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Blended Learning Impact on Student Performance

 Students.
Study Variables:
The independent variables represent the cause for the effect in any study. The
effect in the research is learning efficiency and the cause is the blended learning
methodology. Thus, the independent variable suggested for the research is
learning methodology. A dependent variable is what we measure and what is
affected during the study. The dependent variable responds to the independent
Dependent Variables:
 Improvement in results.
 Can Learn Everywhere.
 Learn Different Technology.
Independent Variables:
 Blended learning.
Problem Statement:
The outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19 has affected all walks of life. The higher
education system of Pakistan is not an exception and is struggling against this
global outburst by galvanizing the online education system to withstand and
subsist. The various techniques used for these targets, the problem statement
was identified through searching for the effectiveness of the blended learning in
developing the achievement of students by answering the following question:
1. What is the effect of blended learning on student performance and
2. How does the implementation of blended learning affect student
3. Is there any difference among students’ achievement based on their
academic results?
Research Objective:
 To study the student’s experiences in blended learning.
 To assess how technology can enhance peer interaction & facilitate
knowledge sharing among the students in Blended learning.
 To examine the effectiveness of blended learning in Pakistan educational
1. Students are more comfortable with blended learning as compare to
traditional learning because they can learn anytime.(NULL)
2. Students are not more comfortable with blended learning as compare to
traditional learning because they can learn anytime.(ALTERNATIVE)
3. Blended learning is improving student satisfaction.(NULL)
4. Blended learning is not improving student satisfaction.(ALTERNATIVE)
5. Blended learning is gives the scope for learners to experience new software
and hardware.(NULL)
6. Blended learning is not gives the scope for learners to experience new
software and hardware.(ALTERNATIVE)
As a results of scientific and technological developments reflection,
improvements on education science moved from teacher centered to student and
learning centered system. Learning concept isn't only seen a at schools and a
few learning centers but altogether areas and places of life. This action research
study seeks to see the results of blended learning on student achievement during
their education journey. The research focus is centered on the thought that
students aren't reaching their full potential on assessments, and a matter about a
way to most effectively assist them in realizing their potential through a brand
new method. The participants of this study were a bunch of university students.
Qualitative analysis was conducted through student surveys (questionnaire).
Supported the qualitative information collected through each the surveys,
student perception of blended learning as methodology for the scholars showed
growth in accomplishment and a positive perception of the educational method
for college students. To gain in depth indulgent of the discernible reality beneath
inquiry, the information sources were collected from full survey with the scholars
and results of the varied studies already done on the effectiveness of blended
Learning on student accomplishment. The findings of the study suggest that
student perspective regarding the magnetism of the blended Learning is critical
and encourage the initiation of such sort of net base learning beside ancient
method of learning methodology.
Education is one necessary part within the development of a nation. Education is
that the largest field of investment in building and shaping men. The progress of a
nation is set by the standard of its human resources. Today, establishments of
upper education area unit obligated to satisfy their students' desires and everincreasing expectations to produce high-quality learning experiences and results.
They have to assist their students develop themselves as professionals WHO area
unit ready to take care of real-world issues in complicated and dynamic things
during a chop-chop dynamical society. Therefore, with the exception of ancient
teaching models, establishment’s area unit in search of recent measurable
approaches with the targeted goals to extend students' tutorial achievements and
transfer of learning. Within the style of learning environments, completely
different learning objectives and outcomes would like a mixture of varied
pedagogic and technological approaches. Several instructors produce learning
environments through transmission and multimedia and support their courses
with simulations, on-line exercises and immediate on-line feedback. The effective
integration of those tools into courses to satisfy pedagogic goals introduces a
brand new approach of instruction as Blended learning. Blended learning needed
immediate feedback to the scholars for his or her performance which may be
achieved by combining assessment technique with the utilization of latest
technological advancement. Blended learning techniques offer academics to
deliver the lecture further as assess student learning exploitation artistic and
innovative strategies. Assessment is a terribly very important tool for determinant
the student‘s information for the topic they registered at any levels of education.
Assessment determines however the teacher teaches the course and the way
student understood the course. Assessment isn't any doubt one in all the key
tools in teaching and learning method. during this paper we tend to mentioned
Blended learning and it‘s assessment techniques, also, we tend to mentioned
problems in Blended learning atmosphere in conjunction with its benefits.
Blended learning refers to a learning atmosphere that incorporate numerous
teaching designs, delivery suggests that, media formats or a mixture of of these. It
can even be outlined because the integration of varied learning activities like online and face-to-face learning. Generally, blended learning-related analysis were
investigated that Blended learning impact on student learning outcomes or
students opinions towards the Blended learning. These studies of the general
learning method though exceptions has affected absolutely. In addition, a
majority of those studies area unit target students and studies for top school
students but, such studies area unit restricted within the secondary level faculty
level. The positive results of the utilization of Blended learning is anticipated to be
bring positive results of lyceum courses once laptop power-assisted Instruction is
taken into account to be way more effective in lyceum in keeping with education
and high school. Additionally, learning activities in primary and teaching are
touched to the net atmosphere, simply next to the room, as a results of results of
and after the pill distribution to students integrated into this project. as an
example, students can carry out e-government education system coaching on
courses equipped this Project .In a sense, with this project, use of Blended
learning atmosphere can become a necessity in primary and secondary education
establishments. Therefore, studies examining the results of Blended learning
atmosphere in primary and secondary level is area unit expected to play a guiding
role in achieving the objectives of this project. Implementation of Blended
learning is believed to be concerned within the answer of such issues that is
mostly restricted to the activities of the scholars, in courses by students as boring
and stagnant. The studies showing that the positive outcomes of the use of
academic technology in social studies courses are strengthens this argument.
