k 2016 MODULE 4 HOYSALA ARCHITECTURE Hoysala architecture is the building style the Hoysala Empire between 11th and developed under 14th centuries. Peaked in the 13th the rule of century Chennakesava Temple Belur, Hoysaleswara Temple Halebidu, Kesava Temple Somanathapura are notable example. All these temples have negligible more distinct. north influence, while South Indian style is Temple complex Hoysala temples have distinct parts that are merged to form a unified whole, in contrast to the organic of Tamil temples country where different temple stand independently. parts of a All the temple parts chiseled of soft soapstone (chloritic schist). a good material for intricate carving, executed mostly by local craftsmen, and exhibit architectural features that distinguish them from other South India. Most Hoysala temples have by circular The or temples jagaf". The a temple architectures of plain covered entrance porch supported a bell-shaped pillars may be built upon jagati, apart from giving a a platform raised by about a metre called a raised look to the serves as pradakshinapatha or "circumambulation path"temple, for circumambulation around the temple, feature. Such open as the garbagriha finner sanctum) provides no such temples will have an additional set of steps leading mantapa (open hall) with parapet walls. to an The jagati which is in unity with the rest of the temple follows a star-shaped design and the walls of the temple follow a zig-Zag pattern, a Hoysala innovation. Architectural elements 1.Mantapa The open mantapa which serves the purpOse of an outer hall Outer mantapa) is a regular feature in larger Hoysala temples leading to an inner small closed mantapa and the shrine. The shape of the mantapa is best described as staggered-square and is the style used in most Hoysala lemples. Ar.Sherin Varikkatt 65 R E 2016 mantapas have seating areas made of stone wilh the mantapa's parapet wall aciing as a back res. The The closed mantapa, well decorated inside and out. 2.Vimana inside, the vimana is plain and square, whereas outside it is profusely decorated and can be either stellate "'star-shaped") or shaped as a staggered square, or feature a combination of these designs. Depending on the number of shrines (and hence on the number of fowers), the temples are classified as ekakuta (one), dvikuta (two). trikuta (three). chatushkuta (four) and panchakuta (five). Most Hoysala temples are ekakuta.dvikuta or trikuta. A temple's minor shrine usually has its own tower. 3.Sculpture Hoysala artists are famous for Iheir sculplural delail. Ar. Sherin Varikkatt 66 F 2016 Their medium, is soft chlorite schist or soap sBone. Every aspect down to a fingernail or toenail is perfected. General life themes are portrayed on wall panels such as the way horses were reined, the type of sBirrup used, the depiction of dancers, nusicians, instrumentalists, and rows of animals sUch as lions and elephants (where no two animals are identical. HOYSALESWARA TEMPLE HALEBIDU Halebidu (literally "old city) is Halebidu was the located regal capital of in Karnataka. the 12th century. the Hoysala Empire in best examples of Hoysala It is home to o n e of the Kedareswara temples. Hoysaleswara and architecture in the ornate Ar.Sherin Var1kkatt 67 w 2016 Temple plan I h e temple is a simple dvikuta vimana (plan with two shrines and two Superstruciures), one "Hoysaleswara" (the kirng) and the other for lor "Shantaleswara" buil wilth Soapstone The temple complex as a whole is elevated on a jagati (platform). the two shrines which are adjoining, face east and each have a mantapa (hall) in front. T h e twomantapas are connected giving a large and imposing view of the hall. but the exterior looks different The plan of the inside of the temple is simple and recesses in the walls. because of the introduction of many projections NCYSALEs VARA TCPLE, JALEO, GROuND PLAN The ternple has four porches for entry and the one normally used by visitors as main entry in (north). ihere is one entry on the souih side and lwo on the east side. Ar.Sherin Varkkatt 68 ks 2016 I n addition there is a sanctuary for the Sun god Surya, whose image slands 7I 2.1 m) tat. The pavilions wilh a large images of Nandi, the bull, an altendont of Shiva The pavilions shore the same jagati as the main termple this temple orniginally had an open mantapa to which outer