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Wireless Quadcopter Development using WiFi Technology

Development and Implementation of Wireless
Controlled Quadcopter using WiFi Technology
Roshan Bhatkar
Jerrin Thadathil Varghese
Sarath Raj Nadarajan Syamala
Undergraduate Student
Amity University Dubai
Dubai, UAE
Faculty-Aerospace Engineering
Amity University Dubai
Dubai, UAE
Faculty-Aerospace Engineering
Amity University Dubai
Dubai, UAE
Abstract—Nowadays we are nding newer and newer efcient
ways to carry out tasks by using the concept of automation
and machinery combined. One of the ways to accomplish such
a task is by using a quadcopter. It can accomplish a vertical
trip in a steady way and be utilized to screen or gather
information in an explicit area, for example, mapping landscapes.
Mechanical advances have diminished the expense and increment
the execution of the low power microcontrollers that enabled the
overall population to build up their very own quadcopter. The
objective of this venture is to manufacture, change, and make
enhancements in the control conguration of the quadcopter to
acquire stable ight. The objective of this paper is to incorporate
Wi-Fi communication in controlling the quadcopter by using an
inexpensive microcontroller as a ight computer and develop an
HTML webpage to receive the video-feed transmitted from the
mobile phone camera xed on the quadcopter.
Index Terms—Quadcopter, Wireless Communication, Arduino,
There has been extensive growth in the unmanned aerial
vehicle sector mainly for Quadcopter, a remotely controlled
aerial vehicle widely used by many industries for different
purposes. Quadcopter has been widely known to us by many
names such Drones, Multi-copters or Quadrotors. Manned
Quadcopter was rst built somewhere around the 1920s but
due to its mechanical complexity, large size and weight and
difculties in control, high level of instability, it didn’t become
popular. [1] Quadcopter being easily accessible, cheaper comparatively to other alternative vehicles like a helicopter and
due to its capabilities, they are widely used for surveillance,
search and rescue missions, aerial photography and some
are also used as Remote Controlled toys. Some enthusiasts
also consider drone for racing by modifying its design, this
has led to the development of different congurations such
as Tri-copters, Hexa-copters, Octocopters, V-tail and H-tail.
Extensive improvement in computing efciency and remote
controlling capabilities and improvised design of motors and
microprocessors and improvised design of Li-Po batteries
and sensors like accelerometer and gyroscope has improved
Quadcopter designs. [2] The structural design of a Quadcopter
consists for 4 arms xed in a shape of X or plus (+) depending
on the setup desired by the user. Each of this arm has a
Brushless DC motor (BLDC), two BLDC’s rotate in Clockwise
direction (CW) and remaining two BLDC’s rotate in Counter
Clockwise direction (CCW) and a Fixed-Pitch blade is attach
to each motor. These motors allow the Quadcopter to hover,
ascend, descend, yaw and pitch in any desired direction. The
structural design provides two advantages over Vertical Take
Off and Landing (VTOL) vehicles like a helicopter;
• There is no particular need of a complex mechanical
control for rotor actuation in case of a Quadcopter instead
it relies on xed pitch rotors with modulation in speed
of motors for control.
• Also, the four rotors with small diameter compensate for
one main rotor with large diameter relative to the airframe
size. [3] Quadcopter consists of four individual inputs,
rpm produced by the motors and six degree of freedom
movement (three translating and three rotating) motions,
due to this, it is hard to stabilize a Quadcopter. All the
mentioned parameters are anticipated for the stabilization
of a drone.
Modelling of a quadcopter is a complex phase as it has
four xed pitch actuators. Most common conguration of a
quadcopter is “+” and “x” designs. Most aerodynamically
stable conguration is “x” in which 1 and 3 rotators rotate
counter clockwise (CW), 2 and 4 rotator rotates counterclockwise (CCW). Due to this the quadcopter usually needs to
maintain a stable ight by creating a continuous variation in
the rotator velocity which would in turn effect the pitch angle.
Fig. 1. Two main types of Quadcopter Conguration.
