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SAP Project System: Capacity Planning Guide

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&DSDFLWLHV &DSDFLW\/HYHOLQJLQWKH3URMHFW6\VWHP &DSDFLW\5HTXLUHPHQWV,Q3URMHFWV ([HFXWLQJ&DSDFLW\/HYHOLQJ 36 Capacity Leveling in the Capacity Planning Menu ................................................................... 10
Accessing Capacity Leveling/Evaluation from Scheduling/Structure Planning........................ 11
Accessing Capacity Leveling in the Project Planning Board.................................................... 12
A capacity is a resource whose availability is planned for a certain time period. In contrast to
other resources in the SAP System, such as materials, production resources/tools or capital, you
can not save capacities.
You use capacity planning in the Project System, if you
Want to determine the capacity requirements for work in internally processed network
activities and then compare these requirements with the available capacity of the work
Want to use capacity leveling for determining the optimum capacity load utilization and
for selecting suitable resources.
If you have linked the work centers or labor capacities used in the network activities with objects
in the personnel system(HR) you can use workforce planning [Page 14].
For more detailed information on capacity planning, refer to the R/3 Library 33&DSDFLW\
For information about Work Centers [Ext.] and the data that you have to maintain there, refer to
the R/3 Library 33:RUN&HQWHUV.
The main tools for planning in the project system are the work breakdown structure and the
network. The work breakdown structure and the WBS elements define the hierarchical structure
of the projects. You use activities in the network or activities that are subordinate to WBS
elements to plan the project and the resource requirements.
Capacity leveling is an important tool for planning resources in a project. It matches available
capacity and capacity requirements off against one another and dispatches the capacity
Capacity leveling can be carried out in a tabular planning board, in which available capacity and
capacity requirements are displayed in periods. You can also use a graphic planning board, with
which it is possible to display available capacity and capacity requirements on a continuous
The main function of capacity leveling is the dispatching of activities [Ext.]. For information about
further functions, refer to Functions in Capacity Leveling [Ext.] .
For information about how to handle these functions in the two planning boards refer to The
Tabular Planning Board [Ext.] or The Graphic Planning Board [Ext.].
You can also access capacity leveling with different views, which you use according to your
The project manager can view capacity leveling for a particular WBS hierarchy by choosing
/HYHOLQJ →3URMHFWYLHZin the Capacity Leveling menu [Page 10].
Capacity leveling can be accessed from the 3URMHFW6\VWHP:
In the project planning board [Page 12] by choosing *RWR → &DSDFLW\OHYHOLQJ
In time scheduling and structure planning [Page 11] by choosing *RWR → &DSDFLW\
Here he can also call up the standard overview for capacity leveling.
The planner who is responsible for a network can view capacity leveling by choosing /HYHOLQJ →
2UGHUYLHZ from the Capacity planning menu [Page 10] . Only the activities from one or more
network are taken into account.
He can also check the availability of capacities in a network [Page 13] .
The person responsible for a work center can call up capacity leveling by choosing /HYHOLQJ →
:RUNFHQWHUYLHZ from the Capacity planning menu [Page 10].
You can call up other views specific to your company from the variable overview. You can
maintain these variable overviews in Customizing.
To use views other than those in the standard system, which you have maintained in
Customizing, you change the user parameters for view selection.
The capacity requirements are the internal resources required at a particular time for a project to
be carried out.
For internally processed activities you specify the resource, such as a work center, and a value
for the work in the activity.
When several resources are required to carry out an activity or if you have different capacity
requirements, you can create work elements. You maintain the same data in work elements as in
activities. You specify the date for the work element requirements as an offset to the start or
finish date of the activity.
The system calculates the capacity requirements for networks using the formula [Ext.] entered in
work center maintenance. Generally, the system uses the value you entered for ZRUN in the
network activity in the formula, however, you can specify other formula parameters.
You must schedule the network in order to have the system calculate the capacity requirements.
Scheduling determines the earliest and latest start and finish dates for carrying out activities in
the network and calculates the required capacity requirements as well as the slack time or
For scheduling and determining capacity requirements the system uses the following data:
The operating time
The formula for the duration of internal processing
The calendar
The formula for the capacity requirements of internal processing activities
If no formula has been maintained for the capacity requirements, the system will
not calculate capacity requirements.
For more information scheduling, refer to Network Scheduling [Ext.].
As well as partial and final confirmation, the status “technically complete” also affects capacity
requirements. This status, like a final confirmation, causes all capacity requirements for an order
to be reduced to zero.
For partially confirmed activities in networks, the remaining capacity requirements are calculated
by subtracting the actual value for work from the capacity requirements. You can also enter a
forecast value for the work with which the capacity requirements can be recalculated using
You define available capacities in the work center using capacity categories. Available capacity is
the output that a capacity category can generate per work center.
