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Bags and Foams: Packaging Materials Presentation

Bags and Foams
Dr. Muhammad Farooq
Bulk and Heavy-Duty Bags
• Bulk bags and heavy-duty bags are designed for
packaging large quantities of solid or liquid product.
They can contain as much as 5000 kg (11,000 lbs) and,
therefore, must have high tensile strength.
• Woven PP fabric is usually the material of choice,
although HDPE, PVC, and polyester fabric are also used.
Some bags, especially in smaller sizes, are made of
film, usually LLDPE or HDPE, rather than fabric.
• Other bags include a plastic film layer in a construction
that is mostly paper. An alternative is to use the plastic
as a coating on the paper. HDPE, LDPE, PVDC, PP, and
combinations are all used in such applications.
• Bags made of woven fabric do not generally provide sufficient
containment for liquid products, so such bags often incorporate a
film liner.
• Polyethylene is used most often, but aluminum foil or PVDC
copolymers can be used to provide improved barrier ability. The
liner may be a single material, or have a multilayer construction.
• Alternatively, the bags can be coated with PVC or latex to make
them waterproof. Liners can also be used in bags for solid products.
Often the liner is designed to be disposable to facilitate reuse of the
bag. The bag seams can be heat-sealed or sewn, depending on the
material and the application. Some bags are made from tubular
material, so sealing is required only at the top and bottom. Others
have seams at the back, bottom, and top; or they can be made like
three-side seal pouches, with a fold forming the bottom of the bag.
• Large bulk bags are most often designed to be
filled from the top and emptied from the bottom.
• Filling and discharge openings may be sealed, or
may simply be tied shut. Spouts or other
dispensing devices may be included, or the bags
may be cut to open.
• Handling devices, such as loops of fabric, are
often incorporated. Ultraviolet light stabilizer
must be incorporated into the resin formulation if
the bags will be stored and used outdoors
• Bag-in-box structures of various kinds are very common. One of
the common ways to add rigidity to a flexible package, for
stacking and other purposes, is to combine it with a folding
• The most familiar example is breakfast cereal. The product is
contained in a pouch, but that pouch is itself contained in a folding
carton. In addition to rigidity that facilitates shipping, stacking, and
display in the store, along with storage in the consumer’s kitchen
cabinet, the paperboard provides an excellent surface for printing,
adding to the sales appeal of the package.
• Bags can also be contained in corrugated boxes, when additional
rigidity is desired. This is the approach taken for flexible pouches
containing wine. Bag-in-box wine pouches are multilayer structures,
typically containing a foil or metallized film layer for oxygen
• The pouch has a dispensing orifice and closure
attached that protrudes through a special opening in
the corrugated box, allowing for ease of use.
• Such packages provide much greater efficiency in terms
of weight and use of space than glass bottles. They also
provide excellent product quality over an extended
period after opening, since they prevent oxygen from
reaching the product and causing deterioration.
• However, they do not have the same consumer appeal
as glass bottles. They are used almost exclusively for
inexpensive brands in large quantities.
Plastic foams are used in packaging both as cushioning materials and as
containers. Polystyrene is used most often, but there is also considerable use of
polyethylene, polypropylene, and urethane foams, along with some other
Foams are characterized by very light weight, good insulating capacity, and the
ability to absorb shocks and protect the enclosed product. The most common use
of packaging foams is as cushioning materials, to protect products during the
distribution cycle.
Foam cushioning materials can be used as small shapes piled loosely around the
object, loosefill, or as molded pieces designed for a particular application.
Loosefill is used most often for light weight objects (used to prevent damage to
fragile objects during shipping) and molded pieces are used most often for large
heavy objects.
A variant of molded foam is foam-in-place systems, where the foam is formed
within the shipping container, using the container and the product as molds, and
producing a foam that fits tightly around the product. Foam containers are most
often produced by thermoforming extruded foam sheet. They can also be
produced by molding.
Foams types
• Foams can be divided into two groups.
• Open cell foams have communicating channels between adjacent
cells, got low compression set.
• In closed cell foams, the cells are completely surrounded by the
• In an open cell foam, liquids or gases can travel through the foam
by traversing the channels between the cells. Therefore these
foams tend to be absorbent; a sponge is a common example.
