MINI PROJECT REPORT [EC65] Sustainable Development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING in Electronics and Communication Bhavana B Rao 1MS19EC026 Keerthana J 1MS19EC052 Khushi 1MS19EC053 Sarangamath Mallikarjuna 1MS20EC402 Under Guidance of Sadashiva V Chakrasali Assistant Professor, Department of E & C Department of Electronics and Communication RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU) Accredited by National Board of Accreditation & NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade MSR Nagar, MSRIT Post, Bangalore-560054 2022 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Mini Project work entitled “Sustainable Development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model” is carried out by Bhavana B Rao (1MS19EC026), Keerthana J (1MS19EC052), Khushi Sarangamath (1MS19EC053), and Mallikarjuna (1MS20EC402), bonafide students of Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, in Electronics and Communication of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum,during the year 2021 -2022. It is certified that all corrections / suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the report. Guide HoD Sadashiva V Chakrasali Dr. Maya V Karki Assistant Professor Professor and HoD, Department of E &C Department of E & C RIT, Bangalore RIT, Bangalore Name & Signature of Examiners with Date: 1) 2) DECLARATION We hereby declare that the Mini Project entitled “Sustainable Development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model” has been carried out independently at Ramaiah Institute of Technology under the guidance of Sadashiva V Chakrasali, Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication, RIT, Bangalore. Signature of Students: 1. Bhavana B Rao 1MS19EC026 2. Keerthana J 1MS19EC052 3.Khushi Sarangamath 1MS19EC053 4.Mallikarjuna Place: Date: 1MS20EC402 Department of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The immense satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of the project would be incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible. We consider it our honour to express our deepest gratitude and respect to the following people who always guided and inspired us during the course of the Project. We are deeply indebted to Dr. N. V. R. Naidu, Principal, RIT, Bangalore for providing us with a rejuvenating master course under a very creative learning environment. We are much obliged to Dr. Maya V Karki, Professor & HoD, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, RIT, Bangalore for her constant support and motivation. We sincerely thank our guide Sadashiva V Chakrasali, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, RIT, Bangalore and express our humble gratitude for his valuable guidance, inspiration, encouragement and immense help which made this work a success. We sincerely thank the Chairperson of the group, Dr. Lakshmi S and Sara Mohan George for reviewing our work and providing valuable suggestions. We also thank all the faculty members of Department of E&C, RIT for their kind support to carry out this project successfully. i ABSTRACT India is the world's third largest producer of fish, with the aquaculture and fisheries industries playing a major economic role. Aquaculture accounts for roughly 68 percent of the country's total fish production and 1.07 percent of the country's GDP. By 2025, India is anticipated to require 1.6 crore tonnes of fisheries. However, due to sudden regional climatic conditions, aquatic productivity has reduced in recent times. The number of fish in a shoal can provide essential information for the design of smart manufacturing management systems in intensive aquaculture. Traditional fish cultivation techniques and manual extraction of aquatic organisms on the other hand are not only cumbersome, labour intensive and time consuming but also, they also put strain on the fish creating physical stress as it is a disruptive contact method that impacts the overall fish wellbeing and health. In order to achieve efficient and sustainable aquaculture, our project concentrates on enhancing fish growth and improving fish productivity by supervising essential water parameters like pH, turbidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and fish population. It also focuses on CNN based fish detection and classification models (YOLOv4) for greater understanding of fish behaviour along with fish weight and dimension prediction methods which provide data that are essential for fish feeding and harvesting. ii Contents Page Nos. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-3 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Problem definition 1.3 Motivation of the work 1.4 Objective & Scope CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 4-6 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 7-17 3.1 Wireless Sensor Network 3.1.1. Arduino UNO 3.1.2. DSB1820 Temperature Sensor 3.1.3. Turbidity Sensor 3.1.4. ESP-8266 01 Wi-Fi Module 3.2 Machine Learning Model 3.2.1. Fish Recognition 3.2.2. Fish Classification 3.2.3. Fish Weight Prediction using dimension estimator CHAPTER 4 RESULTS & DISCUSSION 18-26 4.1 ThingSpeak Results 4.2 Fish Prediction Results 4.3 Fish Classification Results 4.4 Fish Weight Prediction Results CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK 27 5.1 Conclusion 5.2 Future work CHAPTER 6 REFERENCES 28 iii Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Introduction Aquaculture often known as aqua farming, is the practise of raising aquatic organisms such as fish, crabs, mollusks, and plants. In other words, it is the breeding, raising, and harvesting fish. It entails the controlled cultivation of freshwater and saltwater populations. Aquaculture has been a flourishing business