MSc IN LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Dissertation Project Assessing the Impacts of Supply Chain 4.0 Solutions on Supply Chain Operations Ntanatsas Christos Supervisor: Dr. Michael Madas ABSTRACT The digitalization - digital transformation of the firms does not focus only on the creation and adoption of the new technologies. It can also consist an important tool for the redesign of a company in the way by which it can connect its data, its people, and its processes both in the internal and the external environment of the company. As its point of reference, the fourth industrial revolution has the combination of knowledge and training of machines, data science (Data Science) and technical intelligence (Artificial Intelligent), which both can and do create an innovative, useful, and competitive environment for companies (MIT Forbes 2019). Most companies focus on the digital formation of their supply chains (digital supply chain). In order for the companies to become competitors and increase their profits, they must invest in the digitization of supply chains. Thus, their main priority is the training of staff in the latest technological innovations. Nowadays, the rate of digitization has improved considerably due to the possibilities that companies now have. The creation of new applications resulted in many improvements in areas such as transactional activities, the planning and organization of the entire supply chain, the management and coordination of the warehouses, the forecast of the demand and, finally, the acceleration of analysis in decision - making. By applying digitization and new technologies, the new innovations that offered various benefits to supply chains and logistics services were Augmented Reality (AR), Big Data (BD), Cloud Computing (CC), Robotics (R), Internet of Things (IoT), SelfDriving Vehicles (SDV), and 3D Printing (3DP). Another part of the digitalization are the customers. When the customers are at the center of the digital ground, the influence of digitalization is more effective. In short, digitization focuses on new technologies for the purposes of improving service levels, flexibility, costs, leadership, forecasting, inventories, as well as for the purposes of properly implementing the processes and organizational changes that will occur, in order to achieve the goals that businesses aim for. Although innovations and digital transformations have had a serious impact on supply chains, especially on the digital supply chain, they were presented with many challenges. The present thesis examines the impact supply chain 4.0 technologies have on supply chain operations. It utilizes the Scor model, including functions, metrics and Kpis. The purpose of the present thesis is to analytically present each individual technology and critically evaluate their effects. The method that is used to evaluate the impact supply chain 4.0 technologies have on supply chain operations is the House of Quality. The key findings of the thesis are, all operations in the supply chain are interconnected with no clear borders among them. Thus, some technologies can result in either positive or negative effects. Despite the challenges, it is concluded that the supply chain will become smarter, more transparent and efficient at every stage, through digital transformation and the use of intelligent technologies. 1 Table of Contents ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................... 7 Introduction .................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Overview ................................................................................................ 8 1.2 Supply Chain 4.0 ................................................................................. 9 1.3 The reasons to evaluate SC 4.0 technologies on SC operations. ....... 10 1.4 Aim and objectives .............................................................................. 12 1.5 Outline of the thesis ............................................................................ 13 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY.................................................................. 15 SYSTEMATIC LETERATURE REVIEW .................................................... 15 2.1 SYSTEMATIC LETERATURE REVIEW .......................................... 16 2.2 Systematic literature review justification. ........................................ 17 2.3 Systematic literature review steps ..................................................... 18 2.3.1. Mapping score research ............................................................... 18 2.3.2. Define Research Scope ................................................................. 19 2.3.3. Identify the keywords and the literature sources. ..................... 20 2.3.4. Search strings ............................................................................. 20 2.3.5. Define the search criteria. ........................................................... 21 2.3.6. Data extraction ........................................................................... 22 2.3.7. Analyze and synthesize the data. ............................................... 23 2.3.8. Writing Up ................................................................................... 23 CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................. 24 DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 24 3.1 Chronological Analysis ....................................................................... 25 3.2 Geographical Analysis ........................................................................ 25 3.3 Quantitative and qualitative approach .............................................. 27 3.4 Overview of existing SC 4.0 Technologies. ......................................... 28 CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................. 37 Supply chain 4.0 Technologies ..................................................................... 37 Internet of Things: IoT.............................................................................. 38 Big Data..................................................................................................... 39 Cyber-physical System.............................................................................. 40 Intelligent Transportation System ........................................................... 42 2 3D-printing ................................................................................................ 43 Cloud Computing ...................................................................................... 44 Drones........................................................................................................ 46 Artificial Intelligence ................................................................................ 46 Blockchain ................................................................................................. 48 Internet of Services ................................................................................... 50 Deep Learning ........................................................................................... 52 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification).................................................... 53 Data mining............................................................................................... 55 Augmented Reality ................................................................................... 57 Robotics ..................................................................................................... 59 Smart Sensors ........................................................................................... 61 Automatic guide vehicles (AGV) ............................................................... 62 Real Time Locating System ...................................................................... 64 Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) - Warehouse Robots ........................ 65 Machine 2 Machine ................................................................................... 68 Self-driving Vehicles ................................................................................. 70 CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................. 72 SUPPLY CHAIN OPERATIONS REFERENCE (SCOR) ........................... 72 MODEL ......................................................................................................... 72 5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 73 5.2 SCOR Model ........................................................................................ 74 5.2.1 Process ........................................................................................... 75 5.2.2 Metrics and performance attributes ............................................ 78 Performance attribute ........................................................................... 79 Metrics .................................................................................................... 80 CHAPTER 6 .................................................................................................. 83 Impact Assessment ....................................................................................... 83 6.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 84 6.2 The combination of SCOR model and Technologies with HoQ ......... 85 6.3 The reasons to use QFD-HOQ. ........................................................... 86 6.4 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) ................................................. 87 6.5 House of Quality Chart (HOQ) ........................................................... 88 6.6 Previous Relevant Research. .............................................................. 90 3 6.7 Assessment of Supply Chain 4.0 Solutions on supply chain operations. ................................................................................................. 91 6.8 Results ................................................................................................. 95 6.8.1 The profile of the experts .............................................................. 97 6.8.2. Discussion of results .................................................................... 97 CHAPTER 7 ................................................................................................ 101 Challenges and Barriers ............................................................................ 101 7.1 CHALLENGES AND BARRIERS ....................................................... 102 7.1.1. Political challenges .................................................................... 102 7.2.2. Environmental Challenges and Organizational Challenges .... 103 7.3.3. Technical Challenges ................................................................. 104 7.2 CONCLUSIONS- FUTURE RESEARCH ........................................... 105 REFERENCE ............................................................................................. 107 4 List Of Figures FIGURE 1.1: TRADITIONAL SUPPLY CHAIN ..................................................................... 11 FIGURE 1.2: SUPPLY CHAIN ECOSYSTEM ......................................................................... 11 FIGURE 1.3: OUTLINE OF THE THESIS ............................................................................. 13 FIGURE 2.1:SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................. 17 FIGURE 2.2: RESEARCH SCOPE ........................................................................................ 19 FIGURE 2.3: PROCESS OF DATA EXTRACTION ................................................................. 22 FIGURE 3.1: YEAR OF PUBLICATIONS .............................................................................. 25 FIGURE 3.2: CONTINENT DISTRIBUTION OF ARTICLES .................................................. 26 FIGURE 3.3: COUNTRY DISTRIBUTION OF ARTICLES ..................................................... 27 FIGURE 3.4: STUDY METHOD DISTRIBUTION ................................................................. 28 FIGURE 4.1: REPRESENTS THE ARCHITECTURE OF IOT ................................................. 39 FIGURE 4.2: REPRESENTS THE ARCHITECTURE OF BIG DATA ....................................... 40 FIGURE 4.3: REPRESENTS THE ARCHITECTURE OF CPS ................................................. 42 FIGURE 4.4: REPRESENTS THE ARCHITECTURE OF ITS .................................................. 43 FIGURE 4.5: THE ROLE OF 3D-PRINTING TO SUPPLY CHAIN .......................................... 44 FIGURE 4.6: THE OVERVIEW STRUCTURE OF CLOUD COMPUTING .............................. 45 FIGURE 4.7: PRESENTS THE ROLE OF DRONE IN A LARGE WAREHOUSE ........................ 46 FIGURE 4.8: THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE WAREHOUSE .............................. 48 FIGURE 4.9: THE BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY .............................................................. 50 FIGURE 4.10:THE INTERNET OF SERVICES ..................................................................... 51 FIGURE 4.11: PRESENTS THE ARCHITECTURE OF DEEP LEARNING ................................ 53 FIGURE 4.12:THE ARCHITECTURE OF RFID SYSTEM ..................................................... 55 FIGURE 4.13:PRESENTS THE ARCHITECTURE OF DATA MINING .................................... 57 FIGURE 4.14:THE AUGMENT REALITY SYSTEM .............................................................. 59 FIGURE 4.15:THE ROBOTS AND DRONES IN THE WAREHOUSE...................................... 60 FIGURE 4.16:PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF SMART SENSORS .. 62 FIGURE 4.17:EXAMPLES OF AVG IN THE WAREHOUSE ................................................. 64 FIGURE 4.18:ARCHITECTURE OF RTLS .......................................................................... 65 FIGURE 4.19:EXAMPLE OF THE AMR IN THE WAREHOUSES ......................................... 66 FIGURE 4.20:EXAMPLE OF WAREHOUSE ROBOTS........................................................... 68 FIGURE 4.21:PRESENTS THE ARCHITECTURE OF MACHINE 2 MACHINE ...................... 69 FIGURE 4.22:THE SELF-DRIVING VEHICLE, ROBOT AND THE DRONE ............................ 71 FIGURE 5.1:SCOR MODEL .............................................................................................. 74 FIGURE 5.2:SCOR MODEL'S LEVELS ............................................................................... 76 FIGURE 6.1: THE STEPS FOR THE OVERALL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................... 86 FIGURE 6.2: HOQ CHART ................................................................................................ 89 5 List Of Tables TABLE 1: THE DATABASES USED FOR THE RESEARCH .................................................... 20 TABLE 2: SEARCH STRINGS .............................................................................................. 21 TABLE 3: FINAL ACCOUNT OF DATA ............................................................................... 23 TABLE 4: KEYWORDS FREQUENCY ................................................................................. 30 TABLE 5: LITERATURE REVIEW TABLE ........................................................................... 31 TABLE 6: SCOR MODEL PROCESS ................................................................................... 76 TABLE 7: SCOR MODEL ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................. 80 EXPERT PANEL SURVEY ........................................................................................... 94 MASTER EXPERT PANEL .......................................................................................... 96 6 CHAPTER 1 Introduction The first chapter is the introductory chapter of the present thesis. The structure of this chapter is explained by the following figure: 7 1.1 Overview According to the Council of Supply Chain Management (CSCM), supply chain includes many activities and methods for the best coordination between the suppliers and the final customers. In other words, supply chain is the key for the original suppliers, partners, companies, and stakeholders to share, use and produce information, services, and products with others or among them (Schrauf & Berttram, 2016). The rapid changes and growth that occur in the technological and financial aspects have an impact on the supply chains development (MacCarthy et al., 2016). In order for the companies to achieve their main goals, to “stay” competitive and capable of maximizing their revenue and minimizing their risks, they must incorporate the new technologies in their operating environment (Kaprova, 2017). Nowadays, technology is a necessary factor in the supply chain of all firms, which try to adapt to these changes as rapidly as possiblein order to operate better (Sehgal, 2011). In this new digital era, the influence of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), such as the Information and Communication, Internet of Things (IoT) etc., based on the cyber-physical system (CPS) for the logistics services and the supply chain applications, leads to digitalization (digital transformation). The digitalization can be considered as a digital transformation in logistics, which improves the ways of communication and the exchange of information through the supply chain. For example, the communication between the supply chain managers, logistics service providers and final customers can be performed under an online network. Because of the applications and technologies of Industry 4.0, the digitalization in the supply chain has made the companies and many industries to direct their attention in these transformations. (Büyüközkan & Göçer, 2017). With the influence of industry 4.0, terms such as ''Supply Chain 4.0'', ''Digital Supply Chain'' DSC, ''Digital Logistics'', we can now be seen in the field of industries and companies. These terms illustrate the application of the digital technologies in the process of manufacturing, trading and logistics, which are connected by a network in order for the final products or services to arrive at the final consumers. Specifically, in the modern era, supply chain 4.0, or digital supply chain (DSC), can be defined as a sum of interconnected processes that associate with the coordination, planning and controlling of services or products between the suppliers and customers. (Büyüközkan & Göçer, 2017). Moreover, the manufacturing process is constantly evolving by a large scale and therefore affects all the different parts of the supply chain. The aim is to educate the big firms on how to improve their revenues, by effectively using the new digital technologies in their organization. 8 1.2 Supply Chain 4.0 As was referred before, the term “supply chain 4.0” can be considered as the sum of activities of the supply chain, such as design, planning, consumption, production, distribution and reverse logistics with the use of the digital technologies, that were developed in the fourth industrial revolution, “Industry 4.0'”. Particularly, in the modern day, Supply chain 4.0 can be defined as a number of interconnected processes that associate with the coordination, planning and controlling of services or products between the suppliers and customers. (Büyüközkan & Göçer, 2017). Moreover, the manufacturing process is constantly evolving by a large scale and therefore affects all the different parts of the supply chain. The firms should adopt the new technologies rapidly and become aware of how supply chain 4.0 will help them coordinate their business more effectively. The objective is the creation of new methods in order to improve communication and collaboration for consumers and suppliers, manufacturing, forecasting, acquisition, distribution, sales and marketing, as well as other activities that happen in the process of supply chain (Chan, 2003). Finally, the most important aim is for firms to improve their revenue and become more competitive against other firms (Büyüközkan & Göçer, 2017, Tjahjono et al., 2017). Supply Chain 4.0 has six characteristics (Wu et al. 2016). 1. Instrumented: The systems with sensors, RFID tags and other meters that are useful to gather all of the information - data for better decision making. 2. Interconnected: All the supply chain's members are connected, for example the IT systems (Information Technology), the products, their assets, and many other objects. 3. Intelligent: Smart systems that are collecting and analyzing a high number of data, in order to improve decision - making and maximize the performance. 4. Automated: Automated activities that have the objective of replacing the resources with the lowest efficiency. 5. Integrated: Integrated activities that are useful among the members for decision - making, collaboration, communications and using the common systems. 6. Innovative: The capacity for developing new values after receiving the most efficient solution for a problem. In summary, the digital supply chain is a very useful process to gain new forms of revenue and to develop new technological approaches for the firms. Supply chain 4.0 is about the way processes are managed under a new variety of innovative technologies, not about digital goods or services. 9 1.3 The reasons to evaluate SC 4.0 technologies on SC operations. At first, supply chains link the suppliers with the customers in a linear manner, in order to deliver the products. In fact, every firm has sourcing inputs from suppliers and, in turn, delivers the products or services to consumers. The firms in “simple supply chains” (figure 1.1 provides the steps of traditional supply chains), or “traditional supply chains”, use regular methods for the communication between their suppliers and customers, such as telephone, fax, e-mail or sometimes the negotiations were performed face to face. These tools were used many years ago and, even in our days, they form the main means of communication for a lot of supply chains. However, such means result are neither time, nor cost effective. Another problem that firms used to have is the difference between the supply and the demand. This happened, because the process of every supply chain was to link the customers to the suppliers, with each firm delivering the products or services to consumers. The aim was for every firm to successfully deliver the products in the best time and with least percentage of failure. The planning process was designed to guarantee that the deliveries and the supplier’s delivery activities were organized in accordance with the customers’ activities. With the passage of time and the evolution of technology, various new technologies were applied in the functions of the supply chain. The purpose was to solve all the above problems, but also to upgrade the functions of the supply chain in all of its parts. However, with the application of new technologies, there were various effects on the logistics. For example, some companies made use of a new technology, but without knowing the effects it would have on other functions of the chain. The use of a technology will certainly have different implications for certain logistics functions. Obviously, the effects for some functions will be positive and for some negative. Another possibility is that some of the functions are not affected at all. Moreover, some technologies did not offer what was necessary in logistics and had a high cost, as they created disadvantages in several cases. Finally, after considering all of these problems, SC 4.0 technologies can be applied to supply chain operations to improve an integrated supply chain ecosystem. The flow of information is directed in every part of the firm correctly and efficiently and the response takes place in real time. In order to rapidly respond to the changes in customer demand and to track and trace them effectively, supply chains have enabled new sensing technologies, that are called internet of things (IoT), including radio frequency identification (RFID), Bluetooth, and GSM (global system for mobile communication), as well as many others. With these digital transformations, the firms can watch the changes in customers’ demand and respond rapidly and effectively to them. Thus, with a good supply chain coordination, the firm can ultimately achieve a competitive advantage. In conclusion, the need to evaluate all SC 4.0 technologies in logistics functions is very important. 10 Figure 1.1: Traditional supply chain Figure 1.2: Supply chain ecosystem Source: Michael J. Ferrantino, Emine Elcin Koten 11 1.4 Aim and objectives Nowadays, the digitalization and the digital transformation of the supply chain is a topic that one needs to pay attention to. With the rapid improvement of the industry revolution, the firms adopt all these new technologies and innovations, in order to become more competitive in the economic world of the market. The present thesis focused on published academic journals, articles and books. The present literature review focuses on the property and characteristics of each technology 4.0 separately, as well as on the impact they have and the way they are used in the operations of the supply chain. Additionally, the present literature review tackles the challenges and barriers posed by digitization. In conclusion, the present thesis will focus on the review of published academic work on the impact of SC 4.0 technologies on supply chain operations and, more specifically, on the analysis of the digital integration of the levels of the SCOR model. The current thesis examines two main objectives: Objective 1. To review the impacts of Supply Chain 4.0 technologies on supply chain operations. Research Question: What is the impact of SC 4.0 technologies on supply chain operations? Objective 2. To present the challenges and barriers. Research Question: What are the challenges and barriers of digital transformation? Keywords: Supply Chain 4.0, Supply Chain operations 12 1.5 Outline of the thesis Figure1.3: Outline of the thesis Chapter 1 Introduction Introduce the topic. Identification of thesis objectives and research scope. Chapter 4 Supply Chain 4.0 Techologies Chapter 2 Methodology Define the SLR methodology Defines the SLR process of the thesis Chapter 3 Descriptive analysis Presentetion of the descriptive results Analyze and discuss the findings Chapter 5 Chapter 6 SCOR model Impact Assessment Presentation of SC 4.0 Define the SCOR model Define the HOQ analysis Define the use of tecnhologies and their characteristics Discussion about the supply chain operations and metrics. Presentation and discuss the thematical results 13 Chapter 7 Challenges-Barriers, Conclusions and Future research Presentations and define the challenges and barriers Summarize the findings. Identification of future research opportunities The systematic literature review technique will be outlined in further detail in Chapter 2. The SLR model's procedures will be outlined and, furthermore, a comparison will be made between the traditional research technique used and the unique research method that the present thesis utilizes. Additionally, the extent of the research will be analyzed, as well as the steps that will be taken. More information on how to extract transparent findings will be provided. The descriptive findings of the investigation, which will be documented using tables, schemes, and diagrams, will be presented and discussed in chapter 3. In chapter 4, the SC 4.0 technologies will be presented and analyzed, along with their use characteristics. In chapter 5, the SCOR model, metrics, and operations will be presented in detail. The present thesis’ findings will then be provided and debated in chapter 6. Barriers and challenges are evaluated and discussed in chapter 7. Finally, in chapter 8, the major findings and conclusions will be summarized, as well as future research potential will be explored. 