Semiconductor Device Physics 1 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Energy level and energy band 3. Direct and indirect semiconductor 4. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor 5. Carrier transmission 2 Introduction Solid-state materials are divided into three types via resistivity or electrical conductivity : -Insulators => ρ > 108 Ω-cm -Semiconductor => 108 Ω-cm > ρ > 10-4 Ω-cm -Conductor => ρ < 10-4 Ω-cm Where ρ(Ω-cm ; resistivity) ≡ σ -1 (σ (S/cm ; conductivity)) 3 1 2 He H 氫 氦 3 Li 4 Be 5 鋰 鈹 硼 碳 氮 氧 氟 氖 11 Na 12 Mg 13 Al 14 Si 15 P 16 S 17 Cl 18 Ar 鈉 鎂 鋁 矽 磷 硫 氯 氬 19 K 20 Ca 21 Sc 22 Ti 23 V 24 Cr 25 Mn 26 Fe 27 Co 28 Ni 29 Cu 30 Zn 31 Ga 32 Ge 33 As 34 Se 35 Br 36 Kr 鉀 鈣 鈧 鈦 釩 鉻 錳 鐵 鈷 鎳 銅 鋅 鎵 鍺 砷 硒 溴 氪 37 Rb 38 Sr 39 Y 40 Zr 41 Nb 42 Mo 43 Tc 44 Ru 45 Rh 46 Pd 47 Ag 48 Cd 49 In 50 Sn 51 Sb 52 Te 53 I 54 Xe 銣 鍶 釔 鋯 鈮 鉬 鎝 釕 銠 鈀 銀 鎘 銦 錫 銻 碲 碘 氙 55 Cs 56 Ba 57 La 72 Hf 73 Ta 74 W 75 Re 76 Os 77 Ir 78 Pt 79 Au 80 Hg 81 Tl 82 Pb 83 Bi 84 Po 86 Rn 銫 鋇 鑭 鉿 鉭 鎢 錸 鋨 銥 鉑 金 汞 鉈 鉛 鉍 釙 氡 88 Ra 89 Ac 105Db 106Sg 107Bh 108Hs 109Mt 110 111 112 鐳 錒 Uun Uuu Uub 65 Tb 66 Dy 67 Ho 68 Er 69 Tm 71 Lu 鋱 鏑 鈥 鉺 銩 70 Y b 62 Sm 鑭系 元素 58 Ce 59 Pr 60 Nd 鈰 鐠 釹 錒系 元素 90 Th 91 Pa 92 U 93 Np 釷 鏷 鈾 錼 B 6 C 7 N 8 O 63 Eu 64 Gd 銪 釓 94 Pu 95 Am 96 Cm 98 Cf 99 Es 100Fm 101Md 103Lr 鈽 鋂 鋦 鉲 鑀 鐨 鍆 鐒 釤 4 鎰 鎦 9 F 10 Ne Semiconductor Materials Semiconductor materials are divided into two types via the construction of element : -Element semiconductor => Si ,Ge…. composed by column IV in periodic table. *Si is the well-behaved element semiconductor for its stability at room temperature and prone to oxidize -Compound semiconductor (二元,三元,四元..)=> GaN, GaAs, ZnO, ZnSe….compose by Column III-V or II-VI in periodic table *GaAs is widely employed as high speed and microwave devices *GaN related materials is widely employed as blue LED to achieve white LED. 5 6 7 8 9 Energy level and energy band Energy Band Energy level for an independent atom •As atoms separated by long distance => each energy level obeyed “Quantum Mechanics” => ground state, first excited state….. ex. : for the “hydrogen atomic model” EH = -13.6 / n2 eV ; n is principal quantum number •As atoms had getting approaching => the identical energy level of each atom would interact and spilt into “N level”. •As N is increased, the “energy level” would degrade to the so called “energy band”. •Therefore, the discrete energy levels in atoms degenerated into continuous energy bands in solid state. 10 The “energy level” and “energy band” for silicon •The electronic configuration of 14Si : 1s22s22p63s23p2 => 4 valence electrons Forming the covalent bonds Conduction band Bandgap Degenerate energy Valence band 11 12 Direct and indirect semiconductor K-space diagram (能量-動量圖) •The energy and momentum for a free carrier : v r r r r 1 P ∵ and E = m0 V P = m0V ⇒ V = 2 m0 ∴ E = v P 2 2m0 where, m0 is the carrier mass P vs. E is a function of “Parabolic” curve 13 2 v P 1 ⇒ E = m0 m 2 0 2 K-space diagram (能量-動量圖) •The energy and momentum for the solid state materials : Since the atoms interacted, the free carrier mass replaced by effective v 2 mass P E = ∴ Differential ∴ mn 2 mn d dE d 2E 1 = = => dP dP dP 2 mn d 2E = dP 2 −1 斜率變化的倒數有效質量 斜率變化曲率 曲率↑ R↓ mn↓ 14 m0 ~ 9.1E-31kg Si GaAs mn/m0 0.26 0.063 mp/m0 0.69 0.57 15 Direct and indirect semiconductor •Direct semiconductor and indirect semiconductor definition : Direct => the lowest of conduction band and highest valence band was aligned in the K-space Indirect => the lowest of conduction band and highest valence band was not aligned in the K-space •The influence on optical properties : Direct => almost radiative recombination Indirect => almost nonradiative recombination (need some recombination centers to transfer the momentum difference) 16 