sector for many decades. Aquaculture and fisheries industry are important economic resources that provide food for millions of people. India holds the second place in the international level for freshwater aquaculture cultivation and is responsible for generating almost 11 million tonnes of aquatic products. The aquaculture sector accounts for around 68 percent of overall fish production. Aquaculture contributes 1.07 percent to the GDP of the country. India is expected to demand 1.6 crore tonnes of fisheries by 2025. According to the National Fisheries Development Board, the fisheries industry generates an export earnings of Rs.334.41 billion. Aquatic production has recently decreased as a result of dramatic regional climate circumstances. Aquatic production has recently decreased as a result of dramatic regional climate circumstances and also, a large extent of Indian aquaculture is as yet dependent on customary and traditional cultivation techniques which are rather inefficient, inaccurate, labour intensive and yield low productivity. Convolutional neural (CNN’s) have rapidly become the standard study model in aquaculture. Fig 1.1 Represents the percentage share of fishes obtained from aquaculture, and percentage of fishes caught from seas and inland water bodies. In 20 years, aquaculture has increased its share of India's fish production from a third to half. And it will account for approximately two-thirds of India's fish production by 2030. Fig 1.1 Percentage of Aquaculture Production 1.2. Problem definition Traditional artificial sampling and manual testing of aquatic life are not only difficult, hard, and time-consuming, but it also creates stress on the fish because it is a disruptive contact and invasive method that has an impact on the fish's wellness and health. There are four Department of Electronics & Communication 1 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model essential water parameters for aquaculture, those are dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, hydrogen potential (pH) and turbidity. The ideal content for those parameters varies depending on the type of aquaculture and fish species that are the object of cultivation. Depleted DO is the leading cause of fish kills, and fish farmers know that low-oxygen conditions are their worst enemy. The presence of 0.05mg per litre of un-ionized ammonia can be harmful to fish and can adversely affect their growth. As it reaches this level, it irritates the fish, causing increased health deterioration and stress. In turn, they become susceptible to bacterial infection and their resistance to disease would decrease. Fish can become stressed in water with a pH ranging from 4.0 to 6.5 and 9.0 to 11.0. Fish growth is limited in water pH less than 6.5, and reproduction ceases and fry can die at pH less than 5.0. Death is almost certain at a pH of less than 4.0 or greater than 11.0. Temperature is an important physical factor affecting fish growth and survival of fishes. For cold-water fish, such as salmon and trout, the optimal temperature range for growth is between 48-65ºF. Cool water species, like yellow perch, prefer water between 60º and 85ºF and warm water fish like catfish and tilapia prefer between 75-90ºF. Turbidity is an important factor on which productivity depends. Turbidity is caused due to suspended inorganic and organic substances, such as silt and clay, growth of algae and phytoplankton and other microscopic organisms which is harmful for fish culture. High turbidity increases the absorption of sunlight making the water warmer and hence decreasing DO. Traditional weight measurement methods involve extracting live fish from the ponds. This results in stress and the possibility of injury. The underwater habitat is more complicated, with more interference, and is limited by light, noise, and disruptions. As a result, it's impossible to tell the fish apart from the background. Furthermore, fish have complete freedom of movement in the water, resulting in a variety of shapes and major occlusion issues. Occlusion increases as the number of fish grows, and estimation accuracy diminishes. Real time monitoring for 24/7 is near impossible for fish farmers. Due to lack of real time monitoring immediate action towards hazardous circumstances are not taken which leads to the decline of fish health. 1.3. Motivation of the work A large extent of Indian aquaculture is as yet dependent on customary and traditional cultivation techniques which are inefficient, invasive and labour intensive. With the continued expansion of aquaculture scale and density, modern aquaculture technologies have been compelled to overproduce, resulting in an accelerated pace of water environment imbalance, the occurrence of frequent fish diseases, and a reduction in aquatic product quality. Furthermore, because the average age profile of agricultural workers in many Department of Electronics & Communication 2 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model regions of the world is on the rise, fishery output will confront a labour crisis, and aquaculture technologies will need to evolve immediately. The concept of an intelligent fish farm has begun to take shape as modern information technology has steadily entered numerous fields of agriculture. Hence, through the concept of “Assisting human with machine” , we are able to achieve intelligent fish farming methods like the precise task of raising oxygen ,monitoring the other essential water parameters in aquaculture namely turbidity, temperature, pH, ammonia and dissolved oxygen ,optimising feeding, lowering disease occurrences, maintaining the overall fish health, providing a clean and healthy environment to aid fish growth and properly harvesting in order to accomplish green and sustainable aquaculture. 