Fundamentals of Ultrafast Spectroscopy Lecture 1 -- Introduction of Ultrafast Spectroscopy Jinhui Zhong 钟锦辉 Department of Materials Science and Engineering Southern University of Science and Technology About This Lecture 3 Credit points, 16 weeks, 48 learning hours Odd-week, Thursday Even-week, Wednesday + Thursday 3 learning hours per week About This Lecture 3 Credit points, 16 weeks, 48 learning hours Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 超快光谱学导论 Introduction of ultrafast spectroscopy 光与物质相互作用基础 Fundamentals of light-matter interaction 线性与非线性光学效应 Linear and nonlinear optical effects 超短脉冲的制备与表征方法 Generation and characterization of ultrashort laser pulses 超快光谱方法 Ultrafast spectroscopic methods Ultrafast fluorescence, pump-probe/Transient absorption spectroscopy, and twodimensional spectroscopy Section 6 Section 7 超 快 光 谱 学 在 材 料 、 化 学 、 物 理 等 领 域 的 应 用 实 例 Examples of the applications of ultrafast spectroscopy in materials science, chemistry, and physics 超快光谱学的未来发展趋势 Perspective of ultrafast spectroscopy An Introduction of Myself • Education • 2006.09-2010.07 BS Materials Chemistry, Sun Yat-Sen University • 2010.09-2016.06 PhD Physical Chemistry, Xiamen University, Prof. Dr. Bin Ren • Working/Research Experience • 2016.07-2017.02 Xiamen University, Research Assistant • 2017.02-2022.02 Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Germany) Postdoctoral researcher, Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau • 2022.02-to date Southern University of Science and Technology Assistant Professor Electromagnetic Spectrum Electromagnetic Spectrum What do we see? What do we see? Metal reflects light Glass transmits light Ozone absorbs (UV) light Milk scatters light (Sky/Water) Molecules and Spectroscopy • Length of chemical bonds: C-H、O-H….. 纳米nm(10-9m)、埃Å(10-10m) • Molecular spectroscopy: Absorption吸收—UV, Vis, Infrared紫外、可见、红外等 Emission发射—Fluorescence, phosphorescence荧光、磷光等 Scattering散射—Raman、X-ray、electron等 质谱、NMR、EPR等 • Features of spectroscopy: Qualitative定性—分子的结构:特征峰、“指纹” Quantitative定量—分子的含量:峰的强度 • 动力学与分子相互作用:谱峰的形状 Typical molecular spectra 2E g 钛宝石的吸收 和发射光谱 How fast are these processes? 2T 2g intensity (a.u.) Raman spectrum of ethanol CH3 – CH2 – OH s(CH2) s(CH3) a(CH3) (CH3), (CO) (CC) pump (OH) (OH) (CH) 1000 1500 2000 wavenumber 2500 (cm-1) 3000 3500 Molecular “Dancing”—Vibration • 振动模式和振动频率:伸缩、剪切(弯曲)、扭曲….. C-H伸缩 ~2900cm-1 (振动周期~10 fs, 10-14秒) The fastest vibrations in nature have an oscillation time of 10 fs. Monitoring molecular “dancing” – Ultrafast spectroscopy 看分子“跳舞”—超快时间分辨光谱 Relevant Time Scales 超快时间尺度 Dynamics Time scales 1 millisecond (ms) 1 microsecond (s) 1 nanosecond (ns) 1 picosecond (ps) 1 femtosecond (fs) 1 attosecond (as) = 110-3 s = 110-6 s = 110-9 s = 110-12 s = 110-15 s = 110-18 s 超快现象-Ultrafast Phenomena • A few relevant time scales:纳秒(ns)10-9s、皮秒(ps) 1012s、飞秒(fs) 10-15s、阿秒attosecond 10-18s speed of light: 3 x 108 m/s = 300 nm/fs • 超快过程或超快现象(Ultrafast): Physical/Chemical Processes occurring in a <1 ns time scale Molecular vibration, breaking/forming of a chemical bond, collision of molecules in solution, energy/charge transfer, proton transfer Ultrafast Phenomena International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2020, 22nd in Shanghai, China 2022, 23rd in Vitoria, Canada The spatial extent of light 1 s ➔ 300,000 km (~3/4 the distance from the Earth to the moon) 1 ns ➔ 30 cm (the nanosecond is the approximate time scale for high-speed electronic chips and computers) Ultrafast optics 1 ps ➔ 300 m (thickness of a business card) 1 fs ➔ 300 nm The Horse in Motion Bet: Do all four hooves of a trotting horse evern simultaneously leave the ground? How can we measure things this fast? –6 Timescale (seconds) 10 –9 10 Electronics –12 10 Optics –15 10 1960 1970 1980 Year 1990 2000 Time-Resolved Spectroscopy Pump-probe spectroscopy • 泵浦pump(激发):引发体系的变化、确定 时间零点,通常是把分子激发到激发态 • 探测probe:实时跟踪体系的变化 监视反应物、中间物、产物等 t=0 Experimental pump-probe setup • 光速:3x108 m/s(真空) • 光程:Optical Path 1微米(10-6 m) 相当于3.33x10-15 秒 • 时间的起点:initiation Pump-Probe Technique-A video illustration Following the inter-atomic distance change • 分子中原子的移动速度: ~1000 m/s • 看到化学键变化需要的空间分辨率: ~0.1 Å (10-11 m) • 实时跟踪化学反应需要的时间分辨率: 10-11 m/(1000 m/s) = 10-14 s = 10 fs! Photodissociation of I2/benzene Conical intersection dynamics of the primary photoisomerization event in vision 视网膜上的光化学反应:视觉的基础 Cerullo, G. Conical intersection dynamics of the primary photoisomerization event in vision. Nature 2010, 467, 440-443. Interferometric frequency-resolved autocorrelation (IFRAC) 探测飞秒相干动力学 泵浦-探测时间延迟 二阶非线性光谱 Mirror BS 80 MHz L = 880 nm t ~ 8 fs Dichroic mirror All-reflective objective Sample Spectrometer C Lienau, et al. Nat. Photon. 