AIKyl halides and A ryl halides Halo alkanes and halo arenes) AKylhalide. AlKyl halide. AlKane R-H He-x cHy +X Cmethane ) Cmethy! halile) (X = -F, -cl, -8Y o -) Aryl halide: Aryl halide. Arene CHalo arene) aromate cumpo nd eg: (Benzene) ++ X = (halo be nze ne) (or -F, -cl, -Br -) 2 Classifi caion . Aryl halides & ides hal lIKgl A Tri hal o Dihalo alkane Mono halo alkane alkane. HCcH-CH, eq: He-X eg: eg: eg: Compounds Centaining Compounds Cuntaining se Sp bord Alyl halides (R Allylic halides Beylf halides eg: çHX He-cHx C-X bond. Vinylic Aryl halides halide eg: eg: He=cH-X ahe chlro Tetra chloride tetra Carben chlorofu Trichloro Dichloro chloride Methylene ccly CHclg chioride 8) ) CHcl, =CH-c thene chloro bromide -Bromo H,C S) Ving) propy1 4 Iso BY bromide n-PropPy) 1-Browo . BY He-cH-Bv 8romo bromide Ethyl bromide Methyl Broro e und ompo me hame IUPAC mnon kane He-cHX C Co al Halo Name: TUPAC CHyX, formula : CnHn halide) (AIKsl General Nomenclatuhe: 3 Basic topics: Ty Pes 0f solvents. Nucleophilicity Vs. Basieity Leaving Types of gYoup. Solvents : Solvent Non-polar Polay polar polar aproic protic solve nt (a) Polar Polay rotic Solvent: One A protHe Solvent protons CHt) N-H H,0, wsually +hat has acidic in the fum of 3roups. HC-oH, GHoH, H-CooH, He-cooH NH, H-5-Nformamide) ete Di ele cthie constant (E): H-G-äH Note 5 111 H,o wth Solvents more values dielectic cnstant (E) moRe polar are Polar aprotic Solvent: howe but donot natue, has polar Solvent This 0-H or) N-H |Solvent with out acidie proten H+} grou. Acetene DMSO Dimethyl Sulphoxide) fermamide) Dimethy DMF ( (Dimethyl acetamide) DMA Aceto nitile Slfolahe -NCH S9,, Hc-NO,, 6 and HMPA (Hexamethyl phospho ra mide N pNCH H Non-polar solvent: (6) u) moment dipole The net ane. I, 4- DioX ccly, Benzene Nucleophilicity Vs. Basicity Nucleophile: A nucleophile seeks Base : iS a reagent positve Electron pair donov is center. Base " Hhat Nucleophilicity : electrophilie attack protn(H+) species to Casbon 0f the The a bility Basicity : the of ability the to gemo ve Spe cies acid frem :OH C-OH. + :OH CNucleophile) Case-I H,o + A H-A :ÞH Case-T: (acid) CBase) defined by +he Nucleophilicity electophilic Casbor atm Nott: rate Censtant (k) equilibriwm the which attack on dt rate reflected which is while Basicity Constant (K). fer y is defined by ab straeting 8 Nuclephilicty : k -X Nu c-Nu Crate canstaot) t Basicity: B-H + A H Ceguilibnum Censtant) (au) Cbase) Basi cty and nucleophiliaty are 2 diffeut poprhes . Note: kinetie propeaty Nuckophili aty basiaty 15 a +hermodynamic shee as prputy A Seagents : of O re lathve nucleophilicty determining the Factors 2) polarisa bility Basicity (3) Solvation Rasicity: In periods bastcty Loth and nucleophilicity decreases F: eg G): OH >F > NH JCH, > basi aty & ovder ccveasing nucle ophi licty cHt CHy Note (vy baseJ HE (stnq aad) C - less e Note: bour decd. i-e, Chg So, (: Bransted (streng weak a ad ) Cueak base) So, lectro neqat ve . donat more nscleophilic Louwry lone pair wheve as Ione paur loosel east ly So, it is Jess nucleophi lic e lement : PH, sit3 Tn hroups, but decreaseS hasiit bous ded. > polarisasility: 2 more electonegative sthengly |one pauY So, egi): F is be cause nucleoplicty inreaSes . T. dcreasing ordY; basiaty Co-tcd) HI (stangacd) Nucleophliity decreasng CS-Base. Cweak base order: V H I big size. attacls at mre polausaion. e hctophi 'c Eosiy Centre. I F I |ess m ere polai satta. oH, SH, eg: nucesphilicity points to pola'satien TeH Se H, iveasing ovder: Remember. nuceophiles Bases are thas theiY better Conjugate acds SH > H, S: ÖH > H,0; (b) For Same Strng eg: donatn9 otem, strag base acts as nucleophile. HCOo < Hc-coo ph-o > R-oH HcooH > Hc-cooH > ph-oH CwA) Cacidic natue) (S4) Hcoo Cw-8) < Hc-coo 12 Ex ce ptio : H,C-CHo, (ethoide ion) Ca-butexide ion) hon 1e more acdic HC-CH-oH () He-cH-0 is less basic than nucleopilic but H-CH-o due to stesic than m re hindran Ce in Solvaion ; Nucleophiliaty de pends nucleophilicity de cveasing natue d solvent. order : Ln water) ie;Cpotic solvent) I n acetne ie; aprohc Solvent) be Conined. 