1.4. Objective & Scope Prime objectives of aquaculture include production of protein- rich, nutritious, and appetising food that benefits the entire society by providing ample food supply at a low or fair cost, while also improving current fish stocks in natural and man-made water bodies, generation of ornamental and sport fish. Our project aims at enhancing fish growth and improving their productivity by supervising essential water parameters like pH, turbidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and fish population in order to accomplish sustainable aquaculture. Thus, improving the quality of life of fishes. It also focuses on CNN based fish detection and classification models (YOLOv4) with weight and dimension prediction. With respect to Fish Classification & weight prediction, a high accuracy fish classification is required for greater understanding of fish behaviour. The approximation of fish size and weight provides data that are essential for fish feeding and harvesting. The count and distribution of the various species of fishes can give valuable insights about the health of the ecological system and can be used as a parameter for monitoring environmental changes. Visual classifying of fishes can also help trace their movement and give patterns and trends in their activities providing a deeper knowledge about the species as a whole. There is a requirement for an automated fish sorting system capable of recording species, length and weight data. This requirement is driven by the need to reduce labour onboard vessels and to automate logging of the catch, which is required for regulatory purposes and also to enable increased traceability. Department of Electronics & Communication 3 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1. Cong Wang, Zhen Li, Tan Wang, Xianbao Xu, Xiaoshuan Zhang, Daoliang Li, " Intelligent fish farm—the future of aquaculture", Aquaculture International, pp. 2681–2711 ,2021 The intelligent fish farm tries to deal with the precise work of increasing oxygen, optimising feeding, and reducing disease incidences. It reviews the application of fishery intelligence equipment, IoT, edge computing, 5G, and artificial intelligence algorithms in modern aquaculture. The sensing equipment is responsible for collecting the environmental data such as DO, pH, temperature, salinity, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, water level, etc., as well as the working status of the device and aquaculture video image information. The control equipment includes aerator (oxygen cone), feeder, pump valve and other aquaculture equipment. Fig 2.1 Conceptual design of IOT system Department of Electronics & Communication 4 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model 2.2. Chang, CC., Wang, JH., Wu, JL. "Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques to Implement a Practical Smart Cage Aquaculture Management System. " Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.652-658, 2021 This paper implements a management system that successfully integrates AI and IoT technologies and is applied in cage culture. It integrates sensors, underwater cameras and a communication system into a platform and places it in a cage. Data from an autogyro and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) were integrated into an Omni IoT system, which can integrate the monitoring and sensing system of feed delivery. The data is transmitted to a cloud system, here the National Taiwan Ocean University is used as the data collection sensor for AI computations of the feeding system, fish behaviour monitoring and analysis system and the ROV system. Fig 2.2 Smart cage Aquaculture Management system 2.3. S. Luo, X. Li, D. Wang, J. Li and C. Sun, "Automatic Fish Recognition and Counting in Video Footage of Fishery Operations," 2015 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN), pp. 296-299, 2015 This paper presents an algorithm for recognizing and counting fish in video footage of fisheries operations that is both accurate and automatic. In order to fully harness the advantages of these algorithms, the strategy combines machine learning techniques with statistical methodologies. The images acquired by the camera are pre- processed by Department of Electronics & Communication 5 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model smoothing operations. The frames are smoothed by averaging neighbouring pixels to reduce the impression of motion. Machine learning methods are used to recognize the fish. Colours are retrieved from photos as characteristics for classification. An artificial neural network (ANN) is developed and used as the algorithm to determine whether a pixel belongs to a fish or not. An Error Back Propagation (BP) ANN classifier is employed to differentiate the fish from the background. A statistical shape model is also employed to distinguish the real fish from other items. After the fish have been identified, the counting method is used to accurately count them. It considers real fish as well as fishlike things in one or more frames. Neighbouring frames are taken into account when removing the fishlike items. Non-fish things that resemble fish normally appear in no more than three adjacent frames at a time. At least three adjacent frames will have real fish in them at the same time. To eliminate false positives, this rule is applied. Finally, based on the actual fish number in one frame, fish counting is done. The recognition accuracy of this method was found to be 89.6%. And this method also demonstrated that fish with different colours and shapes can be recognized simultaneously. Fig 2.3 Input and Output of an ANN Classifier Department of Electronics & Communication 