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IED portfolio guidelines

Information Experience Design
Portfolio Guidelines
Portfolios are normally accepted online using the RCA Online Application Form. If you wish to
send or bring a physical portfolio, please contact us at ied@rca.ac.uk.
§Please ensure that your online portfolio submission can be viewed on an Apple Macintosh
Review and check that your portfolio looks the way you intend it to be seen in a web browser
(preferably Firefox) on a different computer (i.e., not the computer you made the submission
on), in order to check that your files have uploaded correctly to our server.
The examiners will look at your work for a maximum of 15 minutes. Make sure that you pace
your work so they will be able to judge your submission in the way you wish to present
Portfolio Requirements
• Write a personal statement of a maximum of 500 words.
You may upload up to 20 individual projects or items to your portfolio. These may be
single images, a piece consisting of more than one image (such as publication), a
presentation, a moving image clip.
• You may add a gallery of six further images to support each project. You should
provide a description of a maximum of 100 words for each project image, and a
caption of up to 50 words for each of the gallery images.
• Articles, written work and examples of practical work or research in relevant areas
may be submitted.
• Moving image or sound work must be limited to a maximum of five minutes (full
length work will be viewed if you are invited for an interview).
• You may include links to websites, such as your personal site, but it must support
your main submission. If there are websites you have professionally designed for
clients, you must explain your role in the design and implementation.
• Images should be in one of the formats below, with the following recommended
dimensions: Minimum width of 36 cm or 1024 pixels, and minimum height of 27 cm or
768 pixels. Resolution should be 72 dpi.
• Maximum file size: 2 MB for each image and 80 MB for a movie file Movies are best
viewed via a link to a streaming service such as Vimeo or YouTube.
• File formats supported in the online portfolio system: JPEG, PNG, GIF, MP3, MPEG4,
FLV, website URL, Docx. If you wish to submit PDF files, please contact us at
• For each piece of work you should provide the following information: Title, medium,
date created, size (cm or pixels), length (in minutes) if appropriate.
Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU, UK T: +44 (0)20 7590 4304
E: ied@rca.ac.uk