Name ___________________________________________________ Mythology Study Guide Introduction: 1. What is the difference between primitive and classical mythology? primitive fear, monsters, sagrafices - classical - more civilized, 2. How are the Greek gods different from Egyptian or Mesopotamian gods? Greeks where the firstto make the gods look like them 3. What is “the miracle of Greek mythology”? Gods are likepeople 4. What are the “dark spots” referred to by Edith Hamilton? Human sagurifices monsters crility 5. How does she define mythology? explain nature 6. What is her explanation for differing views of the same gods? time, veins, geography 7. Identify the best-known writers of Greek and Roman mythology. a. Ovid- first to b. Homer- gather Iliad Sodysy c. Hesiod- farmer, poems d. Pindar- myths gric on how to be good Poetry e. Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripidesf. Aristophanesg. Plato- comidys plosephe h. Virgil- roman wrighter plays ↑ Chapter 1 The Gods: 1. Briefly identify the twelve gods of Olympus by both Greek and Roman names. a. Zeus (Jupiter)of Gods Godot the 3 King oak eagle, humans he hates when break but there word hera his wife cheates on fire lightning the Bolt all the A jealous goddess who with zess is tritent Horse city faw tempermental Darkness Cinvisibily) of Hades wife his persephone is Virgin Goddessshealso try / Amplitrite Hades Hera , Hestia God. just a e. Athena (Minerva)- Goddess of wisdom ow to He is not evil. is olive tree Jews, storms sea's married Brother to UnderWorld wealth God of weath. Helm S Earthshaker will calm the known to be d. Hades (Pluto)- marriage of her is of the Sea King c. Poseidon (Neptune)- Hades, Posiden Hera, Hestia Goddess Argos girls punishes Brotherto Hera b. Hera (Juno)- ①been of Gods cow? Peacock Sky married to Battle stradages She burstout like weaving crafts in full Battle of Zens's forhead Armor & Areteture Healers, music, poetry, Achery, light, truth see ·HeisalsogooDelphiOracle f. Phoebus Apollo (Apollo)- God of he is in other laurel · many of the creatures Dolphin Sun crow g. Artemis (Diana)- Goddess deer Young of the Wild, charge in virgin cypress is charge with virgingirls animals Beauty h. Aphrodite (Venus)- Goddess of love myrte wife of dove sperrow She jealose goddess Hephaestus most familiar ↑ dog Boar very hateful god. very the & hated by Hammer forges most ugly god very peaceful loving god fire Goddess a liked him Better gods in greece and painted him in Better light forges, smiths, city out Hera threw him makes armor, weapons, here 3 Jewlery 0folympusbecause hearth for her of underworld home people give offering to her meal for the gods Goddessof Alearth's l. Hestia (Vesta)fireplace virg. guide the romens all k. Hephaestus (Vulcan)-God of fire, Vockano solemn the dead to the gods j. Ares (Mars)- God of War vulture of the messager to humans cadocess from theires, trailers, markets, a messenger God i. Hermes (Mercury)- God of winged rose ocean iseafoam swa sandles Archery 9 Young a group of has moon the Goddess Hunters, of before every sheend inromecalled hasvirgins vestels 2. Identify some of the lesser Gods of Olympus. a. Eros- god of love Rome-serius Blindfolded is Blind Arrow Bow cupid greek-Baby Move persinality > b. Hebe- goddess of Youth ① LI married to * c. Iris- goddess of Hercules message rainbow messenge other messa people so god d. The Graces-3 visit yourhomewere e. The Muses- a Goodess pages. A to god of one Euphrosque-with splendor Aglaiax insperation Terpsichore dance colliope-epic Clio-history Malie Comidy - Uvania astronomy poestry Evato-lovepoetry Polyhymnia 3. Identify some of the Gods of the Waters. a. Poseidon (Neptune)- All seas Nowis b. Ocean- ocean c. Triton- trumpeter He plow in a of sea shell. Corrales song) d. Proteus- could tell furter shape change there can e. Naiads- water little nymphs goddess Muy protect of rivers a streams nature 4. Identify some of the Gods of the Underworld. him to talk a. Charon- boat mar pay him 3 setions Underworld of the = ~ - · Asphadala Erebus- put coins on to the underworld eyes upecome b. Cerberus- gard dog of a or ghost the underworld FarfcOSGeildsent c. Acheron, Cocytus, Styxriversofthe Elysian never - underworld & d. The Furies-3 operate of graces people punish bad e. Sleep and Deathlive in underworld Brothers Bring the to the name sake living 5. Identify some of the lesser Gods of the Earth. a. Demeter (Ceres)- Goddess of corn b. Dionysus (Bacchus)- God of dolphing Vine gases tisiphone megaera Alecto - song of gods poestry Estarpe -lyric melpoment tragedy - c. Pan (Faunus)- goat heards Wild places gods d. Castor and Pollux-proteters of sailors snow white horses e. The Satyrs- half goat men, home in wild places oreads mountian - f. Nymphs-the woodland in g. Boreas, Notus, Eurus, Zephyr- Gods south North east forms. lovely maiden DryPads-tree's of winds west h. The Centaurs- half humanhorse savage except for i. The Gorgons- Ston3yorgans, chiror j. The Sirens- beautiful singing to there look turned vocies that I importal, men do lured sailers death k. Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos- the fates. the spinder spon of the Disposer of lots thread the assined she cut the thread of life Desting life 6. Who are two well-known Roman gods? a. Saturn- protecter of sowers, the same as b. Janus- God of 2 faces Greek Cronus' Good one seed Jopeter father to beginnings young gold Chapter 2 The Two Great Gods of Earth: Demeter (Ceres) / Dionysus (Bacchus) 1. What do Greeks believe are the two basic gifts that Earth gives to man? corn vines 2. How are Dionysus and Demeter different from the Twelve Gods of mythology (3 answers)? they know pain. They where both suffering gods 3. How does the myth of Demeter explain the seasons of spring and winter? her has to daughter go to the Peresophary is the goddess of spring, underworld winter when she happens 4. According to myth, how is Dionysus born? How is this related to Dionysus’ association with grapes and his mother asked to see Jews true form. She dies 3 zews puts him wine? fire & Grapes need heats rain.His mother in his side. was by Nysa (avain nymph) raised 5. What are two contrasting ideas associated with the worship of Dionysus? Joy overdrunkens symolizen or for wine 6. How does Dionysus become a symbol of resurrection? of his humanity he dies every year because them have to with 9 grapes you prone 7. What is the connection between Dionysus and the Greek theater? mysteries fored story. he Eleusis of It his was mostly Coming pot worship. tradiady Chapter 3 How the World and Mankind Were Created 1. What is Hesiod’s version of the creation of man? Gitia Heaven & Chaus / / Death night /Erebus X I fita cyclops hecatoncheirs I /100 hands Olympion Boneats) I Love mankind /7 light Day brothers 2. Who are Prometheus and Epimetheus? means ↑ is forethought verywise they to where asked means scatter mankind make who afterthough was brains impulsife 3. What gifts does Epimetheus give to animals? What does Prometheus give to mankind to make us shrewed strongly sar, he swifness, wings. gave us fire superior to animals? 4. What is the second version of creation, the five stages of man? 1. Gold-perfective sprits 2. Silver-stupid brass-vilent 3. Godlike heros 7. Iron-regular people 5. - 5. What does Prometheus do that angers Zeus? he stole fire tricked Jews to be sacrifeified the bone fat instead of meat 6. How is Prometheus tortured? out everday his by eagle gifts plucked he was tied to mountian I had 7. Why is Pandora created? in box to punish men. the godomadeher core they gavehera withbadges 8. Why does Zeus send a flood to earth? wicked so he did this to cleans earth to men had grown 9. Who are the only two survivors? for nine days' nights box Dercalion : Pyrrha in 10. Who are the Stone People? -> and for every they threw rocks behind them rock they throw perso pops up Chapter 4 The Earliest Heroes 1. Summarize the story of each of these heroes: seen a. Prometheus and Io- towasa princesses.Zerofellother a a a a · D all A · · · B e a & ⑥ · @ a &· . 2 I - & - · a So cow. Hernew that the Hera asked for Her. cow Hera was give 10 a to woman Argos. Zeus askeattermessogreeto.HermeskillsA-grobo needs to to the nial b. Europa· & a Europa was picking human. She is flowers when Zers bull scared her of to crete. two of his sons. she gave birth to turned into Minus SRhadamathus. They the deads the vide world for turned into Judges of a river where related to into she turns back Hercules Rivers of Cocytes · · * * Styx the Underworld - river this regret Styx sacret over Jews Olympus cannot be broken · I year worst sin to comite sloth Glottery Greed river sacred to the gods - lust - - is take of Sins Wrath Phlegethon-river of fire Lethe river of forgetfulness because she helped · deadly Pride Acheron-river of pain 18 · · 7 Envy Seven Social rules of the Greeks coma ·9 year punishment · · · Honor the host/Guest Respect strangers respect the dead (bury on than the road noprely) & · · · · Myths • Gifts given to mortals by gods cannot be taken away—the mortal must give 'them up • Oath sworn on the