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Anthro Final Cheat Sheet

The set of learned beliefs that characterizes the behavior of a particular pop: Culture
To say that humans are biocultural organisms means that: Our bio makeup, formed by our genes & cellular chem (Relation w
One who collects data by first hand experience: ethnographer
The comparative study of two or more cultures: ethnology
The process by which culture is passed from one generation to the next: Enculturation
Cultural Relativism is: Understanding a groups beliefs and practices within their own cultural context w/o making judgments.
The feelings that overwhelm you when encountering cultural practices that are strange: Culture Shock
Himalayan Herders Video: According to the women in the video, the burden of the young fam in the tradition gode falls on: Women
Villagers in Melemchi typically are able to afford a house: No
__ Is an Important part of the Nara festival honoring the founding llamas. It is used to contract altars for the festival: Butter
__ Marriage was the traditional form of marriage among the villagers of Melemchi: Capture Marriage/ Grabbing Marriage
Religious practices among the villagers of Melemchi include: Buddhism
The only person who can perform an animal sacrifice is the: Shaman
Life in Melemchi has changed over time. Changes Include: 3x more houses, chimneys for smoke, moved school to buildings.
Marriage does which of the following: Creates socially recognized relationships, social network, social behavior.
__ Marriages are found primarily in cultures that are more individualistic: Love
What is the purpose of an arranged Marriage?: To ensure the reproduction and continuation of the kinship ( economics, oriented)
The rule of ___ requires that an individual marry someone outside of a particular group: Exogamy
The type of marriage in which a man has to marry his deceased’s brother’s widow: Lavirate Marriage
If you marry your father’s brother’s offspring you are practicing: Cousin Marriage/ Parallel
A marriage pattern in which a husband may have multiple wives: Polygyny
Among the Nandi of Kenya, a man’s property is inherited by his sons and equally distributed among them. When a wife produces no
sons to inherit the proper shares of her husband’s property. They resolved this problem by: Daughter’s inherit.
Bridewealth: The gift of goods or money from the groom’s family to the bride’s family as part of the marriage.
The study of kinship is important to anthropologist because: It showed how people could maintain social order w/o the state.
If a mother were living in a Matrilineal society, her son would belong to: The mother’s side of the family.
Descent in the U.S is described as: Trace Ancestry
Social relationships created by marriage: Affinal
This system of kinship terminology is the least complex and uses the fewest terms: Hawaiin System
This system of terminology s associated with matrilineal societies: Crow System
Faces of Culture: Patterns of Subsistence Video:
The____ forage in the marginal environment of the Artic: Netsilik
The Netsilik origin myth in the video provides insight into the culture, what is it: Humans are connected to animals
How do Nuer use cattle: Sacrifice to gods, eat cattle, blood to drink, wash hands w urine, social ranking system.
Yanomani Warriors Of the Amazon: 8 Questions
Among the Yanomani what economic system is the foundation of their society: Reciprocity (Exchange between an individual)
Yanomani villagers live together communally in the: Shabono style houses
___ Descent forms the basis for social organization among the Yanomani: Patrilineal
The Yanomani believe that misfortune and disease are caused by: Spirits
Marriage among the Yanomani includes this type of economic exchange: Bride Service
Yanomani political organization is described as a: Tribe
Why are women valued in the Yanomani society: Brother In laws Allies
According to the narrator of the video, the Yanomani were dying at an alarming rate, why: The influx of outside diseases.
Dreamtime of The Aborigines: Australian Aboriginals: 8 Questions
The Dreamtime is: A body of stories that describe the creation of the world, the past present and future.
The relationship between the Aboriginals and their physical world is described: Naturalistic, it’s apart of them. Can’t be changed.
The most important ancestral being in Aboriginal Culture is: The Great Rainbow Serpent
The belief system of the Australian Aboriginals includes: Believing in ancestral spirits & sacred objects. (Reincarnation)
The Australian Aboriginals believe that illnesses are caused by: Spirits (Having a curse placed on them)
In Aboriginal culture if you become ill, you go to see: Clever Men/ Men of High Degree
The political organization of the Australian Aboriginals is best described as: Band
The study of kinship is important to anthropologist because: Kinship is important to cultures
Foraging refers to: Humans who subsist by hunting, fishing & gathering plants to eat. (Traveling in search of food)
Foragers are characterized by what traits:Hunting, fishing, gathering nuts, fruits &root crops. (Nomad, simple tech &small group
Pastoralists are characterized by what traits: Using the domestication of animals for food production. (Larger groups/raise animal
Horticultural societies are characterized by which traits: Cultivation of plants for subsistence through labor & land (Hand tools)
Agricultural societies are characterized by which traits: Farming strategy, a large cultivation w specialized tools, plow, animals.
How do horticultural societies differ from agricultural societies: Horticulturals plant small garden plots & agricultural uses land
use: irrigation, fertilizer, animals. (1. Allow land to lay fallow, plant a variety of crops, plant near rainy seasons).
Define balanced reciprocity: Exchange of goods and service among people of equal status.
The most ancient mode of exchange is: Reciprocity
Giving a child a present for their birthday is an example of: Generalized reciprocity
People are equals, reciprocity is immediate, and goods are equal characteristics of: Balanced Reciprocity
This form of exchange may involve theft or trickery: Negative
Among the Kwakiutl of the Pacific Northwest, the potlatch is an example of this type of economic system: Redistribution
The U.S economic system is characterized by: Free market, reciprocity, and redistribution
Bands, Tribes, Chiefdoms and states are categories based upon: Political Organization
Which of the following are characterized by a formal, centralized political institution: Chiefdom/ Nation State
Your ability to exert your will over others, to make the, do things that they might not want to: Power
The BAND is characterized by which type of leadership: Head Person
The term used to describe societies in which everyone has equal access to economic resources, power, and prestige: Egalitarianism
The Melanesian “Big Man” is: The man with the most PIGS
In chiefdom, the chief: Is a form of hierarchical political organization, chief has inherited powers.
An autonomous regional political structure with a centralized government authorized to make laws and use political, economic, and
military force to maintain order and defend its territory is referred to as: Bureaucracy (State)
Harris & Divale suggest that warfare among the Yanomani is the result of: Indirect population control (Killed female infants)
Religious behavior may involve altering your physiological state. This is accomplished through: Hallucinogenic Drugs.
These religious beings are usually great and remote beings who control the universe: Gods, Goddesses
The belief that all things, living & non-living possess a spirit: Animism
Part-time religious specialists who have the power to contact and control the spirits directly: Shaman
An attempt to manipulate the laws of nature: Magic
Most of us routinely trim our fingernails. The cuttings are tossed away and we don’t give it much thought. This is ignoring the
possibility of: Voodoo
___ Is used by many cultures as an explanation for why misfortune happens: Witchcraft
Anthropologist E. Evans –Pritchard’s work among the Azande demonstrated that they use chicken for: Detecting Witches
For the Azande, witchcraft is: A major danger, witchcraft can be inherited.
An impersonal cosmic force (power) that can exist in people, plants, animals, and objects: MANA
An Ouija board, reading tea leaves, or examining the bumps on a person’s head are all examples of: Augury
Many of the cultural videos shown in class exhibit which type of religion: Animism
Ethnomedicine is focused on: Local systems of health and healing rooted in culturally specific norms and values.
The biomedical model tends to overlook the importance of: Cultural Values