13 Reason: In polh pvotic Solvent Srnal| Sol vaton more So, nckophiliity ion takes p lace decYeases. less e e nucleophilic) (Inwaey) more nucleophil'e) (In water) apotic Solvent, Ln pola tales place does not de cided by change choge density nucesphilic. thon antan) ions o solvatian nucleophil'aty 's Nouw, F ha den sity So, more more The overall nucleoplity dcreasing order is: In wcer polasprotic solvent) strong nuclkophiles. R-s: ph-s: Et, P> sH > I > CN > Et, N > Oet > moderate nudeophiles: ph-o we eak nuckophiles: NHg > He-sct Et, NH > Groups. >cI > BY > II tendenay orcerdecreasing Leawtng : ard Cstrong base) Cwweak +I cd) (weaka base) Cstng d0o g Leawing ae weak bases : Note oflity stabi Bro) bondd wing. Leaing ability ot a in () Strengh, d R-L R-L by, influencecl Leawing Groyp of es the G-bond . growpfunctioncl ís The eliminatcol witth is Group +he Leaving at +h roup: Leavin9 Resonance stabi lised Note: nias 16 are Leawing Good :0: o=S0 (Tritlatt ion) (Tritluoro methy | Cmesylate) CTosylate) Sulfonate) (or) or (methy) Sulforate. p-Toluene sutfonate) [ors) The Leauig tendenay > Tosy late Triflat> p-ntto decveasing ordeY; I > mesylate > (oTs) benzene Sul fente V ot Nott: NH CN, ott, . por Leawing roups are (:: strong base s). Cbad) Note They Leaves as sespecivey F SH, CN, oH, R-o, NH Halogen Containing () () () AtKy) halides R-) Argl hali des Cph-) Compound s: Grignard seogents chloroferm (R-mg) (CHcla) AlKyl Halides : H chemical proertes preparation physical propertes. (3 chemical propries. Nucleophilic Substtutian ( (S2 Su, (Theluding Eliminatics NGP) seacticS: mísce I\aneous Other Su. Seacions. G) Nucleophilic Guhsttution -X Nu nucleophile Here reactioms: ) Canbe replaced by hucleophileNue). anothe Leawes General reacion: RX (AIKy halide) This Suachon different two as Nu Coucleophile) has been found to pro Ceed by mechaniSns, and i-ej Substtutn bimoleClan nucleophille nucleo thuclephiic uni molealas Substtuhi on. an 9 (a) S.,2 CBimoleculas nucleophelre subst tution): chaateistics It 2 Seactior: SN2 d Single Step heacti on i suhstrate: Natwi e d towards Reactuity CUncerted reactien. i-e decreasing oder is SN2 > 2 R-x > 3 R-x (No SN Natwie d Solvent: aprotic Polas |iKe Solvent DMSO DME, used 4 Natue d nucleophile: streng nucleophile (Base) Can be Nature Good wit high Con Centrati used Leaving Leaving roup: roup fowowrs EWG better for sn2, better than super primary SN2 ten den ay Leawing ordes: de creasing R-Br 20 R-cl> R-F: heacivity : R-Nu Rate d [R-CNü k = Rate Rate d depends Auoction nucleaphile (Nuy as wel| as Reactansts one Sep willbe Cenverted Con entratin RX Conatration rdes & follows himole Culas Jeaction in bott tnto So itis 1inetiCs. products penta valented Trcnsitten +hrough Stat. Stereo T +he chemisty : al kyl halide 9iven Cophcal actue) +hen inversion product. the (R) is pre duuct is chiral walden - Suactant 4hes eg G): prvduct has HC-cl + has R 21 Cenfguhaton, vice -Veisa. Con figatn He-oH + c Mech: --cl : OH + plarar Transitn State HO H CcHcD'CoH' k Rate = oH at attackS antiondi ng at Cab orn ie, orsital dt CL. \H (anti-bending orsitau) The in comi ng nucleophile ot) Causing He-cI with while byeak