Styx is sacred •The Fates’ decrees cannot be changed • Fates are most powerful force in Greek universe your parents' dont kill relities respect most avenge the Opay family killing the roles of relitives c. The Cyclops Polyphemus- polyphemosionowilove-ina sense his she love. Later doesn'treturn but Galatea falls whom kindly of him named Aris love a prince in he kills d. The Flower Myths, Narcissus, Hyacinth, Adonis- Echo was who was a love with Narcissus. Hera in nymph Hyacinth that slept for a nymph Heruso with Jews. Echo distracted the looking was Nemis to from Hyacinshes Apollo was at his to raise, turned hyacinth so blood to both fell in a love with him. Zers said Peresphone him him. head killing Heart broken baby Adonis was stolen to Parosphone by Aphrodite Igiven Apollo to love self. Narcissos thirst looking reflection of lower of resin onedaythey where ourowing hewascursedToechoeveryof died was a in him spring Adonis goes shunds him Aphrodite turned he flowers gets Aphrodite gets ssomoner. Ord day winters fall? a to bow dies a flower Chapter 5 Cupid and Psyche 1. How does Psyche compare in beauty with her sisters? beautiful. more 2. What plan does Venus have for Psyche? for her son cupid to make her marry ugly beast 3. What happens when Cupid meets Psyche? a falls no in love with her 4. How does “the mildest of winds” help Psyche? mashian he blows island with Psyche to a a made of gold 5. When and why does Cupid appear to Psyche? only at night she can't so see him 6. How do her sisters create doubts about Psyche’s future husband? they make her belive that he is a winged snake monster 7. Name one task Psyche had to do to win back Cupid and how it the got accomplished. underworlds separate seeds poppys,smillet. separate the of collect golden fleace from dangers sheep. A reed tells wheat, Ants help seeds 8. How does this myth end? Pyshe gets turned into a collect stix a her to wait tell the sheep to the creak collect the wool go from her water from eagle got river branches goddess. at this because Venus couldn'tget mad Pyshc would be to busy to go to the ngesoraerboxswherbenolygetmoronarieonter it for fell to turn mens a sleep. her. cupid saved head. Chapter 6 Eight Brief Tales of Lovers 1. How does the myth of Pyramus and Thisbe explain the deep red color of the mulberry bush? the two talked to eachother threw a crack in the wall. the sneak out to meet. the cloak leaving it torn a read lionors and drops her clok. The lion Attacks Thishe saw be sees this kills herself This kills himself. that thisbe is dead so he Pyramus thinks a 2. How does the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice explain the sweetness of the nightingale’s song? Erydice diesonthereweddingnighttoasnakebite.Orpheswent thesee to back, he looks back and loses Eurydice. 3. How does the mythwife of Ceyx and Alcyone explain the idea of Halcyon days? left his to consult A crycal. Alyone beged him not to go because it was cexy return. storm. He left is died Alyone prayed to the gods for him to she found out dangers trip. to give her dream her husbands passing. When for the of sleep a in Juno sent a fierce a god of They both turned into birds. she saw cexy body. she ran to the beach where sea is calm when Alyone sits on her nests the are 7 days where the Every year there goes back afterthe 4. How does the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea illustrate the power of love? hatch love always finds away a. Why does Pygmalion decide to remain a bachelor? he hates women b. Under what circumstances does he fall in love? he false in love with a statue c. How does Pygmalion act after this? her gift he dates her gives sea 8 laws of the mythological love story 1. Be faithful tolove he will "by away" &T & &T goo or must 2. You * workhard & 3. love · 4. Love always <of is Even the Simplication Keep love &T find be locked up ↑ gods that neither can cannot refuse love 97 8. Love (Eros) and soul (syche) work & we) ④ they a forgiving is is earn So & ⑰7. to away easy to kill 5. love cannot 6. love & [ together are ⑭p inseparable if d. Who helps Pygmalion in his desire to have the woman he loves? Aphrodite e. How does this story end? she turns into human a they get married ⑤ 5. How does the myth of Baucis and Philemon illustrate nature as a symbol of eternal love? one whentheyweregenerate arciss Philemonhere alway livedtogether into trees with I trunk a 6. Explain the myth of Endymion. the moon fell in love with the shepard Endymion. could caress the moon put him to sleep so she him at night 7. How is the