• Closed cell foams provide much better barrier and are
nonabsorbent. The cells sometimes contain substantial amounts of
residual blowing agent. Most packaging foams are closed cell. A
closed cell foam can be converted to an open cell foam by
subjecting it to enough force to rupture polymer membranes
between the cells, providing channels between them.
Polystyrene Foam
• Polystyrene, as mentioned, is the most common packaging foam.
Polystyrene foam is the material of choice if it can perform acceptably,
since it is typically the least expensive packaging foam available. It is
used extensively for containers as well as for cushioning material, in
molded shapes and in extruded form.
• Molded shapes are commonly termed expanded polystyrene foam (EPS),
while the extruded material is called simply extruded PS foam.
• The term “styrofoam” is often incorrectly used for these materials,
but Styrofoam is a Dow Chemical Company trademarked extruded
polystyrene foam used primarily for building insulation and not found in
packaging. PS foam is relatively chemically inert, and is acceptable for use
in food packaging. The ubiquitous coffee cup utilizes the light weight of PS
foam combined with its insulating ability to provide an inexpensive
container for hot drinks.
• Fast food outlets often use PS foam in the shape of bowls or clamshell for
products that need to be kept either hot or cold. Shippers of sensitive
products ranging from fish to pharmaceuticals often rely on PS foam
containers to keep products cold during distribution, especially if the
products are shipped by air freight.
• When insulation is not required, PS foam is still
frequently used as part of distribution packaging
systems due to its excellent shock-absorbing
• In a very different application, the cushioning
ability of PS foam is used in the form of labels on
single-serving glass bottles for carbonated
beverages to reduce surface abrasion of the glass,
permitting significant light-weighting that makes
the glass bottles more competitive with
aluminum cans and PET bottles.
Expanded Polystyrene Foam
• To make expanded polystyrene foam, PS granules or beads are
impregnated with a hydrocarbon blowing agent. The blowing agent
produces bubbles in the plastic, forming the cells, as it vaporizes.
Pentane is the most common choice, and is used in amounts up to 8% of
the polymer by weight. Both the amount of blowing agent and the
processing conditions influence the properties of the foam.
• The PS beads are pre-expanded by heating them to 85 to 96°C (185 to
205°F)to vaporize the pentane. Typically the beads reach 25 to 40 times
their original size, resulting in a foam density of 16 to 26 lb/m3 (1 to 1.6
• These pre-expanded beads are aged so that they reach equilibrium. Next,
they are packed into a mold, where they are held under several tons of
pressure while steam is introduced directly into the mold. The heat and
pressure cause the beads to fuse together, producing a semirigid closed
cell foam. The mold is overfilled at the beginning of the cycle, since space
is occupied by the voids between the beads, as well as by the foam itself.
If the mold were not overfilled, gaps in the finished product would result.
• The product is held in the mold during a cooling cycle, and
then released when it is dimensionally stable. The mold can
directly produce the final shape desired, or it can simply
produce a block of material that is subsequently cut into
the final shape.
• Additional aging and curing steps may be employed to
further reduce the density of the material. Expandable PS
beads are manufactured in three sizes: small, medium,
and large.
• The bead size required depends on the wall thickness of
the molded part. Large beads can be used for thick walls,
while small beads are necessary for products with thin
Extruded Polystyrene Foam
• Extruded PS foam is produced using extrusion, rather than molding. The
PS resin is melted in an extruder, the blowing agent and a nucleator
mixed in, and the blend extruded.
• As with molded foam, the blowing agent creates the cells as it vaporizes.
The purpose of the nucleator is to aid in obtaining the desired cell size and
uniformity by providing sites for bubble growth.
• Talc, citric acid, and blends of citric acid with sodium bicarbonate are
often used as nucleators. The blowing agent is usually a hydrocarbon or
hydrocarbon blend, which is injected into the melt as a liquid, or
sometimes as a pressurized gas. In recent years, use of carbon dioxide as a
blowing agent, either in place of or blended with hydrocarbons, has
increased substantially.
• Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were common blowing agents in the past, but
are no longer allowed due to their ozone depleting activity;
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), which are less active in ozone
depletion, cannot be used as blowing agents in the U.S., and are also being
phased out worldwide.
• The melt is kept under pressure until it leaves the die, preventing
vaporization of the blowing agent. When the melt exits the die, the
pressure is released and the blowing agent immediately vaporizes,
expanding the melt.
