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Exercise & Mental Health: COVID-19 Impact on Students

APA Citation:
- Heumann, E., Trümmler, J., Stock, C., Helmer, S. M., Busse, H., Negash, S., & Pischke,
C. R. (2023). Study Conditions and University Students’ Mental Health during the
Pandemic: Results of the COVID-19 German Student Well-Being Study (C19 GSWS).
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(7), 5286. MDPI
AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20075286
- Danielsen, K. K., Cabral, D., & Sveaas, S. H. (2023). “Students Moving Together”,
Tailored Exercise for Students Facing Mental Health Challenges—A Pilot Feasibility
Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(17),
6639. MDPI AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20176639
Main Take Away:
Exercise can be found to improve productivity, mental health, and wellness based off of
several studies conducted throughout the years. Many student athletes tend to live a more
organized and productive life as they are forced to have a strict schedule and are constantly
getting in exercise, boosting their mental health and wellness. Along with this sense of mental
health and wellness, student athletes are surrounded by an environment with support from their
fellow teammates and coaches. When the whole world was put on lockdown due to Covid-19,
student athletes were stripped of these amenities as they were forced to isolate themselves. Due
to this, they lost the ability to workout and have the support they were so used to which, through
several studies, can be seen to worsen their mental health conditions and wellbeing. Through
these two studies, there is clear evidence that there is a decent correlation between the amount of
exercise students get and their mental health along with the effects of covid-19 on this level of
mental health.
● Mental health issues are a leading cause for lack of motivation along with blockages in
● Physical activity can help improve the mental health and well being of a person.
● In the study “Students Moving Together”, 92.3% of students in the study showed no
signs of anxiety or depression. They also showed signs of improved wellbeing as no one
scored <14 on the WEMWEB test.
● From the pre-test and post-test results in the same study, 9/10 students showed signs of
improved symptoms of anxiety and depression.
● There was sufficient evidence that students can retain an exercise intervention throughout
their week which will help improve and maintain their mental health condition and well
● Severe mental health issues can lead to a shorter lifespan and is important to reduce this
risk in students.
● University students have more of a risk than others their age to gain mental health issues
as they have many more expectations and more stress.
● Covid-19 caused an increased amount of stress in university students as they were forced
into a new schedule with isolation causing more symptoms for depression and anxiety.
● Based off the results in the study for university students in german, most students showed
signs of depression and anxiety throughout covid-19
● Symptoms of depression and anxiety can be seen to last longer than just the lockdown
period of Covid-19 and can leave students with long term effects.
Direct Quotes:
- “Mental health challenges are further associated with reduced psychosocial health and
quality of life and are common reasons for sick leave and work disability, as well as
dropping out of school and studies” (Para. 2, Danielsen)
- “Exercise can also be an important tool for improving educational achievements” (Para.
5, Danielsen)
- “Eight of ten students increased their well-being from pre- to post-test” (section 3.3.1,
- “nine of ten students reduced their symptoms of depression and anxiety from pre- to posttest” (section 3.3.1, Danielsen)
- “Overall, our results indicate that it is possible to recruit and retain students facing mental
health challenges for an exercise intervention.” (section 4, Danielsen)
- “Compared to individuals of the same age who are not studying at higher education
institutions, university students are more likely to develop mental disorders, such as
anxiety or depression, or experience suicidal thoughts.” (Para. 1, Heumann)
- “These COVID-19-related stress factors are found to be associated with the occurrence of
mental health problems, resulting in higher prevalence rates for depressive symptoms and
anxiety compared to pre-pandemic times.” (Para. 3, Heumann)
- “When using the cut-off, 28.6% of the students were categorized as having depressive
symptoms.” (section 3.2, Heumann)
- “31.2% of the students indicated anxiety symptoms.” (section 3.2, Heumann)
- “Between a third and slightly less than half of the students perceived a burden because of
changed study conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic.” (section 4, Heumann)
- “Study worries can lead to anxiety and doubts about completing a programme, to changes
in the subject, or to dropping out. In fact, research suggests that mental health problems
during the pandemic led to higher drop-out rates than prior to the pandemic” (section 4,
These two studies can show that when an athlete is stripped from their ability to workout
and have their support from others in instances such as covid, they tend to suffer from greater
anxiety and depression. The first study allows others to see the impact that exercise and physical
activity can have on a student as it boosts their productivity and mental health. Students are seen
to have lesser symptoms of anxiety and depression when they have a sustainable workout
routine. In the second study, they portray how students who were forced into quarantine due to
Covid-19 were seen to suffer from depression and anxiety. These symptoms can lead to long
term effects on students as they are put under worsened stress than before. When a student
athlete has their ability to workout and have access to their teammates and coaches along with
being put under the stress of covid, they are more likely to develop symptoms of anxiety and
depression. Students shouldn’t be put through stress and anxiety as it could leave them with
lifelong effects such as a shorter life span.
Further Questions:
1. What boundaries can be put in place to avoid student athletes from losing their resources
to exercise and their support?
2. Are there any actions that could’ve been taken during Covid-19 to prevent students from
gaining symptoms of depression and anxiety?