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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)

GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Confidential Information of Huawei. No Spreading Without Permission
GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
Describe the TCONT function
Describe the DBA function
Describe the GEM Port function
Describe the Mapping function
Describe the Profiles function
Outline the configuration flow
Outline the key parameters of commands
Complete FTTO HSI configuration task
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
ONU-ID: The GPON system is a point to multi-point (P2PM) network. A GPON port
on the OLT side can connect to 128 ONUs through optical splitters. The onus are
identified by ONUID, the range 0-127.
GEM Port: GPON encapsulation mode (GEM) frame is the smallest service-carrying
unit and the most basic encapsulation structure. All service streams are
encapsulated into the GEM frame and transmitted over GPON lines. The service
streams are identified by GEM ports and every GEM port is identified by a unique
Port-ID. The Port-ID is globally allocated by the OLT. The Port-ID range 0-4095.
T-CONT: T-CONT is a service carrier in the upstream direction in the GPON system.
All GEM ports are mapped to T-CONTs. Then, service streams are transmitted
upstream by means of the OLT's DBA scheduling. T-CONT is the basic control unit
of the upstream service stream in the GPON system. Every T-CONT is identified by
Alloc-ID. The Alloc-ID is globally allocated by the OLT. The Alloc-ID range 0-4095.
The T-CONT has 5 types bandwidth.
The current application is:
T-CONT ID range is 0-127.
GPBC: Alloc-ID = T-CONT ID *256 + ONU ID.
GPBD: When T-CONT ID < 8, Alloc-ID = T-CONT ID * 256 + ONU ID. When
T-CONT ID ≥8, Alloc-IDs are assigned automatically from the first idle AllocID.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
What’s DBA
DBA: In the GPON system, the OLT controls an ONU's upstream data traffic
by sending authorization signals to the ONU. PON requires an effective
TDMA mechanism to control the upstream traffic, so that data packets
from multiple ONUs do not collide when packets are transmitted upstream.
ITU-T G.983.4 Recommendation defines the dynamic bandwidth allocation
(DBA) protocol for management of the upstream PON traffic.
Types of bandwidth
Fixed : The fixed bandwidth is reserved and allocated periodically to ensure
the cell transfer delay. The bandwidth is allocated only to a T-CONT. Even
though the T-CONT does not use the bandwidth, the other T-CONTs
cannot use the bandwidth.
Assured : The assured bandwidth is the available bandwidth of a T-CONT
when cells are transmitted in the T-CONT buffer. If no cell is transmitted in
the T-CONT buffer, the bandwidth can be used by other T-CONTs.
Non-Assured: Only allocated bandwidth if available following servicing of
Fixed and Assured bandwidth traffic.
Best-effort: Bandwidth only allocated once all other bandwidths have been
Maximum : The maximum bandwidth is the upper threshold of the
bandwidth that can be allocated to a T-CONT, that is, the maximum
bandwidth that a T-CONT can use.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
All service streams are encapsulated into the GEM frame and transmitted over
GPON lines. GPON supports other gem mapping rules as follows:
The mapping mode of an Ethernet port. When you need to map the service
stream of an Ethernet port to a specified GEM port, use this parameter.
If the port is specified and then the VLAN is specified, use the port+VLAN
mapping mode.
If the port is specified and then the priority is specified, use the
port+priority mapping mode.
If the port and VLAN are specified and then the priority is specified, use the
port+VLAN+priority mapping mode.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Question & Answer
Which kind of frame is transmitted in GPON?
GEM Frame
How to identify GEM Port?
What’s the basic control unit of the upstream service stream in the GPON system?
What’s the different between assure and fixed bandwidth?
