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Reliability & Validity: Final Term Reviewer

- Deals with the consistency of measure, regardless of exactly what it is
- Deals with what a test measures, specifically whether it measures what it
intended to measure.
Classical Test Theory
- Observed score = True score + Error (X = T + E).
- Variance = true variance + error variance.
- Observed score: The scores the individual actually obtained.
- True score: The portion of the observed score that reflects whatever
ability, trait, or characteristic the test assesses.
- Error: Component of the observed score that does not have to do with
the test taker's true ability or trait being measured.
Two types of error:
- Random error: Caused by unpredictable fluctuations and
inconsistencies of other variables on the measurement.
- Systematic error: Typically constant or proportionate to what is
presumed to be the true value of the variable being measured.
Sources of Variance
- Test construction/test content: Variation within items on a test or
between tests.
- Test administration, test environment: Test taker variables,
examiner-related variables.
- Test scoring and interpretation: Scorer or rater differs in subjectivity.
Reliability Estimates
- To eliminate error of variance.
- Test-retest reliability: Same test but administered at different times (e.g.,
6 months).
- Must consider suitable interval, test taker's motivation, practice
run, acquired new skills/learning.
- Alternate forms reliability: Two tests administered at different times
(e.g., 2 3 weeks).
- Two different versions of a test have been constructed to be
- Internal consistency estimate: Administered only once.
- Internal consistency of the test items.
- Methods of internal consistency estimate of reliability:
- Split-half: One test divided into two equal tests, and measure the
difference of scores (Spearman-Brown formula).
- Kuder-Richardson formula 20: Determines the inter-item
consistency of dichotomous items.
- Coefficient alpha: Mean of all split-half correlations, supported by
the Spearman-Brown equation.
- Average Proportional Distance (APD): Degree of difference
between scores on test items.
- Inter-scorer reliability: The degree of agreement or consistency
between two or more scorers with regard to a particular measure.
Item Response Theory
Generalizability theory.
- How accurately a test measures what it claims to measure
- Ensures that a test is genuinely assessing what it intends to assess.
Assumption 1:
- Validity is a characteristic of the test itself, not just how scores are
- Problem: This assumption holds as long as validation data supports the
intended purpose and the test is used with the specified population.
*Insert Assumption 2*
Assumption 3:
- The accuracy of test scores depends, to some extent, on the test author's
understanding of the constructs they intend to measure.
Problems of the Classical Definition:
- Assumptions 1 and 2 are only justified for tests that clearly link behavior
to psychological constructs.
- Can lead to confusion between measurement consistency and reliability.
- May also cause misinterpretation of test titles, attaching validity to what
tests claim to measure rather than the actual scores.
Other Definitions of Validity:
- Cohen: A judgment or estimate of how well a test measures in a specific
- Urbina: The degree to which accumulated evidence supports the intended
interpretation of test scores.
- Domino & Domino: An integrated judgment of the adequacy and
appropriateness of interpretation and actions based on assessment
- The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing: The degree to
which evidence and theory support interpretations of test scores for
proposed uses.
- The process of gathering and evaluating evidence about the accuracy of
a test.
Validity vs. Validation:
- Validity - refers to assumptions about what is being measured
- Validation - refers to assumptions about how it should be measured.
Factors Impacting Validity:
- Internal Validity: Ensures that tested variables are not influenced by
other factors.
- External Validity: Determines the degree of confidence in applying test
results to broader contexts.
Categories of Validity:
1. Content Validity:
- Based on evaluating subjects, topics, or content covered by test items.
- Deals with the relationship between test content and a well-defined
domain of knowledge or behavior.
- Judgment of how well a test samples behavior representative of its
intended universe.
- Lawshe method - raters judge as each item as to whether it is
- Essential - Useful but not essential - Not necessary
- Content validity methods
- Expert Judgment
- Content Validity Index (CVI)
- Delphi Technique
- Cognitive Interviews
- Pilot Testing
- Literature Review
- Focus Groups.
2. Criterion-Related Validity:
- Involves a standard against which a test or test score is evaluated.
- Expresses the relationship between test scores and status on another
criterion reflecting the construct of interest.
- Characteristics of and adequate criteria:
- Relevant
- Valid for the intended purpose
- Uncontaminated
- Can be determined concurrently or predictively.
- Concurrent Validity- how well a test score is related to some
criterion measured at the same time
- Predictive Validity - how well a test score predicts some criterion
or outcome measure in the future.
- Validity Coefficient - measures the relationship between test scores and
the criterion measure.
- Incremental Validity - assesses how an additional predictor explains
something beyond existing predictors.
- Expectancy Data - provide information for evaluating criterion-related
- Criterion Contamination - refers to undesirable situations where test
scores unfairly influence the criterion.
3. Construct Validity:
- Involves the test's ability to measure a theorized construct.
- Constructs -informed, scientific ideas developed to describe or
explain behavior.
- High and low scorers should behave as theorized if a test is a valid
measure of a construct.
- All types of validity evidence fall under the umbrella of construct validity.
- Evidence of Construct Validity
- Homogeneity - extent to which a test consistently measures a
single concept
Changes with age - some constructs are expected to change
over time
Pretest/posttest changes - test scores change due to
experiences between a pretest and a posttest
Distinct group differences - scores on a test vary predictably
based on membership in a specific group
Convergent evidence - if high correlations with existing tests
measuring the same trait
Discriminant evidence - if the test scores do not correlate
strongly with unrelated variables; discriminate other different
Factor analysis - new tests should load on a common factor with
other tests measuring the same construct.
- Exploratory factor analysis - uncovers the underlying
structure of observed variables
- Confirmatory factor analysis - Validates pre-existing
theories by testing whether observed variables align with
the hypothesized factor structure.