myth of Daphne related to the laurel leaf as a symbol of victory? Daphne ahentress very beautiful. was She the attences of caught Apollo,hedisguisedhimselfaskedhertomanyhim.Sheraineat the tree into an his 8. A myth says that Greek flowers emerge from the bottom of a well in Ortygia. If a wooden cup is thrown into the Alpheus in Greece, it will reappear in the Arethusa in Italy. How does the myth of Alpheus and - - river Ortggia Arethusa explain these beliefs? followed asked Ortguia I a Artins god virgin goddess. to help her. Arethusa, Artimes fund a hier god, fell river into a in love with her. stream the Chapter 7 The Quest of the Golden Fleece Argo 1. What is the Golden Fleece? Hermes the sent a Ram with brought him rum to a golden coat. He Rum saved the Colchis. Phrixus Phrixus sacrificed the Ram to from getting sacrifice. make it. 2. Who is Pelias? Why is he worried about a “one-sandaled” stranger? Pelias threw his brother to become over told him to bewarethe the oracle killed that Pelias will be by a king.. wavingone shed relitive man 3. Why does Jason seek the Golden Fleece? Who helps him in his quest?She help make So he Hercules bring back 3 be Hera- people want to king it can come Orpheus Caster Pollox go on the quest Achilles father 4. What are three adventures he has along the way? the stop 14 stop Lemnos, where only women live a the 2nd Sind the 3rd is Phineus, a prophet, with the harpies the clashing rocks 5. How does the King of Colchis treat Jason when he arrives? What tests does he put Jason through? the task is plowa feild with 2 fireberthing the king gets baths, a feast. Then he plants dragons death, the of men teath whould grown bulls. 6. How does Medea figure in these events? Medea is a witha love arrow - Jason her Cupid shots with love in to fall sorceres. army who jason had to sight Hero Notes Definition alter of Origin Story mysterious backstory king Sons of God or must discover his purpose Weakness · · All heros have can be Jorney a Journey. See people places Side Quest way is myth lost adds heroic events Hero gets Way of the Danger Tentation Companions friends, sevents, followers interactions provides adds - back up responsibilty hero most Guides Gods Oracles Witches/sorceres keeps hero on p What here seeks hero grows - - Achive may be but his part Loneliness add Goals - hero- protect companions darkness sympolic · not clear or direct to in Experiencechanges the hero literal (underworld the world, find purpose Quest:specifo goul Adds adventure to the the Hero desends physical, mental, emotional Quest or exotic Darkness weakness is symbolic though guest leadership/maturity looking for learning is a item the important 7. What happens to Pelias after Jason returns with the Golden Fleece? What does Jason do to Medea at the Jason leaves modern Pelias killed jason father mother. Moden tricked end? Pelias daughter into chopping him ~p. Chapter 8 Four Great Adventures 1. How does the myth of Phaëthon explain the poplar trees that grow along the bank of the river Eridanus? Phaëthon is the son of the Sun (Helios) and Clymene (a mortal.) He went to the Sun's palace and asked that if he was really the Sun's son. Helios , said yes and allowed him to wish anything he wants. Phaëthon wanted to ride the Sun's chariot, but he lost control therefore the mysterious river Eridanus received him and cooled his body. His sisters, the Heliades, came to his grave to mourn for him, and turned into poplar trees, on the bank of the Eridamus. 2. Pegasus and Bellerophon - a. Why does Bellerophon believe that he can be equal to the gods? Bellerophon has the Pegasus, the winged horse, he has killed a monster, and he is respected and admired by many people b. What does Bellerophon forget? Bellerophon forgets that he is mortal, he only has Pegasus because of Athena c. What Greek beliefs does this story of Bellerophon illustrate? To be humble and know you place. 