jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (i) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 525] ubZ fnYyh] 'kqØokj] twu 23] 2017@vk"kk<+ "kk<+ 2] 1939 No. 525] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2017/ASADHA 2, 1939 lM+d ifjogu vkSj jktekxZ ea=ky; vf/klwpuk ubZ fnYyh] 23 twu] 2017 lk634¼v½--&dsUnzh; ljdkj] eksVj ;ku vf/kfu;e] 1988 ¼1988 ds 59½ dh /kkjk 118 }kjk çnÙk 'kfä;ksa dk lk-dkdk-fufu- 634¼v½ ç;ksx djrs gq,] vkSj lM+d fofu;eu] 1989 ds fu;e dks mu ckrksa ds flok; vf/kdkar djrs gq, ftUgsa ,sls vf/kØe.k ls igys fd;k x;k gS ;k yksi fd;k x;k gS] eksVj ;ku pkyu ds fy, fofu;eu cukrh gS & 1- laf{kIr uke] foLrkj vkSj çkjaHk & ¼1½ bu fofu;eksa dk laf{kIr uke eksVj ;ku pkyu fofu;e] 2017 gSA ¼2½ ;s jkti= esa muds çdk'ku dh rkjh[k dks izo`r gksaxsaA 2- ifjHkk"kk,a & ¼1½ bu fofu;eksa esa] tc rd fd lanHkZ ls vU;Fkk visf{kr u gks] & ¼d½ ßvf/kfu;eß ls eksVj ;ku vf/kfu;e] 1988 ¼1988 dk 59½ vfHkizsr gS( ¼[k½ ßifjogu ekxZß ls vfHkizsr gS og tks lM+d dk og fgLlk ;k fgLls ftUgsa lkekU; :i ls ;kuksa dh ;krk;kr ds fy;s mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS] cs'kd mUgsa ,d nwljs ls foHkktu iêh ;k Lrj ds varj ;k fcuk fdlh foHkktu ds vyx fd;k tkrk gS( ¼x½ ßlafuekZ.k {ks=ß lM+d ekxZ dk og fgLlk gS tgka ij fuekZ.k izxfr dk;Z fd;k tk jgk gS ;k fd;k tkus okyk gS vkSj ftlesa dk;Z LFky] ;krk;kr LFkku ;k vojks/kd LFky lfEefyr gSa*( ¼?k½ ßHkkjh ;kuß dk ls vfHkizsr gS og Hkkjh eky ;ku ;k Hkkjh lokjh ds eksVj ;ku gSa tSlk vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 2 ds [kaM ¼16½ vkSj ¼17½ esa Øe'k% ifjHkkf"kr fd;k x;k gS( ¼³½ ßpkSjkgsß ls vfHkizsr gS fdlh le ikj] pkSjkgs ;k dkaVs ls] ftlesa ;s le ikj] pkSjkgs ;k dkaVs 'kkfey gSa( ¼p½ ßyacor fpUgkaduß ls vfHkizsr gS lM+d ds fpUg ftUgsa ;krk;kr dh ;krk;kr ds fy;s lM+d ij iznku fd;k tkrk gS( ¼N½ ßçeq[k ftyk lM+dß ls vfHkizsr gS ,d ftys esa jkT; ljdkj }kjk bl rjg ds :i esa vf/klwfpr egRoiw.kZ lM+dsa gSa] 3897GI/2017 (1) 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] ¼t½ ßçeq[k lM+dß ls vfHkizsr gS mu jktekxZ ls ftUgsa jk"Vªh; jktekxZ vf/kfu;e] 1956 dh vuqlwph esa fofufnZ’V fd;k x;k gS ;k vU; dksbZ jktekxZ ftls dfFkr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 2 dh mi&/kkjk ¼2½ ds varxZr jk"Vªh; jktekxZ ?kksf"kr fd;k x;k gSA ¼>½ ß;ku LFkyß ls vfHkizsr gS ,sls LFky ls tgka ij O;fDr;ksa@;kuksa] eky ;k lkeku dks mrkjuk ;k mBkuk NksM+dj ;k fdlh vU; iz;kstu ds fy;s ;kuksa dks ,d fLFkj fLFkfr esa izrh{kk djus ds fy;s [kM+k fd;k tkrk gS] vkSj blds fy;s ;ku dk rhu feuV ls vf/kd le; rd :duk lfEefyr gS( ¼´½ ßlokjhß ;k ß;k=hß ls vfHkizsr gS ,d eksVj ;ku ij ;ku ds Pkkyd dks NksM+dj ;k=k djus okys ;k=h ls gS] cs’kd og HkkM+s ;k iqjLdkj ;k vU;Fkk fdlh rjhds ls ;k=k dj jgk gS( ¼V½ ßjkLrs ds vf/kdkjß ls vfHkizsr gS og ;ku ;k fdlh vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZ dks fof/kiwoZd jhfr ls izkFkfedrk nsdj nwljs ;ku ls igys jkLrk nsus dk vf/kdkj gS ;k fdlh vU; vkus okys lM+d mi;ksxdrkZ dks fn'kk] xfr] vkSj fudVrk dh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ;fn ,d dks nwljs dh vis{kk izkFkfedrk ugha nh tkrh rc blls [krjk ;k vkil esa Vdjk ldrs gSa( ¼B½ ßlM+dß esa iqy] lqjaxsa] lM+d ds fdukjs ;ku [kM+k djus dk LFkku] <ksus dh lqfo/kk] vnyk cnyh] xksy pDdj] lqjf{kr@fujkin {ks=] lM+d foHkktd] lHkh ;krk;kr xfy;ka] rhoz ysu] ean ysu] var%LFky] vksojikl] vaMjikl] igqap ekxZ] ços'k vkSj fudkl jSai] Vksy Iyktk] vkSj fuekZ.kk/khu lM+dsa “kkfey gSa ysfdu blesa dksbZ futh lM+d lfEEkfyr ugha gS( ¼M½ ßlM+d ds fu'kkuß ls vfHkizsr gS og lM+d ds fPkUgksa dks NksM+dj mu iafDr;kas] vkdkjksa] 'kCnksa ls ftUgsa lM+d ekxZ ;k QqVikFk ;k lM+d ekXkZ esa ;k muds lkFk lVh oLrqvksa esa lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa dks fu;af=r] psrkouh] ekxZn'kZu vkSj lwpuk iznku djus ds fy;s fpf=r fd;k tkrk gSA ¼<½ ßlM+d mi;ksxdrkZß esa ;ku pykus okyk O;fä ;k ;ku esa lokjh djus okyk ;k=h ;k vU;Fkk ,d iSny O;fDr lEefyr gS( ¼.k½ ß'kkaUr {ks=ß ls vfHkizsr gS og ,slk {ks= ;k bykdk gS ftleas ,d l{ke çkf/kdkjh }kjk /ofu ladsrksa ds mi;ksx dks fufl) vf/klwfpr fd;k x;k gS( ¼r½ ßjkT; jktekxZß ls vfHkizsr gS tks jkT; dh izeq[k lM+dsa gSa ftUgsa dfFkr jkT; ljdkj }kjk bl :i esa vf/klwfpr fd;k tkrk gS] ¼Fk½ ßBgjkoß ls vfHkizsr gS tks ;ku dks Lora= bPNk ij ;k rks lokfj;ksa dks fcBkus ;k mrkjus ;k rqjUr eky yknus ;k mrkjus ds fy;s cgqr de varjky ds fy;s jksduk gS( ¼n½ ß;krk;krß esa gj Js.kh ds ;ku vkSj vU; ekyokgd vkSj ifjogu] iSny pyus okys] tqyl w ] i'kqvksa }kjk <ksbs xkM+h ;k i'kqvksa ds >qaM] vkSj ;k=k ds iz;kstu ds fy, dksbZ Hkh lM+d ;k jktekxZ dk mi;ksx djus okyk lHkh :iksa esa lM+d ;krk;kr 'kkfey gSa( ¼/k½ ßfujkin{ks=ß ls vfHkizsr gS og lM+d ekxZ ij pkSjkgksa ds fudV vkus tkus okys ;kuksa dks fu;af=r djus ds fy;s okLrfod mikcU/k vkSj lM+d ekxZ ij fpfUgr fpUg gSa( ¼u½ ßikjxeu fpUgß ls vfHkizsr gS og lM+d fPkUg gSa ftUgsa lM+d ekxZ ij 'kq: ls var rd iznku fd;k tkrk gSA ¼1½ bu fofu;eksa esa iz;qDr dksbZ Hkh 'kCn ;k vfHkO;fDr] ftls ;gka ij ifjHkkf"kr ugha fd;k x;k gS] mldk ogh vFkZ gksxk tSlk vf/kfu;e esa fofufnZ"V fd;k x;k gSA 3- vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa vkSj lk/kkj.k turk ds çfr drZO; %& dksbZ Hkh ;ku lkoZtfud LFky ij bl rjhds ls pyk;k] jksdk ;k [kM+k ugha fd;k tk,xk] ftlds dkj.k vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZ dh lqj{kk dks [krjk] ;k vlqfo/kk gksus dh laHkkouk gks ldrh gSA 4- ;kuksa ds }kjk lM+dksa dk mi;ksx djuk & ¼1½ çR;sd ;ku ;k ;kuksa ds la;kstu] lM+d ij pykrs le;] Pkkyd }kjk lapkfyr gksxkA ¼2½ ,d eksVj ;ku lM+d ekxZ ij pyk;k tk,xk% ijUrq nksgjs lM+d ekxZ ij] ;ku lM+d ekxZ ds ckabZ vksj pyk;k tk,xk tc rd vU;Fkk ml le; M~;wVh ij onhZ esa fdlh iqfyl vf/kdkjh ;k mi;qDr lM+d fpUg }kjk mls vU; funsZ'k ugha fn;k tkrkA ¼3½ tc rd lM+d fpUg ;k fu'kku vU;Fkk ladsr ugha djrs] Pkkyd ;ku dks lM+d ekxZ ds ckabZ vksj ftruk laHko gks ldrk gS pyk,xk] vkSj foijhr fn’kk ls vkus okys lkjs ;krk;kr dks viuh nkabZ vksj ls fudy tkus dk vf/kdkj nsxkA ¼4½ fdlh vU; ;ku }kjk fiNsyus esa djrs le; vkSj tc fdlh ,sls eksM+ ;k igkM+h ij igqaprs le; tgka vkxs dk n`'; ckf/kr gS ;k Li"V ugha gS Pkkyd dks viuk ;ku ckabZ vksj j[kuk gksxkA ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3 ¼5½ ,d Hkkjh ;ku ;k xfr çfrcaf/kr ;ku ,d gh fn'kk ds lM+d ekxZ esa cgqy iafDr ds lkFk ,d fn'kk esa ckbZa ysu esa pyk;k tk,xk] flok; ml fLFkfr dks NksM+dj tgka fiNyuk ij djus esa ck/kk mRiUu gksrh gS ;k ;ku /kheh xfr esa py jgs gSa% ijarq Pkkyd ck/kk ;k /kheh xfr ls pyrs ;kuksa dks ikj djus ds ckn ftruk tYnh laHko gks viuh ckbZa ;FkkfLFkfr ysu@iafDr esa okil lqjf{kr vk tkrk gS A ¼6½ ,d ;ku ,slh lM+d ij ugha pyk;k tk,xk ftls] ß,d rjQkß ?kksf"kr fd;k x;k gS] flok; lkbust+@fpUgkad esa fufnZ"V fn’kk dks NksM+dj ¼7½ dksbZ Hkh Pkkyd ;krk;kr izokg ds foijhr ;ku dks u [khapsxk] u /kDdk yxk;sxk] u gh pyk,xk] flok; ml fLFkfr dks NksM+dj tc leqfpr izkf/kdjh }kjk fo'ks"k :i ls mls ,slk djus ds fy;s ;k ;krk;kr ladsr LFkkfir fd;k x;k gS ;k drZC; ij rSukr onhZ esa mi;qä iqfyl vf/kdkjh }kjk funsZ'k fn;k x;k gSA ¼8½ Pkkyd dks fdlh ;ku dks ihNs dh vksj ?kqekrs le; lqjf{kr nwjh cuk, j[kuk gksxk vkSj mldh vksj rc rd vkxs ugha tk,xk tc rd dfFkr ;ku }kjk ihNs ?kqekus@djus dh izfØ;k iwjh ugha dj yh xbZ gSA 5- Pkkydksa vkSj lokfj;ksa ds drZO; & ¼1½ çR;sd Pkkyd gj le; iwjh ns[kHkky vkSj lko/kkuh ds lkFk ;ku pyk,xkA ¼2½ Pkkyd ;ku pykrs le; ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd og mldh 'kkjhfjd vkSj ekufld {kerk,a mlds iw.kZ fu;a=.k esa gSa vkSj 'kkjhfjd vkSj ekufld :i ls ;ku pykus ds fy;s iwjh rjg l{kegSA ¼3½ Pkkyd gj le; lM+d vkSj ;krk;kr ij viuh iSuh utj cukdj j[ksxk vkSj iwjk /;ku dsafnzr djsxk rkfd fdlh Hkh le; /;ku Hkax@HkVdus dh fLFkfr mRiUu gksus ;k mldh laHkkouk ls mldk /;ku HkVdus ls cp ldsA ¼4½ PkkydvkSj ;k=h iSny pyus okyksa] lkbfdy Pkkydksa] cPpksa] cqtqxksZa vkSj 'kkjhfjd :Ik ls fodykax O;fä;ksa ds :i esa lcls detksj lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa dh lqj{kk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, fo'ks"k ns[kHkky vkSj lko/kkuh ds lkFk ;ku pyk,axsA ¼5½ Pkkyd ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd ;ku pykrs ;k mls fLFkj fLFkfr esa [kM+k djrs le;] vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa ;k fdlh lEifÙk ds Lokeh dks ,slk djus ds dkj.k fdlh izdkj dh ck/kk ;k vuqfpr vlqfo/kk u gksA ¼6½ Pkkyd ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd mldh n`’;rk ckf/kr u gks vkSj mldh lquus dh ‘’kfDr ;ku ds ;kf=;ksa] Ik’kqvksa] Hkkj] ;ku esa j[ks midj.k ;k ;ku dh fLFkfr ds dkj.k çHkkfor u gksA ¼7½ Pkkyd ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd og vkSj ;ku ds vU; lokj lhV csYV cka/k ysa] ;fn ;ku esa og çnku fd;s x;s gaSA ¼8½ Pkkyd ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd ckjg o"kZ ls de mez ds cPpksa dks mi;qDr cPpksa dh lqjf{kr iz.kkyh esa fcBk;k x;k gS] tgka Hkh og iznku fd;s tkrs gSaA ¼9½ tgka dgha Hkh fdlh eksVjlkbfdy lkbMdkj ds lkFk ;k mlds fcuk iznku dh tkrh gS ;k fof/k ds varxZr] fiNyh lhV ij CkSBk lokj vkSj lkbMdkj ij cSBs lokj dks lqj{kkRed flj ds midj.k ¼gsyesV½ ;k dkuwu ds varxZr ml le; fufnZ’V fdlh vU; lqj{kkRed midj.k iguuk gksxkA ¼10½ Pkkyd ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd ;ku esa rst laxhr ugha pyk;k tk,xkA ¼11½ ;ku pykrs le; Pkkyd fMftVy xfr'khy fiDpjsa ;k ohfM;ks] ugha ns[ksxk] flok; tgka ekxZ izn'kZu ds fy, ,slk djuk vko';d gS ijarq Pkkyd ml midj.k dk ekxZ izn'kZu ds fy;s bl rjhds ls bLrseky djsxk fd mldk /;ku ;ku pykrs le; HkVd u tk,A ¼12½ Pkkyd dks rRle; izpfyr 'kjkc vkSj u'khyh nokvksa vkSj /kweziku fu"ks) ls lacaf/kr lHkh fof/k;ksa dk l[rh ls ikyu djuk gksxk] vkSj og lqfuf'pr djsxk fd vU; ny] lokj vkSj ;k=h];fn dksbZ gS] og Hkh budk vuqikyu djsaxsA ¼13½ ;ku ij cSBrs vkSj mlesa ls ckgj fudyrs le; Pkkyd viuh vkSj viuh lokfj;ksa dh ns[kHkky djsxk] rkfd og vius lkFk vU; deZpkjho`an] ;kf=;ksa rFkk vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa dh lqj{kk lqfuf'pr djsA ¼14½ Pkkyd fdlh Hkh lkoZtfud LFkku esa ,slk ;ku ugha pyk,xk] tks mlds Kku esa] lk/kkj.k ns[kHkky djrs le; nks"kiw.kZ Ikk;k tkrk gS] vkSj dfFkr nks"k ds dkj.k ;ku pykus ls ;ku ds Lokeh ds ;k vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa dh lqj{kk dks vuqfpr [krjk mRiUu gksus dh laHkkouk gks ldrh gSA ¼15½ ;fn ;ku pykrs le; mlesa dksbZ rduhdh =qfV vk tkrk gS] rc ftruh tYnh laHko gkssxk Pkkyd ;ku dks rqjUr lM+d ls lqjf{kr :Ik esa nwj ys tk,xk% ijarq fd cSVjh pkfyr nqifg;k ;ku pykrs le; dksbZ rduhdh =qfV ik, tkus dh fLFkfr esa lqj{kk ds lkFk ckgj fudkyk tk ldrk gSA 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] ¼16½ eksVj lkbfdy ;k frifg;k ij lokjh djrs ;k pykrs le;] Pkkyd ;k lokjh fdlh vU; ;ku dks u idM+sxk ;k u gh /kDdk nsxkA ¼17½ eksVj lkbfdy ;k frifg;k ;ku dk Pkkyd gj le; vius nksuksa gkFk ls gSaMy idMdj j[ksxk flok; ml le; NksM+dj tc og fofu;e 9 esa fofufnZ"V fd;s vuqlkj ladsr iznf'kZr djus dk dkS'ky djrk gSA ¼18½ Pkkyd vius iSj iSMy ;k QqVjsLV ls dsoy ml le; gVk;sxk tc lM+d dh fLFkfr;ka ;k lqj{kk ,slk djus ds fy;s ds fy;s vko';d gSaA 6¼2½ ¼3½ ¼4½ ¼5½ ¼6½ ¼7½ 7- ysu ;krk;kr &¼1½ tgka fdlh lM+d dks ;krk;kr dh ;krk;kr ds fy;s ysu esa fpfàr fd;k tkrk gS] Pkkyd ysu ds Hkhrj ;ku pyk,xk] vkSj dsoy mi;qDr ladsr ;k lM+d ds fpUg ;k lM+d ds fu’kku ;k ladsrd nsdj ysu cnysxkA tgka fdlh ysu dks fo’ks"k:Ik ls ;kuksa dh Js.kh ds fy;s fpfUgr fd;k tkrk gS] ogka dsoy ;kuksa dh dfFkr Js.kh gh ml ysu ij pykbZ tk,axhA tgka ,d ysu dks fufnZ"V Js.kh ;k fdlh fo'ks"k iz;kstu ds ;kuksa ds fy;s fpfUgr fd;k tkrk gS] ml ysu ij fdlh vU; ;ku ;k vU; Js.kh ds ;kuksa dks ugha pyk;k tk,xkA tgka fdlh lM+d dks ,d yacor ihyh js[kk ;k Bksl lQsn jax dh iafDr ls foHkkftr fd;k tkrk gS] Pkkyd mlh fn’kk esa vkxs c<+us vkSj vius ls vkxs okys ;ku dks fiNsyuk@ikj djus dk iz;kl djrs le;] dfFkr ihyh ;k lQsn Bksl iafDr dks ikj ugha djsxkA pkSjkgksa ij igaqpus ds le;] tgka eqM+us okyh iafDr;ka ,dy Bksl iafDr ds lkFk fpfUgr gSa] pkyd lqfuf'pr djsxk fd ;ku mlh fn'kk esa jgsaxs ftlds fy;s fufnZ"V fd;k x;k gSA pkyd ,dy ;k nksjkgs yacor Bksl iafDr ij ;k mlds Åij ;k fp=kafdr lqjf{kr ;krk;kr {ks= ij ;ku ugha pyk,xk] flok; ml ekeys dks NksM+dj tc vkxs lM+d vo:) gSA ,d ,slh lM+d ij ftlds lkFk&lkFk ,d [kafMr js[kk fpfUgr gS] Pkkyd ;ku pykrs le; ml [kafMr js[kk dks dsoy fiNsyuk djrs le; ghs ikj djsxk] vkSj fiNsyuk djus ds mijkUr fofu;e 12 esa fufnZ"V lqj{kk lko/kkfu;kas dk vuqikyu djrs gq, okil viuh ysu ij okil vk tk,xkA jkLrs dk vf/kdkj & ¼1½ tgka lM+d ij ß:dusß ds ladsr iznf'kZr fd;s tkrs gSa] ladsr ds lkeus pkyd & ¼d½ ß:dusß ds ladsr ls iwoZ vkM+h ß:dusß dh js[kk ikj djus ls igys :d tk,axs( ¼[k½ ;fn fdlh ekeys esa ß:dusß dh js[kk fpfUgr ugha dh xbZ gS] ;k fpfUgr dh gS ysfdu fn[kkbZ ugha ns jgh gS] rc ß:dusß ds ladsr ls igys :d tk,axs( ¼x½ izeq[k lM+d ij ;krk;kr dks jkLrk nsaxs( vkSj ¼?k½ izeq[k lM+d ij dsoy rc izos'k djsaxs tc vkxs dk jkLrk lkQ gSA ¼2½ tgka lM+d ij ,dy ;k nksgjh [kafMr vkM+h js[kkvksa ds lkFk feykdj ßjkLrk nsusß dk ladsr iznf'kZr fd;k x;k gS] Pkkyd ;ku /khek dj nsxk] ftl lM+d ij vkxs tk jgk gS ogka igys ;krk;kr dks jkLrk nsxk vkSj fQj lko/kkuhiwoZd vkxs c<s+xkA ¼3½ ;fn ogka ßjkLrk nsusß ds ladsr ;k ß:dusß ds ladsr ls igys dksbZ iSny ikj iFk fpfUgr ugha fd;k x;k gS] Pkkyd igys iSny ikj djus okys yksxksa dks jkLrk nsxkA ¼4½ lM+d fdukjs fdlh laifÙk dh pkjnhokjh