ferming a step the bcnd pvogresSes, C-OH between Casbe Leaving in roup a Singe 4s the betwen weakens formig (c) TS. is transificn stote. plonas the Caben is cl C As atem Same way inside out an when Thiy pro @ss is Confguatn +he inverts attack as hysridsecd (TYansikan state) happens, wndr Sp H H +his eactcy Cab on and b cnd atem t bond" These OH Starts forming, while whilk the and bond i's fermed. intemeddiate and C-cl Simdtah eously take place pro Cesses two +he new 22 intera cts umbrela Caught called much in is +he turned Strong wind. INVersion d Configustcn +he (orj opical Case o Note: produt acive Inversion al lkyl haide, Inversi cn poduct Calle wal den product R Tf Ho-c i t is (R) then (s) 4hen eg 6i); 23 R (5) (R) + Cts (s) cg ) 3 3r)1 H) (CHs 2 (R) ": lCIP-Rules (s) 244 mech : CI S S +ö: -BY HO -- GH H TS ctt! Ho-not OH egi ) . + BY. H OH (5) (e Ctrans) (cis) Note : TranS cis (or) TrnS also Censi deled as InverSi on Relatve S eactions rates co 2 ot al lyy 25 haldes eactions: Ccompouund Relive ate 30 He-x He-cHx G) O.o3 ) -X (3) due to rat elative Note: steic hindrance. H wont Hö: approach due to steic crowding. HC CH3 knued --- be(T Hc-T C,H-0-ct I ): eg + ).bondC-cl is bend than stnges C-oH sea ctton) co-ordndes +cT. +cr) (evotteA mic Reacticn products.C CoH +ot) (CHcl Reactonts Enengy Ea Transitien state HO---cH-cl t{C-cI eg: Grapb: 6 (b) S Reactons(Uni moleculah nudeophilic Substitti on): SN1 characteistics o Tt is multi -Step C eacioy ? /Gereally 3 step Seacion non- ConCerted) Sonl under go first step, c cleawage heterytic Solvent and to in presene plana give polo protic his is Ccouho Coti c slo w step Sewehsibl H, O: Csolvent) Cbo ten (S]ow) 1 ow we Kn steP, hat rate d multi-Ste p aea' dapends A0acians in One eactant ie rate d (R-] Ratk = k[R slo slow in voled in R I t is Aua imokalaty follows order KinetCs. step 21 H,o: to gve alcdhol, ohich alcohol, oich e These two steps al cohol. wndei go step to by tö: ceprotenation 4 attacks on pvotonated 28 Casibo Cotton ive fast steps. Substrate : Natue c ohich ferms The SN maore stable rechanis m. Carbo Coti on the Seactuity c order decreasing 3 is : He-x. V R-X Natuse d No SN1 sea solvent: polar protic soluents Can be SN 1 e a towaids Rx (( Ke be Cause useds transifen state decveaseS. and (or) Solvaticn leading to the +he CarboCati n H0 +hus So, rate d +he alcohol stabilise s intermediate acivation enisy Jeaction increa Ses. 6 Natse c weak nuceophile Cas be used . eliminat on stong hucleophile favo s Nate dt Leawing group: Leaving Group fauouhed Good Suactuity in SN Seactic orden is: decreasing R-I eacti on. solvolysis Called i5 acts as Solvent ín which Seaction, nucleopbile The rathes Substittion than the (Genealy solveot itself weak nuclkephile acts as 24 ncleophile : R-BY R-cl EDG favorable for SN1 s t ochemistny: Ið the the is alkyi halide product is Some inverSion. opi Ca active Racemic mixtwe then along with 30 abo Cath'cn StabJe Cabo Cati cn may hearange er) Wag ner - Called Seasrangement . used. Can also be Ag No, Catalyst eg G): shift I,2- H This is by I,2- CH¡ shift. meerwin mre Stable Convet into eithei by CaboCati on ie;a less Ct (3-buty alcohol). (3) mech: step): Slow + : i: H,o: (plana Step G): 3-Casbo Catian). fast cH3 H (Protenatecl alcchol) ct3 StepGi): cty + H,o: fast -ot + H,0. 