Microbial Growth Growth Curve Growth can be defined as : 1. increase in cellular constituents. Cells growing longer and larger. 2. increase the number of cells in a population ( growth in size of population) . Population growth is studied by analyzing the growth curve of a microbial culture. The growth curve has four distinct phases: 1. lag phase 2. exponential ( log) phase ,( growth phase) 3. Stationary phase 4. death phase How did biologists determine the presence of such phases?? By growing bacteria in batch culture. Batch culture: bacteria grown in liquid medium and incubated in closed culture vessel with a single batch of medium : no fresh medium is provided during incubation so 1. Nutrient concentration decrease 2. wastes concentration increase • Under such conditions the growth of a population of microbes reproducing by binary fission can be blotted as the logarithm of the number of viable cells versus the incubation time . 1.Lag phase • Cells are synthesizing new components, no increase in cell number occurs . • This phase is necessary because : 1. Cells may be old and depleted of : ATP , essential cofactor , and ribosome‘s that must be synthesized before growth can begin. 2. microorganisms may transferred from medium to another so new enzymes needed to use different nutrients. 3. Possibly the microorganisms have been injured and require time to recover. In this phase cells begin to replicate DNA, and increase in mass. 2. Exponential phase ( log phase ) • Microorganism are growing and dividing at the maximal rate possible . this affected by : 1.Genetical potential 2. Nature of the medium 3. Environmental condition • Cells doubling in number at regular intervals ( the rate of growth is constant) This phase used in biochemical and physiological studies because the population is most uniform in terms of chemical and physiological properties Balanced and unbalanced growth Balanced growth : Cellular constituents are manufactured at a constant rates relative to each other . In exponential phase growth is balanced. Unbalanced growth : the rates of synthesis of cell components vary relative to one another until a new balanced state is reached. Unbalanced observed in two types of experiments 1. shift up : a culture is transferred from a nutritionally poor medium to a rich one >>> there is a lag while the cells first construct new ribosomes to enhance their capacity for protein synthesis. 2. Shift down : a culture is transferred from a rich medium to poor one >>> there is a lag in growth because cells need time to make the enzymes required for the biosynthesis of a available nutrients. • This show that microbial growth is under coordinated control and respond quickly to a change in environmental conditions • once the cell are able to grow again , balanced growth is resumed and the culture enters the log phase. 3. Stationary phase • Population growth eventually cease and the growth curve becomes horizontal . • In stationary phase , the total number of viable microorganisms remain constant. This result from : 1.A balance between cell division and cell death or 2. Population may cease to divide but remain metabolically active. • Microbial population enter the stationary phase because several factors operating in concert: 1. Nutrient limitation e.g Aerobic organisms often limited by O2 availability. 2. Accumulation of toxic waste products e.g Streptococci ferment sugar ( in absence of O2) >> produce much lactic acid and other organic acid. >>> medium become acidic >>growth inhibited 3. Growth may cease when critical population level is reached. stationary phase is attained by most bacteria at a population level of around 109 cells per milliliter. Protest cultures often have maximum concentration of about 106 cells per milliliter. 4. Senescence and Death • Death phase: in this phase , the number of viable cells often declines at an exponential rate. Two hypothesis to interpret such decline: 1. Cells enter temporarily phase under which they can not grow at least under the laboratory conditions used. This called viable but nonculturable ( VBNC) ( become dormant as some types form spores in response to unfavorable conditions • When temperature change or the microorganisms pass to animals >>> microbes resume growth. • This phenomenon is important as many assays that test for food and drinking water safety are culture based. • 2. programmed cell death >> predict that a fraction of the microbial population is genetically programmed to die after growth ceases. In such case the nutrients leak from dead cells enable the eventual growth of cells did not initiate cell death. Some microbes have a very gradual decline in the number of culturable cells >> this can last months to years >> during this time bacterial population evolve so actively, reproducing cells are those : 1.Best able to use the nutrients released from dead cells. 2. Best able to tolerate the accumulated toxins. Mechanisms of growth During the exponential phase, each microorganism is dividing at constant intervals >>> the population double in number during a specific length of time called generation ( doubling )time . e,g culture tube inoculated with one cell that divides every 20 minutes , after 20 minutes will be 2 cells After 40 minutes will be 4 cells and so ….. So the increase in population is always 2n where n is the number of generations Influences of Environmental factors on growth An understanding of environmental influences aids in : 1. The control of microbial growth 2. The study of the ecological distribution of microorganisms Most important environmental factors : 1. Solutes and water activity 2. PH 3. Temperature 4. oxygen level 5. pressure 6. radiation 1. Solutes and water activity • A selectively permeable plasma membrane separates microorganisms