ls fudyus okys ;ku dks igys nwljs eksVj ;kuksa vkSj lM+d ij igys ls py jgs ;krk;kr dks jkLrk nsuk gksxkA 8¼d½ ¼[k½ ¼x½ ¼?k½ ¼³½ cka,] nka, vkSj *;w*&VuZ &,d eksM+ vkus ls igys Pkkyd vPNh rjg vfxze ;kstuk cuk,xk] lM+d ij mfpr ysu esa vk tk,xk vkSj fuEufyf[kr rjhds ls viuk bfPNr eqM+us dk ladsr nsxk] vFkkZr %& ,d Pkkyd tks ckabZ vksj eqM+uk pkgrk gS lgh le; ij ckabZ vksj vius eqM+us ds bjkns dk ;k rks fn'kk ladsrd ;k mi;qDr gkFk dk mi;ksx djrs gq, ladsr nsxk( cka, eqM+us ls igys] Pkkyd mfpr le; ij] ftruh nwj rd ckabZ vksj dh ysu ij ;k xyh dk mi;ksx djrs gq, vkxs c<+sxk] ;fn iznku dh xbZ gS( ,d cgq&ysu lM+d ij ;ku pykrs le;] tgka lM+d ij ckbZa vksj fn'kk ladsrd rhj fpfàr fd;s x;s gSa] Pkkyd dks ckabZ vksj eqM+rs le; ml ysu dk iz;ksx djuk gksxk( ckbZa ysu esa tkus ls igys] Pkkyd vius ckabZ rjQ vkSj mlds ihNs ls vkus okys ;krk;kr dks /;ku esa j[krs gq,] dsoy ckabZ vksj dks ladsr nsdj ysu cnysxk( cka, eqM+us ls igys] Pkkyd dks lkbfdy Pkkydksa vkSj vU; /kheh xfr ls pyus okys ;krk;kr dks jkLrk nsuk gksxk( ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 5 ¼p½ vfu;af=r iSny ;k=h ikj iFkksa ij] Pkkyd dks ckbZa vksj eqM+us ls igys iSny pyus okyksa dks jkLrk nsuk gksxk( ¼N½ ,d ;ku] tks viuh cM+h f=T;k ds dkj.k eqM+us esa vleFkZ gS ,sls ;ku dks ckbZa ysu ds vafre Nksjij igqapdj eqM+uk vko';d gS] ml ;ku dk Pkkyd fiNys ns[kus okys 'kh’ks ls ckabZ vksj ds ;krk;kr ij utj j[krs gq, vR;Ur lko/kkuh iwoZd ;ku dks eksM+uk gksxk( ¼2½ nkabZ vksj eksM+uk& ¼d½ tks Pkkyd nkabZ vksj eqM+us dh bPNk djrk gS Li"V :i ls vkSj lgh le; ij nkabZ vksj eqM+us ds bjkns dk fn'kk ladsr ;k gkFk ds ladsr dk mi;ksx djrs gq, ladsr nsxk( ¼[k½ nkabZ vksj eqM+us ls igys] Pkkyd lgh le; ij nkabZ vksj dh ysu esa izos'k djsxk( ¼x½ ,d cgqy&ysu lM+d ij ;ku pykrs le;] tgka lM+d ij nkabZ vksj b'kkjk djrs gq, fn'kk rhj fpfUgr fd;s x;s gSa] Pkkyd ml ysu esa jgrs gq, nkabZ vksj eqMs+xk( ¼?k½ vfu;af=r iSny ;k=h ikj iFkksa ij] Pkkyd dks igys iSny pyus okyksa ds fy, jkLrk nsuk gksxkA ¼3½ *;w* VuZ ysuk & ¼d½ ,d ;ku *;w* VuZ ugha ysxk% ¼i½ tgka dfFkr*;w* VuZ,d lM+d fpUg ;k ;krk;kr fpUgkad }kjk fuf"k) gS( ¼ii½ fujarj çokg ds ;krk;kr ds lkFk ,d O;Lr lM+d ij( ¼iii½ çeq[k lM+d] jktekxZ ;k pkSM+s jkLrs@,Dlçslos ij( rFkk ¼iv½ fujarj ,dy ;k nksgjh Bksl js[kk ds vkjikj( ¼[k½ ;fn ogka ;ku ds vklikl dksbZ vLIk"V LFkku gSa ,slh fLFkfr esa Pkkyd *;w* VuZ ugha ysxk vkSj ckjhdh ls foijhr fn'kk ls vkus okys ;krk;kr dk voyksdu djus ds ckn vkSj cxy ds ;krk;kr vkSj fiNys ns[kus okys 'kh'ks ij ihNs ls vkus okys ;krk;kr ij n`f"V j[krs gq, gh iyjko ysxkA ¼x½ Pkkyd dks nkabZ vksj eqM+us ds fy;s igys iSny vkSj lkbfdy Pkkydksa lfgr vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa dks jkLrk nsuk gksxk ftUkds ikl jkLrs dk vf/kdkj gS( ¼?k½ Pkkyd dks ;g lqfuf'pr djuk gksxk fd mls vkusokys ;krk;kr dk Li’V n`'; fn[kkbZ ns jgk gS vkSj og vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa ds fy;s fdlh izdkj dh vuqfpr vlqfo/kk dk dkj.k ugha cusxk vkSj vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa dh lqj{kk Hkh lqfuf'pr djsxk( ¼³½ ,d cM+k ;ku ckbZa ysu ls iyjko ys ldrk gS dsoy tc mls bldh vuqefr izkIr gks tkrh gSA 9- pkSjkgksa ij cjrh tkus okyh lko/kkfu;ka & ¼1½ lM+d ds pkSjkgs] lM+d taD”ku] iSny ikjiFk ;k lM+d ds fdukjs ij igqapus ij ;ku dks fujiokn :i ls xfr /kheh djuh gksxh] vkSj bl rjg ds fdlh pkSjkgs] lM+d taD'ku] ikjiFk ij izos'k ugha djsaxs ftlls ;krk;kr djrs gq, vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa dh lqj{kk dks [krjs dh laHkkouk gks ldrh gS] ;k tks lM+d mi;ksxdrkZ dfFkr pkSjkgksa] lM+d taD”kuksa] iSny ikjiFkksa ;k lM+d fdukjs igys ls gh mifLFkr gSaA ¼2½ pkSjkgksa vkSj taD'kuksa ij] nkbZa vksj ls vk jgs ;ku dks igys jkLrs dk vf/kdkj gksxk% ijarq ;g mi&fofu;e ykxw ugha gksxk] & ¼d½ tc taD'ku ;k pkSjkgs fdlh izkf/kd`r O;fä] ;krk;kr ykbVksa ;k vfuok;Z ;krk;kr ladsrksa }kjk gkFk@eSuqvy ladsrksa }kjk fofu;fer fd;s tk jgs gSa( ;k ¼[k½ tc ;ku ,d NksVh lM+d ij gS vkSj çeq[k lM+d ij izos'k djus okyk gSA ¼3½ ,d eksVj ;ku pkSjkgs ij izos'k ugha djsxk ;fn pkSjkgs ij ;krk;kr :d x;k gS ;gka rd fd izeq[k lM+d ij ;k vkxs tkus ds fy;s ladsr fey x;k gSA 1010¼1½ ¼2½ ¼3½ xksy xksy xksy xksy pDdjksa ij viukbZ tkus okyh lko/kkfu;ka & pDdj ij izos'k djrs le;] xksypDdj ij igys ls mifLFkr ;krk;kr dks igys jkLrs dk vf/kdkj gksxkA pDdj ds ikl igqapus okys eksVj ;ku dks mlds vkxs c<+us ds fy;s izklkafxd ysu dh fn'kk dk p;u djuk gksxkA pDdj ds Hkhrj ysu cnyrs le; Pkkyd ladsr dk mi;ksx djsxkA 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] ¼4½ xksy pDdj ls ckgj fudyrs le; ckabZ vksj eqM+us ds fy;s] Pkkydfofu;eu ¼6½ ds mi&fofu;e ¼2½ esa fofufnZ"V çfØ;k dk ikyu djsxkA 1111- flXuyksa ds ladsr ¼1½ Pkkyd Li"V :i ls cka, ;k nka, eqM+us vkSj fdlh dkSs'ky djus ls igys viuh ysu cnyus ds bjkns dk ;ku esa yxs ;kaf=d ;k fctyh midj.kksa dks mi;ksx dj ;k gkFk ls ladsr djsxkA ¼2½ fdlh ekeys esa ;fn ;ku esa ;kaf=d ;k fo|qr lapkfyr midj.k ugha yxk, x;s ;k] dfFkr midj.k yxk, x;s gSa ysfdu os dke ugha dj jgs gSa] Pkkyd fuEu fufnZ"V fd;s vuqlkj gkFk ls ladsr nsxk & ¼i½ ;ku jksdus ds fy,] Pkkyd dks nkabZ vksj viuk nka;k gkFk ;ku ds ckgj fudkydj yacor mBkuk gksxk( ¼ii½ nkabZ vksj eqM+us ;k vU; ;ku dks ikj dj lM+d ds nkabZ vksj ;ku pykus ds fy;s ;k fdlh vU; dkj.k] Pkkyd dks viuk nka;k gkFk pkyd ;ku ds ckgj fudkydj vius ;ku ds nkabZ vksj {kSfrt fLFkfr esa vkxs gFksyh dh fLFkfr esa mBkuk gksxk( ¼iii½ ckbZa vksj eksM+us ;k lM+d ds ck,a gkFk dh vksj ;ku pykus ds fy,] Pkkyddks vius nkfguk gkFk ckgj fudkydj okekorZ fn'kk esa ?kqekuk gksxk( ¼iv½ Pkkyd viuss ihNs vkus okys ;ku dks fiNsyuk djus dk ladsr ns ldrk gS] ,slk djus ds fy;s Pkkyd viuk nkafguk gkFk ;ku ds nkabZ vksj {kSfrt voLFkk esa ckgj fudkysxk] vkSj v/kZ&xksykdkj y; esa vkxs vkSj ihNs ?kqek,xkA 1212- ;krk;kr fu;a=.k flXuy%& ;krk;kr fu;a=.k flXuyij igaqaprs le;] ;ku dks viuh xfr /kheh djuh gksxh vkSj fuEu jhfr ls fn;s x;s fu;a=.k flXuyksa dk vuqikyu djuk gksxk vFkkZr~ %& ¼1½ yky ;krk;kr cÙkh& ¼d½ ,d pkSjkgs ij ;k pkSjkgs ds vfrfjDr fdlh vU; LFkku ij ;krk;kr fu;a=.k flXuy dh yky cÙkh ds lkeus] iSny ikj iFk ls igys :dus dh js[kk ls igys ;ku dks jksduk gksxk( ¼[k½ ;fn :dus dh js[kk fpfàr ugha dh xbZ gS ;k] ;fn fpfàr dh xbZ gS exj fn[kkbZ ugha ns jgh gS] ;ku iSny ikj iFk ls igys jksduk gksxk( ¼x½ ;fn ogka ij dksbZ iSny ikj iFk fpfUgr ugha gS] ;ku çkFkfed ;krk;kr flXuy ls igys jksduk gksxk( ¼?k½ ;krk;kr flXuy dh gjh cÙkhcnyus ij ;ku dks lko/kkuh ds lkFk vkxs c<+kuk gksxk( ¼³½ tc] ,d pkSjkgs ij ;k pkSjkgs ds vfrfjDr fdlh vU; LFkku ij] ;krk;kr fu;a=.k flXuy }kjk fujarj yky cÙkh tYnh #d&#d dj pedrh gS] flXuy ij izrh{kk djus okyk ;ku] & ¼i½ iSny ikj iFk ls iwoZ :dus dh js[kk ls igys jksduk gksxk( ¼ii½ ;fn :dus dh js[kk fpfàr ugha gS] ;k fpfàr gS ij n`’; ugha gS] ;ku dks iSny ikj iFk ls iwoZ :dus dh js[kk ls igys jksduk gksxk( ¼iii½ ;fn ogka pkSjkgs ij iSny ikj iFk ls iwoZ :dus dh js[kk fpfUgr ugha gS rc vki çkFkfed ;krk;kr flXuy ls igys ;ku dks jksdsaxs( ¼iv½ igys iSny pyus okyksa vkSj izeq[k lM+d ij pyus okys ;kuksa dks jkLrs dk vf/kdkj nsus ds ckn flXuy dks ikj dj ;ku vkxs ys tk,a( ¼p½ [kaM ¼d½ ls ¼?k½ esa fufgr gksrs gq, Hkh] ,d eksVj ;ku ckabZ vksj eqM+ ldrk gS vksj pkSjkgs ij mlds nkabZ vksj ls vkus okys ;krk;kr vkSj ckabZ vksj ls pkSjkgk ikj djus okys iSny vkSj lkbfdy Pkkydksa dks jkLrs dk vf/kdkj nsus ds ckn vkxs c<+ ldrk gS tc rd ;krk;kr fu;af=r midj.k ;k lM+d dk dksbZ ladsr yky yky cÙkh tyus rd ckabZ vksj eqM+uk fuf"k) ugha djrk( ¼2½ gjh ;krk;kr cÙkh] & ¼d½ tc ,d pkSjkgs ;k pkSjkgs ds vfrfjDr vU; ;krk;kr fu;af=r flXuy ij gjh cÙkh ty jgh ;k pkyw gS] gjh cÙkh ds lkeus eksVj ;ku]& ¼i½ ;fn vkxs dk jkLrk lkQ gS rc ;ku dks pkSjkgs esa ;k iSny ikj iFk ij vkxs ys tk,xk( ¼ii½ ;fn fdlh ekeys esa ;krk;kr fu;af=r flXuy }kjk gjk fn’kk rhj Hkh iznf’kZr fd;k x;k gS rc dsoy gjs fn’kk rhj ladsr fn[kkbZ nsus ij ;ku dks ml fn’kk esa vkxs c<+k,a( ¼iii½ pkSjkgs ds Hkhrj ;k iSny ikj iFk ds cxy esm a ifLFkr fdlh Hkh iSny ;k=h]vkSj fdlh vU; ;ku dks jkLrk nsa tks gjh cÙkh cnyus ds le; pkSjkgs ds Hkhrj mifLFkr gS( ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 7 ¼[k½ tc] ,d pkSjkgs ij] ;krk;kr fu;af=rflXuy }kjk yxkrkj rsth ls #d :d dj gjs pedrs rhj ds flXuy dk lkeuk djus okykeksVj ;ku igys iSny pyus okyksa] lkbfdy Pkkydksa vkSj ftl ekxZ ij Pkkyd ;ku ys tk jgk gS mlesa feyus okys ekxZ ij jkLrk nsus ds ckn iznf’kZr fd;s x;s rhj dh fn'kk esa ;ku vkxs c<+k,xkA ¼3½ ukjaxh ;krk;kr cÙkh] & ¼d½ tc] ,d pkSjkgs ij ;k ,d pkSjkgs ds vfrfjDr fdlh vU; LFkku ij] fdlh ;krk;kr fu;af=rflXuy ij ukjaxh jks”kuh gksrh gS] ukjaxh jks'kuh ds lkeus vkus okyk ;ku iSny ikj iFk ls iwoZ :dus dh js[kk ls igys ;ku dks jksd nsxk( ¼[k½ ;fn :dus dh js[kk fpfàr ugha gS ;k] ;fn fpfàr js[kk fn[kkbZ ugha nsrh] ;ku dks iSny ikj iFk ls igys jksduk gksxk% ijarq ;fn dksbZ fpfUgr iSny ikj iFk u gksus ij] ;ku izkFkfed ;krk;kr cÙkh ds flXuy ls igys :dsxk tc rd og :dus dh js[kk dks ikj ugha dj tkrk ;k :dus dh js[kk ds cgqr fudV igaqp x;k gS fd vpkud ;ku jksdus ds dkj.k ihNs ls vkus okys ;kuksa ds lkFk Vdjkus dk [krjk gks ldrk gS( ¼x½ pkSjkgs ij ;krk;kr fu;af=r flXuy ij rsth ls :d :d dj pedus okyh ukjaxh jks’kuh ds lkeus ;k pkSjkgs ds vfrfjDr fdlh vU; LFkku ij ;ku dks /khek dj nsxk vkSj pkSjkgs ij ;k iSny ikj iFk ij cM+h lko/kkuh ds lkFk iSny ;kf=;ksa vkSj vU; ;kuksa dks tks mlls igys pkSjkgs ij gSa jkLrk nsdj vkxs ;ku ys tk ldrk gSA 1313- eSuqvy ;krk;kr fu;a=.k& .k ¼1½ tgka pkSjkgs ij ;k mlds vfrfjDr fdlh vU; LFkku ij onhZ esa ,d iqfyl vf/kdkjh ;k dksbZ vU; vf/k—r O;fä ;krk;kr fu;af=r djrk gS] Pkkyd dks viuk ;ku /khek djuk gksxk vkSj dfFkr vf/kdkjh ;k O;fDr ds funsZ’kksa dk ikyu djuk gksxkA ¼2½ tgka onhZ esa ,d iqfyl vf/kdkjh ;k fdlh vU; vf/k—r O;fä }kjk ß:dusß dk flXuy fn;k tkrk gS] Pkkyd viuk ;ku iSny ikj iFk ls iwoZ :dus dh js[kk ls igys jksd nsxkA ¼3½ fdlh ekeys esa ß:dusß dh js[kk fpfàr ugha gS ;k] ;fn fpfàr gS ij fn[kkbZ ugha ns jgh] Pkkyd viuk ;ku iSny ikj iFk ls iwoZ jksd nsxkA ¼4½ fdlh ekeys esa iSny ikj iFk fpfàr ugha gS] Pkkyd viuk ;ku xarO; lM+d ds ikl pkSjkgs ij jksd nsxkA ¼5½ tc ,d ;ku onhZ esa iqfyl vf/kdkjh ;k fdlh vU; vf/k—r O;fä }kjk fn, x, ladsr ds vuqikyu esa ßjksdßfn;k x;k gS] og rc rd vkxs ugha c<+k;k tk,xk tc rd dfFkr vf/kdkjh ;k O;fDr }kjk vkxs c<+us dk ladsr ugha fn;k tkrkA 1414- fiNsyuk & ¼1½ ,d eksVj ;ku fdlh vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZ dks fiNsyuk djvkxs ugha tk,xk tc rd ,slk djuk lqjf{kr vkSj ml le; ykxw vf/kfu;e ;k fu;eksa ds mikoa/kksa dk mYya?ku ugha gSA ¼2½ fdlh Hkh ;ku dks dsoy nkbZa vksj ls fiNsyuk@ikj fd;k tk,xk% c'krsZ fd ;ku dks ckabZ vksj ls fiNsyuk fd;k tk ldrk gS] ;fn & ¼d½ ftl ;ku dks vkxs fudyuk@fiNsyuk djuk;k ftl ;ku ls vkxs fudyuk@fiNsyuk djuk gS og nksuks ,d cgqy&ysu okyh lM+d ij py jgs gSa vkSj vxys ;ku dks lqjf{kr :Ik ls ckabZ vksj ls fpfUgr iafDr esa fiNsyuk fd;k tk ldrk gS( ¼[k½ fiNsyuk fd;s tkus okyk ;ku ;k rks nka, eqM+ jgk gS ;k lM+d ds e/; ls iyjko ys jgk gS vkSj eqM+us dk flXuy ns jgk gS vkSj mls ckabZ vksj ls fiNsyuk djuk lqjf{kr gksxk( ;k ¼x½ fiNsyuk fd;s tkus okyk ;ku fLFkj voLFkk esa [kM+k gS vkSj mlds ckabZ vksj ls vkxs tkuk lqjf{kr gksxkA ¼3½ fdlh Hkh ;ku dks ,slh fLFkfr esa fiNsyuk ugha fd;k tk,xk ;fn fiNsyuk djus ls ml vksj vkus okys ;krk;kr ds ckf/kr gksus dh laHkkouk gksA ¼4½ fiNsyuk djrs le;] ;ku dh xfr fiNsyuk fd;s tkus okys ;ku ls vf/kd gksxh] ysfdu xfr vf/kfu;e ;k mlds v/khu cuk, x, fu;eksa ds varxZr fufnZ"V vf/kdre xfr lhek ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA ¼5½ dksbZ ;ku fiNsyu ugha djsxk& ¼d½ ;fn ;krk;kr dh fLFkfr Li"V ugha gS( ¼[k½ ;fn fdlh vfuok;Z ;krk;kr ladsr }kjk fuf"k) fd;k x;k gS( ¼x½ fujarj ,dy ;k nksgjhfpfUgr Bksl yacor ysu@iafDr tks lM+d dks foHkkftr djrh gS mls ikj dj( ¼?k½ fdlh eksM+ ;k dksus ij ;k vkxs lM+d ij fdlh Hkh rjg dh ck/kk ds ifj.kkeLo:i tgka Li"V :i ls ns[kk ugha tk ldrk( 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] ¼³½ taD'kuksa] pkSjkgksa vkSj iSny ;k=h ikj iFkksa ij( ¼p½ ikjxeu LFkku ij tgka lM+d ladjh gks tkrh gS ;ktgka izeq[k ekxZ ds lkFk xyh@ysu pkSMk+ bZ esa de gks tkrh gS( ¼N½ fdlh ladjh iqfy;k ij( ;k ¼t½ ,d lM+d tgka ij lM+d ladsr }kjk ßLdwy {ks=ß ;k ßvLirky {ks=ß ;k ßfuekZ.k {ks=ßds ladsr fn;s x;s gSaA ¼6½ Pkkyd fiNsyu djus ds vius vk’k; dks fn[kkus ds fy, fn'kk ladsrd dk mi;ksx djsxk vkSj ftruk tYnh laHko gks ldsxk fiNsyuk djus ds ckn lM+d ij viuh ckabZ vksj okil vk tk,xkA ¼7½ ihNs okys ;ku dks fiNsyu@vkxs tkus dh vuqKk ds fy;s dksbZ Hkh Pkkyd nkabZ vksj dk flXuy ugha nsxkA ¼8½ ckgjh fuekZ.k {ks=ksa esa] vkxs tkus okys ;ku dks fiNsyu djus ds vk'k; dk Pkkyd cgqr vYi vof/k ds fy, gkuZ@HkkSaiw ctkdj ;k gsMykbV dks tyk cq>kdj ladsr nsxk vkSj vkSj vxys ;ku ds Pkkyd }kjk fiNsyuk djus ds ladsr feyus ds ckn gh ;ku vkxs@fiNsyu dj ldrk gS ;k rc tc vkxs dk jkLrk lkQ ugha gks tkrkA ¼9½ ;fn ,d ;ku fdlh vU; ;ku dks fiNsyu djrk gS] fiNsyu fd;s tkus okys ;ku dk Pkkyd vius ;ku dh xfr ugha c<+k,xk ;k fiNsyu djus okys ;ku dks ck/kk mRiUu dj mls okil ckabZ ysu ij tkus ds fy;s ck/; ugha djsxkA 1515- ;krk;kr esa foy; & ¼1½ ,d jk"Vªh; jktekxZ ;k ;FkkfLFkfr ,d jkT; ds jktekxZ ;k ,d çeq[k ftyk lM+d esa izos'k djus okys eksVj ;ku dks igys jktekxZ ;k izeq[k ftyk lM+d ij pyus okys ;krk;kr dks jkLrk nsxkA ¼2½ ,d gh Js.kh dh nks lM+dksa ds pkSjkgs ij] nkabZ vksj ;ku ds Pkkyd dks jkLrs