3. How does the myth of Otus and Ephialtes also show the foolishness of trying to rise above the gods? Otus and Ephialtes are twin brothers and Giants. They begin to believe that they are superior to the gods and they pursue Artemis, who tricks them by changing into a hind. The giant brothers throw javelins at the animal and kill each other. In this way, Artemis gets revenge against two people who challenged the gods 4. How does the myth of Daedalus explain the expression “flying too close to the sun”? grew to ambitions died because he "flew to close to the Sun" kaus Chapter 9 Perseus 1. How is Perseus’ birth magical? kill provised to Perseus is Zeus visited her as his golden open his mother was burried alive. rain, 2. Compare events in Perseus’ life to the following elements of a “Cinderella” story: gists 5 T-mirror a. Cinderella’s fairy godmother gives her a ball gown and a coach. Ather sisterings dive persus a swaran sheild shey-ee b. I andles swingatanything c. t a ·holds ga-invisiti d. Cinderella has certain rules to follow, such as leaving the ball by midnight. what his is killing he cant look at Cinderella is rescued from a miserable life by her fairy godmother. rescued by death Cinderella gets the prince in the end. Persicus married princess of Ethiopia ↑ Chapter 10 Theseus Athens 1. Before Theseus can go to A Artemis and claim King Aegeus as his father, what great test of strength is he es shoe Ea sword asword required to perform? get from behind bolder a 2. Why is Theseus loved by the Greeks before he ever meets his father? he killed a bunch of Cerical Killers 3. What two things does Theseus do to help the Athenians in their conflict with Minos? kill the mintare be to volenters tripof a 4. What kind of ruler is Theseus when he becomes King of Athens? want to rule he doest a creates democracy so he 5. How does the story of Hippolytus, Theseus’ son, and Phaedra, his wife, bring about the end of Theseus? Phaedra fell for Hippolytus, she killed herself said the son raped her. Theses exiled him his son died, Amenions exiled him I was killed by his frients. Chapter 11 Hercules 1. What are four examples of Hercules’ great strength? killing abstently killing people the Namen lion killed the Hydra lion the thespian killing 2. How could you interpret the following quote: “Intelligence did not figure largely in anything he did and was often conspicuously absent”? he wasent smart throw I didnt think thing 3. What happens to Hercules when Hera sends madness to possess him? easy make user got armsto it Deianira it so had thought a Herc. The love rob he fall in by charm, put burns him himself. Here kills with someone 7. else but Her father throw her away, she way raised by a Bear 2. List three adventures Atalanta has. Boar The Calydonian the centures the wrestly math 3. What declaration does Atalanta make about marriage? who beats her in a race marry 4. How does Melanion (Hippomenes) win her as his bride? throw enchanted golden apples 5. What becomes of Atalanta and her husband? turned into lions they got Chapter 13 The Trojan War 1. What does Edith Hamilton think is “one of the world’s greatest poems”? Iliad hers responsibil greatness wanting to a robe sent it on him. it cant kill Chapter 12 Atalanta 1. What are the circumstances of Atalanta’s birth? greatest 3. takes the sought at a wise the Hercis the victor 5. What happens after Hercules completes the twelve labors? Will a grant As marries again I PercyJackson Labrianth 6. How does he die and why is he allowed onto Mount Olympus? Hero reasons 1. Strogest person 2. confidence in being 4. How does Hercules become involved in battling Death? The king didn't tell Herc. the green adied. Her ↳ of sool do right i 2. What causes the Trojan War? all the Evis throw in a apple" for the serrest" see Paris Hera, Athena, Aphrodite. They go to a goddess whanded it prince shaperd. 3. How did Helen of Troy become involved in this myth? on Earth was the most beautiful women She 4. How does Odysseus (Ulysses) feel about the war? He doesn't want to fight because he wasnt a part of the maringe 5. How does Achilles attempt to escape from going to the war? He dresses as a women 1000 ships Troy-Hector Greece Achillies - 6. What sacrifice is Agamemnon required to make? sacrifice his daughter 7. Why does Achilles quit fighting? Agamedon tacks his arisewomen 8. How did they finally try to bring the war to an end? the called a a fire 9. Why didn’t it work? the gods prometed Had Paris' them to Menelaws Sight sight 10. What happens to Patroclus? winer As takes Achilles After killed him 11. What does Achilles do as a result? He whats to make Hector day End Chapter 14 The Fall of Troy 1. Why is Achilles mostly impervious to injury? Hismother dipiped him in the river stix is Survetobtestor ob the war starg brogen 2. How does Achilles die? the ankel He get shot in 3. Who becomes the leader of the Greek efforts after Paris is killed? Odysseus 4. What famous subterfuge do the Greeks use to overthrow Troy? A wodned house Chapter 15 The Adventures of Odysseus 1. What are four great adventures of Odysseus during his twenty years of wandering before he returned home? worded the Cyclopes circe-pigs derorlt un