6 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY Fig 3.1 Methodology Figure 3.1 represents the methodology of the project. Data from the fish farms are collected by a network of sensors including but not limited to Temperature Sensor (ds18b20), Turbidity Sensor, pH Sensor, Dissolved Oxygen Sensor and an underwater camera (GoPro). In order to record, monitor, or communicate temperature changes, a temperature sensor is an electronic device that monitors the temperature of its surroundings and turns the input data into electronic data. The amount of light scattered by the suspended solids in water is measured by turbidity sensors. The turbidity level (and cloudiness or haziness) of water increases together with the amount of total suspended solids (TSS) in the water. The level of acidity and alkalinity in water and other solutions is measured by a pH sensor. Optical DO sensors, sometimes referred to as luminescent DO sensors (LDO) or fluorescent sensors, quantify the amount of dissolved oxygen in water based on the luminescence's quenching in the presence of oxygen. They can assess either the luminescence's duration or its intensity because oxygen has an impact on both. The Microcontroller used to control the functioning of the entire system is an Arduino UNO. A low-cost, adaptable, and simpleto-use programmable microcontroller board called Arduino UNO is available for use in a range of electronic applications. All the sensor data is sent to the Arduino for processing. The GoPro underwater camera provides images of fish in the farm to a CNN model, which will count the number of fishes in the farm. An ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is used to transmit the sensor data to the cloud platform, ThingSpeak. With the help of the IoT analytics platform service ThingSpeak, you can gather, visualise, and examine real-time data streams online. This data can be remotely accessed by fish farmers and take necessary actions when fish face hazardous conditions. The entire project is divided into two main categories: Wireless Sensor Network and the Machine Learning Models. Department of Electronics & Communication 7 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model 3.1. Wireless Sensor Network The circuit diagram of the sensor network is as depicted in figure 3.2. The controller used is Arduino UNO. Arduino UNO is based on an ATmega328P microcontroller. The Arduino Uno board is connected to the DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature sensor that detects the inwater temperature and the Turbidity sensor along with its module. The Arduino is also connected to an ESP-8266 01 WiFi Module for transmitting the sensor data to ThingSpeak, the cloud platform. Fig 3.2 Circuit diagram 3.1.1. Arduino UNO Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header and a reset button. It is programmed based on IDE, which stands for Integrated Development Environment. It can run on both online and offline platforms. Department of Electronics & Communication 8 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model Fig 3.3 Pinout diagram of Arduino UNO Technical specifications of Arduino UNO: • • • • • • • • • • • • Microcontroller: ATmega168 Operating Voltage: 5V Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V Digital I/O Pins: 14 Analog Input Pins: 6 DC Current per I/O Pin: 40mA DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50mA Flash Memory: 32KB (ATmega328) SRAM: 2KB (ATmega328) EEPROM: 1KB (ATmega328) Clock speed: 16MHz 3.1.2. DS18B20 Temperature Sensor The DS18B20 is a waterproof temperature sensor which supplies 9-bit to 12-bit readings of temperature. The communication of this sensor can be achieved through a one-wire bus protocol which uses one data line to communicate with the microprocessor. Additionally, this sensor gets the power supply directly from the data line connected to the Arduino UNO so that the need for an external power supply can be eliminated. Department of Electronics & Communication 9 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model The pin configuration of DS18B20 is as given below • Pin1 (Ground): This pin is used to connect to the GND terminal of the circuit • Pin2 (Vcc): This pin is used to give the power to the sensor which ranges from 3.3V or 5V • Pin3 (Data): The data pin supplies the temperature value, which can communicate with the help of 1-wire method. Fig 3.4 Pinout of DS18B20 Technical specifications of Arduino UNO: • • • • • • • • • • • Microcontroller: ATmega168 Operating Voltage: 5V Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V Digital I/O Pins: 14 Analog Input Pins: 6 DC Current per I/O Pin: 40mA DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50mA Flash Memory: 32KB (ATmega328) SRAM: 2KB (ATmega328) EEPROM: 1KB (ATmega328) 3.1.3. Turbidity sensor The Arduino turbidity sensor detects water quality by measuring turbidity, also known as opaqueness. It detects suspended particles in water using light by measuring light transmittance and scattering rate, which vary with the amount of total suspended solids (TSS) in the water. The level of liquid turbidity rises as the TTS rises. Turbidity sensors are used to assess water quality in rivers and streams, as well as wastewater and effluent Department of Electronics & Communication 10 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model measurements, settling pond control instrumentation, sediment transport research, and laboratory measurements. This liquid sensor can output both analogue and digital signals. When in digital signal mode, the threshold can be adjusted. You can choose the mode based on your MCU. Specifications of turbidity sensor: • • • • • • • • • Operating Voltage: 5V DC Operating Current: 40mA (MAX) Response