Additionally, it may be argued for college students at the center college level to
be additional receptive innovation and transformation can facilitate their
adaptation and therefore the adopt to the new teaching atmosphere. In this case,
the use of Blended learning courses in middle college levels compared to high
school and better education may be achieved way more positive results. From
these movements, it has been known as a downside scenario that the whether or
not use of Blended learning atmosphere in social studies will whether or not they
have impact on tutorial accomplishment.
Literature Review:
Definition of Blended Learning:
In a study of blended learning best practice, (Mortera-Gutirrez, 2006) defined
blended learning as a learning environment that fosters both face-to-face
instruction and digital methods of instruction. (Ross and Gage) Differentiated
between web and technology-enhanced courses that incorporate online
supplementary components within traditional courses without reducing face-toface time and hybrid courses where in-class time is replaced by online course
work. Under a blended learning model, in-person learning is “blended” with
technology-based instruction to best meeting the diverse needs of students.
While these methods of instruction can look a variety of different ways, students
commonly engage in face-to-face, in person learning experiences through
teacher-led instruction, collaborative group work with peers, and station-work in
the classroom (Acree et al , 2017). Students can engage in digital instruction
through instructional videos, content on learning management systems, and the
use of technology-based engagement platforms and tools (Acree et al , 2017).
According (Kavitha and Jaisingh(2018) and Singh (2003)), blended learning is one
of the forms of e-learning in which e-learning is integrated into traditional
classroom learning, using a computer, intranet or smart classroom, where the
teacher meets the student face-to-face and interaction between students and
teachers is built into the course design. It arose as a natural development of
programmed and electronic learning.(Picciano [18]) Described blended learning as
a method of instruction that combines online with face-to-face learning activities
that are integrated in a “planned, pedagogically valuable” way and where some of
the face-to-face time is replaced by online activities. According to (Allen, Seaman,
and Garrett ) a blended course has anywhere between 30 to 79% of online
content delivery with the remaining content delivered in a non-web based
method such as face-to-face instruction. (Clark & Mayer)That e-learning is
learning that is presented with the help of computers. The letter "e" in eLearning
means that the given material is digital so it can be stored in an electronic device.
E-learning illustrates that with the existence of information and communication
technologies, especially the Internet, learning becomes more open and flexible,
happens anytime, anywhere and with and to anyone in any location (distributed),
based community. (Castle & McGuire), e-learning can enhance the learning
experience because students can study anywhere and under any circumstances as
long as they connect to the internet without having to follow direct learning.
Blended learning is a flexible approach to designing programs that support a
mixture of different times and places to learn. (Rovai and Jordan), blended
learning model is essentially a combination of learning excellence that is done
face to face (direct learning) and virtual (e-learning). Online learning or e-learning
in blended learning becomes a natural extension of traditional classroom learning
using direct learning (Jusoff and Khodabandelou), blended learning not only
reduces the distance that has existed among students and teachers but also
increase the interaction between the two sides. (Garrison and Vaughan,
2008)Classified blended learning as a careful combination of classroom face-toface instruction with online learning technologies. The basic tenet of (Garrison
and Vaughan, 2008)definition is that the integration of the different modes of
delivery leads to a dynamic learning experience. (Lim and Morris, 2009) Define
blended learning as an integrated method that uses strategically planned
instructional or non-instructional approaches to promote learning. Finally (Snart,
2010) talks about the use of blended learning in academia as the type of learning
interaction that is referred to as hybrid instruction which denotes a combination
of the effective aspects of online and face-to-face instruction. In short, blended
learning refers to the delivery of a combination of different types of learning
including e-learning.
Just as there square measure several definitions of Blended learning, there square
measure several reasons why Blended learning is changing into progressively wellliked. Establishments of upper education square measure exploitation Blended
instruction to enhance pedagogy, increase access to and also the flexibility of
learning environments, and improve cost-effectiveness, however the foremost
common reason is to enhance pedagogic practices. Major reasons for school
adoption of the Blended technique square measure to extend student
engagement and involvement within the learning method and to enhance student
learning. Student-reported satisfaction with Blended instruction has typically
been terribly positive with convenience and dominant the pace of learning
thought of to be the main edges of the Blended approach.
