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Impact of Sepoy Mutiny: End of BEIC, British Rule, Nationalism

Impact :
1. The end of BEIC
The immediate result of the mutiny was the abolishion of British East India
Company.BEIC was forced to leave the continent.
2. Started ruling by British Monarch
After the BEIC, india went under the direct rule of British monarch.Many people who
took part in the mutiny got killed or hung by the british governor.
3. Emergence of Indian Nationalism
Another significant result of the mutiny was the beginning of the policy of consultation
with indians.It was felt that a lack of communication with indian opinion had helped to
precipitate the crisis.The new council was given an indian-nominated element.This act
created a great signaficance in indians to have a nationalism .
4. Divide and Rule
The British Monarch thought if we break their unity then there will be no revolt such as
sepoy mutiny which was nearly successful but not entirely. So they divided the whole
india in basis of religion to creat conflict in Hindu-Muslim. Later which helped then to
rule this continent another 100 years.