31 Note : nd eactart and Ið Seactant and Confquations, produ ct he then Corfq u aticn, product bott hawe sae Retention product is and product rodu ct thes -he hawe is diffeest Called LNveYSfcn preduct. Raactaot ’product (R) if, (s) (S) C Retention pvodect) C p dect Roactant (S) (R) (R) Inversion pode ct) (S) if, equi mola mictuse o Raamic Callkd invesston mixtue Setentcr lov) Racemic modisaticn 32 Note: In SN +he the qreates m ore he +he Stalble more +he -the pvo per*on is Carbo Coen racemiSatini-e; d Racemic mixtute tte qreten ís wcleophilic +he solvent, mae invusi on poputin + Ho-C, (P Ph Ph (5) (R) (R) Rutertiony 517. Racmic 44 + 44 mixtue q27. RaemiL mitu =q9/. IveSion mech: 2. slow -c step ) : ph Ph Cplana 33 stepi) : Ph oH Ho-c pb ph (Retention) CInversin cH3 eglii): -c + Ho Ho (R) (R) (Retention) (s) CInvesi (() Ralemic mictuse 17+4 = 34. 33-17 = 66 /, Ihvehsin Note ( CH3 ph-ct-CH ph-ccl (33) (2-beny1) -CI CH -C) (2-ky1) we knc more thet, Stabk the Carbo atton, Raamie mista) eate is the c ase Case So, ph-cH-cl d 487. Ra amiSatier we got H,G -cH-c Case d whele as 34 CRacemc mixte we got 341. Raami -Saticn: (Raenic miztee ph-cH-CH, > H,C-cH-cH Stasilit Reason: mere two steps Carbo Cation, fermation t |st step i-e, the ordes: invalved R + Br R-BY Br RBY R-Br lnimate jo- pair Eree Solvent ons Seporated ion paiY Inase d afte Carbo Cao, more Stalk fernati n ct cn. free Casbo Catt more" is aton) mishse Qace misalmost eumolai (ie, mitwe the lovesian Retentian 4 nuckophik a ttads So . d ae nic 35 leeS Stask in Case d but huceopkile at attackS iS invessian the Casbo Cati cn, step intimate an i on pas grete +han hetenti So, (less favoubud) (more faveused) Retentin Cminor) Invasion(majar) egid: CH3 Ho: CH3 -CHCH-cl :6H (wmte mechanism). CH3 CHty egliv): H,o: -CH-cl Hc-Hy-cty 36 :OH cHy slow -CH-CHcl ech: stp): CH3 Hc-cH-CH-cH + cT (a) Rearrngement on f Carbo Coti CH3 J,2-H - CHCH 2 Hf shift 1 - -cH,-cH (wagner- Meewis eaangement) fast step): HC--cHty-cty -cth-CHg + H0: \ H step i : Hc-cH-cly + Ha. fast, H. H,o: Eg : mech: slow StepC): ,-CH,shift (Ring eponsien) 34 stepli): fast, -+* Note: SN Rate d Can be in Crea sed by Hyc+ tgNo -¢cl Ctty using Cataly st + Agcl (Pet) Moist Ag2O also at normal temperature Graph: TS-1 T-S-2 Ic-ç-cit Ts-3 Eneasy Reacior co-rdinates (To be Continued..) AIKy fluerides NOte toweve, Casbo cation heactive 33 touwand s bond is vuy Stren g C-F beCause SN1 least ahe is generted by treating witth R-F R-F + SbFs Facrs favouring SN1 Versus SN2 Seactiems: SN SN Pactr 3>2 |He-x >> i>2 Substrate weak nuceophle Nucleophile strny nuceop hil heeded is OK polan solvent Polan aproe Soluent DMF, DMSo, Acetene ete) Profc Solve R-cooH ete) 9ood ohe seguie Leawing Group good one hequinecd. I>Brscl>f I>Br>l>F Low Reackuity Viny! and t ayl hali des as S botth H,C ae 39 aryl halides least eacive towasd s SN2 well as HCCH=ct: =CHCI: Cvinylchlovide) (chlorobenzene) Lo both ayl balides viny and double chahactes bend due to wont break has C-cl Afte bend breaking Casbo Cations C-cl bend also, easily they fom H,c=CH, Seacte touahcls They ase least least stable SN and sN: tigh aly | and eactivity d benzy haides a and benzy Ally as SN haides tosids hea ctive more well as ahe They fematen d mare de to SN1 Seactve towads ) Carbo Cations. Stabk =cH-CH H,c=cH-CHy-cl CosboCaien) (Ally) cbleride CHe cH-c| CBeneyl CanboCatiovn) CBeneyl chloride) eactive are double bend Stat Coyugatien attack. wells SNtoansite the p-rbital by atm Stabilizes the because as +o wands at tHhe caben wwith inreases this SN rate under Joweing evehy baiev. Hc = CH-CH-c| +OH Hc=cH-cH-oH OH tere, H,C =cH-CH cl OH CH H ,6 C| Br Note: 3 R these two ae halides haides but kud kyt 3 ad the ate dd s very leSS. vey Br -6 Relative Ratt 1 Bredts rule accommodate So, 10 A bridge- head Calbo Catcs is Cabo Cat'on fonatn Cab on Sihce it is not poSSible. non-planas. Re lative 42 al kyt halides Seactiities co SN2 Phct-cl > H,C =GH- CH Cl > Hccl > HeCHy-c| Hc-cl -c) (no SN) (3) ctities Relatie The will o fums dkyt halide which fawouh SN1 Aeact'cn: lK4 halides al mere Stable ConboCatton S1 He-ctg-ccl > phb-ph C3-benzy) Back bonding ph-cH-ph (-beney) cIs =CH-ci-cl (-ber) >Hc-cl ((-ally) He-cH-cl Ca'-aky) > Hc-cl. eactive towards S 1 . 