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SEO Basics: Crawling, Indexing, Ranking & On-Page Optimization

Has double meaning –
SE (search engine ) . It may have text base se, video base se, and image base se, etc.
petal Huawei world 3rd largest mobile manufacture
you.com ai powered SE
Duck Duck go
, O (optimization)
Main feature Search box – can type any search quarry, we want in the search box
Ex – How to make cv………………………. Autocomplete, they give good suggestions
Search Engine Results – 1st few results are paid ads. When paying and running the ad
campaign called a bids strategy. After clicking the ad in new tab, Google charges for the ad
(google profile, previous searches, country, references )
About Featured Snippets – Google randomly selected the best Suitable websites. Knowledge
People also ask – like a FAQ. It gets some website content and shows question-type results to
increase searching. It is a random chance to show the website in that panel.
After Scrolling we can show called Organic websites. In that case, we need SEO to get our
websites to show organic results. Click the one of results and go to that website called CTR
CTR – click-through rate – going too high in the position we got 1st place on the organic
website list
After we can see Related searches and Google suggestion search queries.
Search engine processes
Crawling Process means the search engine crawler/ spider/ bot program
 visit the website
 download the website
 extract the website pages
after visiting the website crawler reads the robots. Txt document
identifies Directories are allowed and disallowed to him.
Then go to the allowed Directories analyze and extract the details of
each and every text content, image, video, and website link.
 Internal links (same website other pages links)
 external links (other web sites links in this web page)
1. Bot sees the REL attributes (Relationship Attributes)
2. See Notified MSGS in REL attributes
3. Decide whether to go or not the internal or external links.
We can recall to the Crawler/bot, which day to come to this site.
We can Create This frequently using a site map.xml
In Bing, SE can manually create the crawling process
But Search Engine console doesn’t give access to Google Bot OR Other
bots to the manual crawling process.
Indexing process is an extracted contents process to analyze.
Categorized, remove duplicate Contents & After Organised
After that process
 Search engines can give superfast responses that clients need
user Typed in Search box in Search Quarry after
Give the most useful / Suitable info that has on his Indexing List websites
Give the Most suitable Website links
Ranking Process may Look many Factors & Signals
Words Of Search Query, meanings of words, user before typed words Relevance (adaala bawa), Page Usability,
user location, other users typed queries in the same location etc.
When Do Ranking Process Search E do
Website content
How many Websites Backlinks (a link from another website to your website)
How Many Signals in website(Social SIgnals)
How old websites
Owner of website
User locations
Is that suitable for the user
Have secret ranking process. 2023 january leak ranking factors of 2022
Using these factors search engine release results. This process duration is 80ms – 100ms superfast process
information , structures, pages give to our web crawler. last modified day, image, URL, its priority give to read crawler.
Its like a map. sitemap provides what is root page, article page, blog page, year of site map
Help to Easy to identify content to bot
Information includes Html codes of web page.
Not visible to the user
Its provides additional information about the content of the page to se
This information help to se understand the page content and relevance
It help to improve it ranking in se results.
Meta title – SE uses this to rank our website in ranking process
Optimization Tips:
Keep it under 60 characters.
Include the primary keyword.
Make it compelling and relevant to the page content.
Meta description
A summary of the page content displayed in search results.
Optimization Tips:
Aim for 150-160 characters.
Include a call to action.
Summarize the content accurately.
Canonical link- provide which is the original page
Used to prevent duplicate content issues.
Specifies the preferred version of a page.
Optimization Tips:
Ensure the canonical link points to the preferred URL format.
Useful for handling variations of the same content.
Og tag (open graph tag)
OG URL/OG site name OG image –
help to share WhatsApp, FB preview images.
Used for social media optimization, particularly on platforms like Facebook.
Defines how content appears when shared on social media.
Optimization Tips:
Include OG title, description, URL, and image tags.
Ensure OG image is high-quality and represents the content well.
OG URL/OG Site Name/OG Image:
Specifies the canonical URL for the page. පිටුව සඳහා කැන
නියම කරයි.
ානිකල් URL
OG Site Name:
Specifies the name of the website or app. Specifies the name of the website or app.
OG Image:
Specifies the image that represents the content when shared. නෙදාගත් විට
අන්තර්ගතය නිනයෝජ ය කර රූපය සඳහන් කරයි.
Optimization Tips:
Ensure OG tags are consistent with meta tags for a cohesive presentation.