Quadcopter are maneuvered through constant pitch and yaw
attitude and motors speed by differing the speeds of each
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Fig. 2. Three Axial Movements of a Quadcopter.
motor providing different thrust produced. The four basic
maneuvers of a quadcopter are mentioned below:
Fig. 5. Yaw movement of a Quadcopter.
Roll: This motion is produced when two motors produce
constant thrust and the remaining two motor produce
different thrust. The quadcopter rolls toward the direction
of motor where thrust is produced less. This motion rolls
the quadcopter towards left or right.
Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL): This motion is
produced when all four motors produce more thrust or
less thrust. When the thrust produced is quite large, the
quadcopter lifts up i.e., it takes off and when the thrust
produced is less, the quadcopter descends i.e., it lands.
Fig. 6. Take-Off and Landing action of a Quadcopter.
Fig. 3. Rolling Action of a Quadcopter.
Pitch: This motion is produced when three motors produce constant thrust and the remaining one motor produce
a greater a thrust compared to the other three motors.
The quadcopters pitch forward and backward depending
on the motor which produces more thrust. Quadcopter
tilts up from the motor which produces more thrust and
moves in other direction.
There are two different controls to control a quadcopter:
Throttle Settings: Throttle controls the thrust of the thrust
of the four motors produce. When the stick on a RC
is pushed forward or backward, the thrust produced
increases and decreases. The signal is sent from the RC
is received by the ight computer on the drone via a
receiver and this signal is sent to the motors from the
ight computer.
Trim Settings: Trim settings are the minor adjustments
are done to ight controls when the quadcopter is out of
The following are the main components of a quadcopter;
Fig. 4. Pitch Movement of a Quadcopter.
Yaw: This motion is produced when two motors are at
constant thrust and the remaining two motor produce
the same amount of thrust but slightly greater than the
constant thrust produced by the other two motors. When
CW motors produce constant thrust and CCW motors
produce more thrust (simultaneously), the quadcopter
yaws in right direction. When CCW motors produce
constant thrust and CW motors produce more thrust
(simultaneously), the quadcopter yaws in left direction.
Brushless DC Motors (BLDC): It is a synchronous DC
powered electric motor which is controlled electronically
using speed controllers. The relation between voltage and
rpm, current and torque is linearized. In a xed armature,
the permanent magnet in the motor rotates [5]. The
concept of Differential Thrust is anticipated in case of
ying a quadcopter, Using the data fed into an on-board
ight computer is processed and the required impulses
are sent to the respective BLDC motors [6].
Electronic Speed Controllers: Electronic Speed Controllers(ESC) sends out a signal to the motors to spin at a
given speed and any given instance. In total, quadcopter
has four motors and these motors have individual ESC’s
connected to it which further connected to main power
source of the drone. ESC synchronize with the motors in
a way that they help the drone to stay stable.
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Fig. 7. Disassembled view of an Brushless motor.
Li-Po Battery: Li-Po stands for Lithium Polymer; it is a
rechargeable battery made up multiple packets of cells
connected to each other to get a greater voltage. They
are available in many capacities and shapes. The most
preferred one is a 3S LI-Po battery for a quadcopter which
gives out around 10 minutes of ying time. The power
rating of a Li-Po battery is denoted by the symbol ‘C’ or
else it is mentioned in math. C species the time taken to
withdraw an amount of power from the battery i.e., tells
us how much power would be given out as a supply.
Fixed Pitch Propellers: Propellers help to generate lift
on a quadcopter through rotational motion. The structure
of a propeller is based upon the concept of Bernoulli’s
principle and third Law of motion. In a quadcopter, a total
of four propellers are required, two of them would have
a xed pitch for Clockwise rotation and remaining two
would have a xed pitch for counter-clockwise rotation.
Two reference systems are taking into consideration for
studying the ight dynamics about a quadcopter: - Inertial
reference system (Earth frame- XE, YE, ZE) and quadrotor
reference system (Body frame- XB, YB, ZB. It is represented
in ways like quaternion, Euler angle and direction matrix.