wals wilh pierced window screens made wilh the same material were erected, making the mantopa a closed one. The window screens are devoid of any art work. Horizontal treatment The outer wals have two eoves that run around the temple. The the superstructure meets the meter below. iop eaves is at the roof of the temple where wl,and the second eaves is about Below the lower eaves are a the eight moldings. Historian calls this type of relief work "horizontal treatment". Each of the eight friezes camries an array of decoration. wall meets the platform, the lowest from the bottom where the temple Going frieze depicts charging elephants which symbolize strength and stablity. cOurage, floral above which, in order, are friezes with lions which symbolize scrolls as decoration, horses symbolizng speed, etc whurala i Sculptures The Hoysaleswara temple is most well known for its sculptures that un all along the outer wal Totaily, Ihere are two hundred and forty such images. Ar Sherin Varikkatt 69 ga 2016 Kesava temple ,Somnalhpur This is one of the finest examples of Hoysala architecture, The temple was built by Soma, a Dandanayaka (lit. "comnander) in 1263 C.E. under Hoysala king Narasimha ll, The temple is housed inside an impressive high walled enclosure with 64 cells and the entrance to the complex is through a porch with tall lathe-turned pillars. Ihe naterial used for the temple is soapstone Ihe temple which is built on a jagati (plalform) lenple is a trikuta (triple shrine: gurbhagrihas housing the inages Veruyopcla, Janardhana, umounted by elegantly carved of Kesava shikharas Iride the ternple, each vimnana has eclonguicr nantapa (hatl) vestibule that connects it lo the main Ar Sheru Varikk.att 70 egs 2016 LIke the shrines, all three vestibutes also have ther own tower cottecd the Sukanasi (or nosej. though it is shorter and honce looks lik e n low extension of the main superstruchure over the shrirne. .The outer walls of all three shrines, Iheir lowers and Sukanasi are eqully wel decorated, making it overalla very well balanced design The temple stands on at the back and are located three imanas are a jagati (platform) and therectangular closed mantapa. connected by a common exterior and there is a gallery the plan of the temple The jagati closely follows complex which the enclosure of the temple all along lathe-turned pillars with adds to the effect. and that leads to the jagati T h e r e is one flight of steps the jagati to the mantapa. The one thot leads from clockwise circum to follow the ritualistic devotees wide jagoti invites hall. ambulation before entering the The hall has sixteen boys. The moldings on and friezes, with has well decorated the outer wall of the mantapa pierced windows All the three shrines towers follow the are same screens reliefs above them. in design and their 16 pointed stellate (star-shaped) structure looks likea pattern. Hence the whole and recesses (called well decorated projections hythmic progression of towers look circular The number of points make the architectural articulation). in shape Ar Sherin Varikkatt 71 Nypn 2016 sOMNATHPUR, Kesbava lngk Sourca Monuments of India Horzontal Treatment has twoeaves running around the temple and there are six moldings at the base of the outer walls. The upper eaves is where the lower meets the wall ot the shrine. The lower eaves is about a meter below the upper eaves. Belween the two eaves are decorative miniature towers (called aedicule). Below the lower eaves are a panel of Hindu delties In frleze and their attendants. There are nearly two hundred such panels. Below these panels are six horizontal mnoldings or friezes of equal size with ornate decorations INDO ARYAN STYLE(THE NORTH INDIAN) North Indian temple architecture, distinctive sikhara, are characlerized by its superstruclure, tower, or spire. The style is sometlimes referred to as Nagara, . The a typical Hindu temple in northern India, on plan, consistsof garbhagha, or "womb-room"'or cella- a sanctuary housing the main image, mandopas (porches or halls) Iront of garbhagriha small one or more square-shaped adjoining pilored hall in anlaråla open or closed veslibule connecling the sanctum und mondapa The ertrance doorway of lhe igures of river goddesses ond sanchum is usually richly decorated with bands of Noral, Ofnurnentation. figural, and Ar Sherin Varkhatt geomelric 12 