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Erikson's Theory in Education: Classroom Application

STUDENT NO: 422000244
ASSESOR : Ms. Ma. Elena Khan Parayno
Erik Erickson’s psychosocial
Based on what Miss Anna discussed with us about Erik
Erikson's theory of from early childhood and late
adulthood, in each stage we can see in theory how
people grow and change in the possible set of
struggles and virtues stated in the psychosocial
development theory of Erik Erickson. This theory
explains how social interaction and relationships with
others impact and benefit our human development
through our behavior and personal traits the outcome
can be helpful or not. But Erik Erikson’s theory is truly
helpful, and beneficial because this theory is very
detailed and it provides organized, well informed
information for us to understand the different phases
of human growth and development easily and
determine if ourselves and the people around us
especially people that we have the same age are we
are on the same page. Because According to Erik
Erickson every individual will go through it and
experience it, it doesn’t matter if you’re rich, average, or
not so rich because it applies to everyone. Every one of
us will experience all challenges and those challenges
will help us to develop our personalities and behavior
therefore, no matter who we are, this theory applies to
all of us and will assist us in growing and overcoming
different obstacles throughout different phases of our
As a future educator, I can integrate, utilize Erikson's
theory in the classroom setting by first, making a
lesson and activity that are learner-centered and
helpful for them. Second by creating a warm,
friendly, fun but knowledgably atmosphere in
classroom setting so that my students didn’t
hesitate to approach me when they have a
personal or academic problem. Third, I will ensure
that me and all of my students are on the same
page so that no one from them will left behind.
Fourth our activity will be more focused on
collaboration and open-ended task so that my
students can interact and socialize with each other
by sharing their own opinion and ideas about a
thing without hesitating and hindering each others
opinions and ideas. Lastly, I will help them when
they need some help in academic related or in
personal if needed, I will ensure that I will support
them as much as I can for example when they
need someone to lean on when they are down or
they are on their lowest such as being available for
them like one-on-one conversations, I think through
actions, I can establish a supportive and
encouraging learning atmosphere where my
students can change and conquered all their
problems and become successful people.
That every individual has different problems
and challenges that needs to faced in life.
Some people will be in the right path
because they received and have proper
guidance from the people around them
especially from their love ones and parents
and some people might not be in the right
path maybe because they experiencing lack
of guidance but as a future
someday I’ll promise to myself that I will be
there for my students to be able to guide
and help them when they are struggling or
need some help on what is the right thing to
do. And lastly, I will ensure that my students
will not feel that they left in our classroom
because i want them to feel that I valued
and support them by catering all their needs
And i am thankful that Ma'am Anna gave us
a lot of advices and knowledge on how to
utilized it properly.
The theory of Erik Erickson's about psychosocial
development which is discussed by Miss Anna
Villanueva is the focused of this diagram. I
chose this theory because of Miss Anna's
engaging discussion about it, and I also chose it
because I know it will be useful for me as a
future teacher, Because with the help of it I will
be able to better understand, support, and
assist my students as they grow and change.
particularly when the students I teach in the
future are not in the same age, this theory will
guide me on how to handle them properly by
expecting what are the possible challenges that
I might encountered in the future and how I
conquered it through helping each other.
The 3 lectures that has been discussed by Ms. Anna Villanueva taught me a lot. She
imparted valuable knowledge on how to become a good, considerate, and
accountable teacher in the future. Ms. Anna gave us information on different
challenges that our students may encounter as well as how to respond and help
them in these situations so that the situations don't get worse. Ms. Anna also provided
us with advice on what to do and what not to do. Ms. Anna emphasized the
importance of treating our future students with kindness and support. Personally, for
me, she was a wonderful guest speaker, and I'm glad that she was our guest speaker
about this topic because the topic became more interesting and easy. To be honest,
this topic makes me more excited to become a teacher because, For me, Ms. Anna
Villanueva's lectures was truly inspiring and motivating. especially her informative ,
engaging and motivating teaching style. All in all, through her lectures, I learned a lot
such as the tips to become a good teacher are truly helpful and beneficial because it
makes me and us to become more prepared in the future. To summarize, Ms. Anna's
lectures have helped me to become a better teacher, and I appreciate all of the
information and wisdom she has imparted to us.