14 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY SYSTEMATIC LETERATURE REVIEW Overview The systematic literature review (SLR) is the method that is being used for the present thesis. The SLR is a method that guarantees safe results through an analysis of published academic journals and articles. The process is to gather information (articles or journals) that is related to the research questions. The results must cover all of the topics and questions and must be characterized by transparency. There are many steps that must be followed in order to complete this method. The objective of systematic literature review is to find, evaluate and concentrate the results in order to provide ''sincere'' findings. The second chapter mostly presents the method used in the current thesis, specifically, the SLR (systematic literature review) method and its basic procedures. The following figure represents the structure of chapter two: 15 2.1 SYSTEMATIC LETERATURE REVIEW The method that will be used in the current analysis is not something “new”. The technique called systematic literature review started to develop in the field of health sciences, mainly in the United Kingdom, as well as in other fields of research. Transparency, replicability, and objectivity define the SLR process. The focus of the systematic literature review is to extract the best outcomes in each study area. The idea of best outcomes implies safer assumptions and specific results for the subject of each analysis. In addition, the aim of this approach is to ensure that there are no cases of errors or prejudices by processes over personal study. Moreover, with the tactic of Ray Moynihan and Melissa Sweet, an analysis was used in healthcare issues in order to achieve as few gaps in the research subject as possible, as well as a clear image - conclusion for the thesis on the existing problem (Sweet and Moynihan, et. al. 2007). Repetitive literature tackles and presents a particular challenge - problem, fills literature gaps and heads to a conclusion, providing a solution for potential problems (Baumeister & Leary, et. al. 1997). Therefore, this literature review method includes a general picture of the facts. It is not an ongoing method that encompasses all the information - knowledge of a specific the specific category that it deals with. However, the subjectivity that scholars use for sampling these papers and journals should be taken into notice, as well as the fact that conclusions extracted in such a way may not be an object of reliance in supporting future studies (Weyinmi Demeyin, et. al. 2016). The following figure (2.1) shows the process of the systematic literature review. Also, a detailed methodological approach is useful as a part of a systematic literature review. There are three kinds of literature reviews. The first one is the theoretical background, which is the most common. It focuses on the theoretical foundations and on the context of the research and it helps to bring the questions of the topic into focus. The second one is called literature review as a chapter of a graduate thesis, also called as thesis literature review. The last one is the stand-alone literature review. The purpose of this review is to check a topic in a field, without having collected or analyzed any primary data. Finally, the SLR method consists of many steps, that researchers must follow, in order to completely extract the final results. 16 Figure 2.1: Systematic Literature Review Source: Kitchenham, Brereton,2013 2.2 Systematic literature review justification. The method that is used is the systematic literature review (SLR). There are many advantages for conducting this method. First of all, this method is distinguished by its scope, purpose of the research and by its strictness. For the researchers, it constitutes a referenced work tool that they can use, when conducting new research, as it helps them to create a first clear outline of the literature review. This method has a main purpose and extracts specific conclusions, that are related with the research. The existing bibliography is analyzed and can be considered as objective as possible. Finally, after summarizing the conclusions, it can also be used to highlight gaps in the current research and provides a framework for future researchers. On the other hand, there are many disadvantages in systematic literature review method. The first one is, that there are many situations in which limited studies are available, because they might not represent the best knowledge available. Also, a systematic literature review method is inappropriate, when the questions of the research are too vague 17 or too wide. In such a case, it would yield a lot of different studies. On the other hand, if the question is too narrow, it would yield very few studies. Finally, another consideration is whether the researcher has enough time and energy. For example, in the case that the volume of the bibliography, which must be analyzed is very large, the question arises whether the researcher can consume all the amount of his time and energy for conducting the systematic literature review. After considering all of the above, the systematic literature review (SLR) method is selected for the present thesis. 2.3 Systematic literature review steps 2.3.1. Mapping score research (identify the purpose of the research) This step can also be called the purpose of the research. It is the first step of the process of the systematic literature review method and it is a very important part, because it is used to guide the author at aiming and creating specific questions at the specific field. The choice of questions that the author develops, moves the entire literature review process (Kitchenham and Charters 2007). Thus, the choice of academic studies, books, journals etc. to be included in the review, the method for data extraction, the criteria the author uses for the selection of studies and synthesis, should all be orientated towards answering the research questions. Α very common mistake is to select a question which will guide to a big amount of data, resulting in the literature review becoming hard to limit and control. For this reason, it is suggested that researchers use a prereview mapping to help the subtopics within a research question (Brereton et al. 2007). After reviewing the literature on the research question, the researchers have the opportunity to develop a fast-mapping procedure to identify the methods of the research, which relate to the research question. Finally, the mapping helps the researchers to decide if the range of materials should be limited to a specific research question or to check most of it. The present thesis focuses on two research questions: 1. To review the impacts of SC 4.0 technologies on SC operations. 2. To present the challenges, barriers, and drivers. 18 2.3.2. Define Research Scope Before reviewing the ways by which the research will take place, it is important to define the field of the research. The concept of digital supply chain is something new for the supply chain managers and for the researchers (Gülçin Büyüközkan & Fethullah Göçer, 2017). Moreover, it proved difficult for all companies to adopt the digitization of all processes. Some of them responded quickly and the results were efficiency and improvement in all of their areas. On the other hand, there were companies that found it quite difficult to move forward in this new era. Thus, in this research, the entire existing bibliography will be reviewed, with its focus being on digital conversions in the supply chain 4.0. Additionally, the effects digital transformations have on the supply chain operations will be examined, as well as which are these specific effects. Finally, the challenges created for all companies to implement the digitization will be presented. The next figure (2.2) shows the main areas and the scope of the research. The main areas of the research are Supply Chain 4.0 and Supply Chain Operations, the common point of which is the field of the research. The following figure (2.2) describes the relationship between the two keywords and the research area between them: Figure 2.2: Research Scope Supply Chain operations Supply Chain 4.0 The research area of the thesis 19 Supply Chain operations: Warehousing, Transportation, Order Fulfillment, Manufacturing, Procurement, Demand planning, Forecasting, Distribution process, Outsourcing process, Safety stock planning, Supply network planning, Customer collaboration, Supplier collaboration, Purchase order, Receipt confirmation, Invoice verification, Production planning, Manufacturing execution, Inbound and outbound process, Cross docking, Warehousing and Storage, Physical inventory, Sales order, Billing process, Freight cost process, Lifecycle planning, Promotion planning. 2.3.3. Identify the keywords and the literature sources. The second step is to identify the keywords, which will be used in the present thesis, as well as the literature sources (Table 1) for developing the entire systematic literature review. The second step, in which the author needs to identify the keywords is crucial for the process of the systematic literature review. First, they relate with the objectives of the research, so the author must identify the keywords with close attention, because they must relate with the topic and its aims. Moreover, the keywords must “connect” with the scope of the research, which is very important and one of the first parts of the research that requires careful attention. Thus, the objective of the present thesis is reviewing the published research on the digital transformation on the supply chain 4.0. The keywords for the present thesis are the following: Keywords: Supply Chain 4.0, Supply Chain Operations. Table 1: The databases used for the research Databases Description Scopus Scopus is a top library database that includes summaries and citations for academic journal articles. After all these years, it is one of the databases of first choice, as it covers nearly 21,000 titles from 5,000 publishers, of which 20,000 are peer-reviewed journals in many areas. The owner of Scopus is Elsevier. Web of Science is a library of many databases. It is a database itself that provides many articles and journals for academic use. It is also considered as one of the top open databases. IEEE Xplore is one of many research databases. It provides access to many journals and articles, that relate to different study areas, like computer science, electrical engineering etc. IEEE Xplore provides 5 million documents, related to the different research areas. Web of Science IEEE Xplore 2.3.4. Search strings In the systematic literature review, the search method is called Boolean search (“AND”, “NOT”, “OR”). The combinations of the terms “AND”, “NOT” and “OR” are used for literature search. The literature search focuses on different academic articles, books, and journals from different countries of the world, which were published mainly between 2015 and 2020. The terms 20 ''AND'', ''OR'' and “NOT” are used in the literature search with the following ways: The term ''OR'' is used in the present thesis and will be included before, or after, of one or of the two keywords. The term ''NOT'' is not used in the research. It is used when there is a chance that one of the keywords will change the results. Finally, the term ''AND'' is used in the research and explains that the terms before and after the term ''AND'', are both used at the same time for the search. Table 2: Search strings Combination Search strings (“Supply Chain 4.0”) AND (“Logistics” OR “Warehousing” OR “Transportations” OR “Order Fulfillment” OR” Manufacturing” OR “Procurement” OR “Demand planning” OR “Forecasting” OR “Distribution process” OR “Outsourcing process” OR “Safety stock planning” OR “Supply String 1+2 network planning” OR “Customer collaboration” OR “Supplier collaboration” OR “Purchase order” OR “Receipt confirmation” OR “Invoice verification” OR “Production planning” OR “Manufacturing execution” OR “Inbound and outbound process” OR “Cross docking” OR “Warehousing and Storage” OR “Physical inventory” OR “Sales order” OR “Billing process” OR “Freight cost process” OR “Lifecycle planning” OR “Promotion planning”) 2.3.5. Define the search criteria. After completing all the previous parts and research in the databases, identification and selection of the criteria must be performed. As was referred before, the aim of the present thesis is to provide a complete overview in the field, that focuses on issues that concern digital transformations. In order to improve the search results, the next part of the systematic literature review method is to define the exclusion and inclusion criteria. Exclusion criteria are the criteria that are used by the author to limit the academic studies, journals, articles etc. Inclusion criteria are the opposite, as they are used for the last part of the process. Inclusion criteria: 1. The review related to the Field (digital transformation) and on the question of the research. 2. The publication year of the studies are between 2010 and 2020. 3. Must be written in the English. 4. The articles and journals must come from trusted sources. 21 Exclusion criteria 1. Studies that are not related to the field are rejected. 2. Papers with publication year before 2010 are rejected. 3. Not written in English. 4. Not academic types of studies. The following figure 2.3 represents the process of the data extraction of the articles, by using the combination search string (1+2) to the three databases. These articles were filtered by the exclusion and inclusion criteria according to following table. After being filtered through the exclusion and inclusion criteria, the overall number of articles that will be evaluated are 381. Figure 2.3: Process of data extraction © Search string combination (1+2) Total articles 18.018 Total articles Not written in English 27.653 270 Not academic types of studies Total articles 27.383 9365 Before 2010 Total articles 7.735 10.283 Studies not related to the area 9.902 Total articles 381 2.3.6. Data extraction Using the above string, an amount of articles was found from the three databases. After taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria, according with the previous table, the total initial count of the remaining articles was 381. Thus, the final total sum of articles that will be reviewed 22 after this process is 63. The following table 3 represents the process of the data extraction in detail. Table 3: Final account of data Databases Without criteria Initial count (after criteria) Final count Scopus 15.498 Web of Science IEEE Xplore 11.542 613 Count 27.653 205 123 53 381 31 20 12 63 2.3.7. Analyze and synthesize the data. After the data extraction, the review of the remaining papers starts at the present stage. There are three critical parts. The first part is the projection of abstracts and names, the second part is the projection of the text as a whole and the third part is the calculation of the paper’s quality (qualitative, quantitative and mixed). In this step, all the articles were synthesized and organized according with their quality. 2.3.8. Writing Up It is the last step of the process. After all of the previous steps are over, the last level is to write up the findings from the research. 23 CHAPTER 3 DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS Overview In the present chapter the amount of selected articles is being evaluated, based on the characteristics (keywords, year of publication etc.) and organized on tables, schemes, and figures. Specifically, the papers will be classified based on the year of publication, the geographical distribution, the keywords, and the research methods. Moreover, in the present chapter the keywords’ frequency, the technologies and the operations will be presented, according with the literature review. The following figure presents the structure of chapter three. 24 3.1 Chronological Analysis The chronological analysis is the presentation of the publication year of the articles that were selected from the databases (Chapter 2, SLR), after filtering them though the criteria limitation (Chapter 2), that were used for the selection of the literature review. As it was mentioned before, one of the criteria was the publication year of the articles. Specifically, the articles that were published before the year 2010 were rejected. On the other hand, the selected articles were published between the years 2010 and 2020. The interest on the digitalization of the supply chain operation is growing, due to the development of the technologies over the last years. For that reason, most of the selected articles were published between 2016 and 2020, so that all the new technologies and impacts to the supply chain can be presented. The following Figure (3.1) provides the distribution of the 63 articles: Figure 3.1: Year Of Publication number of articles 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 number of articles 2017 2018 2019 2020 As it was presented in the above figure, the number of the most articles were published in the year 2019. From the year 2016 to the year 2020, the digitalization of the technologies and innovations has changed and improved dramatically. Finally, over the last 4 years, new technologies have appeared, that also play an important role in the supply chain. 3.2 Geographical Analysis The geographical analysis confirms that the selected articles were published in different countries, specifically in 12 different countries. Most of the selected articles were published in European countries (46%), with articles published in North/South American countries being the second highest in quantity (36%). The remaining selected articles were published in Asian (16%) and African countries (2%). The following figure (3.2) describes the percentage of the geographical distribution of published articles, by continent. 25 Figure 3.2: Continent distribution of articles Distribution Of articles 2% Europe 36% 46% Asia North/South America Africa 16% From the above figure (3.2), it can be observed that the biggest percentage of published articles come from Europe (46%), North/South America (36 %) and Asia (16%). In Europe, many international companies pay attention in the new technologies. The same holds true for companies in North/South America, with the United States of America being the main point of developing the digitalization. In Asia, countries like China, South Korea, and Taiwan, play an important role in the field of global digitalization. Those are the reasons why most of the selected articles were published in the above three continents. The following figure (3.3) describes analytically the origins of the literature review from different countries of the world. 26 Figure 3.3: Country Distribution of articles Articles LITHUANIA GREECE FRANCE UKRAINE CHINA CALIFORNIA THAILAND ENGLAND SOUTH AFRICA AUSTRIA SRI LANKA (COLOMBO) UNITED ARAB EMIRATES GERMANY HAWAI CANADA-(TORONDO) INDIA IRELAND SPAIN USA TURKEY LATVIA BRAZIL NORWAY RUSSIA POLAND SWITZERLAND 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 5 1 2 5 1 2 14 3 1 5 1 2 2 1 0 2 4 6 Articles 8 10 12 14 3.3 Quantitative and qualitative approach In the literature review, it is clear that two research methods were used. These research methods are the quantitative analysis and the qualitative analysis. The articles, that were selected, followed the qualitative analysis, as they explain the significance of digitalization, the Supply Chain analytics and the definition Supply Chain 4.0, which must be understood. For example, Gülçin Büyüközkan’s and Fethullah Göçer’s article on the digital supply chain and the impact of digital technologies like blockchain, IoT, Big data, automation, and robotics, follow a qualitative literature review analysis (Büyüközkan, Göçer,2017). On the other hand, the rest of the articles followed the quantitative approach and explain the main points through mathematical and statistical approaches. For example, the article by Mariusz Kostrzewski, Monika Kosacka-Olejnik, Karolina WernerLewandowska 2019 (Assessment of innovativeness level for chosen solutions related to Logistics 4.0), used a statistical and mathematical approach, in order to analyze which solutions, that are related to Logistics 4.0, are really innovative and which are not. The above article followed the 27 16 quantitative analysis. The following table (3.4) presents the percentage of articles that followed the quantitative, mixed, and qualitative approach. Figure 3.4: Study method distribution Study Distribution 23% Qualitative 59% 18% Quatintative Mixed 3.4 Overview of existing SC 4.0 Technologies. In the selected articles, many topics are analyzed and a lot of them are focused on Supply Chain 4.0 technologies. In order to analyze the digitalization of the supply chain, it was necessary to present all the technologies that were developed these last 10 years. The main topics that are analyzed in the selected articles are Augmented reality, Big Data, Cloud computing, Internet of Things, Robotics, Sensor technology / smart sensors, Self-driving vehicles, Drone, Cyber-physical systems, RFID, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Machine 2 Machine sensors, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Deep learning, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR), Real-time locating systems (RTLS), Data mining, and finally the Internet of Services. The following table 5 (literature review Table) presents all of the 21 technologies that were found due to the literature review and the selected articles that referenced them. The following technologies will be analytically defined in the next chapter. The importance of supply chain 4.0 technologies has been highlighted in recent literature and numerous scholars have discussed their uses and characteristics. The present thesis examines the current literature review of supply chain 4.0 technologies and supply chain operations from an 28 academic, as well as from an industrial perspective. It is examined how supply chain 4.0 technologies affect supply chain operations and thus compile a list of new technologies, as well as which are the challenges barriers of these digital transformations. The research was conducted in two phases. The first phase consisted of examining the supply chain operation and metrics. Thus, a part of the literature review focused on the terms of the operations, on the metrics and on the role they have on the supply chain. For the description and presentation of the supply chain operation and level metrics, the Scor model constitutes an important and useful tool for the current research. For the evaluation of the impacts, the level 1 metrics of the Scor model has been used. In the following chapters a detailed description of the Scor model, of the functions and of the metricsKpis is presented. The Scor model was the main pillar of the present research, because every function and every metric had to be examined and presented to explain their role and the way the technologies could be used in combination with them. However, the main part of the literature review was based on the new Supply Chain 4.0 technologies, that were developed and are still developing to this day. The roles and the characteristics of each one of these technologies will be introduced on the next chapter “Supply Chain 4.0 technologies (Thematical Analysis)”. In the next part of the present thesis, the metrics (level 1 Scor model) and the new technologies are necessary to develop the QFD analysis. The QFD (Quality Function Deployment) or House of Quality (HOQ) is a method used in this research to clarify and evaluate the impacts that the supply chain 4.0 technologies have in supply chain operations. Concerning the HOQ, it is the central nervous system that regulates the entire QFD operation. For new product design, the HOQ is a well-known and commonly used method. It converts customer expectations into a sufficient number of engineering goals to be met by a new product design, based on marketing research and benchmarking results. The review of academic journals, articles and books follows a classification process, that explains how the literature is used as a foundation for the conceptual and theoretical framework. The classification - methodology used in the present literature, as well as the introduction of the literature review was explained above. A comprehensive search is used to acquire relevant academic publications with the goal of collecting, organizing, and synthesizing existing knowledge. However, because supply chain 4.0 is a new phenomenon that only developed recently, the corresponding publication channels are still scattered. The research of the present thesis focuses on major online databases such as Scopus, IEE Xplore and Web of Science. Books, peer and non-peer reviewed articles, industry reports and white papers, are among the literature sources explored through scientific databases and conventional search engines. As a result, the current study examines published academic publications and books to determine the implications and trends of SC technologies in supply 29 chain operations. The research is performed based on the year of publication, subject, and objective of the published articles. From the databases (Chapter 2), the keywords for the selection of the articles were defined. The following table presents the frequency of the keywords that were used. Table 4: Keywords Frequency Keywords Frequency Supply Chain 4.0 8 Supply Chain Analytics 14 Digital Transformation 6 Digitalization 5 Technologies 8 Industry 4.0 15 Logistics 9 Challenges 4 Big Data 3 Robotics 1 Artificial Intelligent 5 Internet of Things 7 Cyber Physical System 1 Blockchain 4 Radio Frequency Identification 4 Automated Guided Vehicles 1 Autonomous Mobile Robot 1 Data mining 1 Deep Learning 3 Drones 1 Internet of services 2 Cloud Computing 2 Real Timing Location System 2 Smart Sensors 4 Self-Driving Cars 4 30 Table 5: Literature review Table Description of articles Objective Abbreviations References This article provides the limitations and benefits from digital supply chain. The paper provides the digital supply chain trends, and the knowledge gaps are consolidated. The paper analyzes the continuous development and evolution of supply chains and their impacts in the economic development. Also, the terms of supply chain analytics (SC 4.0) and digital transformation are provided. The aim of this article is to present the influence and the impacts of digital technologies in the supply chain operations and the degree of these effects. Also, it describes the threats and opportunities of the digital transformation and industry 4.0. The paper describes the characteristics and the use of smart technologies- smarts sensors in the digital supply chain. Finally, it presents the logistics operations and the benefits from digital transformation. The paper presents the impacts and the technologies like Big Data, Cloud Computing and 3Dprinting and explains the term of supply chain 4.0. This paper provides the terms of the supply chain 4.0 and the influence of industry 4.0 in the global supply chains, and presents the challenges from digitalization. Digital Supply Chain DSC Supply Chain 4.0 SC 4.0 Industry 4.0/ Digital Supply Chain IN4.0/DSC Sensor technology smart sensors ST/SC Big Data / Cloud Computing / 3D Printing BD/CC/ 3DP Industry 4.0 IN 4.0 The paper explores the opportunities of the technologies Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, that change the conditions on the efficiency and customer service levels. Robotics / Big Data / Artificial Intelligence / Augmented reality R/BD/AI/ AR This article presents the benefits and impacts of an effective digital transformation to the supply chains operations. Digital Supply Chain DSC This article provides the term of industry 4.0 and what influence it has on supply chains. Also, it presents the impacts on the supply chains from digitalization and the characteristics of internet of things. This paper provides the term of digital transformation and digital strategy. Also, it presents the determinants of digital