dk vf/kdkj gksxkA ¼3½ tgka dgha Hkh ykxw gks] Pkkyd jktekxZ ij ;k çeq[k ftyk lM+d ij ;krk;kr esa feyus okyh ysu esa foy; djus ls igyss ;ku dh xfr dks rst djsxkA ¼4½ ;krk;kr esa foy; djus ls igys vkSj djrs le;] Pkkyd ;ku ds ihNs ns[kus okys vkSj cxy esa ns[kus okys ’kh’kksa ls ;krk;kr ij iSuh ut+j j[ksxk vkSj mlds ckn gh foy;@feyus ds vk’k; dk ladsr djsxkA ¼5½ Pkkyd fdlh ;ku ;k mlds vkxs tkus okys ;ku dks fiNsyu djus dk iz;kl ugha djsxk tc rd og ckabZ vksj dh ysu ij ;k ftl ysu ij og ml le; ;ku pyk jgk cgqr T;knk le; ls :dk ugha gqvk gSA 1616- xfr & ¼1½ pkyu ifjfLFkfr;ksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq,] ftlesa mlds ;ku dh fLFkfr vkSj mldk Hkkj] lM+d] vU; ;krk;kr] n`’;rk vkSj ekSle ’kkfey gSa] ,d Pkkyd dsoy ml le; ;ku dh xfr c<+k;sxk tc ;ku ij gj le; mldk fu;a=.k gSA ¼2½ dksgjs] ckfj'k] cQZckjh] rwQku ;k jsfxLrku dh gokvksa ds nkSjku ;ku dks /kheh xfr esa pyk;k tk,xk rkfd vkxs n`’;rk dh nwjh ds nk;js esa ;ku dks jksdk tk ldsA ¼3½ ,d eksVj ;ku dks ugha pyk;k tk,xk ;fn& ¼d½ mldh xfr psrkouh ladsrdksa ij fufnZ"V lhek ls vf/kd ;k de gS( vkSj ¼[k½ l{ke çkf/kdkjh ;k ;kuksa dh ml oxZ ds fy;s vf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk vkSj mu lM+dksa dh oxZ ds fy;s vf/klwfpr vf/kdre xfr lhek ls vf/kd xfr ij ;ku pyk;k tk,xkA ¼4½ dksbZ Hkh Pkkyd] fcuk mfpr vkSj i;kZIr dkj.k ds cxSj] de xfr esa ;ku ugha pyk,xk ftlds dkj.k lkekU; ;krk;kr çokg esa ck/kk mRiUu gksrh gSA ¼5½ fdlh fuekZ.k LFky ;k Ldwy ;k vLirky ls xqtjrs le; dksbZ Hkh Pkkyd 25 fdeh izfr ?kaVk ls vf/kd ;k dfFkr de xfr esa] ftls lM+d ij ladsrd esa fufnZ"V fd;k tk ldrk gS] ;k fcuk QqVikFk dh lM+d ij vkSj lM+d ds fdukjs iSny ;kf=;ksa ds pyus ds ekxZ ij ;ku ugha pyk;sxkA 1717- lqjf{kr nwjh cuk, j[kuk & ¼1½ vU; ;ku ds ihNs ;ku dk Pkkyd ;krk;kr dh vuqikfrd fLFkfr ds lkFk vius vkxs pyus okys ;ku ds ihNs Ik;kZIr lqjf{kr nwjh cuk, j[ksxk rkfd ;fn vkxs pyus okyk ;ku vpkud /khek gks tkrk gS ;k :d tkrk gS rc og lqjf{kr :i ls :dus esa l{ke gks ldsA ¼2½ tc vkids ihNs nwljk ;ku py jgk gS]Pkkyd fcuk fdlh vdkV; dkj.k ds vpkud vius ;ku dks czsd ugha yxk,xkA ¼3½ o"kkZ] cQZckjh ;k lM+d ij fdlh xaHkhj rwQkuh ekSle ;k vU; çfrdwy ekSle dh fLFkfr ds nkSjku] Pkkyd vkxs pyus okys ;ku ls FkksM+h T;knk nwjh cuk, j[ksxkA 1818- ihNs ;ku pykus ij izfrca/k ¼foijhr fn'kk esa½ & ¼1½ dksbZ Hkh Pkkyd lM+d ;k ;ku LFkku esa ;k fdlh Hkh vU; lkoZtfud LFky ij ihNs dh vksj ¼foijhr fn'kk esa½ ;ku ugha pyk,xk% ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 9 ijarq Pkkyd dks ;ku ihNs djrs le; ;g lqfuf’pr djuk gksxk fd ;ku dks ihNs djrs le; fdlh Hkh rjhds ls fdlh vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZ dh lqj{kk dks [krjk ;k vuqfpr vlqfo/kk rks ugha gksxh] vkSj bl izdkj ;ku dks ihNs djus dh xfrfof/k dh nwjh vkSj vof/k mruh gks ldrh gS tks ;ku dks ?kqekus ds fy;s ;Fkksfpr vko';d gksxhA ¼2½ lkoZtfud lM+d ij dksbZ Hkh eksVj ;ku foijhr fn’kk esa ugha pyk;k tk,xkA ¼3½ ß,d rjQk jkLrsß ds :Ik esa ukfer lM+d esa dksbZ Hkh eksVj ;ku ihNs dh vksj ugha pyk;k tk,xkA 1919- le ikj & ¼1½ jsy tfur ;kuksa dks lHkh ekuojfgr jsy le ikj@Ø‚flax ij igys jkLrs dh izkFkfedrk gksxhA ¼2½ tc ,d Pkkyd jsy le ikj@Ø‚flax ij igqaprk gS mls ;ku /khek djuk gksxk vkSj og & ¼d½ jsy le ikj@Ø‚flax ds Hkhrj ;ku [kM+k dj jkLrk vo:) ugha djsxk( ¼[k½ ,djsy le ikj@Ø‚flax esa ifjNkyu ugha djsxk( vkSj ¼x½ lM+d ekxZ ds ckbZa vksj ;ku j[ksaxsA ¼3½ ,dlajf{kr jsy le ikj@Ø‚flax ij] QkVd dk cSfj;j uhps fxjkus@can djus ;k cSfj;j fxjkuk “kq: djus ds ckn ;k ;kuksa dk ;krk;kr yky cÙkh flXuy ds lkeus [kM+k gS dksbZ Hkh eksVj ;ku le ikj esa izos'k ugha djsxkA ¼4½ ,d vjf{kr jsy le ikj@Ø‚flaxij] & ¼d½ eksVj ;ku dsoy ;g lqfuf'pr djus ds ckn jsy le ikj@Ø‚flax ij izos'k djsxk tc mls jsy ds fMCCks vkSj batu fn[kkbZ nsuk can gks tkrk gS] vkSj ¼[k½ ,d Ldwy cl lfgr cl dk Pkkyd] ,d ekyokgd ;ku] [ksr ds Jfedksa vkSj eky ys tkus okyh VªSDVj dh Vª‚yh ;k [krjukd] Toyu'khy ;k [krjukd lkexzh dks ys tkus okys ;ku] jsy le ikj@Ø‚flax ij igqapus ij :d tk,axs vkSj ;ku ds Pkkyd vius ifjpj ;k fdlh vU; O;fDr dks jsy le ikj ds ikl tkdj ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd nksuksa vksj ls dksbZ batu ;k jsy ds fMCcs rks ugha vk jgs] vkSj ifjpj ;k dfFkr vU; O;fä jsy le ikj ls ml ikj ds ckjs esa Pkkyd dk ekxZn'kZu djsxk% ijarq tgka ;ku ij ,slk dksbZ ifjpj ;k vU; O;fä miyC/k ugha gS] Pkkyd lM+d ds fdukjs lqjf{kr :i ls ;ku dh cÙkh pkyw dj;ku dks[kM+k djsxk vkSj jsy le ikj@Ø‚flax dks ikj djus ls igys le ikj ij tkdj lqfuf'pr djsxk fd nksuksa vksj ls dksbZ batu ;k jsy ds fMCcs rks ugha vk jgs gSaA 2020- ,d lqjax esa ços'k djuk & ¼1½ fdlh lqjax esa ços'k djus ls igys Pkkyd ;ku dh uhps dh jks'kuh pkyw djsxkA ¼2½ lqjax ds Hkhrj Pkkyd ifjNkyu] iyjko ;k foijhr fn'kk esa ;ku ugha pyk,xkA ¼3½ dksbZ Hkh Pkkyd lqjax ds Hkhrj ;ku dks [kM+k ugha djsxk tc rd iwjh rjg ls og djuk vko';d ugha gks tkrk vkSj] ,slh fLFkfr esa] og ;ku dh [krjs dh psrkouh cÙkh pkyw dj nsxk vkSj dsUæh; eksVj ;ku fu;e] 1989 ds fu;e 138 ds mi&fu;e ¼4½ ds [kaM ¼x½ esa fofufnZ"V fd;s vuqlkj ;ku ds vkxs vkSj ihNs chl ehVj nwjh ij ijkorhZ ;krk;kr psrkouh f=dks.k Hkh j[ksxkA 2121- igkM+ igkM+ ij p<+kbZ djus okys ;kuksa dks izkFkfedrk nh tk,xh & ¼1½ igkM+h vkSj [kM+h lM+dksa ij] tgka lM+d i;kZIr :Ik ls pkSMh+ u gksus ds dkj.k eksVj ;kuksa dks ,d lkFk ,d nwljs dks fcuk O;o/kku igqapk, ikj djus esa l{ke ugha djrh] uhps mrjus okys ;ku dk Pkkyd& ¼d½ lM+d ds ckbZa vksj ;ku [kMk djsxk( vkSj [k½ igys Åij dh vksj vkxs c<+us@p<+us okys ;ku dks ikj djus dh vuqefr nsxkA 2222- ;ku dks jksduk vkSj [kM+k@;ku LFky djuk & ¼1½ dksbZ Hkh ;ku bl fLFkfr esa jksdk ugha tk,xk ¼d½ ,d ,sls LFkku ij tgka lM+d ladjh vkSj vkxs ns[kus dk n`'; vo:) gS( ¼[k½ ,d rhoz eksM+ ij( ¼x½ rst ;k ean ysu esa( ¼?k½ iSny ikj iFk ij] ;k mlls ikap ehVj igys( ¼³½ jsy le ikj ij( ¼p½ ;krk;kr cÙkh flXuy ls ikap ehVj ;k mlls de nwjh ij ;k ßjkLrk nsusß ds ladsr ;k ß:dusß ds ladsr ;k ;fn dksbZ fLFkj ;ku ds dkj.k vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa dh n`’;rk esa ck/kk mRiUu gksus dh laHkkouk gks ldrh gS( 10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY ¼N½ ¼t½ [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] fdlh ukfer cl LVSaM ij ;fn Ldwy cl ds vfrfjDr dksbZ vU; cl gS( lM+d ij ihys jax ds fpfàr c‚Dl ij( ¼i½ tgka ßugha :dusß dk vfuok;Z ladsr }kjk ;ku [kM+k djuk fuf"k) fd;k x;k gS ¼2½ dksbZ ;ku [kM+k@ikdZ ugha fd;k tk,xk & ¼d½ tgka ij mi&fofu;e ¼1½ ds varxZr ,slsLFkku ij ;ku jksdukfuf"k) gS( ¼[k½ ,d izeq[k lM+d ;k lM+d ds ,d fgLls esa tgka ij vf/klwfpr vf/kdre xfr lhek ipkl fdeh çfr ?kaVs ;k mlls vf/kd gS( ¼x½ ,d ixMaMh] lkbfdy VªSd vkSj iSny ikj iFk ij( ¼?k½ ,d pkSjkgs ;k taD'ku ls igys ;k ckn esa ;k pkSjkgs ;k taD'ku ds fdukjs ls taD'ku ds ipkl ehVj dh nwjh rd( ¼³½ tgka og ukfer ;ku LFky ds izos'k esa vojks/k mRiUu djsxk( ¼p½ ,d cl LV‚i ds fudV] ,d 'kSf{kd laLFkku ;k vLirky ds izos'k }kj ij ;k ;fn tgkafdlh ;krk;kr ladsrd ;k vfXujks/kd dks vo:) djus dh laHkkouk gks ldrh gS( ¼N½ ,d lqjax esa( ¼t½ ,d cl ysu esa( ¼>½ fdlh laifÙk ds ços'k vkSj fudkl }kj ds lkeus( ¼´½ tgka lM+d ekxZ dh ixMaMh ds cxy esa ,d fujarj ihys jax dh js[kk yxkbZ ;k fpf=r dh xbZ gS( ¼V½ ixMaMh ds fdukjs ls nwjh ij( ¼B½ vU; ikdZ@[kM+s fd;s ;ku ds lkeus( ¼M½ ;fn fdlh vU; ;ku dks vo:) djus dh laHkkouk ;k fdlh vU; O;fä ds fy;s vlqfo/kk dk dkj.k gS( ¼<½ igys [kM+s ;ku ds cxy esa( ¼.k½ fufnZ"V vof/k ls Hkh vf/kd vof/k ds fy;s ,sls LFkku ij tgka ;ku LFky dh dsoy fu/kkZfjr vof/k ds fy;s vuqKk gS( ¼r½ ,sls LFkku ij tgk¡ ;ku LFky dh vuqKk fufnZ"V Js.kh ;k ;kuksa dh Jsf.k;ksa ds fy;s nh tkrh gS vkSj ;ku fufnZ"V Js.kh ls lacaf/kr ugha gS( ¼Fk½ leFkZakx :Ik ls vl{ke Pkkyd }kjk pyk, x;s ;kuksa dh vkjf{kr ikfdZax LFky ij ,sls Pkkyd }kjk ;ku [kM+k djuk tks leFkkZax :Ik ls vl{ke@fodykax ugha gS( ¼n½ ,d fofufnZ"V ;ku LFky ij mfYyf[kr rjhds dss vfrfjDr fdlh vU; jhfr ds lkFk ;k bl rjg ls ;ku [kM+k djuk tks vR;f/kd LFkku ysrk gS( rFkk ¼/k½ tgka ikfdaZx ßfuf"k) ;ku LFkyß ladsrd }kjk fuf"k) fd;k x;k gSA 2323- HkkSaiw dk bLrseky vkSj ’kkUr {ks= & ¼1½ HkkSaiw dk vuko';d mi;ksx djuk fuf"k) gSA ¼2½ tgka rd gks ldrk gS] HkkSaiw dk mi;ksx rHkh fd;k tk,xk tc Pkkyd dks Lo;a ;k fdlh vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZ ds fy, [krjk dh vk'kadk gSA ¼3½ Pkkyd rc HkkSaiw ctk,xk tc vfuok;Z ladsrdksa }kjk funsZf'kr fd;k x;k gSA ¼4½ Pkkyd ugha djsxk& ¼d½ yxkrkj ;k ckj&ckj ;k vko';drk ls vf/kd ;k vkoklh; {ks=ksa esa ;k vfuok;Z ladsrdksa esa bafxr ’kkUr {ks=ksa esa HkkSaiw ugha ctk,xk( ¼[k½ fdlh dV vkmV dk mi;ksx ftlds }kjk ?ofueand ds ek/;e ds LFkku ij fudkl xSlsa fu"dkflr gksrh gSa( ¼x½ gokbZ HkkSaiw ;k cgq&vkokt+ okys HkkSaiw dk iz;ksx djuk ;k LFkkfir djuk tks ddZ’k] pqHkrh gqbZ] Åaph ;k [krjukd vkokt+ djrs gSa flok; tSlk fu;e 119 ds mi&fu;e ¼3½ esa iznku fd;k x;k gS vkSj ¼?k½ ftuesa vuqfpr 'kksj ;k tc og ctk, tkrs gSa cgqr gh Hk;kud /ofu djrs gSaA 2424- laKkid vkns’k & ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 11 ¼1½ onhZ esa ,d iqfyl vf/kdkjh ;k jkT; ljdkj dk izkf/k—r vf/kdkjh] ;kudks rduhdh midj.kksa ds flXuy nsdj ;k flXuy fMLd ;k yky cÙkh ds ek/;e ls ;ku ds LokLF; izek.ki= dk LkR;kiu djus ds fy;s mls] ;k mlesa cSBs fdlh ;k=h ds ckjs esa tkudkjh izkIr djus ds fy;s ;ku dks jksd ldrk gS] vkSj ;ku ds Lokeh ;k Pkkyd dks dfFkr vf/kdkjh ds funsZ’kksa dk ikyu djuk gksxkA ¼2½ çR;sd Pkkyd dks vkKkid ladsrdksa] lM+d fpàksa vkSj l{ke izkf/kdkjh ;k ojnh esa iqfyl vf/kdkjh ;k ml le; M~;wVh ij rSukr fdlh izkf/kd`r O;fDr }kjk lapkfyr flXuy nsus ds midj.kksa ds ek/;e ls fn;s x;s funsZ’kksa dks ikyu djuk gksxkA ¼3½ ml le; ckotwn fdlh vU; fu;e ;k fdlh vU; vkns’k] lM+d ladsr] fpUg ;k ;krk;kr cRrh flXuy ds ykxw ugha gksrs gq,] vkSj Pkkyd dk lko/kkuh vkSj ns[kHkky djrs gq, vius drZO; dk fuoZgu djus ij izfrdwy izHkko Mkys fcuk] Pkkyd dks ;krk;kr lapkfyr djus ds laca/k esa ojnh igus iqfyl vf/kdkjh ds ladsrksa ;k funsZ'kksa dk ikyu djuk gksxkA ¼4½ Pkkyd dks ;krk;kr lapkfyr djus ds laca/k esa ml le; ojnh igus M~;wVh ij rSukr iqfyl vf/kdkjh ds ekSf[kd funsZ’kksa vkSj ladsrksa dk ikyu djuk gksxk] ftlesa :dus ;k ;ku dks ihNs djus ;k /khek djus ;k okil eksM+us ;k fdlh fofufnZ’V fn'kk esa ys tkus ;k ;ku dks ;krk;kr dh fdlh iafDr esa j[kus dk funsZ'k 'kkfey gS tSlk dfFkr iqfyl vf/kdkjh }kjk fufnZ"V fd;k tk ldrk gSA 2525- fdlh izn’kZu ds ikl ls xqtjuk & ¼1½ tc fdlh izn’kZu ds ikl ls xqtjrs gSatSls fdlh ds laLdkj vkSj vU; tqyl w ;k lSU; VqdM+h ;k iqfyl ny }kjk ekpZ djrs gq,] ;k tkuojksa ds >qaM ;k ?kksMs+ dh thu ;k eosf'k;ksa ds ikl ls xqtj jgs gSa] Pkkyd ;ku dh xfr dks de dj nsxk vkSj /khjs&/khjs lko/kkuh ds lkFk ;ku vkSj izn'kZu ds chp i;kZIr txg NksM+dj ikj dj tk,xkA ¼2½ ;fn mi&fofu;e ¼1½ esa of.kZr izn'kZu ;ku ds vkxs dh lM+d ij xqtj jgk gS] ;k ogka lsxqtjus okyk gS] rc Pkkyd ;ku dks jksd nsxk vkSj izn'kZu dks igys xqtj tkus nsxk vkSj mlds ogka ls xqtjus rd ;ku ugha pyk,xkA 2626- ;krk;kr esa :dkoV ij jksd & tc rd l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk vf/kfu;e ;k mlds fy;s cuk, fu;eksa ds varxZr fof/kekU; vuqKk ugha nh gS] dksbZ Hkh Pkkyd ugha djsxk & ¼d½ lM+d ij eky ;k fdlh Hkh rjg dh lsok,a iznku djuk( ;k ¼[k½ ;ku ij fdlh foKkiu dk çn'kZuA 2727- vkikrdkyhu lsokvksa ds fy, ukfer ;ku & ¼1½ jkT; ljdkj }kjk dsUæh; eksVj ;ku fu;e] 1989 ds fu;e 108 ds mi&fu;e ¼4½ ds varxZr vkikrdkyhu lsokvksa ds fy;s ukfer ,d ;ku dk Pkkyd] ftlesa ,Ecqyl sa ds :i esa mi;ksx fd;k tkus okyk ;ku ;k vfXu'keu ;k dckM+ lkeku ds iz;kstuksa ds fy;s ;k iqfyl ;ku] dsoy rc cgq&/ofu HkkSaiw @HkkSaiw lk;ju vkSj cgq&jax pedus okyh cRrh;k vykeZ lapkfyr djsxk tc ;ku vkikrdkyhu lsokvksa ij cqyk, tkus ij izfrfØ;k ns jgh gSA ¼2½ ,d vkikrdkyhu ;ku] tc mldh cgq&/ofu HkkSaiw vkSj tyrh&cq>rh jks’kuh pyrh gS] vU; ;kuksa }kjk mls jkLrk nsus dk vf/kdkj gksxkA ¼3½ fdlh vR;ar vkikr fLFkfr tSls ,d ekuo thou dks cpkus] fdlh O;fä ds LokLF; dhs xaHkhj {kfr jksdus] vijk/k jksdus ;k vko';d lsokvksa dks uqdlku igqapus ;k vkx cq>kus ds ekeys esa] vkikrdkyhu ;ku dkPkkyd cgq&/ofu HkkSaiw vkSj tyrh&cq>rh jks'kuh lapkfyr dj vR;ar lko/kkuh] ftEesnkjh ds lkFk dj ldrk gS & ¼d½ ;krk;kr yky cÙkh dks ikj dj ldrk gS( ¼[k½ fofufnZ"V xfr lhek ls vf/kd xfr esa ;ku pyk ldrk gS( ¼x½ jktekxZ ij ;kuksa ds Bgjus ds LFkku ij ;ku pyk ldrk gS( ¼?k½ fdlh Hkh fn'kk esa ;gka rd fd ßizos’k fuf"k)ß ;k fdlh ß,d&rjQkß lM+d ij ;ku pyk ldrk gSA ¼4½ vkikrdkyhu ;kuksa ds varxZr mi&fofu;e ¼1½ esa fufnZ"V :i ls bl çdkj çkFkfedrk nh tk,xh & ¼³½ lcls igys] vfXu'keu ;ku dks( ¼p½ nwljs] ,Ecqysal dks( ¼N½ rhljs] iqfyl ;ku lsok dks( rFkk ¼t½ pkSFks] jkT; ljdkj }kjk ukfer fd;s x;s fdlh Hkh vU; ;ku dks vkikr ;ku izca/ku ;ku ds :Ik esa tSls vko’;d lkoZtfud lsok,a] ikuh vkSj fctyh dh vkiwfrZ ;k lkoZtfud ifjogu ;kuA ¼5½ tc ,d vkikrdkyhu ;ku] vius cgq&/ofu HkkSaiw vkSj tyrh&cq>rh jks’kuh pkyw dj fdlh ;ku dks fiNkyu djrk gS] ;k fdlh vU; ;ku ds ekxZ esa igaqaprk ;k izos'k djrk gS] tks O;fä dfFkr ;ku pyk ;k lokjh dj jgk gS] tc rd mls iqfyl vf/kdkjh }kjk funsZf'kr ugha dj fn;k tkrk rc rd og& 12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] ¼d½ vkikrdkyhu ;ku ls jkLrs dk vf/kdkj izkIr ugha djsxk] vius ;ku dks ckabZ vksj ftruk O;ogkfjd :Ik ls laHko gks ldrk gS de ls de le; esa lM+d ds fdukjs rd ys tk,xk( ¼[k½ ;ku dks jksd nsxk] ;fn vko';d yxrk gS] vkSj tc rd vkikrdkyhu ;ku ogka ls fudy ugha tkrk og mlh fLFkfr esa fLFkj :dk jgsxkA ¼6½ Pkkyd] tc rd vkikrdkyhu ;ku ds Pkkyd ny }kjk funsZf'kr ugha dj fn;k tkrk] vkikrdkyhu ;ku ftlesa cgq&/ofu HkkSaiw vkSj tyrh&cq>rh jks'kuh nksuksa dke dj jgh gSa muls de ls de ipkl ehVj dh nwjh cuk, j[ksxkA ¼7½ lM+d ds j[kj[kko ;k lkoZtfud mi;ksfxrkds vuqj{k.k ;kuksa dks lM+d ekxZ ij [kM+k fd;k tk ldrk gS] ;fn vko”;drk gS] [krjksa dh psrkouh ykbVksa dks tykdj vkSj [kM+s fd;s x;s ;ku ds ihNs ipkl ehVj nwjh ij vko';d tkudkfj;kas ds lkFk psrkouh midj.kksa dks LFkkfir dj] vkSj vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa dh lqj{kk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, vR;Ur lko/kkuh cjrh tkuh pkfg,A 2828- ;ku [kjkc gksuk & fdlh ekeys esa ;fn nks ifg;ksa ls vf/kd ifg;ksa okyk dksbZ ;ku ,sls LFkku ij [kjkc gks tkrk gS tgka ls mls ,d fLFkj ck/kk ds :Ik esa igpkuk tk ldrk gS%& ¼d½ rqjUr ;ku dh [krjs dh psrkouh ykbVsa pkyw djuh gksaxh( ¼[k½ rst xfr okys jktekxksaZ vkSj çeq[k lM+dksa ij] [kjkc ;ku ds ihNs ipkl ehVj dh nwjh ij ijkorhZ ;krk;kr psrkouh f=dks.k j[ks tk,axs( ¼x½ tgka ;ku [kM+k gS vkSj lM+d ij vkxs eksM+ gS] eksM+ ls igys ijkorhZ ;krk;kr psrkouh f=dks.k j[ks tk,axsA 2929- ;kuh; dh nq?kZVuk ds ekeys esa dk;Zokgh & ¼1½ fdlh nq?kZVuk ds ekeys esa Pkkyd iw.kZ 'kkar cuk jgsxk vkSj nwljs Pkkyd ;k nq?kZVuk esa laYkXu ;ku ;k fdlh vU; O;fDr dks fdlh rjg dk uqdlku ugha igqapk,xkA ¼2½ NksVh nq?kZVuk,a ¼d½ nq?kZVuk esa ’kkfey Pkkyd ;k dbZ Pkkyd] vius ;ku ls uhps mrjdj ;kuksa] ;ku esa cSBh lokfj;ksa] fdlh iSny ;k=h ;k fdlh vU; O;fDr ;k ;ku ds fp= [khapsaxs] cs’kd og dksbZ nq?kZVuk LFky lfgr eksVj ;ku ;k vU; dqN gks] ;fn laHko gS( ¼[k½ lHkh Pkkyd ;kuksa dks [khap dj rqjra lM+d ds ckgj fudky ys tk,axs rkfd vkus okys ;kuksa ds ;krk;kr ds fy;s ekxZ ck/kkjfgr@lkQ gks( ¼x½ Pkkyd vU; ;ku Pkkydksa dks lrdZ djus ds fy;s ;ku ds fudV ;k mlds vklikl ijkorhZ ;krk;kr [krjksa ds f=dks.k j[ksaxs vkSj mudh [krjs dh psrkouh ykbVsa tyk nsaxs( ¼?k½ ;fn dksbZ O;fDr ?kk;y gks x;k gS Pkkyd ;k lokj rqjra iqfyl ;k ,Ecqyl sa ;k fudVre vLirky esa Qksu djsaxs( ¼³½ Pkkyd tcrd gj fdlh dh larqf"V ds fy, lc dqN iwjk ugha dj fy;k tkrk] nq?kZVuk LFky@n`’; dks NksM+dj ugha tk,axs Hkys gh nq?kZVuk fdruh NksVh gh D;ksa u gksA ¼3½ cM+h nq?kZVuk,a& ¼d½ gj O;fDr tks nq?kZVuk esa 'kkfey gksrk gS mls vius Lo;a vkSj ;ku esa cSBs vU; ;kf=;ksa vkSj nq?kZVuk esa ’kkfey ;ku dh tkap dj ;g ns[kuk pkfg, fd fdlh dks pksV rks ugha vkbZ gS( ¼[k½ ;fn fdlh dks pksV yxh gS] rc rqjUr fpfdRlk lgk;rk vkSj iqfyl dks cqyk,xk( ¼x½ tc ,d ckj Pkkyd vkSj ;kf=;ksa ;k lokj dh gkyr fLFkj gks tkrh gS] nq?kZVuk esa “kkfey O;fDr;ksa vkSj ;kuksa ds fp= [khapsxk ftlesa ;ku dhs jthLVªhdj.k IysV vkSj nq?kZVuk n`';@LFky ds fp= Hkh ’kkfey gksaxs( ¼?k½ nq?kZVuk esa 'kkfey Pkkyd ;kuksa dks ftruh tYnh laHko gks ldrk gS lM+d ls nwj fdukjs ij LFkkukarfjr dj nsaxs( ¼³½ ;fn ;ku ;k ;kuksa dks gVkuk laHko ugha gS] nq?kZVuk esa “kkfey izR;sd Pkkyd nq?kZVuk LFky ij rc rd mifLFkr jgsaxs tc rd iqfyl ugha vk tkrh vkSj nq?kZVuk esa ?kk;y gksus ds dkj.k ihfM+r dks LFkkukarfjr ugha fd;k tk ldrk( ¼p½ Pkkyd vkSj lokfj;ka nq?kZVuk dh tkap esa iqfyl izkf/kdkfj;ksa ds lkFk lg;ksx djasxs( ¼N½ ;fn fdlh nwljs ;ku ds lkFk nq?kZVuk esa 'kkfey gSa] Pkkyd fuEufyf[kr tkudkfj;ka nwljs Pkkyd ds lkFk vkil esa vnyk cnyh djsaxs% uke] irk] Qksu uacj] chekdaiuh] i‚fylh uacj] pkyu vuqKfIr uacj vkSj ;ku ds jftLVªhdj.k uacjA ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 13 ¼4½ nwljs Pkkyd ds lkFk ckrphr & ¼i½ ,d ckj 'kq#vkrh >Vds ls mHkjus ds ckn tc ;g Li"V gks tkrk gS fd fdlh dks Hkh xaHkhjrk ls pksV ugha yxh gS] xqLlk HkM+d ldrk gS vkSj nq?kZVuk esa 'kkfey lHkh O;fä;ksa dks xqLls ls cpuk pkfg, ;k fdlh nwljs O;fä ;k O;fä;ksa dk xqLlk HkM+dus ds dkj.k cpuk gksxk( ¼ii½ Pkkyd ;k vU; ;k=h nwljs Pkkyd dk uke] irk] laidZ dh tkudkjh izkIr djsaxs] vkSj og mUgsa iznku fd;s tk,axs( ¼iii½ ;fn vkil esa lkSgknZiw.kZ lek/kku ugha fd;k tk ldrk] rc rqjUr iqfyl dks cqyk,a( ¼iv½ ;fn iqfyl dks lwfpr dj fn;k x;k gS] nq?kZVuk esa 'kkfey mu lHkh O;fä;ksa dks ?kVukLFky ij rc rd jguk gksxk tc rd tkapdrkZ igaqp ugha tkrs vkSj okil tkus dh mUgsa vuqefr ugha ns nsrsA 3030- ;ku dks jLlh ls [khapuk & ¼1½ fdlh Hkh nqifg;k eksVj ;ku dks fdlh vU; ;ku }kjk ugha [khapk tk,xkA ¼2½ ;ku dks [khaprs le; vf/kdre xfr iPphl fdyks ehVj çfr ?kaVs ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA ¼3½ [khaps tkus okys ;ku vkSj [khapus okys ;ku dh nwjh ikap ehVj ls vf/kd ugha gksxh( ¼4½ vU; lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa dks [khapus okyh jfLl;ka ;k psu lkQfn[kkbZ nsuh pkfg,A ¼5½ [khaps tkus okys ;ku ds lkeus vkSj ihNs lQsn Ik`"BHkwfe ij ,d jsVªks ijkorhZ ßvkWu Vkßs ladsrd iznf'kZr fd;k tk,xk ftlds v{kjksa dh ÅapkbZ 10 lsaVhehVj ls de ugha gksxh vkSj v{kjksa ds chp 2 lsaVhehVj Qklys lfgr pkSM+kbZ 2 lsaVhehVj gksxh vkSj Pkkyd jkr ds le;] va/kjs esa ;k çfrdwy ekSle dh fLFkfr esa ;ku dks rc rd ugha [khapsxk tc rd nksuksa ;kuksa dh [krjs dh psrkouh ykbVsa tyk ugha yh tkrhgSa% ijUrq ;fn [khaps tkus okys ;ku dh [krjs dh psrkouh ykbVsa dke ugha dj jgh] mUgsa [khapk ugha tk,xk tc rd mudh [krjs dh psrkouh ykbVsa tyk ugha nh tkrhA 3131- ;ku dh ykbVsa & ¼1½ Pkkyd lka; dky] jkr dks vkSj lqcg vkSj tc n`’;rk cgqr de gksrh gS fufnZ"V izdk'k midj.kksa dk iz;ksx djsxk% ijUrq ,d nqifg;k eksVj ;ku Pkkyd fnu ds nkSjku Hkh viuh gSMykbV dks uhps fxjkdj tyk,xkA ¼2½ ,d ;ku ds ykbV midj.k gj le; vPNs dke djus dh fLFkfr esa j[ks tkus pkfg, vkSj fdlh Hkh çdk'k O;oLFkk ds midj.k dks fdlh oLrq ;k /kwy vkfn ls fNik;k ugha tk,xkA ¼3½ dksbZ Pkkyd & ¼d½ dsoy ;ku LFky jks'kuh tykdj ;ku ugha pyk,xk] tc rd mls ,slk ojn esa ,d iqfyl vf/kdkjh ;k fdlh vU; izkf/k—r O;fä }kjk funsZf'kr ugha fd;k tkrk( rFkk ¼[k½ vuqi;qä rjhds ls ;k yach vof/k ds fy;s ;k vPNh rjg ls izdkf'kr lM+dksa ij mPp che dk mi;ksx ugha djsxkA ¼4½ vkusokys ;ku ds fudV igaqpus ij ;k tc fdlh ;ku ds ihNs cgqr fudV ;ku pykrs le; mPp che dks uhps dj nsxkA ¼5½ Pkkyd dksgjs@QkWx ykbV dsoy rc tyk,xk tc dksgjs] /kwy] rwQku] ckfj’k ;k cQZ fxjus ds dkj.k n`’;rk cgqr T;knk izHkkfor gksrh gS vkSj og Hkh dsoy gSM ySai dks uhps fxjk djA 3232- VªSDVj vkSj eky <ksus okys ;ku pykuk & ¼1½ VªSDVj dk Pkkyd vius lkFk VªSDVj ij fdlh nwljs O;fDr dks ugha fcBk;sxk] ;k u gh mls cSBus dh vuqKk nsxkA ¼2½ eky <ksus okys ;ku esa Pkkyd ds dsfcu esa cSBus okys O;fä;ksa dh la[;k ;ku ds jftLVªhdj.k çek.k i= esa fufnZ"V O;fä;ksa dh la[;k ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA ¼3½ eky <ksus okys ;ku ij fdlh Hkh O;fä dks fdjk;s ;k iqjLdkj ds fy, ugha fcBk;k tk,xkA 3333- ysu vyx gksuk ¼ysu ds Hkhrj ysu½ & 'kgjh {ks=ksa esa]pkyhl fdyksehVj çfr ?kaVs dh vf/kdre xfr lhek dh lM+dksa ij] tgk¡ dgha Hkh fo'ks"k :i ls lM+d ds ladsr }kjk vuqefr nh tkrh gS] eksVj lkbfdy Pkkyd rhu vkSj pkj ifg;ksa ds ;kuksa ds chp esa /khjs /khjs ls vkxs fudy ldrs gSa tc eksVj lkbfdy vkSj vU; ;kuksa ds chp dh xfr dk varj iaæg fdyksehVj izfr ?kaVs ls vf/kd ugha gSA 14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] 3434- [krjukd inkFkksZa dh <qykbZ ij çfrca/k & fdlh Hkh lkoZtfud lsok ds ;ku dk dksbZ Pkkyd fdlh izdkj dk foLQksVd ;k vR;kf/kd Toyu’khy ;k vU;Fkk [krjukd inkFkZ vius lkFk] ;k fdlh vU; O;fDr dks ys tkus dh vuqKk ugha nsxk flok; bZa/ku vkSj Lusgdks dks NksM+dj tks ;ku pykus ds fy;s vko';d gSaA 3535- Hkkj ;ku ds ckgj Hkkj mBk gksuk@fudyuk & ¼1½ Pkkyd gj le; ;g lqfuf'pr djsxk fd Hkkj fu;af=r djus vkSj yknus ds midj.k lfgr Hkkj dks ;ku ij lgh rjhds ls bl izdkj ls O;ofLFkr@j[kk vkSj fu;af=r fd;k x;k gS fd fdlh vdLekr vkikr fLFkfr esa czsd yxkus ;k vpkud >Vds ds lkFk ;ku ds eqM+us ij eky fQlydj] fxjdj] ?kqedj ;ku ls u fxjs ;k vuko’;d “kksj mRiUu u djsA ¼2½ dksbZ Hkh Pkkyd fdlh lkoZtfud LFkku ij ,sls eksVj ;ku dks pyk,xk ftl ij bl rjhds ls eky ynk gqvk gS fd ftlds dkj.k fdlh O;fä dks [krjk iSnk gksus dh laHkkouk gks ldrh gSA ¼3½ Hkkj ;k mldsfdlh Hkkx ds fy,] ;k ;ku esa dksbZ vU; oLrq mlds <kaps ds cxy ;k vkxs ;k ihNs ckgj dh vksj ugha fudysxh] ;k ;ku ds jftLVªhdj.k izek.ki= esa fufnZ"V ÅapkbZ ;k Hkkj dh lhek ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA 3636- jftLVªhdj.k IysV & ¼1½ lkoZtfud lM+d ij vf/kfu;e vkSj mlds v/khu cuk, x, fu;eksa }kjk fofuZfn"V jftLVªhd`r IysV iznf’kZr fd;s fcuk dksbZ Hkh ;ku pyk;k ;k [kM+k ugha fd;k tk,xkA ¼2½ ;ku ds vkxs vkSj ihNs iathd`r IysVsa Li"V :i ls n`'; vkSj lqikB; gksaxh vkSj bu jftLVªhd`r IysVksa ij dksbZ Hkh oLrq ;k /kwy@xanxh mldh Li"V –“;rk esa vojks/k mRiUu ugha djsxhA ¼3½ jftLVªhd`r IysVksa ij jftLVªhdj.k la[;k dks NksM+dj dksbZ v{kj] 'kCn] vkd`fr] fp= ;k çrhd çnf'kZr ;k x<+s ;k fy[ks ugha tk,axsA ¼4½ eksVj ;ku ij dksbZ Hkkj ;k vU; oLrqvksa dks bl rjg ls ugha j[kk tk,xk ftllss iwjh rjg ;k vkaf'kd :i ls jftLVªhdj.k IysVsa fNi tk,aA 3737- eksckby VsyhQksu vkSj lapkj ;qfDr;ksa dk mi;ksx & ¼1½ Pkkyd gkFk esa idM+s tkus okys eksckby Qksu ;k vU; lapkj midj.k dk mi;ksx ugha djsxkA ¼2½ dksbZ izf’k{kd ;k i;Zos{kd ukSlhf[k;k Pkkyd dks izf’k{k.k ;k iz;Zos{k.k djrs le; eksckby Qksu ;k vU; lapkj midj.kksa dk mi;ksx ugha djsxkA 3838- nLrkost+ksa dk izLrqfrdj.k & ¼1½ ,d ifjogu ;ku dk Pkkyd ges'kk vius lkFk ewy :Ik esa fuEufyf[kr nLrkost j[ksxk] flok; mu nLrkost+ksa dks NksM+dj ftUgsa izkf/kd`r O;fDr ;k izkf/kdj.k }kjk tCr fd;k gks ldrk gS] vFkkZr%& ¼d½ ¼[k½ ¼x½ ¼?k½ ¼³½ ¼p½ pkyu vuqKfIr( djk/kku çek.k i=( jftLVªhdj.k çek.k i=( chek çek.k i=( LokLF; izek.ki=( vkSj iznw"k.k fu;a=.k çek.k i=( ¼2½ [krjukd ;k vlqjf{kr eky ifjogu djus okys ;kuksa ds Pkkyd vius lkFk dsaæh; eksVj ;ku fu;e] 1989 ds fu;eksa 132 vkSj 133 esa fufnZ"V nLrkost j[ksaxsA ¼3½ xSj&ifjogu ;ku ds Pkkydvius lkFk ges'kk j[ksaxs & ¼d½ ¼[k½ pkyu vuqKfIr vkSj çnw"k.k fu;a=.k çek.k i=( vkSj jftLVªhdj.k çek.k i= vkSj chek izek.ki= ;k mldh izfrfyfiA ¼4½ ;ku dk Pkkyd] ojn esa iqfyl vf/kdkjh] eksVj ;ku foHkkx ds vf/kdkjh ;k jkT; ljdkj }kjk bl laca/k esa izkf/kd`r fdlh vU; vf/kdkjh }kjk ekax djus ij] fujh{k.k ds fy;s vius nLrkost+ izLrqr djsxk% ijarq ,d Pkkyd] ;fn buesa ls dksbZ Hkh nLrkost igys ls gh izLrqr dj pqdk gS ;k fdlh vf/kdkjh ;k izkf/kdj.k }kjk vf/kfu;e ;k mlds fufgr cuk, fu;eksa ds v/khu tCr fd;k x;k gS ;k fdlh vU; ykxw vf/kfu;e ds rgr çLrqr fd;k x;k gS] dfFkr nLrkost+ ds cnys] dfFkr vf/kdkjh ;k izkf/kdj.k }kjk ml laca/k es,d jlhn ;k vU; ikorh tkjh dh tk,xh% ijarq ;g fd tgka jftLVªhdj.k dk ewy çek.k i= ;k mi&fofu;e ¼3½ ds [kaM ¼[k½ esa fufnZ"V chek çek.k i= Pkkyd ds ikl miyC/k ugha gS] ;ku dk Lokeh ;k Pkkyd l{ke çkf/kdkjh ds le{k dfFkr nLrkost+ izLrqr djsaxs] ftlds ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 15 }kjk ianzg fnuksa ds Hkhrj nLrkost+ izLrqr djus ds funsZ'k fn;s x;s Fks] ;fn çkf/kdj.k }kjk og vko';d gSA 3939- iSny ;k=h ikj iFk] QqVikFk vkSj lkbfdy ixMaMh & ¼1½ ,d vfu;af=r iSny ikj iFk ls xqtjrs le;] Pkkyd ;ku /khek dj nsxk] :d tk,xk vkSj iSny] vl{ke lM+d mi;ksxdrkZvksa dks ys tkus okyh xkM+h] vkSj Oghyps;j dks jkLrk nsuk gksxkA ¼2½ ;fn ;krk;kr esa xfrjks/k mRiUu gks x;k gS] vkSj ;fn vkxs c<+us dh dksbZ laHkkouk ugha gS ftlds dkj.k iSny ikj iFk esa vojks/k mRiUu gks ldrk gS rc Pkkyd iSny ikj iFk ij vkxs ;ku ugha pyk,xkA ¼3½ tc dksbZ Hkh lM+d QqVikFk ;k lkbZfdy ixMaMh ds lkFk iznku dh tkrh gS] dksbZ Hkh ;ku ,sls QqVikFk ;k ixMaMh ij ugha pyk;k tk,xk] flok; onhZ esa ,d iqfyl vf/kdkjh ds funsZ’k ij ;k tgka ;krk;kr ladsr esa ml ij pykus dh vuqKk iznf'kZr dh xbZ gSA 4040- lM+d ds ladsr] fpà] ;krk;kr fu;a=.k flXuy] vf/kfu;e vkSj fu;eksa dk Kku vkSj le>&izR;sd Pkkyd fuEufyf[kr ds lkFk ifjfpr gksxk vkSj mldk i;kZIr Kku vkSj le> gksxh] vFkkZr~ & ¼d½ lM+d ladsrksa] fpàksa vkSj ;krk;kr fu;a=.k flXuykasa( ¼[k½ eksVj ;ku vf/kfu;e] 1988] dh fuEufyf[kr /kkjkvksa ds izko/kkuksa ds lkFk] vFkkZr~ ¼i½ /kkjk 19% v;ksX;rk ;k pkyu vuqKfIr ykblsl a jn~n djus ds fy;s vk/kkj( ¼ii½ /kkjk 112% xfr dh lhek( ¼iii½ /kkjk 113% otu dh lhek vkSj mi;ksx dh lhek,a ¼iv½ /kkjk 121% flXuy vkSj flXuyksa ds midj.k( ¼v½ /kkjk 122% [krjukd fLFkfr esa ;ku NksM+uk ¼vi½ /kkjk 125% Pkkyd dks vojks/k ¼vii½ /kkjk 132% dqN ekeyksa esa jksdus ds fy;s ,d Pkkyd ds drZO;( ¼viii½ /kkjk 133% eksVj ;ku ds ekfyd ds tkudkjh nsus ds drZO;( ¼ix½ /kkjk 134% nq?kZVuk vkSj fdlh O;fDr dks pksV yxus ij eksVj ;ku ds Pkkyd ds drZO;( ¼x½ /kkjk 185% ,d eRr O;fä }kjk ;k uk’khyh nokvksa ds çHkko esa Mªkbfoax djuk( ¼xi½ /kkjk 186% tc ekufld ;k 'kkjhfjd :i ls ;ku pykus esa v;ksX; gSa( ¼xii½ /kkjk 187% nq?kZVuk ls lacaf/kr vijk/kksa ds fy, naM( ¼xiii½ /kkjk 194% Lohdk;Z Hkkj ls vf/kd lhek esa Hkkj ykndj ;ku pykuk( ¼xiv½ /kkjk 200% dfri; vijk/kksa dh lajpuk(rFkk ¼xv½ /kkjk 207% fcuk jftLVªhdj.k izek.ki= ;k ijfeV ds ;kuksa dks fgjklr esa j[kus dh 'kfä( ¼x½ dsUæh; eksVj ;ku fu;e] 1989 ds mikca/k ¼i½ fu;e 21% vf/kfu;e tks vojks/k ;k turk dks [krjk mRiUu djrk gS mlds fy;s ,d O;fDr dks pkyu vuqKfIr j[kus ds fy;s v;ksX; Bgjkrk gS( ¼ii) fu;e 133% Pkkyd dh ftEesnkfj;ka( ¼iii½ fu;e 136% Pkkyd nq?kZVuk ds ckjs esa iqfyl Fkkus esa fjiksVZ djsxk( ¼?k½ vPNs vknfe;ksa dh lqj{kk ds laca/k esa Hkkjr ljdkj dk lM+d ifjogu vkSj jktekxZ la0 +25035@101@2014&vkj,l] rkjh[k 21 tuojh] 2016 esa izdkf'kr Hkkjr dk jkti=] vlk/kkj.k Hkkx&I] /kkjk 1 ljdkj dh vf/klwpuk ds mikca/kA [la- vkj Vh&11028@13@2016&,eoh,y] vHk; nkeys] la;qä lfpo MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 23rd June, 2017 G.S.R.634(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by section 118 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988), and in supersession of the Rules of the Road Regulations, 1989, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the following regulations for the driving of motor vehicles, namely:- 16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] 1. Short title, extent and commencement. – (1) These regulations may be called the Motor Vehicles (Driving) Regulations, 2017. 