Background of Blended Learning:
The recent growth of technology and network systems in society has
semiconductor diode to the event of innovative educational delivery ways. These
ways have refocused the means instructors teach and students learn in
educational settings. One amongst the areas wherever the utilization of
technology has had a positive influence is blended education. Blended learning is
a relatively new concept to the world of education; at least in the format it is
most commonly known in now (a combination of face-to-face instruction and
technology-based instruction), making its debut in the early 2000s as
technological advancement was widespread and the role of technology was on
the rise in school settings (Acree et al , 2017). As computers and tablets created
their ways that into colleges at a fast rate, several educators realized the ability
technology might have in reworking the tutorial method because it has been
renowned. to start this trans formative method, it vital to notice the fundamental
impact of technology on students’ learning before noting however blended
learning has evolved within the faculty setting. The literature indicates blended
instruction offers educators a way to train 21st Century learners in such a way
that they are ready for today’s workplace. Blended education involves the
combination of multiple training approaches and technologies as needed for
instruction (Ganzel, 2001)a blended instructional model allows instructors to
teach by combining different modes of delivery, different types of teaching and
styles of learning. Blended instruction, when implemented correctly allows
transparent interaction among instructors and learners engaged in a course of
study (Rainger & Draffan , 2006)Blended education, also known as hybrid
instruction has many definitions as it is implemented in multiple ways using a
variety of models. The general consensus is that blended education is an
amorphous term (Tucker, 2012)and is not easy to describe. Some of the primary
analysis on the impact of technology inside the education system looked to
students’ and parents’ attitudes towards and success with mistreatment
technological devices, like computers or tablets, for instructional functions. In a
study completed by a South African University, nearly 300 students in a middle
and high school setting were given iPads to use in the classroom and at home to
complete educational tasks (Laher & Boshoff, 2017)Upon finishing a year using
the iPads for these purposes, students and parents were surveyed concerning the
usefulness of the technology, how easy the device was to use, and their level of
enjoyment using the technology for school tasks. In the study, it was found that
technology had an overall positive impact on students’ attitudes concerning
technology in the school setting (Laher & Boshoff, 2017). Since the basic
implementation of technology has been shown to be successful in school settings
(Laher & Boshoff, 2017)the use of technology has been taken to a deeper level
through the integration of blended learning instructional practices. Blended
learning began as substituting paper copies for digital platforms when
distributing, working-on, submitting, and grading assignments (Acree et al ,
2017)this can commonly be done using learning management systems such as
Canvas, Blackboard, or Google Classroom. As these formats of using technology
with students proved to be helpful for students and teachers (Acree et al , 2017),
teachers began to question how they could further use technology to deepen
students understanding and personalize the learning experiences of students
(Acree et al , 2017). This realization made way for blended learning: a unique and
effective way to engage students in rigorous yet individualized and primarily
student-led learning experiences (Kazakoff et al, 2018). Blended learning, because
it is usually acknowledged nowadays, has developed into the variability of
strategies mentioned below the “different merging learning models” heading of
this capstone project; but, these varied strategies center on some key
components. 1st of all, learning utilizes each face-to-face instruction furthermore
as technology-based instruction. (Kazakoff et al, 2018)The primary reason for this
dueling structure is to intentionally design learning in a way that efficiently
structures the format, time, place, and pace of instruction for both students and
teachers alike (Pierce , 2017). This leads to the second key element of blended
learning, as it is most commonly known today, which that is learning under a
blended learning model strives to be personalized to each student’s learning
needs (Pierce , 2017). In a blended learning approach to instruction, the teacher
takes a more passive role in the instructional process while students take a more
active role as they engage in the purposeful learning activities that their teacher
has designed and move through at a relatively autonomous level and pace (Pierce
, 2017). While the scholar’s area unit navigating rigorous learning exercises that
area unit meant to require them on a path to proficiency of the standards being
self-addressed, the teacher has additional freedom to help students as they use
the web platforms and to figure with targeted teams of scholars in little teams.
Blended learning continues to develop today and require futures research, as
there are numerous new advances in technology and educational practice. In an
aforementioned study performed by a South African University, iPads were the
primary technological target of the research; however, it was noted that as new
technology comes out, such as advanced models of laptops and iPads, new
websites and tools, as well as technology that we cannot even imagine as it has
not yet been created, future research would be necessary to study the role of
these new devices within a blended learning model (Laher & Boshoff, 2017)Also,
many studies are limited in size, diversity of their population, and resources.
Many studies (Golden & Karpur, 2012; Schmidt & Ralph, 2016; Cherry, 2010;
Lynch & Dembo, 2004; Mortera-Gutierrez, 2006)noted that additional research
would be required to study blended learning’s role beyond the blind spots these
studies lend themselves to having. In addition to the advancements in technology
and pedagogy that require future study, the impact of blended learning on many
special populations within schools needs to be studied further, as populations
such as special education students and English learners were frequently not the
primary subjects of studies concerning blended learning. Even the studies that do
feature these special populations have found that more research is needed. For
example, in a 2018 study completed by elementary school teachers regarding the
impact of blended learning on special populations such as English language
learners, it was found that future research into blended learning is needed to
assess the impact blended learning practices have on EL’s language growth
(Kazakoff et al, 2018)
Different Model of Blended Learning:
One-size actually doesn't work all, and this sentiment most actually applies to
Blended learning educational practices. Attributable to this, there has been a
range of Blended learning models developed over Blended learning’s existence.
Below, four approaches to Blended learning square measure shared in additional
detail. The first and foremost alloyed learning model is named the rotation model.
