Uploaded by jodybrooks565

Equalizer Exercise Gallery: Fitness with Lebert Equalizer

Equalizer Exercise Gallery
| Total images: 13 | Date added: 20.06.2005
Push-ups are a superb upper body exercise that use the body´s own weight to build a sound fitness foundation.
They promote strength, balance and stability by developing several key muscles, including the chest, shoulders,
triceps, abs and the upper back muscles.
| Total images: 15 | Date added: 20.06.2005
The Equalizer is great for training the back and it's worth the effort to get good at these exercises. Your arms will
see the difference too.
| Total images: 5 | Date added: 20.06.2005
The Equalizer can be used as weight to isolate the arms and shoulders with various exercises.
| Total images: 13 | Date added: 20.06.2005
The Equalizer is a great tool for tricep exercises like dips and maybe some you may not have seen before!
| Total images: 14 | Date added: 20.06.2005
Training legs is extremely important. One of our favourites is single leg squats, which are tremendously more
difficult than regular squats. They work the adductors, glutes, and increase balance and co-ordination too.
| Total images: 7 | Date added: 20.06.2005
Everyone wants washboard abs, but how do you get them? Losing body fat is key, but working your ab and back
muscles to make them strong is important too. The Equalizer can help add a little variety to the same old
| Total images: 10 | Date added: 20.06.2005
Some of the benefits of stretching include: increased flexibility, reduced risk for injury, improved circulation,
decreased anxiety and stress, relaxed muscles, overall feeling of well being, and reduced muscle imbalance.
Warm up before you work out. “Self-spot” to make the first set of each
exercise easier, warming up the associated muscles and joints.
Be sure you are in correct position for each exercise or station. Protect your
back by maintaining good alignment (neutral spine) at all times. When using
the Equalizer, consult the chart or your trainer for exercise description and
proper equipment adjustment. Make note of the correct position for each
exercise on a workout card.
Start at a fairly easy level. In general, perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions for
each exercise. Depending on the ease of execution, you can adjust the
amount of “self-spotting” to increase or decrease the resistance.
Move your body through the entire range of motion. Lift and lower your body
slowly and smoothly. If an exercise is performed quickly, you are likely to get
injured. Do not “lock” your knees or elbows when extending your arms or
Exhale as you lift your body, inhale as you lower it. Keep your breathing even
and smooth throughout the entire range of motion.
Stop if you feel pain during your workout. Reduce the amount you are lifting,
and be sure you are doing the exercise correctly. A “burning” sensation in the
working muscles is O.K., but joint pain is not. Some muscle soreness for a
day or two after your workout is normal.
Cool down after you work out. Stretching at this time is particularly effective,
since the muscles are very warm. Increased flexibility is an essential
component of muscular fitness.
Equalizer Exercise Gallery
Top index page » Chest
Push-ups are a superb upper body exercise that use the body?s own weight to build a sound fitness foundation. They promote
strength, balance and stability by developing several key muscles, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, abs and the upper
back muscles.
This album has 77 items in total
Album was updated 6/23/05 9:30 PM
© 2005
Generated by JAlbum 5.2, custom skin ExhibitPlus 1.4
Equalizer Exercise Gallery
Top index page » Back
The Equalizer is great for training the back and it's worth the effort to get good at these exercises. Your arms will see the
difference too.
This album has 77 items in total
Album was updated 6/23/05 9:30 PM
© 2005
Generated by JAlbum 5.2, custom skin ExhibitPlus 1.4
Equalizer Exercise Gallery
Top index page » Isolation
The Equalizer can be used as weight to isolate the arms and shoulders with various exercises.
This album has 77 items in total
Album was updated 6/23/05 9:30 PM
© 2005
Generated by JAlbum 5.2, custom skin ExhibitPlus 1.4
Equalizer Exercise Gallery
Top index page » Triceps
The Equalizer is a great tool for tricep exercises like dips and maybe some you may not have seen before!
This album has 77 items in total
Album was updated 6/23/05 9:30 PM
© 2005
Generated by JAlbum 5.2, custom skin ExhibitPlus 1.4
Equalizer Exercise Gallery
Top index page » Legs
Training legs is extremely important. One of our favourites is single leg squats, which are tremendously more difficult than
regular squats. They work the adductors, glutes, and increase balance and co-ordination too.
This album has 77 items in total
Album was updated 6/23/05 9:30 PM
© 2005
Generated by JAlbum 5.2, custom skin ExhibitPlus 1.4
Equalizer Exercise Gallery
Top index page » Abs
Everyone wants washboard abs, but how do you get them? Losing body fat is key, but working your ab and back muscles to
make them strong is important too. The Equalizer can help add a little variety to the same old crunches.
This album has 77 items in total
Album was updated 6/23/05 9:30 PM
© 2005
Generated by JAlbum 5.2, custom skin ExhibitPlus 1.4
Equalizer Exercise Gallery
Top index page » Stretches
Some of the benefits of stretching include: increased flexibility, reduced risk for injury, improved circulation, decreased anxiety
and stress, relaxed muscles, overall feeling of well being, and reduced muscle imbalance.
This album has 77 items in total
Album was updated 6/23/05 9:30 PM
© 2005
Generated by JAlbum 5.2, custom skin ExhibitPlus 1.4