transformation. Internet of Things IoT Digital Supply Chain DSC The paper presents an overview of the terms Logistics 4.0. It presents solutions and influences concerning Industry 4.0 by developing a mathematical model which evaluates the solutions in the level of their innovations. Industry 4.0 IN 4.0 31 Et. al. Gülçin Büyüközkan, Fethullah Göçer [1] Et. al. Michael J. Ferrantino, Emine Elcin Koten [2] Et. al. Yevhen Krykavskyy, Olena Pokhylchenko, Nataliya Hayvanovych [3] Et. al. Vladimir Scherbakov, Galina Silkina, Vladimir Scherbakov [4] Et. al. Zaza Nadja, Dimitrios Makris, Lee Hansen, Omera Khan [5] Et. al. Felipe Campos Martins, Alexandre Tadeu Simon, Renan Stenico Campos [6] Et. al. Massimo Merlino, Ilze Sproģe [7] Et. al. Enis Gezgin, Xin Huang, Prakash Samal, lldefonso Silva [8] Et. al. B. Tjahjono, C. Esplugues, E. Ares, G Pelaez [9] Et. al. Bohnsack, R. Hanelt, Marz D Marante [10] Et. al. Mariusz Kostrzewski, Monika Kosacka-Olejnik, Karolina WernerLewandowska[11] This paper explains the growing of the new technologies, through digital transformation and clarifies the effect that industry 4.0 has on supply chain. The paper provides the influence of digitalization in the global economy and the benefits and characteristics of smart technologies. Digital Supply Chain DSC Sensor technology smart sensors ST This paper presents the technology Internet of things, the challenges in Logistics from the digital transformations and the requirements to have an effective transformation. The aim of this paper is to present the solutions which were recognized in the areas of organization and technology innovations. These solutions are the technologies Internet of things and Big Data. Also, the impacts of these technologies on supply chains operations are provided. The aim of this paper is to present the criteria for logistics center to adopt the effects of Industry 4.0. Internet of Things IoT Internet of Things / Big Data IoT/ BD Digital Supply Chain / Industry 4.0 DSC/ IN 4.0 The paper provides the benefits of technologies like Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Services (IoS). One of Industry 4.0 key technologies is the Cyber-Physical Systems, because it can be applied in many areas. The article provides a literature review of Big Data technology. Also, it describes the role of the technology in the supply chain transformation. Cyber Physical System / Internet of Services / Internet of Things CPS/ IoS/ IoT Big Data BD In this paper the terms of digitalization, digitation and digital transformation are explained. The benefits and consequences to supply chain operations by these three terms are also provided. Digital Supply Chain DSC The main objective of the paper is to provide the characteristics and benefits of the technologies Artificial Intelligence, Real Time locating System and Internet of things. The paper evaluates the impacts on the supply chain operations through the performance metrics. Also, it presents how the application of artificial intelligence combines with these metrics. Internet of Things / Artificial Intelligence / Real-time locating systems Artificial Intelligence IoT/AI/ RTLS The purpose of this article is discovering new metrics through the SCOR model, that relate to Industry 4.0, in order to understand and clarify the digitalization on the operations of supply chain. This article measures the supply chain operations (SCOR model) and, with the performance indicators, it analyzes the impacts of the new technologies to supply chain. Industry 4.0 IN 4.0 Digital Supply Chain DSC 32 AI Et. al. Senthil Muthusami, Mohandas Srinivsan [12] Et. al. MohamedIliasse Mahraz, Loubna Benabbou, Abdelaziz Berrado [13] Et. al. L. Barreto, A. Amarala, T. Pereira [14] Et. al. Krzysztof Witkowski [15] Et. al. Volkan Yavasa, Yesim Deniz OzkanOzen [16] Et. al. Gleison Matana, Alexandre Simon, Moacir Godinho Filho, Andre Helleno [17] Et. al. Mondher Feki, Imed Boughzala, Samuel Fosso Wamba[18] Et. al. Alina Bockshecker, Sarah Hackstein, Ulrike Baumöl [19] Et. al. Kersten, Wolfgang, Blecker, Thorsten, Ringle, Christian M. [20] Et. al. Francisco Rodrigues LimaJunior, Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti [21] Et. al. Ertugrul Ayyildiz, Alev Taskin Gumus [22] Et. al. Sri Yogi Kottala, Kotzab Herb [23] The paper presents the advantages and characteristics of using Blockchain technology in the supply chain. Also, it provides the transformation on supply chain operation through the block chain approach. Blockchain BC The modeling and evaluating of the performance of logistics processes is the main objective of this article. Also, the influences of new technologies on the warehouse and transportation activities are provided. The operations of supply chains are presented in this article. Also, the challenges of digitalization to the supply chain operations are referred. Digital Supply Chain DSC Digital Supply Chain DSC The understanding of relationship between supplychain processes and supply chain performance are important. In this article, the supply chain performance and the influence of Industry 4.0 on them is being presented and evaluated. The impacts and challenges of digital supply chain are presented. The new technologies and the influence of industry 4.0 to every part of the supply chain are provided. Industry 4.0 IN 4.0 Digital Supply Chain / Industry 4.0 DSC/ IN 4.0 This paper refers to the development of the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and the Blockchain technology. The advantages and the disadvantages of these two technologies are also presented. The main objective of this article is to determine the new technologies that are used in logistics and supply chain operations, as well as their impact on them. Also, this article focuses on specific technologies like AGVS, IDS and RFID. The potential of Blockchain and the efficiency influence that has on supply chain are presented in this article. RFID/ Blockchain RFID /BC Automated Guided Vehicles / RFID AGVS/ RFID Et. al. Rajiv Bhandari, Mumbai [30] Blockchain BC The paper presents issues related to design and organization of warehouse processes. Also, it pays attention on the modelling logistics process and the way the technologies can improve the processes. Intelligent Transportation Systems / Digital Supply Chain ITS/DSC This paper introduces radio frequency identification (RFID) technology and presents the advantages and disadvantages of RFID in supply chain operations. This paper analyzes the way of the use of autonomous mobile robots and the capabilitiesbenefits the supply chain gains from the application of AMR. RFID RFID Autonomous Mobile Robot AMR Et. al. Pankaj Duttaa, Tsan-Ming Choib, Surabhi Somanic,Richa Butalac [31] Et. al. Michał Kłodawski, Konrad Lewczuk, Ilona Jacyna Gołda, Jolanta Żak [32] Et. al. Gary M. Gaukler Ralf W. Seifert [33] Et. al. Gerhard P. Hancke [34] 33 Et. al. Ilhaam A. Omar, Raia Jayaraman, Khaled Salah, Mazin Debe, Mohammed Omar [24] Et. al. E. Lepori. D.Damand B. Barth [25] Et. al. R.H. Thilakarathna, M.N. Dharmawardana, Thashika Rupasinghe [26] Et. al. Archie Lockamy, Kevin McCormack [27] Et. al. Margarita Stohler, Tobias Rebs, Marcus Brandenburg [28] Et. al. Feng Tian, Vienna [29] In this paper the definition of the data mining technology, its process, and characteristics are presented. This paper describes the use of artificial intelligence and the deep learning technology. Also, it clarifies the impacts and the influence on the supply chain. The article provides an overview of deep learning technology and its capabilities. The criteria for using this technology are also referred. The aim of this paper is to show the applications of deep learning and artificial intelligent on supply chain and on other areas. In this study technologies like Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Vehicles, Augment reality, Blockchain, Drones are defined (Characteristics, Capabilities, Disadvantages). Data Mining DM Artificial Intelligence / Deep learning AI/DL Deep learning DL Deep learning / Artificial Intelligence DL/AI Blockchain / Drone / Artificial Intelligence / Cyber-physical systems / 3D Printing / Augmented reality Internet of Things / Internet of Services BC/DR/AI/CPS / 3DP/AR Et. al. Christopher S. Tanga, Lucas P. Veelenturf [39] IoT/IoS This article presents the key challenges of cloud computing. Also, this study describes the relationships and the effects between cloud computing and internet of services. Cloud Computing / Internet of Services CC/IoS This article explains the types of machine learning systems- deep learning that are used in the supply chain and analyzes the processes and tasks that they aim to complete. The definition of the real time locating system is presented in this study. Also, its capabilities and disadvantages are analytically presented. Deep learning DL Et. al. Robert Kleinfeld, Dr. Stephan Steglich, Lukasz Radziwonowicz, Charalampos Doukas [40] Et. al. Rafael MorenoVozmediano, Rubén S. Montero, Ignacio M. Llorente [41] Et. al. Michael Veale Irina Brass [42] Real-time locating systems RTLS This article describes the results of the implementation of the technologies real timing located system and the internet of things. Internet of Things / Real-time locating systems IoT/RTLS This paper presents the advantages and the characteristics of the automated driving vehicles. Automated Guided Vehicles AGVs The influence and the benefits from self-driving vehicles in transportations problems are described in this article. Also, the characteristics and the way of using them are defined. This article explains the understanding of selfdriving vehicles (concepts, the way of using and benefits). Self-driving vehicles SDV Self-driving vehicles SDV In this study, concepts and the connection of technologies that are called internet of thing and internet of services are provided. 34 Et. al. N. Lakshmi, G.H. Raghunandhan [35] Et. al. Tien Yin Wong, Neil M. Bressler [36] Et. al. Li Deng, Dong Yu [37] Et. al. Mario Coccia [38] Et. al. Witsarawat Chantaweesomboon, Charuwalee Suwatthikul, [43] Et. al. You-Wei Lin. Chi-Yi Lin [44] Et. al. David M. Woisetschläger [45] Et. al. Danielle Dai, Daniel Howard [46] Et. al. Brandon Schoettle, Michael Sivak. [47] The history of the self-driving vehicles and automated vehicles system is described in this article. Also, it explains the relationships of these technologies with the supply chain operations. Self-driving vehicles / Automated Guided Vehicles SDV/AGVs This paper analyzes the key technology of selfdriving cars and illuminates the state-of-art of the self-driving cars. Self-driving vehicles SDV This paper analyzes and describes all the types of the warehouse robots, the way they work and also the benefits that warehouses have from their development. In this article the roles of the robotics to warehouses are described, as well as the robots’ architecture and characteristics. This article explains how useful the robots are to the warehouses, the role of every type of warehouse robot, especially all the types of Autonomous guide vehicles. The key technology of a self-driving car is discussed in this study. The four major technologies of selfdriving cars are discussed and surveyed in this paper: car navigation system, path planning, environment perception and car control. This paper presents the internet of things and many others technologies, as well as how they co-work under the same circumstances in the supply chain. Robotics R Robotics R Et. al. Ruthie Bowles [51] Automated Guided Vehicles AGVs Automated Guided Vehicles AGVs Internet of Services IoS The connection between the industry 4.0, the internet of things and smart sensors are presented in this study. The impact these technologies have on the supply chain operations and the way they improve the process of supply chain are also presented. This article presents the challenges and the concept of digital transformations. It analyzes the new technologies and describes the challenges of digital transformations. This study provides an overview of technologies, industry 4.0 and digital transformation in the new area. This paper analyzes how to use the smart sensors and when they are appropriate to use. Also, it provides the advantages and benefits of their application in other areas. Sensor technology smart sensors / Industry 4.0 ST/IN 4.0 Et. al. Lothar Schulze, Sebastian Behling, Stefan Buhrs [52] Et. al. Dimitrios Bechtsis, Naoum Tsolakis, Dimitrios Vlachos, Eleftherios Iakovou. [53] Et. al. Jacqueline Zonichenn Reis, Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves. [54] Et. al. Martin Neuhold [55] Digital Supply Chain DSC Et. al. Westerman [56] Digital Supply Chain / Industry 4.0 Sensor technology smart sensors / Industry 4.0 DSC/ IN 4.0 This study introduces the technologies internet of things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence and RFID, and the impact that was created with the development of these three technologies on the warehouse operation. Internet of Things / Artificial Intelligence / RFID IoT/AI/ RFID Et. al. Yogita Malik. Arora [57] Et. al. Joseph Fitzgerald. Adam Mussomeli. Andrew Daecher. Mahesh Chandramouli [58] Et. al. Li Juntao, Ma Yinbo [59] 35 ST/IN4.0 Et. al. Mike Daily, Swarup Medasani, Reinhold Behringer, Mohan Trived [48] Et. al. Jianfeng Zhao, Bodong Liang Qiuxia Chen [49] Et. al. Will Allen [50] The paper describes an overview of smart sensors and sensor fusion, targeted at biomedical applications and sports areas. Sensor technology smart sensors ST This paper presents the machine 2 machine technology, the way it is used in the supply chain, the architecture and the characteristics of the technology. The fundamental conceptual and implementation features of a practical strategy for the development and application of model based, customized M2M transformations are presented in this paper. This study examined the characteristics, architecture and the benefits from the deep learning technology. Machine 2 Machine sensors Μ2Μ Machine 2 Machine sensors M2M Deep learning DL 36 Et. al. Alves Mendes, Marinho Vieira, Marcelo Bissi Pires, Sergio Luiz Stevan [60] Et. al. Meriam Bouzouita, César Viho. [61] Et. al. Tomas Skersys, Paulius Danenas, Rimantas Butleris [62] Et. al. Tahani Aljohani, Alexandra Cristea. [63] CHAPTER 4 Supply chain 4.0 Technologies Overview The chapter four presents the SC 4.0. Moreover, chapter four defines the use of technologies and their characteristics at the supply chain operations. The following figure present the structure of this chapter. 37 Internet of Things: IoT The British Kevin Ashton is the one that created the technology that is called internet of things. The concept was formulated in 1999 and at first it was a system to describe the communication between the physical world with the computers (B. Tjahjono, C. Esplugues, E. Ares, G Pelaez et. al. 2829 June. 2017). It is a system for describing communication between the physical world and computers, that have sensors, software, and other technologies integrated in them for the purpose of communicating and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet. The convergence of many technologies, such as real-time analytics, machine learning, ubiquitous computing, commodity sensors, and embedded systems, has resulted in the evolution of things (L. Barreto, A. Amarala, T. Pereira et. al. 28-30 June 2017). The Internet of Things is enabled by traditional domains such as embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, control systems, automation (including home and building automation), and others. It contains platforms with smart and data devices in order for the firms to have a plan about their operations (Gleison Matana, Alexandre Simon, Moacir Godinho Filho, Andre Helleno et. al. 2020). All these years, the technology developed and changed at a very high degree and was considered as a system that was created not only for objects but also for processes, data, etc. The main characteristics of Internet of things are context, omni-presence, interconnectedness, intelligence, innovation, integration, instrumental and optimization. The first characteristic, the context, connects the digital with the physical world, by providing information such as location, physical condition etc. (Krzysztof Witkowski et. al. 2017) Interconnectedness describes the use of smart devices’ technology and information systems. Intelligence is used to optimize the performance. Innovation presents the development of the devices. Integration describes the relationships in all the parts of the supply chain. Instrumental is about the machines that are used for information and decisions. (Krzysztof Witkowski. 2017, Kersten, Wolfgang, Blecker, Thorsten, Ringle, Christian M. et. al. 11 June.2019). Omnipresence presents the fact that objects communicate with the human operators in a large degree over the recent years. The last one, optimization, describes the expression of every function, which every object possesses. Internet of Things can offer many opportunities in the area of performance (You-Wei Lin. Chi-Yi Lin, et. al. 21 May 2018, Et. al. Li Juntao, Ma Yinbo. July 112016). For example, the transport cars can be controlled automatically and the hosts can operate them with a standard speed, as to maximize the fuel’s economy. In case of delays, the customer can check his/her order and be informed of the reasons for any complications. Moreover, for the process of storage in warehouses, the internet of things improves the inventory management, by making it faster, more predictable and safer. Finally, the internet of things is important for logistics and the transport sector. In this 38 field, the solutions can provide data about the locations and monitoring on the condition of things. Through this information, the customer service improves by shortening the cycle of the logistics process and by optimizing the cost (Robert Kleinfeld, Dr. Stephan Steglich, Lukasz Radziwonowicz, Charalampos Doukas et. al. October 08, 2014). Figure 4.1: Represents the architecture of IoT Source: et. al. Rocky Osborn. 2020 Big Data Big Data is a technology that gives the opportunity to analyze and evaluate all the amounts of information that are produced by the Internet. Big data is a field that deals with methods for analyzing, methodically extracting information from, or otherwise dealing with data volumes that are too large or complicated for typical data-processing application software to handle (Massimo Merlino, Ilze Sproģe, et. al. 19-22 October 2016). Data with a lot of fields have more statistical power, however data with a lot of attributes or columns have a higher false discovery rate. Data capture, storage, analysis, search, sharing, transfer, visualization, querying, updating, information privacy, and data source are all issues in big data analysis. (Mondher Feki, Imed Boughzala, Samuel Fosso Wamba, et. al. 2016) The three major notions of big data were initially related with three important concepts: volume, diversity, and velocity. (Zaza Nadja, Dimitrios Makris, Lee Hansen, Omera Khan et. al. 12 Feb 2019). Because massive data analysis poses sampling issues, only observations and sampling were previously allowed. As a result, big data frequently comprises data in amounts that typical software cannot process in a reasonable amount of time or for a reasonable price. Big Data are very important and consist a very useful tool for the separation of information. This technology is used for the analysis and separation of the useful-important (from the less useful) conclusions and increases the ability of businesses to achieve their 39 objectives, by supporting them with effective transfer of knowledge. (Krzysztof Witkowski, et. al. 2017) The characteristics of Big data according to Forrester are value, velocity, variety, and volume. (Massimo Merlino, Ilze Sproģe, et. al 19-22 October 2016. Latvia, et. al. Zaza Nadja, Dimitrios Makris, Lee Hansen, Omera Khan 12 Feb 2019). Volume is the amount of data, that refers to the datasets, whose size is larger than the capacity of tools for storage, management, and analysis. (Massimo Merlino, Ilze Sproģe, et. al. 19-22 October 2016) The variety of data describes the variety of the sources. For example, the sources can be social networking, transactional systems, internet etc. Velocity of data describes the production speed of new data and analysis. Value of the data's goal is to isolate the amount of information that is useful for the business, and which information is not (Zaza Nadja, Dimitrios Makris, Lee Hansen, Omera Khan, et. al. 12 Feb 2019). This is a very important step, because it relates directly with business objectives. An example of Big Data on logistics is the DHL. Big data presents the opportunity for service providers to optimize the logistics operations. It also improves the customer service and provides a new developing business model for the small firms in the area of marketing (Massimo Merlino, Ilze Sproģe, et. al. 19-22 October 2016). Figure 4.2: Represents the architecture of Big Data Source: et. al. April Reeve. Managing Data Motion. 2013 Cyber-physical System A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a computer system in which computerbased algorithms operate or monitor a mechanism. Physical and software components are closely linked in cyber-physical systems, allowing them to operate on diverse spatial and temporal scales, display diverse and distinct behavioral modalities, and interact with one another in context-dependent ways (Matana, Alexandre Simon, Moacir Godinho Filho, Andre Helleno, et. al. 2020). CPS combines cybernetics, mechatronics, design, and process science in a transdisciplinary approach. Embedded systems are a term used 40 to describe process control. The emphasis of embedded systems tends to be on the computational parts, rather than a strong relationship between the computational and physical parts. The physical and computational parts are combined and coordinated in CPS. (Christopher S. Tanga, Lucas P. Veelenturf, et. al. 6 June 2019). In summary, CPS are physical systems, that were made to monitor, coordinate and control their operations, using computing and communication systems. A cyber physical system consists of a set of network factors and involves the connections with the physical world. These factors are sensors, control processing systems and communications devices (Christopher S. Tanga, Lucas P. Veelenturf, et. al. 6 June 2019). Through the continuous and efficient using of these technological applications (sensors, control processing and communication systems), the result is the development of new applications and, also, the improvement of the technological applications that already exist. The development of new applications is contributing to the parts of the production process, to the transportation system, to logistics services, to autonomous vehicles, to machine 2 learning and to smart sensors. The main characteristics of CPS are related with the characteristics of IoT, and they are visibility, transparency, innovation, instrumental, interconnectedness (Enis Gezgin, Xin Huang, Prakash Samal, lldefonso Silva, et. al. November 2017). Visibility and transparency are used in order to achieve fewer faults in the supply chain parts and in order to achieve adequate forecasting of the resources. Innovation presents the development of the devices. Instrumental is about the machines that are used for information and decisions. Interconnectedness describes the use of smart devices technology and information systems. Thus, the implementation of CPS will increase the productivity, flexibility, and agility on the different parts of the supply chain. Finally, the efficient connections between the integration and the main factors will increase the visibility and transparency in order to achieve better forecasting of the sources. (Enis Gezgin, Xin Huang, Prakash Samal, lldefonso Silva, et. al. November 2017). 41 Figure 4.3: Represents the architecture of CPS Source: Tomas Robles, Diego Martin, Ramon Alcarria, Borja Bordel, 2017 Intelligent Transportation System Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is a new technology that operates in the different areas of the transportation systems. Intelligent transportation system is an advanced application that strives to provide novel services related to various modes of transportation and traffic management, allowing users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and “smarter” use of transportation networks (Barreto et al., 2017, Yavas & Ozkan-Ozen, et. al. 2020). ITS refers to systems that use information and communication technology in the realm of road transportation, encompassing infrastructure, vehicles, and users, as well as traffic and mobility management and interactions with other modes of transportation. In a variety of settings, such as road transport, traffic management, mobility, and so on, ITS may increase the efficiency and safety of transportation. ITS technology is being used all around the world to boost road capacity and cut travel times. The main transportations systems that ITS is involving are transportation management, control methods, infrastructure, operations and driving policies (Michał Kłodawski, Konrad Lewczuk, Ilona Jacyna Gołda, Jolanta Żak.,et. al. 2017). Like all the new technologies, the ITS involves innovations, such as computing hardware, sensor technologies, location systems, telecommunications, data process, virtual operation and planning strategies. The main characteristics are integration, safety, and reliability (Michał Kłodawski, Konrad Lewczuk, Ilona Jacyna Gołda, Jolanta Żak, et. al. 2017). Integration is a basic issue in the transport field and plays an important role as a solution to a lot of problems. ITS provides safety for the reduction of accidents and for better conditions of distribution. Finally, reliability plays a similar role to safety, as it is also important for the same reasons. However, reliability 42 additionally controls the travel speed and the traffic flow, it provides services that are related with navigations systems and it does not exclusively refer to the vehicular traffic. Reliability is very important, because it contributes to air transportation systems, to water transportation system and to rail systems. Thus, the adoption of sensors technology, drones and intelligence systems, will improve the process of decision-making quality in management and will allow the improvement of logistics operation through the convergence of machine-to-machine communication and communication systems. It is a very important technology for logistics operation (in our days it is used for truck parking and delivery management) and it is very useful for saving fuel consumption, reducing the presence of heavy vehicles and supporting the truck drivers (Westerman, et. al. 2011). Figure 4.4: Represents the architecture of ITS Source: et. al. Sakib M. Khan, Mizanur Rahman, Amy Apon, Mashrur Chowdhury. 2017 3D-printing This is a technique that takes a digital 3D model of an object and turns it into a real object by layering materials (plastic, resin, stainless steel, ceramics, etc.). Companies may use additive manufacturing to produce prototypes (product prototypes) and customized products more quickly, cheaply, and effectively (Sodhi and Tang. 2017). In the case of spare parts, it was found that as the number of parts grows, additive manufacturing adds more value to the business. For part design, it was discovered that the higher design expense of additive manufacturing can be offset by lower logistical costs and shorter lead times. It was shown that a business that adopts additive manufacturing would be able to compete by offering more product choices, a company that produces self-replicating 3D printers, investigate the tradeoff between development and sales of these selfreplicable 3D printers (Zaza Nadja, Dimitrios Makris, Lee Hansen, Omera Khan, et. al.12 Feb 2019). In conclusion, 3D-printing has many roles in the 43 supply chain 4.0, but its main role is in the area of spare parts, as was referred above. For example, in the situations that the demand has fluctuations, with the help of 3D-printing any part can be printed by request. However, despite the fact that 3D-printing is having an important impact on the development of the supply chain, the adoption of this technology is very limited. The characteristics (Decentralization, complexity, rationalization) and the areas that it impacts, are the more efficient use of resources, decentralization on manufacture, reduction of customization and complexity, rationalization of logistics and inventory and finally the process of product design (Christopher S. Tanga, Lucas P. Veelenturf, et. al. 6 June 2019). Figure 4.5: The role of 3D-printing to supply chain Source: et. al. Carsten Engel. 