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MAE 505 Heat Transfer Course Syllabus Fall 2020

MAE 505 – Heat Transfer Theory and Applications
Fall 2020 - Sections 001, 601
Online Synchronous Class
Class time:
Online Office Hours:
Prof. Alexei V. Saveliev
4:30pm – 5:45pm
3248 EB III
Tu 7pm - 9 pm or by appointment
Prathamesh Deshpande
1.1. Course Prerequisites:
Undergraduate course in convective heat transfer and fluid flow
or consent of instructor
1.2. Textbook:
Adrian Bejan, Heat Transfer, Wiley, NY, 1993
1.3. Reference Material:
ERG Eckert and RM Drake, Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer,
Hemisphere, NY, 1987
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 7th Ed, by Bergman,
Lavine, Incropera & DeWitt, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
J.C. Slattery, Advanced Transport Phenomena, Cambridge
University Press, NY, 1999
W.M. Kays and M.E. Crawford, Convective Heat and Mass
Transfer, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, NY, 1993
H. Schlichting, Boundary-Layer Theory, McGraw Hill, NY,
C. Kleinstreuer, Engineering Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge
University Press, NY, 1996.
Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Journals, Heat Transfer
Conference Proceedings, etc.
1.4. Course Support:
Moodle site - https://wolfware.ncsu.edu/
1.5. Course Objectives: The students will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge of the
material covered in MAE 505 through their mastery of the following course objectives. Through
the study of MAE 505 the students will be able to:
1. Understand physical meaning and mathematical nature of heat-conduction equation
2. Be able to solve unidirectional steady heat conduction problems
3. Be familiar with solution methods for multidirectional steady heat conduction problems
4. Use Fourier method for solving time-dependent heat conduction equation
5. Analyze heat conduction with moving boundaries, melting and solidification
6. Understand and solve problems for external forced convection in laminar flow
7. Understand theory and applications of internal forced convection in laminar flow
8. Determine heat transfer coefficient in natural convection along a vertical wall and in an
enclosure heated from the side, laminar flow
9. Analyze external forced convection in turbulent flow
10. Understand and solve equations for internal forced convection in turbulent flow
11. Understand basic thermal radiation concepts and relations as well as blackbody radiation
12. Calculate heat transfer between black surfaces
13. Understand calculation methods for diffuse-gray surfaces
1.6. Projected schedule of homeworks, tests, and exams
Homeworks will be assigned on Wednesday of the current week of class and will be due on
Wednesday of the following week. The homeworks will be posted as Moodle Assignments set
up for electronic submission and grading.
1.7. Grading
Exam 1
Exam 2
Final Exam
No incompletes are accepted for this course without verifiable, written doctor's note indicating
more than one week's incapacitation. The final grade will be based on the final average and
determined as follows:
Highest,% 100.0 96.9 92.9 89.9 86.9 82.9 79.9 76.9 72.9 69.9 66.9 62.9 59.9
93.0 90.0 87.0 83.0 80.0 77.0 73.0 70.0 67.0 63.0 60.0 0
Plus/minus grades will be used for the border line cases based on attendance, homework grades,
and improvement in test and exam grades.
1.8. Tentative Course Outline
Heat Conduction
Heat-Conduction Equation (1.3) (1 week)
Unidirectional Steady Heat Conduction (2.1-2.6) (1 week)
Multidirectional Steady Heat Conduction (3.1) (1 week)
Time-Dependent Conduction (4.1-4.4) (1 week)
Heat Conduction with Moving Boundaries, Melting and Solidification (4.7) (1 week)
Exam I
September 17 – 21
Heat Transfer by Convection
External Forced Convection in Laminar Flow (5.1-5.3) (1 week)
Internal Forced Convection in Laminar Flow (6.1-6.2) (2 weeks)
Natural Convection along a Vertical Wall and in an Enclosure Heated from the Side,
Laminar Flow (7.1-7.4) (2 weeks)
External Forced Convection in Turbulent Flow (5.4) (2 weeks)
Internal Forced Convection in Turbulent Flow (6.3) (1 week)
Exam II
October 29 – November 2
Due Friday, November 6th
Thermal Radiation
Basic Concepts and Relations, Blackbody Radiation (10.1-10.2) (1 week)
Heat Transfer between Black Surfaces (10.3) (1 week)
Diffuse-Gray Surfaces (10.4) (1 week)
Final Exam
Due Monday, November 23rd
1.9. Course Policies
1.9.1 Exams
All exams are take-home exams. The preliminary exam schedule is provided in the class
syllabus. The tests should be submitted electronically. Credit will not be given for answers
without supporting analyses, or for test turned in late. There must be no collaboration on the
exams. Arrangements for missed exams will be made on an individual basis provided you have
an acceptable, certifiable excuse.
