Hours and hours and hours of an average teens day are spent online. Socializing, texting their friends, looking at what their favorite actor wore at the latest red carpet. But what influence does social media truly have on teenagers? How does the glamorization, deception, and fraud that takes place online affect teens? To start off, we all have witnessed the utterly unbelievable photoshop and facetune that takes place on our favorite social media apps. However, have we ever stopped and wondered how this influences teens of this generation, specifically girls? The completely unrealistic and impossible beauty standards being presented to teens is damaging to their self image. These standards may lead many teens to believe that they are unattractive or unworthy. Thoughts similar to these can destruct all confidence and self pride. This leads to the complete corruption of teens' mental health. Furthermore, teenagers' mental health can be greatly impaired by social media. Not only do the unrealistic physical features get drilled into their heads but also the idea that everyone's life is perfect, the untrue information presented. For example, many posts online claim that if you aren’t studying, getting good grades, living an active lifestyle, and eating a carb-free diet then automatically you aren’t good enough in today's society. All of this negativity and false information can forever have an effect on a person's mental health and stability. On the other hand, social media has many positive effects on teens. Recently, many influencers, blogs, and magazines have began promoting healthy habits and normalizing many issues such as mental health issues and body image issues. Correspondingly, we have seen many teens be pulled out of dark places and be helped to improve their lives and all due to social media. Social media has many effects on teens. Partly negative and partly positive. So far we’ve seen many negative effects take place and affect the teens of our world. All we can do is hope and pray that this new improvement that is currently occurring will benefit not only teens of this world but all people.