DAV INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY JALANDHAR PROGRAMMING IN PYTHON PRACTICAL FILE SUBMITTED TODr. Harpreet Bajaj Dept. of CSE SUBMITTED BYDivyanshu Kalra B.Tech CSE 5TH semester Roll No. : 116/21 Univ. Reg. No. :2103019 Programming in Python 119/21 LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Task 1: Write a program to demonstrate different number data types in Python. Task 2: Write a program to perform different Arithmetic Operations on numbers in Python. Task 3: Write a program to create, concatenate and print a string and accessing sub-string from a given string. Task 4: Write a python script to print the current date in the following format “Sun May 29 02:26:23 IST 2017” Task 5: Write a program to create, append, and remove lists in python. Task 6: Write a program to demonstrate working with tuples in python. Task 7: Write a program to demonstrate working with dictionaries in python. Task 8: Write a python program to find largest of three numbers. Task 9: Write a Python program to convert temperatures to and from Celsius, Fahrenheit. [ Formula: c/5 = f-32/9] Task 10: Write a Python program to construct the following pattern, using a nested for loop * * ** *** **** *** ** * * Task 11: Write a Python script that prints prime numbers less than 20. Task 12: Write a python program to find factorial of a number using Recursion. 2 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 13: Write a program that accepts the lengths of three sides of a triangle as inputs. The program output should indicate whether or not the triangle is a right triangle (Recall from the Pythagorean Theorem that in a right triangle, the square of one side equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides). Task 14: Write a python program to define a module to find Fibonacci Numbers and import the module to another program. Task 15: Write a python program to define a module and import a specific function in that module to another program. Task 16: Write a script named copyfile.py. This script should prompt the user for the names of two text files. The contents of the first file should be input and written to the second file. Task 17: Write a program that inputs a text file. The program should print all of the unique words in the file in alphabetical order. Task 18: Write a Python class to convert an integer to a roman numeral. Task 19: Write a Python class to implement pow(x, n) Task 20: Write a Python class to reverse a string word by word Task 1: Write a program to demonstrate different number data types in Python. 3 Programming in Python 119/21 x = 20 #int print(x,":",type(x)) x = 20.5 #float print(x,":",type(x)) x = 1j #complex print(x,":",type(x)) #String x = "DAVIET" print(x,":",type(x)) x = ["Go", "Edu", "Hub"] print(x,":",type(x)) #list x = ("Programming", "with", "python") print(x,":",type(x)) #tuple x = {"name" : "abc", "age" : 36} #dict print(x,":",type(x)) x = True #bool print(x,":",type(x)) x = b"Hello" #bytes print(x,":",type(x)) x = {"dl", "python", "ml"} #set print(x,":",type(x)) Output: 4 Programming in Python 119/21 5 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 2: Write a program to perform different Arithmetic Operations on numbers in Python. num1=eval(input("enter first number")) num2=eval(input("enter second number")) addition=num1+num2 subtraction=num1-num2 multiplication=num1*num2 division=num1/num2 print("different Arithmetic Operations on numbers in Python") print("addition:",addition) print("subtraction:",subtraction) print("multiplication:",multiplication) print("division:",division) Output: 6 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 3: Write a program to create, concatenate and print a string and accessing sub-string from a given string. str1 = input("Enter the First String : ") str2 = input("Enter the Second String : ") concat1 = str1 + str2 print("The Final String After Python String Concatenation = ", concat1) concat2 = str1 + ' ' + str2 print("The Final After String Concatenation with Space = ", concat2) text = concat2[8:] print("substring using[8:] is :",text) a = concat2.find("in") print("finding the word 'in ' in the string",a) Output: 7 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 4: Write a python script to print the current date in the following format “Sun May 29 02:26:23 IST 2017” import time; ltime=time.localtime(); print(time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y",ltime)) ''' %a : Abbreviated weekday name. %b : Abbreviated month name. %d : Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31]. %H : Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23]. %M : Minute as a decimal number [00,59]. %S : Second as a decimal number [00,61]. %Z : Time zone name (no characters if no