Rea 2016 An ambulatory is sometimes provided around the sanctum. o Above the main sanctuary rises a spire sikhara, which is usuall a curvilinear in outline. o The whole may be raised ona terace jagothi with attendant shrines af the comers. o fatemple is dedicated to the god Siva, the figure of the bul Nand, faces the sanctum, and, o if dedicated to the god Vishnu, standards (dhvoja-stambha) may be set up in front of the temple o All the temples created in the Nagara style have a unified theme and design. and Theexterior walls are usually decorated with sculptures of mythological niches in semidivine figures, with the main images of the deities placed carved on the main projections. Shathara (pak) Geparass fdom Sthambha Vinana (toie Gaubha-oriba (sonetan sanctorm) Mandap pilster ORRISAN TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE The characteristics of a fully evolved orisan temple are: A sanctum which is usually square termed as duel or rekha deul An assembly hall in front of deul called jagmohan A dancing hall in front of jagamohan called natamandir A hall of offering in front of natamandir called bhog mandir. These structures are aligned on an axis and stood on a plinth called pista Absence of pillars on exterior façode is a characteristic feature of these temples b ArSherin Varikkatt 73 2016 rathas m rekha natamandir bhogamandapa The super structure bada jagamohan deul comprises of 3 parts the lower cubical portion o Chhapara - the tall middle portion of shikara and o Amalaka - a flattened fluted disc on top of chappara. o Kalasa-a tall finial usually crowned the amla. Jagamohan also have bada and pida- a pyramidal roof on top bada. A ghanta kalasa- bels shaped finial is placed on top of pida. kalasho" CKCULIDDDDomoaia chopra pidlo boda pido d mohon sekha ded garbhagriho Ar Sherin Varikkatt 74 k . 2016 A deula is a shrine in an Odishan temple in India. Sometimes the whole temple is called Deula. Ihere are three types of De ulas .Rekha Deula-Eg: Lingargja temple, Rekha in Oriya means a straight line. It is a tall building with a shape of sugar loaf, looking like a Shikhara. It covers and protects the sanctum sanctorum Pidha Deula-Eg: Konark Sun Iemplelt is a square building with a pyramid shaped roof, like the vimanas. For the halls or service rooms of the nple. Khakhara deula -Eg:Baitala Deula Khakara deula is a rectangular buiding with a truncated pyramid-shaped roof, like the gopuras. Kanga architecture Rededat Pidhadaulotsy Aide west-a LINGARAJA TEMPLE, BHUBANESWAR Lingaraj Temple is and is one of the dedicated to Harihara, a form of Shiva oldest temples of Bhubaneswar. in India". "one of the finest examples of purely Hindu temple Bhubaneswar. The Lingaraja temple is the largest temple in Ar.Sherin Varikkatt 75 2016 there located in the east, while The main entrance is the north and south. are small entrances in that has four components namelyYThe temple is built in the Deula style bhoga-mandapa. vimana. jagamohana,natamandira ,and of the devadasi with the raising prominence The dance hall w a s associated the time. system that existed during sanctum increase of offering to the tower of the The various units from the Hall in height TheBhogamandapa (Hall of offering) 17.15 m x 17.15m from the 13 m x 13 m from the inside, sides. the of each in outside and has four doors measures has decorative sculptures of The exterior walls of the hall beast. men and made of up several horizontal layers The hall has a pyramidal roof platform. with two intervening arranged in sets of If bears an inverted bell and a kalasa in the top. The Natamandira (testival hall) measures has one (12 nx 12 m) from the inside, (15 mx 15 m) from the Outside main entrance and two side entrances. The side walls of the hall has decortive sculptures displaying women and couples. It has a flat roof sloping in stages. There are thick pylons inside the hal. Ar.Sherin Varikkatt 76 vapn 2016 TheJagamohana (assembly hall) measures (11 mx9.I m) from the inside, (17mx 15 m) from Ihe Outside, entrances from south and north and has a 30 metres tall roof. horizontal layers made of up several The hall has a pyramidal roof of as in the Hall form plat aranged in sets of two with intervening offering. second unit is adorned The inverted bell above The Rekha deula measures (6.7 mx6.7 m) from the inside, (16 mx by kalasa l6 m) and lions