A course or subject within which students rotate on a fixed schedule or at the
teacher’s discretion between learning modalities, a minimum of one amongst that
is on-line learning. Alternative modalities would possibly embrace activities like
small-group or full-class instruction, cluster comes, individual tutoring, and penciland-paper assignments. The scholars learn totally on the brick-and-mortar field,
apart from any school assignment assignments. In the rotation model subcategory of blended learning, the teacher switches between, or rotates, using
face-to face instruction and online instruction to teach students through a variety
of stations in that are primarily in the classroom (Acree et al , 2017)These stations
can include face-to-face small group instruction with the teacher, a lab exercise, a
flipped classroom video lesson, and a hands-on activity (Acree et al , 2017)The
teacher creates the content for the learning stations ahead of time, and students
move through these stations at their own pace. In an ideal rotation model, the
activities at these stations would be differentiated to meet the diverse learning
needs and preferences of students, as offering students access to personalized
learning is one of the hallmarks of blended learning (Acree et al , 2017)Either that
or each station would be different in in nature. The Rotation model includes four
sub-models: Station Rotation, Lab Rotation, Flipped Classroom, and Individual
1. Station Rotation: a course or subject within which student’s expertise the
Rotation model at intervals a contained schoolroom or cluster of lecture
rooms. The Station Rotation model differs from the Individual Rotation
model as a result of students rotate through all of the stations, not solely
those on their custom schedules.
2. Lab Rotation: a course or subject during which students rotate to a laptop
workplace for the online-learning station.
3. Flipped Classroom: a course or subject during which students participate in
on-line learning off-site in situ of ancient preparation and so attend the
brick-and-mortar college for face-to-face, teacher-guided follow or comes.
the first delivery of content and instruction is on-line, that differentiates a
Flipped schoolroom from students World Health Organization square
measure simply doing preparation follow on-line in the dead of night.
4. Individual Rotation: a course or subject within which every student has a
personalized list and doesn't essentially rotate to every on the market
station or modality. A rule or teacher(s) sets individual student schedules.
Another distinctive model of merging learning is that the flex model. A course or
subject within which on-line learning is that the backbone of student learning,
notwithstanding it directs students to offline activities sometimes. Students loco
mote associate degree on an individual basis customized, fluid schedule among
learning modalities. The teacher of record is on-the-spot, and students learn
totally on the brick-and-mortar field, apart from any schoolwork assignments. The
teacher of record or alternative adults offer face-to-face support on a versatile
and adaptation as-needed basis through activities like small-group instruction,
cluster comes, and individual tutoring. Some implementations have substantial
face-to-face support, whereas others have borderline support. Under the flex
model of blended learning, students primarily navigate classroom content online
(Acree et al , 2017). This model allows students the most freedom and flexibility
out of the blended learning models as students can work through the videos and
exercises created for them by their teacher at their own pace and place (Acree et
al , 2017)A teacher in this blended learning scenario is given the flexibility to work
with targeted students in small groups or on an individual basis as the other
students work through the curated online content (Acree et al , 2017).
The a la carte model could be a third sub-category of blended learning. A course
that a student takes entirely on-line to accompany different experiences that the
scholar has at a brick-and-mortar faculty or learning center. The teacher of record
for the A La carte course is that the on-line teacher. Students could take the A La
carte course either on the brick-and-mortar field or off-site. This differs from fulltime on-line learning as a result of it's not a whole-school expertise. Students take
some courses A La carte et al. face-to-face at a brick-and-mortar field. While the a
la carte model is not used as frequently in schools as the rotation or the flex
models, it is a good option for students who want to enrich their learning
experience in a certain content area beyond the instruction that they are
receiving at school. The a la carte model allows for students to take an online
course in addition to a course of the same subject area that they are enrolled in a
traditional in-person format at school (Acree et al , 2017). The purpose of this
model is to supply students with multiple opportunities to increase their learning
and challenge themselves. The room teacher doesn't play a job during this model
because the teacher of the a la carte course is an out of doors, online-based
The last model of blended learning to be mentioned is that the enriched virtual
model. A course or subject within which students have needed face-to-face
learning sessions with their teacher of record so are liberated to complete their
remaining work remote from the face-to-face teacher. On-line learning is that the
backbone of student learning once the scholars are situated remotely. A similar
person typically is each the web and face-to-face teacher. Several Enriched Virtual
programs began as regular on-line faculties so developed blended programs to
produce students with brick-and-mortar faculty experiences. The Enriched Virtual
model differs from the Flipped room as a result of in Enriched Virtual programs,
students rarely meet face-to-face with their academics each weekday. It differs
from a totally on-line course as a result of face-to-face learning sessions are quite
elective workplace hours or social events; they're needed. Similar to the a la carte
model, this model of blended learning is not as common as the first two as it
requires the students to be working online in a setting that is potentially outside
of school (Acree et al , 2017). In addition to students completing the majority of
their coursework online, students’ online experiences are enriched through
infrequent face-to-face meetings and learning experiences. The teacher in this
model would primarily teach the online course while also planning in-person
activities to enhance the learning occurring online (Acree et al , 2017).
The distinction between traditional learning and blended Learning is highlighted.
Traditional learning is additional category familiarized and fewer versatile in terms
of sophistication schedule, use of latest technology and learning methodology
whereas amalgamated Learning is versatile and support each category space in
addition as on-line teaching.
