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STS Reviewer: Genetic Engineering, Nanotech, Climate Change

_____ 1.
_____ 2.
_____ 3.
_____ 4.
_____ 5.
_____ 6.
_____________ are products of artificial manipulation and alteration of a species’ genetic
material in a laboratory using genetic engineering.
A. Modified products
B. Genetics
C. Genetically modified organisms
D. Artificial organism
What was the discovery of James Watson and Francis Crick that opened the gates for the
countless possibilities of genetic engineering?
A. Bacteria
B. Microscope
Who were the first scientists to genetically modify an organism by combining genes from two
different E.coli?
A. Hebert Boyer and Stanly Cohen
B. James Watson and Francis Crick
C. Zaccharias Jansen and Robert Brown
D. Thomas Edison and James Watson
In 1982, the Food and Drug Administration approved the first GMO-Humulin to be available in
the market. Which of the following statement about Humulin is NOT correct?
A. Humulin is a type of insulin.
B. Humulin is produced using genetically engineered E.coli bacteria.
C. Humulin is a carbohydrate.
D. None of these.
________________ is a metabolic protein hormone used to increase milk production in dairy
cows for commercial use.
A. Flavr Savr
B. Bacillus thuringiensis
C. Oryza sativa
D. Bovine somatotropin
Dolly, the first cloned animal was born in 1996. What animal is Dolly?
A. Horse
B. Deer
C. Cow
D. Sheep
_____ 7.
In 2000, golden rice was developed in the Philippines to address ________deficiency.
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Iron
_____ 8.
_____________ is the method of inserting genes or nucleic acid into cells as a drug to treat
genetic disorder.
A. Genetic engineering
B. Gene therapy
C. Recombination
D. Gene splicing
_____ 9.
In 1972, Theodore Friedman and Richard Roblin proposed that people with genetic disorders
can be treated by:
A. Replacing defective DNA with good DNA
B. Removing DNA
C. Adding DNA
D. Replacing DNA with RNA
____ 10.
____________________ is a field of study that presents novel management approaches on
farming systems that may help address concerns regarding the effect of GMOs on
biodiversity and the health of the consumers.
A. Agriculture
B. Agroecology
C. Agribusiness
D. Ecology
____ 11.
______ is the branch of technology that deals with the manipulation and study of matter at the
A. Nanobot
B. Nanotechnology
C. Nanofacture
D. None of these
____ 12.
Below are adverse effects of nanotechnology except:
A. The environmental effect of mineral-based nanoparticles is questioned as they go
through sewerage treatment plants untreated due to their undetectable size.
B. Carbon nanotubes used in the manufacture of memory storage, electronics, batteries
were found to have unknown harmful impact to human body.
C. Nanoparticle is easy to analyze due to its size.
D. None of these.
____ 13.
Molecular scale workers that employ molecular processes within cells, which can deliver
drugs to specific molecular sites or even carry out surgery.
A. Nanotechnology
B. Nanofacture
C. Nanobots
D. Zeolites
____ 14.
What is the reason why nanotechnology is said to be convergent?
A. It brings together various fields of science through innovations.
B. It provides the platform to produce innovations.
C. It serves as tools.
D. It is used to innovate things.
____ 15.
Which of the following is not a nano contaminant found in combustion?
A. Fine metal and metal oxide particles
B. Fullerenes/carbon nanotubes
C. Fly ash
D. Soot/ carbon black
____ 16.
Who invented printing press?
A. Alan Turing
B. Steve Jobs
C. Johannes Gutenberg
D. Steve Wozniak
____ 17.
It is a device that applies pressure to an inked surface lying on a print medium, such as cloth
or paper, to transfer ink.
A. Computer
B. Printing press
C. printer
D. Calculator
____ 18.
An electromagnetic machine invented by Alan Turing that enabled British to decipher
encrypted messages of the German Enigma machine.
A. Bombe
B. Harvard I
C. Apple I
D. Enigma
____ 19.
The invention of printing press marked the beginning of _____________________.
A. Politics
B. social media
C. mass communication
D. world war II
____ 20.
A computer developed by Steve Wozniak that made him famous.
A. Harvard Mark 1
B. Enigma
C. Cipher
D. Apple I
____ 21.
Ozone can be good or bad, depending on where it is found –the earth’s upper atmosphere or
at ground level. Ozone found at ground level is known as the ________.
A. Bad ozone
B. Good ozone
C. Both bad and good ozone
D. None of these
____ 22.
Which is used by people since 2600 BC to treat illnesses?
A. Ornamental plants
B. Herbal medicine
C. Modern technology
D. Therapeutic drugs
____ 23.
What is biodiversity?
A. The condition of having different elements
B. An area classified according to the species that live in that location
C. The relations of organisms to one another and their physical surroundings
D. The variety of life present in an ecosystem
____ 24.
A type of biodiversity which refers to the variety of species within a particular region.
A. Genetic biodiversity
B. Species biodiversity
C. Ecological biodiversity
D. None of these
____ 25.
A type of biodiversity which refers to the variations among organism of the same species.
A. Genetic biodiversity
B. Species biodiversity
C. Ecological biodiversity
D. None of these
____ 26.
This protocol aims to help the ozone layer recuperate from the hole it has attained due to
increasing presence of ozone depleting substances in the atmosphere.
A. Antarctic Protocol
B. Kyoto Protocol
C. Montreal Protocol
D. Madrid Protocol
____ 27.
This is a working group that plans and leads the guiding activities in the field of
communication, warning signals, emergency, transportation, evacuation, rescue, engineering,
health and rehabilitation, public education and auxiliary services.
A. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
B. Department of National Defense
C. Department of Interior and Local Government
D. Department of Health
____ 28.
Listed below are ways to minimize the effect of climate change EXCEPT:
A. Buy appliances that are tagged as energy efficient.
B. Use incandescent bulbs instead of LED bulbs.
C. Use fuel efficient vehicles with higher economy performance.
D. Environmental efforts should be done individually and collectively.
____ 29.
This occurs when SO2x and NO2x react with particulate matters or with water vapor which
causes surface water acidification and affects soil chemistry.
A. Deforestation
B. Ozone depletion
C. Acid deposition
D. Thermal inversion
____ 30.
Which of the following is an effect of global warming?
A. Richness in biodiversity
B. Deforestation
C. waste segregation
D. Changing wildlife adaptation and cycle