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Great Depression Deportations: Mexican-Americans

“During the Great Depression, as many as one million Mexicans and Mexican-Americans were
deported under the pretext that they were to blame for the economic downturn.”
This one really stood out to me because it’s just shocking, and I never knew and never would’ve
imagined it! How could you blame the state of the economy on Mexicans!? The great depression
was caused by the stock market’s crash, the collapse of world trade, bank failures and bad
government policies amongst other reasons. So again just how could you blame Mexicans for
that, especially given that they were not in positions of power to make the policies!?
Also Mexican-Americans are Americans, so how could they get deported? This was a clear
violation of their rights. And most likely some of them have never been to Mexico and didn’t
know anybody in Mexico, so how could they send people to a country they’re not a citizen of!?
This is really shocking and hit close because I was born in America but I’m not originally
American, so will I get deported to my country of origin one day if I’m wrongly accused of