Users is offline fixed bandwidth can’t be used by other T-CONTs
Users is offline assure bandwidth can be used by other T-CONTs
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
User VLAN (Customer VLAN)
User VLAN is used to map the terminal service
Usually one ONU port mapping to one user VLAN
GEM port
GEM port is used to carry the service between ONU and OLT
Usually one user VLAN mapping to one GEM port
Service VLAN is used to map upper layer service network
Usually different service different VLAN
Service port
Making the connection between the user VLAN and service VLAN
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Service Control & Profiles
DBA profile
A DBA profile describes the GPON traffic parameters. A T-CONT is bound
to a DBA profile for dynamic bandwidth allocation, thus improving the
upstream bandwidth usage rate.
Line profile:
A line profile describes the binding between the T-CONT and the DBA
profile, the QoS mode of the traffic stream, and the mapping between the
GEM port and the ONT-side service.
Service profile
A service profile provides the service configuration channel for the ONT
that is managed through OMCI.
Traffic table
An IP traffic profile is used to manage the traffic of the service port through
the traffic parameters defined in the profile (PIR/CIR, Priority policies).
The GPON ONT service profile provides a channel for configuring the service of the
ONT managed in the OMCI mode. To configure the service of the ONT (such as the
MDU) managed in the SNMP mode, you need to log in to the ONT.
Regardless of whether the ONT is in the OMCI or SNMP management mode, the
ONT needs to be bound with a GPON ONT line profile.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Steps-Add ONT
Create DBA Profile
#DBA profile add
Create ONT line
Create ONT service
ONU Autofind
Add/Confirm ONT
#ont add/confirm
ONU Offline
#ont add
ONT Register
Port Attribute
Set ONU port native VLAN(Optional)
#ont port native-vlan
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Steps-HSI Service
Provision QoS
Create a traffic table
#traffic table ip
Create Service VLAN
Set VLAN attribute(optional)
#vlan attribute
Add uplink port to VLAN
#port vlan
Add service port to VLAN
#service-port vlan
Provision VLAN
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
GPON Profiles
Create DBA Profile: #dba-profile add profile-id 20 profile-name 2M type3 assure
2048 max 4096
This command is used to add a dynamic bandwidth assignment (DBA)
profile. T-CONTs are physical resources on ONTs. T-CONTs can bear
services only after they are bound with a DBA profile.
Type1: fixed bandwidth type.
Type2: assured bandwidth type.
Type3: assured bandwidth + maximum bandwidth type.
Type4: maximum bandwidth type.
Type5: fixed bandwidth + assured bandwidth + maximum bandwidth type.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
GPON Profiles
Create ONT Line Profile(1/4):
Add ont-lineprofile: #ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 66 profile-name FTTO
This command is used to create an ONT line profile and enter the
configuration mode of this ONT line profile. If the profile does not
exist, the system first creates the ONT line profile that you specify and
then enters the configuration mode of this ONT line profile. If the
profile you specified already exists, the system directly enters the
configuration mode of this profile.
The profile ID must be unique. If you do not specify it, the system automatically
allocates the smallest idle ID.
The profile name must be unique. When creating an IP traffic profile, you can
specify the profile name. If you do not specify the profile name, the system
generates a default profile name.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
GPON Profiles
Create ONT Line Profile(2/4):
TCONT bind dba-profile: #tcont 2 dba-profile-id 20
This command is used to bind a DBA profile to a T-CONT. A T-CONT
can bear services only after it is bound to a DBA profile.
tcont-list: Indicates the T-CONT list, supporting the input of "," and "". For example, “1,5-6”.
Add gem port and mapping to TCONT: #gem add 20 eth tcont 2 priorityqueue 3
This command is used to bind a GEM port to a T-CONT and configure
the related attributes in an ONT line profile.
gem-index: Indicates the index of a GEM port. Range: 0-1023.
service-type: Specifies the type of service to be borne. When the GEM
port is required to bear the TDM service, the service type must be
TDM. Type: ETH & TDM.
tcontid: Indicates the ID of a specified T-CONT. Range: 0-127.
priority-queue: Configures the PQ queue priority for a specified GEM
port in a T-CONT. Range: 0-7.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
GPON Profiles
Create ONT Line Profile(3/4):
Set mapping mode: #mapping-mode vlan
This command is used to chose the mapping-mode between the
GEM ports and ONT-side services. The mapping mode supports as
vlan: Indicates the mapping by VLAN.
priority: Indicates the mapping by 802.1p priority.
port: Indicates the mapping by port ID.
iptos: Indicates the mapping by the IP ToS field.