• If the melt strength of the polymer is not high enough, this abrupt
expansion will fracture the melt. It must be able to withstand the
pressure exerted by the blowing agent, forming a uniform network of
cells. For polystyrene, this requires that the melt be cooled after the
blowing agent has been introduced and before the pressure is released.
• Two methods are commonly used for cooling the melt to the required
temperature. One method is to incorporate a cooling zone in the
extruder, after the blowing agent has been blended in.
• The more common approach is to use a two-extruder system, or tandem
system. The polymer is melted and the blowing agent and nucleator added
in the first extruder. The melt is then introduced, still under pressure, to
the second extruder, where it is cooled and then released through the die.
The foam can be produced as a flat sheet, using a slit die as is done for cast film.
Most often, however, a tubular film is produced, using an annular die. In this
process, a compressed air ring around the circumference of the die forms a thin
skin on the foam surface as it exits the die and begins to foam. The tube of
foamed PS passes over a water-cooled mandrel, which provides additional
cooling. Next the foam is slit and wound into rolls.
The amount of blowing agent introduced is the primary determinant of the final
density of the foam. The size and number of cells are controlled by the amount of
nucleating agent. Extruded PS foams used for packaging typically have densities of
64 to 96 kg/m3 (4 to 6 lb/ft3). As mentioned previously, the sheet is commonly
thermoformed, often using matched molds, to produce the desired package
shapes. Matched mold forming is used to minimize the distortion that would
otherwise likely result when the sheet is heated. For best results, the sheet should
be aged for 3 to 5 days before thermoforming, so the gas pressure in the cells can
The scrap produced during thermoforming can be ground and densified in an
extruder for recycling. Used foams can also be recycled.
Styrene Copolymer Foams
• Copolymers of styrene and other monomers
are also used in packaging foams. The most
common is styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) foam,
which is a semirigid foam and offers better
performance than PS foam for heavy products
(high static loads).
• The density of SAN foam is usually about 16
lb/m3 (1 lb/ft3).
Polyolefin Foams
• Polyolefin foams are somewhat higher in cost than PS
foams. They are also more flexible and better able to
provide protection from multiple impacts.
• Typical densities are 16 to 32 kg/m3 (1 to 2 lb/ft3).
Polypropylene foams have somewhat greater rigidity than
polyethylene foams. Polyolefin foams, like PS foams, are
available in two varieties; expanded (generally termed
moldable) and extruded. PE/PS copolymer foams are also
available, with characteristics generally intermediate
between PS and PE foams, but with outstanding toughness.
The manufacture of polyolefin foams is very similar to
manufacture of extruded PS foam. Hydrocarbons or blends
of hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide are used as blowing
agents. An annular die and forming mandrel is used to
produce extruded sheet products. Extrusion through
rectangular slit dies onto a conveyor belt is used to produce
• PE foams are also available in cross-linked grades. These
are manufactured in a much different manner.
• Rather than physical blowing agents, like hydrocarbons
and carbon dioxide, chemical blowing agents such as
azodicarbonamide are used. These agents produce a gas
as a result of a chemical reaction. The resin, additives,
cross-linking agents, and blowing agents are mixed
together at temperatures below the activation
temperature of the blowing agent, and then extruded into
a flat sheet or other profile. Next, the material is crosslinked, either chemically or by radiation. Radiation is
typically used for thin materials, and chemical crosslinking for thick profiles. The final step is to expand the
foam by exposing it to hot air (about 200°C) to activate
the blowing agent.
Polyurethane Foams and Foam-inPlace Systems
• Polyurethane foams are not widely used in packaging, but
they do have significance in systems that rely on foam-in
place operations, rather than on molded cushions or
loosefill. In these systems, a mixture of a polyol and an
isocyanate, with other ingredients, is injected into the
erected shipping container (usually a corrugated box). As
the foaming reaction begins, a PE film is placed over the
top of the mixture, the product is added, and a second
layer of film placed over the product. Next another shot of
the polyol/isocyanate mixture is added, and the case is
quickly sealed. As the foaming action continues, the
product, protected by the polyethylene sheets, is tightly
encapsulated within the foam (Fig. 13.1). Alternatively, the
foam ingredients can be dispensed into a plastic bag within
the cart
• Foam-in-place systems are not usually as cost-effective as
molded cushioning or loosefill in high volume packaging
operations. However, in low volume applications where
relatively heavy products of many different shapes and
sizes are packaged, they can be advantageous. In these
situations, molded cushions to fit all the various packages
and products are not economical, both in terms of initial
investment and in terms of the logistics involved in getting
the correct cushion for the correct product. Loosefill works
well in such situations for light products, but for heavy
products it tends to become displaced within the package,
allowing the product to settle to the bottom, and perhaps
become damaged.