Time: <500ms Insulation Resistance: 100M (Min) Output Method: Analog output: 0-4.5V Digital Output: High/Low level signal (you can adjust the threshold value by adjusting the potentiometer) Operating Temperature: 5℃~90℃ Storage Temperature: -10℃~90℃ Weight: 30g Adapter Dimensions: 38mm*28mm*10mm/1.5inches *1.1inches*0.4inches Fig 3.5 Connection diagram 3.1.4. ESP- 8266 01 WiFi Module ESP8266EX (simply referred to as ESP8266) is a system-on-chip (SoC) which integrates a 32-bit Tensilica microcontroller, standard digital peripheral interfaces, antenna switches, RF balun, power amplifier, low noise receive amplifier, filters and power management modules into a small package. It provides capabilities for 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n, supporting WPA/WPA2), general-purpose input/output (16 GPIO), Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C), analog-to-digital conversion (10-bit ADC), Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), I²S interfaces with DMA (sharing pins with GPIO), UART (on dedicated pins, plus a transmitonly UART can be enabled on GPIO2), and pulse-width modulation (PWM). The processor core, called "L106" by Espressif, is based on Tensilica's Diamond Standard 106Micro 32Department of Electronics & Communication 11 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model bit processor controller core and runs at 80 MHz (or overclocked to 160 MHz). It has a 64 KiB boot ROM, 32 KiB instruction RAM, and 80 KiB user data RAM. (Also, 32 KiB instruction cache RAM and 16 KiB ETS system data RAM.) External flash memory can be accessed through SPI. Specifications: • 8Mbit external QSPI flash memory • 32-bit Tensilica Xtensa LX106 CPU running 80MHz • 3.3V supply • PCB-trace antenna • 2 x 4 dual-in-line pinout • 14.3 x 24.8mm • 1.5g Fig 3.6 Pinout of ESP-8266 01 Department of Electronics & Communication 12 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model 3.2. Machine Learning Models 3.2.1. Fish Recognition Fig 3.6 Fish Recognition Algorithm The proposed idea uses Convolutional Neural Networks for detection of fish. A deep learning neural network called a convolutional neural network, or CNN, is made for processing structured arrays of data, like photographs. The state-of-the-art for many visual applications, such as image classification, convolutional neural networks are widely employed in computer vision. They have also found success in natural language processing for text classification. The patterns in the input image, such as lines, gradients, circles, or even eyes and faces, are very well recognised by convolutional neural networks. Convolutional neural networks are extremely effective for computer vision because of this quality. Convolutional neural networks do not require any preparation and can operate immediately on a raw image, in contrast to older computer vision methods. A CNN feedforward neural network with up to 20 or 30 layers. The convolutional layer is a unique kind of layer that gives convolutional neural networks its power. Many convolutional layers are placed on top of one another in convolutional neural networks, and each layer is capable of identifying more complex structures. Handwritten digits can be recognised with three or four convolutional layers, while human faces can be distinguished with 25 layers. A convolutional neural network uses convolutional layers to process input images and recognise progressively more complex elements, mimicking the organisation of the human visual cortex. A dataset of 1000 fish images was collected using the GoPro underwater camera. The images were annotated. Image annotation is the process of assigning labels to digital photographs, usually requiring human input but occasionally requiring machine assistance. Department of Electronics & Communication 13 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model In order to teach the computer vision model about the items in the image, labels are predetermined by a machine learning engineer. By putting bounding boxes around the important objects, an image annotation tool (such as is used to apply a number of labels, thereby annotating the picture. The data is split into train and test dataset in the ratio 9:1. When machine learning algorithms are used to make predictions on data that was not used to train the model, their performance is estimated using the train-test split technique. The initial set of data needed to train machine learning models is known as training data (or a training dataset). Machine learning algorithms are taught how to generate predictions or complete a specified task using training datasets. After a machine learning software has been trained on an initial training data set, it is tested using a secondary (or tertiary) data set called a test set. A label file as well as a configuration file was created along with it. A label list file represents all the classes that may be present in an image because it contains all the labels you would want to attach to your bounding boxes. They are, therefore, your target demographic. In this instance, there is only one label: "Fish." For the intended model, the configuration file contains the attributes for each convolutional layer. These files are used to train the model based on pretrained weights from the darknet framework. Darknet is an open source, high-performance neural network implementation framework. This model will act as a one class classifier which will be used to detect fish. When images of the fish are taken by the underwater camera, it detects fish by surrounding it with a bounding box. 3.2.2. Fish Classification Fig 3.7 Fish Classification Algorithm Convolutional Neural Networks are used in the proposed notion to classify fish based on