1. Historical Development 1970 rights of 2. Education and Nursing Process patients 3. Roles of Nurses complete and 4. Assure Model current to receive information concerning The recent developments in the field of diagnosis, treatment health care have served to highlight the 1993 JCAHO. These important role of education in “helping the standards, patients and their families assume which take the form of responsibility for self-care management”. mandates, are based on With the current third-party payor system, descriptions nurses are expected to be the prime movers positive in delivering high quality, effective and outcomes efficient nursing care which will result to care shorter hospital confinement and 1995 of of patient Pew Health Professions continuation of recovery and rehabilitation Commission, through home care and or community-based influenced nursing care. dramatic changes currently Historical Development of Health Education 1990 the surrounding health care, Public health nurses in published a broad set this country of clearly understood the competencies significance of believes will education 1918 by in the that it mark the success of prevention of disease the health and in the maintenance professions of health twenty-first century in the NLNE in US recognized the responsibility of nurses for the promotion of health and the prevention of illness in such settings as schools, homes, hospitals, and industries. AHA 1-YB-2023 @https.binge established the Valcos, S.N.S. OLFU-CON Five Areas of Responsibility of also involves two interdependent players, Health Education 1. Planning 2. Implementation 3. Evaluation and Research 4. Resource Person 5. Advocate The teaching function will always be an This process forms a continuous cycle that the teacher and the learner, jointly perform teaching and learning activities, the outcome of which leads to mutually desired behavior changes. Teaching or Instruction Teaching is a deliberate intervention that involves the planning and implementation of instructional activities and experiences to integral part of the duties of a professional meet intended learner outcomes according nurse. Nurse Practice Acts (NPAs) in the US to a teaching plan. universally include teaching within the involves the communicating of information scope of nursing practice responsibilities Instruction is a component of teaching that about a specific skill in the cognitive, In 1993, the Joint Commission on psychomotor, or affective domain Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (JCAHO) delineated nursing standards or mandates for patient education which are Learning based on positive outcomes for patient care. is defined as a change in behavior to includes skills, knowledge and behavior Evolution of the Teaching Role of It is can be observed and measured at any time or in any place as a result of exposure to environmental stimuli Nurses Patient Education According to Freidman et al (2011). It is a set of planned educational activities using a combination of method (teaching, counseling to improve behavior modification) to improve patients knowledge and health behaviors Education process It is a systematic, sequential, planned course of action consisting of two major interdependent operations, teaching and learning. 1-YB-2023 @https.binge Valcos, S.N.S. OLFU-CON Difference of Nursing Process and Education Process Assure Model a paradigm to assist nurses to carry out and organize and Education Process The Role of Nurse Educator in Staff and Patient Education 1 Provide clinically competent and coordinated care to the public 2 Involve patients and their families in the decision making regarding health interventions 3 Provide clients with education and counseling on ethical issues 4 Expand public access to effective care 5 Ensure cost effective and appropriate care for the consumer 6 Provide for prevention of illness and promotion of healthy lifestyles The Benefits of Effective Patient Education 1-YB-2023 @https.binge Valcos, S.N.S. OLFU-CON