Starch-Based Foams
• Starch-based foam loosefill packaging shapes are also
available. While starch was not traditionally considered a
plastic, the technique for producing these foams involves
plasticizing the starch with water (and sometimes
additional plasticizing agents) in an extruder and molding it.
Starch foam shapes and cushions compete with loosefill PS
and molded PS cushions. The major advantage of starchbased foams is that they are considered by many to be
more environmentally friendly, in part due to their water
solubility. A related disadvantage is their tendency to be
susceptible to moisture sorption, which may even result in
collapse in environments with very high humidity. There
have also been concerns, for some starch-based cushioning
materials, about rodent or insect infestation
Nonfoam Plastic Cushioning Systems
• Not all plastic cushioning systems rely on the use of foam. Two
major alternatives use air to provide resiliency, but are not foams.
In bubble wrap, air bubbles of a defined size and pressure are
sealed between two plastic sheets. These materials can be used as
wrapping material, or as bags or envelopes. Several different sizes
of bubbles are available. The larger sizes are intended for heavier
duty applications, and the smaller ones for lighter duty. Bubble
wrap is an exceptionally light weight packaging material, with a
density as low as 11 kg/m3 (0.7 lb/ft3). Another alternative is the
use of transparent inflatable bags to provide a cushion of air around
the product. A major advantage of these systems is that they
occupy minimal space during shipping and storage prior to use,
since they are inflated at the point of use. Some are designed to be
collapsible and reinflatable, permitting reuse.
• To select a cushioning system that will protect a product
during transportation, it is necessary to know how fragile
the product is and the distribution hazards it is likely to be
exposed to, as well as the performance characteristics of
the cushioning material. Product fragility is generally
determined by actual testing of the product. It is usually
reported in “G-levels,” the number of multiples of normal
gravitational force that results in product damage. For
analysis of distribution hazards, it is common to use
characteristic drop heights that depend on the product
weight and the type of handling system used. Then a
calculation can be made, determined by the characteristics
of the cushioning material, of the G-level a product would
be subjected to in falling from the designated drop height,
protected by the cushion under consideration
• If this G-level is lower than that which causes product
damage, the cushion would be expected to successfully
protect the product. If it is higher, a different cushion
needs to be chosen. The information about cushion
performance is most often transmitted in the form of
characteristic “cushion curves” that let us determine
the suitability of foams as cushioning materials.
Computer programs that contain mathematical models
of cushion curves for various types of foams,
sometimes along with cost information, are also
available. Relatively simple calculations then permit
selection of an appropriate cushion thickness and loadbearing area that can reasonably be expected to
provide adequate protection for a given product.
• In addition to impact forces, transmission of vibrations to the
product can result in damage. Characteristic vibration
transmissibility plots for foams are also available, which can be
matched with the product’s susceptibility to damage. Of course, the
design process should be followed by the preparation of a model
package and suitable testing of the product/package system, or in
case of a very expensive product, a mock-up used with
accelerometers to determine actual performance. It must be kept in
mind that the fragility of the product may be different in different
parts. For example, if the product falls on its side as opposed to its
bottom, the result may be either greater or less damage. In general,
at least for products contained in corrugated fiberboard boxes, flat
drops are more damaging than corner drops, because when the box
deforms during a corner drop, it absorbs some of the impact
• For the cushion with a characteristic cushion
curve shown in Fig. 13.2, calculate the loadbearing area that will provide adequate
protection for a product measuring 20 cm by
30 cm, with a mass of 10 kg, and with a
fragility of 50 G. The maximum expected drop
height for the product is 1 m.
• We can eliminate the 2.5-cm cushion immediately since it
does not provide decelerations below 50 G at any static
loading. The 5-cm and 7.5-cm cushions are both
possibilities. To determine under what conditions they
would be usable, we need to calculate the static loading.