time zone exists). %Y : Year with century as a decimal number. ''' Output: 8 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 5: Write a program to create, append, and remove lists in python. #creating lists pets = ['cat', 'dog', 'rat', 'pig', 'tiger'] #first list snakes=['python','anaconda','fish','cobra','mamba'] #second list #printing the lists print("Pets are :",pets) print("Snakes are :",snakes) #appending lists animals=pets+snakes print("Animals are :",animals) #removing element of list snakes.remove("fish") #printing the updated list print("updated Snakes are :",snakes) Output: 9 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 6: Write a program to demonstrate working with tuples in python. #creating tuple T = ("apple", "banana", "cherry","mango","grape","orange") #printing the whole tuple print("\n Created tuple is :",T) #printing one particular element print("\n Second fruit is :",T[1]) #printing certain elements print("\n From 3-6 fruits are :",T[3:6]) #printing all the elements print("\n List of all items in Tuple :") for x in T: print(x) #checking a certain element if "apple" in T: print("\n Yes, 'apple' is in the fruits tuple") #lenght of tuple print("\n Length of Tuple is :",len(T)) 10 Programming in Python 119/21 OUTPUT: 11 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 7: Write a program to demonstrate working with dictionaries in python. #creating dict dict1 = {'StdNo':'532','StuName': 'abc', 'StuAge': 21, 'StuCity': 'Hyderabad'} print("\n Dictionary is :",dict1) #Accessing specific values print("\n Student Name is :",dict1['StuName']) print("\n Student City is :",dict1['StuCity']) #Display all Keys print("\n All Keys in Dictionary ") for x in dict1: print(x) #Display all values print("\n All Values in Dictionary ") for x in dict1: print(dict1[x]) #Adding items dict1["Phone_no."]=9876543210 #Updated dictoinary print("\n Updadated Dictionary after adding new item is :",dict1) #Change values dict1["StuName"]="cde" #Updated dictoinary print("\n Updadated Dictionary after changing value is :",dict1) #Removing Items dict1.pop("StuAge"); #Updated dictoinary print("\n Updated Dictionary after removing item is :",dict1) #Length of Dictionary print("Length of Dictionary is :",len(dict1)) #Copy a Dictionary 12 Programming in Python 119/21 dict2=dict1.copy() #New dictoinary print("\n New Dictionary is :",dict2) #empties the dictionary dict1.clear() print("\n Updated Dictionary after deleting items is :",dict1) OUTPUT: 13 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 8: Write a python program to find largest of three numbers. num1 = int(input("Enter first number: ")) num2 = int(input("Enter second number: ")) num3 = int(input("Enter third number: ")) if (num1 > num2) and (num1 > num3): largest = num1 elif (num2 > num1) and (num2 > num3): largest = num2 else: largest = num3 print("The largest number is", largest) OUTPUT: 14 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 9: Write a Python program to convert temperatures to and from Celsius, Fahrenheit. [ Formula: c/5 = f-32/9] print("Options are \n") print("1.Convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit \n") print("2.Convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius \n") opt=int(input("Choose any Option(1 or 2) : ")) if opt == 1: print("Convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit \n") cel = float(input("Enter Temperature in Celsius: ")) fahr = (cel*9/5)+32 print("Temperature in Fahrenheit =",fahr) elif opt == 2: print("Convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius \n") fahr = float(input("Enter Temperature in Fahrenheit: ")) cel=(fahr-32)*5/9; print("Temperature in Celsius =",cel) else: print("Invalid Option") 15 Programming in Python 119/21 OUTPUT: 16 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 10: Write a Python program to construct the following pattern, using a nested for loop * ** *** **** *** ** * n=4 for i in range(n): for j in range(i): print ('* ', end="") print('') for i in range(n,0,-1): for j in range(i): print('* ', end="") print('') OUTPUT: 17 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 11: Write a Python script that prints prime numbers less than 20. print("Prime numbers between 1 and 20 are:") limit=20; for num in range(limit): # prime numbers are greater than 1 if num > 1: for i in range(2,num): if (num % i) == 0: break else: print(num) OUTPUT: 18 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 12: Write a python program to find factorial of a number using Recursion. def recur_fact(n): """Function to return the factorial of a number using recursion""" if n == 1: return n else: return n*recur_fact(n-1) num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) # check is the number is negative if num < 