrying ,1 1c 29 34 48 5A Use of English B 2B 3A 4B 5c sta e Exerc se 2 1 i]ght 2 albergines 3 lońg,gra]n 4 p!mpkjn 5 Wholemeal 1 cónslmptióń 2 si.€d 4 Vegetaran 5 sti 3 9tandards 1 'm 9oin9 to bly 2 oPens 3Shal 4W] 5 s9óń9 1 W l have gońe down 2 yo! w (']) ke 1A 2B 3c 4B 5c EXercise 2 Use of Eng ish 1B 2A 3B 4c 5c Exercise 3 1,A 2c 3,A 44 58 5raw 4 Wón't be !!orki.9 5 W lyou have fi shed Vocabulary and Grammar 4 has been siń9ing 5 have bee. ńeeting sour 2 balanced 3 4band 2 )afr 1 holseho]d 2VoUntary 3 alarńiń9 1 2 3 4 5 befo@ the gov€rnment appl]es energy cońs!mPiion W do!b e am goi.9 to eai organ cfood everyońe W /have żkeady 9tarted Un e$ the mańU{act!rin9 ndlnry dóeś 1c 2B 3A 4B 5A 1 has wańted to know 3 cared mole about you r appea6nce 4 do you han9 oUt Wth the mon 4 co!ld have spńyed 5 mlst have folgotren 1in 2ńUti 3 fast 4ańke 5high 1 Exercise 5 Wi be eat]ng llnch 3 as sóoń as lfn sh {eat nd thc 2.10 Self-check 3,/ reu#t 4 4 Are We 9oin9 tóthe same restalrant didn't lse to Vocabulary and Grammar 1 ost 2 teamńates 3p]ck 1tEinel 2 keePs 3 4 active 5 rePetitive slpeśtitiols Exercise 3 2 woń'Vwi] not give Up 3 scorcd 34lthirq, four pointś 4 beat/ defeat my oppoieńt 5 dec]ded tó have ó break fróm ou.routine 1 had trained 2 weni 3 ended 4 had s!.fed 5 hu.t Exercise 5 1 not to get join 4 1B 2c 38 44 5c óngry do 2 jogg]ng 5 Pay n9 1d ightbuibś 2apanels 3eiver 4bisland 5ccurent Exercise 8 1 didńl Useto enjoy flyiń9 may be raining / may be raińy 3 can't have got stuck 4 might have ńoved 5 used to need to have 2 pick 2 hold 3 Up 4 have cooked Vocabulary and Grammar 1A 2c 3c 4,Ą 59 1 lwi 5.10 Self-check Use of En9lish EXercise 2 3 5 J broaden 2 gone 3 deepe. closs]ng sept 1 ś 2 banches 3 Pond 4 5 heighten sqlir.e 5 hedgehog 1a 2an 3the 4The 5o Exercise 10 1 have beei 2 beliefs 3 unfamiiar 4 uńthinkable 4 5 eader ,l ó5 sELF-CHEcK 1{ord-UPón AVon, whe:€ 1 Wo! d'Ve hit / hadńttulned was brolght !P, c famo!s as the b]ńhplace ofW ll]ań ShakesPeare. 2 SngaPole, Which San s.nd colntry jn south_eistern AS a, iS an extleme y c ean and t dy p ac,ą 3 Prnce Geo€e ofc.mbl]dge, Who9e 9reat 9lańdmother s the o!een of Eń9 and,Was born ń 2013, 4 Gańe5ha,Who isi H ńdu 9od, has 5 Pe.ang, Whch o' lr'la ay9 a, s iń śi. sand offthe cóast sóńet]mes ca ed ihe 'Pearlolihe orie.t.' 1B 2B 3B 4c 5A U§e o{ En9lish 1 cam,- fa.€ 3 dodo (b ld) d]ed 1 renewabe 2 rńjng 3 dying 4 d fieren.e 5 e.V ronmenta 1 bea6 a€ predatore 2 be!]eve 1hat c ]mżi€.hań9e 3 ive on a deseń s ańd 4 d.ys are engih€n]ń9 / getting / becom n9 on9er Prey o1a fox ó.10 Self-check Vocabulary and Grammar 1B 2A 3c 4,A 58 1 eg 2 heaft 3 4 th ghs 5 r]bs Use of En9lish 1c 2c 3C 48 54 2 ]ń order notto be 3 ńyjacket so as to keep 4 w]shes she Waśi'Vwerenl a lerg]c 5 didn't have a bfuiśe lee Pay hand 5 you Wou d not have been 1 daily 2 sprained 3 obviols]y 4 sulgery 5 operarion 7.10 5elf-check Vocabulary and Grammar 1 p ayed 2 imProve 3 enhańces 4 re €ased 5 easy to fo ow 3 takeń by surPrise by 5 rcviewed positVely 3 be tóo cl]t]ca ofsomebódy 4 lp.eferto read ihe oLdjashioned 5 w.śdisirading h ń Way and he couldn't cońce.trate/focUs 8.'l0 Self-check Vocabulary and Grammar 1c 2A 39 4A 5C Exer.ise 2 1 beat 2 signed 3 uploaded crcatión 2 audien.e 3 eńtertainment 4ś]ngerson9Writer 1 1 ]+tŚdżtc]",ing she Waś Watch]n9 #t!e hadn't been 2 3 ye.ładay the day be{ore 4 wcłlrneet We'd ńeet 5 eórł+e couldn't have been Exelcise 5 2 lhad 2 had 3 didn't dr]Ve 5 Was / Were 'l Was seve€ly punished 2 Wasn't a Shopljiiel 3 Who the ó6ón]stWas 4 th€ number of mugg ings 5 took advantag€ of me 2 has beeń burgled 3 s being renovated 4 W.ś bein9 Washed VieW ever studied dlama U5e of En9lish 1B 2A 3B 44 5c 1 ńemorsat oń 2 engagement 3 enteńainin9 4 accomPaniment 166 ]t 1 fulfiLled 2 anonymouś 3 cr]minal 1B 2A 3c 48 5c 1 d dn'i 4 WoUld fnd olt 1 c there a Park neal 2 the man whoshoia b rd 3 is the mon po lted 4 atree Wth a tllnk/ wh ch hiśa nlnk 5 the trai lthal/Whi.h)We lo owed natlG 1 1B 2A 38 4c 5c to Jace !v]th 4 evenfla y d]ed from 5 red.h€d for my bag 5 2 wo! dn'i have óffered / had knóWń 3 had hurt/Wou dn'i have P ayed 4 hadnl€ateń / wo!ldnl have fe]t sick 5 would'Ve beeń / hadn'i ost Exerc se 5 1 has had her phoie fixed 2 ]5 hav n9 hk hea th checked 3 had my headPhones replaćed 4 H.Ve yo! (ever) had yo!l phone 5 Has she had her ńake up done 1B 2B 3A 4B 5c U§e of En9lish 1 cim]nak 2 suspect 3 robber 4 m!99er 5 bulg aies 1 plepared hereef forthe tria 2 thiev_"s Were ch.lged W]th stea ing 3 prom sed one anóthel tthat]We 4 had brcken it themse ves 5 rcbber]es are cóńń]tted 1 ock 2 śefuing 3 plrPośe 1 was Warned io put 2 th€ żieśt.epoń sentto 3 haśń'l been aranged 4 óle oiien he ped by 5 they Were being {ó owed by