Characteristic of
Traditional learning
Blended Learning
Mainly in
classrooms (Not
of classroom /
home, library
Offline as well
Time of
Fixed as per the
schedule (Not
Use of
Not must up to
the instructor to
choose the
as Online
Adjustable as
per personal
Latest use of
technology is
Blended learning integrates on-line and offline learning activities and resources to
scale back in-class seat time for students in a face-to-face surroundings that build
it an amazing advantage for a university. It will facilitate the university
management to enhance under-enrolled programs, complete college teaching
hundreds, and improve price effectiveness. Blended learning facilitates students
with a novel versatile learning expertise, as a result of they'll access and interact
with their instructional program from anyplace and at any time. The participants
didn't want to be on the field to actively interact in their studies. Following is the
list of benefits of victimization blended learning technique in an education
system. blended learning surroundings provides several resources of learning to
learner that increased learner‘s confidence and ability. Fast feedback to learner
which can facilitate them in their learning method. Take away the constraints of
traditional coaching and learners decide wherever and once they do their
coaching. Learners a lot of accountable for their coaching and facilitate them be
self-motivated. Blended learning give cooperative activities among teacher and
students through interactive session that can helps to improve the student’s level
of satisfaction and Improved tutorial performance. Give access to everybody who
desires coaching by providing it in numerous ways that.
Effects of Blended Learning:
Blended learning has been shown to have a significant positive impact on
students’ academic understanding (Lozano-Lozano et al., 2020; Fazal & Bryant,
2019; Camahalan & Ruley, 2014; Kazu & Demirkol, 2014; Chang et al., 2014)In a
study of blended learning’s impact on high school students’ writing, it was shown
the majority of students were proficient with the writing concepts after engaging
in blended learning instruction in comparison to the students who received
traditional forms of instruction (Camahalan & Ruley, 2014). In another study that
analyzed the impact of blended learning on 6th grade math students’
standardized test scores, it was shown that students who were in the blended
learning math class had an increased mean growth on their MAP scores from fall
to spring. Students in the control group only had a lower mean growth on the
same standardized assessment. Another study led by a Turkish team of
researchers found that the test group and the control group of 12th grade math
students under study all scored similarly on the pre-test; however, concerning the
post-test, the test group, who received math content using blended learning
methods, scored higher on average than the control group who did not receive
blended learning instruction (Kazu & Demirkol, 2014). These studies show that
blended learning has been shown to directly correlate to increased student
understanding in middle and high school settings. . These studies show that
blended learning has been shown to directly correlate to increased student
understanding in middle and high school settings. This increase in student
understanding, when compared to students’ understanding under a traditional
model of teaching, has been attributed to a variety of factors per a study
completed by Pierce in 2017. The first factor towards student success is that
under a blended learning approach, there is a thoughtful purpose attributed to
each learning activity, and when the learning objectives of a lesson are clear,
student learning is increased (Pierce , 2017). Teachers also have more clarity with
and a better grasp of what they are teaching when each activity is designed
purposefully. When teachers have a good handle on what they are teaching, they
are better able to assess what students do and do not know and how to proceed
with that valuable knowledge in ways that will assist students (Pierce , 2017).
Another factor that Pierce’s study shares regarding the success of blended
learning towards students’ academic achievement is attributed to the
differentiated nature of the activities students participate in, especially in a
station rotation model (2017)Since students are no longer subjected to the
traditional one-size fits all approach commonly found with direct instruction,
teachers are given more flexibility with their plans to understand and meet the
needs of all students and students are, most frequently, able to move through
class at an autonomous pace rather than sitting and listening to the same lecture
and completing the same activity as other students. In (Cherry, 2010)study
concerning online learning’s impact on high school classrooms, it was noted that
students are much more active participants in their education under a blended
learning model (Cherry, 2010)Blended learning is formatted in such a way that
students are physically moving more frequently to different stations to complete
certain activities and are more engaged whether in thought, speech, or action in
the learning at hand when compared to a traditional learning environment
(Camahalan & Ruley, 2014)Active learning of this nature has been associated with
increased student scores (Camahalan & Ruley, 2014).
This methodology used to explore however the implementation of a blended
learning instructional atmosphere impacts student action. AN action analysis
study was conducted with a blended ways analysis style to figure with a bunch
university students to check the consequences of this teaching vogue on student
action. This research was planned and executed taking into account the warning
by (Béres, Magyar, and Turcsányi-Szabó 2012)that the methodology used in a
blended learning environment is of utmost importance:
“Electronic learning and e-learning environments do not guarantee efficient
learning by themselves. The role of the teacher as a guide cannot be neglected.
But, even the blended learning combination doesn’t automatically provide
success if the model is not based on sound methodological basis” ( (Béres,
Magyar, & Turcsányi-Szabó, 2012,)).
Purpose of the Study:
Blended learning may be a pedagogic approach for delivering info that has several
implications. It offers students a special avenue to find out and it helps them
reach higher levels of feat, autonomy, personal growth, responsibility, and
according to (Erdem (2014)), “blended learning gives learners and teachers a
potential environment to learn and teach more effectively” (p.200). Blended
learning, beside different educational theories of teaching and learning like crucial
pedagogy, has been anesthetize a magnifier in Pakistan education system.
Welcomed to the educational stage in part by Paulo Friere’s work in impoverished
communities in Brazil, the critical pedagogy movement in education is one that
has met much criticism. However, “after several decades of existing on the
educational fringe, it is safe to say that critical pedagogy has entered the
mainstream in the United States” ( (Foley, Morris, Gounari, & Agostinone-Wilson,
2015, p. 110). Mark Halx (2014)) Describes critical pedagogy’s primary focus as
one that “is to enlighten students… that an improved life circumstance is more
than possible for them through education and their own actions” (p. 255). Like
essential pedagogy, blended learning works to assist students notice their
potential while not having info delivered solely directly from the teacher to the
scholar. In a very schoolroom utilizing the blended learning approach, the scholar
is a lively participant in operating toward the acquisition of information.
academics and students share the responsibility of learning during this
instructional approach as a result of the scholar is concerned in discovering and
discerning the that means of knowledge whereas academics area unit facilitators
and guides instead of the giver of knowledge and that means. During this study,
essential pedagogy provides students a voice. Student’s area unit being
introduced to content and area unit being asked to seem at it critically, with a
chance to return up with their own concepts supported their own experiences
and examine of the planet. A key element of essential pedagogy is that the
approach is associate agent for social change; it provides students and academics
the simplest way to challenge the norms of alternative ways in which of training
and formation new methods to individualize and deepen learning in spite of a
student’s economic, social, or instructional background. Social studies provides
people a chance to be essential of the planet around them, a vehicle for brand
spanking new concepts and a blended learning surroundings will identical by
showing students what their capabilities area unit while not having an instructor
because the center of the training guiding them each step of the method. Tying
college funding, teacher job security, and faculty economic condition to the
results of high stakes tests has caused the main target of schooling to be placed
less on mastery of content and additional on a student’s ability to regurgitate
information.(Julie Gorlewski (2012) )Set out to explore how educators might turn
the table on high stakes testing and “expand the curriculum and enhance student
learning” (p. 225) rather than allow it to be stifled by these tests. (Gorlewski
(2012))Argues that “legislation that legitimizes testing as the central measure of
learning undermines the ability of educational institutions to inspire excellence
and ameliorate inequities” (p. 226). It is through teaching methodologies like
blending learning that a chance arises for academics, schools, and college systems
to create a shift off from a reliance on these high stakes tests and concentrate on
the mastery of content in significant ways. (Mi Kim (2015) )Worked with a group
of students and teachers who were using a project-based, self-driven approach to
learn Korean English language. Much like this study concerning blended learning,
Kim’s study offered students some choice and an opportunity to approach the
material in ways that they saw fit. In her experiment, (Mi Kim (2015) ) found that
using this approach in a classroom setting “empowers students and gives them
more opportunity for initiative and responsibility” (p. 91). Much like (Gorlewski
(2012)) who found that “students developed increased confidence and expertise,”
(p. 235) Kim’s students’ opinions were varied, but they reported also having a
sense of achievement .The project-based, self-driven successes of her study is of
interest since it helps to prove that students, once given the chance, tend to
thrive once there's a combination of the student-led innovative approaches to
Source of Information:
Primary Data:
 Questionnaire
Secondary Data:
Internet searches
Research Articles & Papers
This action research began with characteristic the necessity for modification in
tutorial practices. As blended learning has been shown to extend student
understanding and achievements, it absolutely was chosen as a venue for
modification. Once a necessity decided, student choice began. It absolutely was
determined that the anonymous participants of the study would be the university
students. These students were elite primarily thanks to accessibility, also because
the researcher’s investment in these students’ instructional and private success.
Many studies have demonstrated that blended learning can be utilized at a
variety of academic levels (Lozano-Lozano, Fernandez-Lao, Cantarero-Villanueva,
et al., 2020; Fazal & Bryant, 2019; Camahalan & Ruley, 2014; Kazu & Demirkol,
2014; Chang, Shu, & Liang, et al., 2014)); however, so participants in future
studies or a replicated study would not necessarily need to be of the same gradelevel or academic content area. There square measure or so 60 students that may
be collaborating during this action analysis study. The scholars that may be taking
part are listed within the researcher’s records. These students were chosen owing
to the role of the research worker as a student in an exceedingly university.
Data Collection:
Data Collection Method:
Qualitative data are narrative, and quantitative data are numerical. According to
(Mertler, 2014) qualitative data “may appear in the form of interview transcripts,
observational notes, journal entries, or transcriptions of audio or videotapes or as
existing documents” ( (Mertler, 2014)). Mertler describes quantitative data as
data that can be “counted, calculated, tallied and rated (As well as) ratings of
one’s feelings, attitudes interests or perceptions on some sort of numerical scale”
(Mertler, 2014).The use of both of these types of data can be beneficial in some
types of research. In this action research, the researcher finds qualitative type of
data especially useful.
In this study, the main target is placed on the amount of educational action of
scholars. whereas reportage was done predominately on the numerical, or
quantitative knowledge – take a look at scores and rating scales that describe
perspective toward or feelings concerning the mode of learning – a group of
written, empiric notes – a, or qualitative knowledge was conjointly collected. so
as to effectively complete AN action scientific research regarding a room state of
affairs that changes the structure of a learning surroundings – assembling take a
look at scores and a response from a numerical scale doesn't paint an entire
image of the success or failure of the mode of learning. A discerning teacher
whose final goal is to make sure the success of his students’ cares not solely
concerning the numerical knowledge, he ought to systematically search for ways
in which within which to boost his follow. If there's knowledge that shows student
perception to be positive however testing knowledge to indicate a negative
result, there could be area for additional study. assembling each kinds of
knowledge may show that it absolutely was the teaching that was ineffective
giving a chance to complete the action analysis once more at a later time, simply
otherwise. Therefore, for the needs of this action analysis set up, assembling
quantitative knowledge is just not enough – each kinds of knowledge were
Mertler comments that “we are constantly observing and taking note of the world
around us… furthermore, as teachers we are constantly observing our students”
(Mertler, 2014). While the investigator understands that point constraints could
preclude some from grouping style of information throughout a groundwork
project like this, there aren't any problems, negative aspects, or weaknesses
during this action set up that unbroken the investigator from grouping the
aforesaid information.
