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Class IX Holiday Homework: Art Integrated Learning

Sunbeam School
Lahartara, Sarnath, Varuna & Knowledge Partners
Holiday Homework for Winter Vacation
Class IX
Teachers are expected to discuss the Art Integrated Learning task with the students
before winter vacation in the class, so that learning outcomes can be achieved.
: Art Integrated Learning (Nelson Mandela) to be prepared during vacation and presented in the class.
Activities- The class will be divided into three groups and will be allotted topic to perform.
Group – I : Research and presentation on the personality of Nelson Mandela.
Group – II : How did apartheid affect people’s lives? (An interview with Nelson Mandela)
Group – III : Talking about the other freedom fighters of South Africa. (Presentation will be through PPT)
: Art Integrated Learning ¼ikB gfjgj dkdk½
^^lekt esa fj'rksa dh D;k vgfe;r gS**] ij cPps vius fopkjksa dks Hkko lfgr iqfLrdk esa fy[ksaxsA
Sanskrit : Art Integrated Learning ¼ikB
cPps i;kZoj.k ls lEcfU/kr fp= cuk;sxsA (on A3 sheet )
: Art integrated Learning (to be done in a project file)
To collect the population of 10 states of India and to represent it with different graphical forms i.e., BarGraph, Pie-chart, Pictograph, Frequency Polygon etc.
Art form – Warli.
Materials Required:- Coloured sheet, Ruler, Graph paper, Pen, Paper, Pencil, Glue, Scissor, Compass.
Science : Elaborate the objectives, target and achievable goals of all the SDGs associated with life forms.
Date of submission to the respective subject teachers: 10th Jan’24.