2014 Cloud Computing The on-demand availability of computer system resources, particularly data storage (cloud storage) and computational power, without direct active management by the user, is known as cloud computing. The word refers to data centers that are accessible via the Internet to a large number of people. Functions from central servers are commonly dispersed across numerous locations in today's large clouds. It may be characterized as an edge server if the connection to the user is quite close. Clouds can be restricted to a particular organization or made available to a large number of them (public cloud). To achieve coherence and economies of scale, cloud computing relies on resource sharing. Cloud computing (CC) is a very useful technology for the successful completion of the supply chain (Gleison Matana, Alexandre Simon, Moacir Godinho Filho, Andre Helleno, et. al. 2020). Cloud Computing is developing and improving rapidly and it impacts many 44 different sectors significantly, especially the supply chain management. Cloud Computing provides new opportunities and improves the flow of information to the different parts of the supply chain, starting from the suppliers all the way to the final customers. Cloud Computing is also related to the Internet of Things. For example, the Internet of Things provides the opportunity to access applications and services that are provided by the cloud. On the other hand, Cloud Computing give access to the services constantly and thought out the whole world (Enis Gezgin, Xin Huang, Prakash Samal, lldefonso Silva, et. al. November 2017). One of the characteristics and benefits that the cloud computing provides is the improvement of visibility. For example, Cloud Computing provides the firms with the chance to forecast the demand, by capturing the remarkable information. Secondly, cloud computing provides the opportunity for cost reduction on sourcing and procurement. Additionally, cloud computing provides statistical tools, that are useful on the reduction of of the inventory levels and manufacturing units, which is important in order for the production to meet the demand. Finally, in the sales management area, cloud computing presents a system, which helps to keep the customers satisfied. In conclusion, cloud computing is the tool, which can help the business to integrate the information flow efficiently and to control the operation environment effectively. Thus, it is very important for supply chain managers to constantly be informed on the new technological innovations, in order to optimize the logistics. (Christopher S. Tanga, Lucas P. Veelenturf, et. al. 6 June 2019). Figure 4.6: The overview structure of Cloud Computing Source: et. al. Natalie Walker. 2015 45 Drones The growth of technological innovations created opportunities for the emergence of new technologies, devices, and applications. One of these devices that was created is called drone. Drones are unmanned vehicles, which fly and are controlled remotely. Most of the drones have opportunities to record data with the help of sensors, which the drones carry in order to monitor and inspect operations on the delivery of certain devices (Michael J. Ferrantino, Emine Elcin Koten, et. al. 2019). The most frequent use of drones is found on the field of research and rescue operations. The main characteristics of drones are speed, safety and the improvement of productivity. With drones, businesses can deliver services faster and more safely. In summary, drones provide speed and safer response and recovery. Finally, the firms can improve their productivity through the use of drones (Christopher S. Tanga, Lucas P. Veelenturf, et. al. 6 June 2019). Figure 4.7: Presents the role of drone in a large warehouse Source: et. al Jason Reagan.2020 Artificial Intelligence With the dramatic evolution of technology over the years, the world has changed greatly. Nowadays, robotics has a great influence and its existence is considered necessary in industrial applications, as well as on warehouse operations. Thus, artificial intelligence is one of the new technologies that was developed over the last years and it continues to improve even today. Is a very important tool for all industries and companies and can be used in a variety of fields. Unlike physical intelligence, artificial intelligence uses computers to evaluate external data, it then learns from these data and performs descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analysis. Examples of Artificial intelligence include the IBM systems (a system for answering questions), the GE system (a system to collect data from the turbines), etc. (Kersten, Wolfgang, Blecker, Thorsten, Ringle, Christian M, et. al. 11-June 46 2019). On the other hand, many believe that artificial intelligence will surpass physical intelligence. In many situations and in many parts of the supply chain, artificial intelligence has replaced the workforce. For example, the influence of artificial intelligence on business, and especially on warehouses, can be discerned through Autonomous Vehicles. In conclusion, the rapid growth of Industry 4.0 and Smart Factories (connected with the Internet of Things) will make the supply chain more effective in all of its areas (Tien Yin Wong, Neil M. Bressler, et. al. November 29, 2016). The characteristics- roles of Artificial Intelligence that can be observed on the supply chain include load cost, optimizing inventory, powered customer experience and autonomous delivery fleet. The load cost refers to the variety of the shipping cost which can depend both from the season, as well as from the time and conditions of the day (for example sunny or rainy weather), making it difficult to predict the price of a load. AI can assist in monitoring such conditions and in determining the best price, based on delivery time and on the shipment's "lane" (route and destination). These algorithms monitor a variety of factors such as traffic, weather and socioeconomic problems, in order to assist businesses in determining a fair price, that all parties will agree on (Mario Coccia, et. al. 17 October 2019). The term optimizing inventory refers to the democratization and accessibility of information through the use of AI, by providing a fair price quote to ensure a fair deal for all parties, and by tracking inventory and load ability, in order to ensure that trucks do not miss deliveries. The AI technology can also secure and track supplier inventory, as well as the number of delivery trucks available. Smart algorithms provide this information in advance, allowing clients to know the exact price and availability of specific inventory and trucks for potential deliveries. AI may also perform data analysis to determine which carriers have moved which freight in the past and at what price and service level (Christopher S. Tanga, Lucas P. Veelenturf, et. al. 6 June 2019). The term power customer experience refers to the fact that artificial intelligence (AI) technologies like robotic process automation, natural language processing and machine learning, can help logistic companies analyze customer feedback with accuracy and speed, that human operators cannot match. For that reason, building AI-powered custom software that manages customer service is critical for any logistics business. Finally, conventional delivery fleets will be replaced with more advanced autonomous delivery fleets in order to entirely remove the reliance on human drivers (Christopher S. Tanga, Lucas P. Veelenturf, et. al. 6 June 2019). 47 Figure 4.8: The Artificial Intelligence in the warehouse Source: et. al. Leeway Hertz.2020 Blockchain Blockchain is a technology that has tremendous potential to turn supply chain functions, from Supply Chain provenance to business process reengineering to security enhancement. Blockchain is a technology that ensures network security, transparency, and visibility through a specific combination of features such as decentralized layout, distributed notes and storage system, consensus algorithm, smart contracting, and asymmetric encryption (Pankaj Duttaa, Tsan-Ming Choib, Surabhi Somanic, Richa Butalac, et. al.18 August 2020). Blockchain is a tamper-proof, immutable distributed ledger technology (DLT), that is used in a decentralized and synchronized environment, where all transactions are authenticated and are traceable by users. It allows for a decentralized environment, in which all network users can safely communicate without the need for a trusted authority. Consequently, by validating and storing all transactions by distributed consensus, it removes the need for a central entity (Ilhaam A. Omar, Raia Jayaraman, Khaled Salah, Mazin Debe, Mohammed Omar, et. al. 2019). Moreover, Blockchain is made up of a series of interconnected blocks that can be easily traced back to previous blocks, making the technology transparent and secure. Users in that network verify and record all transactions, which are also time stamped, ordered in sequential order, linked to the previous block and irreversible, once connected to the network. Blockchain's entire framework qualifies it as a trusted technology. 48 Moreover, one of the most essential features of blockchain, that makes it trustworthy, stable and transparent, is called “consensus process”. Records are stored in blocks that are connected by hash values and the decision to add a new block to the list is being made by a consensus mechanism. Any adjustment to an existing block allows the opponent to compete with all users in order to create a longer branch, which aids DLT in preserving historical data security through coordination mechanisms (Ilhaam A. Omar, Raia Jayaraman, Khaled Salah, Mazin Debe, Mohammed Omar, et. al. 2019). The blockchain characteristic are the following: • • • • • • • • • • Decentralized: Multiple systems can access, track, archive, and upgrade the data on the device (Feng Tian, et. al. 2016). Transparent: Data is registered and maintained on the network with the network's approval and it is accessible and traceable throughout its life cycle (Feng Tian, 2016, Pankaj Duttaa, TsanMing Choib, Surabhi Somanic, Richa Butalac, et. al. 18 August 2020). Immutable: To ensure immutability, the blockchain offers timestamps and controls (Feng Tian, Austria. 2016, Pankaj Duttaa, Tsan-Ming Choib, Surabhi Somanic, Richa Butalac, et. al.18 August 2020). Irreversible: The technology of blockchain holds a clear and verifiable record of any transaction ever produced (Feng Tian, Austria. 2016, Et. al. Pankaj Duttaa, Tsan-Ming Choib, Surabhi Somanic, Richa Butalac, et. al.18 August 2020). Autonomy: Each node on the blockchain can securely access, transfer, archive, and upgrade data without the need for a third party (Feng Tian, et. al.2016). Open source: Everyone in the network has open-source access to the blockchain and there is a sense of hierarchy (Feng Tian, et. al.2016). Anonymity: The identity of the user remains anonymous during data transfer between nodes (Feng Tian. 2016, Pankaj Duttaa, Tsan-Ming Choib, Surabhi Somanic, Richa Butalac, et. al.18 August 2020). Ownership and uniqueness: Every document exchanged on the blockchain has a unique hash code that records who owns it (Pankaj Duttaa, Tsan-Ming Choib, Surabhi Somanic, Richa Butalac, et. al.18 August 2020). Provenance: Every product has a blockchain-based digital record document that verifies its authenticity and origin (Pankaj Duttaa, Tsan-Ming Choib, Surabhi Somanic, Richa Butalac, et. al. 18 August 2020). Contract automation: It's a tiny, computerized program that assists with contract execution. It removes the need for a 49 conventional contract, while enhancing security and lowering transaction costs. Smart contracts are normally coded with rules, fines, and actions that will be extended to all parties involved in the transaction. Smart contracting enables supply chain operations to respond quickly (Li et al. 2019). Figure 4.9: The Blockchain technology Source: et. al. Greg Carter. 2018 Internet of Services The first three industrial revolutions were triggered by mechanization, electricity, and information technology, in that order. The fourth industrial revolution is now underway, thanks to the introduction of the Internet of Things and the Internet of Services into the manufacturing world. Nowadays, the Internet of Services (IoS) is one of the central pillars of the future Internet, according to the Cross-European Technology Platforms (XETPs) (Gleison Matana, Alexandre Simon, Moacir Godinho Filho, Andre Helleno, et. al.2020). IoS's main goal is to make everything on the Internet available as a service, including software applications, the framework for developing and delivering these applications, and the underlying infrastructure. Moreover, the Internet of Services (IoS) reference architecture views the Internet as a global network for retrieving, combining and using interoperable tools. The next-generation Internet would allow private users and businesses to collaborate seamlessly through the use of interoperable, electronic services, accelerating the industrialization of information-intensive services (Robert Kleinfeld, Dr. Stephan Steglich, Lukasz Radziwonowicz, Charalampos Doukas October, et. al. 08 2014). The term "Internet of Services" was coined when two other ideologies, Web 2.0, and SOA (service-oriented architecture), collided. The concept of reusing and composing existing resources and facilities sits at the 50 crossroads of these two areas (the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a logical model for reorganizing software systems and infrastructure into a series of interconnected services). On the other hand, the Web Service is defined as a software system designed to allow interoperable machine-tomachine interaction over a network. IoS has many advantages, such as cost savings because infrastructure and network sizes can be tailored to service demands, service elasticity by automated scaling of services and infrastructures, reduction in the development and infrastructure implementation times that improve service time-to-market, as well as duplication of service components and rapid deployment of new service instances, which enhanced service availability and reliability (Rafael Moreno-Vozmediano, Rubén S. Montero, Ignacio M. Llorente, et. al. 2012). IoS is described by three characteristics: availability, reliability, resiliency. • • • Availability: It measures the average service availability over a specific period of time. (Jacqueline Zonichenn Reis, Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves, et. al. 9 July 2019) Reliability: It refers to the probability of the system failing in a certain amount of time. (Jacqueline Zonichenn Reis, Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves, et. al. 9 July 2019) Resiliency: It refers to the ability of a system to achieve and sustain a satisfactory standard of service in the face of a variety of faults and obstacles in regular operation. (Jacqueline Zonichenn Reis, Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves, et. al. 9 July 2019) Figure 4.10: The Internet of Services Source: et. al. Daniel Oberhaus.2015 51 Deep Learning Under the term of artificial intelligence, deep learning is a modern branch of machine learning technology. For years, Google and other technology companies (such as Facebook and Apple) have used deep learning for big data analysis in order to predict how people navigate the internet, where they want to go, what they want to buy, what their favorite food is and who they could become friends with (Tien Yin Wong, Neil M. Bressler, et. al. November 29, 2016). Deep learning has a lot of promise in health care, including predicting which patients are more likely to have a disease, as well as which patients are more likely to have a specific illness. However, the use of deep learning to the supply chain is a collection of computational methods that allow an algorithm to self-program by learning from a large number of examples that demonstrate the desired behavior (Michael Veale, Irina Brass, et. al. 2019). Most machine learning and signal processing techniques used shallow-structured architectures until recently. Nonlinear feature transformations are usually found in either one or two layers in these architectures. When the kernel trick is used or not, SVMs use a shallow linear pattern separation model of one or zero feature transformation layers (Tahani Aljohani, Alexandra Cristea, et. al. July 2019). While shallow architectures have been shown to be successful in solving a variety of simple or well-constrained problems, their limited modeling and representational capacity can trigger problems when dealing with more complex real-world applications involving natural signals, such as human voice, natural sound and language, as well as natural image and visual scenes. Finally, the characteristics of deep learning are supervised, a huge amount of resources, a large amount of layers, cost function and optimizing parameters. Supervised: Supervised learning occurs when category labels are present when the data is being trained. Linear regression algorithms are examples of supervised algorithms (Li Deng, Dong Yu, et. al. 2013). Volume of data: Big data, which can be either organized or unstructured, requires the processing of a large volume of data. Depending on the amount of data fed in, more time is often needed to process the data. Large number of layers: A large number of layers, such as input, activation and output, may be required. Most of the time, the output of one layer can be applied to another layer by making a few small discoveries, which are then summed up in the SoftMax layer to determine a wider classification for the final output. Cost function: The aim of each iteration in a Deep Learning Model is to reduce the cost in comparison to previous iterations. Different algorithms use different forms of mean absolute error, mean squared error, hinge loss and cross entropy. Optimizing parameters: Since Deep Learning provides a correlation between layer predictions and final output predictions, the learning rate must be fine-tuned for good Deep Learning Model accuracy (Mario Coccia, et. al. 17 October 2019). 52 Figure 4.11: Presents the architecture of deep learning Source: et. al. Louis Columbus.2018 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a contactless interrogation system for identifying items. RFID is a technology that employs electromagnetic fields to identify and track tags attached to items. A radio transponder, a radio receiver and a transmitter make up an RFID system. The tag transmits digital data, usually an identifying inventory number, back to the reader when triggered by an electromagnetic interrogation pulse from a nearby RFID reader device. This number can be used to keep track of inventory (Li Juntao, Ma Yinbo, et. al. July 11-2016). RFID tags are widely employed in a variety of industries. An RFID tag placed to a car during manufacture, for example, can be used to follow its progress through the assembly line. With the aid of existing technologies, businesses started to implement radio frequency identification (RFID) for better organization and survival in a competitive world. The majority of inventory management is achieved with the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, which automates the process. This is particularly critical since a product's cost accounts for 75% of its total cost. The company saves a lot of money by automating this process. RFID-enabled companies will know exactly where a product is, at any given time. The supplier is aware of the retailer's realtime stock using this technology (Feng Tian, et. al. 2016). The advantages of RFID in logistics, transportation and warehousing can be divided into 53 two categories: (1) labor and time savings and (2) improved visibility benefits. The concept of "uninterrupted supply chain" has also been used to define the first gain group. In more detail, a significant portion of a product's journey through a supply chain or logistics system is spent waiting for identification or the completion of a manual procedure, such as counting cases related to identification and documentation. As a result, stopping points disrupt the movement of goods. A system that uses automatic identification via RFID will potentially eliminate many of these stumbling blocks, allowing the product to pass through the system more quickly and at a lower cost. If the product in the supply chain is a serialized product, these strictly operational cost savings would be a particularly significant commodity that requires case-by-case identification rather than bulk palletby-pallet identification. Computers, digital printers, electronics equipment and other serialized items are such examples. Since each machine can have a different configuration, these are serialized goods. Improved inventory accuracy is another field where RFID can be beneficial (Gary M. Gaukler Ralf W, et. al. 2015). The distinction between conceptual and actual inventory is referred to as inventory accuracy. The sum of inventory on record in the computer system is referred to as logical inventory. Physical inventory refers to what is already on hand. Ideally, the conceptual and physical inventory amounts should be equivalent, but they can be very different for a variety of reasons (shrinkage, input errors, loss of product, misplacement, etc.). The conceptual inventory displayed in computer systems is usually greater than the actual inventory. Due to the automation of the scanning process, RFID can aid in the improvement of logical inventory records. For example, although these relatively minor gains in efficiency and accuracy might be sufficient to warrant an RFID implementation, the majority of the benefits are usually expected to come from increased visibility. Supply chain decision-makers would be able to operate a far more effective supply chain if they have precise real-time knowledge of the amount of inventory and its position in the supply chain. Knowing what is in the replenishment pipeline and when it will arrive could enable safety stocks to be reduced while customer service levels are maintained or improved. Essentially, RFID visibility shifts the inventory/service-level exchange curve in a supply chain. Many more sophisticated policies that manage supply chain activities in an automated way, based on RFID visibility, are expected to emerge as RFID installations become more widespread (Li Juntao, Ma Yinbo, et. al. July 11-2016). 54 Figure 4.12: The architecture of RFID System Source: et. al. Zetes.2018 Data mining Data mining, or the non-trivial extraction of novel, tacit, and actionable knowledge from large data sets, is a developing technology that is a direct consequence of the growing use of computer databases to efficiently store and retrieve information. It is also known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) and enables data exploration, data analysis, and data visualization of huge databases at a high level of abstraction, without a specific hypothesis in mind. The working of data mining is understood by using a method called Modeling-With-It to make predictions. Artificial neural networks, decision trees, and genetic algorithms are examples of data mining techniques that are the result of a long period of analysis and product creation (Michael J. Ferrantino, Emine Elcin Koten, et. al. 2019). With the introduction of computers and the ability to store large amounts of data digitally, people began gathering and storing a wide range of data, relying on the power of computers to sort through this jumble of data. The vast amounts of data stored on fragmented structures quickly became overwhelming, prompting the creation of hierarchical databases and database management systems (DBMS). Database management systems efficiently manage large corpora of data and enable effective and efficient retrieval of specific information from a large collection when required, as well as contributing to the recent massive gathering of all kinds of data. The technology of data mining contributes to this extraction of data as and when necessary (Gülçin Büyüközkan, Fethullah Göçer, et. al. 2 March. 2018). Data mining may be thought of as a natural progression of information technology. This technology allows for the widespread availability of massive quantities of data, as well as the urgent need to convert the data into usable information and knowledge. The extraction of interesting patterns or information from large amounts of data is known as data mining. The term "data mining" refers to the process of analyzing data in a database with software that looks for patterns or anomalies without 55 knowing what the data means. It is mainly used by statisticians, database analysts, and business groups. Data mining software not only changes the way data is presented, but it also uncovers previously unknown relationships between the data. A historical archive of previous experiences contains the data from which the data mining process operates. Data mining is not limited to a single form of media or data in principle. Every kind of knowledge repository should be suitable for data mining (Michael J. Ferrantino, Emine Elcin Koten, et. al. 2019). Some of the major components of data mining are mentioned below: • • • • • • Database, data warehouse or other information repository: One or more databases, data centers, spreadsheets, or other types of information repositories make up this part. On the files, data cleaning and data integration techniques can be used (N. Lakshmi, G.H. Raghunandhan, et. al. 17 -18 February. 2011). Data warehouse server: The part is in charge of retrieving relevant data based on the user's data mining request (Gülçin Büyüközkan, Fethullah Göçer, et. al. 2 March 2018). Knowledge base: This is the domain information that is used to direct the quest or to assess the usefulness of the patterns that are found. It contains definition hierarchies, which are used to group attributes or attribute values into various levels of abstraction. (Gülçin Büyüközkan, Fethullah Göçer, et. al. 2 March 2018). Data mining engine: This is an important part of a data mining framework and it should preferably include a collection of functional modules for tasks like characterization, association analysis, classification, evolution and deviation analysis. (Gülçin Büyüközkan, Fethullah Göçer, et. al. 2 March 2018) Pattern evaluation module: This component usually uses interestingness measures and works with data mining modules to narrow down the quest to interesting patterns. Depending on how the data mining system is implemented, the pattern evaluation module can be combined with the mining module. Data mining can be made more efficient by incorporating the assessment of pattern interestingness early in the process, allowing the quest to be limited to only the most interesting patterns. (Gülçin Büyüközkan, Fethullah Göçer, et. al. 2 March 2018) Graphical user interface: This module facilitates interaction between users and the data mining system by allowing users to define a data mining query or mission, provide information to help focus the search and perform exploratory data mining based on intermediate data mining results. This component also allows users to browse database and data warehouse schemas or data structures, analyze mined patterns, and visualize them in various ways (N. Lakshmi, G.H. Raghunandhan, et. al. 17 -18 February. 