Direct and indirect semiconductor (1) effective mass => high speed devices (2) direct and indirect => optical properties 17 Intrinsic and doped semiconductor •Definitions : these carriers (electron or hole) in semiconductor that excited mostly by thermal treatment => the so called “intrinsic semiconductor”. •The number of occupied conduction band levels by electron (electron concentration) in unit volume is : n= ∫ E top Ec n( E )dE = ∫ E top Ec 不同能量所允許的空位(N(E)) N ( E ) F ( E )dE × 佔據機率(F(E)) where, n is in unit of cm-3; N(E) is in unit of (cm3-eV)-1; Ec and Etop is the min. and max. energy of the filled band level (electron) N(E) is the density of state function for unit volume; F(E) is the occupation probability accorded to Fermi-Dirac distribution function (also called Fermi distribution function) 18 •Fermi distribution function is presented as : F (E) = 1 1 + e ( E − E F ) / kT where, k is Boltzmann constant; T is Kelvin temperature; EF is Fermi level (Fermi energy) •Fermi level is defined as the energy of the “electron” occupation probability equal to 1/2 (F(E) = 1/2). •If E-EF > 3kT, the Fermi distribution function is simplified as : F ( E ) ≈ e − ( E − E F ) / kT(for electron) and F ( E ) ≈ 1 − e − ( E − E F ) / kT (for hole) T↑=> F(E)↑ 19 •For the density of state N(E) => N(E) ∞E1/2=>Parabolic function Therefore, the electron concentration (above conduction band and Ec ≡E0) is described as : E top − ( E − E F ) / kT and F E e ( ) ≈ n= N ( E ) F ( E )dE E0 •So, the electron carrier concentration and hole concentration can be shown as : 導電帶電子濃度 : n = N c exp[− ( Ec − E F ) / kT ] ∫ 價電帶電洞濃度 : p = N v exp[( Ev − EF ) / kT ] Nc and Nv are effective density of state for electron and hole, respectively. T↑, n↑; and EF↑, n↑, for n type 20 Basic concept for intrinsic semiconductor (a) At thermal equilibrium, electron concentration (n) in conduction band is equal to hole (p) in valence band, therefore : n = p = ni , ni is intrinsic carrier concentration ∴ n × p = ni2 = NcNvexp(-Eg/kT) (1) this is so called “mass-action law (質量作用定律)” (2) for T↑ or Eg↓ => n & p↑ (3) ∵Eg(Si)<Eg(GaAs)<Eg(GaN) ∴ni(Si)>ni(GaAs)>ni(GaN) (b) The Fermi level for intrinsic semiconductor EF ≈ Eg/2 (at 0oK) EF ≡ Ei = (Ec+Ev)/2 + (kT/2)ln(Nv/Nc) ≈ Eg/2 (at 0oK) 21 22 Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor •Extrinsic semiconductor : when impurities are doped in semiconductor, this semiconductor has become extrinsic semiconductor (外質半導體) •Donor : impurities that donate electrons per atom => the semiconductor presents n-type semiconductor Available donor impurities for Si => the element of column V or VI (ie. N, P , As, O, S….) •Acceptor : impurities that accept electrons and generate holes per atom => the semiconductor presents p-type semiconductor Available acceptor impurities for Si => the element of column III or II (ie. B, Al, Ga, In, Mg….) •Charge state of impurities : Donors : Neutral or Positive (while activation) Acceptor : Neutral or Negative (while activation) 23 24 25 •The carrier concentration of extrinsic semiconductor: -assume complete ionization (ie. electron = donor; hole = acceptor) ∴ n = Ncexp[-(Ec-EF)/kT] = ND => Ec-EF = kTln(Nc/ND) => ND↑, EF ↑ p = Nvexp[(Ev-EF)/kT] = NA => EF-Ev = kTln(Nv/NA) => NA↑, EF ↓ •At thermal equilibrium, the mass-action law still exists : ∵ n = Ncexp[-(Ec-EF)/kT] = Ncexp[-(Ec-Ei)/kT]exp[-(Ei-EF)/kT] = niexp[-(Ei-EF)/kT)] p = Nvexp[(Ev-EF)/kT] = Nvexp[(Ev-Ei)/kT]exp[(Ei-EF)/kT] = niexp[(Ei-EF)/kT)] ∴n × p = ni2 mass-action law is always valid at thermal equilibrium 26 Carrier transmission •The overall carrier transmissions include : drift (漂移), diffusion (擴散), recombination (復合), generation (產生), thermionic emission (熱游子散射), tunneling (穿隧), and impact ionization (衝擊離子化). •The dominate carrier transmissions are “drift” and “diffusion”. •The basic equations that dominate the associated semiconductor operation are “current density equation” and “continuity equation”. 