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Oral Communication: Types of Speeches & Speech Style - Module

in Context
Quarter 1 – Module 6:
Types of Speeches and
Speech Style
Oral Communication in Context – Grade 11
Self-Learning Module (SLM)
Quarter 1 – Module 6: Types of Speeches and Speech Style
First Edition, 2020
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Development Team of the Module
Writers: Marife C. Guanzon
Editors: Louie Mark Garvida, Imelda C. Martinez, Jerryl Jean L. Salunayan
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Illustrator: Reggie D. Galindez
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in Context
Quarter 1 – Module 6:
Types of Speeches and
Speech Style
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the
Oral Communication in Context Grade 11 Self-Learning Module
(SLM) on Types of Speeches and Speech Style !
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:
Notes to the Teacher
This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
Welcome to the Oral Communication in Context Grade 11 Self-Learning Module
(SLM) on Types of Speeches and Speech Style !
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner
is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and
skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:
What I Need to Know
This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the
What I Know
This part includes an activity that aims to
check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this
What’s In
This is a brief drill or review to help you link
the current lesson with the previous one.
What’s New
In this portion, the new lesson will be
introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.
What is It
This section provides a brief discussion of the
lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.
What’s More
This comprises activities for independent
practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.
What I Have Learned
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.
What I Can Do
This section provides an activity which will
help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning
Additional Activities
In this portion, another activity will be given
to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.
Answer Key
This contains answers to all activities in the
At the end of this module you will also find:
This is a list of all sources used in developing
this module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the Types of Speeches and Speech Style. The scope of this module permits
it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.
In this module, you will be able to:
distinguish the types of speeches and speech style (EN11/12OC-Ifj17)
After going through this module, you are expected to:
 identify the types of speeches and speech style;
 identify social situations in which each speech style is appropriate
to use;
 use appropriate language forms in a particular speech style; and;
 appreciate the value of tactfulness in communication.
What I Know
Before you proceed, let us activate and assess your prior knowledge of the new
lesson. Answer the given items from 1-15.
Directions: Read and understand carefully the given descriptions and questions
before you choose an answer. Encircle the letter of the appropriate
1. This type of speech is focused on objects, people, events, concepts or
processes to add knowledge and wisdom to the listeners.
a. inspiring speech
b. persuasive speech
c. informative speech
d. entertainment speech
2. When speaking to persuade, your goal is to__________
a. inform the audience
b. entertain the audience
c. influence the audience
d. add wisdom to the audience
3. If your plan in your speech is to use funny or witty anecdotes to make
the audience feel relaxed, your purpose is to use__________.
a. expository type of speech
b. informative type of speech
c. persuasive type of speech
d. entertainment type of speech
4. The type of speech style which occurs between a husband and a wife is
called _________.
a. casual
b. formal
c. frozen
d. intimate
5. This type of speech style which is common among friends that uses
colloquial, slang or vernacular language is called_______.
a. casual
b. formal
c. frozen
d. intimate
6. The type of speech style which is common between teachers and
students during class hours is called________________.
a. formal
b. frozen
c. intimate
d. consultative
7. An
example of formal speech style is _______________.
manager–applicant job interview
telephone conversation between friends
Pledge of Allegiance recitation during flag ceremony
narration a personal experience as a volunteer frontliner
8. In a consultative speech style,the speaker_______________ background
information, while the listener ________________continuously.
a. gives ; refuses
b. sends ; receives
c. produces ; shares
d. supplies ; participates
9. The following sentences are descriptions of a casual type of speech style
EXCEPT that _________________________.
a. it allows interruptions.
b. it uses informal contraction.
c. it has a limited interaction among the participants.
d. it allows the use of slang and colloquial languages.
10. One of the characteristics of a frozen type of speech style is that
a. it is seen in formal ceremonies and rituals.
b. it is characterized as an informal speech style
c. it is evident between an expert and a lay person.
d. it is used by close friends and relatives in their conversation.
Which is an appropriate statement of a company director to an
a. Come over here.
b. Hey, get over here. Jane.
c. Ms. Bello, could you come here for a moment?
d. Ms. Bello, do you think it would be possible for me to speak with you?
12. Which is an appropriate statement of a stranger to a man in the street?
a. The time, please.
b. What time is it?
c. Hello there, what time is it?
d. Excuse me, could you tell me the time, please?