Set mapping relationship between gem port and VLAN: #gem mapping 20
0 vlan 10
This command is used to set up the mapping between the GEM port
and the services on the ONT, namely, the mapping between the GEM
port and the upstream data stream of the user port on the ONT. After
the command is executed successfully, the mapping is set up. In this
case, the corresponding GEM port can carry services.
Priority: Configures the PQ queue priority for a specified GEM port in a
T-CONT. Range: 0-7.
eth: Indicates the mapping mode of an Ethernet port. When you need
to map the service stream of an Ethernet port to a specified GEM
port, use this parameter. Range: 1-8.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
GPON Profiles
Create ONT Line Profile(4/4):
Set QoS mode: #qos-mode priority-queue
This command is used to set the QoS mode in an ONT line profile. To
provide subscribers with E2E quality assurance through traffic control,
run this command.
flow-car: Indicates the traffic control mode based on the traffic stream
of the GEM port. That is, the traffic for the specified traffic stream in
the upstream direction of the ONT is controlled. After the setting is
successful, the system uses the traffic item of the traffic stream (that
is, traffic-table-index) that is set by running the gem mapping
gem-car: Indicates the traffic control mode based on the GEM port of
the T-CONT. That is, the traffic for the specified GEM port in the
upstream direction of the ONT is controlled. After the setting is
successful, the system uses the traffic item of the GEM port (that is,
traffic-table-index) that is set by running the gem add command.
priority-queue: Indicates the priority queue (PQ) scheduling mode
based on the GEM port of the T-CONT. That is, the queues of multiple
GEM ports in the upstream direction of the ONT are scheduled based
on the queue priority. After the setting is successful, the system uses
the priority queue of the GEM port in the T-CONT (that is, priorityqueue) that is set by running the gem add command to schedule the
queue with high priority.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
GPON Profiles
Create ONT Service Profile(1/3):
Add an ont service profile: #ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 88 profile-name
This command is used to create an ont service profile enter the ONT
service profile mode. After the command is executed successfully, the
system enters the corresponding ONT service profile configuration
mode. If it is the first time that the system enters the ONT service
profile configuration mode, a default profile is generated.
The profile ID must be unique. If you do not specify it, the system automatically
allocates the smallest idle ID.
The profile name must be unique. When creating an IP traffic profile, you can
specify the profile name. If you do not specify the profile name, the system
generates a default profile name.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
GPON Profiles
Create ONT Service Profile(2/3):
Set the port capability of ont: #ont-port eth 4 pots 2
This command is used to set in the ONT line profile the port capability
set, that is, the number of each type of ports on the ONT.
Set the service vlan on ont port: #port vlan eth 1 10
This command is used to add the user network interface (UNI) port to
a VLAN in an ONT service profile. When you need to set the system to
manage the attribute of the UNI port on the ONU in the remote
management mode, run this command to add the UNI port to the
eth: Indicates that the port is an Ethernet port.
Iphost: The iphost port is a virtual port on the ONT and is used for the
communication between the voice chip of the ONT and the GMAC
(GPON MAC)chip.
Translation: Sets the VLAN configuration type to switching mode.
