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Education Planning & Administration Course Description

Education Planning and Administration
Dr Brian Martin
Credit Rating 20 credits, SCQF 11
1. To enable the critical examination of trends and directions in educational
administration, planning and management in their social, educational and
political contexts
2. To facilitate the critical appraisal of a range of theories relevant to the study and
practice of administration, planning and management in education
3. To relate theoretical considerations to current substantive problems and issues.
10 x 2.5 hour sessions, utilising lecture, seminar and case study method.
An essay of 4,000 words.
The course will consider administration, planning and management in education as a whole pre-school; school and post-school - but allow each student to focus on the level/sector/s and
issues of most interest to him/her. Efforts will be made to enable students to link themes and
issues from other modules they have already taken, or are taking concurrently, to themes,
issues and approaches in education administration, planning and management.
An overview of the historical development of state administration of education in the modern
age will help identify issues in administration, planning and management faced in the latemodern/post-modern context - such as challenges to the role of the state in the form of (eg)
financial imperatives and marketisation on one hand and social justice on the other. Policy
responses to such issues will be explored in terms of their impact on public administration of
education, on educational planning and the management of educational services.
The role of the state and specifically of central and local government in the administration,
planning and management of education will be examined alongside an evaluation of the roles
of parastatal and non-governmental organisations.
The influences exercised by the resultant dynamic on educational institutions and on
administration, planning and management within them will be examined in a series of case
studies which will draw on current examples in Scotland which in turn will be appraised
within an international context, drawing on comparative perspectives.
Illustrative Content
1. Overview of selected accounts and critiques of the relationship between public
administration, state planning and the management of education
2. Determining demand and the exercise of the planning function in the education
3. The relationship between administration and management in the education
4. Professionalism in the education sector and its effects on the manager
5. Strategic planning in educational settings
6. Notions of the "value chain" and "business process" in relation to planning and
the management of resources in the education sector
7. "Re-engineering" and the management of educational organisations
8. Stakeholder analysis and educational planning
9. Output, outcome and impact assessment in the education sector, its
management and implications for planning
10. Public accountability and educational administration, planning and
Selected Reading
Altrichter H and Elliot J (2000) Images of Educational Change
Bush T (1989) Managing Education: Theory and Practice
Buckingham : Open
Milton Keynes : Open
Dale R (1998) Markets and Education NSW : Allen & Unwin
Lingard B et al (1997) Educational Policy and the Politics of Change London : Routledge
Middlewood, D and Lumby J (1998) Strategic Management in Schools and Colleges
London : Paul Chapman Publishing
Samier E (ed) (2003) Ethical Foundations for Educational Administration
London : Routledge
Sayer J (1993) The Future Governance of Education
London : Cassell
Scott P (ed) (1999) Higher Education Re-formed
London : Routledge
Wagner RB (1993) Accountability in Education
London : Routledge
Wilmott R (2002) Education Policy and Realist Social Theory
London : Routledge
July 2009