Capacity categories are, for example
An individual machine in production
A group of people operating a production line
A group of engineers
You can link a work center or a capacity with objects in the personnel system [Ext.] . You can
then use Workforce Planning [Page 14].
For more information on work centers and the data for capacity planning, refer to Work Centers
[Ext.] .
You must have maintained various settings for capacity leveling in Customizing for scheduling
and dispatching of capacity requirements.
For more information about the settings necessary for executing capacity leveling, refer to
Settings and Profiles for Capacity Leveling [Ext.]
The overall profile for capacity leveling is saved in the project profile.
Access capacity leveling in one of the following ways:
Capacity Levelling in the Capacity Planning Menu [Page 10]
Accessing Capacity Levelling/Evaluation from Scheduling/Structure Planning [Page
Accessing Capacity Levelling in the Project Planning Board [Page 12]
If you have called up the tabullar or graphic planning board, you can dispatch capacity
requirements or use several other Functions in Capacity Levelling [Ext.] These are described in
detail in Functions in the Graphic Planning Board [Ext.] or Functions in Tabellar Planning Board
The Capacity planning menu [Ext.] appears.
2. Choose /HYHOLQJ and then the required view as well as the planning board with which
you want to carry out capacity leveling.
The selection screen for capacity leveling is displayed.
3. According to the view, enter either the work centers, networks or WBS elements for
which the capacities are to be leveled.
By choosing *RWR →)LOWHUyou can further limit the selection.
4. Confirm your entries by choosing (QWHU.
The selected planning board is called up and the capacity requirements and available
capacities are displayed according to the selected view and selection.
The following functions are accessed identically in scheduling and structure planning.
You can access &DSDFLW\OHYHOLQJ or /HYHOLQJRILQGLYLGXDOFDSDFLWLHV in the tabular or graphic
planning board by choosing *RWR → &DSDFLW\SODQQLQJ
You can decide whether you want to display
This shows the load that is caused by RQO\ WKHRQH WBS element. Capacity
requirements from other orders, networks or WBS elements will not be displayed
Total load.
access the standard overview [Ext.] of capacity evaluation, in which the available capacities , the
requirements, the load utilization and the free capacities are listed, displayed in periods
The initial screen for the project planning table is displayed.
2. Enter the data on the initial screen and choose ([HFXWH
The system displays the project planning board.
3. You can call up (individual) capacity leveling by choosing *RWR → &DSDFLW\OHYHOLQJ
You can decide which capacity requirements you want to display.
The requirements produced by the selected WBS elements exclusively
The total requirements, that is also the requirements from other orders, networks and
WBS elements.
You can also display a sub-screen with the load per capacity or per capacity and WBS element
by choosing Goto → &DSDFLW\ORDGXWLOL]DWLRQ
The initial screen 2SHUDWLYH3URMHFW6WUXFWXUHVis displayed.
2. Select 1HWZRUN→&KDQJH
3. Enter the relevant data on the initial screen and then choose (QWHU.
4. In the network header choose (GLW →$YDLODELOLW\→&DSDFLW\
You are informed whether there are work centers in the network that are overloaded. You can
then display detailed information or call up finite scheduling.
The procedure for Checking Capacity Availability [Ext.] is described in the R/3 Library 33
With Workforce Planning, you can distribute work to people for specific periods. This distribution
takes place on a planning board that is convenient and easy to use.
On this planning board you can conduct workforce planning orientated towards a project or
towards work centers, depending on your responsibilities.
When you call up the planning board in project view [Page 15] you select WBS elements or
networks by choosing projects.
All the selected network activities or the network activities assigned to the selected WBS
elements are displayed on the planning board.
You can then select the people that are assigned to the work centers for the activities and
distribute [Page 17] the work from the activities
When you call up the planning board in the work center view [Page 18] you select work centers.
On the planning board are listed:
All persons that are assigned to the select work centers.
All network activities that are assigned to the work centers.
You can then distribute [Page 20] the work from the displayed activities amongst the selected
In Customizing you must have defined profiles for work force planning [Page 21], which contains
the settings for the planning board. However you change the settings for the current working
environment from those of the profile, when you call up the planning board.
You must have linked the work centers or personnel capacities with objects in the
personnel system (HR) [Ext.] .
You must have scheduled the activities to create capacity requirements.
Only one labor capacity can exist for each work center.
You must have assigned work centers to the internally processed activities.
You enter the formulas [Ext.] necessary for calculating capacity requirements in the
work center.
2. On the dialog box, enter the profile you want to use to display the planning board.
3. Select a project, WBS element or network on the 3URMHFWVHOHFWLRQscreen.
4. If necessary change the settings for presentation from those in the profile in the
6HWWLQJV screen section.
