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Resources for Technical Writers

Mount Carmel College Autonomous
for Technical
Dr. Cecilia Osyanju
I want to share a few resources for you as a technical writer, but before that I want us to
talk about the Importance of Keeping Track of Finances as a Freelance Technical Writer
Managing your income, expenses, and taxes is essential for the success of a technical
writer who is a freelancer. Here is why
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Keeping Track of
Finances as a
Freelance Technical
Financial Stability
By keeping track of your finances, you can ensure financial
stability in your freelance career. It allows you to monitor your
income and expenses, enabling you to make informed decisions
about your finances.
Budgeting and Planning
Tracking your finances helps you create a budget and plan your
expenses accordingly.
Tax Compliance
Collaborate in real-time with your teammates. Share tasks
and work simultaneously to create a powerful presentation.
Business Growth
By tracking your finances, you can identify areas where you
can reduce costs, increase revenue, or invest in professional
development opportunities.
Financial Stability: By keeping track of your finances, you can ensure financial stability in
your freelance career. It allows you to monitor your income and expenses, enabling you to
make informed decisions about your finances. This stability provides peace of mind and
allows you to focus on your writing projects without worrying about financial
Budgeting and Planning: Tracking your finances helps you create a budget and plan your
expenses accordingly. You can allocate funds for business expenses such as software
subscriptions, professional development courses, and marketing efforts. Additionally, you
can set aside money for personal expenses, savings, and taxes. This proactive approach
ensures that you are financially prepared for both short-term and long-term goals.
Tax Compliance: As a freelance technical writer, you are responsible for managing your tax
obligations. Keeping track of your income and expenses makes it easier to accurately
report your earnings and claim deductions when filing your taxes. It helps you stay
organized and minimizes the chances of facing any legal or financial issues related to tax
Business Growth: Effective financial management contributes to the growth of your
freelance technical writing business. By tracking your finances, you can identify areas
where you can reduce costs, increase revenue, or invest in professional development
opportunities. This financial insight allows you to make strategic decisions that can lead
to business expansion and increased profitability.
If you are interested in pursuing freelance writing, grant writing, or sports writing, there
are various
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resources available to support your journey. Let's explore some of these resources:
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Jobs for technical
Where to find
Other places include:
Technical Writer HQ
Upwork and other freelancing cites
Meet technical writers at google https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnnkAWP55Ww
Other places include:
- Indeed
- LinkedIN
- Technical Writer HQ
- Upwork and other freelancing cites
-Create and grow your developer blog, newsletter
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Create and grow your
developer blog, newsletter
Personal Domain
Have a personal domain. POSSE
rule (Publish Own Site Syndicate
Elsewhere) Good for developer
bloggers, fosters ownership of
Secure a community of
supportive individuals
Allow content imports
Reach more readers
Create and grow your developer blog, newsletter
You can syndicate to other platforms such as; Medium, Dev.to so as to reach more people
as you link it to your personal domain.
For technical documents, there is no specific/rigid format. Nevertheless, here are some
quick guidelines
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2. Table of
1. Title Page
3. Abstract
or Executive
6. Conclusion
5. Body
7. References
Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and insights needed to create documents
that stand out in a crowded digital landscape.
As mentioned before, technical documents are the lifeblood of countless industries, and
serve as the bridge between technical experts and the end-users who rely on their
They include a wide range of materials, including manuals, user guides, reports, and more.
The core structure of technical documents includes:
1. Title Page
The title page is your document's first impression. It should be crisp, professional, and
informative. It typically includes the title, author's name, date of publication, and any
necessary logos or branding elements. Remember, a well-designed title page sets the tone
for the entire doc ument.
2. Table of Contents
The table of contents is a roadmap for your readers. It provides a clear outline of what to
expect in the document and allows readers to quickly navigate to the sections they need.
Ensure that headings and subheadings are accurately listed for easy reference.
3. Abstract or Executive Summary
An abstract or executive summary offers a concise overview of the document's main
points. This
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section is essential for busy professionals who need to grasp the key takeaways without
delving into the full document. Make it informative and engaging.
4. Introduction
The introduction serves as the document's gateway, providing context and a clear
understanding of what the document aims to achieve. Clearly define the problem, the
purpose of the document, and the intended audience.
