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Stretching Program & Guide for Flexibility and Recovery

L E T ’ S
stretching program & guide
made by Dejan Stipke
H E L L O !
When was the last time you worked on your mobility &
flexibility? It’s been a while, we’re sure. Nevertheless,
there’s never been a better time than right now to work
on your stretching and mobility.
Here you will learn “What, Why, How & When” You
Should stretch for maximum recovery for your strength
& hypertrophy workouts!
In this plan you can pick a body part that you want to
stretch, preferably a body part that you just trained
moments ago & go through these few selected exercises & trigger points!
If you follow these stretches then you will improve your
flexibility but more importantly you will be able to pull
more, press more, move better and be injury free!
2 — Stretching Guide
What is
Stretching is a form of physical exercise in which
a specific muscle or tendon is deliberately flexed
or stretched in order to improve the muscle’s felt
elasticity and achieve comfortable muscle tone.
The result is a feeling of increased muscle control, flexibility and range of motion. Stretching is
also used therapeutically to alleviate cramps. In
its most basic form, stretching is a natural and
instinctive activity; it is performed by humans
and many animals.
Upon undertaking a regular stretching program
a number of changes begin to occur within the
body and specifically within the muscles themselves. Other tissues that begin to adapt to the
stretching process include the fascia, tendons,
ligaments, skin and scar tissue.
There are several types of stretching
techniques, including:
Static (what we are focusing)
Active stretching
How to start a stretching routine
If you’re new to a regular stretching routine,
take it slow. Just like other forms of physical
You can stretch any time during the
day. On days you exercise:
activity, your body needs time to get used to
the stretches you’re performing.
You also need a solid grasp of proper form
and technique. Otherwise, you risk getting
aim for 10 to 20 minutes of dynamic
stretching prior to your activity
do another 5 to 10 minutes of static
stretching after your workout
3 — Stretching Guide
Regardless of your fitness level, there are a few standard safety tips for
stretching that you should follow:
Don’t bounce. Now, experts sug-
Don’t stretch beyond the point of
Don’t overdo it. Like other forms
gest you avoid bouncing unless
comfort. While it’s normal to feel
of exercise, stretching puts
these types of stretches have
some tension when stretching
stress on your body. If you’re
been recommended to you by a
a muscle, you should never feel
stretching the same muscle
doctor or physical therapist.
pain. If the area you are stretch-
groups multiple times a day, you
ing starts to hurt, back off the
risk over-stretching and causing
stretch until you don’t feel any
Don’t go into your stretches cold.
Not holding the stretch long
Holding your breath .Many
Cold muscles are not as pliable,
enough. For static and passive
people unconsciously hold their
which makes stretching a lot
stretching, some texts recom-
breath while stretching. This
more difficult. The best time to
mend holding the stretch for as
causes tension in the muscles,
stretch is after you work out, but
little as 15 seconds. This is a bare
which in turn makes it very
if you’re not exercising before
minimum. 15 seconds is only just
difficult to stretch. To avoid this,
performing your stretches,
enough time for the muscles to
remember to breathe slowly and
consider warming up for 5 to 10
relax and start to lengthen. For
deeply during all stretches. This
minutes with some light cardio,
any real improvement to flexibil-
helps to relax the muscles, pro-
such as walking or jogging.
ity, each stretch should be held
motes blood flow and increases
for at least 30 to 60 seconds,
the delivery of oxygen and nutri-
and repeated at least two or
ents to the muscles.
three times.
Finished your workout?
Let’s stretch!
4 — Stretching Guide
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5 — Stretching Guide
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Corner Pec Stretch
Standing in corner with hands at shoulder level and one small step
from corner, lean forward until a comfortablestretch is felt across chest.
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Lying cross over
Lay on your back and cross your leg over your body without lifting your shoulders from
the ground.
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Arms behind head
Place your hands behind your head and pull your elbows backwards - opening your chest.
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PVC laying stretch
Lay on the floor or bench with the PVC in your hands Arms extented over your head with
straight arms.
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Bench Pec Stretch
Place your forearm on the bench and slowly push your chest towards the ground. Go lower
with every breath.
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Laying pec stretch
Lying prone on your stomach, bring both arms out to the sides, palms facing down, to
create the letter T.Start to roll onto your right side by pushing yourself with your left hand.
Lift the left leg, bend the knee and place the left foot behind you on the floor for stability.
Rest your right temple on the floor.
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Flag Stretch
Place one hand over your head & the other on hip hight. Step close to the bar and move
your hips away from the bar.
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Child pose
Sit back on the heels with the knees hip-width apart and the palms on the thighs.
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Head to Knee
Square your torso over your extended leg and bend from your hips.
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Revolved Head to Knee
Bend your right knee, and bring the heel to your groin. As you inhale, lengthen your spine.
As you exhale, twist your torso to the right.
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Leaning one arm lat stretch
Start the lat stretch in a standing position.(Inhale) Grasp a pole - or other well-anchored
stationary object - with one hand. Note: this stretch works best with hands at waist or hip
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Overhead Lat Stretch on bench
Stand with your arms up over your head, keeping them close to your ears. Hold your hands
together as you pull your shoulder blades down and back.
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Kneeling lat stretch
Kneel on an exercise mat or floor positioning your knees and feet hip-width apart
With your hands on the bench, keep your knees directly under your hips while leaning back
into your hips to increase the stretch into the upper back
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Cross body stretch
Stand with the feet hip-width apart. Stretch the right arm out straight. Bring the right arm
across the body, so that the hand points to the floor on the other side of the left leg. Bend
the left arm at the elbow. Hook the left forearm under the right arm, supporting the right
arm above the elbow.Use the left forearm to pull the right arm further in and across the
body, stretching the back of the right shoulder.