The static loading must be between 7000 and 27,500 nt/m2
to keep the G under 50 for the 5-cm cushion. The static
loading must be above 4000 nt/m2 and can be as high as
45,000 nt/m2, the maximum extent of our information, for
the 7.5 cm cushion. With a 10 kg object, the loading will be
7000 nt/m2 with a cushion area of 140 cm2 (see sample
calculation next). The loading will be 27,500 nt/m2 with a
cushion area of 35.7 cm2.
• Since the footprint of our item is 600 cm2, either of these
or anything in between is feasible. Thus our cushion can
provide any contact area between 35.7 and 140 cm2, if we
are using a 5-cm cushion, but should not provide more or
less than this to get adequate performance. If we choose to
use a 7.5-cm cushion, by the same process we determine
that the cushion area should be at least 21.8 cm2 and not
more than 245 cm2 to ensure adequate performance. The
precise cushion geometry can be anything that is practical
for the particular product. Static loading = force/area =
(mass × g)/area So, area = (mass × g)/static loading ,area =
(10 kg × 980.665 cm/s2 × m/100 cm × nt/(kg m/s2))/7000
nt/m2) = 0.014 m2 0.014 m2 × (100)2 cm2/m2 = 140 cm2
Thermal Insulation Using Foams
• Foams, in addition to being useful as cushioning, can
be used to provide thermal insulation for products. A
frozen product, for example, might be packaged with
ice (or dry ice or gel packs) to provide cooling, and
encased in a foam container to help reduce the
conduction of heat from the surroundings into the
container. Often the temperature inside and outside
the container can be regarded as relatively constant,
and the heat transfer process can considered
essentially one-dimensional. In such cases, Fourier’s
law of heat conduction reduces to its one-dimensional
steady state form:
• where q is the rate of heat conduction, T is temperature on
the two sides of the material, A is the area available for
heat transfer, x is the thickness of the material in the
direction of heat transfer, and k is the thermal conductivity
of the material. As can be seen, the higher the thermal
conductivity of a material, the more heat will be
transferred through it in a given amount of time, at a
specific temperature difference. Plastics are, in general,
good insulators. Gases are much better insulators than
solids, so in a foam, the combination of the plastic and the
gas pockets within it provides very low thermal
conductivity. Each phase, gas and solid, contributes an
amount roughly proportional to its volume fraction.
Thermal conductivities of some common packaging foams
are given in Table 13.1.
• These values can be used to calculate the length of time
that a product in a given package can be expected to
remain at a safe temperature, as shown in the following
• A 1 kg product that must be kept at a temperature of 0°C is
packaged with 2 kg of ice in a 1.5 cm thick expanded
polystyrene container, with inside dimensions measuring
0.4 m × 0.4 m × 0.6 m. How long will the product be
protected? The thermal conductivity of the polystyrene
foam is 0.030 w/m K. The outside temperature is constant
at 25°C. To simplify the problem, we will assume the heat
conduction can be represented with reasonable accuracy
by one-directional heat transfer through the total inside
area of the container, and that the container provides the
only resistance to heat transfer. We will also assume the
product and the ice start out at a temperature of 0°C. They
will then remain at 0°C until all the ice is melted. Thus we
need consider only the heat of fusion of the ice, 6.01
• The total amount of heat which can be
conducted without harming the product,
then, is (6.01 kJ/mol)(2 kg)(mol/18 g)(1000
g/kg) = 668 kJ The rate of heat transfer can be
calculated from Equation 13.1:
• One of our assumptions in this problem, that the
foam container provides the only resistance to
heat transfer, is, in many cases, a poor
assumption. We have also assumed that
conduction is the only mechanism for heat
transfer—that radiation and convection do not
play a role. This assumption is accurate in many
instances, but inaccurate in others. We must,
therefore, regard this calculation as only a rough
approximation to the actual performance of the
Plastic Pallets
• Increasingly, plastic pallets are being used in place of
wooden pallets for product distribution. Although the cost
of a plastic pallet can be four times the cost of a wooden
pallet, its lifetime is usually much longer, typically five to
nine years. Repair of broken plastic pallets is not usually
feasible, but they are recyclable. Consequently, there is
frequently an overall economic advantage to using plastic
pallets. Because plastic pallets represent a substantial
investment, their use is most suitable in situations where
the distribution environment is relatively controlled, so that
loss can be minimized.