Vlanid: Indicates the VLAN ID. It uniquely identifies a VLAN. Range: 04095.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
GPON Profiles
Create ONT Service Profile(3/3):
Commit configuration: #commit
commit: This command is used to submit the parameter configuration
of the current ONT service profile. During submission, the system
checks whether the parameters of the ONT service profile are valid
and whether the current system resources can be modified. If the
parameters of the ONT service profile are valid and the current system
resources can be modified, the system uses the new parameter
configuration to update the data in the system database.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
ONT Register-Query Ont Serial Number
Enable ont autofind function: #port 0 ont-auto-find enable
This command is used to enable or disable the ONT auto-find function of a
GPON port. When the ONT auto-find function is enabled, the OLT can
check if there are new online ONTs at intervals.
Query ont serial number: #display ont autofind
This command is used to query the automatically found ONT in the system
or the settings for the ONT auto-find time. When you need to query the
serial number of the unconfirmed ONT after adding the ONT, run this
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
ONT Register-Add/Confirm ONT
Add or confirm ONT: #ont add 0 1 sn-auth 48575443BF656E04 omci ontlineprofile-id 66 ont-srvprofile-id 88
This command is used to add an ONT and configure the data for the ONT
when the ONT is offline. When the ONT goes online, the configuration
data is issued to the ONT through the OMCI protocol. After that, you can
configure the ONT services. If the ONT is absent, the configuration data is
stored in the service board temporarily.
portid: Specifies the number of the GPON port to which the new ONT is
connected. Range: varies with the board type.
ontid: Indicates the ONT ID. This parameter is optional. If you do not
specify it, the system automatically allocates the smallest idle ONT number
on the current port. Range: For GPBD: 0-127. For other PON board: 0-63.
password-auth: In the password authentication mode, the OLT checks
whether the password reported by the ONT is the same as the
configuration. If yes, the ONT passes the authentication and goes online.
sn-auth: Indicates that the ONT is authenticated by the SN. In the SN
mode, the OLT checks whether the serial number reported by the ONT is
the same as the configuration. If they are the same as each other, the
authentication passes and the ONT can go online.
omci: The OLT implements remote operation and configuration
management on the ONT through the OMCI protocol.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Set ONT Port Native VLAN
#ont port native-vlan portid ontid eth ont-portlist vlan vlanid
This command is used to set the native VLAN of the ONT port. By default,
the native VLAN of the ONT port is VLAN 1. You can run this command to
specify the native VLAN again.
A native VLAN can be configured on an Ethernet port to determine
whether a packet transmitted upstream through this port carries a VLAN
After the native VLAN of the Ethernet port is configured successfully,
If the VLAN ID of the Ethernet port is the same as its native VLAN ID,
the packet transmitted upstream through the Ethernet port does not
carry any VLAN tag (untagged).
If the VLAN ID of the Ethernet port is different from its native VLAN
ID, the packet transmitted upstream through the Ethernet port carries
the VLAN tag.
When receiving an untagged packet, the Ethernet port attaches the
native VLAN tag to the packet before transmitting it.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Create a traffic table
#traffic table ip cir 1024 pir 2048 priority 0 priority-policy local-Setting
This command is used to create an IP traffic profile. When a new service
virtual port needs to use new traffic parameters, you can run this command
to create a new traffic profile. After a profile is created, you can directly
reference it when creating a traffic stream and configuring the port rate
Cir: Indicates the Committed Information Rate (CIR). This parameter is
mandatory. It must be a multiple of 64. If it is not a multiple of 64, it
rounds down but cannot be smaller than 64.
Pir: Indicates the peak information rate. This parameter is optional. If the
traffic profile to be modified defines no rate limitation and no PIR is input,
PIR can be obtained through formula min (2 x cir, 524288). In addition, CIR
cannot be larger than PIR.
CBS: Indicates the committed burst size (CBS). This parameter is optional.
PBS: Indicates the peak burst size (PBS). This parameter is optional.
Local-Setting : Indicates that packets are scheduled by the priority set in
the traffic table.
