TANZANIA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANCY (TIA) SINGINDA CAMPUS STUNDENT NAME: JALIA JUMA RAMADHANI REGSTRATION NUMBER: SGD/BAC/23/122176 COURSE NAME: BAC SUBJECT NAME: DEVELOPMENT STUDIES COURSE CODE: GSU 07103 TASK: INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT LECTURER NAME: MS MARY MINJA QUESTION. “The application of modernization theory of development in the least development countries prove a failure in some countries (sub- sub- Saharan countries) and success in some few countries, particularly in Asian countries”. Discuss the factors behind this situation and suggest solution for those failed states. Answers. Modernization theory:- is one of the theories of development which express the transformational process which enables traditional societies to become modern societies; the theory is aimed to articulate the problem of development in term of the need to transform the backward “traditional” of the 3rd world countries economy into modern economy. Most of developed country especial western country they trying implement modernization theory in sub- Saharan country as to ensure their economy state are charges to modern economy but failure in some country. Furthermore theory state that, given the relatively low level of new capital formation in most of the 3 world countries, they requires massive capital investment through foreign aid for them to develop. The theory advocate (supports) that the source of underdevelopment in poor countries is internally oriented than external ones. These include corruptions, good governance and political instability. rd Modernization is associated with the development aid from developed countries. This idea borrowed from the Marshal Plan of the post-world War II. The Programs such as Structure Adjustment Program (SAPs), Millennium Development Goal (MDGs), PSRP, LGRP are the product of modernization theory. Modernization theory is an irreversible process, once started modernization cannot be stopped. It is evolutionary change and not revolutionary change as dependency theory. It will take years and generation to complete. There are several factors that cause failures of modernization theory in sub- Saharan countries and in a particularly Asian counties as follows Lack of cultural sensitivity and understanding in the implementation of modernization theories: - may modernization theories were developed in western countries and were based on western cultural value and assumptions, which may not be applicable or appropriate in other cultures. Most of sub- Saharan cultural traditional have lack understanding about modernization those why ignore the modernization theories and briefs that the western countries use the modernization as to continues with exploitation of their natural resource. In some case the sub- Saharan countries are right to ignore the modernization theories because most of western countries their use theories to develop their needs of economically. Lack of consideration for the economic and political realities of developing countries, the modernization theories focused on economic development and modernization, but failed to take into account the specific economic and political conditions in developing countries, most of countries that failed in modernization theory doesn’t put enough effort to implement modernization in their countries, they not know the benefits of modernization in their economic changes and politically so the country cannot change from the old stage to another Some scholars argue that modernization theory ignored the roles of the state and its role in development; the argue that development should be driven by the needs and desire of the people, rather than by outside experts or foreign government through this station leads for fails in modernization in some sub- Saharan country and in some Asian countries . Lack of attention to the roles of states, must of developing counties from Asian and southern sub- Saharan does not interested in implementation of modernization theories which leads to higher causes to failure of modernization in such country, most of developed country does not give direct support to the developing country they ignore the roles as to afford the modernization theories but also the developed countries the not put high priority to support the sub- Saharan countries; they looking for their demand so became difficult for sub- Saharan countries to implement the modernization. Low investment in turn means little ability of that country to expand to its productive capacity; some counties in sub- Saharan their investment is low that may lead modernization theory does not develop in the countries. Therefore countries of sub- Saharan should invest in order to allow modernization theory to develop, of cause when the country are poor cannot afford the modernization from the western countries some time modernization needs high skills like constructions of infrastructure, adaption of skills from other developed countries. Lack of technology; some countries in sub-Saharan their technology is very low and to lead modernization theory does not develop such as people in certain countries lack their skills especially when they use their technology to improve modernization theory to develop. Therefore technology should be improved so as to enable modernization theory to develop in sub-Saharan countries, such as use of machine to produce goods in the industries also the use of computer helps modernization theory to develop. A part from reasons which cause failure of modernization theory to develop in Sub-Saharan countries also there are several solution for the development of modernization theory as follows. Efficiency use of natural resource; the less developed countries are not making the most of resources are exploiting by the western countries for their of benefits; it better for the developing countries to find out ways on how to unitized well their resources instead to depends supporting by western countries which use that as source incomes to their countries, therefore Sub-Saharan countries must be use their natural resources for their own benefits no other countries to use resources for their own benefits when people understand it enable modernization theory to develop in the countries. Investment in education. Sub-Saharan countries must be invest their education especially in scholarship education in order to avoid the failure of modernization theory to develop, but other countries does not invest their education people remain unskilled they do not understand the meaning of modernization. Therefore when people invest in education people may know important things especially for those who do not know the meaning of modernization and their importance. Infrastructure development. Improvement of infrastructure in sub- Saharan countries enable modernization theory to develop, such as railways, roads and so on should be improved in order to enable them to transport from one place to another through using good infrastructure or to transport their goods and services from one countries to another. Therefore development of infrastructure in sub- Saharan countries enable modernization theory to develop Conflict resolution. Conflict among countries may lead under-development of modernization theory, conflict it may be political conflict, social conflict, economic conflict and so on those conflicts cause modernization theory does not develop in sub-Saharan countries, therefore resolution of conflicts among countries helps us to development modernization theory in the countries, for example when countries cooperate with other countries and people to live without any fear enable them to allow modernization to develop in the Sub-Saharan countries, conflict among countries it’s a source of under-development especially modernization theory. Institutional strengthening. Countries especially sub-Saharan countries when they improve their institution also helps modernization theory to develop in the countries. Leadership in a certain countries should improve their institution, poor leadership in the countries leads under-development of modernization theory. Straight institution in the sub-Saharan countries helps the development of modernization theory, therefore strong institution enable modernization theory to develop in Sub-Saharan counties. Employment of human resources; May less developing countries are faced with serious unemployment problem. The quality of labor force is also poor, the low level of literacy, malnutrition, absence of proper medical care and so on. So that the sub-Saharan countries they need to found out skilled labor especially in human resources department, which will enable the country to rich modernization theory because with skilled people the sub- Saharan countries will never become modernization as western countries. Role of government ;the government must ensure good implementation of modernization theory in their governance and high priority as a way to ensure modernization are taken place to their society, therefore government should be responsible to provide people in the countries duties and responsibilities in order everyone to be responsible in the societies, the government must put roles to implement the modernization as one of economic activities . In generally, the failure of modernization theory in least developed countries such as lack of technology, lack of infrastructure, lack of cultural sensitivity and understanding in the implementation of modernization theory, lack of consideration for the economic and political realities and their solution such as efficiency of use natural resources, employment of human resources, role of government, investment in education, conflict resolution and so on. References: Inglehart, R., & Welzel, C. (2005). 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