2011). 56 Figure 4.13: Presents the architecture of data mining Source: et al. Oleh Nicholas. 2019 Augmented Reality Coating computer simulation models over the physical layout of the real environment is known as Augmented Reality. AR is defined as a system that combines real and virtual worlds, allows for real-time interaction, as well as for accurate 3D registration of virtual and real items. The superimposed sensory input might be beneficial (i.e., beneficial to the natural environment) or harmful (i.e., harmful to the natural environment or masking of the natural environment). The experience is so well integrated with the physical world that it is viewed as a fully immersive part of the real world. Augmented reality modifies one's continuing view of a real-world environment, whereas virtual reality totally replaces the user's real-world environment with a simulated one. Mixed reality and computermediated reality are two phrases that are nearly synonymous with augmented reality (Yogita Malik. Arora, et. al. 17 August 2016). The layering of computer simulation models over the physical layout of actual surroundings is known as Augmented Reality. In several ways, this is the trademark of virtual reality, but AR refers to the use of this data to increase the performance of today's supply chain processes. The most common types of Augmented Reality involve a wearer using some kind of glass-based visual display to boost efficiency and performance. Smart glasses in the factory are an example of Augmented Reality in the supply chain. One of the fastest-growing sectors is the "Industrial," which refers to the use of virtual reality in the supply chain, which includes manufacturing, distribution, and logistics (Martin, 2015). In order picking processes, 57 augmented reality is currently being used to provide a sense of scene recognition. The majority of conventional order picking processes include using a pen and paper or using voice-activated systems. However, inefficiencies continue to exist as a result of this. Employees in a warehouse must normally perform several acts at any given time in order to effectively select an order. The picker, for example, must find the correct product, scan it and deliver it to the loading dock. Scene recognition and argumentative fact, on the other hand, allowed a camera-operated device to autonomously determine where a product is located, if it is the right product and how to switch to the next product at a faster rate (Christopher S. Tanga, Lucas P. Veelenturf, et. al. 6 June 2019). AR is also being used to help with transportation planning. For example, Volkswagen has developed a vehicle that can show the current speed, status alerts and other information on the windshield of the vehicle to improve the driver's safety. AR may be used to assist a driver in quickly identifying the precise location of the shipment inside the vehicle, significantly reducing the amount of time spent not driving. AR could drastically alter how customers and companies perceive traditional supply chain operations, resulting in a virtual reality supply chain. AR may be used to assist an entry-level technician in quickly identifying incorrect circuits and issues inside a product. On the other hand, augmented reality may be used to display a video stream from a customer about the current state of a product. This video could be used on the AR side of the augmented reality supply chain's company or customer service end to quickly identify what's wrong with the product. As a result, the buyer does not waste time getting the product into the shop, the supply chain partner does not waste time evaluating the product's issues and the consumer can get a repair or replacement more quickly (Massimo Merlino, Ilze Sproģe, et. al. 19-22 October 2016). Consumer quality is improved, which aids in the advancement of the entire supply chain. Essentially, the applications of augmented reality continue to develop. Consumers are expecting more from the modern supply chain and rivalry among supply chain service providers is increasing. Using a radio frequency-driven headset seemed to be the perfect option for supply chain management and technology use at one time. However, virtual reality is bringing technology to a new stage, and this trend can only continue as society becomes more adept at and dependent on emerging technologies (Cirulis, Ginters, et. al. 2013) 58 Figure 4.14: The Augment Reality system Source: et al. Jesus Gimeno.2011 Robotics Manufacturers and supply chain management companies must find a way to satisfy customer needs as the need for fast order fulfillment and precision in supply chain processes grows. Many businesses have had to come up with new ways to complete the same amount of work in a shorter period of time, if not considerably more. The solution to this problem is robotics. Robotics in our days develop in a high speed to satisfy the needs of the supply chain. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) - warehouse robots, automated guided vehicles (AGVs) – autonomous forklifts and self-driving vehicles are examples of the development of robotics. An organization must achieve dynamic scalability and it must have a workforce that can adapt to changing conditions (Ruthie Bowles, et. al. November 18, 2020). Furthermore, manufacturers must persuade the public that the industry requires more employees, particularly because many other occupations seem to be attracting more workers than manufacturing. However, as robotics becomes more commonly used, affordable, and usable, it may be able to remove many of these manufacturer concerns. The customer, in the end, is the driving force behind the expansion of robotics in logistics and manufacturing processes. Consumers want the goods they've paid for quicker. More reliable processes from production to distribution would enable repeat purchases, resulting in a company’s growth and success. Robotics would not work if there was no market demand for them. Robots have the ability to build an unlimited workforce without adding to a company's costs (Massimo Merlino, Ilze Sproģe, et. al. 19-22 October 2016). When robots are used in supply 59 chain systems, for example, health insurance, paid time off, overtime pay, adherence to regular work schedules and other characteristics of modern jobs are fully removed (Will Allen, et. al. October 2019). Robotics also has an effect on supply chain productivity and research. Robots will sort incoming and outgoing packages more quickly, position them on the required shelves or shipping containers and ensure that the packages are free of defects that might result in unwanted returns or delays in the order fulfillment process. Robots may also be able to identify problems that arise in their environment. For example, Robotics may be used to stop a truckload of goods from fleeing the factory after a collision several miles away (R.H. Thilakarathna, M.N. Dharmawardana, Thashika Rupasinghe, et. al. 8 December 2015). Alternatively, robotics may have a different route for the drivers to follow before they leave. Robotics, on the other hand, will be equivalent to the physical activity that occurs when an inefficiency is identified. As a result, robotics can be used to automate the software aspects of supply chain operations, even though human input is still needed. Inhuman feats, such as raising large items or touching small spaces, are possible for robots. This has an effect on how things are produced. Since our tools only allow us to perform certain acts, humans, for example, must construct an object from the inside out. Alternatively, a robot may penetrate a tighter space with a tool with a much longer reach and a smaller grasp to perform a specific action. As a result, finding simpler, more effective ways to create a product becomes possible (Mariusz Kostrzewski, Monika Kosacka-Olejnik, Karolina Werner-Lewandowska, et. al. June 24-28, 2019). Furthermore, since newer robots can be repurposed to meet the needs of the manufacturing and logistics industries, they have more applications. Modern robots are usually lighter and simpler to move around a manufacturing plant or an order fulfillment center than their predecessors. Figure 4.15: The robots and drones in the warehouse Source: et. al. Kayla Matthews. 2020 60 Smart Sensors Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) in factories and workplaces are powered by smart sensors. The combination of sophisticated sensors and increased computational capacity, once applied at scale, will allow new ways to analyze data and gain actionable insights to improve a wide range of operations. As a result, manufacturing processes can be more responsive and agile, ensuring and improving efficiency in a variety of industries (Joseph Fitzgerald. Adam Mussomeli. Andrew Daecher. Mahesh Chandramouli, et. al. 17 July 2016). A sensor is a system that provides predictable, reliable, and observable input on a physical process or material. Smart sensors are advanced platforms with onboard technologies including microprocessors, storage, diagnostics and networking tools that turn conventional feedback signals into true digital insights (Yevhen Krykavskyy, Olena Pokhylchenko, Nataliya Hayvanovych, et. al. June 2019). These smart sensors can provide timely and useful data to power analytical insights, which can lead to cost, efficiency, or customer experience improvements. The smart sensor's position in the broader knowledge and analytics ecosystem is a differentiator. The increased range of opportunities for increased efficiency, higher capacity, greater reliability, and advanced innovation can be exponentially increased by the accelerated exchange of physical-to-digital knowledge (Vladimir Scherbakov, Galina Silkina, Vladimir Scherbakov, et. al. September 2019). Beyond the implementation of specific tasks, sensors can help a company respond faster to customer reviews and order changes, making it more economical to manufacture smaller quantities of personalized goods. Furthermore, the combination of smart sensors and artificial intelligence, which is a key component of Industry 4.0, allows sensors to self-test, track, and improve their own efficiency, minimizing the likelihood of data corruption. Sensors that warn of harm before a failure will become increasingly common in optimal industrial processes. The early application of smart sensor technology was based on improving existing product manufacturing processes. Observed inputs are converted into digital form using five primary interface methods: digital, logic, voltage, current, frequency, and phase (Mohamed-Iliasse Mahraz, Loubna Benabbou, Abdelaziz Berrado, et. al. October 23-25, 2019). For data aggregation and analysis, transmission standards like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, RFID, and others are used to communicate this data to other sensors, controller devices, centralized management systems, or distributed computing platforms. As a result, data processing and analysis may be done at or near the source, minimizing the amount of data that must be transferred between the system and the platform. Furthermore, the advent of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology has enabled more lightweight, higher-functioning smart sensors by effectively integrating microelectronic functions in a small amount of space (José Jair Alves Mendes, Marinho Vieira, Marcelo Bissi 61 Pires, Sergio Luiz Stevan, et. al. 23 September 2016). Finally, smart sensor integration across the supply chain can lower operational costs, boost asset performance, improve demand forecasting, and provide crucial insight into consumer conduct. Companies should understand the variety of smart sensors available and decide how to best sensor-enable their supply chains from end to end as unified channels and communication networks for IoT devices continue to evolve (Martin Neuhold, et. al. 2018). Figure 4.16: Principal components of the architecture of smart sensors Source: et. al. Antsiperov V.E, Gennady K. Mansurov. 2016 Automatic guide vehicles (AGV) Automatic guide vehicles (AGV) are load carriers that ride along the floor of a facility without an onboard operator or driver. They are computercontrolled and wheel-based. A mixture of software and sensor-based guidance systems directs their movement. AGVs provide safe load movement because they travel on a predictable path with precisely regulated acceleration and deceleration and provide automatic obstacle detection bumpers (David M. Woisetschläger, et. al. 8 June 2014). Transportation of raw materials, work-in-process and finished products in support of manufacturing production lines, as well as storage/retrieval or other movements in support of picking in warehousing and distribution applications are examples of typical AGV applications being incorporated into existing manufacturing processes, because they provide a variety of benefits in terms of economic, environmental, and social sustainability. AGVs are typically associated with high fixed capital expenditure costs (Peterson, Michalek, et. al. 2013). AGVs have a higher economic potential than traditional vehicles, because of their lower operating costs and capacity to operate. The term "autonomous ground vehicles" (AGVs) refers to the social effect and enhancement of human protection. In 62 transportation, the use of manual forklifts is one of the most common causes of injuries. AGVs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. This includes the following: Automated carts, Unit load AGVs, Automated forklift AGVs, Tugger AGVs (Mike Daily, Swarup Medasani, Reinhold Behringer, Mohan Trive, et. al. December 2017). Computer-based software collects data about and unit's current location using wireless networks, then interfaces with software for destination and routing logic to provide real-time control and monitoring of multiple AGVs. By wirelessly communicating specific tasks to the AGVs via radio frequency (RF), the program guides the vehicles' movement. Stops, starts, speed changes, raising, lowering, multi-point turns, reverses, diverging from the guide route and interfacing with other automatic and static material handling equipment and systems are all part of the instructions (Lothar Schulze, Sebastian Behling, Stefan Buhrs, et. al. 19-21 March 2018). AGVs are used, with the specific characteristics they have, in a range of areas in a plant to facilitate processing and handling: • • • • • • • • Assembly: Moving goods into the manufacturing process is known as assembly (Dimitrios Bechtsis, Naoum Tsolakis, Dimitrios Vlachos, Eleftherios Iakovou, et. al. 14 October 2016). Kitting: Kitting is the process of gathering parts for assembly (Rajiv Bhandari, et. al. 2012). Transportation: Pallets and loose pieces are loaded into trucks (Dimitrios Bechtsis, Naoum Tsolakis, Dimitrios Vlachos, Eleftherios Iakovou, et. al. 14 October 2016). Staging: Delivering pallets for manufacturing processes is known as staging (Dimitrios Bechtsis, Naoum Tsolakis, Dimitrios Vlachos, Eleftherios Iakovou, et. al. 14 October 2016). Warehousing: Moving goods from stretch wrappers to docks or storage is referred to as warehousing (Dimitrios Bechtsis, Naoum Tsolakis, Dimitrios Vlachos, Eleftherios Iakovou, et. al. 14 October 2016). Order picking: Transporting a platform for a picker to position selected items upon, as well as moving ordered goods to a trailerloading area for delivery (Dimitrios Bechtsis, Naoum Tsolakis, Dimitrios Vlachos, Eleftherios Iakovou, et. al. 14 October 2016). Just in time delivery: Towing parts/materials trucks to consumption points (Dimitrios Bechtsis, Naoum Tsolakis, Dimitrios Vlachos, Eleftherios Iakovou, et. al. 14 October 2016). Transfer: Moving loads across high-traffic areas (Rajiv Bhandari, et. al. 2012). 63 Figure 4.17: Examples of AVG in warehouse Source: et. al. Alexandra Leonards.2016 Source: et al. David Edwards.2020 Real Time Locating System A real-time locating system is one that uses the least amount of time to detect the location of an object within a coverage range. The detected object typically has an embedded electronic system that can connect with or send a signal to other nearby embedded devices. Various methods that calculate different qualities of RF signal between the transmitter and the receiver, such as received signal intensity (RSS), angle-of-arrival (AoA) method and time-of-arrival (ToA)/time-of-flight (ToF) method, can be used to approximate the object's position. Anchors, tags, and a position engine are common components of an RTLS (Witsarawat Chantaweesomboon, Charuwalee Suwatthikul, et. al. 2016). The anchor is typically an embedded device that serves as a point of reference within the structure. For the geometry-based position calculation to work, at least three anchors are needed. The tag is a handheld embedded system that is connected to the tracked object and can wander the RTLS coverage area. The position engine is responsible for calculating or estimating the tag's position. The location engine, which may be in a server computer, typically uses one of the locations estimating algorithms such as trilateration, triangulation, and multilateration. Using ultra-wideband (UWB) technology, real-time locating systems (RTLS) with centimeter precision have recently become commercially viable. A trilateration algorithm can be used to approximate the tag's position on the same two-dimensional (2D) plane as the anchors, using the distances between the tag and at least three anchors. Furthermore, if four or more anchors are visible, the tag's threedimensional position can be determined (Kersten, Wolfgang, Blecker, Thorsten, Ringle, Christian M, et. al. 11 June. 2019). The difficulties faced in calculating the tag's position at various locations were discussed. The difference in efficiency of the system's 2D localization when set up with three and four anchors was also found to be negligible. Furthermore, the third dimension, or the height of the tag above the earth, was discovered to be less precise. So, real time locating system is useful to supply chain, to 64 check the location of an order. Also, with the help of RTLS managers can watch where the shipment is and calculate the time that requires to arrive to the customer. With the growth of Industry 4.0, the RTLS has adopted and added new technologies in its environment, such as Bluetooth, that makes it easier to control and watch the location of orders (You-Wei Lin. Chi-Yi Lin, et. al. 21 May 2018). Figure 4.18: Architecture of RTLS Source: et al. Ahmet Aktas. 2019 Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) - Warehouse Robots Because of their usefulness and implementations in today's world, autonomous mobile robots have become more common in recent years. They have become more promising and useful due to their ability to maneuver in an atmosphere without the use of physical or electro-mechanical guidance systems. Autonomous mobile robots are being used in a variety of settings, including businesses, factories, hospitals, institutions, agriculture, and households, to optimize facilities and everyday activities (Gerhard P. Hancke. March, et. al. 4, 2020). Because of the tasks and resources they provide, such as lifting large items, surveillance, and rescue operations, the need for mobile robots has grown as technology has advanced. Devices/sensors, as well as popular sensor fusion techniques that have been developed to address issues such as localization, estimation, and navigation in mobile robots, are being introduced and they are organized by importance, strengths and weaknesses. An autonomous mobile robot is a device that functions in an environment that is both uncertain and unknown. This means the robot must be able to travel without being disrupted and must be able to clear any obstacles set in its path of movement (Ertugrul Ayyildiz, Alev Taskin Gumus, et. al. 16 October 2020). 65 The movement of an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) requires little to no human interaction and is programmed to follow a predetermined direction, whether in an indoor or an outdoor environment. Regarding the use of automated mobile robots in the internal environment of the supply chain, the mobile robot uses a floor plan, sonar sensing, and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to navigate indoors. A variety of environmental sensors are needed for an autonomous mobile robot to complete its mission. These sensors are either built into the robot or used as an external sensor that is placed in the environment. The design of the overall device is difficult due to the numerous types of sensors installed on the mobile robot to perform complex tasks, such as estimation and localization. Locomotion, vision and navigation are the foundations - characteristics of mobile robotics (E. Lepori. D.Damand B. Barth, et. al. June 19-21, 2013). Figure 4.19: Example of the AMR in the warehouses Source: Keith Shaw. 2018 Warehouse Robots The use of automated systems, robots and advanced software to move goods, perform different tasks, and streamline/automate warehouse processes is referred to as warehouse robotics. Robotics has risen to prominence in the supply chain, fulfillment center, and warehouse management circles in recent years and it continues to play an important role in warehouse automation. Modern warehouses are being forced to seriously consider the use of robotics as a result of technological advances in an increasingly competitive market environment. Warehouse robots are no longer nice-tohave gadgets for successful warehouse operations, thanks to their ability to maximize productivity, precision and operational performance. All warehouse automations add value to warehousing operations by automating menial, routine tasks, allowing human employees to concentrate on more complex tasks (Ertugrul Ayyildiz, Alev Taskin Gumus, et. al. 16 October 2020). Several types of warehouse robots are used in the 66 warehouse robotics industry and they serve a range of purposes and functions, such as order picking and product movement. The different forms of warehouse robots include, first of all, Automated Guide Vehicles (AGVs). More specifically, inside warehouse facilities automated guided vehicles assist in the transportation of products, equipment, and inventory. AGVs are used in operations to replace forklifts and pick carts that are operated manually. Automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) are another type of warehouse robot, which refers to a set of computer-controlled systems that aid in inventory management and on-demand storage and retrieval of products. These systems, which are typically combined with warehouse execution software, are designed to help with fast product retrieval and placement (E. Lepori. D.Damand B. Barth, et. al. June 19-21, 2013). Thirdly, warehouse robots types include collaborative robots, which are semi-autonomous mobile robots that assist human workers in performing a variety of tasks in a warehouse environment. Some collaborative robots accompany human pickers around the factory floor and serve as mobile storage bins for orders that have been selected. The final type of warehouse robots is articulated robotic arms, which are used to manipulate goods within distribution centers and warehouses and consists a form of pick-and-place robot. These articulated robotic arms can be used in warehouse operations such as palletizing, receiving-storage and pickingpacking, because of their ability to can rotate, switch, raise and manipulate items (Sri Yogi Kottala, Kotzab Herb, et. al. 26 March 2019). In general, warehouses use robotics for a number of applications thanks to advancements in navigation technologies and practical capabilities. Some of the warehouse tasks that robots are used for include loading and unloading, palletizing and un-palletizing, sorting, picking (picking robots reduce order delivery times and related costs by cutting down on warehouse travel time), packaging, transportation (AGVs are configured to handle a variety of loads), storage, delivery and replenishment (drones scan barcode labels up to 50% faster than manual scanning and send inventory counts back to the warehouse management system using RFID to track inventory levels). Moreover, payload capability is another way to classify warehouse robots. Warehouse robots with a certain payload capacity are often used more commonly in some industries than others, depending on the nature of the industry and the warehouse's needs (Ertugrul Ayyildiz, Alev Taskin Gumus, et. al. 16 October 2020). 