Eighty rows like the spokes of a wheel. Each row consists of seven .Berths (one from each ring) Giant tufa stones (a type of volcanic rock) were filling in The spaces between the middle supports of each row form the walls. Called .These walls are called radial walls, because they radiate from the center An aerial view of the Colosseum's structural support structure Stone pavement rings From 1 to 7 And facilitate its use for fifty thousand people. It was Vespasian's building was supposed to be large and solid .And practically like Vespasian himself The Flavian Amphitheater will be a huge oval amphitheater It is 620 feet (189 m) long and 513 feet (156 m) wide metres). The facade or exterior wall will rise by more than feet (48 m) higher than a modern apartment building consisting of 156 .Fifteen floors - In the center of the building there will be a square floor .A staging area for gladiator fights and other performances It will be a smaller oval, 287 feet (87 metres) At 180 feet (55 metres). The tiers of seats will rise Around it from the floor to the top of the outside wall, similar to .Seats found in a modern football stadium ...The seating area will be based on a skeleton of Giant limestone piers or columns (Fig Solid limestone). Sidewalks will be arranged In seven rings, each of which has eighty pillars. If we look from Within the plaza, the sidewalks will radiate outward Arena radial walls Cylinder vault Barrel vaults Transferring weight from the ceiling to the ceiling .Side walls Near the playing field, the walls should be as high as the pitch The radials are only about 15 feet (4.5 m) to support the lowest rows Seats. But towards the outer wall, they must reach .A much higher level of support for the highest seats in the back rows In the spaces between the eighty radial walls, the engineer determined The architect has eighty radial corridors and stairs. it will be The outer ends of the corridors serve as entrances to the building. will cover Concrete barrel vaults connect these corridors and walls Radials connect to each other and allow for the construction of benches and more Walkways and stairs above. A barrel vault is a long roof In the form of a tunnel over the corridor. The barrel vault transfers the weight .Away from the center of the roof to the buttocks or side walls of the vault For this reason, a vaulted ceiling does not need to be supported in The middle. The buttocks have limestone pavements and are strong Enough to bear all the weight. Barrel cellars are considered An important feature of the amphitheater because it transfers the weight of the building to stronger structures .Limestone sidewalks An elaborate design was created for the runway, a design from It would produce a building that is sturdy and easy to use. It has been determined .Site and its management. The building also got its name It will be called the Flavian Amphitheater, after a family Vespasian. It was time to start building the largest amphitheater he had ever seen .Romans at all Eighty entries The eighty radial walls of the Flavian Amphitheater created eighty aisles radially for use as inlets. But only seventy-six entries were allocated For use by the public. The other four entrances (one on each side .The north, south, east and west of the building) were not for public use .The Emperor and his guests used the southern entrance High officials and vestal virgins used it (The only priestesses in Rome) North entrance. through The western entrance entered the gladiators and musicians And the other players to the arena. It was the eastern entrance It is the so-called "gate of death", where he exits .Gladiators, living or dead The Vestal Virgins served (below) In the Temple of Vesta In Rome for thirty A year, ten years After each block was pulled from the quarry, skilled stonecutters High quality, hand-shaped. They used saws and sand to erode .Stone to the dimensions specified by the architect The blocks were then loaded onto carts and pulled by teams of oxen To Rome. It was probably unloaded in the center of the amphitheatre-arena. Since no Doing any work in the arena so far, it has been simple .An empty space ideal for use as a workspace and storage area for materials Once the blocks arrived on site, they were carefully shaped beforehand Craftsmen, using hammers and chisels, to fit a place ...Specific. When needed, huge blocks were lifted into place using -Mechanical cranes, supported by workers and teams of animals. the The frame crane was probably used in both quarrying and construction location. These A-frame cranes can lift to a height of about 40 .feet (13 metres). The A-frame hoist works with a rope and pulley system The crane consists of two legs (beams of wood) tied together at the top ."And spaced apart at the bottom. This shape resembles the letter "A early A-frame crane ...It contains many toilets and fountains, so a network of Drainage pipes between layers of stones. This led to additional pipes being laid .Under the stones, draining into the city sewer system Probably a small forest of short tubes protruding from ...Above the stone layers, waiting to be connected to the pipes that It will be installed in the walls of the amphitheater. These will carry water .throughout the building Travertine and risers The limestone used for the floor and supporting piers was carved Carefully sourced from quarries near the town of Tivoli, approx miles (40 km) from the runway. Without the benefit of explosives or 25 ,machinery .Workers cut limestone blocks from the ground with chainsaws ...Historians estimate that 3.5 million cubic feet (110,000 m3) of Limestone was used in the Flavian Amphitheater. On average each block .The weight of the piers was about 4.5 tons (4 metric tons) Base and lower level 35 On the exercise wheel. While they were running a device ,Walking, swinging on the lifting rope. And with the rope tightened .Lifting the stone block It was a nectar used in construction The runway is similar to a piston The spiral (above) used in It's time to make Wine. To rotate the piston Or the capstan, he was the uncle