COLOR is the result of light reflecting back from an object to our eyes. Color Theory [colour mixing and colour combinations] and the Color Wheel are often referred to when studying colour combinations in visual design. Primary Colors – Red, Yellow, Blue Secondary Colors – Orange, Green, Purple Tertiary Colors: the combination of primary and secondary HUE SATURATION Desat High Sat VALUE Dark Light Midtones SHADE Hue produced by adding black Tint Hue produced by adding white Tone Hue produced by adding grey WARM COLD COLOR SCHEME COLOR SCHEME is the combination of colors / color sets MONOCHROMATIC SCHEME SAMPLE PRESENTATION Bahay kubo kahit munti ang halaman doon ay sari sari kamyas buko rambutan suha kiat kiat langka durian Minsan pa ulan bumuhos ka sige subukan mo basang-basa na ko ha! Ay sige, pala go lang. Walang paying si crush… meron akes. XD