43 dkyt SN1 twad Seactve moe following of the L0: which halice eaction 9 IsC=CH-cis&r (B) phcih- Br (p) Ans and e ,it iG D). I is Since ) SN2 actcn, 24: in(Yeasecl +i by how increased by +he then, nany nucop hik Conanrahn rate d +he 3 times in Creased by conantrachcn e +he es +hau rou gord Leawing times ? k[R- [ . Rate For e9: 2 rate d eactn imes" by increasec actn Internal nucleophilie Reacion Substtution) Suhstrcte +he attacks Sest c the detaches Suactart ) the leasing itseyf qrouf. (R)- 2- butano l onvesion of eg: Lecwing pat process this rouf which (R-chloro to Solvert -polas So butane with and Socl base ab sen ce R-cl RH + Hcl + Socl, Ghiong chloride) Fomation of mech: + So, internediate chloroSulite Step): esteY: R-- -cl ++ t+cl A IKy l chloro- Sul fite). chlro Suite eter Lon-paúr: disso i ates to intimode 5 RoS-cl m (intmate ien fermatten stepli); with The cl, frem R the pair). alkH chleride: pair d +he he proeuct es, anion of +he Same Side of the atta ckS Casso oation. Complete So, s0, R-cl R chemisty steico chenisty d sN The product iS Com plete Retenton prdct -cl + So, SOcl eg (thiony) Chloride) H Ch ts -2- butano! -chco butane) 446 Tn pe Sen d Note o PYridne, Invesion product. product he Such as 2-amine to frm Co-erdinoetes Ptridine do chlortde hy Pyricine nucerphile & the Freu nuceophile). from chloros lfte mechaniSm an efective ester attadcs Now backside via Invusien pweluct" to the Seacthn e Socl dcohols (R-oH) Pyridine Knon as Pratis Dar zen's in preSence Of proCecute" cH3 -öH (R) +S0c (s) (Invasion) rech: + -OH -B-c OS CHs + SN -cl e cl-c baclkside attack) + So, tcu pantcipatian): goup (Neighbousig NGP: functin Group Secerd Sheactat moleade. Substootal 0f tis Know as pre sent fr 4he Neighbouing irernal pattiapatico displace ment Group CNaP inthe heie is Cases, evidece roup is procesSes ) pati cipatics, Subsitution NGP thouSand ae fft Step Group 2nd and 4roup Cyclic etena csplacs the Origina its posiion as as N as neghbosing group. nigh bouting neighboing nughbouting back sie back to Retent The final prrduct is Preduct" as by a Goes neghbouiny he attack - Broup inteemediccte. nucleophile he hboung actng Pushes 0ut the forms a the Cente rs. eacticns. nuckophi le ars intenal because Seactve neighbouing +he than the Aeactins two Snvoles N-G-P. invowe the faster 0f the Proximity of the leawing t mes intemoleala Cor pasable Ih the that Aeactrens qroup. rou. roup. nghboLAing Oyge 9 4roup cly :ÖH (2) ( CRotentien meco: Intramakalas SN Stp: "ct3 (R) Intumoeadar +:0H SN stp). (5) (e) (Retenton 5o Summary : Oves all S.NO. Subsitutte geacti on stereo chemisty. Invesion SN Radmic mite along SN1 witt Some Irversron. Retenton SNI ToveYSion Pridine. Retent N GP. Two SN heactions) stePO:Inversin Invexsien Step: Overa): Retenh'en Contd Eliminaton Reaci ons halogenation hycoo de dergo un alides Avel h AKyl to gi ve base in preence o CH) al kenes. Base (H This has Seactior () E1. (4) E2 Bimolealas Reactin: chaacteisics (i) mechanis mS. 2 E Reaction; (Concerted) Seactn seac Single Step is Joactiuity d eliminatio): R-x: 3 R > and Gi) tares plac thvoug h This transition R anti- o-planar - Stte + Base A(Kene Rae d [R-Base Rote = k [e-[Basey J+ followS is bimokala Soa tie nl ordey Kinetcs Steng base unhinded ( Sayt zeff's prduct lie 52 NaoEt, pvedo vminant prodct iS Kene) (mcre