13. What is an appropriate statement of a waiter to customers?
a. What do you want,ma’ams/sirs?
b. What’s your order, ma’ams/sirs?
c. What would you like today, ma’ams/sirs?
d. What do you like to eat today, ma’ams/sirs?
14. Which is an appropriate statement of a customer to a receptionist?
a. How’s my bill?
b. Give me my bill.
c. Hey, give me my bill.
d. May I have my bill, please.
15. Which is an appropriate statement between close friends?
a. Give me a hand.
b. please give me a big hand,sir.
c. Excuse me, could you give me a hand?
d. Excuse me, do you think you could possibly give me a hand?
Types of Speeches and
Speech Style
In this lesson, you, as a learner, will experience the use of an appropriate
speech style in the different types of speeches. Here, you will encounter various
activities in both informal and formal communication.
What’s In
In the previous lesson, we have learned that communication has many
contexts. Speech context is described as a situation or environment and a
circumstance in which communication occurs. As we mention types of speech
context, we mean social relationships and social situations. In the different types
of speech contexts, we learned that we, as speakers can at the same be listeners.
We can also talk to someone, among small groups or big groups and even through
all types of media such as on television, radio, internet newspapers, or magazines.
Without a clear understanding of the types of speech context, it will be
difficult for us to connect and adapt to the kind of conversation, specifically, on the
manner of utterances and language forms that we will be using on various occasions
or situations.
Can you still remember the previous lesson without browsing your notes?
Let us try a simple recall activity to help you check your understanding. Work
Activity 1: Guess What
Directions: Read the clue and make your best guess. Fill in the squares with
letters to form words. Use the Across and Down columns as your guide.
2 Posting a message on Facebook
4 An example of mass media in
8 The term used for a listener in
10 Delivering a speech in a graduation
11 Another example of mass media
1 Discussing about an English
portfolio a collaboration 5
3 A sender of a message
5 Another term for a group of
listeners in speech public
6 Writing an entry for a diary
7 It refers to social relationships and
social situations
9 Another term for a speaker
Here is the summary of the previous lesson:
Types of Speech Context
Intrapersonal - This refers to a communication within one person, where a speaker
acts both as a sender and a receiver of a message. This message is made up of a
speaker’s thoughts and feelings.
Interpersonal – This refers to a communication process that takes place between
one person with another (dyadic communication) or between and among one
person with a small number of people that ranges from 3 to 15 (small group
Public - This is a communication process which involves a larger number of
audience. A speaker delivers a message with a louder voice and expansive gestures
in front of a group.
Mass Communication- This is a process of communication that takes place
through types of media such as television, radio, newspaper, magazine, book,
internet, and many others.
What’s New
Normally, communication involves a speaker and an audience. A speaker
delivers a message to either a single audience or more. Each context has different
strategies that a speaker can apply. The larger the audience; the higher the level of
formality. In the same way, the smaller the number of an audience; the closer the
intimacy and familiarity will occur.
Here, the activities will provide you a hint to gradually understand the topic.
There are two sets of pictures shown below. Follow the directions given in each of the
Activity 2: Match It Right
Directions: Look at the first set of pictures below. Choose which of the pictures will
match with the situations given.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
a. A principal directing the teachers on the new normal protocols through
Google meet
b. A mayor ordering the residents to stay at home
c. A student sharing his exciting experience in joining a zoom meeting
What do you think is the purpose of the speaker in their conversation?
Picture 1:_______________________________
Picture 2:_______________________________
Picture 3:________________________________
Very Good! You have clearly noticed the intentions of the speakers.
Activity 3: Match Once More!
Directions: In this activity, match the second set of pictures with the appropriate
statements. Write the letters of your choice on blanks provided.
A. Good
lockdown measures affect food
distribution in the Philippines, we,
the entrepreneurs should plan for
initiatives to mobilize food producers
and ensure a sure market for their
B.Romeo, do you accept Dina as
your lawful wife?
C. Hello Amigo, What’s up? Long time
no see.
I’m ok, Jun.
D. Good Morning, Doc. I have a fever for
three days now.
E. Hello honey, how was your day?
Great. We got a lot done, Hon.
And yours?
From picture 1 to picture 5, can you identify who are the people having a
conversation? What have you observed with the utterances they have made?
In the first set of pictures, it shows that there are three purposes of the speaker
to his /her audience, such as to inform, to persuade and to entertain. They are
called the types of speeches, according to purpose.
In the second set of pictures, it shows different social relationships. As you
have noticed, the manner of speaking and in the use of language forms as seen in
the conversation varies depending on the kind of persons involved in the scenario.
In other words, the purpose of a speaker depends on the situation that he/she
is in.
What is It
Before communication takes place, you, as a speaker has an aim in mind; a
purpose. The moment you talk, whether in an ordinary conversation or in a formal
occasion, you always have a reason. This happens when you intend to open a topic
to someone or some group of people as your audience.
There are three types of speech according to purpose. These are the
Informative speech . This is also known as expository speech. When
you speak to inform, your aim is to provide the audience with information
about a topic, or to expand their knowledge about a topic with which they
are already familiar. In this type of speech, you can explain, demonstrate
or instruct the audience or listeners about your topic. In some formal
gatherings, for instance, presenting an accomplishment report
informing the audience on procedure on how to do something, usually,
there is a visual presentation to support the speaker’s statements.
Persuasive Speech. When you speak to persuade, you aim to influence
the audience to accept the speaker’s position or stand on an issue, and
to urge the audience to take a particular action. As a speaker, you need
to know the reason why you persuade your audience. This speech style is
used in debates, political campaigns, or appeals for donations.
Entertainment Speech . When speaking to entertain, you aim
amuse the audience and put them in a pleasant or interesting diversion.
This is done by using a light, funny, or witty anecdote. Usually, it is
delivered at social gatherings, like, dinner parties and events. While you
set the audience to relax, still, you should have to focus.
When you interact with others, you use a particular speech style. The type of
speech style you intend to use depends on the kind of a social context that is, the
social situation and the social relationship involved between or among the
participants. You speak differently and choose words carefully according to whom
you are talking to because it is said that, language choice reveals information about
the social relationship between or among people.
According to a Dutch linguist, Martin Joos (1976) as mentioned by Balgos &
Sipacio (2016), Speech Style means the form of language that the speaker uses
which is characterized by the degree of formality.
There are five types of speech style: intimate, casual, consultative, formal,
and frozen.
This style is private, which is used by a very close relationship
such as between husband and wife, parents and children,
between siblings, and boyfriend and girlfriend. In this style, the
participants share a completely private vocabulary. Since the
participants have an intimate relationship, and they often know
each other’s intention, there is no need for a clear articulation of
words. This uses words of endearment like, “darling,” “honey,”
“babe” etc. and a high incidence of non-verbal communication.
This speech style is conversational in tone and has a free
and easy participation. The languages used among and between
friends or peers who share common interests are general, jargon,
slang, and colloquial. Informal contractions are used (e.g., “ain’t,”
“dunno,” “gonna”,”dude”,”nope”).
Interruptions are common.
Nicknames are used. (Balgos & Sipacio 2016. p.35)
This style is used in semi-formal communication in a two-way
The sentences tend to be shorter and
spontaneous. This is considered as the most operational
style among the other styles where a speaker needs to provide
background information because the listener (or addressee) may
not be able to understand without it. In turn, the listener
participates continuously by giving feedback like, “I see”, “Uhhuh”, “Ah “, “okay” to signal that he or she is paying attention
to the speaker, or has understood what was said. Thus, both the
speaker and the listener are active participants.
In this style, the speaker uses formal words and expressions like
complete sentences and technical or academic vocabulary. In
other words, this does not allow omissions and contractions. It
is a one-way speaking to medium, or large groups. Since there is
little or no feedback from the listeners or audience, the speaker
needs to plan his or her utterances, or what he or she is going to
say. This speech style is evident in conferences, inaugurations.
The speaker uses language in fixed and static expressions that
are rarely or never changed. This is the most formal style and is
reserved for very formal situations such as in ceremonies,
religious services, state affairs, and court proceedings. It uses
prescribed and highly formal language, such as in official, or
historical documents and literary texts e.g. the Preamble to the
Constitution, Lord’s Prayer, Allegiance to country or flag.
What’s More
In order to grasp an understanding on the types of speeches according to
purpose, try to answer the activity below.