67 Figure 4.20: Examples of warehouse robots Machine 2 Machine The data flow between individuals, computers and systems is known as Machine-to-Machine communication (M2M). The information gathered will be used to manage and track the system remotely. M2M is made up of three essential elements: Embedded processor for data storage, management applications for monitoring and control, communication technology for data transfer. Machine-to-machine, mobile-to-machine, or man-to-machine contact is referred to as M2M. M2M is described as the link and communication between all aspects of a physical enterprise, including information personnel, business applications, and assets and equipment that are located in different locations (Volkan Yavasa, Yesim Deniz OzkanOzen, et. al. 2020). M2M refers to the combination of machine connectivity, communications, and information technology that is required to link machines–or assets–to applications. As a result, M2M is a platform for streamlining business processes, monitoring assets, and/or generating new revenue. Anything with mechanical, electrical, electronic, or environmental properties can be classified as a computer. Manufacturing equipment, refrigeration systems, telecommunications equipment, server cabinets, data centers, HVAC systems, storage tanks, and security equipment are only a few examples. Utility equipment, natural gas compressors and pipelines, traffic control systems, restaurant and convenience store equipment are examples of industry-specific assets that can be called machines in the sense of M2M. Computers that store information are becoming more popular in modern machines. They may also include builtin radios for transmitting and retrieving data that aid in the efficient and 68 safe operation of home, industrial, industry, and medical processes. Such knowledge is crucial for the operator to behave ''appropriately''. Even if machines do not have computers, sensor radio devices can be connected to provide physical information (Tomas Skersys, Paulius Danenas, Rimantas Butleris, et. al. December 2016). Furthermore, the devices may be out of range of one another, necessitating information routing, i.e., M2M requires both point to point and point to multi-point communication. With its innovative and intelligent routing algorithm incorporated into the radio equipment, Bluetronix swarm technology offers a full M2M solution. In general, M2M technology is used to supply chain, because it implements wireless networking technologies, such as sensing and MANET, into a broader range of applications that often make use of the internet. Even though machine networking is still in its infancy, it has the potential to have a significant effect. With the widespread availability of low-cost computer chips combined with the ease with which wireless phone networks can be accessed, no system, no matter how insignificant, will ever be lonely (Meriam Bouzouita, César Viho, et. al. December 2015). One of the characteristics of machine to machine is that M2M communication is notable for its low energy consumption, which boosts device performance during data exchanges. The network operator is in charge of service bundles, which also include monitoring capabilities so that users can keep track of important events. If higher priority data is sent at the same time, data transfers can be delayed throughout the network. Users may also use a timer to plan data transfers, or small quantities of data can be transferred indefinitely. Machines in logistics may also be configured by position to send out alerts or switch on automatically when they enter a specific region (Volkan Yavasa, Yesim Deniz Ozkan-Ozen, et. al. 2020). Figure 4.21: Presents the architecture of Machine 2 Machine Source: et al. Bode IdowuBismark. Francis Idachaba. Aderemi Atayero.2017 69 Self-driving Vehicles Because of rapid developments in information technology, the autonomous, self-driving car is one of the automotive industry's major projects in the twenty-first century. Automobile manufacturers' financial bottom lines are expected to benefit from technological advancements in the area of autonomous driving. The self-driving car, also known as a wheeled mobile robot, is a type of intelligent vehicle that arrives at a destination using data collected from automotive sensors, such as perception of the path environment, route information and vehicle control (Senthil Muthusami, Mohandas Srinivsan, et. al. 2017). The key feature of a self-driving car is that it can move people or items to a predetermined destination without the need for human intervention. The concept of a self-driving car is similar to that of an automobile. With the advancement of sensor technology, computer technology, mobile internet and the self-driving car reached the laboratory applications stage until recently (Danielle Dai, Daniel Howard, et. al. 2014). For the duration of the ride, the vehicle performs all safetycritical driving functions and tracks road conditions, relieving the driver of all responsibilities. In terms of market opportunities, safety, and traffic management, the vision of fully automated driving in its highest form is seen as promising. Nowadays, self-driving vehicles’ existence is a given in the environment of the warehouse and they are very useful for transportation of the products (Brandon Schoettle, Michael Sivak, et. al. July 2014.) The characteristics of self-driving vehicles are the following: Improved safety: Self-driving cars can constantly track and respond to changing traffic and weather conditions, as well as avoid roadblocks. Reduced environmental impact: Autonomous vehicles are programmed to reduce environmental impact by using less cars and more efficient fuel consumption. Emissions from self-driving cars can be reduced. Of course, this is good for the atmosphere and reduces traffic congestion on the roads (Mike Daily, Swarup Medasani, Reinhold Behringer, Mohan Trived, et. al. December 2017). Higher efficiency: Autonomous driving improves performance by allowing traffic to flow more quickly and reducing congestion. Autonomous vehicles can set high speeds and intelligently avoid congested routes thanks to vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Owners of driverless vehicles can reduce their carbon footprint and motoring costs by around 15% by maximizing fuel efficiency and by optimizing driving and convoying. Greater comfort: The pilot of an autonomous vehicle becomes a passenger. He or she may not need to keep an eye on the road ahead of them and can instead relax and engage in other activities. Self-driving cars are also a very appealing mode of transportation for the elderly, minors, people with physical disabilities and even the inebriated. All of the above are performed with greater vigilance, pace and protection than what human drivers are capable of (Jianfeng Zhao, Bodong Liang Qiuxia, Chen, et. al. 19 October 2017). 70 Figure 4.22: The self-driving vehicle, robot and the drone Source: et al. Jim Butschli.2017 71 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLY CHAIN OPERATIONS REFERENCE (SCOR) MODEL Overview SCOR is a management tool for communicating, addressing, and improving SCM choices within a company as well as with customers and suppliers. Many businesses utilize it as a beneficial tool for implementation. It connects the company's business processes with the goal of meeting consumers' needs and improving their experience in the supply chain (Hwang et al. 2016) The chapter five is the SCOR model. In this chapter will define the role of SCOR model, the supply chain operations and metrics. The following figure explains the structure of chapter five. 72 5.1 Introduction The Supply Chain Council (SCC) established and endorsed the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR) as the cross-industry standard for supply chain management. Pittiglio Rabin Todd and McGrath (PRTM) and Advanced Manufacturing Research (AMR) founded the Supply Chain Council in 1996, with 69 voluntary member companies at the time. The SCC is a national, non-profit organization that welcomes all businesses and organizations involved in implementing and promoting cutting-edge supply chain management systems and practices. All users of the SCOR-model are asked to credit the SCC in all documents that describe or depict the SCORmodel and its application. The SCOR model, even in our days, is developing continuously. In other words, the SCOR model is considered a tool for management. It is a supply-chain management process reference model that stretches from the supplier's supplier to the customer's customer. The SCOR model was created to explain the business activities involved in meeting a customer's demand at all stages. The model can be used to define supply chains that are very simple or very complex using a similar collection of concepts, since it describes supply chains using process building blocks. As a result, diverse sectors can be connected together to define the width and breadth of almost every supply chain. The model was able to accurately define and provide a foundation for supply chain transformation for both global and site-specific projects. Furthermore, adopting the SCOR model has a few organizational advantages. Some of these benefits are: • Enhanced operational control from common core processes • Streamlined management reporting and organizational structure • Rapid evaluation of supply chain results • Clear recognition of performance discrepancies • Efficient supply chain network overhaul and optimization • A thorough game plan for introducing new companies and goods • Systematic supply chain mergers that capture expected savings • Alignment of supply chain team capabilities with strategic goals Finally, the SCC's first move was to create a common vocabulary and notation that could be applied to any supply chain. As a result, the first step for a team that wants to use the SCOR model is to build a common language so that everyone is referring to the same things in the same way. All supply chain methods, according to the SCOR approach, can be classified into one of five general subtypes: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return, Enable. The following table represents the Scor model structure. 73 Figure 5.1: SCOR model Source: et. al. Sri Yogi Kottala, Kotzab Herbert. (adapted from the scor model Version 7) 5.2 SCOR Model In summary, the SCOR model explains the operations of business. Linked with meeting the demand of a client, plan, source, make, delivery and return are included. Use of the model involves evaluating the current state of an individual. Procedures and priorities of the company, quantifying operational output and contrasting the performance of the company with data for benchmarks. A set of metrics was developed by the SCOR model that organizations should use, as well as best practices for assessing the efficiency of their supply chain. In detail, many variations of these simple processes make up complex supply chains. The SCOR model also establishes three levels of description (top, configuration and process element). The scope and content of the supply chain are defined at the top, the company's supply chain is designed in compliance with company strategy at the configuration level and the company's operations strategy is "fine-tuned" at the process element level, which includes process element concepts, inputs – outputs, process efficiency indicators, and best practices. SCOR analyses the supply chain's efficiency and evolution using historical data. It describes five generic performance attributes and three levels of metrics that analysts may use. Once an organization has a strong understanding of the As-Is process's strengths and disadvantages, they will consider how they want to compete and what they would need to do to execute such actions, regardless of which supply chain approach they prefer. In essence, the SCOR approach assists businesses in developing new designs and then expects that businesses can decide how to execute the 74 changes. In conclusion, the SCOR reference model is made up of four basic components, which are the following: • Performance and strategic objectives: Common metrics are used to identify process performance and strategic objectives. • Processes: For example, common descriptions of process interactions and management processes. • Practices: Management software that improves process efficiency. • People: This component establishes a standard for the skills required to improve supply chain processes. (Source: Ertugrul Ayyildiz, Alev Taskin Gumus et. al.) 5.2.1 Process Since the SCOR model is the primary organizing structure for the current thesis, a brief description is required on the different levels of processes. SCOR model processes are modelled in four levels (Figure 5.2). The SCOR model was built on five distinct management processes, known as Level 1 processes, namely Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return and Enable. The top level, which deals with process forms, is Level 1. Level 2 is the configuration level, which is where method categories are dealt with. Level 3 refers to the process function and is the lowest level in the SCOR model's scope. Level 4 delineates the specific tasks that each of the Level 3 activities entails. In more detail, the scope and content of the core management processes for the above-mentioned decision areas are specified at Level 1. For example, the SCOR Plan process is characterized as processes that balance aggregate demand and supply in order to develop actions that best meet sourcing, output and delivery requirements. Level 2 defines the characteristics of the preparation, implementation, and allows process types that are used in the core processes. For example, supply chain partners include processes for planning the entire supply chain as well as processes to help source, make, distribute and return decisions. A balance between demand and supply, as well as a stable planning horizon, are characteristics associated with successful planning processes. Level 2 process categories are characterized by the relationship between a core management process and the process type in the SCOR model. In summary, at Level 2, the aim is to streamline the supply chain and increase its overall versatility. For each Level 2 process category, Level 3 offers comprehensive process element information. At this stage of the SCOR model, inputs, outputs, definitions and the basic flow of process elements are captured. Finally, at level 4, each company has its own set of tasks and interactions. Daily, this level of detail is necessary to execute and maintain the supply chain. In most organizations, level 4 process concept equates to quality process definition. Level 4 is where 75 supply chain processes are implemented. At this stage, immediate objectives are set, intra- and inter-company supply chain changes are made, targets are established and quick results are expected and studied. Figure 5.2: SCOR Model's level Source: Samuel H. Huanga, Sunil K. Sheoranb, Harshal Keskar, Stephens The following table presents the areas which are based on the model and also the level 1 process. Table 6: SCOR model process Process • PLAN Description Reference The processes of the Plan identify the tasks involved with the creation of supply chain operation strategies. The procedures of the Plan include the compilation of specifications, the collection of information on required resources, the balance of requirements and resources in order to identify expected capability and the demand or resource holes to identify steps to correct these gaps. Et. Al. Samuel H. Huanga, Sunil K. Sheoranb, Harshal Keskara 76 • SOURCE Ordering (or arranging of deliveries) and reception of products and services are defined by the Source processes. The Source approach involves issuing buying orders or arranging deliveries, obtaining, validating, and storing products and approving the supplier's invoice. Apart from products or services from Sourcing Engineer-to-Order, all supplier recognition, certification, components, contract negotiating procedures are not defined by using Source process. Et. Al. Samuel H. Huanga, Sunil K. Sheoranb, Harshal Keskara • MAKE The Make processes define the tasks related to the processing or processing of materials contents for services. Instead of 'making' or 'manufacturing', material conversion is used to reflect all sorts of material conversions: fabrication, chemical refining, cleaning, restoration, overhaul, recycle, refurbishment, remanufacturing and common names for the methods of content transfer. As a general guideline, one or more item numbers go in and one or more distinct item numbers come out by these processes. Et. Al. Samuel H. Huanga, Sunil K. Sheoranb, Harshal Keskara • DELIVERY The Delivery procedures identify the tasks involved with customer order formation, management and fulfillment. The distribution process includes collecting, validating, and producing customer requests, arranging delivery of orders, choosing, packing and delivering and invoicing the customer. A simpler view of source and deliver processes run in a make-to-stock-only retail operation is given by the deliver retail process. Et. Al. Samuel H. Huanga, Sunil K. Sheoranb, Harshal Keskara • RETURN The return methods define the operations related to the reverse movement of products. The process of return involves the recognition of the need to return, the decision-making process for disposal, the preparation of the return and the shipping and receipt of the items returned. Using Return process materials, maintenance, recycle, refurbishment and remanufacturing processes are not defined. Et. Al. Samuel H. Huanga, Sunil K. Sheoranb, Harshal Keskara • ENABLE The Enable processes define the processes associated with the supply chain management. Enable process includes management of company legislation, performance management, data management, inventory management, facility management, contract management, supply chain network management, regulatory enforcement management and risk management. Et. Al. Samuel H. Huanga, Sunil K. Sheoranb, Harshal Keskara 77 5.2.2 Metrics and performance attributes Managing supply chain efficiency entails assessing the discrepancies between real and desired results in order to recognize and flag important performance gaps (Melnyk et al. 2013). Understanding the root causes, as well as implementing and tracking change action plans, are also needed. Adoption of performance evaluation systems is often recommended to make the execution of supply chain improvement strategies easier (Melnyk et al., 2013, Qi et al., 2017). Choosing appropriate performance measures will help managers devote resources to the most applicable improvement behavior (Elgazzar et al. 2019). It is important to use metrics that allow for a balanced assessment of supply chain efficiency as well as the setting of performance goals that represent a company's strategy and objectives. However, most companies have struggled to build a framework that offers a consistent image of supply chain success and encourages the implementation of action plans (Lakri et al., 2007). The metrics used to evaluate supply chain efficiency have an effect on strategic, tactical, and operational decision-making (Gunasekaran et al., 2001, Melnyk et al., 2004). Strategic level assessments are linked to top-level management decisions and they often represent "an examination of broad-based strategies, corporate financial plans, competitiveness, and level of commitment to organizational objectives" (Gunasekaran et al., 2004). Metrics for efficiency, order lead time, overall cash flow time, cost-cutting programs and lead time towards industry expectations are all included in strategic level steps. Decisions on resource distribution and performance assessment against objectives are taken at the tactical level in order to achieve the strategic level's goals. Order processing time, cash flow, and capability flexibility are all tactical level indicators. Performance assessment at the organizational level necessitates detailed data to determine the results of low-level manager decisions. Measures of human resource productivity, percentage of defects, consistency of delivered products, on-time delivery of goods, and delivery reliability performance are all included in the organizational level performance assessment. Managers and employees must set organizational targets that, if accomplished, would contribute to the achievement of tactical goals (Gunasekaran et al., 2001, Gunasekaran et al., 2004). An attribute of results is a classification or categorization of metrics used to express a particular technique. It is not possible to quantify an attribute itself, as it is used for setting strategic course. Metrics assess the potential for these strategic directions to be reached. Five output qualities are known by SCOR: Reliability, Responsiveness, Agility, Cost, Assets. The first three attributes are customer-focused, addressing the efficacy of supply chain systems, while the remaining attributes are internal-focused, addressing performance (Chorfi et al., 2018). To develop a strategic direction, these characteristics should be adopted (SCC, 2012). The SCOR model suggests 78 the use of certain performance metrics associated with each attribute, which are structured in three hierarchical tiers, in order to assess the effectiveness of these strategies' implementation. Such as the part of the process, the SCOR model recognizes 3 level of metrics. The SCOR model emphasizes the importance of this performance diagnosis practice in defining processes that need further study and change. Performance attribute Reliability: The Reliability attribute addresses the ability to execute tasks as needed. Reliability is based on the predictability of a process's outcome. The standard parameters for the attribute of reliability include: On-time, the correct quantity and the correct quality. The main output predictor of SCOR (level-1 metric) Perfect Order Fulfillment. Reliability is an attribute based on the consumer. (Francisco Rodrigues Lima-Junior, Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti, et al. 2019) Responsiveness: The trait of Responsiveness represents the speed at which tasks are completed. Responsivity addresses the pace of doing business repeatedly. Example metrics for responsiveness are cycle time with metrics. Order lead time is the main SCOR efficiency metric for responsiveness. Responsiveness is a trait based on the client. (Francisco Rodrigues Lima-Junior, Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti, et al. 2019) Agility: The Agility trait determines the ability to respond to external influences, the ability and speed to respond to transition. External effects include non-predictable demand rises or declines, suppliers or associates quitting the business, natural disasters, (cyber) terrorist activities, availability capital tools (the economy), labor problems. The main performance metrics for SCOR include Adaptability, Stability and Valueat-Risk. Agility is an attribute based on customers. (Francisco Rodrigues Lima-Junior, Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti, et al. 2019) Cost: The Cost attribute defines the cost of the process running. Typical costs include the expense of labor, the cost of supplies, the cost of transport. The main key performance metric for SCOR is the total cost to serve. Cost is an attribute that is internally oriented. (Francisco Rodrigues Lima-Junior, Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti, et al. 2019) Assets: The Asset Management Performance value ('Assets') defines the ability to use assets effectively. In the supply chain, stock management techniques include inventory reduction and in-source against outsource. The SCOR primary performance measures include: Asset returns, Inventory days of supply, Return on Fixed Assets. Also, example metrics are product days of delivery and capacity usage. Performance in Asset Management is an individual, oriented characteristic. (Francisco Rodrigues Lima-Junior, Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti, et al. 2019) 79 Metrics A metric is a standard for a supply chain or process output assessment. The SCOR metrics considered as diagnostic metrics (compare to how diagnosis is used in a medical office). Three levels of pre-defined metrics are known by SCOR: Level 1 metrics are diagnostic indicators for the general health of the supply chain. These metrics are also known as primary performance measures and competitive metrics (KPI). Metrics for level-1 help to set achievable objectives to sustain the strategic direction. For the level-1 metrics, level-2 metrics act as diagnostics. The partnership between diagnostics helps for a level-1 measure, defines the root cause or causes of a performance difference. Level-3 metrics act as diagnostics for level 2 metrics. In the current thesis, only the level 1 metrics will be presented and analyzed, because they will be used for the House of Quality analysis (Chapter 4). SCOR recognizes the following strategic metrics (KPIs): Table 7: SCOR model attributes ATTRIBUTE METRICS LEVEL 1 1.Reliability Definition Reference Perfect order fulfillment The percentage of orders that arrive on time, with full and correct documentation and no shipping damage. All goods and quantities shipped on time (as specified by the customer) and documentation for packing slips, bills of lading and invoices (accuracy of order fill) are all part of perfect order fulfillment. It is estimated as follows: [total orders shipped on time and in full-orders without faulty documentation—orders with shipping damage]/ [total orders]. Qing Lu, Mark Goh, Robert De Souza.2018 Percentage of orders delivered in full It is considered as a component of perfect deliver performance. It is the percentage of orders that fulfill the customer's quantity and accuracy criteria. It assesses the quantity and quality of the distribution, i.e., the efficiency with which the correct item and quantity are delivered. Qing Lu, Mark Goh, Robert De Souza.2018 Deliver Performance In comparison to the total number of orders shipped, the proportion of orders delivered on schedule. The total number of orders issued, the number of orders scheduled to the customer's request date, the total number of orders shipped, the percentage of orders delivered on time (to the request date), the number of orders delivered ontime to the commit date and the percentage of Qing Lu, Mark Goh, Robert De Souza.2018 80 orders delivered on-time to the customer commit date, are all components of delivery success. It influences the accounts receivable balance sheet. 2.Responsive ness 3.Agility Returns and customer complaints The total number of consumer complaints and the returns of their orders. et. al. R.H. Thilakarathna, M.N. Dharmawardana, Thashika Rupasingh 2015 Order lead time The average time it takes for an order to reach its intended recipient after it has been placed. For warehouses and distribution centers, this is one of the most important KPIs. et. al. Hector Sunol 2020, Manufacturing lead time The total amount of time it takes to make a specific item or batch. et. al. R.H. Thilakarathna, M.N. Dharmawardana, Thashika Rupasingh 2015 Stock out probability Probability that a requested item is out of stock right now. et. al. R.H. Thilakarathna, M.N. Dharmawardana, Thashika Rupasingh 2015 Back Order Rate The rate at which orders for out-of-stock products are received. This can happen in circumstances, where demand spikes suddenly. However, if this rate is consistently high, it suggests that planning and forecasting are missing. e.t Hector Sunol. 2020 Upside supply chain adaptability The highest percentage increase in quantity delivered that can be sustained over the course of 30 days. Qing Lu, Mark Goh, Robert De Souza.2018 Production flexibility (Upside flexibility) There are two forms of output flexibility: upside flexibility and downside flexibility. The number of days needed to achieve an unplanned, sustainable 20% increase in production is known as upside flexibility. The downside flexibility is that it is only possible to reduce the percentage of orders placed 30 days prior to delivery without incurring inventory or cost penalties. Internal manufacturing capability, direct labor and material availability, all influence production flexibility, which has an effect on inventory on the balance sheet. Samuel H. Huanga, Sunil K. Sheoranb, Harshal Keskar. 2015 81 4.Cost 5.Asset Total supply chain Management cost Order management, stock procurement, inventory carrying, finance and preparing, and MIS costs are all included in supply chain costs. It is measured as the sum of all costs. In general, it is a term that refers to the costs of running a supply chain. et. al. Qing Lu, Mark Goh, Robert De Souza.2018. Cost of goods sold The cost of purchasing raw materials and manufacturing finished products. This expense covers both direct and indirect costs (labor and materials). Samuel H. Huanga, Sunil K. Sheoranb, Harshal Keskar. 2015 Distribution cost Transportation and storage costs are included in the overall distribution cost. et. al. R.H. Thilakarathna, M.N. Dharmawardana, Thashika Rupasingh 2015 Manufacturing cost The cost associated with creating a product. Labor, maintenance and rework costs are all included in the overall production cost. et. al. R.H. Thilakarathna, M.N. Dharmawardana, Thashika Rupasingh 2015 Inventory cost Includes the Investment inventory: the value of held inventory as an investment. Inventory obsolescence: Costs associated with outdated inventory, which may involve spoilage in some cases. Work in process: Expenses incurred as a result of work-inprogress the inventories things that have been completed. Finished cost: Costs associated with finished goods that have been kept for a long time in the inventories. et. al. R.H. Thilakarathna, M.N. Dharmawardana, Thashika Rupasingh 2015 Return on fixed assets Return on Fixed Assets (ROFA) is the amount of money a corporation makes in exchange for its assets. E. Lepori. D.Damand. B. Barth. 2013 Inventory days of supply The Inventory Days of Supply metric, also known as Days in Inventory, is an efficiency ratio that is used to calculate how long it takes for a company to sell all of its inventory in days. It represents the average time between the procurement of raw materials and the sale of the final product to a distributor in the case of a manufacture. et. al. Samuel H. Huanga, Sunil K. Sheoranb, Harshal Keskar. 2015 Asset turns The asset turns ratio compares the value of a company's assets to the value of its sales or revenues. The asset turns ratio is a metric that measures how effectively a corporation uses its assets to produce income. et. al. Samuel H. Huanga, Sunil K. Sheoranb, Harshal Keskar. 