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English 1 { F.B }

English 1
Smallest ➡️Biggest :
▪︎ slowest ➡️fastest
Pond 》lake 》sea 》Ocean
bicycle 》car》aeroplane 》space rocket
Border = frontier
Coastline = seashore
Modern = new
Large = big
Loud = noisy
≠The same
≠Hard / difficult
Prefix :
[ Appropriate _ direct _ experience ]
Un [ expected _ comfortable _ hurt _ important _ successful ]
im (M,P) [ possible _ patient _ mature _ mobile _ Personal ]
ir (R) [ regular _ relevant _ responsible ]
il (L) [ legal _ logical _ legible ]
Prepositions :
with cold _ in bed _ most of _ go /went to _ stay at ,work, home _ talk about _ family in (city) _ get
to (something) _ tell me about _ pay for _ lot of _ for a few days _ with a view _ Laughing at _
for you _ a kilo of _ lasagne for dinner _ have them in medium _ made of _ at the bottom _
wear jeans to work _ start of the movie _ work in sales _ work with her_ on the left _
open at 8 o’clock _ on Sundays _ in the basement _
Phrasal Verbs :
get off the bus _ get up early _ get on well _ put the fire out _ go away for the weekend _ go on
holiday _ pass the information on _ pay me back _ put the shelves up _ try it on _
Ph. Fateh Basmajy
Collocations :
take turn _ see you soon _ have a good time _ pick some flowers _ light a fire _ catch a cold
Snow man _ national anthem _ Public transport _ next door neighbour _ birthday present _
rock and roll _ pass me the salt _ give a presentation _ great opportunity _ pure wool _
ground floor _ slice of bread _ pair of jeans _
1. Sometimes you will read just to get a general idea of a test : Skimming
2. Sometimes you will read quickly to find particular pieces of information : Scanning
3. Sometimes you read for every detail : Intensive reading
4. Sometimes you will read for pleasure: Extensive reading
5. Mistakes
Accommodation_ bisy 》busy _ plain》plane _ here》hear _ payed 》paid
Bougth 》bought _ studing 》studying _ advise 》advice _ applyed 》applied
Shelfs 》shelves
Disadvantage = drawback _ outlawed = made illegal _ necessary = essential
Straight away = immediately _ increase = rise _ for example = for instance
On the other hand = in contrast
Ph. Fateh Basmajy