from their environment can be affected by change in the osmotic concentration of their surroundings • According to their osmotic pressure solution can be : 1.Hypotonic solution : one with lower osmotic concentration ( low solutes) • 2. hypertonic solution : one with higher osmotic concentration ( high solutes) In osmosis water will move from hypotonic solution to the hypertonic . In hypotonic solution Water will enter the cell and cause it to burst unless something is done prevent the influx or inhibit plasma membrane expansion • In hypertonic solution water will flow out of the cell . In microbes with cell wall, plasma membrane shrinks away from the cell wall = plasmolysis. Dehydration in hypertonic medium may damage the cell membrane and cause the cell to become metabolically inactive. Halobacterium and other extremely halophilic archaea accumulate enormous quantity of ions to remain hypertonic to their environments as: 1. chloride ions. which is also needed to stabilize the plasma membrane and cell wall of halobacterium When sodium ions decrease plasma membrane and cell wall disintegrate • Halophiles adapted successfully to extreme environmental condition but lost ecological flexibility. Water activity (aw) : a low water activity indicates that most of the water is chemically or structurally bound to other components in the medium >> it is a quantitatively the degree of water availability . Microorganisms must expend extra effort to grow in a habitat with low aw because it must maintain a high internal solute concentration to retain water. Osmotolerant Grow over wide range of water activity e. g1. Staphyllococcus aureus are halotolerant >>>>> cultured in media containing sodium chloride up to 3M. (58.44 g of NaCl is needed to make 1M) E,g 2. yeast Saccharomyces rouxii grow in sugar solutions with aw as low as 0,6. How microorganisms respond to change in the osmotic concentration of their environment?? 1. In hypotonic environment: Microbes can reduce the osmotic concentration of their cytoplasm by several mechanisms A. in bacteria: some bacteria have mechanosensitive (MS) channels in their plasma membrane >>> in hypotonic environment water will enter the cell >> increase hydrostatic pressure and cellular swelling >> Ms channels open and allow solutes to leave . B. In protist : many protist do not have cell wall so they use contractile vaculoes to expel exess water. 2 In hybertonic environment Compatible solutes Many microorganisms keep the osmotic concentration of their cytoplasm above that the surrounding environment by use compatible solutes >> they are a chemicals do not interfering with metabolism and growth but used to increase the internal osmotic concentration. Most bacteria and archea use choline( watersoluble vitamen- like essential nutrients ,it is a constituent of lecithin ….) beatine, aminoacids as proline and glutamic acid and elevated levels of potassium and chloride ions Protists and fungi use : sucrose and polyols( is an organic compound containing mutiple hydroxyl groups): arabitol ( is a sugar alcohol) , glycerol, and mannitol ( type of a sugar alcohl )as compatible solutes. Halophiles : microbes adapted to extreme hypertonic environments need high level of sodium chloride to grow ( between 2M and saturation about 6,2M. • The archaeon halobacterium can be isolated from the Dead sea and other aquatic habitats with salt concentration approach saturation. 2. PH PH is a measure of the relative acidity of a solution . Each species has : 1.PH growth range PH growth optimum • Acidophiles : their growth optimum between 0 and 5.5 • Neutrophiles: their growth optimum between 5.5 and 8.0 • Alkalophiles: their growth optimum between 8.0 and 11.5 • Extreme alkalophiles: >>growth optima at PH 10 or higher . • Most known bacteria and protists are neutrophiles. • Most fungi prefer more acidic surroundings about 4 to 6. Photosynthetic protists seem to favor slight acidity . • Many archaea are acidophiles e.g the archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius : -It is a common inhabitant of acidic hot springs -It grows well from PH 1 to 3 and at high temperatur • Alkalophiles are distributed among all three domains of life : • Bacteria : genera Bacillus, micrococcus , pseudomonas and streptomyces • Yeast and filamentous fungi • Numerous archaea • alkaliphilic. • When H+ concentration in out side much grater than inside ( low PH) H+ move into the cytoplasm and lower PH . • Drastic variation in cytoplasmic PH can harm Microorganisms ( affect plasma membrane, enzymes, transport protein). • Mechanisms to maintain cytoplasmic PH: 1. Neutrophiles : exchange potassium to protons 2. Internal buffering may contribute . • If external PH become too acidic >>> below about 5.5 to 6.0 Salmonella enterica ,Serovar typhimurium and E.coli show acidic tolerance response >>>synthesis new proteins . - A proton translocating ATPase enzyme contribute by pumping protons out of the cell. • If PH decrease to 4.5 or lower acid shock proteins and heat shock proteins are synthesized >> these prevent the denaturation of proteins and aid in the refolding of denatured proteins in acidic condition. Microbes at PH extremes • Extremes alkalophiles as Bacillus alcalophiles maintain internal PH close to neutrality by exchange internal sodium ions for external protons. Acidophiles maintain suitable internal PH by: 1. Transport of cations (e.g pottasium ions) into the cell. Thus decreasing the movement of H+ into the cell. 2.Proton transporters that pumps H+ out if they get in . 3. Highly impermeable membranes. 