Activity 4: Know Me
Directions: Identify the types of speech according to purpose in the following ways
used by a speaker. Write whether the situation is Informative Speech (IS), Persuasive
Speech (PS), Entertainment Speech (ES) in the blank provided before the number.
___________1. A project proposal on Proper Waste Disposal
__________ 2. A humorous story or an anecdote
___________3. Incorporating drama by using narration
___________4. A news story about a distribution of relief goods
___________ 5. A political campaign
Activity 5. Watch or Read
Directions: Given are four (4) options. Choose only one and follow the task before
you answer the questions. If you choose option 1 or 2, indicate the link.
Option 1. Watch any of the speeches of Miriam Defensor Santiago in Youtube.
Option 2. Watch one of the speeches related to philosophy of a happy life in
Option 3: Read the excerpt of President Roa Duterte’s speech on COVID19 below.
We are not happy to put you in this place but after review maybe we can.
But just let me tell you today that of those who are of late infection or those
arriving in the country, we have a spike of about 5,000. Secretary --- 500 rather,
I’m sorry, 500 lang. And Secretary Duque will expound more on that. The rest of
the country will be placed under modified general community quarantine. Again,
the rest of the country will be placed under modified general community
quarantine. That is very clear now. In other areas, it will be again on a piecemeal
basis depending on the viability of the place to meet the challenges of COVID.
From time to time --- from time to time Secretary Roque would give us the places
where there will be changes.
The opening of the airports. I have asked Secretary Tugade and he will have
his time later to explain what are his plans. We would like to know sabay-sabay
tayo. Then dito sa assistance ng OFW. We are coordinating with every government
agency to help them and sana po hindi na ito maulit. Iyong --- there was this
stranded Filipinos not knowing where to go and when. And we decided
immediately that they’d be returned to their home provinces. Nangyari po ito halos
sa kanila nakauwi na. But we are expecting the 300,000 something that Secretary
Bello has communicated to us and that would be also a problem again. But this
time, we should know what to do. It’s a matter of calibrating every arrival and
maybe sending immediately if possible the overseas workers coming in first.
Unless of course they are detained because of they are sick of COVID. When I
mean sick, sick talagang kailangan ng ospital.
DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) [28 May 2020] Retrieved from: https://pcoo.gov.ph/wpcontent/uploads/2020/05/20200529
Option 4: Read the speech excerpt of Secretary Leonor M. Briones, Message for
World’s Teachers’ Day.
Today, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to one of the country’s most vital
and dynamic resources – you, our dear teachers. The education system, and
consequently, the future of a developing country like the Philippines can only be
as strong as its teaching force. Inasmuch as you are the key to empowering our
citizenry, you also need to be empowered. This is why we prioritize institutional
capacity building, expand the scope of employee welfare to respond to your
various needs, and provide you with opportunities for your personal and
professional growth.
To all our teachers, we dedicate this special day to you, and thank you for
being the front liners in this crusade to eradicate illiteracy, and thereby end mass
poverty, so that we may finally call the Philippines a progressive country.
Source Message for World’s Teachers’ Day.Professional online Community of Teachers and For
Teachers by Sec. Leonor M. Briones ,2019 Retrieved from:https://www.teacherph.com/leonorbriones-world-teachers-day/
Answer the following questions about your chosen option.
Option Number: _______________
Link: _____________________________________________________( for Options 1 & 2)
a. What type of speech was it?
b. In what way was the speech informative/ persuasive/ entertaining?
c. Cite some lines to prove your answer.
What I Have Learned
It is now the time for you to Seal your Understanding of our lesson. Do the
activity confidently.
Activity 6. Noticeably Different!
Directions: Differentiate the Speech Styles based on social relationship, language forms and
manner of utterances below. Use the graphic organizer provided. Write inside the circle the
differences and in the overlapping circle, the similarities.
1. Intimate and Casual
2.Consultative, Formal and Frozen
Were you able to notice the differences? That’s good! Then, you are ready to
proceed to the next activity.
What I Can Do
You’ve come this far. Congratulations! This time, you are encouraged to
demonstrate your understanding of our lesson by doing the activities below.
Activity 7: What’s the Event?
Directions: Identify the social situation and the speech style of the given statements
in the first column. The first one has been done for you.