Tag-In-Package: Indicates that packets are scheduled by the priority that
the packets bear.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Provision VLAN(1/2)
Add VLAN: #VLAN 2000 smart
This command is used to add one VLAN or VLANs of a same type in
mux: A MUX VLAN can contain multiple upstream ports, but only one
service virtual port. The service virtual ports of different VLANs are isolated
from each other. The system maps the VLAN to the user. Therefore, users
can be differentiated by the VLANs.
smart: A smart VLAN can contain multiple upstream ports and service
ports. service virtual ports in a same smart VLAN are isolated from each
other. The service virtual ports of different VLANs are isolated from each
other. One VLAN can access multiple users, which saves the VLAN
standard: A standard VLAN contains only multiple upstream ports. Ethernet
ports in a standard VLAN can communicate with each other. Ethernet ports
of different VLANs are isolated from each other.
super: It is an L3-based VLAN. A super VLAN contains multiple sub VLANs.
A sub VLAN can be a smart VLAN or a MUX VLAN. Different sub VLANs
can communicate with each other by ARP proxy. All sub VLANs of a super
VLAN forward the service by the L3 interface of the super VLAN.
Add uplink port into VLAN: #port vlan 2000 0/9 0
This command is used to add an upstream port to a VLAN.
frameid/slotid: slotid: 9-10.
portlist: Indicates the upstream port list.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Provision VLAN(2/2)
Add service port: #Service-port vlan 2000 gpon 0/3/0 ont 1 gemport 20 multiservice user-vlan 10
This command is used to create a service virtual port. The service virtual
port is used to connect to the user device. After the user device is
connected to the service virtual port, the traffic stream is generated from
the service virtual port to the user device. In this way, various traffic
streams can travel to the user device.
multi-service: Indicates the multiple services in a single Service Virtual Port.
When the created service virtual port needs to carry multiple services, use
this parameter.
user-vlan: Indicates the ID of the user-side VLAN. When the users are
differentiated based on the user-side VLAN, use this parameter.
When the service virtual port needs to carry multiple services
differentiated by the user-side VLAN, you can specify the packet type
as untagged.
Differentiates users by the priority-tagged. When the user-side packet
is tagged and this VLAN tag is 0, use this keyword.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Provision VLAN(2/2)
inbound: Indicates the transmit direction (from the subscriber side to the network
side). To modify the parameters of the transmit-direction traffic profile, use this
parameter. The function of this parameter is the same as the function of the tx-cttr
parameter. The inbound parameter is recommended.
outbound: Indicates the receive direction (from the network side to the subscriber
side). To modify the parameters of the receive-direction traffic profile, use this
parameter. The function of this parameter is the same as the function of the rx-cttr
parameter. The outbound parameter is recommended.
traffic-table: Indicates the keyword for modifying the traffic profile referenced by
the service virtual port.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Questions & Answers
How to query the onu found by OLT but not registered?(B)
A. display ont info B. display ont autofind
While creating a line-profile, which 3 steps you should care more?
Bind the right dba profile which defines the bandwidths used by the service
In command “gem add gem index eth tcont tcontid”,the gem index and
tcont id should be noticed
In command “gem mapping gem index mapping index vlan vlanid”,be
sure that the right gem maps to the right vlan.
When do we need to set Native VLAN?
For example, we connect pc to the eth port and the pc can’t identify the
vlan tag.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
The user PC is connected to the ONT through the LAN port in the PPPoE dialing
mode. The ONT is connected to the OLT and then to the upper-layer network in
the GPON mode to provide the high-speed Internet access service.
The high-speed Internet access service is identified by two precisely-bound VLAN
tags. On the ONT, each user is allocated with a CVLAN; on the OLT, each slot is
allocated with an SVLAN.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
For the detailed information about the command ,please refer to section 3.1.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
In double vlan tags mode, the differentia commands are as follows:
Create a service VLAN and add an upstream port to it. The VLAN ID is
2000, and the VLAN is a smart VLAN, VLAN attribute is QinQ. Add
upstream port 0/9/0 to VLAN 2000.