ඒකාෙද්ධ ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමක් සඳහා OG ටැග් නමටා ටැග් සමඟ අනුකූල ෙව සහතික කර ගන් .
Use high-quality images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels.
අවම වශනයන් 1200 x 630 පික්සල ඇති උසස් තත්ත්වනේ රූප භාවිතා කරන් .
Alt Attributes:
 Alt attributes provide alternative text for images.
 Critical for accessibility and SEO, as search engines use this information.
Optimization Tips:
 Describe the image content concisely.
 Include relevant keywords if appropriate.
 Avoid keyword stuffing; focus on providing accurate descriptions.
Structured Data (JSON-LD, Schema):
Provide additional details contents of web page
 Adds context to content, helping search engines understand its meaning.
 Enables rich snippets in search results.
Optimization Tips:
 Use JSON-LD format for structured data.
 Implement Schema Markup with appropriate types (Product, Article,
Organization, etc.).
 Include relevant details such as product ratings, event dates, etc.
How to do Onpage SEO
How to arrange your website seo
How to optimize meta titles and meta descriptions for a web page?
How to optimize your web page content for SEO?
How to optimize heading tags on web page?
ඔන්නේජ් SEO යනු ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිය Google වැනි නසවුම් යන්ර සඳහා වඩාත් ආකර්ශනීය කිරීම සඳහා
වීකරණයක් ලො දීම වැනිය. නසවුම් ප්‍රතිලලවල දශශයතාව සහ නරේණිගතගත කිරීම වැදිදිණු ක කිරීම සඳහා
ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිනේ අන්තර්ගතය, වුහය සහ සැකම්ම් නව ස් කිරීම ටයට ඇළත්ත් න . සරල ව
වලින් ටය කරන්නන් නකනස්ද යන් නමන් :
1. Keyword Research: මූලපද යනු මිනිසුන් යමක් නසාය විට නසවුම් යන්රවලට ටයිේ කර රහස් ව
වැනිය. උදාහරණයක් නලස, ඔෙට ේලුන් පිළිෙඳ නවේ අඩවියක් තිනේ ම්, ඔෙට "හුරුබුහුටි ේලුන්",
"විහිළු ේලුන්" නහෝ "පූසා රැකවරණය" වැනි මූල පද භාවිතා කිරීමට අවශය විය හැකිය. ඔනේ නවේ
අඩවියට අදා් ජ ප්‍රිය මූල පද භාවිත කිරීම නසවුම් යන්රවලට ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිය ුමමක් දැයි නත්රුම්
ගැනීමට උදවු කරයි.
2. Title Tags: අන්තර්ගතය ඔෙ ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිනේ තො ඇති ලිපි, පින්ූර නහෝ වීදිනයෝ වැනි නද්වල් වැනිය.
ඔනේ අන්තර්ගතය රසවත්, ප්‍රනයෝජ වත් සහ අද්විීයය ෙව සහතික කර ගන් . ඔනේ අන්තර්ගතය ළත්
ස්වභාවිකව ඔෙ නතෝරාගත් මූල පද භාවිතා කිරීම වැදගත් න , ටෙැවින් නසවුම් යන්ර ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිය
කතා කරන්නන් ුමමක් දැයි දැ ගනී.
3. Meta Descriptions: ඔෙනග් නවේ අඩවිය සිතියමක් නමන් සිතන් . අමුත්තන්ට (සහ නසවුම් යන්රවලට
ඔවුන්නග් මාර්ගය නසායා ගැනීම පහසු කිරීමට ඔෙට අවශය න . ඔනේ අන්තර්ගතය විවිධ පිටුවලට
සංවිධා ය කිරීනමන්, පැහැදිලි මාතශකා භාවිතා කිරීනමන් සහ ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිනේ සියලුම වැදගත්
නකාටස් නවත සම්ෙන්ධ ව නමනුවක් තිබීනමන් ඔෙට නමය ක් හැකිය.
4. URL Optimization: ඔෙට ඔනේ නසල්ලම් ෙඩු නහෝ උපකරණවල සැකසුම් ඇති නස්ම, ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිනේ ද
සැකසුම් ඇත. නමයට ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිනේ මාතශකාව, විස්තරය සහ URL වුහය වැනි නද්වල් ඇළත්ත් න .
නසවුම් යන්රවලට ටක් ටක් පිටුව ුමමක්ද යන් නත්රුම් ගැනීමට උපකාර ව ෙැවින්, නමම සැකම්ම් ළත්
ඔනේ මූල පද ඇළත්ත් කිරීමට වග ෙලා ගන් .