Data Analysis:
For this action research, the teacher research worker used qualitative information
points to assess the impact of blended learning practices on students’ educational
performance and room engagement. This technique varieties of information
assortment were distributed intermittently throughout the blended learning unit
further as at the tip of the unit .The ways of collection information intermittently
throughout the unit concerned short student interest surveys designed to live
students’ achievements with blended learning practices further as their
perceptions of blended learning technology tools and teaching practices. These
instruments that were wont to gauge student perception further as educational
accomplishment square measure trustworthy as a result of careful thought
concerning the queries used are going to be created in their style. If the results
showed that student accomplishment exaggerated supported the implementation
of the blended learning atmosphere then information are going to be wont to
justify ever-changing alternative existing units to a blended learning atmosphere
further. If the study showed there's gain in educational accomplishment.
Qualitative Data:
Student Survey:
The quantitative data collected from the student participants. The survey was
conducted anonymously through Google Forms and consisted of 10 questions
asking students a range of questions. This survey included questions that sought
to measure students’ understanding of the definition of blended learning as a
teaching methodology, questions that gauged their perception of said blended
learning methodology as a way of teaching, how and if they believed that the
blended learning methodology had a positive or negative impact on their learning,
and questions concerning their attitude toward their teachers and classmates
both before and after the implementation of the blended learning methodology.
Table shows the data of 24 males (34.2 %) and 36 females (65.9%) in the sample,
giving a total of 60 respondents.
Number of Respondent
Percentage of
1-Do you want blended learning to be implemented throughout the education
Number of responses: (60 responses).
It shows the responses from a question that used a closed ended that asked
students want blended learning to be implemented throughout the education
system. This gave them the opportunity to respond on ‘Yes’ & ‘No’ .60 students
who responded to the question in the survey, 45 out of 60 students (75%) choose
the option ‘Yes’.15 out of 60 students (25%) choose the option ‘No’.
2-Have you ever participated in a blended learning assignment?
Number of responses: (60 responses).
It shows the responses from a question that used a closed ended that asked
students have they ever participated in a blended learning assignment. This gave
them the opportunity to respond on ‘Yes’ & ‘No’ .60 students who responded to
the question in the survey.55 out of 60 students (92%) choose the option ‘Yes’ &
5 out of 60 students (8%) choose the option ‘No’.
3- Have you ever been enrolled in a classroom that utilized blended learning?
Number of responses: (60 responses).
It shows the responses from a question that used a closed ended that asked
students have they ever been enrolled in a classroom that utilized blended
learning. This gave them the opportunity to respond on ‘Yes’ & ‘No’ .60 students
who responded to the question in the survey.50 out of 60 students (83%) choose
the option ‘Yes’ & 10 out of 60 students (17%) choose the option ‘No’.
4-Is blended learning convenient for you?
Number of responses: (60 responses).
It shows the responses from a question that used a closed ended that asked
students is blended learning convenient for you. This gave them the opportunity
to respond on ‘Yes’ & ‘No’ .60 students who responded to the question in the
survey.42 out of 60 students (70%) choose the option ‘Yes’ & 18 out of 60
students (30%) choose the option ‘No’.
5-In your opinion, Blended Learning is this method more effective for your
learning than the traditional approach?
Number of responses: (60 responses).
It shows the responses from a question that used a closed ended that asked
students is blended learning convenient for you. This gave them the opportunity
to respond on ‘Yes’ & ‘No’ .60 students who responded to the question in the
survey.52 out of 60 students (87%) choose the option ‘Yes’ & 8 out of 60 students
(13%) choose the option ‘No’.
6-Are you comfortable with using technology?
Number of responses: (60 responses).
It shows the responses from a question that used a closed ended that asked
students are they comfortable with using technology. This gave them the
opportunity to respond on ‘Yes’ & ‘No’ .60 students who responded to the
question in the survey.60 out of 60 students (100%) choose the option ‘Yes’ & 0
out of 60 students (0%) choose the option ‘No’.
7-How many hours per day do you use technology? (Cell phone, computer,
internet, etc.)
Number of responses: (60 responses).
2-3 hours
4-5 hours
6-8 hours
4-5 hours
2-3 hours
6-8 hours
It shows the responses from a question that used a closed ended that asked
students is how many hours per day do they use technology? (Cell phone,
computer, internet, etc.). This gave them the opportunity to respond on Different
hours .60 students who responded to the question in the survey.35 out of 60
students (65%) choose the option 6-8 hours & 15 out of 60 students (30%) choose
the option 4-5 hours & 10 out of 60 students (5%) choose the option 2-3 hours.
8-Blended learning has encouraged you to learn.