27 Carrier drift -As an external electric field apply => electron carrier is accelerated with an addition velocity => the so called “drift velocity” for F = ma ⇒ −qε = m a = m dvn n n n dt integral each side => − qετ c = mn vn => vn = −( qτ c )ε = − µ nε mn qτ c µ ≡ where, n m is called electron carrier mobility n similarity, µ ≡ qτ c is hole carrier mobility p mp μn ∞ τc and 1/mn 28 Characteristics for carrier mobility (A) Mobility (μ) is proportional to the mean free time (τc) (載子活期) τc is influenced by each collision appears in semiconductor that mainly results from the following scattering mechanisms : (a) Lattice scattering τc, L(晶格散射) : original from the lattice vibration induces from heat treatment => T↑, then τc, L↓ . (b) Impurity scattering τc, I(雜質散射) : original from Coulomb force induces from doping concentration => NT↑, then τc, I↓ (c) Since the influence of impurity is neglect-able at high temperatures, the Lattice scattering is dominate at elevate temperatures. (d) μn(τc, L)∞T-3/2 and μn(τc, I)∞T3/2/NT 29 Characteristics for carrier mobility (e) The overall carrier mean free time τc : 1 1 1 1 1 1 = + = + τ c τ c , L τ c , I or µ µ, L µ I (B) Mobility (μ) is inverse proportional to the effective mass (m) Typically, electron mobility (μn) is large than hole mobility (μp) resulted from the difference of effective mass (mp > mn) 30 Drift current • electric current density: Jn I dQ / dt = = = A A n ∑ (−qv ) = −qnv i i =1 n = qnµ n ε similarity, J p = qpµ p ε therefore, J = J p + J n = ( pµ p + nµ n )qε ≡ σε ≡ ε ρ where, Conductivity (傳導係數)σ ≡ (pμp + nμn) q Resistivity (電阻係數) ρ ≡ 1/σ = 1 / (pμp + nμn) q for an n-type => ρ ≈ 1 / nμnq ρ ≈ 1 / pμpq ∴“σ” is proportional to “mobility” and “carrier concentration (more dominate)” 31 Carrier diffusion •Definition : electron carriers at high concentration region tend to migrate to low concentration region => diffusion current (擴散電流) 32 Carrier diffusion •Derivation for electron diffusion current -F1: mean velocity of electron in unit area electron flow from left to x=0 F2: same as F1 except right to x=0 => 1 [ n(−l )] • l 1 F1 = [ n(−l )] • vth = 2 2 τ 1 c [ n(l )] • l 1 F2 = [ n(l )] • vth = 2 τc 2 The probability of electron move where, l is mean free path τc is mean free time n(l) is carrier concentration at l 33 -net electron current velocity in unit area at x=0 1 F = F1 − F2 = [ n(−l ) − n(l )] ⋅ vth , expand by “Taylor expanding” at x=0 2 dn 1 dn 1 dn dn vth n(0) − l − n(0) + l + sec . odrer ≈ vth − 2l = −vth .l dx 2 dx 2 dx dx => F= => F ≡ − Dn => J n dn dx , where Dn (diffusion coefficient, 擴散係數) ≡ vth × l Why positive => electron current direction dn dn = − qF = − q (− Dn ) = qDn dx dx => Dn ∞ vth and l Concentration gradient (濃度梯度) 34 Einstein Relation •Purpose : to describe the relation between “mobility (original from “electric field”)” and “diffusion coefficient (original from “concentration gradient”)” qτ c l Dn = vth l and µ n = where, vth = τc mn for ⇒ Dn = vth ⋅ vth ⋅ τ c = vth2 ⋅ µ n mn The diffusion and drift is now limited in 1-D q 1 1 2 mn vth = kT ⇒ mn vth2 = kT for 1-dimension electron carrier => 2 2 kT = µ n q ∴ Dn => the so called “Einstein Relation” • The Einstein Relation is depend on “temperature” 35 Current Density Equation •Purpose : to describe the current density that both the “electric field ” and “concentration gradient” exit (ie “Drift current density” + “diffusion current density”: Why? For electron carrier density : For hole carrier density : dn J n = q µ n nε + Dn dx dp J p = q µ p pε + (−) D p dx => total current density : J = Jn + Jp (called “current density equation”) 36