Social Situation
Ako ay Filipino
Buong katapatang nanunumpa
Sa watawat ng Pilipinas
At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag
Na may dangal, katarungan,at
Na pinakikilos ng sambayanang
Makakalikasan, at
Ambassador: It is a great honor to
meet you, Your Excellency.
President: The honor is all mine.
“I solemnly swear that I will not divulge.
Either by words or signs,
Any information which comes to my
In the course of a Court session,
That I will keep secret all said proceedings,
Which may be held in my presence.”
Allan: ‘Pare! Are you free on tomorrow
Jay: What do you have in mind?
Pledge of Allegiance
Dr. Abad: Good morning, Liza, any
Mayumi: Oh, I have a headache for 5
days now. And sometimes get dizzy, and
I experience this ringing in my ears.
Dr. Abad : I see. Have you been feeling
nauseated and uncontrollable
eye movements?
Activity 8: Let’s Talk!
Directions: Given are five (5) social relationships. Choose one and think of a
social situation . Decide the speech style which is appropriate to use and create
a dialogue using the appropriate language forms or vocabulary. Number 1 is given
as an example.
Here is an example: Read the casual conversation below among between friends.
Social Situation: Between childhood best friends
Roy has just heard the news about the shifting of ECQ (Enhanced
Community Quarantine) to GCQ(General Community Quarantine). He is excited to
share the news to his friend, Jay.
Roy: Hello ‘migo, ‘musta? Are you free today?
Jay: What do you have in mind?
Roy : How about going to the mall? Kita kits. Arat na!
Jay : You must be joking, Bay. We’re just 17 now! Just stay home and better
watch DIY videos or enroll in TESDA online summer offerings .
Roy: But I’m bored.OK. I’ll try, ‘migo. Just let me know what is exciting.
Jay: Bye.
(Sample)1. Between childhood best friends
Option 2. Between a sister and a brother
Option 3. Between an employer and an applicant
Option 4. Between a clergy and the groom ( wedding)
Option 5. Between a Guidance Counselor and a student
Activity 9: Think and Share
Directions: Read and
paragraph form.
answer the given questions. Write your answer in a
Differentiate the three types of speech: Informative speech, persuasive
speech and entertainment speech
What are the different types of speech styles?
3. In which speech style formal language is used?
4. In which speech style informal language is used?
5. How do you show the value and respect in communicating with others?
Rubric for the written output:
Use of
of purpose
is very
The words
used are
suitable to
There is a very
application of
the concept
The explanation
is substantial
The explanation
is a little
The explanation
is not
The words used
are suitable to
the situations.
. The words used
are a little
suitable to the
The words used
are not suitable
to the
There is a clear
and application of
the concept
There is a vague
and application of
the concept
There is a
confusion in
and application
of the concept
Congratulations! You’ve made it. It is really important observant in every activity.
Now, before you proceed to the next activity, review some concepts which are found
in “What Is It” part. This is now the chance to show your understanding of the
Activity 10: Try It
Directions: Imagine the given real-world situation. Think creatively on how
convince the persons concerned effectively.
In your subdivision, your Purok Chairman has created a Chat Group for the
purpose of easy access in disseminating announcements and updates during this
pandemic. All homeowners are members of it. One day, you saw a group of teenagers
staying at the plaza without wearing face masks. As a concerned individual in your
community, how would you inform your Purok Chairman about the issue? How
would you convince the parents to remind their sons and daughters to wear face
masks when they are outside their houses?
Write your answer here.
Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully before you answer.
Encircle the letter of the best answer.
Which aspect do intimate and casual speech styles similar?
a. Nicknames are used in addressing one another.
b. Sentence structures are more complex and varied.
c. Ellipsis (omission of one or more words) is not allowed.
d. Words are carefully chosen, and grammar rules are followed.
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about a frozen speech style?
a. Pronunciation is very clear.
b. Words are carefully chosen.
c. Interruptions are not allowed
d. Participants share inside jokes.
3. Which of the statements is TRUE about an entertainment type of speech?
a. It adds knowledge and wisdom.
b. It contains only a collection of jokes
c. It is purely explaining a concept all throughout.
d. It is not just injecting jokes since there is still a focus or theme.