2. (2) They shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Definitions.- (1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,(a) “Act” means the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988); (b) “carriageway” means the part or parts of a road normally used by vehicular traffic, whether separated from one another by a dividing strip or a difference of level or not; (c) “construction zone” means a section of the roadway where the construction activity is in progress or declared to be undertaken and which may comprise of work space, traffic space or buffer space; (d) “heavy vehicle” means a heavy goods vehicle or heavy passenger motor vehicle as defined in clauses (16) and (17), respectively, of section 2 of the Act; (e) “intersection” means any level crossroad, junction or fork, including the open areas formed by such crossroads, junctions or forks; (f) “longitudinal marking” means the road marking which is provided along the movement of traffic on carriageway; (g) “major district roads” means the important roads within a district of a State notified as such by the State Government; (h) “major road” means the highway, road or street designated as such by any highway authority or local authority within its jurisdiction; (i) “national highways” means the highways specified in the Schedule to the National Highways Act, 1956 or any other highway declared as national highway under sub-section (2) of section 2 of the said Act; (j) “parking” means the bringing of a vehicle to a stationary position and causing it to wait for any purpose other than that of immediately taking up or setting down persons, goods or luggage, and includes stopping for more than three minutes; (k) “rider” or “passenger” means a person travelling on a motor vehicle otherwise than as a driver of that vehicle, whether for hire or reward or otherwise; (l) “right of way” means the right of a vehicle or any other road user to proceed in a lawful manner in preference to another vehicle or any other road user approaching under such circumstances of direction, speed and proximity as to give rise to danger or collision unless one grants precedence to one over the other; (m) “road” includes bridges, tunnels, lay-bys, ferry facilities, interchanges, roundabouts, traffic islands, road dividers, all traffic lanes, acceleration lanes, deceleration lanes, median strips, overpasses, underpasses, approaches, entrance and exit ramps, toll plazas, and a road under construction, but does not include any private road; (n) “road marking” means the lines, patterns, words except road signs which are applied or attached to the carriageway or kerbs or to objects within or adjacent to the carriageway for controlling, warning, guiding and informing the road users; (o) “road user” includes a person driving or travelling on the road in a vehicle or otherwise and a pedestrian; (p) “silence zone” means an area or locality notified by the competent authority where the use of sound signal is prohibited; (q) “state highways” means the arterial roads of a State notified as such by the State Government; (r) “stopping” means halting a vehicle for a very short duration out of free will, either to allow ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 17 passengers to board or alight or for quick loading or unloading of goods; (s) “traffic” includes vehicles of every description and other carriages and conveyances, pedestrians, processions, ridden or herded animals, and all other forms of road traffic using any road or highway for the purpose of travel; (t) “traffic island” means a physical provision and road markings marked on a carriageway, at or near an intersection to regulate the vehicular traffic; (u) “traversed marking” means the road marking which is provided across the carriageway. (1) Any words or expressions used in these regulations, but not defined, shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Act. 3. Duty towards other road users and the general public.- No vehicle shall be driven, stopped or parked on a road or in a public place in such a manner as is likely to endanger the safety of, or cause inconvenience to, other road users. 4. Use of roads by vehicles. – (1) Every vehicle or combination of vehicles, while moving on a road, shall have a driver. (2) A motor vehicle shall be driven on the carriageway: Provided that on dual carriageways, the vehicle shall be driven on the left carriageway unless otherwise directed by the police officer in uniform for the time being on the duty or by appropriate road signs. (3) Unless road signs or markings indicate otherwise, the driver shall keep the vehicle as far as possible to the left of the carriageway, and shall allow all traffic, which is proceeding in the opposite direction, to pass on his right side. (4) The driver shall keep the vehicle to the left while being overtaken and when approaching a bend or a hill and when his view ahead is restricted. (5) A heavy vehicle or speed restricted vehicle shall be driven in the left lane on a carriageway with several lanes in one direction, except when overtaking an obstruction or a slower moving vehicle: Provided that the driver shall return to the left lane as soon as he is safely past the obstruction or the slower moving vehicle, as the case may be. (6) A vehicle shall not be driven on a road declared “One Way”, except in the direction specified by the signage. (7) No driver shall pull, push or drive a vehicle against the flow of traffic, except when specifically directed to do so either through a traffic sign erected by an appropriate authority or by a police officer in uniform for the time being on duty. (8) The driver shall keep at a safe distance from a reversing vehicle and not move toward it before the reversing vehicle has completed its backward motion. 5. Duties of drivers and riders.- (1) Every driver shall at all times drive the vehicle with due care and caution. (2) The driver shall ensure that at the time of driving a vehicle, he is in full control of his physical and mental abilities and physically and mentally fully fit to drive a vehicle. (3) The driver shall at all times maintain a good lookout and concentrate on the road and the traffic and avoid any activity which distracts, or is likely to distract, his attention. (4) The driver and the riders shall take special care and precautions to ensure the safety of the most vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, children, the elderly and the differently abled persons. (5) The driver shall ensure that his vehicle, while moving or when stationary, does not cause any hindrance or undue inconvenience to other road users or to the occupants of any properties. (6) The driver shall ensure that his view is not obstructed and his hearing is not impaired by passengers, animals, the load, equipment in the vehicle or by the condition of the vehicle. (7) The driver shall ensure that he and the other occupants of the vehicle wears seat belts, if provided in the vehicle. (8) The driver shall ensure that a child up to twelve years of age is seated in an appropriate child restraint system, wherever provided. (9) Wherever provided by or under the law, the rider of a motor cycle, with or without a side car, and the pillionrider and occupant of the side car shall wear protective head gear (helmet) or such other safety device as specified under any law for the time being in force. (10) The driver shall ensure that loud music is not played in the vehicle. (11) The driver shall not watch digital motion pictures or videos while driving, except 18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] where required for route navigation: Provided that the driver shall use a device for route navigation in such a manner as not to distract his attention from driving. (12) The driver shall strictly comply with the laws for the time being in force relating to prohibition on consumption of alcohol and drugs and smoking, and also ensure compliance thereto by the other crew, riders and passengers, if any. (13) The driver shall take care of himself and the passengers of the vehicle, when getting into or out of a vehicle so as to ensure his own safety and the safety of the other staff, the passengers and other road users. (14) The driver shall not, in any public place, drive a vehicle which, to his knowledge, has a defect, or which he could have discovered by exercising ordinary care, and on account of which defect the driving of the vehicle is likely to cause undue danger to the safety of the occupants of the vehicles or other road users. (15) If a technical defect is discovered in a vehicle while it is being driven, the driver shall take the vehicle off the road in the quickest possible manner: Provided that powered two wheelers may be pushed to safety in a situation of discovery of a technical defect during driving. (16) While riding or driving a motor cycle or a three wheeler, the driver or the rider shall not hold on to or push any other vehicle. (17) The driver of a motor cycle or a three wheeler shall at all times hold the handle bar with both hands except when signalling the manoeuvre as specified in regulation 9. (18) The driver may take his feet off the pedals or foot rests only if the road conditions so require or safely permit. 6. Lane traffic.- (1) Where any road is marked by lanes for movement of traffic, the driver shall drive within the lane, and change lanes only after giving a proper signal or road marking or signage. (2) Where any lane is marked specially for a class of vehicles, a vehicle of that class shall drive in that lane only. (3) Where a lane has been marked for a specified class of vehicles or for a special purpose, no other vehicle of any other class shall be driven in that lane. (4) Where a road is divided by a longitudinal yellow or white solid line, the driver, proceeding in the same direction and trying to overtake another vehicle ahead, shall not cross the said yellow or white solid line. (5) While approaching inter-sections, where turning lanes are marked with a single solid line, the driver shall ensure that the vehicle remains in the lane meant for the direction of manoeuvre. (6) The driver shall not drive on or over a single or double longitudinal solid line, or on a painted traffic island except in case of obstructions on the road. (7) On a road having a single broken line along with a solid line, the driver of the vehicle driving on the left of broken line may cross the broken line in order to overtake, but shall return to his lane after completing the manoeuvre, observing the safety precautions specified in regulation 12. 7. Right of way.- (1) Where a “STOP” sign is displayed on a road, the driver facing the sign shall- (a) stop before crossing the transverse “STOP” line preceding the “STOP” sign; (b) in case a “STOP” line is not marked, or is marked but is not visible, stop immediately before “STOP” sign; (c) give way to traffic on the major road; and (d) enter the major road only when the way ahead is clear. (2) Where a “Give Way” sign is displayed on the road, supplemented by a single or double broken transverse “Give Way” road marking, the driver shall slowdown, give way to traffic on the road he is approaching, and proceed cautiously. (3) If there is no pedestrian crossing marked before the “Give Way” sign or “STOP” sign, the driver shall give way to the pedestrians. (4) the vehicle emerging onto a road from a property bordering thereon shall give way to the motor vehicles and other traffic already running on that road. 8. Left, right and ‘U’turns.