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STA-630 Assignment Solution: Convenience Sampling

ZE+BA Group STA-630 Assignment Solution
Student ID: BC2104XXXXX
Question #1
Which Non-Probability Sampling Technique should be adopted by
the researcher in the given scenario?
Non-Probability Sampling Technique: Convenience sampling
Justification No #1:
List or data of all the members of the population is not available. The researcher tried to collect the data from unions
and hospitals in the affected areas in order to gather data but both entities showed non-corporation and reluctance to
provide the list of people because of security and privacy reasons of department. The list or data of people is also
incomplete thus the data set was not dependable.
Justification No #2:
Research needs to be conducted quickly & data needs to be collected from affected people who are easily available.
Researcher in this case is planning to collect the data from the affected people who are easily available by directly
visiting the hospital wards or in the same case researcher can visit effected societies to collect data or to do them
ZE+BA Group STA-630 Assignment Solution