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Dolphin pose
Keep your upper arms parallel as you slide your knees directly under your hips
Keep your shoulders over your elbows and exhale to lift your hips.
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Clasp hands hold
Clasp your hands behind your back and push your chest forward while keeping your shoulders back.
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Downward facing dog
Press your belly and chest towards your thighs and press out through your sitz bones
and crown. Isometrically draw your hands and feet towards each other while keeping your
palms and the pads of your feet firmly on the ground. Engage the muscles along the front
of your body and lengthen the back body.
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Behind the back bar hold
Grab the bar shoulder width behind your back and slowly control your way down until you
feel a stretch.
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Straight arm bicep stretch
Press your palm again a wall or sturdy object. Fingers pointing to the ground and arm
being extended Slowly turn your body away from the wall.
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Standing bicep stretch
Press your left palm against a wall or sturdy object. Slowly turn your body away from
the wall.
Feel the stretch in your chest, shoulder, and arm.
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Kneeling bicep stretch
Start in a kneeling position with your palms on the ground, fingers facing yourself.
Lean backwards to feel the stretch in the forearms & bicep.
For added pressure you can place your knee on the elbow and press gently forward.
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Resistance band stretch
Step on the band and pull it over your head until you feel a stretch in your tricep and hold.
Keep the arm next to your head.
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Overhead lat / Tricep stretch
Stand with your arms up over your head, keeping them close to your ears. Hold your hands
together as you pull your shoulder blades down and back.
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Behind the head bar grab
Stand in front of the bar at shoulder hight Grab and turn away from the bar while pushing
the elbow up. Keep the arm next to the head.
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Standing quad stretch
Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, pull your abdominals in, and relax your
shoulders.Bend your left leg, bringing your heel toward your butt, and grasp your left foot
with your right hand.
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Pigeon pose
Bend your knee and bring it in line with your right arm. Bring your right foot to the left
side of your body, and allow your shin to rest on the ground.
Bring your back leg down to the mat, and lift your chest, keeping your hips in one line.
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Toe touch
Fold forward with your chest touching your knees without bending the legs.
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Frog pose
From all fours, spread your knees wide, feet together or shins parallel to the edges of your
mat, feet pointing outwards.Bring your hips in line with your knees and rest either on your
elbows or chest flat on the mat, arms extended or under your forehead.
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Figure 4 stretch
Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat and in line with your hips. Bring either ankle to
the opposite knee forming a figure four (i.e. cross your legs) Reach through your bent knee
and grasp the back of the leg still on the ground and pull it towards your chest.
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Butterfly stretch
Sit up straight and tall with your knees bent. Drop your legs to the sides and bring the
soles of your feet together. Grasp your feet and ankles and slowly lean forward, keeping
your spine straight. Place your elbows on the tops of your thighs and gently press down
until you feel a stretch.
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Seated hamstering stretch
Sit on the edge of a chair, straighten one leg in front of the body with the heel on the floor.
Straighten the spine by sitting tall and rolling the pelvis forward.
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Lunging hip flexor
Stand in a split stance with your right front forward and your left foot straight back. Bend
your right knee so that it is at about a 90-degree angle. This should put you into a forward
lunge position.
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Knee to chest stretch
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
Bring one knee to your chest, keeping the other foot flat on the floor.
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Wall calf stretch
Stand up straight and face the wall being approximately half an arms length away from the
wall/tree. Point your toes toward the wall. Put the palms of our hands on the wall and pull
the right foot backward about a foot. Bend your left knee slowly while the knee remains
straight and make sure that the heels are flat on the floor.
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Wall push stretch
Stand a couple of feet away from a wall, facing it.Lean forward against the wall. Support
your weight on your forearms.Try to keep your heels on the ground while stretching. Hold
the position for the desired amount of time.
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15 — Stretching Guide
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Wrist flexion - floor
Extend your arm in front and bend your wrist, pointing your hand toward the floor. Place
the hand on the floor & lean backwards.
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Wrist flexion - standing
Extend your arm in front of you with your palm up. Bend your wrist, pointing your hand
toward the floor.With your other hand, gently bend your wrist farther until you feel a mild
to moderate stretch in your forearm.
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Wrist extension - floor
Place your hands on the floor with your palms down, fingers flat and elbows straight. Lean
your body weight forward.
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Wrist extension - standing
Extend your arms in front of you with your fingers pointing up, with your other hand, gently bend your wrists towards yourself.
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Wrist rotation
Face your palm towards yourself,
Grab your hand and rotate the wrist towards the side until you feel a stretch.
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Seated neck release
Rest your right arm on the right side of your chair or on your right knee. Take your left
hand and place it on the top of your head. Gently pull your head to the left, and hold for
30 seconds. Slowly release, and switch sides.
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Neck Flexion
Sit up straight and press firmly in your seat. Begin to press your hands down toward your
thighs while tucking your chin into your chest. As you press, apply a gentle pull of the head
from the shoulders.
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Grounded tipover tuck
Come down to the floor, tucking your feet under your butt, and your body is sitting on top
of your shins. Clasp your hands behind your back. Slowly bring your chest to your thighs
and rest the crown of your head on the floor. Very gently, raise your butt while also bringing your arms (still clasped) toward the front. It’s very important that you don’t put too
much weight on your neck, nor should you over strain it.
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Seated heart opener
Press your hands firmly into the ground to lift the chest high, arching your back and
pushing your hips into your heels. To increase the stretch, lower your head behind you,
stretching through your throat and the front of your chest even more.
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17 — Stretching Guide
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