- The driver shall plan well in advance of a turn, move to the appropriate lane of the road and give signal for the intended turn in the following manner, namely:- ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 19 (1) Taking a left turn,- (a) a driver who wishes to turn left shall clearly and in good time indicate his intention to turn left either by using direction indicator or giving appropriate hand signal; (b) before turning left, the driver shall, in reasonable time, move to the left most lane or use a slip lane, where provided; (c) while driving on a multi-lane road, where direction arrows pointing to the left are marked on the road, the driver shall use that lane while taking a left turn; (d) before moving into the left lane, the driver shall keep in view the traffic to his left and behind him, and change the lane only after giving a left-turn signal; (e) before turning left, the driver shall give way to cyclists and other slow-moving traffic; (f) at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, the driver shall give way to the pedestrians before turning left; (g) a vehicle, which is unable to negotiate a left turn due to large turning radius required for the vehicle from the extreme left lane, may use the next lane with the driver keeping a watch on the traffic on the left of the vehicle in the rear view mirror and exercising extreme caution while negotiating the turn. (2) Taking a right turn,- (a) the driver who wishes to turn right shall clearly and in good time indicate his intention to turn right by using either the direction indicator or by giving a hand signal; (b) before turning right, the driver shall in good time move to the right most lane; (c) while driving on a multi-lane road, where direction arrows pointing to the right are marked on the road, the driver shall remain in that lane while taking right turn; (d) before moving into the right lane, the driver shall keep in mind the traffic on his right and behind him, and change the lane only after giving a right-turn signal; (e) at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, the driver shall give way to pedestrians. (3) Taking a ‘U’ turn.- (a) a vehicle shall not make a ‘U’ turn (i) where such ‘U’ turn is prohibited by a road sign or a traffic signal; (ii) on a busy road with continuous flow of traffic; (iii) on a major road, highway or expressway; and (iv) across a continuous single or a double solid line; (b) the driver shall not take a ‘U’ turn if there are any blind spots around the vehicle and shall start taking a ‘U’ turn only if it is safe to take a ‘U’ turn, after closely observing the traffic in the opposite direction and observing the traffic on the sides and behind the vehicle in the side view mirrors and rear view mirror; (c) the driver shall negotiate the right turn only after giving way to the other road users who have the right of way, including pedestrians and cyclists; (d) the driver shall ensure that he has a clear view of approaching traffic and shall not cause undue inconvenience to the other road users and also ensure safety of other road users; (e) a large vehicle may take the ‘U’ turn from the left lane only where permitted. 9. Precautions to be taken at intersections.- (1) The vehicle shall invariably slow down when approaching a road intersection, a road junction, a pedestrian crossing or a road corner, and shall not enter any such intersection, junction or 20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] crossing if it is likely to endanger the safety of other road users moving onto, or already on, such intersection, road junction, pedestrian crossing or road corner. (2) At intersections and junctions, vehicles approaching from the right side shall have the right of way: Provided that this sub-regulation shall not apply,(a) when the junction or intersection is being regulated by manual signals by anauthorised person, traffic lights or mandatory traffic signs; or (b) when the vehicle is exiting a minor road and entering a major road. (3) A motor vehicle shall not enter an intersection if the traffic on the intersection has come to a standstill even if it is on the main road or has a signal to proceed. 10. Precautions to be taken at roundabouts.- (1) While entering a roundabout, traffic already in the roundabout shall have the right of way. (2) A motor vehicle approaching a roundabout shall choose the lane relevant to the direction of its further movement. (3) The driver shall use indicators when changing lanes within the roundabout. (4) While exiting the roundabout, the driver shall follow the procedure specified in sub-regulation (2) of regulation (6) for taking a left turn. 11. Indication of signals.- (1) The driver shall clearly indicate his intention to change course, turn left or right and before making any manoeuvre, using mechanical or electrical devices fitted in the vehicle or by hand signals. (2) In case a mechanical or electrical device in not fitted in the vehicle for giving signals or, the said device is provided but not functioning, the driver shall give manual signals as specified below(i) to stop, a driver shall raise his right forearm vertically outside of, and to the right of, the vehicle, palm to the right; (ii) to turn to the right or to drive to the right-hand side of the road in order to pass another vehicle or for any other reason, the driver shall extend his right arm in a horizontal position outside of, and to the right of, his vehicle with the palm of the hand turned to the front; (iii) to turn to the left or to drive to the left-hand side of the road, the driver shall extend his right arm and rotate it in an anti-clockwise direction; (iv) to indicate to the driver of a vehicle behind him that the latter may overtake, the driver shall extend his right arm and hand horizontally outside of, and to the rightof, the vehicle and shall swing the arm backward and forward in a semi-circular motion. 12. Traffic control signals.- While approaching a traffic control signal, the vehicle shall slow down and follow the directions given by the traffic control signals in the following manner, namely:(1) Red traffic light, - (a) a motor vehicle facing the red light of a traffic control signal at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection, shall stop the vehicle before the stop line preceding the pedestrian crossing; (b) if the stop line is not marked or, if marked is not visible, the vehicle shall stop before the pedestrian crossing; (c) if there is no marked pedestrian crossing, the vehicle shall stop before the primary traffic signal; (d) the vehicle shall move with caution after the green traffic signal turns on; (e) when, at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection, rapid intermittent flashes of red light are displayed by a traffic control signal, the vehicle facing the signal shall,(i) stop before the stop line preceding the pedestrian crossing; (ii) stop before the pedestrian crossing if the stop line is not marked or, if marked is not visible; (iii) stop before the primary traffic signal at the intersection if there is no marked pedestrian crossing; ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 21 (iv) drive past the signal or across the pedestrian crossingafter giving the right of way to the pedestrians and the vehicles running at the major road; (f) notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (a) to (d), a motor vehicle may take a left turn and proceed further after giving way to the traffic approaching the intersection from its right side and to the pedestrians and cyclists crossing the intersection on its left side unless a traffic control device or a road sign prohibits a left turn whenthe red light is on. (2) Green traffic light, - (a) when, at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection, a green light is on at a traffic control signal, a motor vehicle facing the green light shall,(i) drive the vehicle into the intersection or pedestrian crossing only if the way ahead is clear; (ii) move only in the direction indicated by the green directional arrow in case a green directional arrow signal is also displayed by a traffic control signal; (iii) give way to any pedestrian, who is within the intersection or at an adjacent pedestrian crossing, and to any other vehicle which is within the intersection at the time when the green light turns on; (b) when, at an intersection, rapid intermittent flashes of green arrow signal are displayed by a traffic control signal, a motor vehicle facing the flashes of the green arrow signal shall turn only in the direction of the arrow after giving the right of way to pedestrians, cyclists and the vehicles merging in the path which the driver is approaching. (3) Amber traffic light, - (a) when, at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection, an amber light is on at a traffic control signal, the vehicle facing the amber light shall stop before the stop line preceding the pedestrian crossing; (b) if a stop line is not marked or, if marked is not visible, the vehicle shall stop before the pedestrian crossing: Provided that if there is no marked pedestrian crossing, the vehicle shall stop before the primary traffic light signal unless it has either crossed the stop line or is so close to the stop line that abrupt stopping may result in a collision with the following vehicle; (c) a motor vehicle facing rapid intermittent flashes of amber light from a traffic control signal at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection shall slow down and may drive into the intersection or pedestrian crossing with caution after giving way to the pedestrians and vehicles which are already within the intersection. 13. Manual traffic control. – (1)Where a police officer in uniform or any other authorised person is regulating the traffic at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection, the driver shall slowdown the vehicle and follow the directions of the said officer or person. (2) When a “STOP” signal is shown by the police officer in uniform or any other authorised person, the driver shall stop the vehicle before the stop line preceding the pedestrian crossing. (3) In case the stop line is not marked or, if marked is not visible, the driver shall stop the vehicle before the pedestrian crossing. (4) In case there is no marked pedestrian crossing, the driver shall stop the vehicle before the approaching road at the junction. (5) When a vehicle has stopped in compliance to a “STOP” signal given by the police officer in uniform or any other authorized person, it shall not move further until a signal to proceed is given by the said officer or person. 14. Overtaking.- (1) A motor vehicle shall not overtake any other road user unless it is safe and not in violation of the provisions of the Act or the rules made thereunder or any other law for the time being in force. 22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] (2) A vehicle shall be overtaken only from the right side: Provided that a vehicle may be overtaken from the left, if(a) the vehicle which is to overtake and the vehicle which is to be overtaken are both driving on a multi-lane road and the vehicle ahead can be safely overtaken in a marked lane to the left of the vehicle being overtaken; (b) the vehicle to be overtaken is either turning right or making a ‘U’ turn from the centre of the road and is giving a signal to turn and it would be safe to overtake it from the left; or (c) the vehicle to be overtaken is stationary and it is safe to pass it from the left. (3) No vehicle shall be overtaken if such overtaking is likely to impede the oncoming traffic. (4) While overtaking, the vehicle shall be driven at a speed higher than that of the vehicle to be overtaken, but the speed shall not exceed maximum speed limit specified by or under the Act or the rules made thereunder. (5) No vehicle shall overtake(a) if the traffic situation is not clear; (b) if prohibited by any mandatory traffic signs; (c) by crossing the continuous single or double solid longitudinal lane marking dividing the road; (d) on a bend or corner or at any obstruction of any kind resulting in the road ahead not being clearly visible; (e) at junctions, intersections and pedestrian crossings; (f) at a transit location where the road narrows or where lanes on the carriage way are reduced in width; (g) on a narrow culvert; or (h) on a road where ‘School Zone’ or ‘Hospital Zone’ or ‘Construction Zone’ is indicated by road signs. (6) The driver shall use the direction indicators to show his intention to overtake and, after manoeuvring the overtaking, return to the left side of the road as quickly as possible. (7) No driver shall give a right turn indicator to signal permission to the following vehicle to overtake him. (8) Outside built up areas, the driver shall signal his intention to overtake the vehicle ahead of him by blowing the horn for a very short duration or by headlight flasher signal and may overtake the vehicle after getting a signal for overtaking from the driver in front or if the way ahead is clear. (9) If a vehicle is overtaking another vehicle, the driver of the vehicle being overtaken shall not increase its speed or impede the overtaking vehicle’s safe return to the left lane. 15. Merging in traffic.- (1) A motor vehicle entering a national highway or a state highway or a major district road shall give way to traffic on the highway or the major district road, as the case may be. (2) At an intersection of two roads of same category, the driver of the motor vehicle on the right shall have the right of way. (3) Wherever applicable, the driver shall use the acceleration for merging lane to build up speed of the vehicle before merging it in the traffic on the highway or on the major district road. (4) Before and while merging in the traffic, the driver shall keep a close watch on the traffic through rear view mirror and side-view mirrors and signal his intention to merge. (5) The driver shall not attempt to overtake a vehicle or vehicles ahead of him unless he has stayed long enough in the left-hand lane or the lane in which he had been driving. 