When stabilization of a quadcopter is taken into consideration,
all reference angles are required respective to its axes to takeoff, land and hover and to ensure it maintains a level ight
[7]. The need to control drones in hazardous environments and
make them sturdy against actuator failures is done by utilizing
variations in the control model to improve adaptive control
techniques [8]. In expense hover technology is established
using an inexpensive micro-controller for hovering at a steady
[9]. Stability allows for an unskilled drone operator to y quadcopter ease and improving the stability of capturing security
surveillance data and images. Also, prevents the drone from
collapsing onto obstacles due to strong gusts of winds and
imbalance payload weight on the quadcopter. A quadcopter
has six degrees of freedom, x and y axes represent roll (θ)
and pitch (φ) which are known as a translational motion to
the respective axes and z-axis represent yaw (ψ) action which
is rotational motion.
A reasonable amount of research activity has been performed to achieve a describable ight dynamics mathematical
model for a quadcopter [10], [11], [12], [13]. Arduino microprocessor is utilised to construct a ight controller using
the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control algorithm.
It is a kind of linearized control which is extensively utilised
Fig. 8. Representation of Six Degree of Freedom.
in the robotics and automation eld [14], [15], [16] and it is
primarily used because [17] ;
1) Less complex structure
2) Improves performance
3) Easier to tune even when the controlled system lacks a
specic model
PID usually operates by calculation the error value between
the required value and the measured value and ne-tune the
control system inputs to decrease the value of the calculated
error. P represents the reaction to the current error, I represent
the reaction based on a sum of recent errors and D responds to
the rate at which the error has been changing and ne-tuning of
every PID controller consists in nding its gains: KP i , KIi ,
KDi [18] andand is represented by the below mathematical
equation [19],
u(k) = kp e(k) + KI
(e(i) + KD (e(k) − e(k − 1)) (1)
Fig. 9. Methodology to Obtain Control Parameters.
UAV’s have benetted many industries in United Arab
Emirates. But due to extensive ability of inexpensive UAV’s
have made it easier to acquire a UAV easily in UAE. UAE
government has come up with a legal framework to regulate
the laws for the drone pilots [20]. Abuse of UAV’s indirectly
threatens the national security of a country and to maintain
the security across the airspace of a country, it needs to come
up with a framework to prevent such misuse. Many airline
industries are threatened by the UAV activity in the airspace
around airports [21]. According to International Civil Aviation
Organization’s (ICAO) Global Air Trafc Management (ATM)
operational concept (Doc9854) state that “an unmanned aerial
vehicle is a pilotless aircraft, in the sense of Article 8 of the
Convention on International Civil Aviation, which is own
without a pilot-in-command on-board and is either remotely
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and fully controlled from another place (ground, another
aircraft, space) or programmed and fully autonomous” [22].
Drone industry is growing at drastic rate as well as the need of
a regulatory frame work is also increasing day-by-day. Drone
regulating laws in United Arab Emirates are as follows;
1) Part VIII Subpart 10 on the Operation of Unmanned
Aerial Systems under Civil Aviation Regulation (CAR).
2) Dubai Law No. 7 of 2015 on Airspace Security and
Safety in the Emirate of Dubai Law.
3) Federal Resolution No. 2 of 2015 for Light Air Sports
Practice Regulations [23]
The following are the issues commonly involved with use
of a quadcopter;
a) Safety hazard: As Lithium-Polymer batteries are extremely dangerous and expand and catch re readily when
punctured. This increases a need of caution when it comes to
ying a quadcopter. If own incorrectly, a UAV can y into
obstacles which could damage the battery.
b) Speed: Speed of a quadcopter highly depends on the
capacity of the battery as well as on the need of the ight time
to reach from origin to destination. Four brushless DC motors
utilized the capacity of the battery at a higher rate. Other
than the BLDC motors, batteries are utilized by navigation
and recognition lights, ight computer and GPS system
c) Weather Conditions: Extreme weather condition affects the operation of the quadcopter. Variation in temperature
would cause the BLDC motor to burn up when temperature
is high and can suddenly stall the operation and crash the
quadcopter and if the temperature become too cold could make
the battery drop its voltage and decrease the capacity of the
battery than the regular capacity [24].
