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Electronics Engineering Question Bank - MOSFETs, Amplifiers

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies
(Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering)
1. Differentiate Analog and Digital Electronic circuits
2. Explain the construction and working of Following in detail
a) N channel JFET
b) P channel JFET
c) N channel D-MOST
d) P channel D-MOST
e) N channel E-MOST
f) P channel E-MOST
3. Explain the Regions of Operation with both NMOS and PMOS with neat sketches.
4. Explain MOSFET as a Capacitor
5. Define and derive the expressions for all MOSFET parameters like Trans
conductance, Amplification factor etc.
6. Explain following biasing techniques w.r.t. MOSFET
a) Fixed bias
b) Voltage divider bias
c) Biasing using a constant current source
7. Derive the expression for ‘IDS’ for a MOSFET
8. Explain channel length modulation and derive the expression.
9. Express how can a MOSFET can be interpreted / modeled in a small signal analysis
10. Explain the significance of small signal analysis over Large Signal Analysis? Using
small signal model analyze common source amplifier for following
a) With Bypass capacitor.
b) Without Bypass capacitor.
11. Derive all the small-signal parameters of CS amplifier connected in Drain to Gate
12. Derive all the small-signal parameters of Common Gate Amplifier.
13. Derive all the small-signal parameters of Source Follower.
14. Give the summary of all the small-signal parameters of all circuits
1. Give the classifications of different Amplifiers?
2. Explain how a transistor can be worked as an Amplifier?
3. Explain the significance of Multistage Amplifiers over Single Stage Amplifiers
4. Define Coupling? Explain different coupling techniques in Multistage Amplifiers
with advantages and disadvantages (if any)
5. Explain Loading effect in Multistage Amplifiers?
6. Explain how an Amplifiers is depending on Frequency? And hence define Frequency
Response of an Amplifiers? Also explain
a) Lower Cutoff Frequency
b) Upper Cutoff Frequency
c) Bandwidth
d) Gain in dB
7. Explain the effect of multi staging on Lower and Upper Cutoff Frequencies and hence
on Bandwidth?
8. Derive the small signal parameters of MOSFET Cascade Amplifier.
9. Derive the small signal parameters of MOSFET Cascode amplifier.
10. Explain Miller’s theorem? Derive the lower and higher cutoff frequencies using
Miller Capacitance.
11. Explain different MOSFET capacitances?
12. Explain the significance of Differential amplifiers over Single ended amplifiers?
Explain the construction and working of MOSFET Differential amplifiers in Common
Mode and Differential modes, Derive the corresponding ranges
13. Explain V.T.C of MOSFET Differential amplifiers
14. Explain the concept of Differential Half circuit
15. Derive the Ad of differential amplifier using small signal analysis.
1. Explain the basic need of Current Mirror in IC biasing
2. Explain the Construction and working of basic MOSFET Current Mirror? Derive
relevant equations
3. Explain why Active load is more efficient than Passive load?
4. Derive different parameters of differential amplifier with diode connected load using
AC analysis.
5. Derive different parameters of differential amplifier with Current Source as a load
using AC analysis
6. Derive different parameters of differential amplifier with current mirror as a load.
7. What is an Operational amplifier? What are the characteristics of ideal Op-Amp
8. Explain the principle of Virtuality in OP AMP?
9. Derive / Explain following w.r.t. Op-Amp
a) Gain of Inverting Amplifier
b) Gain of Non - Inverting Amplifier
c) Voltage Follower
d) Op-Amp Integrator
e) Op-Amp Differentiator
f) Op-Amp subtractor, adder, log, anti-log circuits
g) V to I and I to V converters
1. Explain the basic construction and working of NMOS, PMOS, CMOS
2. Describe the construction and working of NMOS inverter with the help of V.T.C.
3. Calculate the Critical Voltages on VTC of NMOS inverter
4. Explain the concept of Inverting amplifier with active load
5. Derive the zpu/ zpd of NMOS inverter driven through another NMOS inverter.
6. What is the zpu/ zpd of nMOS inverter . Driven by another nMOS inverter through one
or more pass transistors.
7. Describe the construction and working of PMOS inverter with the help of V.T.C.
8. Describe the construction and working of PMOS inverter with the help of V.T.C. and
derive CMOS inverter parameters.
9. Design following CMOS gates
b) NOR
c) AND
d) OR
e) EX-OR
10. What are the difference between static CMOS and dynamic CMOS inverters?
11. What is Pass Transistor Logic? Explain CMOS transmission gates in detail with
12. Realize XOR, XNOR using Pass transistor logic
13. Design following using CMOS logic
a) SR flip flop
b) JK flip flop.
c) 2*1 MUX
d) 4*1 MUX
1. Give the analysis of BJT small signal representation or Explain BJT small signal
2. What are Two Port Networks? Explain h – parameter model in detail?
Explain how BJT can be analyzed using h – parameter model? Derive all
h-parameters of BJT connected in CE configuration?
4. Explain approximated h – parameter model
5. Explain following w.r.t. BJT
a) re model
b) rπ model
6. give the DC analysis of following w.r.t. BJT and MOSFET (which ever its applicable)
a) fixed bias
b) base bias with collector feedback
c) base bias with emitter feedback
d) voltage divider bias
7. Derive the small signal Parameters of BJT fixed bias CE amplifier.
8. Derive the small signal Parameters of Emitter Follower.
9. Derive the small signal Parameters of BJT cascade amplifier.
10. Derive the small signal Parameters of BJT Cascode amplifier.
11. Derive the small signal Parameters of Darlington amplifier.
12. Explain why Darlington pair is name as Beta Multiplier
1. Explain the basic principle of Differential Amplifiers using BJT?
2. Explain the operation of Differential Amplifiers using BJT with common mode input
and differential mode input? Find input common mode rage?
3. Derive all relevant BJT Differential Amplifiers of Large signal parameters
4. Define CMRR of Differential Amplifiers? Explain
5. Justify the name Current Mirror? Explain the construction and working of basic BJT
Current Mirror? Derive current relationships
6. Explain the construction and working of any 3 transistor BJT Current Mirror? Derive
current relationships
7. Explain the construction and working of Wilson Current Mirror? Derive current
8. Explain the construction and working of Full Wilson Current Mirror? Derive current
9. Explain the construction and working of Widlar Current Mirror? Derive current
10. Explain the construction and working of multistage current mirror circuits.