• HDPE is used most often in pallet manufacture, with PS, PP,
and fiberglass-reinforced plastics also being used. Steel
reinforcements can be added to increase the pallet’s loadbearing capacity. Structural foam molding is common, with
low-pressure injection molding producing pallets with a
solid skin and a foamed core. Wall thickness is generally 0.5
to 2.5 cm (0.19 to 1.0 in).
Plastic Drums and Other Shipping
• High molecular weight HDPE is increasingly being used for drums,
pails, totes, and similar shipping containers, as an alternative to
steel and fiberboard. Plastic drums are often used for chemicals,
and are also used frequently in the food-processing industry.
Standard drum sizes in North America are 57, 76, 114, 132, 208,
and 216 L (15, 20, 30, 35, 55, and 57 gal), with 208 L (55 gal) used
most often. Drums are categorized as closed-head (or tight-head)
or open-top. Open-top drums are used mostly for water-based
products, and are easier to clean and reuse. Plastic drums are
permissible for shipment of hazardous materials provided the
appropriate testing has been done and the containers are properly
• Another use of plastic in drums is as a polyethylene liner in a steel
drum. The liner adds chemical resistance and simplifies cleaning
and reuse of the drum, since it can be discarded and replaced with
a new liner.
• Plastic pails, usually produced by injection molding
from HDPE that contains a butene comonomer, are
available in sizes from 4 to 23 L (1 to 6 gal). Open-top
containers, which account for about 75% of the
market, are referred to as pails.
containers are called either pails or jerrycans (also
written jerry can or jerrican). Pails generally include a
handle. Pails or other containers used for shipping
hazardous materials must have passed required
performance tests.
• Plastic crates and boxes are usually injection molded
from HDPE or PP. They are available in a variety of
sizes and designs. Most of these are designed to be
reusable, and often will either collapse or nest to
minimize space requirements when they are not in
• Plastic boxes can also be made from plastic corrugated, usually a PP
copolymer or HDPE. Polycarbonate is used in some special
applications. The corrugated board can be made directly using
extruded profiles, or it can be assembled by laminating together
three separate sheets: the two liners and the inner fluted layer. The
boxes can then be made by die-cutting, scoring, and folding the
board, similar to the process used for making corrugated card
board. The main difference is in joining the seams. High frequency
welding generally gives the best results. Silicone-based or hot-melt
adhesives can be used if the board has been corona-treated to
enhance adhesion. Metal staples (stitching) can be used, but are
not as desirable since they create weak spots in the container
around the staples. Plastic corrugated is particularly suited for
manufacture of conductive containers for electronic parts that
require protection against electrostatic discharge (ESD). Carbon
films printed onto corrugated paperboard can be used, but there
are problems with wear and fiber generation. These are avoided
with conductive plastic corrugated, since the conductive material
can be introduced into the polymer before extrusion.
Packaging for Electrostatic Discharge
• As mentioned above, sensitive electronic
products require protection from electrostatic
discharge (ESD). In unmodified plastics, ESD is a
significant problem, since the nonconductive
nature of plastics causes them to easily
accumulate static charges. Consequently, when
plastic packaging is used for sensitive devices, it
must be modified to make it less susceptible to
charge buildup, and to provide for dissipation of
any charges that are created. Both of these are
accomplished by providing a conductive path for
• The most common way to alter the susceptibility of the plastic to
static charge accumulation is to add to it some component that
attracts and retains a thin layer of surface moisture, and at the
same time weakly ionizes it. The ionized water provides the needed
conductive path so that static charges will dissipate. The additive
can be applied to a surface layer in the material, can be distributed
through the bulk of the material, or can even be confined in an
inner layer of a coextruded material. Antistatic additives that are
commonly used include ethoxylated amines, quaternary amines,
and ethoxylated amides.
• Antistatic packaging materials come in a variety of forms, including
film, foam, bubble wrap, and containers. These materials are often
tinted pink as a visible signal of their antistatic properties. An
alternative to the use of additives is selection of plastics that are
inherently static-dissipative. While such materials are still largely
experimental, one promising alternative is polyamide ethylene
oxide block copolymers.