3.Temperature • Microorganisms susceptible to external temperature because they can not regulate their internal temperature. • Change in temperature is important as temperature some enzyme-catalyzed reactions are temperature sensitive. • Each enzyme has a temperature at which it function optimally , below or above this temperature the activity of enzymes affected. • High temperature denature enzymes. Temperature has significant effect on microbial membrane: 1. At very low temperature , membrane solidify 2. At very high temperature , the lipid bilayer simply melts and disintegrates. When organisms above or below their optimum temperature both function and cell structure affected. • Each microbes has minimum, optimum, maximum growth temperature. • The temperature optimum closer to the maximum than to the minimum. • Microorganisms are placed in different classes based on their temperature ranges for growth. 1. A- psychrophiles : grow well at zero C , optimum growth 150C , maximum around 20 oC Habitats isolated from Arctic and antractica habitats • Oceans constitutes an enormous habitat for psychrophiles because 90% of ocean water is 5oC or colder. • In psychrophiles enzymes, transport system, protein synthetic machinery function well at low temperature. • Their cell membrane have high level of unsaturated fatty acids and remain semi fluid when cold. • Psychrotrophs ( psychrotolerants) grow at o or higher , maximum about 35oC Psychrophilic bacteria and fungi are the major causes of refrigerated food spoilage. Mesophiles • Most microorganisms probably fall within this category. • Optima around 20- 45 . • Minimum 15 to 20 oC. • Maximum about 45 oC. • Almost all human pathogens are mesophiles, as might be expected because the human body temperature is 37oc. Thermophiles • • • • Grow between 55 to 85oC. Minimum around 45oC Optima between 55 and 65oC. The vast majority are bacteria and archaea, few photosynthetic protists and fungi. • Habitats : hot water lines and hot springs. • • • • Hyperthermophiles Optima between 85 and 113oC Do not grow below 55oC. Thermophiles and hyperthermophiles differ from mesophiles in many ways. 1. They have heat- stable enzymes, and protein synthesis systems that function properly at high temperatures 2. Have large quantities of aminoacids such as proline also make polypeptide chains flexible and more heat stable. 3. Presence of chaperone proteins that stabilize and aided in folding of proteins. 4. Nucleoid- associated proteins stabilize the DNA of thermophilic bacteria. 5. Membrane lipids are also quite temperature stable>> it is more saturated, more branched of higher molecular weight >>increasing melting points. 4. Oxygen concentration • Aerobes: An organisms able to grow in the presence of atmospheric O2. • Anaerobe: an organisms can grow in absence of oxygen. • Obligate aerobes: organisms completely dependent on atmospheric O2 for growth ( almost all multicellular organisms). • Microaerophiles: damaged by the normal atmospheric level of O2 ( 20%) and require O2 level in the range of 2 to 10% for growth. • Facultative anaerobes: do not require O2 for growth but grow better in its presence. In the presence of oxygen they use O2 as the terminal electron transport acceptor during aerobic respiration . • Aerotolernat anaerobes: grow equally well whether O2 is present or not. • Obligate anaerobes: killed by presence of O2. 5. Pressure • Organisms live on land or surface of water subjected to pressure of 1 atmosphere ( atm) and are never affected significantly by pressure. • Organisms including many bacteria and archaea live in the deep sea ( ocean depths of 1000 m or more ), where hydrostatic pressure can reach 600 to 1100 atm and the temperature is about 2 to 3oC. • These high hydrostatic pressures affect membrane fluidity and membrane- associated function. • Barotolerant: found at great ocean depths. Increased pressure adversely affects them but not as much as it does nontolerant. • Piezophilic: grow rapidly at high pressure, defined as: an organism that has maximal growth rate at pressures grater than 1 atm but less than about 950 atm. • Hyper piezophiles: having growth rate maxima grater than 590 atm. • An important adaptation observed in piezophiles Is >>> they change their membrane lipids in response to increasing pressure. • Some bacteria piezophiles increase the amount of unsaturated fatty acids and shorten the length of their fatty acids • Piezophiles are thought to play important roles in nutrient recycling in the deep sea. 6. Radiation • Radiation behaves as if it were composed of waves moving through space like waves traveling on the surface of water. • Te distance between two crests or troughs is the wave length . • As the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation decrease , the energy of the radiation increases. • Sun light is the major source of radiation on earth , it includes: 1. Visible light 2. ultraviolet ( UV) radiation 3. Infrared rays 4. radio waves • Many forms of electromagnetic radiation is very harmful to microorganisms. • Ionizing radiation ( cause atoms to lose electron); 1. X rays: produced artificially 2. Gamma rays : emitted during radioisotops decay • Low level of ionizing radiation may produce mutations and may indirectly result in death, whereas higher level are directly lethal. • Ionizing radiation can be used to sterilize items. • Some bacteria and bacterial endospore are extremely resistant to large doses of ionizing radiation. • Ultraviolet ( UV) radiation from 10 to 400 can kill microorganisms ( short wavelength+ high energy . • The most lethal UV radiation has a wavelength of 260 nm , the wave length most effectively absorbed by DNA. • The primary mechanisms of UV damage is the formation of thymine dimers in DNA, which inhibit DNA replication and function. • Thymine dimers are formed when two adjacent thymins in the same DNA strands are covalently joined. • Even visible light when present in sufficient intensity can damage or kill microbial cells.