from the outside over the sanctum. has a the 60m tall cunvilinear tower over decorative covered with IH is the walls. sanctum. lion projecting from design and seated inside. in shape from the The sanctum is square The tower walls are sculpted in different poses. with female figures r E3L Ar.Sherin Varikkatt 77 keEs 2016 MODULE5 RAJPUTNA&KHAJURAHO ARCHITECTURE The Khajuraho Group of Monuments Built during the ruie of the Raput Chandela dynasty. The buiding activities were camied out immediately after their rise into power. Hindu and Jain temples Made of sand stone. with The were constructed gronite using the as the foundation. vastu purusha mandala. The Kandariyá Mahódevo Temple medieval ornate Hindu temple in 1the I t is the largest and most India. Pradesh, found at Khajuraho in Madhya Khajurgho was once the religious capital of the Chandela temple group Rajputs. the Himalayan 31 m to depict Mount Kailash, miniature spires 84 surounded by mountain abode of Shiva and is The main spire or sikNara rises (or Urushringas) inside the sanctum is o marble Shiva. linga representing krchitecture of tre KidJuranotemples Carba grha C R r Mal Acha mrncapa Luance por East Ja ipiaom ra Dimensions are 31M Ph and 31M height. length, 20M width externally arrned cross with In plan it is a double sanctum. circumabulatory space and Ar Sherin Varikkatt portico, main hall, francep 78 2016 Like many other temples in the Krajuraho complex. t nas a inecr series of access-steps facirng the east-west directicns Other features are columned hals with bsiconies, an entrance porch, and the inner sancturn. Decorating the sides of the termple are over 646 states The temple is found on a massive plinth of 4m ht. T h e super structure is built with a steep mountain shape or torm. Has richely decorated roofs rising til the main shikhara which has 84 miniature spires. A series of steep steps with high rise lead from the ground level to the entrance of the temple. At the entrance there is a Torana, sculpted from a single stone. The entrance gate is extensively carved. The interior space from the entrance, there are the Mandapas, which succesively rise in height and width. A central sanctum,where Shiva linga is placed the sanctum is surrounded by interlinked passages which also have side and tront balconies. Ihere is amain tower atOve the sanctum and there are two other towers above the mandapas also in the shape of a" semi-rounded, stepped, pyramidal torm with progressively greater height." Ihe exterior surtace ot the vertical layers. There Ar Sherin Varikkatt are temple is entirely covered with sculptures in three horizontal ribbons carved with images. kees 2016 There are niches with erotic sculntures The Temple of Surya Modhera B u i t in 1026 AD The Soiankis auring were the reign of King Bhirnadeva Sun God and thus considered to be the descendent of the the structural marvel was constructed and integrated The temple comprises three separate. axially aligned elements: Surya Kunc. Sabha Mandap and Gudoa Mandap. Ar Sher1n Varikkatt 80 k 2016 TANK Surya Kund: This rectangular stepped tank has exempiany geometric features. With innumerable stone steps and 108 miniature shrines has been chiseled between these steps. Main temple: The entire temple is based on an inverted lotus-base plinth. The temple architecture was designed in way that the rays of the sun during Sunrise and sunset falls on the gold idol of the deity. Surya and his chariot during the equinOx. Sabha Mandap: It is a pillared hall with 52 unique and beautifully carved pillars depicting the tales from Ramayana and Mahabharata. Ihe exterior of the temple walls has 12 different postures of Adityas - Sun God along with eight Dikpals, Lord Vishwakarmg - who constructed Golden Dwarka city for Shri Krishna, Varundey - God of Water, Agnidey God of Fire. Ganesh God for starting. Mata Saraswati Goddess of Education & Wisdom Ar Sherin Varikkatt - ECs 2016 MARWAR SURYA TEMPLE- Surya Ossian femple As the OSIAN, is Temple troces its origin with often The century. in the 10th Ranakpur. Temple at the Sun compared dedicated name to Lord Surya is this temple Lord Surya. idol of the striking or Sun of the God. The suggests. comprises sanctum idols of Lord has the hall also The main images of with the ceiling is structure Ganesha serpents and coiled carved is The life-story Suryo Temple depicted