Configure the management service port ID to 2, SVLAN ID to 2000,
GEM port ID to 1, and CVLAN ID to 20. Use traffic profile 11.
Inner vlan
Outer vlan
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Questions & Answers
What’s the attribute of SVLAN in the double vlan tags mode?(BC)
A. Common B. QinQ C. Stacking
How many management modes are there for onu?
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Take HG8245 as the example
1:Config the IP address of the PC as 192.168.100.x;
2: Enter the address( in Internet Explorer;
3: Enter the username and the password and login;
Username: telecomadmin
Password: admintelecom
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query Board
Board Status
Status and Description
Need Handling or Not?
The board is in the normal state.
No need to proceed.
The board is in the automatic loading
state. When a service board is inserted in a
service slot, the board reports its version
information to the system. If the version of
the board software is different from that No need to proceed.
stored in the flash memory of the control
board, the system automatically loads the
software from the flash memory to the
Run the board confirm command
The board in the auto-find state.
to confirm the board.
The board enters the configuration state
No need to proceed.
after it is confirmed.
1. In this case, insert a board of the
same type into the corresponding
The causes for the configuration failure of
2. In this case, run the display iothe board are as follows:
packetfile command to check
1.An offline board is added.
whether the corresponding
2.Loading the board program fails
software package of the board is
loaded to the flash memory of
the control board.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query Auto-find ONT
#port 0 ont-auto-find enable
This command is used to enable or disable the ONT auto-find function of a
GPON port. When the ONT auto-find function is enabled, the OLT can
check if there are new online ONTs at intervals.
#display ont autofind all :
This command is used to query the automatically found ONT in the
system. When you need to query the serial number of the unconfirmed
ONT after adding the ONT, run this command.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
#display ont info 0 all
This command is used to query the status of an ONT. The queried information
about the ONT includes the control flag, running status, configuration status,
status of matching the capability set version, DBA mode, and loopback type.
The ONT status falls into three types:
Run state: refers to the ONT service condition. It indicates whether the ONT is
online and whether the ONT carries the service.
Config state: indicates whether the configuration restoration is enabled and
whether the configuration restoration is complete.
When the actual ONT capability is the same as the configuration of the
service profile, the ONT is in the configuration restoration stage.
When the actual ONT capability is different from the configuration of the
service profile, the ONT is failed.
Match state: indicates whether the ONT actual capability is the same as the service
profile bound to the ONT.
Only when the ONT running status is up, the configuration status is normal,
and the hardware capability is the same as the ONT service profile bound
with the ONT, the matching status is match.
Otherwise, the status is mismatch. In all other configuration states, the
matching status is initial.
The ONT matching status does not affect the normal forwarding of the
service flow, and only indicates whether the ONT actual capability is the
same as the ONT service profile bound to the ONT.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query ONT Information
#display ont info 0 1
This command is used to query the related information of ONT , including
the ONT status, ONT settings and ONT T-CONT information.
#display ont info portid ontid
portid: Indicates the ID of the PON port where the ONT to be queried
is located.
ontid: Indicates the ID of the ONT to be queried. When you need to
query the information about the specified ONT at a specified port, use
this parameter.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query DBA-profile
#display dba-profile all
This command is used to query the dynamic bandwidth assignment (DBA)
When you query the DBA profile according to the profile number or profile
name, the system displays the details of the profile. When you query all the
DBA profiles, the system display the result in list.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query Traffic Table
#display traffic table ip from-index 0
This command is used to query the traffic table. When you need to query
the CAR, priority, and priority policy of a traffic entry, run this command.
index: Indicates the index number of the traffic entry in the traffic table.
