- r\,r BDt Paper / Subject Code: 44302 / Research Methodology l"*- _V I t B-rl- \ 1 Marks:75 Duration:2.5 Hours' Q.l A) Match the pairs: Any 8 Column A Null Hypothesis 1 a) Correlation Tabulation of data Title b) Survey Alternate hypolhesis e) 6. 7. AppenCiies o. io"r*tr -- - s) h) 9. luOg"*t S.*ptt"g i) i0. Research Design i) 2. J. 4. 5. Q.l B) State 1. first -supplementarrv Primary data c) d) 0 Column B page of research proposal a Material'f iNon-Probability Sampling q Ho Ranges betrveen -1 & +1 L Secondary Data Blueprint of research rvork , o Sorling and counting of data g H1 TRLTII or FALSE: Any 7 Formulation cf hypothesis is a last stage in research. 2. Analysis of rJata refers to drawing of conclusions from data3. Eeiiiirig heips iire rcsearcher ,Lo arraiige daia in staiisticai tables and glaphs. 4. Correlation analysis is a technique that requires a large number of lady respondents. 5. Scientific research is a type ofapplied research. 6. Hypothesis must be based on objectives of research. . Pr.r'3 l'esedrch is also callecl as Basic research. 8. Questionnaire ideally can be a combination of open and close ended questions. 9. Repcrlt r,vnting is the iast activity of the research process. 7 10. Research abstract is a summary Q.2 (A) What is research? State the of techrdcal report. tlpes of research. Q. 2 (B) Describe rvith suitable examples the methods of probability sampling. ::=_-r+ 8 7 OR Q. 2 (C) What is research design? State the types of research design. 8 Q. 2 (D)What is hlpothesis? Explain the sources of hlpothesis used by researcher. 7 Q.3 (A) What is personal interview? Explain the types of personal interview used by researcher. 77060 Page 1 of 2 389F5 3D3223 1,+'1C71 BCE2CC990D2E:13D Paper/SubjectCode:44302/1tesearchMethodology:'-: ':'l " Q.3 (B) What is secondary data? State and explain the sources of secondary data? ' ':":' 7 OR Q. 3 (C) Discuss the 'Discriminant Analysis' as advanced statistical technique used in research. 8 Q. ). 3 (D) Explain editing of data r.vith its types. types. 7 '. :i. ()l data. rx)es of or analysis anarysls of GaLa. Q.4 (A) What is concept of analysis of data? Discuss types Q.4 (B) Describe tabulation and various types of tabulation o 8 7 OR Q. 4 (C) \\,'hat do rvou mean by interpretation of data. State its imporlance to researcher 8 Q. 4 (D) Discuss fcrourotes and bibli ln r( 8 7 OR Q. 5 Short notes on: (ANY 3) i. ii. iii. iv. v. Characteristics F rlut,rr 15 of research -\nali'si: ANOVA Popuia"r Reporl Social meclia ancl media Iistening ***88:1.*** 77060 Pase2ofz I B 9 I--5 -i L) I2: 3i i:i C 7 + ll C I',: C C, 9 0D ? Ir,1 3 I)