Research paper need to include 1. Abstract (200-250 words approximately) a. Elevator pitch b. Key words 2. Background/Introduction a. General background info b. Literature review: i. What has been done? ii. Gaps: why your research is important? iii. Gaps: prior research’s' limitations c. Research questions/goal d. Hypothesis e. Research aim: i. Why are you doing this? ii. IV/DV definitions iii. Frameworks iv. Theories 3. Methods: depend on study the length could be very short (Need to justify why and where with section) a. How the study was done b. Purpose: i. Replication ii. Gap identification iii. Demonstrating transparency/ credibility c. Participant i. Who they are ii. How you recruit them iii. How you grouped them d. Assessment: where you got them (survey or experiment) -> be specific with procedures e. Study design f. Data analysis plan (which kind of analysis will be used) 4. Results write it in APA format ex) t(#)=exact t value, P<0.0001 (exact p value), (95% CI #A, #B) a. The results i. Type of tests (sometimes) ii. Table 1: (sex, age, BMI, etc.) iii. Graphs iv. Figures 5. Discussion/conclusion (aims/hypothesis -> how it relates -> implications) a. Discuss your results i. Interpretation on result (X might indicate Y becasue ~, this is important because ~) b. Limitations & Strengths: i. Things you couldn't consider time or resources ii. Future recommendation iii. Possible space for error c. Similar/Different to prior study d. Restate own research question, hypothesis, and aims (do your ) In-text Citation tip The in-text citation need to be in every single information which is not your source. 1. Direct quote - (name, date, pg. #) 2. Usual is-text citation - (name, date) 3. Two writer - (name1 & name 2, date) 4. Three or more writer - (name 1 et. al, date)