16. Speed.- (1) A driver shall drive only at a speed which allows him control of the vehicle at all times, taking into account the driving conditions, including to the condition of the vehicle and its load, the road, other traffic, visibility and weather. (2) The vehicle shall, during fog, rainfall, snowfall, storm or desert winds, be driven at a lower speed to enable the driver to stop the vehicle within the range of forward vision. (3) A motor vehicle shall not be driven- ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 23 i. at a speed exceeding or less than the maximum or minimum speed limit specified on the signages; and ii. at a speed exceeding the maximum speed limit notified by the competent authority or authorities for that class of vehicles and for the class of roads on which it is for the time being driven. (4) No driver shall, without good and sufficient reason, drive so slowly as to impede the normal traffic flow. (5) No driver shall drive at a speed exceeding twenty-five kilometre per hour or such lower speed as may be specified on the road signage while passing by a construction site or a school or a hospital, wherever indicated by signage, or on roads without footpaths and soft shoulders where pedestrians use a part of the carriageway to walk. 17. Keeping safe distance.- (1)A driver driving behind another vehicle shall keep sufficient distance, commensurate with the traffic conditions, from the vehicle ahead, so as to be able to stop (pull up) safely if the vehicle ahead suddenly slows down or stops. (2) When being followed by another vehicle, not suddenly brake without a compelling reason. (3)The driver shall during rainfall, snow or storm orice on the road due to severe weather conditions and during other adverse weather conditions, further increase the distance from the vehicle ahead. 18. Restrictions on driving backwards (in reverse direction).- (1) No driver of a motor vehicle shall drive the vehicle backwards (in the reverse direction) on a road or in a parking or any other public place: 19. Provided that the driver shall while driving backwards ensure that the backward movement of the vehicle does not in any manner endanger the safety of, or cause undue inconvenience to, the other road users and that such reverse movement is for a distance and duration that may be reasonably necessary to turn around the vehicle. (2) No motor vehicle shall be driven on to a public road in the reverse direction. (3) No motor vehicle shall be driven backwards into a road designated as “ONE WAY”. Level crossings.- (1) Rail-borne vehicles shall have over-riding priority at all unmanned level crossings. (2) A driver shall slow down when approaching a railway crossing and shalli. not park the vehicle within the barriers of a railway crossing; ii. not overtake within the barriers of a railway crossing; and iii. keep to the left of the roadway. 20. (3) At a guarded railway crossing, no motor vehicle shall enter the crossing after the gates or barriers have been closed or have started to close or when the vehicular traffic is facing red light signal. (4) At an unguarded railway crossing,(a) a motor vehicle shall enter the crossing only after ensuring that no rolling stock is in sight; and, (b) the driver of a bus, including a school bus, a goods vehicle, a tractor trolley carrying farm labour or goods and a vehicle carrying hazardous, flammable or dangerous materials, shall stop at the approach of the railway crossing and the driver of the vehicle shall cause the attendant or any other person in the vehicle to walk up to the level crossing to ensure that no rolling stock is approaching from either side, and the attendant or such other person shall guide the driver across such level crossing: Provided that where no such attendant or other person is available in the vehicle, the driver of the vehicle shall safely stop the vehicle on the roadside, a light from the vehicle and walk up to the crossing to see and ensure that no rolling stock is approaching from either side before starting to cross the level crossing. Entering a tunnel.- (1) The driver shall switch on the dipped lights before entering a tunnel. (2) No driver shall overtake, make a U-Turn or drive backwards inside a tunnel. (3) No driver shall stop or park the vehicle within a tunnel unless absolutely unavoidable and, in such situation, switch on the hazard warning lights of the vehicle and also place reflective traffic warning triangles as specified in clause (c) of sub-rule (4) of rule 138 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, at a distance of twenty meters each from the vehicle in the front of, and behind, the vehicle. 21. Vehicles going uphill to be given precedence.- (1) On mountain roads and steep roads, where the road is not sufficiently wide to allow the motor vehicles to cross each other freely, the driver travelling downhill shall- 24 22. THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY i. stop the vehicle on the left side of the road; and ii. allow the vehicle proceeding uphill to pass first. [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] Stopping and parking.- (1) A vehicle shall not be stoppedi. at a place where the road is narrow or the view is obstructed; ii. near or on a sharp bend; iii. in an acceleration or a deceleration lane; iv. on, or five meters before, a pedestrian crossing; v. on a level crossing; vi. five meters or less before a traffic light signal or “Give Way” sign or “STOP” sign or if a stationary vehicle is likely to obstruct these signs from the view of other road users; vii. at designated bus stands if the vehicle is other than a bus; viii. on a yellow box marked on road; and ix. where prohibited by a mandatory “No Stopping” sign. 23. (2) A vehicle shall not be parked(a) at a place where stopping a vehicle is prohibited under sub-regulation (1); (b) on a main road or at a stretch of a road where the notified maximum speed limit is fifty kilometres per hour or more; (c) on a footpath, cycle track and pedestrian crossing; (d) before or after an intersection or a junction up to a distance of fifty meters from the edge of the intersection or junction; (e) where it would block access to designated parking spaces; (f) near a bus stop, at the entrance to an educational institution or a hospital or if it is likely to block a traffic sign or a fire hydrant; (g) in a tunnel; (h) in a bus lane; (i) in front of the entrance or exit of a property; (j) where there is a continuous yellow line installed or painted on the carriageway on the kerb side; (k) away from the edge of the footpath; (l) opposite another parked vehicle; (m) if it is likely obstruct any other vehicle or cause inconvenience to any person; (n) alongside another parked vehicle; (o) beyond the specified durationat a place where parking is permitted for a specified duration only; (p) in a place where parking is permitted for a specified category or categories of vehicles and the vehicle does not belong to the specified category; (q) by a driver who is not differently abled in a parking space reserved for vehicles driven by differently abled drivers; (r) in a manner other than that specified in the parking bays in a designated parking lot or in such a manner as to occupy excessive space; and (s) where parking is prohibited by a “No Parking” sign. Use of horns and silence zones.- (1) Unnecessary use of horn is prohibited. (2) As far as may be, the horn shall be sounded only when the driver apprehends danger to himself or to any other road user. (3) The driver shall sound the horn when directed by the mandatory sign. (4) The driver shall not(a) sound the horn continuously or repeatedly or for a duration longer than necessary or in a residential areas or in a silence zone indicated by a mandatory sign; (b) make use of a cut-out by which exhaust gases are released other than through the silencer; ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 25 (c) fit or use an air horn or a multi-toned horn giving a harsh, shrill, loud or alarming noise except as provided in sub-rule (3) of rule 119 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules,1989; and (d) drive a vehicle which creates undue noise or causes an alarming sound when in motion. 24. Mandatory orders.- (1) A police officer in uniform or an authorised officer of the State Government, may stop a motor vehicle by giving a signal by means of technical device on the vehicle or a signalling disc or a red light for verifying the certificate of fitness of the vehicle or for collecting required information in respect of the vehicle or the driver or other occupants the vehicle, and the vehicle owner or driver shall comply with the instructions given by such officer. (2) Every driver shall obey the directions given by mandatory signages, road markings and signalling devices operated by an authority competent to do so or by a police officer in uniform or by an authorised person for the time being on duty. (3) Notwithstanding any other rule for the time being in force or any order, road sign, marking or traffic light signal, and without prejudice to the duty of the driver to exercise due care and caution, the driver shall obey the signals or instructions of a police officer on duty in uniform in regard to movement of the vehicle. (4) The driver shall obey the verbal directions or signals of a police officer for the time being on duty with regard to movement of the vehicle, including the directions to stop or reverse the vehicle or to slow down or to turn back or to move in the specified direction or to keep in such line of traffic as may be specified by the said police officer. 25. Passing along formations.- (1) While passing along formations such as funeral and other procession or a body of troops or police contingent on the march, or pack or saddle of animals or cattle, the driver shall reduce the speed of the vehicle, and pass by the formation slowly and cautiously, leaving adequate space between the formation and the vehicle. (2) If the formation as described in sub-regulation (1) is crossing, or is about to cross, the road in front of the vehicle, the driver shall stop the vehicle and allow the formation to cross the road and not drive through the formation. 26. Bar on traffic impairment.- Unless validly permitted by the competent authority under the Act or the rules made thereunder, no driver shall i. offer goods or services of any kind on the road; or ii. display any advertisement on the vehicle. 27. Vehicles designated for emergency duties.- (1) The driver of a vehicle designated by the State Government for emergency services under sub-rule (4) of rule 108 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 including a vehicle used as ambulance or for fire-fighting or for salvage purposes or a police vehicle, shall operate the multi-toned horn (siren) and the multi-coloured light with flasher only when the vehicle is responding to an emergency call or an alarm. (2) An emergency vehicle, while its multi-toned hornand the flasher is on, shall have the right of way over all the other vehicles. (3) In a case of utmost emergency like saving a human life, warding off serious damage to health of a person, prevent commission of a crime or damage to essential services or fight a fire, the driver of the emergency vehicle with the multi-toned horn and the multi-coloured flasher operating may, with utmost care, responsibility and cautioni. cross a red traffic light; ii. exceed the specified speed limit; iii. drive on a highway hard shoulder; and iv. drive in either direction on a “NO ENTRY” or a “One Way” street. (4) The priority within the emergency vehicles as referred in sub-regulation (1) shall be as followsv. first, a fire service vehicle; vi. second, an ambulance; vii. third, a police service vehicle; and 26 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] viii. fourth, any other vehicle designated by the State Government as an emergency management vehicle such as for maintenance of essential public services like water and power supply or public transport. (5) When an emergency vehicle, with its multi-toned horn and light flasher on, is overtaking, approaching or entering the path of any other vehicle, the person driving or riding such other vehicle shall, unless otherwise directed by a police officer(a) yield the right of way to the emergency vehicle, by driving to the left as close as practicable to the kerb or edge of the roadway in the shortest possible time; (b) stop, if required, and remain stationary in that position until the emergency vehicle has passed. (6) The driver shall, unless otherwise directed by the crew of the emergency vehicle, maintain a distance of at least fifty meters from the emergency vehicle on which multi-toned hornor flasher lights or both are operating. (7) A road maintenance or public utility maintenance vehicle may be parked on the roadway, if necessary, after switching on the hazard warning lights and placing a warning device with necessary information at least fifty meters behind the parked vehicle, and take all other precautions to ensure safety of other road users. 