their species. The GoPro underwater camera was used to acquire a dataset of 500 fish images. The first 250 images were of one species, ‘Molly,’ and the remaining 250 images were of another species, ‘Goldfish’. The images went through an augmentation process for one cycle. By modifying the existing data, image augmentation creates new data that can Department of Electronics & Communication 14 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model be used for model training. In other words, it is the process of enhancing the dataset that is made available for deep learning model training. This resulted in a data set of 1000 photos. The photos were annotated and divided into 9:1 train and test datasets as mentioned in section 3.2.1. Along with it, a labels file and a configuration file were created. The labels file contains information about class names. There are two labels in this case: “Molly” and “Goldfish.” The configuration file provides the attributes for each convolutional layer for the planned model. These files are used to train the model based on pre-trained weights from the darknet framework. Darknet is an open source, high-performance neural network implementation framework. This model will act as a two-class classifier which will be used to classify fish. When images of the fish are taken by the underwater camera are passed through the model it detects fish by surrounding it with a bounding box and classifies it as either ‘Molly’ or ‘Goldfish’. This achieves the objective of classification. 3.2.3. Fish Weight Prediction using Dimension Estimator Fig 3.8 Fish Weight Prediction Algorithm Images from a GoPro underwater camera are processed using computer vision in a dimension estimator. An area of artificial intelligence known as computer vision enables computers and systems to extract useful information from digital photos, videos, and other visual inputs and to act or offer suggestions in response to that information. If AI gives computers the ability to think, computer vision gives them the ability to see, observe, and comprehend. The dimension estimator makes use of an image's Hue, Saturation, and Value pictures. Department of Electronics & Communication 15 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model Fig 3.9 Image Processing When combining the three elements of a colour, hue is more precisely defined by the dominant wavelength and is the first thing we mention (i.e., "yellow"). Hue is a word that refers to the aspect of colour that we can most easily perceive when we look at it, or to colour in its most basic form; it simply represents a colour that is fully saturated, as in the following examples: White, black, or grey are never added to "pigment primary" (CMY) when they are completely pure. The ratio of the dominant wavelength to other wavelengths in the colour determines a pure hue similar to complete saturation when considering spectral "light primaries' ' (RGB). Value describes a colour's lightness or blackness. It shows how much light was reflected. Dark values with black added are referred to as "shades'' of the specified hue name when referring to pigments. The term "tints'' of the colour name refers to light values that have white pigment applied. The intensity and brilliance of a colour are determined by its saturation. In order to lessen the saturation of a pigment hue, white and black (or grey) are added to the colour. However, under the "additive" light colour model, saturation is determined by how much or how little the colour is made up of other hues. The major colour qualities that allow us to distinguish between different colours are hue, saturation, and value. The image is also contoured in order to discern the edge of the fish. The line connecting all the points along an image's edge that have the same intensity is referred to as the contour. Contours are useful for object detection, determining the size of an object of interest, and shape analysis. Since it relies on pixel intensity, binary images—particularly those with a black background and white objects—perform better. The camera measurements must first be calibrated in order to determine the mm per pixel value before we can estimate the actual (physical) dimensions. The amount of pixels in each unit index, for instance, 1 cm on the image contains 100 pictures, is known as the "pixels per metric." It actually performs the same job as a reference object. For instance, we can utilise a reference object on the map whose dimensions are known to determine the sizes of other things on the map. The proposed model employs the metric of inches. When the image is passed, the length and breadth of the fish in the image are returned by counting the number of pixels and evaluating it to the corresponding predefined metric value. Using the values of length and breadth, the diagonal length can also be calculated. We utilise a pre-existing dataset to forecast weight based on the dimensions provided. This dataset includes the fish's length, height, and diagonal lengths, as well as their weights. Our primary variable is weight. We train three models, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Extreme Gradient Booster, and save the best model in a best model.json file. The best model is picked and utilised to generate a prediction function, Department of Electronics & Communication 16 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model which is saved in the file. Both of these files are then used to generate the file, which contains the code for the ML-to-App interface. These files have all been uploaded to a GitHub repository. is then used to create an app from this repository. Streamlit is an opensource app framework for Machine Learning and Data Science projects that