5. Heading Tags (H1, H2, etc.): නමන් ඔෙට වින ෝදජ ක කරුණක්! Backlink විසින් කර ලද අධයය යකට
අනුව, Google නසවුම් ප්‍රතිලලවල ප්මු පිටුන දිස්ව නවේ අඩවි සියලුම නසවුම් ගම ාගම නයන් 91.5%ක්
පමණ ලො ගනී. නසවුම් යන්ර සඳහා ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිය ප්‍රශස්ත කිරීම නකාතරම් වැදගත්ද යන් නමයින්
නපන්නුම් කරයි, ටෙැවින් ඔෙ පිරි ම නද් නසාය පුද්ගලයින් විසින් නසායා ගැනීමට ඔෙට වඩා නහාඳ
අවස්ථාවක් තිනේ.
මතක තො ගන් , On page SEO කිරීම ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිය වඩාත් ආකර්ශනීය සහ නසවුම් යන්රවලට
දශශයමා කිරීමට වීකරණයක් ලො දීමක් වැනිය. නිවැරදි මූල පද නතෝරා ගැනීනමන්, ගුණාත්මක
අන්තර්ගතයක් නිර්මාණය කිරීනමන්, ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිය සැරිසැරීමට පහසු කරවීනමන් සහ ටහි සැකසුම්
ප්‍රශස්ත කිරීනමන්, ඔෙට ඔනේ නවේ අඩවිය නසවුම් ප්‍රතිලලවල ඉහ් නරේණිගතගත කිරීනම් අවස්ථා වැදි දිණු ක
ක් හැකිය.
On-page SEO refers to the optimization techniques applied to a website's individual pages to improve its visibility and
ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). It involves various factors that can be controlled directly on the webpage
itself. Let's delve into the concept by breaking it down into key components and providing examples, stats, analogies, and
a verifiable fact.
1. Keyword Research: Begin by identifying relevant keywords or phrases that users might search to find your website.
Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Moz can assist in finding popular keywords with high search volumes and
low competition. For instance, if you have a website selling running shoes, "best-running shoes for a marathon" could be
a relevant keyword to target.
Verifiable Fact: According to a study by Moz, the first five organic search results on Google receive approximately 67.6%
of all clicks, highlighting the importance of ranking higher in SERPs.
2. Title Tags: These HTML tags provide a brief title for each webpage and appear as clickable headlines on search engine
results. Optimize title tags by incorporating targeted keywords while keeping them compelling and relevant. For
example: "Top 10 Tips for Marathon Training | Best Running Shoes for Marathon."
3. Meta Descriptions: These are concise summaries that appear below the title tag on SERPs. Write compelling meta
descriptions, including relevant keywords, to entice users to click through to your webpage. A well-crafted meta
description can significantly impact click-through rates.
4. URL Optimization: Ensure that your URLs are search engine friendly and include relevant keywords. For instance,
instead of "www.example.com/page1?id=12345," use "www.example.com/marathon-training-tips."
5. Heading Tags (H1, H2, etc.): Use proper heading tags to structure your content and make it more readable for both
users and search engines. The H1 tag should contain the main keyword or focus of the page, while H2 and subsequent
tags can be used to highlight subheadings or sections within the content.
6. Content Optimization: Create high-quality, engaging, and informative content that satisfies user intent. Include
relevant keywords naturally throughout the content, ensuring it reads smoothly. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can harm
your website's ranking. Consider using multimedia elements like images, videos, or infographics to enhance the user
7. Image Optimization: Optimize images by using descriptive alt tags that include relevant keywords. This helps search
engines understand the content of the image, enhancing its visibility in image search results. Additionally, compress
images to ensure faster page loading times, which positively impacts user experience.
8. Internal Linking: Incorporate internal links within your content to connect related pages on your website. This helps
search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your website, while also improving user navigation.
Analogical Example: Think of on-page SEO as the foundation of a building. Just like a well-constructed foundation
provides stability and support, implementing on-page SEO techniques ensures that your website is built on a strong SEO
structure, making it easier for search engines to crawl, index, and rank your pages.
Verifiable Fact: According to a study by Backlink, pages that load within one to three seconds have a 32% lower bounce
rate than pages that take four seconds or more to load. This emphasizes the importance of optimizing page loading
speed, which is an essential on-page SEO factor.
Remember, on-page SEO is just one aspect of the overall