Creative Writing Club Our Mission Statement

Creative Writing Club
Our Mission Statement
The Creative Writing Club consists of an eclectic group of
students on campus, all of whom are quite passionate about
writing and improving themselves as writers. We meet every
Thursday in room A222 from 1pm-2pm.
We understand that a writer ranges from a poet to a lyricist, a
short-story writer to a playwright, and we welcome everyone.
Whether the student is looking for a career in writing or simply
writing as a hobby, The Creative Writing Club is the perfect
platform to begin the process.
Our goal here at Rio Hondo College is to raise a group of writers,
inspire, give and gain confidence and further improve each
other's writing through peer evaluations and encouragement.
Extracurricular activities are scheduled to include field-trips,
writing workshops and meet-and-greet opportunities with
published writers. Overall, we attempt to stay true to our motto;
"it takes a group to raise a writer."
For more information, please contact us at: