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University of Zimbabwe IT Skills Module

Faculty of Computer Engineering,
Informatics and Communications
Information and Digital Skills (Computer
Literacy) Module (IDxx101)
1. Moderator Details
Moderator’s Contact Details
2. Course Overview
Teaching and Learning Methodology
Course Synopses
3. Module Structure
Unit 1: Introduction to Computers
Unit 2: Introduction to Windows
Unit 3: Introduction to Linux
Unit 4: Microsoft Word
Unit 5: Microsoft Excel
Unit 6: Power Point
Unit 7: Internet and Email
3. Conclusion
Moderator Details
Names: Eng Maxwell Mago
Contact Details: Office 004, Faculty of Computer Engineering, Informatics and
Phone: +263 242 303 211 Ext 15053/4.
+263 773 042 703.
Email: mmago177@gmail.com
Duration: 3 Weeks
Course Overview
Teaching and Learning Methodology
As an introductory course, this shall be conducted during the first three weeks of
the University wide contact period to give students the opportunity to handle and navigate
on computer systems. The course will take the premise that the learners are probably
seeing computers for the first time, yet they will be required to use and apply them
immediately afterwards and for the entire duration of their studies and beyond. Most of the
parts of the course will therefore be practically conducted with strict supervision, to ensure
that all students individually grasp the materials and become comfortable working with
computers there on.
The teaching methods / strategies may be summarized as follows:
➢ Contact lectures
➢ Seminars
➢ Practical
➢ Tutorials
This is a highly practical Module which requires that students acquire more practical
skills than mere theory. Student will be evaluated by means of a practical assignment that
they will be issued to accomplish by applying the IT techniques that they will have acquired
by the end of the three (3) weeks.
• Course Synopses
The Information and Digital Skills Module is designed to assist students in the familiarization
with IT resources, beginning by mastering the composition and capabilities of a computer machine.
Premised on the assumption that some students may not have the opportunity of being close to a
computer, yet their studies are likely to be conducted online. The Module is meant to prepare them
for the online learning, research endeavors and onward application of IT systems which have
unavoidably penetrated all spheres of life and professions.
This Module carefully covers all the aspects of IT that makes every student highly computer literate
by means of appreciating and unbundling many intricacies of student IT development using
introductory approaches. They are meant to foster student personal effectiveness, improve
productivity and maximize applications of IT resources in the learning and employment
environments. Key competences targeted in this Module include computer hardware and software
familiarization, uses and applications including research and surfing on the Internet.
Course Overview
It is our hope as the Faculty of Computer Engineering, Informatics and Communications
(representing the University of Zimbabwe) that you will find this Module useful in explaining,
expanding, demystifying and polishing your computer and IT literacy. Our desire is that you don’t
only grasp the theoretical aspects of IT skills, but actually master these skills and make them an
integral part of your learning tool kit for enhancing your online studies and employment thereafter.
We also hope that you will manage to demonstrate your grasp of all the tasks involved in your
assessment assignments.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!