dates of the form here in back to murals Goddess around Durga. lotus The flowers. The initial and scriptures. century the 8th 82 Ar. Sherin Varikkart R 2016 This temple shows the north Indion style a high tower called a an open porch shikhara, and for visitors to the temple, calleda nandapa. also had a high porch, like earlier Etruscan and Rornan ternpies t h e shikhara, instead of being a slender and rises up in a single, nore confident tapering form, acquires more body curve towards a disc ike kalasha stone capping the apex. The mantapa is equally dignified. It ernerges roof held up over rows plinth. asa of stately square columns rectangular hall with its flat rising uD from a substantia The slenderness of the columns of the entrance corico which rise up straight from ground level, is emphasized by vertical futings on their circular shafts. VIJAYANAGARA ARCHITECTURE Geography and Geology Location - Hampi on the banks of Tungabnadra river Building material was gvailable on the site-accounts for many ciers of the temple being monolithic Two types of rock was Granite-more crude Dark green chlorite Most of the -the available- granite ,dark green chiorite stone and rugged cut stone-sharply important structures appecrance cut and and ruins of Royal Centre and the Sacred Centre The Royal Centre in the southwest part royal stables, and temples for ceremonial The Sacred Centre is situated banks of the holy on Tungabhadra Ar Sherin Vankkatt skilfuly modelled the River Vjayanagara are located in two of the site palaces, baths. use. pavilions, northern edge of the city along the kEes 2016 FEATURES Modest structures of low heigh! Spans Iarge areas and courtvards are oresent Huge compound walls Use of granite dark green chilorite. bnck Intricately decorated temoles Pilars having- horse capitas difterent shapes. pillars decorated by small pilloars Drops mode more interesting D ViITTALA TEMPLE HAMP The Vittala Temple is presumed to be the monuments in Hampi grandest of all temples and The tempie exemplifies the immense creativity and architectural excellence possessed by the sculptors and artisans of the Vijoyanagara era. Dedicated to iora Vishnu The iconic tempie has amoazng stone structures such as the incomparable stone chanot anid the tascinating musical pillars. Ar Sherin Varikkatt 84 2016 The Vittala ternple is built in the Drgvidian style of crchitecture The temple complex is surrounded by high componcd wris and hrae 'owering gateways The temple cornplex has many halls. shrines and pgviions located nside it Each of these structures is made of stone Notable among these structures are the shrine of the Goddess (also known as Dei hrine, Maha Mantapa or main hall Ranga Mantapa. Kalyana Mantapa (mariage hal) Utsava Mantapa (festival hal). and the tamous Store Cnaroi Vitthala Temple. Vijayanagara Mahamandapa Shrine Chariot Kalyana Mandapa Source: The Art of Ancicat ladiaa m) Ar Sherin Varikkatt 85 kees 2016 HAZARA RAMA TEMPLE. HAMPI Situated in the middle of the Roya Centre this religious monument was Used as a private chapel by the Viovgnagma nilers and fheir private family members This link with royality is expressed in the reliefs covering the outer faoce of the compound wals inside which the temple itself stands They portray the processions o' elephants. horses with attendants, military contingents and aancing women Pavilton-like gatewOVs on the east ond norih give access 1o the temple CompoUnd an an open mandapa, actually The main temple is approached through with entrance porch within which is the original addition of earty i6th century, finely carved coiumns. north and south. Side porches are seen on the The interior of the temple coBumnsin the miadie An empty is unodomed, except for four omately sculpted withun the sanciuary; pedesta stands secured images o Rama. arsnmano its three holes may have andSita, but these are lost sculplures already The outside walls of the temple have trie Rornayang referred to set between pilasters Ar Sherin Varikkatt 86 ka 2016 The walls r e raised on a basernent t h firety et Mreerd mouiings and overhung by curving egves A brick plaster tower rises over the sarnctiyory its crigingldetalk are oosCured by modern restoration It has two sanctuaries. one perhaps for Nargsirmha, ince he story of this incarnation of Vishnu also appers on the outer wals Ar Sherin Varikkatt 87