stabk AI with (vi) bhase like Steng (bulky) hindud pofassium Hofmahn pro du ct 2-budoxide (les/least staslk alkane) is predeminant product. The given R , should east Centain one B-hy dsuwgen atom G Ho H kifi) solvent, Can he used. Solvent eg3 NaoEt CH CH-CH HccH=CH -CH, CtoH (meStasle (Sayt zeff produc) CMaoy HC=CH-CHy-cH Cmino) Cless Stasle) (Hofmann prsdu ct) 53 ich: E+D: HC-CHYCHCH Et9:. H Br 1 Br Tis \ co-fplanen (aot HC-CHt=CH-ct CMajor) + EtoH ++Br. NOTE: For 1st more year examplks AlKenes please Tefey topic. AlKeres by of atin Prepas dehy doo halgenat'on. E1 It hon- con tertedl) steps 2 is 54 E Suacton characteistcs d (i) uni mole alas eltminatin aaction : is Cabo atfo Fornaten d slow slow eackon: eveasi 6l step. Slow Rate d CR] Rate = k[R (ni mo kaelh heactas So, it s ordey frst lows fol t Kine cs. RX: o Gii): Suactvity R-cl s Genally on be used. weak base acts Rx > R-I > > R-Br and (v) 3 H, 0: wealc base Casbo Gattn Always may Solvent itsuf R-BH. Jearange Saytzeff predeminates. prtd ct pre eg H, ö: cl 55 t=cth' C2-btyl chloride) Slo w mech: Step); 4-CI c (plana Carbo ctton) stepi): fast CHz Note: hefen For mre st year prepanatfon o He + H,ot. examples please AKenes to pic Atkenes by (E1). on doohalsgenat dehy Note : E1ce unimolealas conjugade-boase eliminattn (e) Reacionunimolecular Conjugate base elimination). E1cB eaction . tuwo steps Tt is Reaction : ElcB chavacteaistics feratiey of first In +he is fast which Cashaníon takes Plare Ste Stef Carbnion second step Convered will be slow sep. I n +he (3 55-4 whih GHsoH alkene Can be CaHso Nat into streng base (4 used Kyl halide alkyl The Casbaion eg ( ) : will EccHcl, mare Stahle wich forms nechaniSm. wndergo EtoH =cclh: fast -H mech: stepG): -cch stepi): F + slow f FC=ccl. CzHso a ph-ciscy Br egi): ’ ph-cH =cH +EtoH.. 55-8 (styrene Mech : fast Step i): ph-CH -cs phCH-ch Br (Cenjugatebase) (Aud) CH ph chcHy Step (i), we Knouw that, slow ph-cH=CH heactk an, depends Rate d Aate = k ph-cH-C-8rJ slow s , (.. unimoleadas Aate = k [C-8] (: stp (i)). Ke [ c - Ke[AudCEto) e Substtute CE+o] Aad] Ke Rate= k K' [eh-ciscy-or'[E+6] Rate = .:. + EtoH Rate law 2nd ordev: Subsituion SN (1 Vs Singk step is prolects through into 56 Climintion heaction Reactats Con verts "Penta - valln ted +ransittan Stote Convets into Reactents EL heactta step Single is anti o-plana prezlucts +hrough SN, E1 the 2 tnsitran State Cases aYe mult-Sep fematen o Ln both Seacthns. Canbo at' step) dtomining slou Step (rotte is |st stp Crds Reacvity SN He-x E2 E1: SN: 3* SN1 . Suactons E and EE1 SN SN, of Summary all Ovex (3) R- (a) H-X R-cHX (?) sis isSN Gives pola eliminati nucle gives 2E protic (or) Solvent base weak is predomi base used, strong a nates. awhen tempeÂat uresR-6 fawouhed. Rro wth e9: strng Emaindy )R-coo in mainly Stng base OK JiKe and unbinded wi t h dhindee with nucl St e r ong opki l e s strong bases. only Gives heacion. SN2 with maunly Gives > seak SN mainly >Gives baseseg: and bases- CN, I, > I Solvoly SNacton No gives (neny) SN2 58 HC-B Hc-CH-0-CH J007. +Na&r SN GHONat Hc-cH-Br GHsOH (E) (ss) (o) C1or) unhindeed strong base GHgoNat egii): Hc-cH-CHa (2) (5s') H,C-CH-cte + (E2) (+92) (SN) (21) CHs Hc-BY GHsoNat CHg GHsoH :-cH-ci C2sc) (Su) (9) GHeoNat eg (v): GHsoH (3) (Ssc) He =cH-cH fmainly E (a1%) cHs H,c = c-CH3 Etot . E+E1) (1007) fuwons atue tempes (. Hig h e liminatton). (To be Conhine d- ) mis ce|laneous Other with Reactin metal s reats AIKy| halidae 59 heacions dy ether to give with Grignad Suagents. R-Mgx. chryethen R-x + Mg dy etheY Hc-Br + Mg Cmethyl eg: Ho-cH Br+ Mg C ompounds Note: coy ethes Containing (ethyt