4. Which speech style is appropriate if a class adviser talks with the subject
teachers about a student’s absenteeism?
a. casual
b. formal
c. frozen
d. intimate
5. What type of speech is shown in the statement?
Class president: “Attention everyone! Our classroom adviser will meet us
tomorrow at 4 pm. Important matters will be discussed.”
a. inspiring
b. informative
c. persuasive
d. entertainment
6. Peter is preparing a speech on how to make summertime productive. He is worried
that his speech may be boring. What advice could you give him to make sure it
a. He may write all the jokes that he knows.
b. He should request others to prepare a speech for him.
c. He should memorize his speech that he may not feel bored.
d. He should relax and write the speech in the language that is familiar.
7. In a consultative speech style, what do you think does the speaker provide in
order that the listener will understand?
formulaic statement
background information
feedback or comment
prescribed law, custom, or ritual.
8. What distinguishes a formal style from a consultative style?
the lack of audience
the lack of listener participation.
the presence of sarcasm and exaggeration
the presence of interruptions between the two parties
What type of speech style is used in preparing for the SONA (State of the Nation
Address) of the president ?
a. casual
b. formal
c. frozen
d. intimate
10. If you are a newscaster who is about to deliver a news story, what
speech style should be used?
11. In
a baptismal ceremony, what speech style is used by a clergy ?
In a mother and child conversation at home, if the child would want to
convince his/her mother for an increase of his/her weekly allowance, what
type of speech should be used?
a. inspiring
b. informative
c. persuasive
d. entertainment
Which of the choices is suited for a frozen style?
a. A class officer presiding a batch reunion
b. A tribal chieftain leading ritual before planting
c. A group of friends talking about summer classes
d. A program director giving instructions to the staff.
Which of the choices is suited for a consultative style?
a. A class officer presiding a batch reunion
b. A tribal chieftain leading ritual before planting rice
c. A group of friends talking about a productive vacation
d. A health expert giving an advice on how to be psychological fit
If the topic for an informative speech is about the Social Amelioration
Project for 2020, what will be the specific focus/purpose?
a. To inform the public about the total recovered COVID patients
b. To inform the public about the various problems in the country
c. To inform the public about the income of the tourism industry
d. To inform the public about the guidelines on recipient’s qualification
Additional Activities
You are now equipped with enough understanding of our topic. Practice and apply
what you have learned by doing the tasks below.
Activity 11: Do It Your Way!
Directions: Do the following situations using your knowledge in using the
different types of speech styles. Observe the appropriate language forms and the
manner of utterance.
1. Prepare a simple interview guide to gather various comments and
concerns regarding the opening of classes amid the COVID-19
2. Set an interview appointment with your classmates’ parents through
phone calls or teleconferencing to hear their thoughts about the
opening of classes.
3. Record your interview and send it through Chat Group.
1 small group
3 speaker
5 audience
6 intrapersonal
7 context
9 sender
15. D
14. D
14. D
13. B
13. C
12. D
12. C
11. C
11. C
10. A
10. B
2 mass
4 radio
8 receiver
10 public
11 television
15. A
What I Know
What’s In
Answer Key
Balgos,A. & Sipacio,F. (2016).Oral Communication in Context for Senior
High School. Department of Education. Bureau of Learning Resources
Briones,L.(2019). Message for World’s Teachers’ Day.Professional online
Community of
Teachers and For Teachers Retrieved
Duterte,R. (May 28, 2020). Speech Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Presidential Communications Operations Office Presidential News.
Retrieved from:https://pcoo.gov.ph/wpcontent/uploads/2020/05/20200529-TALK-TO-THE-PEOPLE-OFPRESIDENT-RODRIGO-ROA-DUTERTE-ON-CORONAVIRUS-DISEASE2019-COVID-19.docx.pdf
This Self-learning Module (SLM) was developed by DepEd SOCCSKSARGEN
with the primary objective of preparing for and addressing the new normal.
Contents of this module were based on DepEd’s Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC). This is a supplementary material to be used by all
learners of Region XII in all public schools beginning SY 2020-2021. The
process of LR development was observed in the production of this module.
This is version 1.0. We highly encourage feedback, comments, and
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – SOCCSKSARGEN
Learning Resource Management System (LRMS)
Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal
Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Email Address: region12@deped.gov.ph