Fig. 11. Block Diagram of the System.
C. Components Used
To create such link of communication, we need sets of instrument to create a network and to understand the commands
and also to perform according to the learnt commands. Along
with all this in mind, we need to make sure the stability of
the quadcopter remains undisturbed and can maintain a steady
ight. The list of the components is listed out below to build
the desired control conguration:
a) Arduino UNO R3: It is a microcontroller board
powered by ATmega328P. In total there are fourteen digital
input/output pins among which six of them provide Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM) output representation by the symbol
tilde ( ) beside the respective pin number. It also consists
of six analog input/output pins, 16MHz quartz crystal, USB
connection (For programming and powering the unit), Power
jack, ICSP header, Output power pins for 3.3V and 5V, ground
connection pins and Reset button. The unit is programmed a
software named Arduino IDE [25].
A. Aim
Create an interface out of JavaScript based HTML webpage
to communicate with the control conguration of the Arduino
UNO based quadcopter via an inexpensive miniature Wi-Fi
Transceiver module. Also to create a window to receive the
live video-feed from the mobile phone camera transmitting
through the same IP address.
B. Circuit Diagram
Fig. 10. Circuit Diagram of Arduino based Quadcopter.
Fig. 12. Arduino UNO R3.
Operating Voltage
Input Voltage
DC Current (3..3V)
Flash Memory
Clock Speed
7-12 V
32 KB (ATmega328P) of which 0.5 KB is utilized by bootloader
2KB (ATmega328)
1KB (ATmega328)
b) SP 8266 Wi-Fi Module: Ai-thinker has manufactured
a Wi-Fi chip fully capable of TCP/IP stack and 80MHz and
160 MHz clock speed. It is less expensive and low powered
32bit MCU micro, with 16-bit short mode. It has integrated
Wi-Fi MAC/BB/RF/PA/LNA/ on-board antenna. Also supports
standard IEEE802.11 b/g/n agreement. It has the capability of
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producing an Access point or connecting an Access point or
doing both simultaneously.
MPU 6050 (FROM)
Fig. 13. ESP8266
Sr. No
Name of the Component
DJI F450 Quadcopter Frame
DJI 2312E BLDC Motors (960KV)
DJI ESC E-Series 430 Lite (30A)
Arduino Uno R3
ESP8266 12-F Wi-Fi Module
MPU-6050 Gyroscopic-Accelerometer sensor
DUPU 4200 35C 4s Battery
Power Bank
Fig. 14. Schematics of ESP8266 12F connected to Arduino UNO
c) MPU 6050 SENSOR: MPU-6050 is made up of
MEMS accelerometer and gyro, it is highly accurate and
it converts 16 bits analog to digital for individual channels
so that x, y and z channel can be read at any particular
instance. To interface with Arduino I2C-bus is used. For a
sensor containing two different sensors, it costs less.
Fig. 17. Pre-Structure of the Quadcopter
Fig. 15. MPU 6050
Fig. 18. Quadcopter xed on a Balancing apparatus for obtaining PID gains
Fig. 16. Schematics of MPU6050 connection with Arduino Uno R3
After installing the components as per the circuit diagram
and uploading constructed ight program onto the Arduino
Fig. 19. Wi-Fi Module Connection Run-up
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Fig. 20. Highlights of the Quadcopter Flight Program
UNO based ight computer, the desired quadcopter construction was completed. Using the PID conguration algorithms
and balancing tool, desired gains for proportional, integral and
derivative were obtained to calibrate the gyroscope to level
zero around x, y and z axes to maintain a steady ight for the
quadcopter. To obtain a clear live video-feed, a high-speed
network and a high megapixel mobile phone camera or a
portable camera which would transmit via wireless network.
Due to the capacity of the battery, the ight time of the
quadcopter was limited to 15 minutes. Other factors affected
the quadcopter were balancing of the payload on the head
of quadcopter to maintain its center of gravity and also wind
turbulence makes the quadcopter lose its stability and high
vibration propagated from the brushless dc motors varies the
values of the x, y and z axes on the gyroscope.
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