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Cultural Anthropology of Death Bibliography

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Section: General and Cultural Anthropology of Death Bibliography
Research · April 2019
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29869.95206
1 author:
Michael Hochrein
La Roche University
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(Source: Hamilton Evening Journal, Saturday, January 28, 1928)
General and Cultural Anthropology of Death
The use of cultural anthropology in examining ritual or cult crime scenes is well documented. The
compiler contends that a general knowledge of various cultures’ attitudes toward death and the handling of the dead,
may become useful in analyzing inter- and intra-cultural homicides. This is not to say that homicides are committed
in the same manner a traditional death or burial/disposal might be treated. We all carry, however, “cultural baggage”
which has ingrained beliefs, customs, rituals, and practices to a degree where they might be subconsciously acted on
in the commission and concealment of crimes. The compiler is aware of at least one reported case in which, when
interviewed, the subject claimed he had to bury the spouse he just killed in a particular place and position, because of
the family’s religious and cultural background. Articles related to prehistoric burials are included for the contextual
information they may provide. They offer an evolutionary view, across cultures, of funerary customs and
perspectives on death. Citations in this section may be inter-related to those under "Criminal and Cultural Behavior"
and even "Taphonomy-Decomposition" ie. bog bodies. This section is even more closely related to the next
concerning "Criminal and Cultural Behavior".
(1473 citations)
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Ethics of Reburial: Two Case Studies from Southern New England. Man in the Northeast, 45:87-100.
Abercrombie, J.R.
Palestinian Burial Practices from 1200 to 600 B.C.E. PhD Thesis, University of Pennsylvania.
Abraham, Terry, and Priscilla and Wegars
Urns, Bones and Burners: Overseas Chinese Cemeteries. Australasian Historical Archaeology, 21:58-69.
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The Chalcolithic Burial Cave in Ma'avarot, Israel, and Its Palaeoanthropological Implications. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 8(6):431443.
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Investigating a Child Sacrifice Event from the Inca Heartland. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38(2):323-333.
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Report on Cremation. Journal of the American Medical Association, 6(22):606-607.
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Anthony, Z. and Bhana K. Kastoor
An Exploratory Study of Muslim Girls' Understanding of Death. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 19(3):215-227.
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Mortuary Patterns in Burial Caves on Mangaia, Cook Islands. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 13(3):132-146.
Anyanwu, G.E., O. Udemezue, and E.N. Obikili
Dark Age of Sourcing Cadavers in Developing Countries: A Nigerian Survey. Clinical Anatomy, 24(7):831-836.
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