creates an app from the contents of the GitHub repository. This app will be able to forecast the weight of the fish based on the dimension predicted by the dimension estimator. Department of Electronics & Communication 17 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model CHAPTER 4 RESULTS & DISCUSSION 4.1 Sensor Results The circuit connections of the implemented sensors are shown in Fig. 4.1. It involves connecting the turbidity sensor, temperature sensor, Arduino uno, and other support modules necessary for the sensors to operate correctly. Fig 4.1 Circuit Connections The readings from the temperature sensor are shown in Fig. 4.2. On the serial monitor, the temperature readings from the temperature sensor are shown. A commercial mercury thermometer is used to measure the temperature concurrently. It is discovered that they both provide the same values. Fig 4.2 Temperature Sensor Readings Department of Electronics & Communication 18 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model Figures 4.3 and 4.4 show how the turbidity sensor in water operates. On the Serial Monitor, Fig. 4.3 displays the raw voltage readings made while the turbidity sensor was submerged in clear water. The voltage value decrease that occurs when the turbidity sensor is submerged in murky water is shown in Fig. 4.4. The rise in turbidity is inversely proportional to the decrease in voltage. Turbidity is therefore calculated using the proper formula. Fig 4.3 Turbidity Sensor readings in Clear Water Fig 4.4 Turbidity Sensor readings in unclear water Department of Electronics & Communication 19 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model 4.2. ThingSpeak Result The temperature and turbidity sensor have been successfully installed. The values of temperature and turbidity in water have been collected and sent over to the cloud platform “ThingSpeak” through ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi module. Fig 4.5 ThingSpeak readings Figure 4.5 represents the temperature and turbidity sensor readings in ThingSpeak Platform. The data has been collected 5 times per minute. The temperature fluctuation is in the range of 240C to 300C. The turbidity value varies between 4 to 5 NTU. 4.3. Fish Recognition Result The CNN layers detect the presence of the fish when an image is passed through the model.. Figure 4.6 shows the result of fish recognition model. Each fish is surrounded by a bounding box with its corresponding confidence score. The confidence score indicates how certain the model is that the data contained within the bounding box is that of a fish. The following images shows a group of black molly fish and gold fish, being recognized individually. Department of Electronics & Communication 20 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model Fig 4.6 Fish Recognition Result Department of Electronics & Communication 21 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model The loss chart in fig 4.7 shows how training loss error and mean average precision at 50% have changed throughout the course of the iterations for the fish detection model. The training loss or mistake on the training dataset is shown by the blue curve (specifically Complete Intersection-Over-Union or CIoU loss for YOLOv4). The mean average precision at the 50% intersection-over-union threshold (mAP@0.5), shown in red, measures how effectively the model generalises to new datasets or validation sets. Fig 4.7 Loss Chart Precision measures how accurate the predictions are. i.e. the percentage of the predictions are correct. The precision for the model trained as shown in Table 4.1 is 0.73. We calculate the overlap between the predicted bounding box and the actual bounding box for each bounding box. IoU is used to measure this (intersection over union). IoU for the fish detection model is 50.98%. Recall gauges how well we are able to identify every advantage. In the proposed model, the recall value is 0.80. Depending on the various detecting obstacles that are present, the mean Average Precision, or mAP score, is computed by taking the mean AP over all classes and/or overall IoU thresholds. Mean Average Precision for this model is 0.73. The harmonic mean of recall and precision is used to calculate the F1 score. F1 score of the model is 0.76 Mean Average Precision 0.7357 0.73 Precision 0.80 Recall 0.76 F1 Score 50.98% Mean IoU Department of Electronics & Communication 22 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model Table 4.1 4.4. Fish Classification Result The classification of fishes into their corresponding classes is shown in Fig 4.8. The model can classify six different fish species, including "Black Molly," "White Molly," "Chocolate Molly," "Guppi," "Southern Platyfish," and "Gold Fish." The model has high levels of confidence in its ability to distinguish between these classes. Fig 4.8 Classification Result Department of Electronics & Communication 23 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model The training loss error and mean average precision at 50% have altered during the course of the iterations for the fish classification model, as shown by the loss curve in fig. 4.9. The blue curve displays the training error or loss on the training dataset (specifically Complete Intersection-Over-Union or CIoU loss for YOLOv4). The model's ability to generalise to new datasets or validation sets is indicated by the mean average precision at the 50% intersection-over-union threshold (mAP@0.5), which is displayed in red. Fig 4.9 Loss chart Precision measures how accurate the predictions are. i.e. the percentage of the predictions are correct. The model trained as indicated in Table 4.2 has a precision of 0.85. For each bounding box, we determine the overlap between the