0: print("Sorry, factorial does not exist for negative numbers") elif num == 0: print("The factorial of 0 is 1") else: print("The factorial of",num,"is",recur_fact(num)) OUTPUT: 19 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 13: Write a program that accepts the lengths of three sides of a triangle as inputs. The program output should indicate whether or not the triangle is a right triangle (Recall from the Pythagorean Theorem that in a right triangle, the square of one side equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides). base=float(input("Enter length of Base : ")) perp=float(input("Enter length of Perpendicular : ")) hypo=float(input("Enter length of Hypotenuse : ")) if hypo**2==((base**2)+(perp**2)): print("It's a right triangle") else: print("It's not a right triangle") OUTPUT: 20 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 14: Write a python program to define a module to find Fibonacci Numbers and import the module to another program. #fibonacci.py def fibonacci(n): a, b = 0, 1 print(0,end=" ") while b < n: print(b, end=' ') a, b = b, a+b print() # write Fibonacci series up to n #importing fibonacci module import fibonacci as fib num=int(input("Enter any number to print Fibonacci series ")) fib.fibonacci(num) OUTPUT: 21 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 15: Write a python program to define a module and import a specific function in that module to another program. #arithmetic.py def add(a,b): print("addition:",a+b) def sub(a,b): print("subtraction:",a-b) def mul(a, b): print("multiplication:", a *b) def div(a,b): print("division:",a/b) #importing add function from arithmetic.py from arithmetic import add num1=float(input("Enter first Number : ")) num2=float(input("Enter second Number : ")) add(num1,num2) OUTPUT: 22 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 16: Write a script named copyfile.py. This script should prompt the user for the names of two text files. The contents of the first file should be input and written to the second file. #file1.txt This is python program welcome to python #task file1 = input("Enter First Filename : ") file2 = input("Enter Second Filename : ") # open file in read mode fn1 = open(file1, 'r') # open other file in write mode fn2 = open(file2, 'w') # read the content of the file line by line cont = fn1.readlines() # type(cont) for i in range(0, len(cont)): fn2.write(cont[i]) # close the file fn2.close() print("Content of first file copied to second file ") # open file in read mode fn2 = open(file2, 'r') # read the content of the file cont1 = fn2.read() # print the content of the file print("Content of Second file :") print(cont1) 23 Programming in Python 119/21 # close all files fn1.close() fn2.close() OUTPUT: 24 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 17: Write a program that inputs a text file. The program should print all of the unique words in the file in alphabetical order. #file1.txt This is python program welcome to python #task fname = input("Enter file name: ") fh = open(fname) lst = list() # list for the desired output words=[] for line in fh: # to read every line of file romeo.txt words += line.split() words.sort() # display the sorted words print("The unique words in alphabetical order are:") for word in words: if word in lst: # if element is repeated continue # do nothing else: # else if element is not in the list lst.append(word) print(word) print("List:",lst) OUTPUT: 25 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 18: Write a Python class to convert an integer to a roman numeral. class irconvert: num_map = [(1000, 'M'), (900, 'CM'), (500, 'D'), (400, 'CD'), (100, 'C'), (90, 'XC'), (50, 'L'), (40, 'XL'), (10, 'X'), (9, 'IX'), (5, 'V'), (4, 'IV'), (1, 'I')] def num2roman(self, num): roman = ' ' while num > 0: for i, r in self.num_map: while num >= i: roman += r num -= i return roman num = int(input("Enter any Number :")) print("Roman Number is : ", irconvert().num2roman(num)) OUTPUT: 26 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 19: Write a Python class to implement pow(x, n) class py_pow: def powr(self, x, n): if x==0 or x==1 or n==1: return x if x==-1: if n%2 ==0: return 1 else: return -1 if n==0: return 1 if n<0: return 1/self.powr(x,-n) val = self.powr(x,n//2) if n%2 ==0: return val*val return val*val*x x=int(input("Enter x value :")) n=int(input("Enter n value :")) print("pow(x,n) value is :",py_pow().powr(x,n)) OUTPUT: 27 Programming in Python 119/21 Task 20: Write a Python class to reverse a string word by word class py_reverse: def revr(self, strs): sp=strs.split() sp.reverse() res=" ".join(sp) return res str1=input("Enter a string with 2 or more words : ") print("Reverse of string word by word: \n",py_reverse().revr(str1)) OUTPUT: 28