1.9.2 Instructor's policies on incomplete grades and late assignments
Incompletes are accepted only for medical reasons. Makeup work, if any, must be arranged
within two weeks of due date at the option of the instructor, prior to two weeks before the end of
classes. Arrangements for missed tests will be made on an individual basis provided you have an
acceptable, certifiable excuse.
1.9.3 Instructor's policies on attendance for on campus students
Attendance is expected and necessary for success. Attendance will affect your course grade as
part of your class participation grade. I will excuse a small number of absences under certain
special conditions. NCSU policy on attendance, including what constitutes an 'Excused
absence,' is at http://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/reg-02-20-03.
Work that is late due to an excused absence will either be 'excused' from your grade, or it may be
turned in late. It is the students' responsibility to contact the instructor as well as NC State
Absence Verification as soon as possible to discuss the most appropriate action.
1.9.4 Academic Integrity statement
The faculty acknowledges the existence of the University policy on academic integrity found in
http://studentconduct.ncsu.edu/ and expects students to adhere to it.
An Honor Pledge is expected to be signed and dated on each exam, final exam, and any
additional special assignments. The Honor pledge will be as follows: "I have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid on this test, exam or special assignment. I have not discussed the
contents of this test or exam prior to taking it."
It is the expectation of faculty that students neither give nor receive unauthorized aid on any
exam, or special assignment. The faculty recognizes the value of discussions by students
regarding weekly homework assignments in student groups, with teaching assistants, and the
faculty. However, homework assignments submitted for grading must be the product of the
student submitting the work.
1.9.5 Statement for students with disabilities
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to
take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for
Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 919-515-7653. For more
information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the
Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities at
1.9.6 Class evaluation
Online class evaluations will be available for students to complete during the last week of class.
Students will receive an email message directing them to a website where they can login using
their Unity ID and complete evaluations. All evaluations are confidential; instructors will never
know how any particular student responded to any question, and students will never know the
ratings for any particular instructor.
More information about ClassEval is available at https://oirp.ncsu.edu/surveys/classeval
1.9.7. Class organization
Pre-recorded Lectures: We will have twenty nine (29) pre-recorded asynchronous lectures
posted in Mediasite format. The lecture slides are posted online. The links to the video lectures
will be provided just below the lecture slides, separately for each lecture. I will also post lecture
notes with my marks on the slides and example problems solved during the lectures.
Zoom meetings: Weekly Zoom meetings will be set up for lecture highlights, example problems,
question and answer sessions, and discussions. The meetings will be recorded and posted on
Moodle and EOL site. The schedule for Zoom meetings will be discussed during the first week
of classes.
Homeworks: Homeworks are posted using Moodle Assignments and should be submitted
electronically. Please submit your files as PDF (preferred) or web image files. There is a limit of
10 files/10 MB total for each submission. The homeworks will be graded electronically. The
maximum for each homework will be 100 points. The homework solutions will be posted as pdf
Homework Forums: HW forums will be open to discuss homeworks and post questions. All
students are encouraged to participate.
Tests: Open book (open notes) take-home will be assigned through Moodle. The preliminary
test schedule is provided in the class syllabus. The tests should be submitted electronically.
Please contact me as soon as possible if you have a time conflict with the proposed schedule.
Office hours: I will conduct my office hours via Zoom. Other option for irregular office hours:
you can always set up a Zoom meeting and send me an invite. I will accept, if I am available.
2.0 Health, Conduct, and Expectations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, public health measures have been implemented across
campus. Students should stay current with these practices and expectations through the Protect
the Pack website (https://www.ncsu.edu/coronavirus/). The sections below provide expectations
and conduct related to COVID-19 issues.
2.0.1 Health and Participation in Class
We are most concerned about your health and the health of your classmates and instructors/TAs.
If you test positive for COVID-19, or are told by a healthcare provider that you are presumed
positive for the virus, please work with your instructor on health accommodations and follow
other university guidelines, including self-reporting:
https://healthypack.dasa.ncsu.edu/coronavirus/. Self-reporting is not only to help provide
support to you, but also to assist in contact tracing for containing the spread of the virus.