2012, 6, 293-298. T. Hanke, A. Leitenstorfer, R. Bratschitsch, et al. Nano Lett. 2012, 12, 992. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2009, 103, 257404. Steinmeyer, G. et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2017, 88, 103102. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1999: A. H. Zewail The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1999 was awarded to Ahmed H. Zewail "for his studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy" The Nobel Prize in Physics 2005 光学频率梳 The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018 CPA-啁啾脉冲放大 Femtosecond Laser for Surgery Myopia近视 Eye surgery 120 nJ/pulse focused to a few micrometres Characteristics of Ultrashort Pulses t 激光线宽 Spectral width 脉冲宽度 Time duration Pulse width 测不准关系: Uncertainty principle: As the pulse duration decreases, the bandwidth increases correspondingly. E×t ≥ h/4 Characteristics of Ultrashort Pulses • High bandwidth. By the uncertainty principle, the product of the pulse-width (t) times the optical bandwidth () must be of order unity (or larger). This high-bandwidth feature can be important for optical communications as well as other applications. Time-bandwidth product t: Full width at half maximum (FWHM半高宽) of the temporal intensity profile 𝐼 t = 𝐸(𝑡) 2 . : FWHM of the spectral intensity profile 𝐼 = 𝐸() 2 . Pulse-width (t) vs the Optical bandwidth () Fourier transform limited pulse (no chirp) 5.6 fs, 184 nm (FWHM) 9.2 fs, 110 nm 27 fs, 36 nm Pulses of 100 fs have bandwidths on the order of 10 terahertz (THz), and the shortest visible laser pulses contain so much of the visible spectrum that they appear white. The pre-condition to have an ultrashort pulse is to have a broadband spectrum. Time-Bandwidth Product of Different Pulse Shapes A sub-10 fs pulse 9.2 fs, 110 nm Characteristics of Ultrashort Pulses • Potential for high intensity. For a given pulse energy, the peak power and peak intensity are inversely proportional to the pulse duration. Because the size (hence cost) of high-power lasers usually scales with pulse energy, femtosecond pulse technology can be used to obtain ultrahigh peak intensities at moderate energy levels. Amplified femtosecond pulses have produced peak powers up to the petawatt level (1 petawatt = 1015 W) and peak intensities exceeding 1020 W/cm2. Summary • Relevant time scale for ultrafast spectroscopy • Characteristics of ultrashort pulse • Uncertainty principle applies for laser pulse Some suggestions/requirements for attending this lecture 1. Take a notebook and a pen (writing down is always better than just listening) 2. A laptop installed with Matlab, a very useful software for mathematical calculation and simulation -SUSTech library -will show examples and you will need to practice to learn Matlab in SUSTech Library Course Assessment 课程考核 出勤Attendance(10%)、课堂表现Class Performance(10%) 、小测验Quiz(20%)、平时作业Assignments(20%)、课程 项目Projects(20%)期末报告Final Presentation(20%) Thank you for your attention! Questions Relevant Time Scales 1 millisecond (ms) 1 microsecond (s) 1 nanosecond (ns) 1 picosecond (ps) 1 femtosecond (fs) 1 attosecond (as) One femtosecond is 10–15 seconds, that is, 0.000000000000001 seconds = 110-3 s = 110-6 s = 110-9 s = 110-12 s = 110-15 s = 110-18 s Characteristics of Ultrashort Pulses • High time resolution. By definition, the pulse duration is in the picosecond or femtosecond range (or below). This provides very high time resolution for excitation and measurement of ultrafast physical processes in solid-state, chemical, and biological materials. • High spatial resolution. The spatial extent of a short light pulse is given by the pulse duration multiplied by the speed of light. As noted above, for very short pulse durations, the spatial pulse length can be on the order of micrometers. This makes ultrashort pulses useful for some microscopy and imaging applications.