sirens 2. How are Odysseus and his wife Penelope finally reunited? he won the challenge Chapter 16 The Adventures of Aeneas Home Odyssey Ithaca S Penelope Telemachus Suitors Burail Sroud ↳ A Storm lotus enters Polyphemus/cyclopes laestrygorus/cuniptal giants bag of wind Circe 1 year, - Under world Sirens Pigs Charybds " Scyllas cattle Helios of Calypso-7 years in Phaeacie W e Again Allies (2) Disguised a Telemachos as a old Begger Argos Challenge string odysses bow Massacre Reunited with Penelope and shot is threw it ax holes - lose ships 1. What is the purpose of this story? so the romans hada hero to fall his story 2. Why does Aeneas travel to the Underworld and what does he learn there? to his see dad 3. How does Aeneas become the founder of the Roman race? he concurs Italy Chapter 17 The House of Atreus 1. How was Tantalus punished in the Underworld for his great sin? He can never eat or drink but is suroned 2. What was the cause of the feud between Atreus and Thyestes? thyesty by foods water sleeps with his brothers wife 3. How does Agamemnon die? hiswisebillshimfor killing 4. Who are Electra and Orestes? therehere 5. How does the oracle at Delphi affect Orestes? the Oracle instructed him to avenge his father 6. How does he manage to get into his mother’s palace? crests dies they say 7. How do Orestes and his sister make their escape from the Taurians? a the sister statue of to prove he his forgiven Artians the to brick the taurians pursing shenards by say king Orestes takes men Es scent the ex Chapter 18 The Royal House of Thebes the state in they make 1. What are the important circumstances surrounding the birth of Oedipus? there was prophecy that said he will kill his father marry his mother 2. How does Oedipus become King of Thebes? he kills the synks 3. What instruction does Apollo give to rid Thebes of a plague that has fallen on the city? Punish the guy who killed Laius 4. What does Oedipus do when he learns the truth of his past? What does Jocasta do? a the pins from Jocaste dress states his eys hebukes a kills herself 5. After Oedipus leaves the throne, who becomes king? What happens to Oedipus? he was banished hisyoungestson is king 6. What declaration does Creon make after the battle for control of Thebes? All the men that attacks thebes will not be buried 7. What results from this declaration? How does the House of Thebes come to an end? she is buried Alie she killed herself brother Antigoni burysher Chapter 19 The House of Athens ever body killstromsels 1. How does the contest between Athena and Poseidon, judged by Cecrops, indicate about the Greek I people? t shows that the greek people where more intelegent 2. What common practice does the story of Philomela and Procne illustrate? 3. Peoples child von Eating What may these stories tell us about the Greek people? are brutal 4. How does the story of Creüsa explain Hamilton’s claim of the end of Greek mythology? they 5. Apollo the any they How does this story differ from Apollo’s chasing of Daphne or Zeus’ pursuit of Europa? made Apollo bad just bad. is 5 Apollotet Daphne zeus took care be atree of Europe Chapter 20 Midas and Others 1. In the story of King Midas, how does Bacchus prove that Midas is a man of very little intelligence? making it so evething he touches including water food turns to gold 2. What other story shows the foolishness of Midas? him gette Donky Ears 3. What curse is put on the Danaids because they killed their husbands? with water but ther to carry a jar holes are Chapter 21 Brief Myths Arranged Alphabetically 1. Who are the Amazons? A of race disliked women warios that men 2. How does the myth of Arachne explain the weaving skill of the spider? she was with turned into a spider after a Athena very contest 3. How do two well-known constellations come into being, according to the myth of Callisto? E minor Ursamagor 4. What unusual situation exists in the story of Clytie? What is the result? She fell for god, a not the other way. She was turned into a sunflower 5. How does the story of Dryope show how much the Greeks believe in the protection of trees? she treed flower from the then was ponised into took a 6. Who is Epimenides? for he fell asleep 57 one years 7. What is the myth of Hero and Leander? Leander would swim to Hero on stormy wings he died trying to get to her 8. What is the source of Melampus as a great soothsayer? he saved a littel snakes, got the gist to new animals a 9. How does the constellation Orion come about? he was the best hunters always killed to honor them his pray so he convent