If you feel unwell, even if you have not been knowingly exposed to COVID-19, please do
not come to class.
If you are in quarantine, have been notified that you may have been exposed to COVID-19,
or have a personal or family situation related to COVID-19 that prevents you from attending
this course in person (or synchronously), please connect with your instructor to discuss the
situation and make alternative plans, as necessary.
If you need to make a request for an academic consideration related to COVID-19, such as a
discussion about possible options for remote learning, please talk with your instructor for the
appropriate process to make a COVID-19 request.
2.0.2 Health and Well-Being Resources
These are difficult times, and academic and personal stress is a natural result. Everyone is
encouraged to take care of themselves and their peers. If you need additional support, there are
many resources on campus to help you:
• Counseling Center (https://counseling.dasa.ncsu.edu/)
• Health Center (https://healthypack.dasa.ncsu.edu/)
• If the personal behavior of a classmate concerns or worries you, either for the classmate’s
well-being or yours, we encourage you to report this behavior to the NC State CARES team:
• If you or someone you know are experiencing food, housing or financial insecurity, please
see the Pack Essentials Program (https://dasa.ncsu.edu/pack-essentials/).
2.0.3 Community Standards related to COVID-19
We are all responsible for protecting ourselves and our community. Please see the community
expectations and Rule 04.21.01 regarding Personal Safety Requirements Related to COVID-19
2.0.4 Course Expectations Related to COVID-19
Personal Protective Equipment: As a member of the NC State academic community you are
required to follow all university guidelines for personal safety with face coverings, physical
distancing, and sanitation. Face coverings are required in this class and in all NC State
buildings. Face coverings should be worn to cover the nose and mouth and be close fitting to
the face with minimal gaps on the sides. In addition, students are responsible for keeping
their course/work area clean.
Course Attendance: NC State attendance policies can be found at:
https://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/reg-02-20-03-attendance-regulations/. Please refer to this
course’s attendance, absence, and deadline policies for additional details. If you are
quarantined or otherwise need to miss class because you have been advised that you may
have been exposed to COVID-19, you should not be penalized regarding attendance or class
participation. However, you will be expected to develop a plan to keep up with your
coursework during any such absences. If you become ill with COVID-19, you should follow
the steps outlined in the health and participating section above. COVID 19-related absences
will be considered excused; documentation need only involve communication with your
Course Meeting Schedule: Your course might not have a traditional meeting schedule in Fall
2020. Be sure to pay attention to any updates to the course schedule as the information in this
syllabus may have changed. Please discuss any questions you have with the instructor.
Classroom Seating: To support efficient, effective contact tracing, please sit in the same seat
when possible and take note of who is sitting around you; instructors may also assign seats
for this purpose.
Technology Requirements: This course may require particular technologies to complete
coursework. Be sure to review the syllabus for these expectations, and see
go.ncsu.edu/syllabus-tech-requirements to find out more about technical requirements for
your course. If you need access to additional technological support, please contact the
Libraries’ Technology Lending Service: https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/devices.
2.0.5 Course Delivery Changes Related to COVID-19
Please be aware that the situation regarding COVID-19 is frequently changing, and the delivery
mode of this course may need to change accordingly, including from in-person to online.
Regardless of the delivery method, we will strive to provide a high-quality learning experience.
2.0.6 Grading/Scheduling Changing Options Related to COVID-19
If the delivery mode has a negative impact on your academic performance in this course, the
university has provided tools to potentially reduce the impact:
• Enhanced S/U Grading Option: https://studentservices.ncsu.edu/your-resources/covid19/spring2020-sat-grading/
• Late Drop: https://studentservices.ncsu.edu/your-resources/covid-19/spring2020-latedrop/
In some cases, another option may be to request an incomplete in the course. Before using any of
these tools, discuss the options with your instructor and your academic advisor. Be aware that if
you use the enhanced S/U, you will still need to complete the course and receive at least a C- to
pass the course.
2.0.7 Other Important Resources
NC State Keep Learning: https://dasa.ncsu.edu/students/keep-learning/
Protect the Pack FAQs: https://www.ncsu.edu/coronavirus/frequently-asked-questions/
NC State Protect the Pack Resources for Students:
NC State Keep Learning, tips for students opting to take courses remotely:
Introduction to Zoom for students: https://youtu.be/5LbPzzPbYEw
Note: this syllabus is not a contract and can be altered at any point with advanced notice to
accommodate the educational goals of the course or the state of the pandemic.