predicted and real bounding boxes. This is measured using IoU. (intersection over union). IoU is 63.43 percent for the fish detection model. Recall measures how effectively we are able to recognise each benefit. The recall value in the suggested model is 0.90. The mean Average Precision, or mAP score, is calculated by calculating the mean AP over all classes and/or overall IoU thresholds, depending on the numerous detecting obstacles that are present. This model's mean average precision is 0.943. The F1 score is computed using the harmonic mean of recall and precision. The model's F1 score is 0.88. Mean Average Precision 0.942 0.85 Precision 0.9 Recall 0.88 F1 Score 63.24% Mean IoU Table 4.2 Department of Electronics & Communication 24 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model 4.5. Fish Dimension Estimation and Weight Prediction Result The outcomes of the fishes' dimension estimation are shown in Figure 4.10. The suitable computer vision model is used to calculate the length and width of each fish. The calibrated dimensions of the fish are returned by this model. Inches are the unit of measurement used to calculate dimensions, as indicated. Fig 4.10 Result of fish dimension estimation The different parameters of the three machine learning models used on the weight estimation dataset are shown in Fig. 4.11. Random Forest, Decision Tree, and XGBoost Regressor are the three models. The model's parameters, including mean squared error, mean absolute error, and r2 score, were identified. The loss function for least squares regression is the average squared error, or MSE. The size of the discrepancy between an observation's true value and its prediction is referred to as the absolute error. The calculation of the variation in the predictions that the dataset can explain is known as the r2score. The optimum model for future implementations is chosen using these parameters. Department of Electronics & Communication 25 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model Fig 4.11 Weight Prediction Algorithm on Three models The weight prediction app created with is shown in Fig. 4.12. The estimated fish weight is presented when the programme receives the vertical length, diagonal length, and height inputs through the sliders and the "Predict Fish Weight" button is pressed. Fig 4.12 Weight Prediction App Department of Electronics & Communication 26 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK 5.1. Conclusion · Aquaculture ensures that the supply of fish meets the demand of customers. It provides employment to millions of people in India. Many people in India and other industries rely on aquaculture for their Livelihoods. India’s overall fish production is 55 per cent freshwater aquaculture, making it one of the world’s major exporters of seafood and local fish. Aquaculture is critical to the economy's development. By implementing this proposed system, we will be able to increase the quantity and quality of aquaculture production while reducing labour costs. By adding an autonomous feeding system and cameras, this system can be further improved and developed. As a result, the framework in place will reach farmers in order to reduce the negative effects of climatic change and to ensure the growth and health of aquatic life. This raises the country's GDP by increasing productivity and facilitating foreign trade. The effective utilisation of modern technologies such as CNN based model for fish identification/detection and fish classification, fish dimension and weight prediction along with remote monitoring of the essential water parameters leads to effective aquaculture. 5.2. Future Work Successful integration of temperature and turbidity sensors that have met the objective of monitoring the respective parameters has been achieved. The proposed method of classification of fish species gives an accuracy of 92% after 4000 epochs. An automatic fish counting method is obtained that makes use of image processing techniques and edge detection. Creation of fish weight prediction app using fish dimensions namely vertical length, diagonal length and height measurements has been deployed using streamlit. In the coming future, we plan on integrating pH and DO sensors and transmitting data to cloud. Our focus will also be on recognition and fish counting in video footage, fish classification for more than 2 classes (fish species) and to validate results for improving efficiency of the CNN model. We also plan on building an actuation system, that could keep the parameters measured within limits. Department of Electronics & Communication 27 Sustainable development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model CHAPTER 6 REFERENCES [1] Shili Zhao, Song Zhang, Jincun Liu, He Wang, Jia Zhu, Daoliang Li, Ran Zhao, "Application of machine learning in intelligent fish aquaculture: A review", Journal Aquaculture, Volume 540, pp. 1-3, 2021 [2] Ajay, A., Raghavendra, C.G., Rajanna, K.B., & M, N. “Design and Development of Intensive Aquaculture Supervising Model”, Global Transitions Proceedings, Elsevier Journal, Volume 2, No.2, pp. 299-303, 2021 [3] Penny Tarling, Mauricio Cantor, Albert Clapés and Sergio Escalera, “Deep Learning with Self Supervision and Uncertainty Regularisation to Count Fish in Under Water Images”, Cornell University, Volume 1, pp. 1-18, 2021 [4] Li, D, Miao, Z, Peng, F, “Automatic counting methods in aquaculture: A review”, Journal World Aquaculture Society, Volume 52, pp. 270-280, 2021 [5] Cong Wang, Zhen Li, Tan Wang, Xianbao Xu, Xiaoshuan Zhang, Daoliang Li, "Intelligent fish farm—the future of aquaculture", Aquaculture International, pp. 2681– 2711, 2021 [6] Chang, CC., Wang, JH., Wu, JL. 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