2015 82 CHAPTER 6 Impact Assessment Overview The House of Quality (HOQ) is one of the matrices in the Quality Function Deployment iterative method (QFD). It is the central nervous system that regulates the entire QFD operation. For new product design, the House of Quality Matrix is the most well-known and commonly used method. It converts customer expectations into a sufficient number of engineering goals to be met by a new product design, based on marketing research and benchmarking results. It is carried out by a multidisciplinary team that includes representatives from marketing, design engineering, manufacturing engineering, and all other company-critical functions. Industries in Japan and America have commonly used HOQ in various fields such as Automobiles, Electronics, Integrated Circuits, Apartment Layout Planning, Home Appliances, Clothing and other renowned industries. However, in the current thesis, the house of Quality will be used for other situations. The purpose of impact assessment is to analyze and evaluate in details the impacts-influence of SC 4.0 technologies to supply chain operations, with the help of HoQ method. Moreover, the purpose is to examine the impact that each technology has to every SC operations. In contrast with the general format of the analysis, which has six components (customer requirements, technical requirements, a planning matrix, an interrelationship matrix, a technical correlation matrix and a technical priorities or benchmarks and targets section), there will be four major components in the current thesis. The next figure presents the structure of chapter six. 83 6.1 Introduction Manufacturing companies or corporations used to introduce their products into the marketplace using a product-driven approach, which ignored the opinions and desires of customers. However, knowing the desires and requirements of consumers is regarded as a crucial factor in effective product growth (Engelbrektsson, 2002). In order to fulfill consumer demands and achieve long-term success in the dynamic business climate, manufacturing companies are looking to change their business operations from a product-oriented approach to a marketing-oriented approach (Lai, 2003). A matrix format is used in Quality Feature Deployment (QFD) to capture a range of issues that are important to the planning process. The construction of a series of matrices, known as the "House of Quality", underpins the QFD product/service development process or methodology (Bernal et al., 2009). To integrate customers' informational needs, QFD employs four phases of HOQ (Clausing & Hauser, 1988, Hauser, 1993). The House of Quality Matrix is the most well-known and commonly used method for increasing customer satisfaction. It is "a kind of conceptual map that offers the means for tetrafunctional preparation and communication," according to Hauser and Clausing. According to Bailom et al. (1996), analyzing service customer preferences or needs can aid company managers in identifying requirements that the user or client is aware of, but that have yet to be met by the current services available. As a result, the house of quality acts as a valuable resource for both future developments and new investments (Bailom et al., 1996). It can be used to measure benchmarking indexes, prioritization indexes and quality management indexes, according to Bernal et al. (2009). (Johnson, Muller, Sieck & Tapke,). The quality assurance index has intense principles that are crucial when making quality decisions. The severe values reflect the importance of the service requirements. According to Bailom et al. (1996), the higher the positive range rating, the greater the relative importance in the service user's perception of service quality. Conversely, the lower the relative importance of service quality, the higher the negative value of the quality management measure (Bailom et al.1996). Similarly, according to Johnson et al. (n.d.), high priority quality characteristics suggest that engaging in defined service consumer needs would provide substantial value to the individuals or society they represent. Benchmarking can also be done using the house of efficiency measurements by managers. As a result, Keegan and O’Kelly (2004) described benchmarking as "a continuous, systematic process for comparing the outputs of organizations, functions, or processes against the "best in the world," with the aim of not only matching, but exceeding those performance levels." The house of quality method enables company executives to evaluate competitors from the viewpoint of their clients (Bernal et al. 2009). This is referred to as reverse engineering by Lankford (2001). Benchmarking is the method of evaluating "the entire consumer 84 path of a competitor's organization. Managers should benchmark using the house of quality's two stages of assessment. The first phase is known as customer (service user) comparative evaluation, in which service users evaluate the relative performance of the organization's services against its key rivals in the private sector or "best in the world" organizations based on the needs defined by the service users (Chan & Wu, 2005). The evaluators conduct a technological competitor comparison in the second stage, in which the design requirement fulfillment is compared. The second phase, according to Bernal (2009), should be carried out by the staff in charge of the product and/or service design. Customers' (or service users') perceptions are critical in deciding what to sell and how to deliver it to them. Managers of public institutions should use the "House of Quality" tools for quality management, benchmarking, and prioritizing. 6.2 The combination of SCOR model and Technologies with HoQ The HOQ method is a well-known and widely utilized method for new product design. Based on marketing research and benchmarking results, it converts customer expectations into a sufficient number of engineering goals that may be accomplished by a new product design. In the current thesis, this method will be employed to evaluate the impact that technologies have on the supply chain function. However, it is important to mention how SC 4.0 technology and SCOR metrics/Kpis are combined with the HoQ/QFD method. The first "step" was the search for the technologies through the systematic literature review. The second "step" was to examine and present the supply chain operations. As was mentioned in the previous chapters, the SCOR model is the major pillar of the current research, because every operation and metric/Kpis had to be examined and presented to explain their role and purpose. In summary, the SCOR model was employed to identify the supply chain operations and their metrics. For the research, in the HoQ, only the level one SCOR metrics were used. The reason why the HoQ was chosen, is that the assessment of the results of this method provides the relationships between the customer's needs and the characteristics of the product. For the current thesis, the results that the HoQ provides are the relationship and impacts that new technologies have on SC operations. The HoQ consists of several "rooms." However, only the four rooms were used (customer requirements, degree of importance, engineering characteristics, and relationship matrix). To combine the technologies and the SCOR metrics in HoQ, it was necessary to evaluate the characteristics of the elements of each room, so that they could be replaced by the technologies and SCOR metrics. The room with the requirements of the customers was replaced by the metrics, and the room with the engineering characteristics was replaced by the technologies. The replacement was developed with this process, because the degree of 85 importance of each function had to be evaluated by experts, and the purpose of the dissertation is to measure the impact of technologies on functions. If the opposite were to happen, for example, if one were to replace the technologies in the customer requirements room and the metrics in the engineering characteristics room, then the results would provide the effects that the metrics cause on the technologies. Obviously, this was not the purpose of the current research, thus the reason why the replacement process was done in the above way. The HoQ is the link between technology and SCOR. All three of these elements combine to give the ultimate value of the effects and relationships between technologies and logistics functions. The following figure explains the steps for the overall methodology. Figure 6.1: The steps for the overall research methodology Step 1 Search for the technologies • Systematic literature review Step 2 • SCOR model Present SC operations and metrics Step 3 Ιmplementation HoQ/QFD • The method used to evaluate the effects 6.3 The reasons to use QFD-HOQ. One of the most critical and impactful elements of any organization's performance is effective communication. The QFD approach efficiently communicates customer demands through various business processes, including design, quality, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and sales within the company. The voice of the consumer is effectively communicated, allowing the entire company to collaborate and deliver goods with high levels of customer perceived value (Bernal et al., 2009). There are a number of other advantages in using Quality Function Deployment: 86 1.Consumer-Centered (Customer Focused): The QFD approach focuses on the customer's desires and needs, rather than what the organization thinks the customer wants. Technical design criteria are translated from the customer's voice. Design specifications are driven down from machine level to device, sub-system and part level requirements during the QFD phase. Finally, during the manufacturing and assembly processes, the design requirements are monitored to ensure that the customer's needs are met. (Chatree Homkhiew, Thanate Ratanawilai, Klangduen Pochana. 2012) 2.Voice of consumer competitor analysis: Using the QFD "House of Quality" method, one can see how one’s concept or product compares to the competition in terms of meeting the voice of consumer. This simple review will help one to make design decisions that will put them ahead of the competition. (Bernal et al. 2009) 3.QFD decreases the risk of late design changes by concentrating on product features and enhancements based on consumer needs, resulting in a shorter development time and lower cost. Effective QFD approach avoids squandering project time and money on the implementation of non-valueadded functionality and functions. (Bernal et al. 2009). 4.Structure and Documentation: Throughout the product development process, QFD offers a formal method and tools for documenting decisions taken and lessons learned. This information base can be used as a historical document to help with potential ventures (Chatree Homkhiew, Thanate Ratanawilai, Klangduen Pochana, et al. 2012). Companies must bring to the market new and enhanced goods that satisfy the real wants and needs of customers, while reducing production time. The QFD approach is for companies who are dedicated to hearing the customer's voice and fulfilling their needs (Bernal et al. 2009). 6.4 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Today's average customer has a lot of choices when it comes to similar products and services. The majority of customers make purchases based on a general understanding of quality or value. Customers tend to get the best value-for-money product. To stay competitive, businesses must figure out what influences a customer's view of value or quality in a product or service (Lai et al, 2003). They must identify which product features, such as dependability, styling, or performance, influence the customer's perception of quality and value. The Voice of the Customer (VOC) is gathered and integrated into the design and manufacture of many popular organizations' products. Quality and consumer perceived value are deliberately designed into their goods and services. These businesses use a systematic method to identify their customers' desires and needs, then translate them into concrete product designs and manufacturing processes that meet those 87 needs. Quality Function Deployment is the method or tool they're using (Bernal et al., 2009). Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a method and collection of tools for defining customer requirements and converting them into comprehensive engineering specifications and plans for producing products that meet those requirements. QFD is used to convert customer specifications (or VOC) into measurable design goals and move them down through the assembly, subassembly, part and manufacturing process stages (Engelbrektsson 2002, Berna et al. l. 2009). The QFD technique includes a collection of matrices that can be used to help with this process. Yoji Akao, who worked for Mitsubishi's shipyard in the late 1960s, was the first to build QFD in Japan. Other businesses, including Toyota and its supply chain, later introduced it. QFD was first launched in the United States in the early 1980s, mostly by the big three automakers and a few electronics firms. The adoption and development of QFD in the United States was slow at first, but it has since gained traction and is now used in manufacturing, healthcare and service organizations. 6.5 House of Quality Chart (HOQ) The quality feature implementation includes the house of quality process (QFD). When developing products and providing services, the QFD approach will help a business to ensure quality. For this, QFD employs a variety of matrices. The house of quality is the first and most significant matrix in QFD because it is shaped like a house with a roof and a body. It starts by separating consumer needs from technical requirements in this matrix and by assessing these two factors separately (Wael SH. Basri et. al. 2015). The House of Quality (HoQ) is a matrix of spaces, roofs and basements, that organizes product design knowledge in a systematic graphic representation. The Quality House is a helpful and illustrative review of product data. The diagram does not reflect the true value of the HoQ (K.G. Durga Prasad, K. Venkata Subbaiah, K. Narayana Rao et. al. 2014). Rather, the true meaning is in group decision-making, which necessitates that the team address the design issue and eventually comes to a shared understanding of it. It is noted that the team aims to get a detailed understanding of the design problem during problem formulation. It collects and reviews data on consumer and company requirements, their weighted value, engineering characteristics, and competitive products used as benchmarks (Chan & Wu et. al. 2005) The following knowledge is organized in a structured way by the HoQ (Wael SH. Basri et. al. 2015). 88 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. customer requirements (Room 1) customer importance weights (Room 2) engineering characteristics (Room 3) correlation ratings of requirements and characteristics (Room 4) benchmark satisfaction ratings (Room 5) coupling between engineering characteristics (Room 6) The following structure (6.1) represent the House of Quality chart for product planning: Figure 6.2: HoQ chart Source: et. al Wael Sh. Basri 89 6.6 Previous Relevant Research. The HoQ will be used to evaluate the impact of SC 4.0 technologies on SC operations. This method has been used to measure in detail the contribution each individual technology has (weak or strong) on SC operations. There exists related work that has used the HoQ for similar purposes, but in a different branch. For example, the Turkey's biggest mobile communication provider employed "House of Quality" to produce a smart phone in line with customer expectations as a new product development. This study was chosen from the ISEAIA 2013 (Girne American University) International Symposium on Engineering Artificial Intelligent and Applications. In 2010, the company began selling its own smart phones in Turkey, while also marketing world-famous smart phones such as the iPhone and Samsung Galaxy series. First, the “House of Quality” was constructed and analyzed and development areas and necessary technical specifications had been determined. Later on, the Kano Model had been included in order to prioritize the significance of customer necessities, and the new House of Quality had been built. Moreover, the “House of Quality” was employed by a four-star hotel in Zanjan to increase service quality. Customer happiness is a critical goal to achieve at a reasonable cost in today's competitive market. In this study, a HOQ matrix was created to meet the needs of the customers. Furthermore, this study explored customers' satisfaction with services and the importance of each requirement, using a survey method. The "Thai furniture industry's" manufacturing activities are today quite competitive. The study vehicle for this investigation was a plywood wardrobe. "House of Quality" was hired to design and manufacture new types of prototype plywood wardrobes in order to test product shape, pattern, color, functioning and material quality. The absolute and relative technical criteria' importance levels were computed, and the House of Quality was born. The findings demonstrated that overall satisfaction levels for all new product categories increased over those for existing items. A real case study uses the "House of Quality" in manufacturing to generate ecologically sustainable products. The "Directorate of Higher Education Indonesia" (DIKTI) and the University of Muhammadiyah Gresik in East Java, Indonesia, financed this research with Grant Beasiswa Luar Negeri (BLN) DIKTI. Every industry is being pushed by the green manufacturing challenge to raise environmental consciousness by designing and producing environmentally friendly products. Several experts from various industries are involved in the research mentioned above (marketing, design, manufacturing, environmental field etc.). The team design identifies 14 customer and environmental criteria based on literature analysis, historical data, brainstorming, and a comprehensive discussion with several experts at the manufacturing company (CER). The priority order of environmental indicators was determined using CER weights in combination with the "House of Quality." In addition, "House of Quality" is used in the case study 90 of designing in the field of the refrigerator family. A product development team can use the customer demands priority structure acquired using the proposed methodology to design a product family that meets the consumers' expectations. Marketing research techniques, such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, and conjoint analysis were used to create "HOQ." A questionnaire was created and distributed to 200 people from varied backgrounds. Factor analysis is carried out by completing a questionnaire survey and analyzing the data using the SPSS software. For each client segment, a cluster analysis and a conjoint analysis were conducted. According to the findings, energy usage is assigned the greatest priority for both the entire customer group and the customer segment. For the creation of car dashboards, Toyota and Honda used "House of Quality." The automobile sector is the backbone of any country's economy. The dashboard is an important section of the car's interior that is utilized to regulate many operations. Two significant advancements in the car dashboard, the forced exhaust system and the multipurpose cup holder, were introduced in response to customer feedback. A market survey identifies client demands. The characteristic of "size of the blower" obtained the highest score on the HOQ for car dashboard. The "speed of the blower" is the second most important feature. The "Voice of the Customer" was obtained using a questionnaire (VOC). Customer needs were translated into technical specifications using the "Voice of the Customer" method. Finally, the output from the House of Quality (HOQ) was used to generate concepts. KIMEP (Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economic and Strategic Research) employed "House of Quality" to improve management education standards. The needs and requirements of students were recognized in order to lay the groundwork for providing high-quality curriculum and services in higher education. The transformation process from student needs to instructional development is depicted in the House of Quality (HOQ). The results of the data analysis indicate that the curriculum should be restructured. The number of tutoring sessions should be raised, the exam should be restructured, and the quiz weight should be enhanced. 6.7 Assessment of Supply Chain 4.0 Solutions on supply chain operations. However, in the current thesis, HoQ will be used in order to measure the importance of each supply chain performance metric and, more importantly, it will be examined what effects the technologies have in the supply chain operation. For example, how the Augmented Reality technology will affect the order lead time or the manufacturing lead time etc. In order to measure the impacts of new technologies on the supply chain operations, only four rooms will be needed. In room 1 there will be the metrics that measure the supply chain operations. In room 2 the degree of importance will be evaluated. In room 3, the room of engineering characteristics will be 91 replaced by the 21 SC 4.0 technologies. Finally, room 4 will be correlation ratings of requirements and characteristics. The degree of importance and the relationship matrix between the metrics and the technologies will be evaluated by logistics experts. The types of companies that evaluated the degree of importance are related with logistics. The first type of companies that evaluate the degree of importance of metrics are 3PL logistics centers, In-house logistics warehouses, marketing and processing logistic companies and the final type is the IT logistics center. The aim of House of quality is to accomplish three things. Firstly, it enables businesses to bring higherquality goods to the market more efficiently and at a lower cost. Secondly, the business will achieve customer-driven product creation. Thirdly, the business will have a framework in place to monitor potential design or process changes. The following are some of the outcomes that can be expected from conducting House of quality studies: • A better understanding of the needs of consumers. • Better project management on construction projects. • A stronger start to the development. • Less configuration changes at the end of the process. • Fewer production start-up concerns. • A reputation for being quality-conscious. • Increased revenue. • Reported customer-driven product concept. However, the purpose of using the House of Quality analysis in the current thesis is to understand the impact that the new technologies have on the supply chain operation. Thus, the chart of analysis will include the metrics, which measure the supply chain operations and the new technologies, in order to calculate the impact and relationships between them. As was mentioned above, in order to analyze the impacts of the new technologies on the supply chain operations by using the House of Quality analysis, only four rooms will be used and will be replaced by the metrics (which measure the supply chain operations) and the 21 technologies that are used in the supply chain. The four initial rooms are customer requirements, degree of importance, engineering characteristics and Relationship Rating Matrix. Customer Requirements: In the first column, customer requirements are summarized as rows. A concise list of roles and sub-functions focuses on the customer's most critical needs. Customer language or wording is often used to express the customer's speech. However, for the current research, all the 92 level 1 metrics from the Scor model will be presented in this room. Thus, the metrics will replace the customer requirements in this column (room 1). Degree of importance: The degree of importance column is placed next to the metrics column. The weights value, which vary from 1 to 5, decide how important the companies consider each metric in comparison to the others. Engineering characteristics: A list of quantitative output parameters and their corresponding units is arranged in a row vector along the top row underneath the roof triangle. Such as on the customer requirements column, in this row the 21 technologies that were identified through the SLR method will replace the engineering characteristics room. The sum of fulfillment of each metric can be quantified using a technology. Relationship Rating Matrix: A cell is located at the intersection of a row and a column and is used to show the degree of association - impact between a metric and a technology. Positive correlation is rated 1 (low), 3 (medium), or 9 (high), whereas negative correlation is rated -1, -3, -9. There is no discernible correlation, so the cell is left blank. While other number systems have been used, the numbers 1,3, and 9 are commonly used in practice. Degree of importance scale: The weight value of the importance will be evaluated from 1 to 5 (et. al. Wael SH. Basri, 2015). 1 Not Important degree. 2 Slightly important degree. 3 Moderately important degree. 4 Important degree. 5 Very important degree. Relationship rating Matrix: • Positive correlation 1 Indicates a weak contribution. 3 Indicates a medium contribution. 