Tawara Adventures 64 Gonville Square LONDON WC1B 4BQ Tel: 01632 882781 Email: enquiries@tawara.org.uk <Date> <Title> <First_Name> <Last_Name> <Add_1> <Add_2> <Add_3> <Post_Code> Dear <Title> <Last_Name> Recruitment for 2016 Winter Season Further to your recent appplication for the post of <Job_Role> at our new activity centre in France, I am very pleased to advise that you have been short listed for this vacancy. You are invited to attend for interview at <Interview_Time> hours on Tuesday 21 June 2016 at our company’s head office in London. The interview will take approximately one hour and, if successful, you will be required to start work on 1 December 2016. Interview expenses will be reimbursed on production of original receipts. Please report to reception when you arrive. A map of the venue and directions are enclosed. I am also enclosing a Health Declaration Form which you should complete and bring with you. You should also bring details of any professional development you have completed over the past year. I would be grateful if you could telephone this office to confirm your atendance as soon as possible. Yours sincerely Candidate Name Personnel Assistant Encs