When you need to query the traffic entry with the specified index, use this
from-index: Indicates the start index. When you need to query all the traffic
entries starting from from-index, use this parameter.
to-index: Indicates the end index. When you need to query all the traffic
entries from from-index to to-index, use this parameter.
ip: Indicates the IP access. When you need to query the traffic table of the
IP access type, use this keyword.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query ONT Line Profile(1/2)
#display ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 11
This command is used to query the information about an ONT line profile.
If all is entered, the system displays the brief information about all the ONT
line profiles in the system.
If the ID and name of an ONT line profile are specified, the system displays
the details of the specified ONT line profile.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query ONT Line Profile(2/2)
By default, an ONT line profile is configured as follows:
Profile name: ont-lineprofile_x; here, the x is the ID of the actual profile.
ONT FEC status: disabled
Mapping mode: VLAN
QoS mode: PQ
DBA profile 1 is bound to T-CONT 0.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query ONT Service Profile(1/4)
#display ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 11
This command is used for query ONU port (port number and port type) and
Mapping between the user’s service traffic to the ONU’s port.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query ONT Service Profile(4/4)
Port-ID: Indicates the port ID.
Service-type: Indicates the service type: transparent, QinQ or translation.
S-VLAN: Indicates the service VLAN .
C-VLAN: Indicates the customer VLAN .
S-PRI: Indicates the service priority.
C-PRI: Indicates the customer priority.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query VLAN
#display vlan
If you specify the VLAN ID, the system displays the details of the specified
When you need to query multiple VLANs in sequence or in no sequence,
the system displays the summary on the VLANs.
q-in-q: Indicates QinQ VLAN. The VLAN packets with QinQ attribute
contains two VLAN tags, inner VLAN tag of the private network, and outer
VLAN tag allocated by the OLT. A layer 2 VPN tunnel can be set up
between private networks, so that the service can be transmitted
transparently between these private networks.
stacking: Indicates VLAN stacking. The VLAN packets with stacking
attribute contains two VLAN tags, inner and outer VLAN tags allocated by
the OLT. They apply to the upper layer BRAS for double VLAN
authentication to add the user quantity. In the upper layer network that
work in layer 2 mode, the packets can be forwarded directly through the
VLAN and MAC to provide multi-ISP wholesale service for ISP.
common: Indicates the common VLAN. A common VLAN can be used as a
L2 VALN or L3 virtual interface.
STND-Port NUM: Indicates the number of the upstream ports.
SERV-Port NUM: Indicates the number of the service virtual ports.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query Service Port
#display service-port vlan 2000
This command is used to query the information about a service port.
If you query the information about the service ports of the specified VLAN,
slot or port, the system displays the details of the service port.
If you query the number of the service ports, the system displays:
the total number of the service ports that are configured.
the total number of the service ports that are up.
the total number of the service ports that are down.
VPI: For an xDSL port, it indicates the virtual path identifier; For a GPON
port, it indicates the GEM port ID of the GPON port.
VCI: Indicates the virtual channel identifier. This parameter is meaningless
to a PON port.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Query ONT Port Attribute
#display ont port attribute portid ontid eth
This command is used to query the attributes of the ONT port.
portid: Indicates the ID of the GPON port to which the ONT to be queried
is connected.
ontid: Indicates the ID of the ONT to be queried.
port-type: Indicates the type of the ONT port to be queried. Enumerated
type. Options: eth, catv, moca, and iphost.
ont-portid: Specifies the ID of the ONT port to be queried. This parameter
is optional. If you do not specify it, all the ports of a specified type on the
ONT are queried.
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Question & Answer
How to check the HSI service configuration succeeds?
Open pppoe software, input username and password, then push
‘connect’button.You can get an IP address from BRAS if you succeed.
If the connection failed and it prompts error 678,how to check the HSI service
configuration? (ACD)
A. Display onu info(including line-profile etc.)
B. Display onu autofind
C. Display service port
D. Display vlan
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GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
Confidential Information of Huawei. No Spreading Without Permission
GPON FTTO HSI Service Provisioning (MA5800)
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