5. Body
The body is the meat of your document. Break it down into sections with descriptive
headings. Each section should present a clear idea or step, and you should support your
points with facts, figures, and, if necessary, visuals. Remember, clarity is key.
6. Conclusion
Summarize the document's key points in the conclusion. Provide a concise recap of the
problem, solution, and key takeaways. Leave your readers with a sense of closure and
7. References and Appendices
Include a section for references and any appendices. This is where you should list all the
sources you've cited and provide any additional materials, such as charts, graphs, or
detailed technical spe cifications.
Writing Style and Language
8. Use of Language
In technical writing, simplicity is key. Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon and
unnecessary technical terms. Your goal is to make complex information accessible to a
broad audi ence.
9. Active Voice
Employ the active voice whenever possible. It lends clarity and directness to your writing.
Passive voice can lead to confusion and ambiguity.
10. Consistency
Maintain consistency throughout your document. This applies to language, formatting,
and the use of terminology. A consistent document is not only easier to read but also
more professional.
11. Graphics and Illustrations
Incorporating visuals such as charts, graphs, and images can significantly enhance the
understanding of your content. Ensure that they are relevant, labeled, and well-integrated
into the document.
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Use clear, concise language and avoid
jargon and unnecessary technical terms
Convey a great number of information
in an effective manner
Employ the active voice whenever
possible. It lends clarity and directness to
your writing.
Maintain consistency throughout your
document. This applies to language,
formatting, and the use of terminology.
Incorporating visuals. Ensure that they are
relevant, labeled, and well-integrated into
the document.
Lets explore the writing Style and Language that should be used in writing a technical
article and d ocument.
1) The first aspect is Use of Language
In technical writing, simplicity is key. Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon and
unnecessary technical terms. Your goal is to make complex information accessible to a
broad audi ence.
2) Active Voice
Employ the active voice whenever possible. It lends clarity and directness to your writing.
Passive voice can lead to confusion and ambiguity.
let's explore the difference between active and passive voice with some examples:
Here is a sentence with Active Voice:
The chef prepared a delicious three-course meal for the guests.
In this sentence, the subject (the chef) performs the action (prepared), making it clear and
In Passive Voice: A delicious three-course meal was prepared for the guests by the chef.
In this passive construction, the subject (a delicious three-course meal) receives the
action, and the agent (the chef) comes after the action, leading to a less direct and
somewhat wordy sentence .
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Another example; Active Voice: The development team launched the new website ahead
of sched ule.
Here, the subject (the development team) takes the lead in performing the action
(launched), making the sentence concise and clear.
Passive Voice: The new website was launched ahead of schedule by the development
In this passive version, the subject (the new website) is the recipient of the action, and the
agent (the development team) follows, creating a more indirect and verbose sentence.
In both examples, you can see that the active voice makes the writing more concise, direct,
and easier to understand, while the passive voice often adds complexity and can make
sentences appear wordy.
For effective technical writing, prefer active voice to maintain clarity and precision.
3). Consistency
Maintain consistency throughout your document. This applies to language, formatting,
and the use of terminology. A consistent document is not only easier to read but also
more professional.
4). Graphics and Illustrations
Incorporating visuals such as charts, graphs, and images can significantly enhance the
understanding of your content. Ensure that they are relevant, labeled, and well-integrated
into the document.
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Celebrate Small Wins
Reflect on Your Journey
Join Writing Communities
Stay Inspired
Create a Writing Schedule,
Set Realistic Goals, Find Your
Writing Space
So , you have
What now?
So now that you have published your first article. Many people tend to get demotivated or
stop writing all together after publishing .
So here are some tips on how to keep at it...
1) Make it a habit even if its just one sentence
2)Develop a writing style as you write more
3) Have a schedule, it keeps you accountable
4) Listen to what your readers have to say about your writing
5) If you want more feedback reach out to more experienced writers for feedback
6) Leverage social media to promote your article. This is a good way to engage with your
reader b ase.
7) Be yourself everyone is taken! Some people with resonate with your technical style
better than others. Don't compare yourself
8) Write even if the topic has been written before.
In summary,
-Celebrate Small Wins
-Reflect on Your Journey
-Join Writing Communities
-Stay Inspired
-Create a Writing Schedule, Set Realistic Goals, Find Your Writing Space
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