5. Confirm by choosing 3URJUDP→([HFXWH
You reach the planning board in the project view.
The selected WBS elements with all the assigned network activities are displayed on the project
view of the planning board
The column 7RWDO:RUN is the total work from the activities, the column 7REHGLVWULEXWHG the work
still to be distributed.
The periods where you can distribute work are ready for input in the period columns. The system
determines these periods by scheduling.
You can show the available capacity for each person. To do this, choose the menu
Two new lines are inserted in the column 7RWZRUN:
$YDLODEOH: The available capacity for each person is displayed. 7RWDO: The total
capacity load of a person, including the load from other activities and projects, is
You can display the activities for a network. Select an activity and choose the menu
options *RWR→'LVSOD\DFWLYLWLHV All activities in the network are displayed on the
basic data screen. Newly created splits are not visible since this data is read directly
from the database.
If you start workforce planning with a split without distributed work, the work is
distributed to the start of the split or the start of the planning period (if the start of
the split is before the start of the planning period). You can distribute the
displayed work and save the distribution.
1. Select an activity.
The dialog box 6HOHFWLRQRI3HRSOH appears
3. Select one or more people and choose (QWHU.
The selected people are assigned to the activities. They are listed in the line below
the corresponding activity.
4. Scroll in the period area to the time period that is available for entry (highlighted) and
distribute the work.
5. Save your data.
If you change the period split, a
appears in front of the split in certain cases.
If a split has this symbol, you know there is at least one day in the evaluation
period with distributed work that does not agree with the split/period start or
split/period finish depending on the settings in the profile.
2. On the dialog box, enter the profile you want to use to display the planning board.
3. Select a work center, plant or personnel number on the :RUNFHQWHUVHOHFWLRQ screen.
4. If necessary change the settings for presentation from those in the profile in the
6HWWLQJV screen section.
5. Carry out your selection by choosing the menu options 3URJUDP→([HFXWH
You reach the planning board in the work center view.
The planning board in the work center view displays a work center with its assigned people.
In the lower section of the planning board are all the activities and their WBS elements that are
processed in the work center.
You can show the available capacity for each person. To do this, choose the menu
Two new lines are inserted in the column 7RWDOZRUN:
$YDLODEOH: The available capacity for each person is displayed.
7RWDO: The total capacity load of a person, including the load from other projects, is
displayed (depending on the selected profile).
You can also show the available capacity of the work center. To do this, choose the
menu options (GLW → $YDLORIZRUNFWU → 6KRZ
You can display the activities for a network. Select an activity and choose the menu
options *RWR→'LVSOD\DFWLYLWLHV All activities in the network are displayed on the
basic data screen. Newly created splits are not visible since this data is read directly
from the database.
If you start workforce planning with a split without distributed work, the work is
distributed to the start of the split or the start of the planning period (if the start of
the split is before the start of the planning period). You can distribute the
displayed work and save the distribution.
1. Select one or more people and one or more activities that you want to assign to the
The selected activities are assigned to the person or people.These people are listed
on the line below the corresponding activity.
3. Scroll in the period area to the time period that is available for entry (highlighted) and
distribute the work.
4. Save your data.
If you change the period split, a
appears in front of the split in certain cases.
If a split has this symbol, you know there is at least one day in the evaluation
period with distributed work that does not agree with the split/period start or
split/period finish depending on the settings in the profile.
1. In Customizing for the Project System, choose &DSDFLWLHV→'HILQHSURILOHIRU
2. Choose 1HZHQWULHV.
3. Enter a name and a description for the new profile.
4. In the section 3ODQQLQJSHULRG, specify the time unit, entry type, start date and finish
date for the planning board.
5. In the section 'LVSOD\, set the indicators for what you want to display in the work
center or project view:
Set the 'LVSOD\ZRUNLQJWLPH indicator if you want to display the available capacity
of people for each period.
Set the 'LVSOD\WRWDOFDSORDG indicator if you want to display the entire capacity
load from all activities, including activities that are not selected. If you do not set
the indicator, the capacity load of a person for selected activities is displayed in
the work center view.
Set the 'LVSOD\GLVWULEXWHGZRUN indicator if you want to display the work from the
activities that is already distributed to people . If you do not set the indicator, the
remaining work from the activities is displayed.
6. In the section 'LVDJJUHJDWLRQ, set the :RUNWRSHULRGVWDUW indicator if you want to
apply the work to the earliest time in the period. If this indicator is not set, the work is
applied to the latest time in the period.
If you set the :RUNWRSHULRGVWDUW indicator, the work is applied to the day that
represents the split start within the period in scheduling.