Number of responses: (60 responses)
It shows the responses from a question that used a Likert scale that asked
students is Blended learning has encouraged you to learn. This gave them the
opportunity to respond on scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.60
students who responded to the question in the survey.5 out of 60 students (10%)
choose the option strongly disagree & 5 out of 60 students (10%) choose the
option disagree & 30 out of 60 students (60%) choose the option neutral & 15 out
of 60 students (25%) choose the option agree & 15 out of 60 students (25%)
choose the option strongly agree.
9-Blended learning has improved your learning skills.
Number of responses: (60 responses)
It shows the responses from a question that used a Likert scale that asked
students is Blended learning has encouraged you to learn. This gave them the
opportunity to respond on scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.60
students who responded to the question in the survey.3 out of 60 students (7%)
choose the option strongly disagree & 5 out of 60 students (10%) choose the
option disagree & 33 out of 60 students (45%) choose the option neutral & 13 out
of 60 students (23%) choose the option agree & 6 out of 60 students (15%)
choose the option strongly agree.
10-Blended learning has deepened my understanding & interest of the subject
being taught.
Number of responses: (60 responses)
It shows the responses from a question that used a Likert scale that asked
students is Blended learning has encouraged you to learn. This gave them the
opportunity to respond on scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.60
students who responded to the question in the survey.6 out of 60 students (10%)
choose the option strongly disagree & 7 out of 60 students (15%) choose the
option disagree & 20 out of 60 students (30%) choose the option neutral & 20 out
of 60 students (30%) choose the option agree & 7 out of 60 students (15%)
choose the option strongly agree.
The survey questions and possible responses were written in student-friendly
language so students could easily understand the meaning of the question as well
as answer them to the best of their abilities in their individual responses.
According to the qualitative data collected in this study on the effect of blended
learning on student achievement, the overarching understanding is that students’
achievement would be improves if the blended learning implemented
throughout the education system. The results from student surveys support this
finding. Students’ demonstrated statistically significant improvements from
before and after introducing blended learning and survey responses
Data Analysis and Reflection
Through the analysis of the qualitative knowledge (the researcher’s journal) many
themes became apparent. These themes square measure 1) Student perspective
toward blended Learning, 2) result of blended Learning and 3) Student Growth
and action on Assessment. Student perspective toward blended learning modified
from the start of the unit to the top of the unit. As shown by the results of the
concerning however students’ opinions appeared to shift from starting to finish,
students’ perspective toward the pedagogy improved. The result of blended
learning, as seen by the results of the surveys additionally modified. the scholars
same that whereas their interaction with their lecturers didn't improve, their
interaction with their classmates improved greatly –this knowledge was even
through the researcher’s journal through notation concerning comments students
created concerning the methodology at the start of the unit and because the unit
progressed. Finally, a 3rd theme, as seen by results– noting student action and
interest, students’ content data grew hugely among all student participants within
the analysis study.
The results of this action analysis study incontestable that blended learning
teaching techniques have an on the spot positive impact on students’ educational
achievements. Deep, rigorous, and interesting learning could be a key element to
any schoolroom, and it's been shown that intermingled learning will facilitate to
form this important aim a reality. The scholars of this study weren't the sole ones
completely wedged by these educational changes. Their work to incessantly grow,
learn, and improve found that creating the shift from ancient teaching practices
to intermingled learning, a research-based approach to up learning outcomes,
wasn't solely extraordinarily useful to their students however additionally created
their work a lot of gratifying as they were seeing their students succeed and dive
head-first into the training at hand in ways in which were acceptable and useful to
every student. The investigator additionally found that their time was employed
in a lot of decisive ways in which, that another parts of purpose and
accomplishment to their researcher’s work. intermingled Learning has useful
effects for students each in enhancements to educational performance ,diversity
of learning opportunities and enhancements to the student expertise .Higher
education establishments ought to be inspired to facilitate the event of wider vary
of intermingled learning resources to support student’s learning ,particularly with
the arrival of exaggerated ,fast and reliable access to web services for majority of
scholars .Furthermore, educators ought to still develop innovative and helpful
ways in which for college students to access opportunities victimization mobile
devices ,which square measure chop-chop turning into the predominant suggests
that for communication and interaction among learners. It will be declared that
within the read of those statements instructional practices designed among
intermingled surroundings square measure useful to the students in terms of
happiness, learning, attention and motivation. As a whole, intermingled learning
was a positive for all parties concerned.
Blended Learning, with its mixture of technology and ancient face-to-face
interaction is a nice approach .Blended Learning combines schoolroom learning
with on-line learning, during which students will, partly management the time,
pace, place of their learning effects. blended Learning was found to have positive
result on learner’s study accomplishment than the face-to-face learning
environments .In e-learning setting, learners collaborate effectively .This, seen in
previous studies on a cooperative learning in associate degree e-learning setting,
means learners acquire existing information and really produce new information
for given task performance within the method of sharing information with the
peers ((Insuk, Junghun, Eunmo, Seongher, 2006). it's possible that blended
learning improved student’s study accomplishment through psychological feature
activities .According to the analysis results of the study it had been supposed that
opinions of the scholars who studied in blended setting area unit varied
comparison different setting and blended learning setting is more practical than
face-to-face and on-line learning environments.
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