magnesim bromide bonds C-Metal Conpounds. Orpano metallic bromide). nesium mag Grignad ahe Called Seagents a e Ogano metalic Compounds RMg, In highy ’ t Car be- Mg hond +he is Cualent but polc. eacts witt H Containing active hydoCabons ve + HC Mg Br H*oH + H+oH R-H CHa Conpounds to + Mg b) (OH) + M9(8d (o +) Na ot 60 CAlcoho) Cether) R-o-R (+hiol/+hio alohol) R-SH SH R-`R C+hio eth) R-S CAIKyne) R-c= (ester) Gpa SN Patt (R= cty, i.o0) I |X=c), 8, (or) (AK azide) R-N Ng ’ R-NH (i-ami ve) R, NH R-NH CSamine) 2-amine) RaN (3-amine) Ci-amin) R-NB (Quaternay awmornium halid (3-amiNe) R-2 CAKane) R-sCN (AlKy +hio Cyanate Nco ’-Nco LiAIH4 (or) 2h) He o) 2n)AcoH (o INaot AIkyl iso cyarate) (AIKane 661 H,ö: R NaI Acetne Reaction with KCN: R-c=N. CAIKyl Cy anide) CR= CH, í,2) Reacten R (er) (nitriley with AgcN: + AgCN R-NC CAKSI iso Cyanide) (od (isonitrik) Reaction with KNO,: R-N=ö: (A1Kyl nitrite) Reartien with Ag No: Ag No R-NO, Coitro alKane) 62 Wurt day ethe 2 R-R 2Na R-X + 2 Na. CAKane) + dyetheh + He-cy-&r MechaniS m 2 Naßr. Na Co-butane) AIKanes. discussed in Frankland methocd: ethes R-R 2R CAlan) Corey-bouse Sythesis : A|Kanes). in (Disussed +2Lix. Li 2R- + 4 2R-Li+ CuI RCuLi + Rx R CuLi LíI (Gilman Seagent) R-R'. CAIKane) Líx 63 rdes . Pre panation do AKyl hal Erm Alkanes seacts AIKanes presence d alky haide. Ccl lor) &r) halogen with Sunlght (o) It by heating to give frea radrcal Substtuton follews mechanis m Nott ane AIKanes Refer for more topíc fer examples. + eg: CHy Cezces«) nechanis m Hc|. ch Hcl. ccl4 t 4 +4 Cl,_ eg : CHa Ce ass) He-CH-&r t tBr. Hc-cI B cly Cminor) Cmajor) Fren AIKenes additrcn 9eacts wndes go electop hilic H with AIky) halides. 9ve to Seacttn Additicn o ACen 64 A|KeneS Hc| to HBY o) Rule. "Markoni kov's follouws Addten kov's Ant markoni HC-cH-cH t unsy mmetncal ony wh takes plaa ttc) HC-cH-c} eg: @): He-cH=CH + tt8r -CH-H .&r. Note: Note: Fr mere exampes A mechanis m Refen A1Kenes. + Br/ccl4 vicinal dibromide) Br Prom 65 AIKYnes: AIKynes heact wth Here dihalides. t+el/HBr 2 moles d to form eminal Cunbe used. Hel/Hêr HBY Hc -CEc e9: + Hcl + Hcl HcEcH ’ Hc=CH-cI Hel H-cHCz BY He -c=cH He-CECH Alynes Note to uact with tetrabromo ve moles d in ccl4 lkane. ccl4 ccl4 eg: HC=cH Fox Note: HC=C-H exampks more exawnples Refes A|Kynes. BY Erom alkyl benzene 3 4 ( prepcooien d 66 benzy | -halides h (Dichlero metthy bewzene) (Renzy CTolene) ch cla cla cgG). çclg CHcl2 CHcl cH3 chlride) (Trichlero methy) benzere) cl CH-cHy CHh-cH3 ct3 (or NB-s (Benzy) bromide) N-brUmo Succinímíde Note? NBS. BY. N&S egiv): Note: ccl4 NBS. allylic (o benzylic brominating aqent ro be Conkued-..) 67 From alcohols witt (a) alcohol alcohol (c) with Pcls with Pcl3 alcohol alcohol| a) Hx with SOcly prepare (best method to R-ci) Alcohol with + R Reacivity Nott: 3 R-oH, where as 1R-ot Suact wnderg o by s HX with Hc|. 2'R-oH > 2R-o4 > toward5 given H): 2 R-oH HBY HI > given alcohol) (touwands Reactvity of Hx of alcohols Hyö: SN2 Suactions. fus ( Puact wih mechanis Hcl: HcI but Hcl is used with 3-alchols in Hhe ncls seadily and Zncl, 2-alcohols Con antroded 68 + R-cl ++ H,0 Grove's H+c| proass) 2-alcohol : SN (Fr i- alcohol) mech : SN R-cl R-OH ROH +Zcl,+ Hcl t+ H,o + 2ncl, CFx 2-dcohels) SN! mech: R-öj+ +nch + [Ho-zncla R R-ozncl, Canbo Caticn) R-cl: CL + + R-oH 25c Conc' Hc| R-cl (3-alcohol) c-CHy-cl Zncl He-cH,-oH eg i): He-cH-OH + Hcl Hcl Znch cH3 Hc- #-e| A (2) cltzoH (a) 25c (Cone) -c) + H,0 69 HBr: The preene d -al cdhols, but not ter for Con^ H, so 2 & in Catsied out is eactien 3- a cohols R-oH + HBr R-Br + t 0 C¡r-Hys (() R-Br. HBY R-oH R-X Nax Note: Ci, a) + NaHS oy (K= cl,&) HI: R-I HL H Pa KI Note : A Jeacts witth Note : at Cne Conc Hci, HBY tem paate (2s'c). Conc HL HBY Hc| R-oH Hel R-cl HRY R-ot R-Br HT - I ) 6) Hcl R-cl 2ncl (2) A Cunc.HeY Conc. Hc| R-H (3) Noe: R-OH +Nac R-oH R-cl 25c Nott: Note: R-oH +Naß R-I C3) (3) 25c Hyso Conc-HI 25c R-cl R-I R-ot (2) A R-Br 45%. HgPy R-oH +KI Ci, a) Cphosphorous penta chloride) (6) Alcohol wth Poclg R-cl Cphosphory| R-OH chloride) eactg Note : SN eg i): with pcls mechaniS m. ot t Pocl t+ Hcl + Pcls e Note by Prs, highy + Poclz unstae. + Hc|. (c) Pcl3 : Al cohol with 3 R-OH (phosphovous trichloride) + Pclz 3 R-cl + H; Poz 3 R-oH is So, we take unstable. PtI,_ H POg R-I + P+I R-OH + mistuse d + Pclg 3 3 OH + H3 Poz Note I, 2-alchols adcohol (Alheady witt heact Socle: with Pcl3 by SN SN mechanism. ( thiongl chloride) discussed Socly R-cl (Retenthon) R-cl (InveYsien) Gases (parzen's procede. It methoed to products ae gases. R-cI, sina the by e. RcooAg esters furms Note: HccooAg Hc-cH-8r co, + ccle &r. Ag + + &. Ag+co, HC-Br Hc-cootg ccl4 R B + BY R-fo-As R-go8r BrAg Bs + yield R-ci. is: I>2>3 + cal) radi Chree poor gires mech: cle a dyield haide The R-G-oA9 composeed by cla Cor) to for m alkyl asesolutton de Salts d Silve Caboylte in aeids cl diecker Suaction 2 BorodineHuns 3 2 R-5-og + este ( 2*1 ratio) This eact o. Simonini Bin baun - Called heactn is 2Ag I Finkelstein Reaction: AIKy íodides ase with Rcl/e-r treating prepared by corve nien+y nore Nat in Aetone metthasoj. Na I Acetone 4 R-L Nax Cx= c,ex) 2. Tt follows So, SN mechanism |>2 Juactvity + Acetne eg G): Naßr c-Br Acetene -I Nac) cl +- N a Acetene Naßr. Swarts eaction: (8) Can be AlKyl fluorides Covrespanding Re/e-ar/a-z Such as fluorides prepaseed + by the Seact cn of inorgaoic - with AgF, H9,F, SbE,, AsF, ete; HC-F t Ag &r. Ag F + Agc|: e9: R-F Note: Cos also be by the obtai ned H-CN Solvest 18- Crow-6. in presene CHy-CN eg: He-ct-cl J8-Crown-6 ehes Not: He-ctt F + Kc| 12-Cowh-6 : 0: i0: whih binds physical pro pertes () +5 al Kyl halides of physiCal stat: H -cl, He-8r, Hc-I andd he 3ases. majority of the big her members liquids. Suweet - smelling are are CaH-cl Boiling points: 2 valueS Of the order of The akyl halides In is : roup of a points boiling 0f h > R-F R-cl > R-er R-L > isomertc lkyl hardes, the ordes of boiling ponts the He-cis-Cl-c-c, Hc-tCH CHy Ch-butyl chloricla) C2-buty! chlerice) B-P: Density: R-I Ameng poly halides R-Br > R-cl R-F. ccly >> CHcla > CHcl, > Hp-c 3-buty) chloride) halides: olvents. Soluble R-c) The-end seagent Lucas ahydhous Zncl Conc! +Hcl Note: Hc| zncl, ment Anong methyl oTganic let Cova S Dipole m water ^olusle Compound s, in halides in AIKy| are lity: Solubi 6 Note D: SN' Solvent effect on but appreciaby Com pounds dissoIve, They qute and alcohols , do not dissol ve most waterY. for pro moting Solvent effecte most water ( Ho) joniSaten reactions: usually miled So lvents oftn used. + Hyo, CH,oH e : G) are Solvents f r míxed are however, Comn eactions. Note2 protic pola 1n Ho, Solvent like more lace solvatiCh taKes p nuclhophli aty de creases So, în Small decveasiug halide ions ovde is: nuckophiliaty anim Sol vatan c In apoHc Solut, nuckop wlicity place. Now, density (od basiaty. The Chuge more So, basicty chage density is nuchoi Acleoçl libity dcveasi ug crd: doesnot de uided y wich takes has nM ckophi lic (: F is storg base) Ccl H,o + + Soln, CHE H-oH 5Cct Rco0 4 Nuceophliaty a) pola pola R-o prokc CHso DMSO) aprotc soluents. isin lone pair Sojh HOc|. Cory ugatien R R-: C ho Congugahian). RcOO nuceoplic than nuceopilic than Rcoo more R-o is nore R-o is R-6is strnger base a Dmso han The -end Rcoo