9 Indicates a strong contribution. The expert panel survey that will be evaluated by the experts is the following: 93 Suppl y cha i n per for ma nce metr i cs R el i a bi l i ty Perfect order fulfillment Percentage of orders delivered in full Delivery Performance Returns and customer complaints R esponsi veness Order lead time Manufacturing lead time Stock out probability Back Order Rate Ag i l i ty Upside supply chain adaptability Production flexibility (Upside flexibility) Total supply chain Management cost C ost Cost of goods sold Distribution cost Manufacturing cost Inventory cost Asset Return on fixed assets Inventory days of supply Asset turns 94 IoS: Internet of Services Data mining Real-time locating systems (RTLS) Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) – Warehouse robots Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) – Autonomous forklifts Machine learning – Deep learning Artificial Intelligence Smart contracts – blockchain Machine 2 Machine sensors Intelligent Transportation Systems RFID Cyber-physical systems 3D printing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone) Self-driving vehicles Sensor technology / smart sensors Robotics Internet of Things Cloud computing Big Data Augmented reality Supply Chain 4.0 Technologies Degree of importance EXPERT PANEL SURVEY The final step after the evaluation of the degree of importance and the relationship rating matrix, is to calculate the percentage of impact and influence that each individual technology has on the operations, in relationship with metrics. The scores are determined by adding the metrics (customer importance rating) and the value assigned to the correlation relationship matrix in each column. For example, the absolute value will be calculated as follows: (degree of importance*relationship rating matrix) + [(degree of importance (2) *relationship rating matrix (2)] +…= absolute value of the impact. Example: Absolute value: (5*9) +(4*3) +(5*1) +(5*1) +(4*3) +(3*3) +(3*1) +(4*1) +(4*1) +(4*3) +(5*9) +(4*3) +(5*1) +(3*3) +(4*1) +(3*3) +(4*1) +(3*1) =202 The absolute value expressed as a percentage of the sum is the relative value. Supply Chain Performance Metrics Reliability Degree of importance Perfect order fulfillment Percentage of orders delivered in full Delivery Performance Returns and customer complaints Augmented Reality 5 4 5 5 9 3 1 1 4 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 4 4 1 3 5 4 5 3 4 9 3 1 3 1 3 4 3 3 1 1 202 Responsiveness Order lead time Manufacturing lead time Stock out probability Back Order Rate Agility Upside supply chain adaptability Production flexibility (Upside flexibility) Cost Total supply chain Management cost Cost of goods sold Distribution cost Manufacturing cost Inventory cost Asset Return on fixed assets Inventory days of supply Asset turns ABSOLUTE VALUE 6.8 Results 95 Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) – Warehouse robots Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) – Autonomous forklifts Artificial Intelligence 1 1 3 9 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Percentage of orders delivered in full 5 3 3 1 3 9 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 9 3 3 9 3 3 1 Delivery Performance 5 3 9 3 9 9 3 9 3 1 3 9 3 3 3 3 9 9 3 9 3 1 Returns and customer complaints 4 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 Order lead time 5 3 3 1 9 9 3 9 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 1 Manufacturing lead time 4 3 9 1 9 9 3 3 1 9 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 Stock out probability 4 1 9 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 9 9 1 1 1 9 1 Back Order Rate 3 1 9 1 9 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 9 9 1 1 3 9 1 Upside supply chain adaptability 4 3 9 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 9 3 1 3 3 3 1 Production flexibility (Upside flexibility) 4 3 9 3 9 9 3 1 1 9 3 3 1 9 1 9 9 3 3 3 3 1 Total supply chain Management cost 4 9 9 3 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 3 Cost of goods sold 4 1 9 9 3 9 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 9 3 3 1 3 3 Distribution cost 4 3 9 3 3 3 3 9 9 3 3 9 9 3 1 9 3 9 3 9 3 3 Manufacturing cost 3 3 3 3 9 9 3 1 1 9 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 Inventory cost 4 1 9 3 9 9 9 1 1 3 3 9 1 3 3 3 9 1 1 3 3 1 Return on fixed assets 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 Inventory days of supply 4 1 9 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 9 9 1 1 1 3 1 Asset turns 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 430 470 256 248 162 244 188 324 174 232 182 426 408 242 274 230 282 116 Data mining RFID 3D printing Robotics Cloud computing Big Data IoS: Internet of Services 3 Real-time locating systems (RTLS) 3 Machine learning – Deep learning Smart contracts – blockchain 9 Intelligent Transportation Systems 9 Cyber-physical systems 1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone) 9 Sensor technology / smart sensors 9 Internet of Things 5 Augmented reality Perfect order fulfillment Supply chain performance metrics Degree of importance Machine 2 Machine sensors Self-driving vehicles Supply Chain 4.0 Technologies MASTER EXPERT PANEL Reliability Responsiveness Agility Cost Asset ABSOLUTE VALUE 226 534 188 96 6.8.1 The profile of the experts The issue of digitalization nowadays is an important event and is a point of reference for companies. Every year the technologies improve and the companies try to adapt to the technological changes. In reality, digital transformations in the supply chain are still a difficult topic requiring considerable and in-depth understanding. As I mentioned above (6.7.1), this is the reason that the number of samples in this thesis is relatively low. The number of samples that were gathered is seven. The input of professionals with extensive logistics expertise and knowledge proved very useful. The profile of the experts is as follows: Τwo of the experts are academicians/ faculty members with substantial expertise in logistics and supply chain management. One expert is an academician/ faculty member with substantial expertise in digital transformation. The rest of the experts are industry professionals with long experience (more than 10 years) in logistics operations. In addition to the experts, one of the questionnaires was evaluated. The profile of the author of the current thesis is as follows: The author of the current thesis is a graduate of the Financial Department of Democritus University of Thrace. The author is also a student in the postgraduate program in logistics and supply chain management at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The author has real life work experience, as he has worked in a logistic center, mainly in a 3PL. In conclusion, the opinion and the judgment of the experts were very useful in conducting the present research. Their knowledge and experience helped the author understand the concept of digitization, as well as the impact that technologies have on logistics. 6.8.2. Discussion of results The above panel presents the total results from seven house of quality evaluation samples answered by experts. Samples are relatively few because digital conversions in the supply chain are still a complex issue that requires extensive and in-depth knowledge. Obviously, the opinion of experts with great experience in logistics and with a lot of knowledge was necessary. The questionnaire is addressed to experts with specialties such as: manager trade logistic, logistics project manager, digital entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation manager, professors in design, operations and production systems, professor’s department of applied informatics. For this reason, in the current thesis the research on the effects of new technologies on logistics functions focused on the opinion of experts on new technologies. At this point, it is important to mention that in order to unite the evaluation results of the experts in the above table, the geometric mean was used. Each one of the experts judged differently the degree of importance of each function and the impact that each technology has on supply chain operation (one cell has seven different values, after the judgement of the seven expert). The geometric mean was used to combine the seven different judgements (of each cell) to one judgement (to one cell). 97 For example, experts have judged differently the importance of a supply chain metric. The geometric mean was used to unite all the evaluationsjudgements of the experts in a single cell. The same process was performed for the relationship matrix. In this case, the geometric mean was preferred, because according to the literature review, in panel researches that the average is needed, such as in the current panel, geometric is preferred over the arithmetic mean. Moreover, in order to calculate the average rate of change over a particular period of time, the appropriate mean is not the arithmetic mean, but the geometric one, because it is expressed as a proportional change. As was presented in the panel, there are several technologies that have a great influence on various functions. On the contrary, some technologies are used, but they do not have the same impact. This is the case, because some technologies nowadays are both necessary to complete a supply chain operation and they also provide several benefits. Other technologies, on the other hand, are not as widely used for various reasons, such as their high cost, the knowledge required for their application, or because they do not provide the necessities that a business needs. The Big Data technology seems to have the greatest degree of impact (534) on almost all functions. This is the case, because it is a very useful technology for any supply chain and it offers many advantages in many areas. It is a well-known technology in the field of logistics and it is used by many companies and, in fact, it is applied in many processes. The second most impactful technology is that of robotics with 470 degrees of impact, a well-known application that is applied not only in the field of logistics, but almost everywhere else. As far as the supply chain is concerned, it has a great influence on the creation of products (it has an impact on the cost and time for the creation of a specific product) and on the procedures concerning the orders (delivery performance, perfect order fulfilment, order lead time etc.). Finally, the technologies that follow are the Internet of Things with 430 degrees of impact, Artificial Intelligence with 426 degrees of impact and Machine learning with 408 degrees of impact. Among these specific technologies, their degrees of impact are quite close, because each technology completes the application of the other and they are interconnected. The Internet of Things is nowadays a very important application for the interior functions of a company. With its operation, it gives the possibility of developing other new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligent, Machine learning, IoS, CC etc. In this way, these technologies operate under a common framework and have almost the same effect on the functions of a chain. However, it must be emphasized that although each technology is interconnected, their function is different and they are used for different purposes. On the other hand, technologies such as drones, intelligent transportation systems and IoS do not have as much influence for various reasons. Drones, for example, are used for very specific purposes and mainly in large warehouses for 98 transporting products. The intelligent transportation system is a new technology, which costs a lot and is mainly used for the transport of orders. Finally, IoS is a category of Internet of Things and is rarely used in logistics. Thus, the analysis reveals various findings that will be further discussed. It is noticed that technologies whose main use is for data storage and evaluation, have a big impact on almost all logistics functions. For example, Internet of Things, Big Data and Machine Learning technologies have a high degree of impact on almost all functions. This shows how important information and data are for a supply chain. It is very important for a company to be able to forecast, control and manage its operation, based on the data it has in its possession. With the help of new technologies, a company has the ability to predict in the field of manufacturing, in the field of orders, in the field of product creation, as well as in the field of finance. Based on their usefulness, the production time is reduced, a complete 'picture' of the orders (percentage of orders delivered, perfect order fulfillment, delivery performance etc.) is presented and it is possible to predict the minimum cost (distribution cost, manufacturing cost, inventory cost etc.). On the other hand, there are technologies, such as 3D printing, which has almost no impact in other fields, except on the production sector, where its impact is great. For example, from the panel, it can be observed that its use plays an important role in manufacturing lead time, production flexibility and manufacturing cost functions. This is the case, because this technology helps the company to design, analyze, evaluate and forecast the production of a product. On the contrary, it is designed in such a way that it cannot have an impact and benefit on other functions. For this reason, it is used in this field where it has a significant effect. Moreover, robots are necessary for any warehouse. They can be used everywhere, because they offer minimal time in terms of manufacturing, transportation, and ordering. However, they do not have any impact, when it comes to order percentages, inventory supply days or the possibility of stock-out. Finally, there are those technologies, as was mentioned before, that do not have as much of an impact. This is the case, because many of these technologies are ''overshadowed'' by existing ones (some are used for the same purpose), because they cost too much and companies are not willing to spend without being sure of the benefits that the technology will offer them, or because these technologies are still not so well known in the logistics market. For example, drones are a well-known technology, but they are suitable for large warehouses in functions that have to do with recording and transporting stocks. For this reason, it can be observed in the panel that drones have low degrees of impact in almost all functions. In addition, technologies such as IoS, CC, Artificial Intelligent, Machine learning are overshadowed by IoT (they all operate under a common framework). All these technologies have a similar functionality, but IoT offers additional possibilities, it is a wellknown technology and its environment is more accessible for use in logistics. 99 The IoT is a technology that can cover everything in terms of logistics and for this reason it is preferred over the rest. In addition, data mining is a technology that has a lot of promise for helping businesses identify patterns in their data, that can be used to forecast customer, product, and process behavior. Data mining technologies must be directed by users who understand the firm, the data, and the general nature of the analytical operations involved. Realistic expectations can have a favorable impact in a range of situations, ranging from increased income to reduced spending. Data mining is a technology that has many similar elements to IoT, and as it observed in the results, data mining is a technology on a high impact index (282). As it was also observed in the results, another factor for the low or high rate of the impact technologies have on logistics is the implementation of certain technologies, which will lead to opportunities or risks for businesses. For example, AR, 3DP, and simulation are technologies that are used in specific sectors and have a high percentage of chances to offer opportunities to companies. On the other hand, big data, cloud computing, IoT, RFID, robots, drones, and M2M are examples of technologies that can create both possibilities and threats. Because all of the different fields are interconnected and there are no obvious boundaries between them, technology can have a beneficial or negative impact, depending on where it is applied. Increased flexibility, quality standards, efficiency, and productivity are the most important advantages. This would enable mass customization, allowing businesses to satisfy client expectations while also adding value by delivering new products and services to the market on a regular basis. Furthermore, machine-human collaboration could have a societal impact on the lives of future workers, particularly in terms of decision-making optimization. Natural disasters, virus outbreaks, and operational risks can create issues and SC vulnerability. Managing the severe impact and consequences of such events on SC networks is always a challenge. Blockchain, in combination with IoT or crowdsourcing-based social media platforms, can improve SC agility and resilience. For example, combining blockchain with IoT and RFID can improve information management systems and SC security, as well as consensus methods for dynamic data storage, transparency, data protection, and reliability. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, enterprises should rethink and revamp their SC risk management and resilience strategies, putting a greater emphasis on digital platforms powered by blockchain, IoT, and cloud computing. The deployment of robotics under the direction of a blockchain-based system would also be beneficial in reducing disruptions caused by viral epidemics. The options for blockchain implementation are boundless. However, the technology is still in development and this is the reason for the low impact index on the results. 100 CHAPTER 7 Challenges and Barriers Overview Chapter seven is the final chapter of the thesis. This chapter summarize the findings and includes objectives fullfilment, presentation-definition of challenges-barriers, limitations and recommendation of future research. 101 7.1 CHALLENGES AND BARRIERS In terms of technological challenges-barriers, one of the first is the need to build Industry 4.0-enabled technologies, which are still in their early stages and require significant progress to achieve solidity and generate higher benefits, as was recognized by the diverse operational models across supply chain members (Wu et al., 2016. Haddud et al. 2017) and was identified by the various dynamical and temporal structures of manufacturing processes and equipment that could jeopardize data collecting, analysis, and exchange, as well as the programming of the complete production structure (Ivanov et al. 2016). Moreover, the technological viability of adopting big data technologies and the shortage of data specialists for the creation of prospective technology was highlighted by the absence of skills to use this data efficiently. (Kynast & Marjanovic et. al. 2016. Arya. 2017). In addition, the lack of awareness of the technology's potential in many countries was observed. Over the years, many new challenges and barriers were presented in terms of digital transformations to supply chain operations. In many situations, the most common challenge was highlighted by the lack of specialists to leverage the digitization in companies. (Bienhaus & Haddud 2018) It was already pointed out that among the barriers to developing intelligent applications in SC are the lack of initiative, skills and knowledge in technologies, as well as the immaturity of the Supply Chain 4.0 concept and its initial stage of development (Wu et al. 2016). Furthermore, several contributors in the macro group for financial, environmental and legal concerns, stressed the substantial investment required to execute such solutions (Büyüközkan & Göçer, 2018). Such investments in obtaining data and services resulting from these technologies would not always yield financial rewards (Pishdar et al. 2018). 7.1.1. Political challenges In terms of legislative policies, regulations are needed to safeguard the safety and integrity of people in this new environment, where humans and robots share space and collaborate both indoors (Tjahjono et al. 2017) and outdoors (Büyüközkan & Göçer. 2018, Casey & Wong 2017). Furthermore, international legislation is required to provide security and privacy (Weber, 2010), to resolve issues linked to personal damage and product liability in the event of failure (Mohr & Khan, 2015) and to share responsibility for information (Alotaibi & Mehmood, 2017). In the digital ''universe'', the balance of legal obligations between infrastructure providers and customers (Urquhart & McAuley 2018) is especially vital to examine. Researchers that are discussing big data, RFID, (Isasi et al. 2015) and the Internet of Things (IoT) (Khanna & Sharma 2017), addressed the issue of worldwide standards aimed at system 102 interoperability, where the lack of these standards can cause challenges in data collecting and utilization. Finally, concerning legislative policies, the relevance of regulations was emphasized in forming the foundation for technological development. The lack of law is a problem that can lead to a slew of others (Pishdar et al. 2018). 7.2.2. Environmental Challenges and Organizational Challenges Industry 4.0 technologies are posing environmental issues, such as higher energy usage due to higher usage of electronic equipment and integrated systems in supply chain (Miao & Zhang 2014). Pishdar et al. (2018), expressed concern about the quantity of electronic components that will become obsolete over time and require replacement. Moreover, one of the issues in sociocultural problems is the lack of ability to combine data and obtain quality data, which should be considered by businesses due to: 1. The numerous communication patterns and formats that are now in use. 2. The various methods for gathering, storing, and merging data. 3. A scarcity of IT specialists who understand how to match and use data effectively. 4. Data and system synchronization issues, as well as their quality. These constraints make it difficult to exploit data in its entirety, resulting in a low return on investment in technology (Arya et al. 2017, Büyüközkan & Göç 2018). Cooperating with supply chain participants, entails challenges ranging from mutual adoption and investments in Industry 4.0 technologies, to the difficulty of sharing responsibilities for errors in the digital context (Büyüközkan & Göçer. 2018, Clancy. 2017). Furthermore, in many situations the lack of connectivity across functions, the lack of a supply chain governance structure, the lack of a technology strategy and the inability to adapt and integrate enterprises to this new digital business model were criticized (Haddud et al., 2017. Pishdar et al. 2018). The challenges that businesses confront in finding technology solutions that fit their specific requirements, is also a serious barrier (Khanna & Sharma 2017). The failure to implement technology at all levels of the supply chain results in a loss of integration and visibility (Isasi et al. 2015). Finally, the fear of using intelligent applications in supply chain is one of the challenges that many companies faced, as was the reluctance to embrace and learn to use new technologies, the ethics and safety difficulties of dividing the workspace with machines, the replacement of the workforce by technologies, as well as the fear of using intelligent applications in supply chain (Büyüközkan & Göçer. 2018, Haddud et al. 2017). 103 7.3.3. Technical Challenges In terms of technical challenges, big data technology and the issues associated with data generation was highlighted. These difficulties start with data search, fragmentation and visualization, and progress to the requirement to evaluate and get high-quality information, as well as the requirement to access and make this data apparent to other supply chain members (Kynast & Marjanovic, 2016). Because of the volume, variety, and heterogeneity of the data, issues such as storing, analyzing and processing data using standard methods exist. Moreover, developing a system capable of processing and displaying value information from data is difficult and necessitates a comprehensive plan, a well-trained staff and infrastructure capable of supporting all computational requirements. Furthermore, the IT systems with varying levels of maturity can present issues to the global network's efficiency and visibility. The system scalability and resilience barriers are related to data gathering, processing and simultaneous transmission. At this this point, the stability and vulnerability of data transmission to systems must be emphasized, particularly when done through a wireless network. IoT and other digital applications, including big data, face hurdles in storing, discovering and sharing data, as well as scalability and interoperability issues. When connecting all systems in the supply chain, there exist compatibility issues. The difficulties of predicting breakdowns, as well as an example of a basic electrical failure, are causes of chain reactions to all related enterprises (Khanna & Sharma 2017). Vulnerability, reliability, robustness, complexity and compatibility are the main issues to IoT and RFID systems. Finally, integration, efficient information interchange (Chen et al., 2017), and validation of solutions within the supply chain are all issues that CPS (Cyber Physical System) and other automation systems face. 104 7.2 CONCLUSIONS- FUTURE RESEARCH The objective of the current thesis was to evaluate the impacts of supply chain 4.0 technologies on supply chain operations. The answer was covered by using the method of house of quality. The HoQ revealed the relationships between the new technologies and the supply chain operations. Moreover, the challenges and barriers of digital transformations are presented with the systematic literature review method. Nowadays, the great majority of organizations, especially logistics firms, are committed to product, technical, technological, and organizational innovation. Customers are becoming more informed and demanding in terms of growing customer expectations relating to lead time, thus businesses are focusing on delivering value to them. Delivery services, product availability and dependability are all important factors. The latest innovations, such as the Internet of Things and Big Data, provide chances to address client expectations, while also advancing logistics and supply chain management. Technologies should be assessed in terms of efficacy and efficiency using well-known and widely utilized modeling methodologies, including, in particular, simulation modeling. It is clear that the development of digitalization and automation creates tremendous problems for logistics, as well as chances for efficiency gains. Because all of the diverse fields are interconnected with no clear borders between them, some technologies can result in both opportunities or threats. Depending on which field the technology was evaluated, it could have a positive or negative result. However, digitalization and the creation of new technologies place a significant demand on education, as smart factories (or other smart facilities) and smart logistics require highly qualified employees and management professionals. In the near future, not only specialists but also operational workers would conduct primarily organizational and conceptual activities. This is why it's so important to adapt the educational process to a new environment. Briefly, the supply chain will become smarter, more transparent and efficient at every stage, as a result of digital transformation and the usage of intelligent and cooperative technologies. In the near future, there will be a particular focus on new models that are more closely tailored to individual client demands, promoting a major rise in decision-making quality and becoming more flexible and efficient. With the method of SLR, by combining the descriptive and thematic analysis of the articles, the current thesis examined the digital transformation of the supply chain. The fourth industrial revolution, often known as Industry 4.0, is now evolving rapidly. The business environment must assimilate and adopt these developments, to achieve goals and to withstand fierce competition. Monitoring and analyzing the evolution of supply networks and following the adoption of new technologies, would be 105 quite interesting. Because technology is always evolving in real-time, it would be very useful, in the coming years, to perform a comparison of how technologies have been developed within the supply chain and which of them will still be in use. Some technologies are not developing over the years and are not used at the same rate as in previous years, resulting in companies preferring other new technologies over the older ones. Moreover, it is interesting to analyze and examine how much these 21 technologies will develop in the following years. In addition, it would be very useful to perform a comparison study between new technologies, that have not yet been used as much in logistics (such as nanotechnology and how it will overshadow the other technologies), and the remaining parts of the chain. The evolution of companies through the adoption of new technologies over the years is also a very important element of study. It could provide the opportunity for further research on how valuable and necessary new technologies are in logistics. In the following years, it is obvious that new technologies will be created, in order for the SC operations to further develop and improve. In addition, a comparison could be drawn between supply chains that have adopted new technologies and those that have not. It would be of great interest for an examination to be performed between two supply chains, that both have implemented new technologies, but utilize them at different levels of logistics. The comparison could lead to business excellence by optimizing the utilization of these technologies in logistics. Last but not least, further research could be performed on the same study, but with a larger number of samples, or by including firms from a variety of industries as research material. Finally, future research could also be performed on the impact technologies have on the supply chain with other methods or by improving the House of Quality method on digitalization of supply chains. 106 REFERENCE 1. Michael J. Ferrantino. and Emine Elcin Koten., 2019. Technological innovation, supply chain trade, and workers in a globalized world: Understanding Supply Chain 4.0 and its potential impact on global value chains. Switzerland. 2. Yevhen Krykavskyy., Olena Pokhylchenko. and Nataliya Hayvanovych., June 2019. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applied Economics Contemporary Issues in Economy: Entrepreneurship and Management. Digitalization of supply chains: new paradigm. Ukraine. 3. Vladimir Scherbakov., Galina Silkina. and Vladimir Scherbakov., September 2019. International Conference on Digital Technologies in Logistics and Infrastructure. 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