Chapter 29 - Test Review Proteins in food such as cheese provide the body with which monomers - amino acids 645 Which list of of the stages of food processing follows in the same order in which they happen in the body - digestion, absorption, elimination 637 Chemical digestion of starches begins in the - mouth 637 The epithelial layer of the stomach is protected from self digestion by a layer of - mucus 640 The role of the liver in digestion is to - store bile 640 Which of the following are essential nutrients - sodium, calcium, and iron 645 How are ingredients listed on nutritional facts labels - by the abundance of food 647 Describe the results of digestion of carbs, proteins, and fats - sugars, amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol 636 Describe the function of epiglottis - seals off windpipe while eating 639 Explain how peristalsis moves through the alimentary canal - muscular contraptions, break down of foods, and water absorption 639 Explain what roles the stomach plays in mechanical and chemical digestion - churning, and hydrochloric acid 640 How does heartburn occur - hydrochloric acid is stuck in esophagus 640 How does the structure of the small intestine match its function - it results in the digestion of most food and obtains materials from the villi on the way 641 Explain the relationship between calories ingested, calories burned, and changes in weight if you consume more calories, your body will gain weight. If you consume less calories, then your body burns them naturally 647 Why are certain amino acids considered essential amino acids - the essential amino acids are needed from food because the body cannot create them 645 What is an eating disorder - any abnormal signs of eating, (weight, thiness, bingeing) anorexia 649 Mouth - salivary amylase breaks down carbs in mouth 639 Pancreas - pancreatic enzymes help to break down carbs 641 Small intestine - pancreatic amylase and maltase break down starches 640 What percentage of total calories in this product is from fat - 22.8% 651 Based on the grams of saturated fat and its % daily value, calculate the upper limit of saturated fat that a person should consume daily 651 Is this product an overall good source of vitamin a and calcium - no because they both come in amounts of 10% 651 Which digestive organ contains villi - small intestine 641 What is the structure labeled a. What is its function - lacteal, lymphatic capillary that absorbs dietary fats 640-641 What is the structure labeled b. what is its function - capillaries, absorbs water soluble vitamins, amino acids, and sugars 640-641 A snacks foods packaging advertises that it is now fortified with calcium and iron. How can you decide if this is a healthy food choice - it is healthy because fortified means natural nutrients my brain Describe at least one possible effect of a diet lacking in one of the nine essential amino acids - they would most likely have malnutrition because they are lacking essential amino acids my brain Suppose a person's body does not absorb enough nutrients even though she eats a healthy, balanced diet. What might be a possible cause of such a condition - she may have anorexia because she might not be getting the right nutrients to grow in height, weight, and size my brain Digestion is completed in large intestine - its completed in the small intestine 640 You cannot drink water while standing up side down - your esophagus will push the water down to your stomach by muscular contractions 639 Polysaccharide digestion occurs in the liver - it mainly occurs in the mouth, pancreas, stomach, and small intestine 636-637 Your cells can manufacture vitamin k - vitamins b6, b9, b12, a 645 Malnourished people are always underweight - malnourished people can be large and weight and still not obtain- the right amount of nutrients the body needs for to grow 648