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English Project: Road Not Taken Analysis

English Project
Written by Aditya Vichare,Grade 9 CAIE
The Road Not Taken, poem by Robert
Frost, published in The Atlantic Monthly
in August 1915 and used as the opening
poem of his collection Mountain Interval
(1916). Written in iambic tetrameter, it
employs an abaab rhyme scheme in each
of its four stanzas. The poem presents a
narrator recalling a journey through a
woods, when he had to choose which of
two diverging roads to travel. The work’s
meaning has long been disputed by
readers; Frost himself claimed that it was
a parody of the Georgian poet Edward
Cognitive Organizer (1)
Title : A Road Not Taken
Authour : Robert Frost
Genre : Poetry
Theme : Making the right
decisions at the right time.
Cognitive Organizer (2)
Stanza 1: The poet has come to a point on his walk where the path he
is on has forked into two paths.
Stanza 2: He decides the two paths are equal - "as just as fair" - and
chooses the second path.
Stanza 3:Frost describes the two paths as equal, meaning there is no
right or wrong choice.
Stanza 4: He says that in the future, with a deep breath he will say
that long ago, he had reached a point in life that there were two
options for him and he travelled on the road which had been
travelled upon by few people and that decision made so much of
Gadget effectuate (1)
Frost uses imagery when he describes the woods as yellow, prompting the reader to
imagine the autumn setting. He also uses imagery when he describes his chosen path
as ''grassy and wanting wear'' and when he notes that the path ''lay in leaves no step
had trodden black.
The road in the poem is a metaphor for life and the path we take through it. The fork in
the road is a metaphor for the choices we must make as we navigate our path.
Alliteration in the poem is as follows- wanted wear is the alliteration in the poem.
'Then took the', 'first for' such phrases are also given in the poem which begins with
the same syllable.
Gadget effectuate (2)
Robert Frost uses a simile after the speaker has been examining one road,
then chooses the one he has not been looking at, ''as just as fair.
Frost uses personification in ''The Road Not Taken,'' when he writes that the road was
''grassy and wanted wear. ''
On third line, onomatopoeia was used which is “oh” that illustrates an emphatic tone
for the decision that he made. The traveller is now regretting the decision that he
in the poem by Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken" the oxymoron is the phrase, "less
travelled". It is because, the word "travelled" means where people often roam and
wander. But the "less" in front of the word, "travelled" makes up an oxymoron.