28. Vehicle breakdown.- In case a vehicle with more than two wheels has broken down at a place where it can be recognised in time as a stationary obstacle,i. the hazard warning lights of the vehicle shall be switched on immediately; ii. on highways and major roads with fast speed, reflective traffic warning triangles shall be placed at a distance of fifty meters behind the broken-down vehicle; and iii. if there is a bend on the road where the vehicle is parked, reflective traffic warning triangles shall be placed before the bend. 29. Action in case of vehicular accident.- (1) The driver shall maintain absolute cool in case of an accident and do nothing that may harm the other driver or vehicle involved in the accident or any other person. (2) Minor accidents, i. the driver or drivers, as the case may be, involved in the accident shall alight from the vehicle and take pictures of the vehicles, the occupants of the vehicles, any pedestrian or any other person or vehicle, whether motor vehicle or otherwise, and the accident scene, if possible; ii. the drivers shall pull the vehicles out of the road immediately so that the vehicles are clear of on coming traffic; iii. the driver or drivers shall place reflective traffic warning triangles near or around the vehicles to alert other drivers, and turn on hazard warning lights; iv. the driver or the riders shall immediately call the police or ambulance or nearest hospital if anyone has been hurt; v. The driver shall not leave the scene of an accident, even if it was a minor accident, until everything has been resolved to everyone's satisfaction. (3) Major accidents,(a) every person involved in the accident shall check himself and other occupants of the vehicle or vehicles involved in the accident to see if anyone has been injured; (b) if someone has been hurt, medical assistance and police shall be called immediately; (c) once the condition of the driver and the passengers or riders has stabilised, the persons involved in the accident shall try to take pictures of the persons and vehicles involved in the accident, including the registration plates of the vehicles and the accident scene; (d) the driver or drivers involved in the accident shall move the vehicles vehicle off to the side of the road, if possible, at the earliest; (e) if it is not possible to move the vehicle or vehicles, the driver or drivers involved in the accident shall remain in the area of the incident until the police arrives unless the same is not possible due to injuries sustained in the accident; ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 27 (f) the driver and the other occupants shall cooperate with the police authorities in the investigation of the accident; (g) if involved in an accident with another vehicle, the drivers shall exchange the following information with that driver: name, address, phone number, insurance company, policy number, driving license number and registration number of the vehicle. (4) Interacting with the other driver,- 30. (i) once the initial shock wears off and it is apparent that no one has been seriously hurt, tempers may flare and all persons involved in the accident shall refrain from losing temper or provoking any other person or persons; (ii) the driver or any other occupant shall get the other driver's name, address, contact information and insurance details, and provide the same to him; (iii) if an amicable settlement cannot be made, call the police immediately; (iv) if police has been informed, all persons involved in the accident shall remain at the scene until the investigators arrive and permit them to leave. Towing a vehicle.- (1) No two-wheeled motor vehicle shall be towed by another vehicle. (2) The maximum speed while towing a vehicle shall not exceed twenty-five kilometres per hour. (3) The distance between the towed vehicle and the towing vehicle shall not exceed five meters; (4) The tow ropes or chains shall be prominently visible to other by road users. (5) A retro reflective “ON TOW” sign not less than ten centimetres in height and two centimetres in width with spacing of two centimetres between the letters on white background shall be displayed on the front of the towing vehicle and at the rear of the vehicle being towed and a driver shall not tow a vehicle at night, in darkness or in adverse weather conditions unless the hazard warning lights of both vehicles are switched on: Provided that if the hazard warning lights of the vehicle being towed are not functional, it shall not be towed unless the hazard warning lights of the towing vehicle are switched on. 31. Vehicle lighting.- (1) The driver shall use the specified lighting devices at nightfall, at night and at dawn and at other times when visibility is poor: Provided that the driver of a two-wheeled motor vehicle shall drive with dipped head lights switched on during the day time also. (2) The lighting devices of a vehicle shall at all times be kept in good working condition and no lighting device shall be obscured by any object or dirt. (3) No driver shalli. drive the vehicle with parking lights only, unless so directed by a police officer in uniform or any other authorised person; and ii. use high beam inappropriately or for long duration or on well-lit roads. (4) High beam shall be dipped in good time on the approach of an oncoming vehicle or when driving close behind another vehicle. (5)The driver shall switch on the fog light headlamps only when visibility is considerably affected due to fog, dust, storm, rain or snow and only with dipped head lamps. 32. Driving of tractors and goods vehicles.- (1)The driver of a tractor shall not carry, or allow any person to be carried, on the tractor. (2) The number of persons in the driver's cabin of a goods carriage shall not be more than the number of persons specified in the certificate of registration of the vehicle. (3) No person shall be carried in a goods carriage for hire or reward. 33. Lane splitting (lane within a lane).- In urban areas, on roads having a maximum speed limit of forty kilometres per hour, wherever specifically permitted by road signs, motor cyclists may filter between three and four wheeled vehicles when the speed difference between the motor cyclists and the other vehicles does not exceed fifteen kilometres per hour. 28 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] 34. Restriction to carriage of dangerous substances.- No driver of a public service vehicle shall carry, or allow any other person to carry, any explosive or highly inflammable or otherwise dangerous substance except the fuel and lubricants required for the vehicle. 35. Projection of loads.- (1) The driver shall at all times ensure that loads, including load restraints and loading equipment, in the vehicle are stowed and restrained in such manner that these cannot slip, fall over, roll around, fall off the vehicle or produce avoidable noise, even in an emergency braking situation or if the vehicle swerves suddenly. (2) No driver shall drive in any public place a motor vehicle which is loaded in a manner which is likely to cause danger to any person. (3) The load or any part thereof, or any other object in the vehicle shall not extend laterally beyond the sides of the body or to the front or to the rear, or exceed in height or weight the limits specified in the certificate of registration of the vehicle. 36. Registration plates.- (1) No vehicle shall be driven or parked on a public road without displaying registration plates as prescribed by the Act and the rules made thereunder. (2) The registration plates on the front and at the rear of the vehicle shall be clearly visible and legible and no object whatsoever or dirt shall obstruct clear view of the entire registration place. (3) No letter, word, figure, picture or symbol other than the registration number shall be displayed or inscribed or written on the registration plates. (4) No load or other goods shall be placed on a motor vehicle in such manner as to fully or partly hide the registration plate. 37. Use of mobile telephones and communication devices.- (1) The driver shall not use any hand held mobile phone or other communication device. (2) No trainer or supervisor shall use a mobile phone or other communication device while training or supervising a learner driver. 38. Production of documents.- (1) The driver of a transport vehicle shall always carry with him the following documents in original, except for a document that might have been seized by an authorised person or authority, namely:(a) driving license; (b) certificate of taxation; (c) certificate of registration; (d) certificate of insurance; (e) fitness certificate; and (f) pollution under control certificate. (2) The driver of a vehicle transporting hazardous or dangerous goods shall carry documents specified in rules 132 and133 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. (3) The driver of a non-transport vehicle shall always carry with him(a) the driving license and pollution under control certificate; and (b) certificate of registration and certificate of insurance or photocopies thereof. (4) The driver shall, on demand by police officer in uniform or an officer of the Motor Vehicles Department or any other officer authorised by the State Government in this behalf, produce the documents for inspection: Provided that a driver may, if any of the documents has been submitted to or has been seized by any officer or authority under the Act or the rules made thereunder or any other law for the time being in force, produce, in lieu of the document, a receipt or other acknowledgement issued by such officer or authority in respect thereof: Provided further that where the original certificate of registration or the certificate of insurance specified in clause (b) of sub-regulation (3) is not available with the driver, the owner or driver shall produce such documents before the competent authority, which had directed their production, within fifteen days, if required by that authority. 39. Pedestrian crossings, footpaths and cycle tracks.- (1) While approaching an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing, the driver shall slowdown, stop and give way to pedestrians, users of invalid carriages and wheelchairs. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 29 (2) If traffic has come to a standstill, the driver shall not drive the vehicle on the pedestrian crossing if he is unlikely to be able to move further and thereby block the pedestrian crossing. (3) When any road is provided with a footpath or cycle track, no vehicle shall drive on such footpath or track, except on the directions of a police officer in uniform or where traffic signs permitting such movement have been displayed. 40. Knowledge and understanding of road signs, markings, traffic control signals, the Act and the Rules.Every driver shall be conversant with and possess adequate knowledge and understanding of the following, namely:(a) road signs, markings and traffic control signals; (b) Provisions of the following sections of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, namely:(i) section 19: Grounds for disqualification or revocation of driving license; (ii) section 112: Limits of speed; (iii) section 113: Limit of weight and limitations on use; (iv) section 121: Signals and signalling devices; (v) section 122: Leaving vehicles in dangerous positions; (vi) section 125: Obstruction of a driver; (vii) section 132: Duty of a driver to stop in certain cases; (viii) section 133: Duty of owner of motor vehicle to give information; (ix) section 134: Duty of a driver in case of an accident and injury to a person; (x) section 185: Driving by a drunken person or under the influence of drugs; (xi) section 186: Driving when mentally or physically unfit to drive; (xii) section 187: Punishment for offences relating to accident; (xiii) section 194: Driving vehicle exceeding permissible weight; (xiv) section 200: Composition of certain offences; and (xv) section 207: Power to detain vehicles without Certificate of Registration or Permit; (c) provisions of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989(i) rule 21: Acts which constitute nuisance or danger to the public for disqualifying a person from holding a driving license; (ii) rule 133: Responsibility of the driver; (iii) rule 136: Driver to report to the police station about accident; (d) provisions of the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways No. 25035/101/2014-RS, dated the 21st January, 2016 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section 1 relating to the protection of good samaritans. [No. RT-11028/13/2016-MVL] ABHAY DAMLE, Jt. Secy. Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054. ALOK KUMAR Digitally signed by ALOK KUMAR Date: 2017.06.29 14:52:49 +05'30'